October 11, 2003

Logfile from Malakai

Eclipse puts on his dragon medallion. "When last we left Hell's Errand Children, they had just surrendered control of Wyzdin to Caine and were preparing to rescue one Fae from five other Fae who were pursuing it through the woods."

[OOC] Plax says, "How far are we from these fae?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "The one we're saving is the one on an intercept with RAde?"

[OOC] You say, "About a mile."

[OOC] You say, "Correct."

Valyros screams throgh the air, bow at the ready if one of those bastard Red Caps dares to put a hand on Rade.

Rade pages: "I can see her?"

Psyche takes off after Typheous. "We might as well. If Rade is heading for it too..."

Typheous runs toward the Fae, blades drawn trying to get between the Good Fae and the Bad Fae.

Plax is right alongside Valyros in the air, bow out and ready.

Plax has lost his link.

Plax has connected.

Rade has received your page: "No. But Halda can smell her."

[OOC] Plax got booted from the cable modem, dangit.

Plax is right alongside Valyros in the air, bow out and ready.

[OOC] You say, "-plax Nothing missed."

[OOC] Plax nods.

Rade is sprinting across the snow as fast as she can manage, urging Halda ahead. "We have to...find her...before they do...." She manages between breaths.

[OOC] Rade glues Plax

Psyche . o O ( Don't you fucking dare fall on those. )

Typheous . o O ( I know how to handle my swords, Psyche. You should know that by now )

[OOC] Plax is glued.

[OOC] Typheous says, "How far are the Bad Fae?"

[OOC] You say, "They're about 50 yards behind the Good Fae."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Which is how far away?"

Rade has received your page: "You reach the fleeing Fae. It is a woman who looks like she has spent an eternity weeping. She's missing the first digit of each of her fingers. It's Starling Shorthand."

[OOC] Rade says, "......."

[OOC] Eclipse didn't realize how much of a pun her name is. Really, I didn't...

[OOC] Rade slaps Eclipse :)

[OOC] Psyche ?

[OOC] Typheous thinks his head is making him miss something,.

[OOC] Plax is also confused.

[OOC] Rade grins. "Hang on."

Plax and Valyros have received your page: "You can see the Fae fleeing on foot nearly directly below you, now, though there is no moon tonight, so it is difficult to see much more than a shadow of her, Rade, and Halda as they converge upon a mini-clearing."

Rade pages: "OOC: persuing redcaps clearly visibal?"

You say, "Psyche and Typheous quickly fall behind the two fliers, trudging through the snow at as much of a run as they can manage."

Rade has received your page: "Not yet. It's a moonless night, though, so they might not become visible until it is too late..."

[OOC] Typheous says, "So your elves can't nance on the snow, then? ;) Not that it would help me."

[OOC] Plax flaunts the flying powers.

[OOC] Psyche nances.

(remotely) Plax bites down and focuses on his family ring, intending to improve his sight (Darksight, Forces 1).

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 6, 7, 6 [Spent 1 WP for a success] ** 4 successes (diff 4) **

[OOC] Plax thinks he got his Darksight. :)

Valyros pages (to Plax, Eclipse): "I do have the Dark vision boon."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Maybe.... :)"

[OOC] Valyros says, "I know I got Darksight."

[OOC] Plax says, "Archers. Darksight. Bye-bye Fae. :)"

(remotely) Rade runs up alongside Starling, eyes searching behind for pursuit. "There's help at...the village...if we can make it..."

(remotely to Valyros, Eclipse) Plax nods as he focuses on his ring. "I will in a second," he mumbles quietly.

Psyche keeps trudging :P

[OOC] Plax waits to see what he sees now.

Plax and Valyros have received your page: "Okay, then you both now see the five Fae giving chase. Two are definitely Red Caps with their wolflike faces and wicked axes. Another is little more than a shadow, even in spite of the dark vision, so you can't identify it right away, which floats more than it runs across the snow-covered forest floor. The fourth runs but has hawk-like facial features and feather-covered arms and carries a bow. The fifth is about twice as tall as the Red Caps and carries a horn in one hand and a huge sword in the other."

Typheous trudges right along with her, as fast as he can, blades out to the sides so he won't fall on them.

Rade has received your page: "Starling does not pause as she runs past you."

(remotely to Eclipse, Plax) Valyros takes aim on the evil Fae closest to Rade.

[OOC] Rade says, "hmmm, be brave, or run like hell"

Rade has received your page: "Starling, "Then let us go there! These woods are unsafe.""

[OOC] Valyros says, "You got your Guardian Angel watching over you."

[OOC] Plax says, "Both of them. "

[OOC] Rade says, "she doesn't know that :)"

From Rade: [Private Roll]: Rade rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 7, 5, 9, 3, 2, 2, 10, 5 No diff given.

(remotely to Valyros, Eclipse) Plax takes aim at the one with the bow and horn.

From Rade: [Private Roll]: Rade rolled 1d20: 5; totalling 5.

[OOC] Typheous says, "And her blade-demon closing in :)"

[OOC] Rade misses d20 systems sometimes :)

[OOC] Typheous says, "Nah. ;)"

[OOC] You say, "Those of you in combat range, give me an init roll."

[Roll]: Plax rolled Initiative (5d10): 7, 6, 3, 1, 6 ** 2 successes (diff 4) **

(remotely) Rade falls in behind Starling, practically flying across the snow.

[Roll]: Rade rolled Initiative (5d10): 5, 7, 5, 6, 4 ** 5 successes (diff 4) **

[OOC] Rade says, "booya!"

[Roll]: Valyros rolled dice (7d10): 9, 3, 4, 2, 3, 10, 10 No diff given.

[OOC] Valyros says, "4"

[OOC] Typheous says, "So that's not me and Psy, right?"

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 3, 8, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3 No diff given.

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (3d10): 5, 2, 3 No diff given.

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (3d10): 6, 5, 3 No diff given.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Pert' much. :P"

[OOC] You say, "-typ Not yet, no. Give them two turns to get there."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (3d10): 6, 9, 9 No diff given.

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (4d10): 2, 2, 10, 9 No diff given.

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 7, 6, 2, 8, 1, 9, 10 No diff given.

Eclipse [to Rade]: Go.

Rade holds until she has a target, slipping a stone into her sling.

[OOC] You say, "Forgot one."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (3d10): 9, 2, 4 No diff given.

Rade pages: "you running halda?"

Rade has received your page: "Yes."

[OOC] Rade says, "whoo cubbies!"

[OOC] Rade says, "Marlins goin down!"

You say, "Halda stands next to Rade, growling and bristling in the direction of the coming Fae, ready to spring."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (3d10): 3, 8, 1 No diff given.

Eclipse [to Valyros]: Go.

Valyros wills her arrow to fly straight into the foul fae and lets go. (Reducing diffuclty on to hit with the arrow.)

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 2, 3, 5, 7 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Valyros rolled dice (8d10): 9, 9, 4, 2, 2, 2, 9, 2 ** 4 successes (diff 4) **

[OOC] You say, "Which one?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "One closest Rade."

[OOC] You say, "One of the Red Caps, probably."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (3d10): 10, 10, 3 No diff given.

You say, "It actually hears the arrow whistling through the air and attempts to take evasive action."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 2, 4, 8, 9, 4, 3, 9 ** 3 successes (diff 6) **

Eclipse [to Valyros]: Damage?

[OOC] Valyros says, "6 dice."

[Roll]: Valyros rolled dice (6d10): 4, 2, 9, 5, 2, 4 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[OOC] Valyros grumbles.

[OOC] Typheous didnt' think we were rolling dmg...

You say, "It avoids the worst of the attack, but the arrow still pierces it's thick hide at the shoulder joint, drawing blood."

[OOC] Plax didn't think we rolled damage...

[OOC] You say, "Nope. Fewer dice, but combat is a bit deadlier because of it."

[OOC] Valyros says, "Oh, my mistake."

[OOC] You say, "No problem. It's been *ages* since we had a combat, after all."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Except me :P"

[OOC] Rade says, "heh, your tellin me"

[OOC] Plax says, "Psyche, you're just too aggressive, you know. ;)"

[OOC] Rade says, "Shush girl, getting your butt kicked doesn't count as combat :)"

[OOC] Valyros says, "I need t be more aggressive."

[OOC] Typheous needs to actually duel someone. :p

You say, "The eagle-like Fae jumps into the air and flies toward Val and Plax, turning into a largish hawk as it does so."

You say, "Starling Shorthand keeps running."

Valyros says, "Plax, you want to take flyboy?"

You say, "The uninjured Red Cap takes cover behind a thick tree and growls."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 1, 7, 6, 10, 6 ** 3 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Typheous says, "Can we see/hear this at all? :)"

Plax looks at Valyros. "If you get the one with the bow down there".

Valyros says, "It's a promise."

You say, "Starling's flight suddenly slows to little more than a stroll of a sprint."

Eclipse [to Plax]: go.

Plax extends his own claws as he snarls at the hawk coming towards them and lets off with two shots from his bow in extremely rapid succession.

[OOC] You say, "-typ Barely. Nothing distinct, yet."

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (4) and Archery (5) (9d10): 6, 5, 4, 10, 1, 2, 5, 5, 1 ** 0 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (4) and Archery (5) (9d10): 8, 9, 4, 6, 8, 8, 7, 10, 4 ** 7 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Typheous says, "Just wanted to know if I should start trash talking the Red Caps"

[OOC] Plax says, "0, 7"

[OOC] Plax says, "Wait, have some 10's to reroll"

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (1d10): 9 No diff given.

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (1d10): 6 No diff given.

[OOC] Plax says, "1, 8"

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (4d10): 6, 6, 4, 9 ** 3 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (3d10): 4, 10, 9 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Plax says, "Base damage of 7"

[OOC] Typheous blinks. From a bow? wow...

[OOC] Plax says, "Longbow. Str + 3, have Str 4."

[OOC] Typheous hasn't used those in forever though, so that might be normalish. :)

You say, "It nimbly dodges the first arrow and flies straight into the second. It gives a screech and plummets to the ground."

Plax looks at Valyros. "How's that?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "+3? I have a longbow and it says str+2?"

Valyros says, "A great job Plax!"

[OOC] Plax says, "That's what the website says. Str + 3, Max of 8 base possible."

You say, "The huge Fae puts the horn to its lips and blows, letting out a blaring noise that causes the air to push against you like tidal waves."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 3, 4, 6, 4, 9, 3, 5 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

You say, "Val and Plax - Soak bashing 4 with Stamina only."

[OOC] Plax says, "Stamina 3 here"

[OOC] You say, "IE - Subtract your Sta from 4..."

[OOC] Valyros says, "4 stamina here."

[OOC] Plax gets an owie.

[OOC] Rade says, "bashing to a psudoundead? heh"

You say, "It hurls Plax back a few yards, but his regeneration rapidly heals the damage."

Plax frowns as a bruise appears on his arm. "Okay. Get that guy. He annoyed me".

[OOC] Valyros is mighty!!!!!

You say, "The wounded Red Cap continues to chase Starling, coming within Rade's line of sight."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 3, 5, 9, 7, 4 No diff given.

You say, "The shadow Fae melts into thin air. A mist fills the air above the trees, screening the fliers and the groundlings from one another."

[OOC] You say, "And I'm going to say screw it and let Psyche and Typh reach Starling, who is still sprinting at a stroll. Init."

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Initiative (5d10): 9, 9, 2, 2, 7 ** 3 successes (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Initiative (4d10): 5, 7, 1, 3 ** 1 success (diff 4) **

Eclipse [to Rade]: Go.

Rade's sling is already spinning above her head, stone flying toward the wounded Redcap still chasing Starling.

[Roll]: Rade rolled Dexterity (3) and Archery (3) (6d10): 3, 1, 10, 4, 9, 4 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (6d10): 4, 7, 5, 8, 5, 3 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Rade says, "damn :)"

[OOC] Rade says, "this is why we don't depend on me to fight :)"

You say, "It nimbly side-steps the stone and raises its axe to attack Rade."

[OOC] Rade says, "oh crap"

You say, "Halda springs at it, jaws open."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (3d10): 1, 5, 4 No diff given.

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 1, 8, 9, 9, 5, 8, 3 ** 3 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Plax says, "And Halda bites Rade?"

[OOC] You say, "That was an attempt to use a spirit power, actually..."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 10, 10, 2, 9, 1 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Rade loses an arm

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (3d10): 4, 6, 9 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

You say, "She clamps down on the back of the Red Cap's leg, bringing the beast down."

Eclipse [to Valyros]: Go.

Valyros notches another arrow, takes aim at the one last fae with a bow down there, once again willin the arrow to fly true.

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 7, 5, 7, 6 ** 4 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Valyros rolled dice (8d10): 6, 7, 8, 6, 7, 6, 6, 8 ** 8 successes (diff 2) **

[OOC] Valyros says, "Booykah!!!!!"

[OOC] Plax says, "Weren't we screened from the groundlings?"

[OOC] Typheous thought so too. :)

[OOC] Typheous needs to have some left to show off on ;)

[OOC] Plax killed...a hawk. :)

[OOC] You say, "Even if I impose a significant dif penalty to that (+3 or 4), it would have the same result..."

[OOC] Rade says, "poor hawk"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Well if the guy with a bow is dead, then aiming at the Troll."

[OOC] Rade says, "5 - 0 Cubbies!"

[OOC] Plax cheers!

[OOC] You say, "Total damage?"

[OOC] Rade says, "bases loaded, 1 out"

[OOC] Valyros says, "7."

[OOC] Typheous feels so inadequet next to these damages....

[OOC] Plax grins. "Don't make the fliers unhappy. Otherwise, you get an owie".

[OOC] Valyros says, "DEATH FROM ABOVE!!!!!"

[OOC] Typheous hides from the mechs.

[OOC] You say, "The creature howls angrily as the shaft pierces its hide. A little blood trickles out of the wound before the muscles around it tense. A little smoke rises from the wound before the shaft falls off at the wound, the end nearest the creature steaming."

You say, "The creature howls angrily as the shaft pierces its hide. A little blood trickles out of the wound before the muscles around it tense. A little smoke rises from the wound before the shaft falls off at the wound, the end nearest the creature steaming."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Umm.. crap."

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Go.

[OOC] Plax breaks out the Prime Sword.

[OOC] Typheous says, "What's in Melee range? :)"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Bastards' a REGENERATING troll!"

[OOC] You say, "You don't think I'd make the troll easy, did you?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Who'd have seen that coming.... :p"

Eclipse [to Typheous]: The Red Cap on the ground. The troll is quite a ways back, having stopped to deal with the obnoxious birds. The other Red Cap has taken cover behind a tree a little ways ahead of you. And the shadow Fae isn't showing itself, at the moment.

Typheous will head toward te closest fae that looks dangerous, like the Red Cap that attacked Rade, swinging his rapier. "Mangy dog!"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Diff mod for it being prone?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Or can he just not dodge?"

[OOC] Eclipse looks.

[OOC] Rade says, "you can dodge prone"

[OOC] Eclipse doesn't see it. I'll just impose a dif penalty to its dodge.

[Roll]: Typheous rolled dice (13d10): 6, 6, 2, 3, 5, 1, 6, 8, 5, 9, 2, 2, 8 ** 2 successes (diff 7) **

[OOC] Typheous beats his dice.

[OOC] Rade says, "add one die"

[OOC] Plax assists in the beating.

[OOC] Rade says, "against a prone character"

[Roll]: Typheous rolled dice (1d10): 7 ** 1 success (diff 7) **

[OOC] Typheous says, "Well, that's a little better...."

[OOC] Typheous says, "3 to hit, if I get that extra die."

[OOC] Rade says, "attacks made by a prone character take a penalty of two"

[OOC] You say, "It's wounded out of dice. Damage?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Base is... Umm.. Str, so 2."

[OOC] Typheous says, "And it's agg,."

You say, "A the blade passes through it's heart. A howl cuts through the air as it evaporates, leaving a patch of melted snow behind it."

You say, "Starling keeps moesying away from the fight."

Typheous whirls to face the other Fae. "Any other dogs want to die?"

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 1, 8, 5, 1, 9 No diff given.

[OOC] Eclipse beats the dice.

Eclipse [to Plax]: Go.

[OOC] Rade says, "DM dice!"

Plax dives down towards the troll, seeing the blood, his claws glowing. He smells blood, so it's prime for the taking, after all. After the attempt, he swoops back upwards.

[OOC] Plax says, "Bloodsucking"

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 4, 10, 9 [Spent 1 WP for a success] ** 3 successes (diff 8) **

[OOC] Plax says, "6 Agg. :)"

You say, "The troll howls and swings its sword at you, its arms suddenly much longer than they were."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (8d10): 2, 8, 2, 1, 10, 10, 7, 4 ** 3 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] You say, "Defensive action?"

[OOC] Plax says, "Can I parry that with my sai?"

[OOC] You say, "Did you have it out? If not, no."

Plax attempts to dodge the nasty sword by flying upwards.

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (4) and Dodge (3) (7d10): 8, 10, 3, 4, 9, 10, 5 ** 4 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Plax says, "Whew"

[OOC] You say, "Given the troll's strength? Yeah, whew."

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Go.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Anything within melee for me?"

[OOC] You say, "To the best of your knowledge, no."

[OOC] Plax slurps the yummy Quint.

[OOC] Psyche says, "What's the minimap tell me?"

[OOC] You say, "The Red Cap is hiding behind a tree, taking cover from the archers. The troll is a little ways ahead of it. There is no sign of the shadow Fae."

[OOC] Psyche stalks the Red Cap, then, attempting to be quiet about it.

[OOC] You say, "Dex + Stealth, dif 6."

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Dexterity (4) and Stealth (0) (4d10): 1, 10, 8, 7 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (3d10): 6, 3, 4 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 9, 5, 7, 5, 8, 7, 3 ** 4 successes (diff 6) **

You say, "The troll seems to regain the majority of its vitality."

Eclipse [to Rade]: Go.

[OOC] Plax says, "Ohh...Quint factory!"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Might want to keep him alive...."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Mmmm."

[OOC] Typheous says, "It's like canning troll meat... Alwaya have a can full."

[OOC] Rade says, "hrm"

[OOC] You say, "But you'd better make sure you clean your plate after each meal..."

[OOC] Rade says, "sling vs troll not a good option"

[OOC] Typheous says, "And make sure you put the lid back on the can."

[OOC] Rade says, "but it's all I got"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Hmmm...."

Rade's sling whirls again, stone whirling toward the troll

[Roll]: Rade rolled Archery (3) and Dexterity (3) (6d10): 1, 4, 9, 3, 4, 6 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[OOC] Rade says, "whoo!"

You say, "It ignores the attack. Damage?"

[OOC] Rade says, "3"

[OOC] Rade notices the redundancy of that last pose

You say, "The stone bounces off its thick hide. A few new callouses form at the point of impact."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (3d10): 6, 7, 7 ** 3 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Rade says, "reminde me to learn some forces :)"

You say, "Halda stalks the opposite direction from Psyche, rapidly vanishing from both sight and magical vision."

Eclipse [to Valyros]: Go.

Valyros doesn't notch another arrow, but this time shouts out in Vale, "Oh spirits of Wood and Leaf, heed my call and assault thine enemy who cowers in your lowly shadow!" Reaching out to the tree the Red Cap is hiding behind.

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 1, 8, 8, 3 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered ***

[OOC] You say, "Nothing odd on a backlash with this. Gathering successes, I imagine?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Yes."

[OOC] Eclipse pities the poor Red Caps...

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Go.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Red cap too far.. Troll still too far or can I get there?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Don't mess with Spirit Mages!"

[OOC] You say, "You can probably reach the troll this turn."

[OOC] Typheous says, "And get an attack or no?"

[OOC] You say, "Yes."

Typheous rushes toward the troll. "Your turn, big boy." He swings his rapier at him.

[Roll]: Typheous rolled dice (12d10): 1, 5, 1, 9, 10, 4, 8, 9, 7, 2, 3, 9 ** 4 successes (diff 7) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (8d10): 5, 10, 6, 7, 9, 2, 3, 8 ** 5 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Typheous rolled too many dice last time. Can't count.

[OOC] You say, "How the hell did I manage that?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "The dice hate me."

[OOC] Rade giggles

You say, "It almost casually turns your blade aside with its man-high sword."

You say, "Starling strolls."

[OOC] Plax says, "How...effective"

[OOC] Rade says, "look, she has no fingers....leave the poor woman alone!"

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 7, 4, 7, 1, 5 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

Eclipse [to Plax]: Go.

Plax draws his sai and longsword now and dives at the troll again, attempting to first claw him and then to slice him with the longsword.

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (4) and Brawl (2) (6d10): 6, 4, 1, 4, 5, 8 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (4) and Melee (3) (7d10): 6, 4, 1, 7, 1, 4, 8 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[OOC] Plax pahs.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Not that it mattered :)"

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 5, 8, 3, 2, 10, 5, 2 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (6d10): 2, 4, 9, 3, 1, 10 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

You say, "It parries both attacks and then takes another swipe at Plax with its man-high sword."

Plax attempts to parry it this time with the sai.

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (8d10): 4, 5, 9, 10, 1, 4, 5, 8 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Typheous says, "Yeah.. He's afraid of my parry pool."

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (4) and Melee (3) (7d10): 5, 3, 6, 10, 9, 8, 10 ** 6 successes (diff 4) **

[OOC] You say, "will, on this"

[OOC] Plax says, "What was that about parry pools?"

[OOC] Typheous scoffs at your puny parry pool. ;)

[OOC] Plax pats that diff 4 to parry with a Sai. :)

You say, "Plax turns the huge blade without much more reaction than being thrown backward a few yards by the massive force of the attack."

[OOC] Typheous thinks that was entirely too much allteration there... *pats his enhanced parry diff of 2 with his main guahce*

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Go. (You're halfway to being in position. One more turn)

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Roll Dex + Stealth again.

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Dexterity (4) and Stealth (0) (4d10): 10, 1, 3, 4 ** 0 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Psyche says, "Bleah."

Psyche continues stalking, attempting to draw her knife quietly.

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (3d10): 7, 1, 6 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[OOC] Plax comforts Psyche.

You say, "The Red Cap spots you and hefts its axe, grinning in anticipation..."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 8, 4, 3, 6, 5, 10, 6 ** 4 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Psyche just has to survive to regen.

You say, "The troll's remaining wounds close completely."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 5, 1, 1, 9, 1, 9, 1 No diff given.

[OOC] Psyche dies.

[OOC] Typheous giggles.

[OOC] Plax hopes that was a baddie's roll.

You say, "A slim dagger flies between Typheous and the troll and lands, hilt-first, in the snow."

Eclipse [to Rade]: Go.

[OOC] Rade says, "blinks"

[OOC] Rade says, "did we see where the dagger came from?"

[OOC] You say, "Nope."

[OOC] Rade says, "well crap"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Definately shadow badie."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Anyone have swanky vision?"

[OOC] You say, "At least a few people have magic senses up, but they're not reading anything, for some reason."

[OOC] Valyros raises hand.

[OOC] Plax has darkvision, but that's it.

[OOC] Rade ponders

[OOC] Psyche's map isn't showing him *cries at spirit not showing it*

[OOC] Rade says, "well crud"

Rade hesitates a moment, uncertainty filling her eyes, before starting toward the troll at a run. "Halda...what threw that?"

[OOC] Rade says, "that's it :)"

[OOC] Rade says, "boy do I suck at combat :)"

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 9, 3, 10, 3, 5, 4, 8 ** 3 successes (diff 6) **

You say, "Halda does not respond. Nor does she reappear to mortal or mystical perceptions."

Eclipse [to Valyros]: Go.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Can't be good at everything. ;)"

Valyros continues chanting, awaking the the spirit of the tree.

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 4, 5, 4, 7 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[OOC] You say, "Still accumulating, then?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "One more round."

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Go.

Typheous takes anowther swing at the Troll. "Stupid troll.... Think you can hit a guy with one eye?"

[Roll]: Typheous rolled dice (12d10): 3, 3, 2, 7, 10, 2, 3, 2, 7, 8, 2, 7 ** 5 successes (diff 7) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (8d10): 8, 7, 6, 8, 3, 10, 8, 6 ** 7 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Typheous says, "Well, poop."

[OOC] Eclipse giggles madly. "It just doesn't like me to attack, I guess..."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Bring it on. :p"

You say, "The troll parries your rapier by virtue of sticking the man-high sword blade into the snow directly between you and it, effectively parrying you rather than your weapon."

You say, "Starling trips on a branch hidden under the snow and falls down like a slasher film teenager in heels."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 6, 8, 8, 8, 10 ** 5 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] You say, "Oh dear..."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Oh poop."

[OOC] Plax says, "Someone just got an owie?"

[OOC] Rade says, "ahh crap"

[OOC] Rade should have stuck with starling

[OOC] Psyche ohdears.

Redcap_(to_Psyche), "Come to me, little one. I will give you a taste of death."

Eclipse [to Plax]: Go.

Typheous . o O ( Becareful. I want that sketch.... )

Plax frowns at the nasty troll. "You think you're smart? Parry this!" He swings his longsword twice at the nasty troll.

[OOC] You say, "Don't even ask what that roll was for..."

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (4) and Melee (3) (7d10): 4, 1, 8, 4, 5, 6, 4 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (4) and Melee (3) (7d10): 9, 10, 9, 7, 1, 1, 5 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 1, 5, 7, 3, 8, 1, 8 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[OOC] Plax cries.

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (6d10): 6, 1, 9, 9, 8, 5 ** 3 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] You say, "On the bright side, the first one hit. Damage?"

[OOC] Plax says, "6 Agg"

[OOC] Rade giggles madly

You say, "The tip of the blade leaves a jagged cut across the bridge of its bony nose and it growls its annoyance at you."

[OOC] Rade says, "I hate trolls"

Troll, "Tit for tat."

You say, "It swings it's man-high sword at Plax."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (8d10): 10, 6, 6, 6, 3, 1, 5, 4 ** 3 successes (diff 6) **

Plax attempts to parry once again.

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (4) and Melee (3) (7d10): 3, 6, 10, 10, 10, 2, 9 ** 5 successes (diff 4) **

You say, "Again, the inirtia flings Plax backward without causing any harm to him."

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Go.

[OOC] Psyche says, "In melee range now?"

Plax smirks. "All growl, no bite, it seems".

[OOC] You say, "If you'd like to be, yes."

Psyche's eyes flash. "I've tasted it and found it not yet seasoned enough for my liking." . o O ( I want another kiss. ) She swings at the Redcap.

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Dexterity (4) and Melee (3) (7d10): 1, 4, 3, 2, 10, 3, 6 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

Typheous says, "Yes, quite the dog, isn't it."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (14d10): 10, 9, 5, 6, 2, 3, 10, 5, 4, 2, 8, 5, 5, 4 ** 5 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Psyche bahs.

You say, "It parries with its axe at blinding speed, giving a coughing laugh. "So slow, little one.""

Typheous . o O ( As soon as this is over... )

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 3, 10, 7, 1, 10, 7, 10 ** 4 successes (diff 6) **

Valyros would add a wity remark, but is busy calling down the Spiritual Hurt.

Eclipse [to Typheous]: You feel a cold sensation strike you between the shoulderblades as another slim dagger appears out of thin air just in time to sink into your back. (soak 5L)

[OOC] Typheous says, "Ow...."

[OOC] Plax says, "Ow indeed."

[OOC] Typheous says, "When does the regen kick in?"

[OOC] You say, "Immediately before your turn."

Eclipse [to Rade]: Go.

Typheous gasps, stepping back and looking for the culprit

[OOC] Rade pulls the knife out, looks innocent?

You say, "Only empty air greets your eyes."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Still the prettiest!"

[OOC] Rade says, "always the prettiesT!"

[OOC] Rade says, "hrm, can't cast, can barely fight..."

[OOC] Plax says, "Always the bloodiest!"

[OOC] Typheous says, "But you can stab me in the back and look good doing it. :p"

Rade's knife comes out of it's sheath at her belt, stepping between thypheous and the direction that dagger came from, swinging wildly.

Eclipse [to Rade]: Give me a Dex + Melee, +3 diff.

[OOC] Rade says, "so, basically 9"

[OOC] You say, "Yep."

[OOC] You say, "Only botch if you would botch at diff 6, though."

[Roll]: Rade rolled Dexterity (3) and Melee (0) (3d10): 10, 8, 7 ** 1 success (diff 9) **

[OOC] Rade says, "WHOOT!"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Go Rade Go!"

[OOC] Plax says, "Go Rade! Go Rade!"

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 7, 6, 2, 9, 8, 6, 7 No diff given.

[OOC] Rade says, "1 damage if any :)"

Eclipse [to Rade]: You hear a small gasp of surprise as the blade cuts the air. It doesn't connect with anything, though.

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (3d10): 6, 1, 2 ** 0 successes (diff 6) **

Rade's eyes widen in shock, but she keeps swinging blindly

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 1, 3, 1, 3, 7, 1, 8 No diff given.

You say, "A small snarl emanates from behind the Red Cap."

Eclipse [to Valyros]: Go.

Valyros spends one more turn awakening the spirit of the tree the Red Cap is hiding behind, a little crack of spiritual thunder runnig through the night.

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 2, 7, 7, 6 ** 3 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Valyros says, "Booyakha!"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Going with that."

You say, "The tree's branches stir, creaking in spite of the lack of wind."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (3d10): 4, 3, 1 ** 0 successes (diff 4) **

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Go.

[OOC] You say, "Ya gonna hit the troll, this time? Huh?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "How does the reg work. It had 6 into effect"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Do I just heal 6 HL?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "(reather 3 into effect, which would heal 6 HL)"

[OOC] Plax has hit the troll! Twice! Come on Typh, it's fun to hit the Troll!

[OOC] Eclipse believes he ruled that it was a full heal-back from 6 HL, short of death. Would you be annoyed, then, if I retconned slightly and ruled that it doesn't heal until immediately after your turn? That way you are at least put at a disadvantage during the turn after you get bushwacked...

[OOC] Typheous sticks his tongue otu at you. I suppose I can let you do that.

[OOC] Psyche pops the FF:Origins preview DVD in.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Unlimited. not origins"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Yeah, that."

[OOC] Eclipse realizes that Chopin's Funeral March started playing a couple minutes ago...

[OOC] Plax says, "Good music for the troll to hear, then. :)"

[OOC] Valyros One Winged Angel Orchestrated.

Typheous takes a swing at the troll, still staggering from the wound which heals quickly, forcingt eh knife back out. "Die, you bastard child of a goat!"

[Roll]: Typheous rolled dice (10d10): 4, 7, 8, 4, 8, (10), (4), (2), (7), (10) [Injury penalty: -5] ** 3 successes (diff 7) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (8d10): 7, 7, 10, 8, 1, 5, 7, 7 ** 5 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Typheous says, "Just a sec... I "

[OOC] Typheous says, "I pulled 2 dice cause I counted wrong... an"

[OOC] Rade says, "son of a goat ehh?"

[Roll]: Typheous rolled dice (2d10): (3), (10) [Injury penalty: -5] ** 0 successes (diff 7) **

[OOC] Typheous says, "So 1 more."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Not that it matters."

You say, "The troll lifts up a foot and parries the sword by stepping on it. You free it after a moment, though."

[OOC] Typheous wonders why he has 1 level of damage to beign with...

You say, "Starling struggles futily to slowly rise."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Which would have added one more succ, since I'd be at -2 dice, nto -5..."

[OOC] Plax says, "And he'd still have dodged/parried, it seems."

[OOC] Typheous says, "I thought matchign means I hit for no extra..."

[OOC] Psyche says, "That would've matched him at 5 succ on the hit."

[OOC] Plax says, "Doesn't tie go to the defender?"

You say, "The Red Cap swings the axe at Psyche."

[OOC] Typheous says, "It didnt' earlier this fight."

[OOC] Valyros says, "That's the way I usually do it..."

[OOC] You say, "When didn't it?"

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Don't even ask what that roll was for..."

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (4) and Melee (3) (7d10): 4, 1, 8, 4, 5, 6, 4 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (4) and Melee (3) (7d10): 9, 10, 9, 7, 1, 1, 5 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 1, 5, 7, 3, 8, 1, 8 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[OOC] Plax cries.

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (6d10): 6, 1, 9, 9, 8, 5 ** 3 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Eclipse says, "On the bright side, the first one hit. Damage?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Right then."

[OOC] You say, "Oops. My mistake back there. I transposed the two attacks in my mind somehow."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Ahh.. ok."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Ah, okay."

[OOC] Plax nods. "Feel free to have him heal that damage, then, to be fair".

[OOC] Typheous takes his brain back.

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 3, 5, 3, 5, 2, 5, 6 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[OOC] Eclipse does so

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Dexterity (4) and Melee (3) (7d10): 2, 3, 4, 9, 6, 2, 9 ** 3 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Psyche says, "Knife vs. axe. Muaha."

You say, "The Red Cap moves with blinding speed, bringing its axe around for another attack."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 7, 8, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Valyros says, "The tree's going to get in there in a moment."

[OOC] You say, "Yup."

Psyche pages: "Then +1 diff to parry again?"

[OOC] Plax says, "But...axes usually beat trees, too. Ever hear of Paul Bunyan?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Ever heard of Treebeard at Orthac?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "That's ok. We're going to keep poking the troll :p"

Psyche has received your page: "Actually. Hold on a sec. Let me check to make sure I've been doing this right..."

(remotely) Psyche waits.

"That" is not the name of any player.

Psyche has received your page: "That is correct."

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Dexterity (4) and Melee (3) (7d10): 1, 4, 1, 2, 2, 10, 6 ** 0 successes (diff 7) **

[OOC] Typheous shines his armor up to go rescue....

[OOC] Psyche will regen before that.

[OOC] You say, "I made a bit of a goof tonight, guys. I should have been making parries at cumulative +1 difficulties, not cumulative -1 dice penalty. Sorry."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Ehh, we'll let you pass this once :)"

[OOC] Typheous was wondering, but thought you knew what you were doing.

[OOC] Plax was as well. *shrug* I just figured they had some sort of power.

You say, "The axe slips under your guard this time and plants itself in your breastbone (soak 7L)"

[OOC] Rade says, "see what happens when we don't pick enough fights? :)"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Do we have any leathal soak w/o armor?"

[OOC] You say, "No."

[OOC] Valyros says, "Come on tree, move your roots!"

[OOC] Psyche mehs.

Psyche falls over then.

[OOC] You say, "The tree failed its init roll. What can I say?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Damn Ent is taking its time. If it has to go to commitee I'll be annoyed."

You say, "The Red Cap, no longer thinking you a threat, charges toward Typheous, making two more swings with its bloody axe."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 6, 3, 4, 6, 9, 5, 3 ** 3 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 2, 2, 1, 10, 3, 8, 9 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Plax says, "Ohh...foolish Red Cap..."

[OOC] You say, "Parry away, Typh."

[Roll]: Typheous rolled dice (26d10): 2, 9, 3, 7, 8, 2, 6, 5, 10, 8, 3, 2, 7, 1, 7, 1, 7, 3, 9, 2, 4, 9, 2, 9, 7, 10 ** 22 successes (diff 2) **

[OOC] Valyros says, "Get back by the tree!"

[OOC] Typheous says, "That enough?"

[OOC] Rade says, "holy S@#^"

[OOC] Valyros says, "O_O"

[OOC] Plax gawks.

[OOC] Eclipse dies laughing. "Have we wandered into Exalted or something?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "I haven't seen a roll that big in Exalted!"

[OOC] Typheous has been uber-ed up.

[OOC] Psyche giggles.

[OOC] You say, "And the next attack? (+1 diff)"

[OOC] Typheous put 7 suc into his rote taht adds 2 parry dice per effect.

[OOC] Typheous says, "I have a rote that staves that off for 1 more parry"

[Roll]: Typheous rolled dice (26d10): 6, 9, 5, 6, 3, 7, 3, 10, 6, 7, 1, 7, 1, 9, 7, 3, 10, 6, 4, 4, 6, 3, 8, 7, 4, 10 ** 22 successes (diff 2) **

[OOC] You say, "Ah yes."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Like it matters."

[OOC] Plax just shakes his head...

[OOC] Typheous only has 2 rotes in effect....

You say, "The Red Cap seems a bit...surprised by the ease with which you turn its attacks."

[OOC] Rade takes away Typheous' swords.

Eclipse [to Plax]: Go.

Typheous . o O ( Don't die on me now.... )

Plax notes Typheous taking care of the Red Cap, which is nowhere near Psyche, so he goes at the troll with two attacks with his longsword once again.

[Roll]: Plax rolled Melee (3) and Dexterity (4) (7d10): 10, 1, 2, 3, 8, 6, 4 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled Melee (3) and Dexterity (4) (7d10): 5, 1, 5, 9, 10, 9, 8 ** 3 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Plax says, "2, 3"

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (8d10): 9, 3, 9, 4, 5, 1, 8, 1 ** 1 success (diff 7) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (8d10): 6, 1, 3, 10, 3, 5, 3, 3 ** 0 successes (diff 8) **

[OOC] Plax says, "6 Agg each base"

[OOC] Plax D

[OOC] PlaxD

[OOC] Plax can't pose.

[OOC] Psyche :_

[OOC] Psyche can't either :P

[OOC] Plax gave the Troll a cut, I think. :)

[OOC] Typheous says, "I hope so...."

You say, "The first attack nicks one of its fingers, but the second one bites deep into its bicep. It counters with an attack of its own. (Will, this time)"

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (8d10): 7, 1, 5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 10 ** 0 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Typheous chuckles....

[OOC] Plax says, "Umm..."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Wow."

[OOC] Eclipse sighs.

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Go.

Plax watches the pathetic attack and glances to Typh. "I've got the ugly one".

Psyche lies there bleeding for a bit, then the wounds close up and she sits up, grabbing her knife.

Typheous says, "I'll get the dog..."

Psyche says, "Fucking...I'm getting sick of this."

Psyche . o O ( Ow. )

Typheous . o O ( Yes.... Good thing for that healing rote.... )

You say, "Roots burst out of the snow beneath the Red Cap's feet and attempt to grapple it."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 8, 6, 10, 10, 5 ** 4 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Typheous chears the tree on!

[OOC] Typheous says, "Cheers, even."

[OOC] Plax applauds the tree.

You say, "The Red Cap snarls as it fails to free itself."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 1, 3, 8, 9, 9, 5, 8 ** 3 successes (diff 6) **

You say, "Most of the troll's injuries close."

Eclipse [to Rade]: Go.

Rade continues to flail blindly at the invisible attacker, doing her best to guard Typheous' back.

Eclipse [to Rade]: Same dif.

[Roll]: Rade rolled Dexterity (3) and Melee (0) (3d10): 7, 7, 5 ** 0 successes (diff 9) **

[OOC] Valyros says, "Hmm, help Psyche or tag the invisible dude..."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (3d10): 6, 6, 5 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 4, 7, 5, 8, 8, 8, 7 ** 5 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 8, 10, 10, 8, 8, 3, 3 ** 5 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 10, 2, 1, 4, 1, 3, 5 ** 0 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Rade says, "errrr"

[OOC] Psyche is only at 1 HL of damage now :)

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (3d10): 8, 1, 5 ** 0 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (3d10): 9, 3, 2 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[OOC] Plax cheers for Psyche. Can't keep her down!

[OOC] Psyche says, "Only the good die young."

[OOC] Valyros says, "She's like the Enigizer bunny!"

You say, "Wounds appear on the troll's calves, though they aren't very deep. You hear a slight snarl from the vicinity."

[OOC] Rade says, "If hero's are the first to die...what's that say about the Redcap?"

Eclipse [to Valyros]: Go.

[OOC] Plax says, "That Redcap is in trouble, I think..."

[OOC] Rade says, "Whoot! Go puppy!"

[OOC] Eclipse still pities the Red Cap, though it now gets 5 extra actions because of that insanely lucky check it made a couple turns ago...

Valyros stays aloft and notches an arrow, but instead of shooting, she looks about for the invisible guy.

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 5, 1, 9, 10 ** 2 successes (diff 4) **

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered ***

[OOC] Rade grins.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Bring it on red-boy. ;)"

Valyros has received your page: "You see the shadow creature, except now there are a dozen of them in the area below you."

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Go.

Valyros says, "Oh crap! It multiplied!"

Typheous swings at the Red Cap with his rapier. "Just let us know where they are."

Valyros says, "I'll try..."

[Roll]: Typheous rolled dice (12d10): 2, 2, 10, 6, 1, 1, 4, 8, 4, 8, 9, 8 ** 3 successes (diff 7) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 2, 7, 5, 2, 1, 2, 5 ** 0 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] You say, "Damage?"

Valyros starts calling out the locations of the various shadows.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Base is Str which is 2. Agg."

You say, "The Red Cap's fur wilts and burns away as the rapier bites it's flesh."

You say, "Starling manages to get to her feet."

[OOC] Plax cheers!

You say, "The Red Cap snarls and attacks Typheous full-out with its axe."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 2, 7, 1, 5, 4 ** 0 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 1, 9, 9, 10, 2 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 6, 6, 6, 7, 10 ** 5 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 2, 10, 4, 2, 2 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 2, 2, 9, 8, 2 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 10, 7, 1, 4, 8 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Rade dives for cover

[OOC] Typheous says, "So.. only 5 parries to make, at diffs 2 2 3 4 5? right?"

[OOC] You say, "Yep."

[Roll]: Typheous rolled dice (26d10): 4, 4, 2, 8, 5, 6, 7, 2, 2, 7, 6, 9, 8, 1, 5, 7, 4, 5, 6, 4, 1, 10, 9, 10, 1, 3 ** 20 successes (diff 2) **

[Roll]: Typheous rolled dice (26d10): 10, 6, 7, 6, 2, 5, 6, 7, 3, 4, 5, 8, 5, 1, 5, 4, 5, 1, 9, 4, 10, 1, 6, 7, 1, 1 ** 16 successes (diff 2) **

[Roll]: Typheous rolled dice (26d10): 4, 5, 10, 8, 9, 6, 1, 2, 9, 9, 8, 8, 6, 5, 2, 4, 1, 8, 1, 10, 5, 8, 8, 9, 3, 3 ** 18 successes (diff 3) **

[Roll]: Typheous rolled dice (26d10): 10, 10, 2, 10, 7, 9, 8, 8, 3, 8, 10, 3, 4, 3, 9, 2, 8, 5, 5, 4, 10, 5, 9, 4, 3, 6 ** 20 successes (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Typheous rolled dice (26d10): 6, 10, 6, 9, 9, 8, 2, 6, 5, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 8, 1, 3, 4, 10, 8, 4, 8, 5, 6, 8, 7 ** 15 successes (diff 5) **

[OOC] Plax snickers.

[OOC] Typheous says, "That good enough?"

Eclipse [to Plax]: Go.

[OOC] Rade says, "keep him parrying another few attacks and you might get through :)"

Typheous parries like a mad man.

Psyche . o O ( Godsfuckingdamn, boy...maybe I -should- watch you fight more often. )

Plax takes another two harsh swipes at that annoying troll. "Why won't you just fall over and die?"

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (4) and Melee (3) (7d10): 7, 2, 4, 5, 6, 2, 4 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (4) and Melee (3) (7d10): 10, 7, 9, 4, 6, 5, 3 ** 4 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Plax says, "2, 4"

Valyros waits for her tree to do something.

Typheous . o O ( What? It's mostly the magic right now.... )

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (8d10): 10, 8, 7, 8, 8, 1, 4, 2 ** 4 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (8d10): 4, 5, 10, 9, 1, 10, 7, 6 ** 3 successes (diff 7) **

[OOC] Plax says, "6 Agg base"

You say, "You give it a nasty cut on the cheek before it counter-strikes."

Psyche . o O ( Ah. Whew. )

[OOC] You say, "Will because it has nothing to lose."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (8d10): 8, 9, 4, 8, 1, 8, 2, 9 ** 4 successes (diff 6) **

Plax attempts to parry it with his sai once again.

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (4) and Melee (3) (7d10): 6, 3, 8, 9, 8, 8, 7 ** 6 successes (diff 4) **

You say, "Plax beats the sword blade out of the fatal arc and it passes to one side."

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Go.

[OOC] You say, "Btw, the troll's leg wounds healed at the end of its last turn."

[OOC] Psyche says, "How does Starling go?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Look? How does she LOOK?"

Eclipse [to Psyche]: She looks like she has spent an eternity weeping and is missing the first digit of each of her fingers, but she does not otherwise look injured.

Psyche gets up and heads toward Starling, seeing as how she seems to be the incentive for this little skirmish, and Typheous is doing fine with the redcap. "Ma'am?"

[OOC] Rade says, "not pretty inother words"

Starling_(in_a_whisper), "What is it, Psyche?"

You say, "The tree does not seem satisfied with merely grasping the Red Cap's ankles. More roots rise up to throttle it."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 3, 5, 6, 7, 2 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

Valyros says, "Go Tree Spirit! "

You say, "They sieze it around the throat and begin to tighten."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 8, 2, 1, 3, 9, 4, 5 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[OOC] Typheous says, "Go tree!"

Psyche whispers too. "What's going on? Why are you being pursued?"

You say, "The troll's remaining injuries heal. Another blade flashes out of thin air to strike Rade."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 2, 10, 5, 7, 9, 9, 4 ** 4 successes (diff 6) **

Eclipse [to Rade]: soak 4L

Rade [to Eclipse]: yeah right

Eclipse [to Rade]: Go.

Rade pages: "shoulder shot?"

You say, "The blade sinks into Rade's upper thigh."

Plax pages: "(Question...is it possible to bloodsuck invisable fae?)"

Rade staggers back, crying out and barely avoiding falling into Typheous, her free hand pulls the blade free as she hurls her knife back at her invisible assaliant.

Plax has received your page: "If you can get a fix on its approximate position, yes."

Eclipse [to Rade]: Dex + Athletics, dif 9.

Plax pages: "Would seeing where that blade came from (roughly) do it?"

[Roll]: Rade rolled Dexterity (3) and Athletics (3) (6d10): 2, 10, 8, 5, 9, 5 ** 2 successes (diff 9) **

[OOC] Rade says, "whoot"

[OOC] Plax says, "Go Rade!"

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 5, 9, 9, 3, 7, 6, 10 ** 5 successes (diff 6) **

You say, "There is another small gasp."

[OOC] Rade says, "awwwww"

[OOC] Plax says, "Ohh...*ideas*"

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (3d10): 3, 9, 3 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 4, 9, 1, 5, 10, 5, 3 ** 3 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 8, 9, 2, 7, 9, 2, 10 ** 5 successes (diff 5) **

You say, "A sudden snarl breaks the air near the gasp and the gasp turns to screams and then silence. Black blood seeps out into the snow."

Eclipse [to Valyros]: Go.

[OOC] Plax says, "Blood..."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Hmmm.... right....."


[OOC] You say, "Three guesses?"

[OOC] Rade says, "don't MESS with the puppy"

[OOC] Plax says, "Well, guess I don't have to bloodsuck the invisible fae now...:)"

[OOC] You say, "Who needs combat skillz when you gotz a wulf?"

Valyros looks at the troll, "Damn, you're still up? Well we'll have to fix that won't we?" She starts chanting a familiar set of words in Urden.

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 1, 7, 8, 5 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

[OOC] Valyros says, "Teach you to reginerate..."

[OOC] Valyros says, "Standard Anti-regen rote."

[OOC] You say, "The bitter irony is it couldn't regen agg. Something else was healing it of those injuries..."

[OOC] Typheous chuckles.

Eclipse [to Valyros]: Releasing it or gathering?

[OOC] Plax says, "Probably inviso-fae."

[OOC] You say, "Yep."

[OOC] Valyros says, "Releasing it"

You say, "There is no clear effect, but it wasn't injured when you cast the spell at it, so it's hard to tell what effect it is having."

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Go.

Typheous keeps swinging at the Redcap

[Roll]: Typheous rolled dice (12d10): 10, 5, 5, 8, 2, 3, 3, 10, 7, 7, 5, 8 ** 6 successes (diff 7) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 4, 4, 5, 2, 3, 7, 6 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Plax cheers as Typh hits it!

[OOC] Typheous says, "2 AGg + extra succ if we get them."

You say, "The Red Cap howls as it evaporates into thin air. The roots wave at their absent target."

Typheous turns back to the troll. "Now back to you."

Psyche has received your page: "Starling, "What is it, Psyche?""

Eclipse [to Plax]: Go.

Psyche pages: "Psyche whispers too. "What's going on? Why are you being pursued?""

Psyche pages: "In case you missed that."

Valyros says, "Tree is kicking Red Ass!"

Plax readies his sword. "So, just you left? Stubborn, ugly thing, aren't you?" He takes two strong swipes at the still-standing troll.

Psyche has received your page: ""To stop me from aiding you.""

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (4) and Melee (3) (7d10): 2, 10, 7, 3, 2, 6, 10 ** 4 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (4) and Melee (3) (7d10): 7, 8, 5, 6, 9, 8, 4 ** 5 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Plax says, "4, 5. 6 Agg base. :)"

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (8d10): 6, 9, 9, 10, 2, 8, 1, 6 ** 5 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (8d10): 2, 1, 4, 5, 5, 8, 5, 5 ** 0 successes (diff 7) **

[OOC] Plax mutters.

[OOC] Rade says, "wow :)"

You say, "The second one slashes open the side of its neck rather nicely. It howls and strikes. (WP)"

[OOC] Plax says, "At least I got him good with swing #2."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (8d10): 7, 6, 2, 4, 7, 5, 5, 3 ** 3 successes (diff 6) **

Plax attempts to parry with his sai once again.

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (4) and Melee (3) (7d10): 10, 8, 6, 1, 6, 1, 8 ** 3 successes (diff 4) **

[OOC] Plax whews.

You say, "Plax is flung back a bit, again."

You say, "The roots seek a new target."

[OOC] Plax says, "Wait, was that WP for an extra success?"

[OOC] You say, "Oh damn. Good point..."

Valyros says, "Go for the tall guy!"

[OOC] Plax gets an owie.

[OOC] Plax isn't sure if it's for full dice pool or success, so I was checking. *shrug*

You say, "The troll's sword cuts one of the tines off the sai and bites deeply into Plax's body. (soak 12L)"

(remotely) Psyche frowns slightly. "How can you help us? Who are you?"

[OOC] Rade says, "OUCH"

[OOC] Psyche !

[OOC] Valyros says, "Crap!"

[OOC] Typheous whimpers. Maybe I don't want to fight the troll...

Psyche has received your page: ""I am a Guide.""

[OOC] Plax says, "Armor soaks 2 of it. That's 10L.\"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Hope you got a lot of HL...."

Plax is struck deeply, flies back and is deathly injured as he crashes to the ground.

And Plax's armor is definately destroyed. [Plax]

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 3, 3, 9, 3, 5 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

You say, "The tree roots grab one of the troll's toes."

Valyros says, "PLAX!"

Eclipse [to Rade]: Go.

[OOC] Rade says, "right"

[OOC] You say, "And you guys were mocking my troll, too..."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Just let him try to hit me. :)"

(remotely) Psyche begins with "What is a Guide...?" and then whips her head around at the sound of Plax nailing the tree. "Fuck!"

[OOC] Plax lets everyone avenge him and stuff.

Rade turns away from the invisibal assaliant, presuming it dead and staggers to Plax's side, dropping the blade pulled from her own side and opening her pouch as she sinks to his side. She pulls out a large cloth, pressing it hurriedly over Plax's wound.

[OOC] You say, "Regen, Str 8, agg-soaking armor 5, immunity to wound penalties, and extra HL. It's slow, but it's not a joke..."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (3d10): 6, 10, 1 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 8, 6, 3, 3, 4, 2, 6 ** 3 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 3, 4, 4, 7, 7, 10, 1 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

You say, "Callouses suddenly thicken on the troll's ankles."

Eclipse [to Valyros]: Gl.

Eclipse [to Valyros]: Go, even...

[OOC] Rade watches Japanese MTV. "Mmm...cute japanese singers..."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Dang you. I can't get that here."

[OOC] Rade flaunts :)

[OOC] Plax goes to see what's on his accessible Japanese channels.

[OOC] Psyche aughs, craves.

[OOC] Psyche watches I Love Lucy.

Valyros lands down next to Plax, grabbing his fleeting spirit, and shoving it back down into his body, "You're not going anywhere!" She lays her hands on his wounds and starts to heal them.

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 3, 3, 1, 6 ** 0 successes (diff 5) **

[OOC] Valyros kicks Arete.

[OOC] Plax bahs.

[OOC] Rade says, "well that went well"

Valyros says, "Quit struggling!"

Eclipse [to Valyros]: Oddly, his spirit is not, in fact, fleeing...

[OOC] Rade says, "can you heal an undead?"

[OOC] Rade says, "I mean, what's the point? :)"

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Go.

Psyche has received your page: ""Guides are what we are - wayfinders and whisperers, seekers and finders.""

Typheous rounds on the troll. "Hey ugly!" He swings his rapier.

[Roll]: Typheous rolled dice (12d10): 3, 1, 2, 8, 6, 6, 7, 5, 8, 6, 9, 9 ** 4 successes (diff 7) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (8d10): 3, 7, 5, 2, 4, 7, 3, 10 ** 3 successes (diff 6) **

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Damage?

[OOC] Typheous says, "2 + extra succ agg."

You say, "The troll's arm develops a slightly thicker callous."

Eclipse [to Plax]: Go. Twitch for us.

Plax twitches, suddenly showing signs of life after death.

Eclipse [to Rade]: Go.

(remotely) Psyche keeps her eyes on the goings-on with Plax, but Valyros appears to be taking things into her own flamboyant hands. "And what can you do for us?"

[OOC] Plax checks his Japanese TV. "I found the female, Japanese version of Erkle (or however you spell his name)".

Psyche has received your page: "If you have a destination, I can guide you along the paths that will lead you to it."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Ahh!"

Rade gasps softly, looking Plax up and down, her hands fumble at her beltpouch, pulling out a salve in wax paper and slathering it over the would before recovering it with the cloth and pressing down hard. "Halda....I need you..." She manages to whisper.

[OOC] Rade hides

You say, "Halda materializes at Rade's side, seeming to appear as suddenly as she vanished."

Eclipse [to Valyros]: Go.

[OOC] Eclipse realizes Typh is taking on the troll by himself, now...

[OOC] Rade says, "Ehh, he can handel it"

[OOC] Rade pats Ty. "Nice knowing ya."

Plax pages: "(Will I be at Crippled next round? IE, able to take action?)"

Psyche . o O ( Typh...be careful. You owe me that kiss. She's a Guide, the fairy is. )

Plax has received your page: "What is it, 2 HL/turn, iirc? Then you'll be at 6HL, which is crippled, yes."

(remotely) Plax woos!

Typheous . o O ( I see... And if he gets through my defenses, we might as well give up... )

[OOC] Eclipse pokes Val.

Valyros stands up, unsheathing her sword. She begins to chant a little more, again the same spell as before in Urden, then pointing the point of the sword at the troll.

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 5, 2, 1, 10 ** 1 success (diff 5) **

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered ***

[OOC] You say, "Gathering, I trust?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Yes."

[OOC] You say, ""Oh Death" just came up on WinAmp."

[OOC] Plax says, "Really? "Hero" just came up on mine..."

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Go.

(remotely) Psyche nods slightly. "And if we are not yet certain if our destination is correct?"

Typheous takes another swing at the punk.

[Roll]: Typheous rolled dice (12d10): 2, 1, 5, 6, 5, 8, 6, 10, 3, 1, 8, 3 ** 1 success (diff 7) **

Psyche has received your page: ""Then I might well take you to an incorrect destination. I am only a Guide.""

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (8d10): 9, 7, 10, 4, 5, 8, 4, 5 ** 4 successes (diff 6) **

You say, "The troll sword-checks you again, and this time you bounce off the flat of the blade."

Eclipse [to Plax]: Go.

Plax sits up and blinks, focusing on the troll. "Hey, asshole! That fucking hurt!" His hand glows red as he comes back from the dead and focuses on sucking the troll's blood.

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 1, 6, 7 [Spent 1 WP for a success] ** 0 successes (diff 8) **

[OOC] Rade says, "oh my"

[OOC] Plax says, "Well, that didn't work"

[OOC] Typheous says, "He ain't got none left? :)"

You say, "The troll takes a swing at Typheous, man-high sword crashing down."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (8d10): 8, 6, 5, 5, 6, 9, 5, 8 ** 5 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Plax says, "Hey, Z? Do I regain WP for coming back from the dead?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Please say yes."

[OOC] You say, "What's your Nature?"

[OOC] Plax says, "Caregiver..."

[OOC] Plax cared for himself?

[OOC] You say, "Riiight... Coming back from the dead is its own reward, don't you think?"

[OOC] Plax says, "Point"

[OOC] Plax says, "My demeanor is Survivor though...shame they aren't flipped...;)"

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Planning to defend yourself at all, there, Typh?

[Roll]: Typheous rolled dice (26d10): 1, 1, 9, 1, 2, 10, 4, 8, 9, 3, 9, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 9, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 9, 2, 1 ** 18 successes (diff 2) **

[OOC] Typheous says, "Sorry... got distracted adnd idnt' see the attack."

(remotely) Psyche nods. "And you can do nothing but lead us where we ask you to?" She seems to be tgrying to figure it out.

You say, "Typh easily redirects the blade."

Psyche has received your page: ""Flawless guidance when there are no paths is its own gift, Psyche, but I am also always where I need to be.""

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 2, 3, 6, 2, 5 No diff given.

You say, "The tree grabs another of the troll's toes and starts throttling it."

Eclipse [to Rade]: Go.

[OOC] Rade says, "hrm"

[OOC] Rade says, "so we have a standing plax..."

[OOC] Plax says, "Sitting, actually."

[OOC] Plax is at Crippled.

[OOC] Rade says, "right, sitting plax, can he be healed?"

Eclipse [to Rade]: Yes.

Rade's eyes go wide as Plax sits up, fighting back a startled squeek. She murmurs, "Hold still..." reaches out to touch Halda's side and closes her eyes.

[Roll]: Rade rolled Arete (3d10): 10, 10, 7 [Spent 1 WP for a success] ** 4 successes (diff 5) **

(remotely) Psyche nods. "I did not mean to sound as if I was belittling...I'm just trying to understand the extent of your power." She frowns slightly. "What happened to your fingers?"

You say, "Plax's wounds close."

[OOC] Plax woos!

Rade smiles slowly as she succeeds, letting him go and putting her hand back over her own wound.

[OOC] Rade says, "go wup ass"

Psyche has received your page: ""Nothing happened to them. This is simply how they are." You notice that, despite her words, they look like fresh injuries."

Plax closes his eyes and feels his wounds close. "Thanks for speeding it up," he says with a smile.

Eclipse [to Valyros]: Go.

[OOC] Rade says, "hrm, 'Too Little Too Late' just came on my MP3 player :)"

(remotely) Psyche's brows draw together. "Is there any hope to heal them?"

Valyros continues to weave her black magic..

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 8, 3, 10, 9 ** 3 successes (diff 5) **

Psyche has received your page: ""They are a part of who I am. Can you heal the color of your hair?" The fingers drip blood into the snow."

[OOC] Valyros says, "It'll stop 8 from healing now, right? If so, going for that."

[OOC] You say, "4, actually, with a duration of the scene, yes?"

(remotely) Psyche shivers. "I have to try, Lady..."

[OOC] You say, "1 for target, 1 for duration, 2 for effect?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Waiting for another turn then."

[OOC] Eclipse nods.

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Go.

Typheous keeps trying with his rapier.

[Roll]: Typheous rolled dice (12d10): 6, 6, 5, 2, 1, 6, 6, 7, 3, 5, 6, 1 ** 0 successes (diff 7) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (8d10): 5, 1, 1, 3, 9, 6, 3, 2 ** 0 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Typheous says, "We both suck...."

[OOC] You say, "Well, at least we're even..."

[OOC] Rade says, "..."

Eclipse [to Plax]: Go.

Plax stands now, draws his bow, and fires two arrows at the troll.

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (4) and Archery (5) (9d10): 7, 10, 8, 8, 10, 7, 7, 1, 3 ** 6 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (4) and Archery (5) (9d10): 7, 9, 9, 1, 3, 8, 10, 2, 5 ** 4 successes (diff 6) **

Psyche has received your page: ""What would happen if you tried to heal your hair color?""

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (2d10): 4, 3 No diff given.

[Roll]: Plax rolled dice (1d10): 1 No diff given.

[OOC] Plax says, "6, 3"

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (4d10): 1, 4, 9, 2 ** 0 successes (diff 7) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (4d10): 6, 5, 7, 7 ** 0 successes (diff 8) **

[OOC] Plax laughs! Base 7 L

Psyche pages: ""Nothing, but..." She shivers. "Perhaps we can discuss this later.""

[OOC] Plax comes back from the dead and wups ass for you, Rade.

[OOC] Rade cheers!

[OOC] Rade swoons. "My hero."

You say, "The arrows stike the troll and sink into its flesh, the wounds closing up behind the fletchings. After a moment, two puffs of acrid-smelling smoke billow out of the wounds for a moment. The troll growls low in its throat and glares at Plax, running a thick thumb down the edge of the blade."

Plax looks back at the troll. "Yes? Did you miss me?"

You say, "It easily breaks free of the roots and comes within striking range of Plax, bringing the blade down on him."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (8d10): 4, 10, 4, 2, 3, 9, 5, 8 ** 3 successes (diff 6) **

Plax attempts to dodge this one, lacking his sai now. Stupid troll.

[Roll]: Plax rolled Dexterity (4) and Dodge (3) (7d10): 7, 8, 3, 1, 2, 5, 4 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[OOC] Plax gets another owie.

[OOC] Rade dives to one side? :)

[OOC] Typheous says, "Dang it. It's supposed to attack me."

[OOC] Plax says, "And if I had my sai still, I could have parried that. Hrmph."

[OOC] Rade says, "why when he can just keep slapping Plax around? :)"

You say, "Half of Plax rolls out of the way, but the other half is blocked by the flat of the sword, creating a neat visual phenomenon."

[OOC] Plax says, "So, how much damage did that give me?"

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Want to come back in, or should I let Rade go?

Eclipse [to Plax]: 14L

[OOC] Typheous says, "Owies...."

Plax goes down, goes deaad. Again.

[OOC] Rade says, "....."

[OOC] Rade says, "did he just get chopped in half?"

[OOC] Rade says, "because I'm sitting right there, and.......ewww..."

[OOC] You say, "Um, yeah..."

Psyche [to Eclipse]: I'll come back in, I think.

[OOC] Plax just go Another Owie.

[OOC] Plax says, "*got"

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Go.

[OOC] Rade says, "just wanted to clear that up so I could freak out properly"

Psyche's eyes widen. "Fuck. Just...stay clear..." And that's all she says to the woman, before getting up and running back toward a piece of Plax.

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 6, 6, 6, 10, 10 ** 5 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Rade says, "man, what an evil roll"

[OOC] Rade says, "he sells his soul in the first three for two more 10's :)"

You say, "The roots of the tree get a good grip on one of the troll's legs and yank it back a couple steps"

Eclipse [to Rade]: Go

Rade, to her credit, only screams softly as she sees Plax fly apart in front of her. She scrabbles back, wiping blood off of her face and trying to get away from the Troll. There's not a whole lot she can do about his current condition.

You say, "Blood seeps from Halda's flesh as her muscles expand."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (3d10): 7, 7, 5 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Rade says, "man, this fight is like your bloody collasal Skeletons Ty"

[OOC] Typheous says, "You're telling me...."

[OOC] Valyros says, "What?"

[OOC] Plax says, "Somebody Primebolt him into submission, dangit!"

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (9d10): 6, 10, 6, 3, 7, 8, 4, 10, 8 ** 7 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (9d10): 3, 1, 5, 7, 10, 3, 10, 7, 7 ** 5 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (9d10): 1, 5, 5, 5, 10, 2, 10, 9, 10 ** 6 successes (diff 5) **

[OOC] Typheous says, "Rade was in a one-nighter where they fought 4 collasal skeletons... no one had anything blunt and the sorceror thought he could only cast fireball once."

[OOC] Rade nods

You say, "Halda chomps fiercely around the troll's legs, nipping and biting it fiercely."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 2, 5, 10, 4, 3 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[OOC] Rade says, "whoo puppy!"

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 10, 2, 3, 2, 4 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 9, 2, 1, 8, 6 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

Rade watches in a mixture of facination and horror.

You say, "The troll is bleeding heavily, now, and limping as one of its hamstrings snaps beneath the barrage of attacks."

Eclipse [to Valyros]: Go.

Valyros continues to chant her anti-regeneration spell, putting all the effort she has into it.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Will"

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 9, 1, 6, 10 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered ***

[OOC] Valyros says, "Letting that bad boy loose!"

You say, "The troll seems more than a little shocked when it's flesh and muscle do not rapidly repair themselves."

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Go.

Valyros says, "You're mine now ugly boy. Your regeneration won't save you now!"

Typheous grins maliciously. "Not the endless stream of blood now, are we?" His blade flashes.

[Roll]: Typheous rolled dice (12d10): 1, 7, 7, 4, 7, 7, 10, 6, 10, 9, 9, 1 ** 6 successes (diff 7) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (8d10): 6, 2, 10, 4, 8, 8, 9, 4 ** 5 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Typheous says, "bas of 2 agg"

You say, "The troll gets a large callous on the back of one hand."

Eclipse [to Plax]: Go.

[OOC] Plax says, "Umm, how am I split up? Cut horizontally or vertically?"

[OOC] You say, "Head to crotch."

[OOC] Rade says, "ouuuuuuuch"

[OOC] Typheous winces.... No kids for Plax...

[OOC] Valyros says, "Nasty..."

[OOC] Plax says, "So, I'm in two pieces? Can I twitch?"

[OOC] You say, "You can twitch. I imagine the larger half heals back, and the smaller half dies?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "You can blink."

[OOC] Rade says, "no, he can wink"

Plax slowly starts healing, and his larger half twitches.

I don't understand that.

You say, "The troll tries to stab the obnoxious wolf under foot."

[OOC] Plax wonders if he could bloodsuck?

[OOC] You say, "Not until you're no longer incapped."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (8d10): 5, 9, 9, 6, 1, 8, 8, 9 No diff given.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Well most of it would leak out the other side of your head..."

[OOC] Plax has an open pathway to his veins though...

[OOC] You say, "Halda WP"

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (9d10): 6, 2, 10, 6, 3, 4, 10, 9, 9 ** 6 successes (diff 6) **

You say, "Halda only barely manages to avoid the attack."

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Go.

[OOC] Rade says, "whew"

Psyche examines the larger piece of Plax, when it twitches, and decides to make a go at helping it out.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Plenty of blood :)"

[OOC] You say, "Yeah..."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Life 3 + 3 -1 focus +1 3 standing effects = diff 6?"

[OOC] Eclipse nods.

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (4d10): 8, 6, 6, 7 [Spent 1 WP for a success] ** 5 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Plax says, "What is that, heal 10?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Something like that."

[OOC] Psyche says, "8."

[OOC] Rade says, "crimeny"

[OOC] Typheous pets his Psyche's healing mojo

Plax heals much more quickly, his body fleshing itself out, so to speak.

[OOC] Plax says, "Up to Wounded"

Typheous . o O ( Now we just have this one to deal with.... )

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 1, 3, 8, 6, 4 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

You say, "The tree's roots make a token effort at creeping up the troll's bleeding legs."

Eclipse [to Rade]: Go.

[OOC] Rade hrms. "Wolfie's fighting

[OOC] Rade says, "do we have any throw into melee rules? :)"

[OOC] You say, "When the troll is like three times taller than the other combatants, no..."

[OOC] Rade says, "heh"

Rade staggers to her feet, picking up the blade used to injure herself and hurling it at the Troll.

[OOC] Rade says, "wp to ignore injury"

[OOC] You say, "Dex + Athletics, dif 6"

Rade pages: "what is the bloody thing anyway? Knife or dagger?"

Rade has received your page: "Dagger."

[Roll]: Rade rolled dice (6d10): 10, 9, 7, 5, (9), (9) [Injury penalty: -2] ** 3 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Rade says, "hrm"

[OOC] Rade says, "make that 5 ;)"

[OOC] You say, "Damage?"

[OOC] You say, "6L, yes?"

[OOC] Rade says, "heck no, 1 ;)"

[OOC] Rade says, "str + 1 (-1 for thrown)"

[OOC] You say, "Str + 1 (dagger bonus) + 4 (xtra sucs) is 6L..."

[OOC] You say, "Ah yes, nevermind, but still, 5L."

[OOC] Rade says, "5 then, I have no clue about combat rules here anymore :)"

You say, "The callous only barely forms quickly enough to protect it's forearm from the blade."

[OOC] Rade says, "damnit"

You say, "Halda continues to attack the troll, but is a bit more conservative, this time."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (9d10): 10, 10, 2, 3, 6, 6, 5, 7, 9 ** 7 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (9d10): 10, 8, 4, 7, 2, 7, 7, 10, 4 ** 6 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 8, 9, 1, 6, 6 ** 3 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 4, 10, 3, 4, 4 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

You say, "The troll topples over onto the ground as it tries to put weight on it's bad leg."

Eclipse [to Valyros]: Go.

Valyros rushes toward the troll, drawing her sword, in the process, jumping up, expanding her wings to block out most of the light he could see from the moon and stars, trying to cut a big chunk out of him.

[Roll]: Valyros rolled dice (8d10): 4, 6, 6, 9, 3, 6, 2, 7 ** 5 successes (diff 6) **

Eclipse [to Valyros]: Damage + 4?

[OOC] Valyros says, "10"

[OOC] You say, "L or Agg?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Agg."

You say, "Val's blade severs the troll's head and brings silence to its body. The roots of the tree continue creeping around it, seeming eager to drag it into the earth."

[OOC] Rade says, "bout friggin time"

[OOC] You say, "Longest fucking combat ever..."

[OOC] Rade grins.

[OOC] Typheous says, "It's that damn troll.. :p"

[OOC] Plax laughs at Winamp. "It just started playing Evanescence's 'Bring Me to Life'. Fitting".

[OOC] You say, "Is it safe to say Trolls are the AT-ATs of Malakai?"

[OOC] You say, "Especially with invisible dark Sidhe around to heal all that agg you were doing to it..."

Psyche [to Plax]: Are you all right?

Valyros goes over to the tree bowing to it, "Thank you friend tree for snuffing out that meddlesome Red Cap. Please if there is anything else I could do to repay you?"

Plax gets to his feet as the rest of his body heals. "Ow...I've got a splitting headache, but I'm alive. Again".

Psyche nods. "Anything more I can do?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Hey! I killed the redcap!"

Rade breaths a long sigh as she sees the Troll die, sinking to her knees as her legs start to wobble. "Halda..."

[OOC] Plax got the hawk...

Valyros has received your page: "Tree, "This one is mine..." It seems to be referring to the troll's body."

Plax says, "I'll be fine. The headache will go away soon enough, I figure. Considering I was in two pieces there, it's not at all bad."

Valyros says, "Feel free to claim the body. It should strengthen your branches and leaves, providing plenty of nutrients for your seedlings."

[OOC] Rade says, "okay, when we fight anyone hard, Plax goes first"

Plax looks at his hands. "I guess there are a few other benefits to this whole experimental knight thing".

You say, "Halda pads over to Rade, her muscles shrinking to their normal size, her speed returned to normal. She looks weakened, and her flesh is covered in small cuts from where the enlarged muscles ripped through the skin."

[OOC] Valyros says, "I'm thinking Tyhpeous should go first."

Psyche nods, stepping back, looking over at Typheous and then back to Starling, consultging the minimap.

Typheous glances around, cleaning his blades on the grass. He catches his breath slowly, his music playing a soft triumphant song. "Anything else to deal with?"

[OOC] You say, "Can you see why the Knights will whack the Fae in just about any fight, now?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Only if I have buffed."

Rade smiles weakly at the Wolf as she approaches, putting her arms around her. "Thank you..."

Plax cleans his blade on the grass and retrieves his arrows.

You say, "Halda flops down on the ground, breathing heavily."

Valyros walks back to the others, "Plax are you alright, you had me worried there for a minute..."

Rade seems to want to follow suit for a moment, before shaking her head and digging into her pouch again, pulling out several packets of wax paper. She starts applying salve to Halda's wounds, ignoring her own for now.

Plax looks at Valyros, still looking a bit perplexed. "Death is only a temporary condition, it appears".

Valyros says, "I hope I will never find out. But still, I have set things straight with the Tree Spirit that helped us. He just wants the troll's body to feed off of."

Psyche murmurs, "Glad to know I'm not the only one who found that out."

Plax nods to Valyros. "He's welcome to it". He then heads on over to Psyche and the Fae they were apparently trying to save now.

Rade finishes her delicate work, checking it before closing her eyes and putting her hands flat on the wolf's back.

[Roll]: Rade rolled Arete (3d10): 4, 7, 7 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Rade rolled Arete (3d10): 5, 10, 7 ** 3 successes (diff 5) **

Plax says, "Is anyone injured?"

[OOC] Rade heals the wolf?

Typheous sheathes his blades, his music calming. "At least that's something good out of this mess." . o O ( Try not to get hit like that again... I almost panicked until I remembered the healing.. )

[OOC] You say, "Yeah. She had suffer 2 HL for that serious buff-up."

Valyros sheathes he sword, going over to look at the fae, "Hello Starlling. Oh my, look at your hands, let me help you with those." Waves her hands over the fae's missing body parts trying to see if she can heal them.

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 9, 5, 3, 5 ** 3 successes (diff 5) **

Psyche glances around. "Don't bother, Valyros. They're part of her."

Rade's smile brightens slightly as Halda heals, looking around and nodding painedly at Plax. "It's alright." She starts applying salve to her thigh, looking at Starling. "Hello again..."

[OOC] Rade says, "she'll just scrub em off again :)"

You say, "The fingers do not react except to continue dripping blood. Starling smiles slightly, though tears run down her cheeks."

Valyros says, "Who are you?"

Psyche says, "A Guide. If we can figure out what path we're supposed to be on."

Psyche . o O ( You owe me. )

Starling, "Psyche is correct, Valyros. I am Starling Shorthand, a Guide. I come to Guide you to your destination.

Valyros says, "And pray tell, what is your destination?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Our."

Rade finishes with her salve, closing her eyes and placing a hand over the wound.

[Roll]: Rade rolled Arete (3d10): 9, 7, 7 ** 3 successes (diff 4) **

Typheous glances around, looking back to town. "We should head back to town. Unless there's something else coming here we need to deal with." . o O ( Do you want it now or later? )

[OOC] Rade says, "yeay, no more hole in leg"

Psyche . o O ( Not in public. )

Plax says, "Yeah...bring a fae into town. I'm sure Caine and the Knights will appreciate that, Typheous."

Starling shrugs, "I am not able to tell you that. I can merely Guide you to the destination you believe to be the correct one."

Valyros says, "I don't think we should head back to town, expecially with Caine in town."

[OOC] Eclipse grins villainously.

Typheous sighs, shaking his head. "But I don't want to leave the town in Caine's hands."

Psyche frowns slightly. "We put it into his hands...and why?"

Rade stands wearily, doing her best to clean up the blood splattered all over her, and walking over to Starling. "I meant ot find you earlier...but we were locked away. I'm sorry ti took so long...I was hoping you might be able to help us." She shivers. "We won't let Caine hurt her."

Valyros says, "We didn't leave him in charge, he just sorta assumed he was."

Plax says, "We, for some reason, believed him. But he knew we were spying on him. Remember when he asked Typheous why we hadn't scanned the minds of the two groups of Knights? How would he have known that we knew of their presence otherwise?"

Psyche says, "Because we panicked at the thought of trying to get the town to listen to us...and gave in to his assumed authority. Trying to take it back now overtly would be disastrous.""

Plax says, "That and I don't think we were that eager to take on a good twenty or twenty four knights along with him."

Valyros says, "I can't wait until a week after all of this is over..."

Typheous takes a deep breath. "Then what are we going to do? Leave the town to be defended from Knights and Fae by those same 20 to 24 Knights and Caine?" . o O ( Later, then. )

Plax says, "I also question how his twenty-four knights are going to be able to take on up to 400 hundred rogue knights."

Valyros says, "Not to mention the 400 blood thirsty fae, no offense Starling."

[OOC] Eclipse whistles, but only because he knows the answer to that first question...

Plax says, "Honestly, I don't think those 400 are completely out of his control. He wouldn't be able to take those numbers on. The Fae won't be a problem for him. His knights will have the same abilities I have."

[OOC] Valyros says, "Urge to call her Clarice rising."

Starling, "No offense taken, Valyros. It is true that many Fae would love to dine on the flesh of the Ordered."

[OOC] You say, "Clarice?"

Plax takes a look at the stone Lyka gave him as his thinks this through.

Plax pages: "(Can I read any of Lyka's thoughts/feelings right now?)"

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (1d10): 1 No diff given.

[OOC] Valyros says, "*Stsptsptpstpstpsp*"

Rade blinks, remembering. "Oh, I was comming back to tell you when we got sidetracked. I found...some...help...but it'll take them a day to get organized."

Plax says, "Who did you find?"

Valyros says, "What kind of help Rade?"

Typheous quirks an eyebrow at this, waiting for Rade's answer.

Halda laughs, "Only half the spirits in the forest..."

Psyche nods. "Demonstrably effective against the fae." She turns to glance at Rade.

Rade says, "Woodland creatures, spirits, wolves...anyone we could find..." she smiles at Halda, nodding. "If we can hold that long, they'll help.""

Valyros says, "That's wonderful Rade! You'll be a Mystic yet!"

Plax has received your page: "She is bored and restless and worried about your whereabouts."

Rade blushes prettily, even beneith all the gore.

Plax nods. "By then...we'll have the full compliments of Knights here, which is dawn, and up to 200 Fae from the west, in the evening".

[OOC] Eclipse whistles innocently.

Typheous grins at this news. "So we can oust Caine as well then? How many, Rade? Do you know?"

[OOC] Rade eyes Clippy.

Plax says, "They might be the Fae here, but I doubt they'll beat the Knights in getting organzied."

[OOC] Plax says, "beat, organized. *channels Al*"

Valyros turns back to Starling, "What is the first step of our path? How long will the whole thing take?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Organza knights!"

Psyche frowns slightly, watching Valyros. "I don't think you understand, Lady del'Zenivras. Until we tell her what path we're taking, she knows nothing about it..."

Starling, "I know only how to reach destinations. I do not think in terms of steps. How can I speak of the road if I do not know which path you will take?"

Plax looks at Starling. "Can you tell me this? Why do the Fae want to destroy Order so much? I've never fully understood it".

Typheous frowns darkly. "So what paths are there?" His music is growing darker.

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

Plax says, "And I'm speaking in general terms, obviously."

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 1 second, the world is saved once more.

Valyros says, "I think the most obvious is stay in town and defend it from both sides."

Valyros says, "I doubt that we can find some powerful artifact to help us or some deus ex machina come by to aid us."

Starling, "The touch of Order destroys us. Many fear that which can bring them harm. That fear breeds hatred. That hatred breeds violence. Of course, some merely lash out at Order because they are creatures of Chaos, attacking merely on impulse. These are not the Fae you must fear, however. Those beings of Chaos nearest Order are tainted by Order and can thus become organized. Such Fae are dangerous beyond belief, though they owe their strength to that which they seek to destroy."

Starling, "I do not know the paths, only the destinations of the path others choose."

Valyros says, "Why can't we all get along? I mean, our people were once fae ourselves, right?"

Rade frowns. "Can we find a way to make order and chaos...live in union?"

Typheous nods slowly and turns to the others. "So what do we do? Wait for the woodland creatures to come and help us?"

Plax says, "We thrive on things that don't mix. Order and Chaos. What we need is what Rade suggests. But I don't think we can do it this quickly, let alone in a day or two."

Starling, "The lady speaks the truth, but elves are more touched by Order, now, than Chaos, and that makes them even more hateful to some of the Fae, who consider them traitors to Chaos.

Valyros says, "I agree."

[OOC] Rade says, "oh great"

Valyros says, "I am not a traitor to Chaos, as much as I am a servant of Order. I simply try to be the best being I can, trying to strive a balance between them as best I can."

[OOC] You say, "Note she didn't say "all" or even "most," just "some.""

Starling, "I am not a philosopher, my lady. I am merely a humble Guide."

Psyche's brows furrow. "And what about the rest of the Fae? Which portion comes to attack at evening?"

Rade shakes her head, frowning deeply. "Then guide us down the path that will succeede in bringing some sort of balance between chaos and order..."

Typheous nods at Psyche's words, his music seeming to lose just a bit of edge. "The rest of the fae..."

Starling, "Therein lies the problem. The Fae have encountered these Knights, and those capable of fear and rage perceive them as a serious threat to Chaos. They would destroy the Knights and those allied with them. They are the greatest threat Chaos has ever known, for they appear to be beings of invioble Order. Look how much harm came to your friend whose powers are the same as the Knights."

[OOC] Eclipse learns himself to spell inviolable...

Plax nods. "We are hardly allies, nor was this exactly a condition I chose. Nor do I believe that all the Knights that were created up north were willingly made Knights". He pauses. "Wait...maybe that would convince the Fae".

Valyros says, "Too bad we can't combine the Fae and the Knights to be one being at peace with itself..."

Psyche nods slowly. "So they come against the Knights and their allies?"

[OOC] Rade says, "oh lord help us, don't say that"

Plax sighs. "I should have seen this coming. The Fae would naturally come after the Knights once they found out about them. It's a huge threat on their doorstep, so to speak".

Psyche . o O ( Didn't I -say- that? )

Starling, "Precisely, Plax. So you understand why the Fae seek to destroy them."

Typheous paces in step with his music, shifting between darkness and a lighter, but still frustrated melody. . o O ( Yes... Want another kiss for that too? ) His tone is mostly serious, not teasing at all right now. "So we have some of the Fae chasing the Knights.... And if the Knights were destroyed?"

Plax says, "They'd see Wyzdin as a place to destroy too, wouldn't they? What with the Masters going after those in the southeast."

Psyche . o O ( No, I'm just making sure I was right. )

Valyros says, "So we can't just kick them out and have the rest of the Fae ignore us. We're screwed either way."

Rade smiles wryly. "I somehow doubt they'd listen if we tried to talk to them too..." She sighs.

Starling, "Can the Fae destroy the Knights? You have seen they cannot. Caine told you as much. It was his intention, after all, and he is a skilled mage. Many Fae do not understand that creatures of Order are not always of one mind. Only those of us who have walked among you recognize there are dispairities."

Rade says, "Maybe if we showed them it's a fight they cannot win?"

Valyros says, "Yes, I would hate to see something, a cold mind, emotionless, thinking in only perfect Order, and sharing the bodies of an entire nation of... things. It's horrible to even imagine."

Plax says, "That still leaves Caine in charge, however."

Plax says, "And he'll eventually send his Knights after the Fae. It's his goal, after all."

Valyros says, "And the Knights breeding in ever increasing numbers."

Rade frowns, nodding.

Starling, "Perhaps that was intention, perhaps not. Caine is clever but far from omniscient."

Typheous sighs. "So we've talked ourselves into a corner again..."

Plax nods. "One of his goals. He wanted control of Thesulah. Take my father's place and have an eternal rule".

Valyros says, "What can we do other than slay Caine and all his bastard ilk?"

Rade sighs softly, shaking her head. "We need to find a way to stop this battle...if we can."

Psyche frowns. "And the only solution is to eliminate the Knights somehow...there must be another."

Plax looks at Valyros. "And do you think we could slay 400 Knights?"

[OOC] Eclipse whistles innocently.

Plax says, "We had trouble with 5 Fae."

[OOC] Typheous says, "No, we had trouble with 1 Fae. The rest were push overs."

Valyros says, "I can stop a few from regenerating, but no, not that many Knights. Things look rather hopeless..."

[OOC] Plax says, "Point"

[OOC] You say, "The Sidhe helped a lot, though..."

Plax starts hovering back and forth. "If we could turn back time...but none of us can do that. If we take out Caine, what would happen to the control of the Knights?"

Starling, "Which destination do you seek?"

Typheous frowns slightly. "What... if... Caine was manipulating our magics? About the rouge Knights, I mean... Or lying about them being rouges."

[OOC] Rade sings. "If we could tuuuurn back tiime....if we could find a wayyy..."

Psyche arches a brow. "There is either hope, in which case we continue to think and plan, or there is no hope, in which case we open our wrists here and now. Choose one. I intend to keep fighting." She glances around. "Where's Mer?"

Valyros says, "UNLESS we can open a gate to a Chaos Zone and leave them to burst, or what ever would happen to something really Orderly that is penetrated by pure Chaos."

Plax nods. "My thoughts exactly, Typheous. Under extreme circumstances, it's possible for a Myshaar to skirt the truth some".

Valyros says, "I will definately keep fighting, till my last breath."

You say, "Mereke is nowhere to be seen. She apparently didn't follow you here...""

[OOC] Rade says, "one more monkeywrench"

[OOC] Eclipse grins.

[OOC] Typheous says, "I know. We'll let her kill the Knights and then just jump her."

Plax thinks. "Maybe Mereke can help. She can supposedly take out a Knight, can't she? Isn't that her purprose?"

Rade shakes her head. "Whatever we decide, I think we should go back to the village, we have to take care of those people, and the students."

[OOC] Psyche says, "She still on the minimap? She was with us before we ran to help Starling."

Typheous frowns darkly at Plax. "Her 'purpose' is to destroy 'monsters' which we all fit that description to her."

Eclipse [to Psyche]: She apparently wandered north beyond the edge of the minimap and into Wyzdin.

Plax looks at the others. "I want to to save Wyzdin, myself. Get rid of the Knights, and perhaps the attacking Fae as well. I think that's as good a starting point as any right now".

Plax says, "The townspeople won't stand for the Knights for long. Remember how the hated mages? How will they feel about the Knights?"

Starling, "A starting point, or a destination?" Her eyes glitter suggestively.

Psyche frowns. "Mer's gone back to Wyzdin. She knows Caine is the source of the Knights..."

Valyros says, "I just wish that all of these threats to reality as we know it, both of ours would just stop."

Psyche . o O ( That sounds like a destination... )

Plax looks back at Starling. "My hometown, the place I was supposed to govern one day, was overrun by those Knights. I don't plan on abandoning them, but there's nothing I can do for them right now".

Typheous scowls. "Well, we might not have to deal with Caine... if we're lucky... or Mer's just brought a lot more attention to her abilities." . o O ( Yes...)

Psyche . o O ( A destination: to get rid of the Knights and the attacking Fae? )

Typheous . o O ( Definately a destination. )

Psyche . o O ( Ask the rest, then, dear? )

Starling, "I am a Guide, not a djinni."

Valyros says, "I know, just a general wish."

[OOC] Rade says, "I want to meat a fae djinni"

[OOC] Rade says, "meet even"

[OOC] Eclipse doesn't recommend it, actually...

[OOC] Rade erms. "Then again, maybe I don't." *eyes eric*

[OOC] Valyros says, "How long we going to keep going?"

[OOC] Plax eyes back. *Careful about using the name Eric around here*

Rade looks at Starling. "Can a destination be how we wish things to end?"

Typheous glances to the others. "So defeating the Knights and stopping the attacking Fae is a destination for our guide, wouldn't it?"

[OOC] Rade grins.

Valyros says, "Yes."

Starling nods, "Is that the destination you seek?"

Valyros says, "One of many, but the most important, yes."

Rade chews on her lower lip. "May we choose any destination?"

Typheous shrugs slightly. "It's the best one I can think of right now."

Starling, "Yes. But the more distant the destination, the more trying the journey."

Rade nods. "I would choose to save both fae and knights...though perhaps return the knights back to what they once were. If it were possible."

Valyros says, "I would wish that we can all live in relative harmony, I know I've seen my people tear each other apart simply due to race. It is a similar situation with the Knights and Fae, I just wish such thing would not happen."

Valyros says, "Elegantly said Rade."

Psyche listens, considering. . o O ( Will the price to save the fae and Knights be too high to pay? ) "And what about the townsfolk and the students?"

Typheous . o O ( Can you save both Order and Chaos? )

Valyros says, "I wish ALL to get along..."

Rade says, "That all that can be saved, would be saved"

Psyche frowns slightly. . o O ( So many variables. It sounds so nice when she says it... )

[OOC] Valyros says, "Can we finish this next time?"

Typheous takes a deep breath. "But can we save both Order and Chaos?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "This will take forever :P"

Starling, "Then the destination you seek is to restore humanity to the Knights and save those who can be saved on both sides?"

[OOC] You say, "I'm about three poses from done for the week, actually."

Valyros says, "Yes."

Typheous nods as well, his music calming.

Rade nods, eyes sharpening. "Whatever it takes to save what we can."

Psyche says, "On -all- sides."

Plax glances to the others, seeming to be trying to compose himself somewhat, then nods.

Psyche moves to Typheous's side, reaching for his hand.

Typheous takes Psyche's hand practically unconsiously.

Starling, "Hear, then, the Path you must take. Psyche, you must go with Mereke to the Node of Portals in Theusleh, to a place where the Wraith's power is greatest. Her strength will protect you from them, though. And in the center of that Node, before the month of Entropy ends, you must sacrifice her with a knife of cold iron plated in silver. Her deity-empowered blood will make the Iron Curtain whole again. You must go alone, and you must blot out Typheous while you travel, lest your whereabouts be discovered. The others must seek out and destroy Caine. His magic is potent and far-reaching. He has used it to make mortals forget one important truth about magic - it cannot outlive its creator. If Caine dies, the Knights will be no more."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Oooh, that's nice."

[OOC] Typheous grins. Killing time. :)

Starling, "Take heed, though, that Mereke will fight you if she knows your intentions. You must trick her into bringing you to that place."

[OOC] Rade says, "ouch"

Valyros says, "That is something I like to hear, but Mer is a demi-god?"

Psyche shakes her head. "She has been called by the new gods, Lady del'Zenivras."

Typheous squeezes your hand, looking over at you. . o O ( Just come back to me alive, Psyche. )

[OOC] Psyche says, "You being me, I assume."

[OOC] Typheous says, "your being Pscyhe.."

Valyros sighs, "Seems like the new gods are as inobservant as the old gods..."

Starling, "Only by some of the new gods, not all of them. There are many, many gods. Those who chose her would have no mortal ever threaten their power with the Great Ritual again. They would be gods eternal in a world where even immortality is not eternal. Her blood therefore runs strong in Order."

Psyche tightens her hand in Typheous's, pulling him a little closer. . o O ( I have every intention of it, Typh... ) There's a long pause. . o O ( I didn't think I was going to have it proven to me quite so soon why I should have eschewed emotion... ) She listens carefully to Starling.

Valyros grips her hands at that comment.

Plax looks to the others. "Well, looks like we've got a lot to do, if we're going to succeed," he says quietly after a moment.

Rade's gaze shifts from determination to shock. Sacrifice Mereke? Fight Caine? She sighs softly, staying silent.

Typheous lets his arm slip around Psyche, if she'll let him. . o O ( I'll be fine. And I believe in you, Psyche. )

Valyros says, "Definately. We should get ready for our missions."

Psyche nods,taking a deep breath, not looking at all happy about her part in this.

[OOC] You say, "And that is where we will end for the night."

[OOC] You say, "RP votes?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Whoo!"

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 7h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Valyros 6h 1s OOC PC

Psyche 5h 44s IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Typheous 6h 1m IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

Rade 6h 1m OOC Tec

Plax 5h 1m IC PC Being made crazy by Caine, page for lessons!

Sekkyro 5h 2m OOC Tec

Melyne 5h 6m OOC Tec

--[Sun Oct 12 01:55:55 2003]--------------------------------[8 users; 0s lag]--

[OOC] Psyche says, "Good, "

Valyros pages: "Rade"

*** Added 4 XP to Valyros's Experience ***

[OOC] Psyche says, "'cause I'm about to pass out."

*** Added 4 XP to Psyche's Experience ***

*** Added 4 XP to Typheous's Experience ***

Plax pages: "Rade"

*** Added 4 XP to Rade's Experience ***

*** Added 4 XP to Plax's Experience ***

[OOC] Rade says, "what, you've wanted to kill her for months :)"

Psyche pages: "Rade."

[OOC] Psyche says, "-I- have :P"

Psyche pages: "A good way to get me out of the way. :)"

Typheous pages: "plax"

Rade pages: "Plax"

[OOC] Rade says, "I have -got- to spend xp"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Nah, she just doesn't want to be that far from her man. ;)"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Well I need to go to bed. Good night everybody!"

Valyros has disconnected.

*** Added 1 XP to Rade's Experience ***

[OOC] You say, "Rade gets the RP point."

[OOC] Typheous should head to bed too.. Yay for Rade!

[OOC] Rade preens

[OOC] You say, "Sorry about the 4 1/2 hour combat, folks."

[OOC] Plax says, "It happens"

[OOC] Rade says, "heh, that's just because during a fight all I have to do is rp :)"

The resolution of Valyros fades. With a hiss of static their disconnected body implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

[OOC] Rade nods. "Was fun."

[OOC] Rade says, "Someone tell me what to spend xp on :)"

[OOC] Plax says, "Combat skills? ;)"

[OOC] Rade says, "-Eclipse Gimme a seeking! :)"

[OOC] Typheous says, "How much WP can I get back for the marathon of fencing? (celebrant:fencing)"

[OOC] Eclipse found it amusing that no one noticed that the troll didn't have any soak against Plax's blood-sucking. It's a Pattern attack, after all. It would have been a much shorter battle...

[OOC] Plax says, "The problem was that it was regenerating it"

[OOC] Psyche is half sleeping.

Eclipse [to Typheous]: 2 WP.

[OOC] Plax says, "Or, being healed. And it's diff 8 to pull that off, and I was completely tapped out of WP by the end of that fight."

[OOC] Psyche never regains WP :)

[OOC] You say, "Well, actually, the Sidhe kept healing it..."

[OOC] Plax didn't want to botch a bloodsucking roll...

[OOC] Rade says, "so that's what it was doing, I was wondering if you forgot it some rounds :)"

[OOC] Rade says, "hrm"

[OOC] You say, "No more than I forgot Halda's actions when she was invis. What did you think about Halda's Mad Whack combat skills, once she had some time to beef them up?"

[OOC] Psyche will be working next two weekends, will be around for the first hour or two of RP only so as to be able to get up at 3 AM.

[OOC] Rade grins. "The pup has to make up for my mad lack of skills. :)

[OOC] Psyche says, "So maybe I can get some of that in there, Clippy, if you have time."

[OOC] Typheous makes a note to never flirt with Rade again lest he end up as a eunech

[OOC] Plax can though. It'll just grow back.

[OOC] Rade laughs

[OOC] Plax says, "Until Lyka gets ahold of me..."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Oooo.... Typh gets to angst about not being able to save his woman. :)"

[OOC] Psyche grins.

[OOC] Rade says, "I think the girl -still- has your guts splattered all over her.."

[OOC] Plax says, "Oh, Z? Can we say that Plax, umm, eliminates that other half of his body? Don't wanna leave something like that around for sympathetic magic..."

Eclipse [to Psyche]: What's your schedule like this week? I think some blue-booking is unavoidable.

[OOC] Rade says, "might make a decent pickup line. "Hey baby, you look great with me all over you...""

[OOC] You say, "-plax Yeah. That would be a bad idea..."

[OOC] Typheous will hack at it with his agg blades. :)

[OOC] Plax says, "What kind of bonuses would having half the guy's body give to magic against him? I don't wanna know..."

[OOC] Plax can hack at it with his agg blade, too. :)

[OOC] Plax can hack up his own body!

[OOC] Typheous chuckles.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Anyway, I should head to bed. Is a sleepy Typheous."

[OOC] Plax says, "You have any idea how surreal that'll be?"

[OOC] Rade says, "night"

Rade pages: "any chance of a seeking of sorts? Or just gonna have to ride that out and dump xp elsewhere?"

Psyche [to Eclipse]: I work 4 AM to 5 PM, so I'm usually semi-free between 6 and 8:30 PM. "Give you some free time" my ass.

[OOC] Plax says, "Night, Typh"

Rade has received your page: "You figure out who Starling is, you'll get a Seeking out of it. Okay?"

(remotely) Rade raises an eyebrow.

[OOC] Plax hmms. "You know...I was wondering. If Plax was cleaved exactly in half, would 2 new Plaxes heal up?"

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Hrm. And I don't get home until 7:30 all week... You work tomorrow?

Rade pages: "I'd better not start getting this urge to wash my hands...a -lot-"

Eclipse [to Plax]: Getting back to the earthworm question, are we?

[OOC] Plax says, "Well, given that Plax is apparently part earthworm..."

[OOC] Typheous hmmms... Plax clones.... So that's how the Knights really reproduce!

[OOC] Eclipse sings. "Earthworm Plax, to the surface he did crawl..."

Psyche says, "I have to be in bed by 8:30 or 9 tomorrow to work Monday, and there's transit to Indy. Otherwise no. The other option is the LJ bluebooking."

[OOC] Plax grins. "I could create my own army to beat back the Knights!"

[OOC] Typheous thinks we've just revised our plan here. ;)

[OOC] Rade says, "ooo, can I get some wp back for caring for Plax and Halda? :)"

[OOC] Plax could rule the world! Oh, wait...that's what Caine is trying to do, right?

Eclipse [to Rade]: Yes. 2 WP.

[OOC] Rade thought Rade's nature and demenor were reversed

Eclipse [to Psyche]: How much are you going to be online tomorrow?

[OOC] Rade says, "whoot"

[OOC] Plax says, "Hey, Z? After all Plax has gone through, can I change his Nature to 'Survivor?" It seems to fit better..."

[OOC] You say, "Sure. And I suppose that means you want 2 WP back, too?"

[OOC] Plax nahs, that wouldn't be fair.

[OOC] Eclipse nods.

[OOC] Plax says, "He just hasn't done much in the caregiving aspect lately."

[OOC] Plax says, "Or at all, really..."

[OOC] Rade says, "it's hard to caregive as a psuedo-undead"

[OOC] Rade says, "all that blood....."

[OOC] Psyche says, "What, about as much as Psy's done in the aRchitect aspect lately? But that's becaue I suck."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Mmmm.. blood.. anyway... nightnight all"

[OOC] Plax will swap his Nature and Demeanors, basically. Now he'll look like a caregiver but really be a survivor.

[OOC] You say, "Night, Mort."

[OOC] Plax cares for the blood!

Typheous has disconnected.

[OOC] You say, "Riiight..."

[OOC] Rade says, "yummy blood"

[OOC] Plax hugs and slurps it and calls it George...

[OOC] Psyche follows T to bed.

Eclipse [to Psyche]: How much are you going to be online tomorrow?

[OOC] Plax grins to Psyche. "Actually, I should have changed Plax's nature after he rejoined the group. Night!"

[OOC] Rade says, "night P"

Psyche [to Eclipse]: Oh, tomorrow? Most of the afternoon, probably. Noonish to fourish, then seven to nine unless I go to bed early.

Psyche is such a friggin' nethead.

Eclipse [to Psyche]: In any case, I'll be around. I can always move my phone calls to evening/night. We'll do at least a bit of blue-booking.

[OOC] Plax is, too. Don't worry about it. IT's alright.

[OOC] Plax says, "Hey, Eclipse? Would Plax gain any resonance for dying twice?"

Psyche nods.

[OOC] You say, "Do you need any more Entropic Resonance than you already have?"

[OOC] You say, "Night, Nykki."

[OOC] Plax only has 1...

[OOC] You say, "You want 2 more? You can call the precise type. Entropic and/or Static, with flavors of your choice."

[OOC] Psyche snugs around and scampers off.

[OOC] Plax cools. "I think I'll take 'Death' for Entropic and another dot of 'Agelessness' for Static". :)

[OOC] Plax snugs Psyche. "Sleep well".

[OOC] Plax needs to find a way to up his Dynamic Resonance at some point...might be tricky.

[OOC] Rade says, "I might toss you a short list of xp expenditures for your approval next weekend clippy"

[OOC] Rade says, "like, mebbie one dot of strength"

[OOC] Rade says, "she's been doing a lot of physical stuff lately :)"

[OOC] Plax gasps!

[OOC] You say, "Fine by me. I'm in Permissive Mode, these days. Comes from having just a couple sessions left."

[OOC] Rade says, "I know!"

[OOC] Plax is an XP away from having enough for a 2 in some sphere.

[OOC] Rade says, "I didn't think I'd ever up her physical except for maybe dex, but I dunno wher eelse to put it."

[OOC] You say, "Yeah, you attacked a lot tonight. Didn't do much damage, but sure did attack a lot."

[OOC] Plax needs Entropy 2, I think...

[OOC] Rade says, "if you swing enough times you hit something eventually!"

[OOC] You say, "Aren't you glad it wasn't 3 trolls and 2 sidhe?"

[OOC] Rade whimpers

[OOC] Plax says, "New rule: Sidhe die first. Everyone else follows after. And what was it I killed at the beginning? The hawk-shifter fae?"

[OOC] You say, "Red Caps are just shock troops."

[OOC] Rade says, "actually, plax and Ty would be enough, with Val raining down arrows...Plax the invincible, Ty the parrying fool, and Val the demon :)"

[OOC] Rade says, "They need white armor"

[OOC] Plax says, "My armor broke. Along with my sai. *needs to get a new sai*"

[OOC] Rade says, "or is Red Cap just another name for Red Shirt :)"

[OOC] You say, "That was actually a Pooka. Remember the thing that put one of the PCs to sleep for the entire combat way back when? One of those."

[OOC] You say, "-rade Possibly that, too..."

[OOC] Plax wasn't here for that combat. "Ohh, I killed a Pooka!" *glee*

[OOC] Rade says, "heh heh"

[OOC] Plax could actually repair his sai, I bet. Crafts 2, Dex 4...

[OOC] Rade says, "I could matter it back together"

[OOC] Plax cheers! *needs his sai back* I can't defend without my sai.

[OOC] Plax says, "As we saw..."

[OOC] Rade grins

[OOC] Rade says, "we'll get it fixed up"

[OOC] Rade says, "maybe even turn it to steel, so it's harder to chop through :)"

[OOC] Rade says, "or platinum, or whatever's better"

[OOC] Rade says, "diamond!"

[OOC] Plax drools at Entropy 2. "Logical Result. Add dice to my archery pool...".

[OOC] You say, "Bah. It was just descriptive color, and you know it."

[OOC] You say, "That's pretty frickin' scary, Eus..."

[OOC] Plax says, "And it's easier to add to a high dice pool!"

[OOC] Plax says, "If only I could find a way to Agg all the arrows in my quiver at once..."

[OOC] Rade says, "ag the wood, and make it from that :)"

[OOC] Plax says, "I'd have to add the metal, actually, where the tips are made from."

[OOC] Plax says, "agg, rather"

[OOC] Rade says, "agg that works too :)"

[OOC] Plax says, "Plus us the arrows in a day."

[OOC] Plax says, "use..."

[OOC] Plax hrms. "I think Entropy or Mind are the only spheres worth saving up for. Don't think I'll have time to save up enough for Time 3".

[OOC] Rade says, "mmm"

[OOC] Rade says, "if we had a forces person here I could probably be a fireball chucker before you know it"

[OOC] Plax says, "Entropy 2, Time 3...6 attacks/round, adding dice to my archery pool, splitting attacks...Having 7 dice for 12 attacks in one turn. Scary?"

[OOC] Eclipse always finds it amusing that players in the cabal that has been in, I think, 2 combats this entire chronicle, talk about the interesting ways to make their characters walking death engines.

[OOC] Plax says, "Hey, Plax was built to be a fighter, you know that."

[OOC] Rade grins. "I usually only worry about it after the fight, cause I realize just how useless Rade is in a battle." :)

[OOC] Rade says, "she'd make a great ephagan"

[OOC] Rade says, "or however you spell it"

[OOC] Plax says, "Ephagan? Freudian slip? "

[OOC] Plax says, "Epagan, IIRC?"

[OOC] You say, "If she didn't have a Phylactery that gnawed off random men's naughty bits..."

[OOC] Rade says, "well....yeah.... :)"

[OOC] You say, "Epagan. Epaga is Agape spelled backward."

[OOC] You say, "As in "absolute love," not as in staring with your mouth hanging open..."

[OOC] Plax says, "But, that's what they did if a fight broke out..."

[OOC] Rade says, "heh"

[OOC] Plax had to admit he liked watching people's reactions when Plax came back to life after being hit with 12L and 14L attacks respectively.

[OOC] You say, "That was definitely fun. Yeah, the combat lasted forever, but it wasn't because you had a million weakling baddies to cut down. Most of the battle dealt with that seriously whacked out Red Cap, the troll, and the Sidhe."

[OOC] Plax nods. "The Pooka and, umm...who else was there? It died so fast...".

[OOC] You say, "The way it works is the Red Caps (like Halda) can roll against a trait. Each success is the number of extra attacks it can make until the end of the scene. The rolls aren't cumulative - only the highest one counts. But that second Red Cap rolled 5 successes on 5 dice - 6 actions per turn. That was a bit worrying..."

[OOC] You say, "You took down the first Red Cap by surprise, really. Didn't make it past the first turn. That poor Pooka... Charging the archers probably wasn't the best idea..."

[OOC] Plax nods. "Yeah. Plax with 9 dice and 2 shots/round...it was pretty much doomed".

[OOC] Plax was surprised how well Plax did in melee though, to be honest. He went toe-to-toe with that Troll for a long time...

[OOC] You say, "He was bloody lucky for those first few turns, though, you'll have to admit. Kept getting almost exactly enough successes to parry."

[OOC] Plax nods. "Yeah. The sai is /incredibly/ useful for parrying with Plax, and the troll seemed to get just enough to dodge/parry".

[OOC] Plax says, "The sad thing is that, in game time, we probably actually had about 30 or 45 minutes pass, given how long combat rounds are...;)"

[OOC] You say, "With 3-second rounds? Probably 10 minutes, tops."

[OOC] Plax nods. "I was including the time after talking in my calculating".

[OOC] Plax needs to type up a 'If Plax could write this down' journal entry sometime.

[OOC] You say, "Ah, then you're probably right. Any guesses about Starling's role in all this?"

[OOC] Plax says, "Probably achieve some sort of balance. She's lived among those 'of Order', after all, and she doesn't want us dead instantly it seems."

[OOC] Plax says, "Stop the wars between Fae and Beings of Order, I would guess."

[OOC] You say, "She appeared to Rade and Tsharing way back in like session 5 or 10. Nomin knew about her, too. Who is she? Or what?"

[OOC] You say, "Ah well. Only one PC is likely to figure it out, for reasons I can't give, yet."

[OOC] Rade mms.

[OOC] Rade is, frankly, terrified.

[OOC] Plax has no idea, honestly, but that's part of being ICly (and sometimes OOCly) clueless about some of the stuff they found out.

[OOC] Rade liked how everyone defended the fae without question :)

[OOC] Plax says, "Logical strategy. We kill the other 5, we at least gain her gratitude or, if she tries to attack us, it's now all of us against 1 of her."

[OOC] Rade says, "heh heh"

[OOC] Plax says, "Anyway, bedtime. Night all."

[OOC] Rade says, "night night"

Plax has disconnected.

The resolution of Plax fades. With a hiss of static his disconnected body implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

[OOC] You say, "Bedtime. Night, Matt. Good game."

Logfile from Malakai

Welcome to Malaki.

Malaki is a closed core for established players only.

If you are an existing player, type 'con <character-name> <password>' to login.

If you are not an existing player, contact Lakos (lakos@mistwalker.org) to request a character.

*** Connected ***

Malakai (An IC-Neutral Location)

The room for the Mage: Epic Fantasy games.

The comfortable couch is invitingly empty. The lumpy sofa is invitingly empty. The Peanut Gallery contains no spectators. The rocking chair is invitingly empty. Psyche and Typheous are lying together on the floor.

You see Plot Janitor here.

Obvious exits include Nexus (out, o).

Eclipse has connected.

You were last connected at Sun Oct 12 13:27:54 2003 EST from CPE-65-25-245-215.mn.rr.com. Your current e-mail address is z_wad@hotmail.com; if this is incorrect, please re-register by typing `@register as user@host`.

Your registered e-mail address is used for important administrative functions, such as sending you a new password if you forget yours. It is your responsibility to ensure it is correct.

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 2s 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Melyne 4h 4h OOC Tec

Sekkyro 11h 11h OOC Tec

Psyche 11h 11h IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

--[Sun Oct 12 13:48:14 2003]--------------------------------[4 users; 0s lag]--

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 17m 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Melyne 5h 5h OOC Tec

Sekkyro 11h 11h OOC Tec

Psyche 11h 11h IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

--[Sun Oct 12 14:06:04 2003]--------------------------------[4 users; 0s lag]--

[OOC] Psyche needs a quick nap, then will be back to play, K?

[OOC] Psyche says, "So probly ~1:30."

[OOC] You say, "No problem. I'm here when you're ready. I have plenty of other things I'm working on while I'm waiting."

I don't understand that.

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 57m 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Psyche 12h 35m IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Melyne 5h 5h OOC Tec

Sekkyro 12h 12h OOC Tec

--[Sun Oct 12 14:45:21 2003]--------------------------------[4 users; 0s lag]--

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 1h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Psyche 12h 55m IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Melyne 6h 6h OOC Tec

Sekkyro 12h 12h OOC Tec

--[Sun Oct 12 15:05:04 2003]--------------------------------[4 users; 0s lag]--

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 1h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Psyche 13h 1h IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Melyne 6h 6h OOC Tec

Sekkyro 13h 13h OOC Tec

--[Sun Oct 12 15:25:54 2003]--------------------------------[4 users; 0s lag]--

[OOC] Psyche says, "Okay."

[OOC] Psyche will be a little slow, but is here now.

[OOC] You say, "Slow? Busy with other stuff or still a bit drowsy?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Busy with other stuff too."

[OOC] Eclipse nods.

Psyche will head back toward Wyzdin after saying goodbye to Typheous, which we'll work out later. :)

Eclipse puts on his dragon medallion. "Starling, "Hear, then, the Path you must take. Psyche, you must go with Mereke to the Node of Portals in Theusleh, to a place where the Wraith's power is greatest. Her strength will protect you from them, though. And in the center of that Node, before the month of Entropy ends, you must sacrifice her with a knife of cold iron plated in silver. Her deity-empowered blood will make the Iron Curtain whole again. You must go alone, and you must blot out Typheous while you travel, lest your whereabouts be discovered. Take heed, though, that Mereke will fight you if she knows your intentions. You must trick her into bringing you to that place. Only by some of the new gods, not all of them. There are many, many gods. Those who chose her would have no mortal ever threaten their power with the Great Ritual again. They would be gods eternal in a world where even immortality is not eternal. Her blood therefore runs strong in Order."

[OOC] You say, "Okay. Was just going to recap, but that works."

[OOC] Psyche has her scrollback up.

You say, "Mereke is on her way back to the academy and her dorm."

Psyche jogs to catch up, mind racing to think of a suitable half-truth that she won't be likely to misspeak.

You say, "One of the sheaths in Mereke's bandolier is empty. She seems a bit surprised to see you."

Psyche slows as Mereke sees her. "Mer..." A long sigh. "I need your help."

Mereke, "The five of you couldn't handle a few Fae on your own?"

Psyche shakes her head. "No, we handled the Fae. It's the next bit I'm going to need your help with. Where did your knife go?"

Mereke smirks, "I seem to have left it in town, somewhere. Ah well. I'm sure I can find a replacement for it."

Psyche bites her tongue. "I'm sure you can." She shifts, obviously uncomfortable with the position she's in. "You understand, I'm sure, that it's a measure of my desperation that I'm asking you for help."

Mereke smiles, "How flattering. I'm glad people only ask me for help when they're really desperate. All the pleas would get annoying if they were bleating my direction all the time, I suppose."

Psyche's eyes narrow slightly. "Someone else can ask you for help when they're not. I happen to find an insurmountable ideological wall between you and me, which precludes me 'bleating' in your direction. That said, I need your help."

Mereke, "I thought I was already helping you by agreeing to fight the Fae and vampires."

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 4, 10, 8, 3, 10, 2, 1, 1 No diff given.

Psyche takes a deep breath and lets it out. "This is part of that battle. I need to go back to Theuslah, back into the section controlled by wraiths, and I do not have the strength to survive it on my own."

Mereke, "Then why not take your cabal? There are a lot of innocent people here who need my protection, especially now that Caine's vampires have been given free reign over Wyzdin."

You say, "The last sentence is bitter."

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 7, 1, 7, 9, 6, 5, 10, 1 ** 0 successes (diff 8) **

Psyche sighs, tensing. "Because they're sending me to Theuslah while they stay here to deal with Caine." She cuts herself off there.

Mereke, "They seem to be having a lot of dealings with Caine, lately, don't they? He'll be Governor Caine before this is done."

Psyche bristles slightly. "Not if Plax can help it. They intend to destroy him, and by doing so to end the magic - his magic - that created the Knights."

Caine, "They'll need all the help they can get to take down a Master, especially one as devious as Caine. The Fae will be coming to Wyzdin soon. How does our fleeing to Theusleh connect to the war against Fae and vampire?"

[OOC] Psyche shudders. Mer just turned into Caine?

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 1, 6, 7, 10, 3, 10, 9, 10 ** 3 successes (diff 8) **

[OOC] Eclipse sighs. Oops.

[OOC] Psyche grins.

[OOC] Eclipse has Caine on the brain, apparently.

Psyche straightens her shoulders, bristling again. "We would not be fleeing. There is something that can be done in Theuslah against the Fae, something that apparently I will know how to do when I arrive there, or so it was prophecied." The words are a growl almost. "If I were fleeing, I would take Typheous with me, not you."

You don't perceive a character by the name of "consider this for a long moment." around here.

Mereke, "I'd find it suspicious if you did otherwise."

You say, "She seems to consider this for a long moment."

Psyche glances back toward where the group is. "It was not my decision that I should go. I am doing this against my will, but my desires and emotions are insignificant, given the magnitude of the conflict we are in."

Mereke, "Now you know how I feel. You don't have any urges to kill your friends, do you?"

You say, "This last is sarcastic."

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 2, 5, 1, 2, 8, 6, 9, 5 No diff given.

Psyche bristles, eyes flashing, but holds her temper. "No," she growls.

Mereke, "Ah, so you don't quite know. So, does this prophecy of yours explain how leaving Wyzdin's people to their fates will help defeat the Fae?"

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 7, 7, 4, 2, 10, 4, 6, 1 ** 0 successes (diff 8) **

Psyche sighs. "My part is to defeat the Fae. My cabal's part is to destroy Caine. There is nothing about leaving Wyzdin to its fate."

Mereke, "You *do* remember the bit about the vampires and Fae reaching and attacking Wyzdin within a day or two, don't you? How is our leaving not leaving Wyzdin's people to their fates, again?"

Psyche closes her eyes. "If my cabal does its part, there will -be- no vampires to attack Wyzdin within a day or two. Which is all the more reason for me to make haste to complete my part."

Mereke, "And the Fae?"

Mereke, "Are they just going to get bored of butchering people and go back to the other side of the Iron Curtain, then?"

Psyche speaks very slowly. "My responsibility, according to the prophesy. And I cannot do it without you."

Mereke, "And this prophecy doesn't go into any detail about how your going to Theusleh is going to defeat the Fae?"

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 3, 1, 7, 4, 9, 10, 2, 2 ** 1 success (diff 8) **

[OOC] Psyche says, "Whew."

[OOC] Eclipse grins.

Psyche shakes her head. "I am to go to the Node of Portals there. Then I will know what I have to do."

[OOC] Psyche says, "You would give the girl with compulsive honesty the job of tricking Mer into ocming with her."

Mereke, "Perhaps we'll at least have another pocket of Order to run to if we go there? What are you hiding from me, Psyche? What exactly are we going to be doing that will stop the Fae invasion?"

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 2, 9, 8, 5, 4, 6, 10, 5 ** 3 successes (diff 8) **

Psyche's voice is exasperated. "I don't fucking well know, Mer. Godsdamnit."

[OOC] You say, "It's actually possible to trick her without lying. You know her vulnerabilities by now, don't you?"

[OOC] You say, "She's looking for the result, not the method, after all."

[OOC] Psyche will amend that last.

Psyche's voice is exasperated. "I don't fucking well know, Mer. Godsdamnit. But it will restore the Iron Curtain."

Mereke, "Restore the Curtain... There's a way to restore it in Theuseleh? Why didn't you bring this up before?"

You say, "Her voice is quieter."

Psyche sighs. "Because I'm still too pissed off about needing you to do it to fucking well think straight."

Mereke, "No. I mean why didn't you mention that you knew how to repair the Iron Curtain before now? How long have you known that it is possible?"

Psyche takes a deep breath. "Since just before I came looking for you, just now."

Mereke_laughs_slightly, "What, did it just come to you while you were fighting the Fae or something?"

Psyche shakes her head. "No, it was part of the prophecy. That's why I fucking well have to go to Theuseleh. When was the last godsdamned time prophecy was convenient?"

Mereke, "Probably never. Where did this prophecy come from, though? You didn't find Alex, did you?"

Psyche shakes her head. "Rade went looking for help in the forest and brought it back to us."

Mereke, "And you trust the source of this prophecy?"

Psyche nods.

Mereke, "Very well. As much as being with you makes me want to finish the job I started, I'll go with you to Theusleh. What supplies should I bring? Besides weapons and rations, I mean."

[OOC] You say, "Don't bother with rations for the return trip. Wouldn't want you to feel overburdened, after all..."

[OOC] Psyche laughs.

Psyche says, "We travel light. I want to get this done as quickly as possible. Weapons, rations, and anyhting else you require to survive the journey. If you have anythin that will be effective against the Wraiths, that will be helpful.""

Mereke nods, "When do we leave?"

Psyche says, "As soon as I finish gathering my things. Within a few hours."

Mereke, "I'll have to sneak out of the dorm again, but I can manage it. I'll meet you outside your dorm."

Psyche nods. "I'll see you there." She turns toward her dorm, not turning her back completely.

[OOC] You say, "Paranoia paranoia..."

You say, "Mereke stalks toward her dorm."

[OOC] Psyche nods :)

[OOC] Psyche needs to get this paper wrapped up and head down to Indy, so if you need more can we pick it up later?

[OOC] Eclipse nods.

[OOC] You say, "I'll be here and about most of the day."

[OOC] Eclipse goes to start the weekly phone marathon.

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 4h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Psyche 16h 1h IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Sekkyro 15h 1h OOC Tec

Melyne 9h 1h OOC Tec

--[Sun Oct 12 18:15:42 2003]--------------------------------[4 users; 0s lag]--

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 5h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Psyche 17h 2h IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Sekkyro 17h 2h OOC Tec

Melyne 10h 2h OOC Tec

--[Sun Oct 12 19:33:55 2003]--------------------------------[4 users; 0s lag]--

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 6h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Psyche 18h 3h IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Sekkyro 18h 3h OOC Tec

Melyne 11h 3h OOC Tec

--[Sun Oct 12 20:16:34 2003]--------------------------------[4 users; 0s lag]--

[OOC] Psyche gets into Indy.

[OOC] You say, "Battery finally died. *grin*"

[OOC] Psyche chuckles.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Psyche is going to stop by her room only long enough to get some cash, then head out to find the requisite knife."

[OOC] You say, "If it hadn't, my parents would have kept me on the phone much longer. *smirk*"

You say, "Where is she going to look for the knife?"

[OOC] Psyche supposes the most logical place would be in town.

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (1d10): 7 No diff given.

You say, "Wyzdin's atmosphere is perhaps tenser than it was immediately after Caine's arrival. It is clearly more crowded, and patrols made up of pairs of Knights roam the streets in an apparent effort to maintain order."

Knight1, "You there. What business do you have on the streets after curfew?"

Psyche moves like she knows exactly where she's going and what she's doing, and stops when addressed. "I am in need of supplies for the defence of the school, as that -is- what Caine left us in charge of."

Knight1, "The Fae walk tonight, don't they? This is not the ideal time for schoolgirls to hit the pubs, you know."

You say, "They don't bar your passage, however."

Psyche says calmly, "There is no time to waste in drinking or revelry, because of that." And heads for the smithy.

You say, "As it is after dark, the forge appears to be closed for the night, though you can see lights in the windows of the attached home."

Psyche knocks.

You say, "There is a brief clatter of eating implements being dropped and then a long silence."

Psyche waits to see if the silence will break, then knocks again.

You say, "A nervous voice calls out, "Who's there?""

Psyche says, "Psyche Aldaria. From the Academy. I'm sorry to disturb your meal, but I need your help. I mean you no harm."

Voice, "Are you a mage?"

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 7, 9, 7, 9, 3, 6, 2, 2 No diff given.

Psyche sighs. "Yes."

Voice, "Are you alone?"

Psyche keeps her voice calm. "Yes."

Voice, "Are you being watched?"

Psyche consults her minimap.

Eclipse [to Psyche]: It doesn't look like anyone is observing you.

Psyche says, "Not that I can tell."

You say, "There is a click at the door."

Voice, "Enter quickly, then."

Psyche does as she's bidden.

You say, "The blacksmith with the napkin tucked into the top of his shop apron closes the door almost before you are completely through it. "What do you want from me after curfew?""

Psyche takes a deep breath. "I

Psyche takes a deep breath. "I'm being sent to try and eliminate half of the forces menacing the village. The ritual requires a knife of cold iron plated in silver. Time is imperative; I could not wait for morning. The sooner we can get you out from under Caine's thumb the better."

Smith, "Hush, girl! They might be listening. I have just the thing. Master Greer had me make it a couple weeks ago, but never came back for it. I can make another for him if he needs it, I guess, if you're in too big a hurry to wait for the forge to heat..."

Psyche bites her tongue. "I am Master Greer's pupil. He will not mind if I have it."

Smith, "No need for coin, then, if this ritual is as impressive as you hint at its being. Let me fetch it for you, and then you must be off before you are discovered here."

Psyche nods shortly. "We can discuss my gratitude when things are not so secretive."

You say, "The smith nods and disappears through a small door beyond the dining room and into the darkness beyond. A minute later, he emerges with a broad-bladed dagger that practically gleams despite the dim light."

Psyche bows sloghtly, holding out her hand for it.

Smith, "Return to the academy swiftly. Not all are so kind-spirited toward mages these days as I am. Stay clear of the Knights, if you can. They cannot be trusted."

You say, "He hands you the dagger hilt-first. It is heavier than an ordinary dagger, the silver etched with images of warding runes."

Psyche nods again. "I wish it were not so, but we will rebuild those relationships when our lives are not all in danger." She takes the dagger carefully. "I will also take your advice. Thank you."

You say, "The door shuts almost before you are completely through it. Before you are out of sight, the lamp within the house has been extinguished. It is a dark, cold, moonless night in Wyzdin. Already, lamps have begun to go out."

Psyche hides the dagger in her bag and moves as quickly as she can.

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Give me a Perception + Stealth, dif 6.

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Perception (3) and Stealth (0) (3d10): 4, 9, 9 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

You say, "You have to hide to avoid one of the patrols of Knights, but you manage to slip out of Wyzdin without incident."

Psyche returns to the Academy, and goes hunting rations.

You say, "You manage to find enough for the trip to and from Theusleh - about 5 days' food. You'll probably have to melt snow to replenish your water supplies after the second day, though."

[OOC] Psyche is going to have to pause here. Bedtime.

[OOC] You say, "Okay. When is the next good day for you? I don't get home until 7:30 pm most days."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Find me around 7:30 any day, and I'll have a little time for you. Otherwise, Saturday I'm off after 10 AM."

[OOC] You say, "Okay. I'm also free on Saturday, since Beth and folks are going to Chicago next weekend."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Sounds good."