Logfile from Malakai

Eclipse puts on his dragon medallion. "When last we left Hell's Errand Children, they were filling Rade's innocent ears with graphic descriptions of what poor little Mereke has been up to while they've been gone, as well as attempting, without much success, to cheer up Plax after Liriel told him he was less important than said poor little Mereke."

[OOC] Typheous is almost.

[OOC] Psyche says, "And we had just been interrupted by Alex, to begin a night of getting plastered."

[OOC] Psyche says, "T will be slow, he's on tech supprot call atm."

[OOC] You say, "Ah yes. I had almost forgotten that..."

Valyros sits next to Rade, keeping a comforting wing around Plax's shoulder.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Bech!"

Valyros sits next to Plax, keeping a comforting wing around Plax's shoulder.

Plax falls quiet when Alex shows up, since he can't really talk openly with him around.

Psyche shakes her head at Rade. "I don't know, Rade. But I'm -going- to find out."

[OOC] Rade says, "heh, what was the last thing I said?"

Psyche ohs, softly. "Short version, then..." She glances at Typheous, taking his hand, eyes half-closing. "She disappeared to look for me a few days after we left...and came back changed. She quit taking shit from people, started making threats. All the very worst interpretation of anything I ever said to her seemed to come out. And then (name) started trying to take the shrew out of her. She led him on for a while..." She closes her eyes, hand squeezing Typheous's tight, face paling. "And when he tried to take things further...by force, when she turned him down, she took him apart with a pair of sewing scissors." She takes a deep breath. "And she's only sorry about not having a chance to torment him longer."

Rade stares at Psyche in stunned silence.

Typheous squeezes Psyche's hand as she finishes.

[OOC] Eclipse dances with malicious glee!

Plax frowns. "Well, I'm sure she'd love to try that on me, since she could probably torment me longer than him," he says. "Well, at least I know what she's capable of". He sighs. "Seems like we can't catch a break," he says.

[OOC] Rade baps Eclipse.

[OOC] Eclipse LEARNED evil tactics from Jordan and Harry Potter.

Eclipse says, "Alex claps Typheous on the shoulder, swaying slightly. "So, is the merry crew ready to get plastered?""

[OOC] Eclipse says, "And that's where we'll end for the night."

[OOC] Plax says, "Why do I feel like a cross between Angsty Harry and Rand?"

Psyche shakes her head, biting her lip. . o O ( I'm not going to cry... ) She breathes for a few moments. "Something's very wrong...and I don't know what it is, yet." . o O ( I've been too busy studying and looking for reasons to spend time with you to look into it. )

[OOC] Psyche drops her obligatory "after-end" pose :)

[OOC] Typheous chuckles.

Rade nods slowly, shivering. "What could have changed her like....that...?"

[OOC] Psyche has to reboot, brb.

Psyche has lost her link.

Typheous looks around the table. "So, would we all like to go out for the evening? It might be a chance to at least be around each other with slightly less severe topics of conversation." His music warm. "And there might be a chance to talk of more serious things as well."

[OOC] Rade says, "ahhh"

[OOC] Valyros says, "What is Alex BTW?"

[OOC] You say, "Empath"

Valyros says, "Sure, I could use a good late night rendavue in a seedy pub."

Plax shakes his head. "No, I don't think it'd be a good idea for me to go out to a pub tonight".

[OOC] Typheous for some reason thought he was human. :)

Valyros says, "Why not Plax?"

Rade sighs and nods unhappily at Psyche. "I hope you do..." Her head tilts to look at Typheous. "I...well...maybe..."

Plax shrugs. "I don't think I feel like getting drunk tonight is all".

Psyche has connected.

[OOC] Psyche backs.

Typheous turns to Plax. "You wouldn't have to get drunk, Plax."

[OOC] Psyche gets spammed with pastes :)

Valyros holds Plax's arm with both hands and gets estatic/pouty, "Come on Plax, ever since I've meet you you've all been, 'Serious', 'Duty', and 'Kill Caine', which I can get. But you need to cut loose once in a while, or else you'll become one of those bitter old grumps!"

Plax chuckles as he takes a drink of juice. "Well, what's the point of going to a pub then?"

[OOC] Plax says, "Umm, Val? NPCs around who don't /know/ about that..."

[OOC] You say, "Yeah. Good point. Want to restate that?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Recon the kill."

Psyche's voice is quiet. "I'm going, Plax.." And Psyche never goes out drinking..

Plax considers. "Alright, I suppose it wouldn't hurt".

Valyros lets go and playfully buffets Plax's back with one of her wings, "That's the spirit!"

Typheous nods, turning back to Alex. "You've eaten, right? We don't need a repeat of the end of mid terms last year."

[OOC] Typheous makes stuff up. :)

Psyche keeps hold of Typheous's hand. "Rade, you're coming, right?"

Rade wrings her hands, looking uncertain. "I guess...I could stay...for a little bit..."

Alex sways, "Of course I have, mate. I won't make the mistake of thinking I can drink Bugret the Lout under the table on an empty stomach a second time. Of that you can be certain."

Psyche wrinkles her nose, turning to glance at Alex. "Have you started -already-?"

[OOC] Eclipse is perfectly okay with people making stuff up.

Typheous grins, standing up, his music sounding relieved. "Good. Shall we be off then?"

Plax stands and nods, taking his tray over to wherever it needs to be deposited.

Valyros says, "I'm ready to quaff!"

Alex, "Just a small warm-up, Mother. It's tit-freezing cold out there, in case you haven't noticed, and it's a good mile to town.

Typheous will try to take his and Psyche's again, as long she doesn't fight too much. "A small warm-up would probably put most of them here under the table, Alex."

Valyros pages: "Going to float my tray to where it should be."

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 6, 5, 3, 3 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

Valyros has received your page: "Pose it."

Psyche stands as Typheous does, one brow arching, holding on to her tray this time. "Mother? And..." She shrugs. "My tits are still attached. Yours must be more sensitive."

Alex grins, "True, though I get the feeling Rade's wolf has the liver for it."

Rade stands, straightening her skirts and looking somewhat nervous. Never the party girl. "I guess I'm ready."

Valyros takes out her prism, whirling it in her fingers quicksly, chanting a few things in her odd tounge. After a second or two, her tray and it's dirty dishes float over to the sink where it is neatly deposited.

You say, "Halda growls at Alex, but it lacks enthusiasm."

Psyche walks her tray over in a more conventional manner.

Rade raises an eyebrow at Halda.

Plax walks back to the group. "Alright, we ready?"

Valyros gets up with a grand flurl and flurish of her skirts and wings. "Ready!"

Typheous goes with Psyche having given un taking her tray for her, depositing his own. "Yes, Ready."

Psyche nods, grabbing her coat. "Ready."

Rade answers softly. "Ready."

Typheous throws his cloak on and starts to lead the way?

Plax grabs his cloak and follows.

Valyros wraps her wings around herself like a cloak and follows the others to the nearest bar.

Rade wraps her own cloak tighly around her, following near the back of the group.

You say, "It is indeed quite cold out, colder than it was the night you arrived. After about a mile of walking in the knee-deep snow, keeping to the path trampled by quite a few other students and staff, you reach the town of Wyzdin. Everyman's Hope is packed, tonight, which is not surprising, given the night of the week, the proximity of mid-terms, and the lack of much else to do in the area."

Psyche stays tucked right up next to Typheous. Isn't that cute?

Valyros extends and shakes the snow from her wings away from her friends, then starts looking for a table.

You say, "The crowd is almost equal parts students, staff, and townies, though there might as well be three common rooms, given how they tend to seggregate themselves."

Typheous stays close to Psyche, his hand surreptitiously coming out of the cloak as soon as he's inside and warmer. He too will help hunt for a table.

You say, "You eventually secure one when a group of locals is unceremoniously evicted by the proprietor for getting in a fist fight."

Plax takes a seat at the table.

Psyche quietly slips her hand into Typheous's, grabbing a seat at the table as soon as one opens up.

Rade follows behind whoever seems to know where they're going, only removing her cloak as one of them finds a table. Delicatly she drapes it over the back of the chair, before sitting down and looking around the room uncertainly.

Typheous holds the seat for Psyche,if she'll let him, sitting down next to her. He tries to flag down a wench.

Valyros sits down, as soon as her bum hits the chair, she raises her hand and snapps her fingers, "Barkeep! Your finest Qul'thilas wine please, the older, the better!"

You say, "A couple of the townies shoot you strange looks for sitting in "their" part of the room, but they say nothing and soon go back to their ample drinks.""

Plax ignores the townies for the most part.

Psyche doesn't wait around for her chair to be held, giving the townies a Look of Impending Death, seeming to carry the chill of outdoors in with her.

Barman_Mitch, "At once, ma'am. What about the little ones? Alex, your usual?"

Alex, "And then some."

Valyros says, "I don't know, do you have a preference Rade? Plax?"

Typheous chuckles softly. "And I'll have a gin and toni, as usual Mitch."

Plax says, "Just a water for now, thanks."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Toni meaning tonic."

[OOC] You say, "Drink gin until Toni starts looking like a beautiful woman?"

[OOC] You say, "Then you know it's time to call it quits for the night."

[OOC] You say, "He's a Booze Gauge."

Rade chews on her lip. "Just your usual red will do fine...I don't need anything specal."

Valyros says, "Barkeep! Lady Rade will have some Ferilan Crimson, if you please."

Mitch, "Yes, ma'am."

Psyche glances at Typheous, obviously not at her ease. "Water or fruit juice."

You say, "Mitch bobs his head and disappears behind the bar to get your drinks."

You say, "He comes back a couple minutes later with your drinks, plus a bottle of gin for Alex, who pulls the cork out with his teeth and drinks it as casually as a bottle of water."

Valyros accepts the wine and pays the man, giving him a couple of gold as a tip.

Typheous chuckles, shaking his head. "You've not changes a bit, have you Alex." He sips his drink.

Mitch, "Shall I start a tab for you, ma'am?"

Psyche's eyes widen at Alex's gesture, and the air around her chills a little more. . o O ( Is he -always- like this...? ) She doesn't touch her drink.

[OOC] Rade says, "woo! Typheous is already sluring his speech"

Plax accepts the water and takes a drink.

[OOC] Eclipse laughs.

Typheous . o O ( Usually. Though he's had something to dull the taste of the gin or he'd have orders some juice to mix it in. )

Valyros says, "I don't think that'll be nessicary my good man, but if you feel the need, feel free."

[OOC] Typheous staggers around the bar?

Alex grins_around_the_bottle, "You ain't seen nothing, yet. Bugret and I had a rematch while you were gone. I beat him, and then whipped two of his friends, too, before collapsing."

Psyche shudders. . o O ( He's hardly going to need embalmed when he dies... ) She keeps one eye on Alex, as if watching some manner of mythical beast.

Psyche says, "And this is -fun-?"

Alex shrugs, "What I remember of it, yeah. I only heard the second part of the story from Adeline. Don't actually remember it."

Typheous turns to Psyche. "No. -Watching- him is fun." . o O ( Probably not... Although he might pickle himself. )

Valyros pours herself and Rade a glass of their respective wines. Picking her choice up, swirling and sniffing it before downing a mouthful and swishing it around in her mouth. "Fine year."

Rade delicatly picks up her glass of wine, sipping primly and only making the slightest face. It's not that bad... "So, um...now what?"

Psyche shakes her head, still not picking up her mug, expression more a fascinated horror than anything. "Now I think we make small talk until Alex gets drunk and does something amusing?"

Valyros says, "We drink, we talk, maybe play a couple of games, find a male that strikes your fancy, entice him to come home and do with him what you will."

Alex grins.

Psyche blinks, cheeks tinting slightly, dropping Typheous's hand. "Games?"

Rade blinks at Valyros. "W...what?"

Plax smiles a bit at Valyros' comments. "Oh, speaking of males, Rade, Nomin has been looking for you since we got back".

Typheous glances to Psyche with a slight smile on his face, taking a sip from his glass. . o O ( What? You see someone else you'd rather chase after? ) "Yes, games. Skittles, dice, cards... you name it."

[OOC] Psyche feels like the traumatised chorus here with Rade.

[OOC] Plax joins you in the chorus.

You say, "Another Alex walks into the bar, takes a seat from one of the tables, and sits down at your table. Mitch gives him a bottle of gin, which he opens with his teeth and proceeds to drink like a bottle of water. "Is this amusing?""

Psyche's cheeks flame darker, and she shoots Typehous a Look. . o O ( No, I...She just...makes it sound so -indecent-. ) And then she does a double take.

Valyros says, "Well I don't know about here, but back in Galidras you could not have a tavern without a game room. Although I doubt they'll have gladitorial arenas and expibitionist couches. But there should be a dart board or a pool table around here..."

Typheous blinks at the other Alex before looking back to the first. "You learn a new trick while I was gone?" His music sounds confused.

Plax blinks as the second Alex arrives.

[OOC] Rade says, "....."

Alex1, "Yeah, but all the dart boards will be taken on a night like tonight. I might be able to requisition a couple packs of cards from Mitch."

Psyche arches a brow. "I don't know how to play...but I could learn."

Rade's cheeks are flaming s she starts to respond to Plax, only to be inturrupted by the strange sight. "Wha....you...have a twin?"

Valyros says, "Only no magicing the cards."

You say, "A third Alex walks into the bar, takes a bottle of gin and, after a moment, some packs of cards from Mitch, opens it, takes a long swig before joining you at the table. "I've learned a trick or two, let's say.""

Alex1, "Gin?"

Valyros says, "Alex, have you been playing with Correspondence and Life?"

Alex2, "Poker?

Psyche tenses, watching Alexes One through Three with an increasingly wary expression, the temperature around her scaling down another few degrees. . o O ( Typh...has he -always- been this fucking weird? )

Alex3, "I think Psyche would prefer rummy, sans coins."

Alex2_and_1, "Aww... You're no fun..."

Typheous stares and the duplicate Alexes. "And... Right.... So when were you going to share this little trick with me?" . o O ( Umm... Not that I remember. )

Rade blinks between the three of them, looking terribly confused.

You say, "Alex1 claps Typheous on the back and holds up the half-empty bottle of gin, "When you can finish one of these in a night without getting sick, you will be ready, catydid.""

Typheous glances at the bottle. "But.... Why would I *want* to drink gin straight from the bottle?"

Alex2, "So you could do this."

Psyche looks at Alex3, trying her best to act as if it's not a good twenty degrees cooler around her than in the rest of the room. "Rummy?"

You say, "All three Alexes set down their gin bottles and stand on their chairs. They proceed to sing a bawdy bar song in an uneasy three-part harmony for several bars before sitting down again."

Alex1, "That's why."

Valyros says, "Is that some sort of tradition?"

Psyche pages: "Life scan on all three of them, looking for anything unusual."

Alex3, "Yes. It's a fairly simple game, really."

Psyche bites the inside of her lip, drawing blood surreptitiously. "Explain it..." She murmurs something under her breath.

Typheous blinks at the three Alexes. "I already do my own accompianment, I don't need to do my own harmony."

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (3d10): 6, 5, 6 ** 3 successes (diff 3) **

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (3d10): 3, 8, 4 ** 3 successes (diff 3) **

You say, "He does so, albeit with occasional interruptions from the other two."

Psyche pages: "3 into targets, 1 into duration, 2 into Effect, if I need the targeting."

Psyche pays half attention, which is as much attention as most people normally pay, so.

Psyche has received your page: "He, er, they are quite drunk. You also sense some slight liver damage in each of them. They are physically identical except for some changes that have taken place as they consume their gin at varying speeds."

Valyros downs the rest of her glass and refills it.

Rade listens as well while sipping her wine and trying not to give the three seperate Alex's strange looks.

Psyche pages: "They seem to be exactly the same person in varying states of intoxication, then?"

Psyche has received your page: "Only very slightly different states of intoxication."

Psyche . o O ( -Can- you down one of those? )

Plax sips his water while listening.

Psyche frowns slightly, shaking her head. She still hasn't touched her juice at all. "Okay, -play- a hand so I can see."

Typheous will finish off his gin and tonic and flag down Mitch again. . o O ( Only if I take it slowly. You'll wake up with a hangover, though.)

Alex2, "So, shall we?"

Psyche . o O ( It's almost worth it to see if he'll tell you. )

You say, "Alex3 deals out the cards with shaking hands."

Psyche . o O ( Wonder what would happen if I fixed his - their - livers. He'd probably kill himself thinking he could drink as much... )

Rade watches absently, mind already starting to wander as she looks around the room again for anything else interesting.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Oh, look, there's Nomin with some cheap Myshar tart."

[OOC] Eclipse baps.

Rade has received your page: "Give me a Per + Empathy, dif 6"

[OOC] Valyros says, "I need to go over the races again..."

From Rade: [Private Roll]: Rade rolled Perception (2) and empath (0) (2d10): 1, 1 ** BOTCH 2 (diff 6) **

[OOC] Plax says, "Myshar = Plax. Without the bloodsucking."

[OOC] Rade says, "wow"

Typheous will take a hand if he's dealt one and order a gin martini with Mitch gets back to them. . o O ( Possibly... )

[OOC] Psyche says, "Why can I not type 'l' :P"

Psyche . o O ( I'm game if you are. )

[OOC] Valyros says, "As in biology type reports & culture."

Psyche watches the dealing with concentration now, intent on absorbing how the hand works.

(remotely) Rade is suddenly terrified :)

Plax will take one as well, but not order anything to drink.

Rade has received your page: "All the townies seem so happy. So does the wine in your stomach..."

[OOC] Valyros says, "You see, the brain sends a message to the hand, it travels down the neuron as electro-chemical impulses..."

Typheous . o O ( Just don't kill him.. them... )

[OOC] Psyche bats.

Psyche blinks and glances at Typheous. . o O ( -Kill- him? What reason would I have? )

Rade smiles slowly at the townies, stiffeling a giggle as she finishes the rest of her wine. "They all look like they're having a lot of fun..."

Typheous shakes his head slightly at Psyche. . o O ( I was joking, Psyche. )

You say, "Alex3 wins the first hand, though Alex2 comes a close second. Alex1, "The great thing about this trick is I'm never without enough players for a partners game.""

Valyros says, "Yes, one must admit, the common man have built having fun into an efficent art form."

[OOC] You say, "Okay, everyone *else* give me a Per + Empathy, dif 6."

[OOC] Rade grins

Psyche blushes and directs her attention away from Typheous, back toward the table. "Okay, I think I have the idea..."

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Perception (3) and empathy (0) (3d10): 7, 4, 8 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled Perception (3) and empathy (0) (3d10): 10, 10, 2 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Valyros rolled dice (5d10): 9, 3, 10, 2, 9 No diff given.

[OOC] Valyros says, "3"

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Perception (3) and empath (0) (3d10): 2, 2, 3 ** 0 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Psyche says, "2."

[OOC] Plax says, "2"

Rade reaches over to pick up her bottle of wine, pouring a fresh glass and picking it up. "I think I'll go see what they're all up to to be so happy..." She starts to stand up.

[OOC] Rade says, "you should have seen mine"

[OOC] Psyche says, "You know, that would be a good talent for her to get."

"The" is not the name of any player.

"townies" is not the name of any player.

"are" is not the name of any player.

"really" is not the name of any player.

"tense." is not the name of any player.

"They" is not the name of any player.

"seem" is not the name of any player.

"to" is not the name of any player.

"be" is not the name of any player.

"looking" is not the name of any player.

"at" is not the name of any player.

"you" is not the name of any player.

"with" is not the name of any player.

"something" is not the name of any player.

"like" is not the name of any player.

"resentment," is not the name of any player.

"not" is not the name of any player.

"toward" is not the name of any player.

"you" is not the name of any player.

"specifically," is not the name of any player.

"but" is not the name of any player.

"to" is not the name of any player.

"what" is not the name of any player.

"you" is not the name of any player.

"represent." is not the name of any player.

*** No message sent! ***

Psyche, Valyros, and Plax have received your page: "The townies are really tense. They seem to be looking at you with something like resentment, not toward you specifically, but to what you represent."

Typheous lets one of his hands stray closer toward Psyche, sliding it onto the back of her chair. "That would be interesting...."

Plax reaches a hand up towards Rade's shoulder. "No, I don't think that's a good idea, Rade".

Rade blinks at Plax, looking at him questioningly. "Why's that?" She waves cutely at the nearest 'happy' townie.

Psyche likewise reaches out toward Rade. "Better idea...either stay here or go over where the other students are."

Valyros says, "We're just worried they might... take advantage of the situation."

Plax nods. "Exactly what they said".

Typheous glances over to where people seem to be preventing Rade from going. . o O ( What is it? )

You say, "Halda hedges Rade in, growling low at the 'happy' townie, whose eyes seem to welcome a good excuse for a fist fight."

Psyche . o O ( Do they look happy to -you-? They look more like they can't stand the idea of mages in their section. )

Rade pouts at anyone stopping her, shaking her head. "Advantage of what? I thought we were here to have fun......."

Rade pokes at Halda.

Plax says, "Not everyone is necessarily here for the same reasons, Rade"

[OOC] Rade rolled two ones for crying out loud on the roll. :)

[OOC] You say, "On 2 dice."

Valyros says, "Yes, but I think their version of fun would be very differen than your version of fun."

[OOC] Rade says, "heh heh"

Rade frowns, plopping back down in her seat and draining half her wine glass. Her voice is sulky. "I don't know what you all mean....mmph...everyone's having fun but me..."

Typheous notices the townies. . o O ( Ahh... ) "Well, what would you like to do, Rade?"

Valyros says, "I know..."

[OOC] Eclipse just had a thought. "Since elves don't have a natural healing factor, would that mean their hangovers last until cured with Life magic?"

[OOC] Rade says, "Oh lord"

[OOC] Plax says, "Ouch..."

[OOC] Valyros says, "I hope not."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Psyche's haven't."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Or rather, the ones Typh gave to Psyche hacen't."

[OOC] You say, "I wouldn't do that to you, but it's an interesting thought, yes?"

Valyros downs another glass.

[OOC] Typheous chuckles. Yes, but also, by that logic, papercuts would just build up until they killed a non-mage.

Psyche nudges Rade. "Go talk to the students."

[OOC] You say, "That would certainly make for a mage-dominated civilization, though."

Rade shrugs, glancing back at the group and shaking her head. She really never thought that far ahead. "I don't know...something." She looks at Psyche, then at the students. "I suppose I could."

[OOC] Rade says, "amongst Elves definatly"

Psyche says, "Or play cards."

You say, "Alex1 patiently shuffles - occasionally stopping to pick up a dropped card - while the other two Alexes drink."

Psyche watches the shuffling, drinks nothing, and waits.

[OOC] You say, "Let's play the Alex Drinking Game. Whenever anything happens, take a drink."

Typheous sips at his drink, his music now much less confused than when the Alexes showed up. "So, do we all want to try a hand of Rummy, or do we want to start with something less complicated?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Right..."

Rade glances at the cards, shuffeling a foot. "I could play....I'm not very good at cards though..."

Psyche shrugs. "Won't hurt to try, will it?"

Plax says, "No worse than I am, Rade. Let's give it a go."

Valyros finishes up her glass and poors another.

[OOC] Typheous says, "And Val's slurring emotes... I'm just slurring speach."

Rade sips a bit more liberally at her wine, seeming to enjoy it more now.

[OOC] Rade grins

Typheous . o O ( You going to drink anything? )

Psyche . o O ( Probably not. Why, should I be? )

Typheous . o O ( You haven't touched your juice.... )

Valyros says, "Deal me in, it might be good for a few laughs."

Typheous raises a hand. "I'm in."

Alex2 does_so.

Psyche lifts her hand as well. "Deal me in."

Psyche . o O ( And? )

Valyros says, "Opening anne, how's a left sock?"

Typheous . o O ( Just try one drink. It won't be as bad as Ironridge was. Well, unless you drink like Alex there. )

Rade holds out a hand for cards, taking what she's given and looking at them for a moment thoughtfully.

Alex3, "Nah. No bets. It wouldn't be fair with three of me sharing the same purse."

Valyros says, "Alright, please yourself."

Plax considers his cards and nods. "Works for me. Not like I have a ton of cash on me anyway".

Valyros takes up her cards and drinks her wine a bit.

Psyche blinks at Valyros blankly, as if she's speaking a totally different language. She studies her cards for a long moment. . o O ( You're not convincing me. )

Typheous shrugs slightly. "I'd just have to borrow it off you anyway, Alex." . o O ( What? Loosen up a bit, Psyche. Relax. It's going to be ok. )

Psyche . o O ( I'm having a harder and harder time believing that. Everything seems so fucked up. )

[OOC] Rade says, "so how do our cards look? :)"

Valyros sips her wine into submission then pours half a glass from the bottle. "Excuse me, another bottle of this please!"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Wine acting up there, Val?"

Typheous . o O ( And you're not going to do any of it any good if you give yourself an ulcer thinking about it. )

Mitch complies.

You say, "Rade has a killer hand, this time, though Alex1 gives her a run for her money."

[OOC] Rade whoots

Psyche gives Typheous a dirty look and settles in to play. . o O ( Are you going to go for that bottle? )

Rade places her cards almost painfully carefully, smiling as the hand turns out to her advantage and draining most of the rest of her glass of wine. "I think I like this game..."

Valyros says, "Congradulations Rade, keep this up and you'll be quite the card shark."

Typheous will turn to Alex1 after the first hand. "So, if I can down one of those bottles tonight, you'll show me this trick of yours?" . o O ( Only if you try something a litte harder than juice. And give it a fair chance. )

Rade smiles at Val, finishing the last of her glass. "No...just...was lucky."

Valyros says, "Some say the luck you make for yourself is the best, I find that to be the oposite. That kind of luck always seems to backfire, and is never there when you really need it."

Alex1 shrugs, "If you think you're prepared for such deep mysteries. The trick is to get drunk enough that you see two of everything, so it isn't nearly so disconcerting that you start seeing two of yourself, as well. Not everyone can do it, though it was fun watching Adeline try."

Psyche grins at Rade. "See?" . o O ( A fair chance...all right. )

[OOC] Psyche wonders where her connection went to.

[OOC] Typheous forgets what level of Corr you need for co-location...

Rade giggles back at Psyche. "Just luck...really..."

[OOC] Valyros says, "At least 3 or 4."

[OOC] Rade says, "pretty damn high last I checked :)"

[OOC] Plax says, "Co-locate Self? 4. Perception: 3."

[OOC] You say, "4. Plus Life and Mind 1."

[OOC] Typheous nodsnods. Well, it will be a while.

Psyche flicks her fingers at Rade. "Luck is bullshit. Just enjoy yourself." She smiles a little wider, then glances at Alex, curiously.

Typheous seems to weigh this for a moment. "We'll see where I end up. And I think I'll try something more palitable than gin." He finishes his martini and flags Mitch down for a bottle of vodka.

[OOC] Rade says, "don't tell that to an entropist"

Rade pours another glass. The wine doesn't usually taste this good for her...but tonight it's not so bad. She giggles softly at Psyche. "I am...thank you."

You say, "Alex1, 2, and 3 also order another bottle of gin each. Mitch complies."

Psyche glances at the glass of wine. "Rade...would you mind if I tried a sip?"

You say, "The next hand, Pysche cleans up, partially because the Alexes are getting too drunk to focus on the game."

[OOC] Psyche says, "And card games are right up her alley."

[OOC] You say, "Yes. I thought it was amusing that the Euthantatos was the one going on about how luck is bullshit..."

[OOC] Psyche grins. "No such thing as luck. Everything depends on everything else :)"

Typheous starts in on his bottle of vodka, drinking it not quite as fast as the Alexes are. His music starts to get a bit woosy after the first few shots-worth.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Might be slow. Got paged."

Rade nods, pushing the glass over to Psyche. "Of course...you can have a glass if you'd like..."

[OOC] Rade pats the poor workin man

Plax listens to Typh's music, drinking his water and playing the card game.

[OOC] You say, "My coffee holder is broken."

[OOC] Typheous says, "That's a hardware problem. Get your warrenty support."

[OOC] You say, "After a couple more hands, the Alexes get distracted, break out the shot glasses, and proceed to try to drink each other under the table."

You say, "After a couple more hands, the Alexes get distracted, break out the shot glasses, and proceed to try to drink each other under the table."

Psyche laughs. "Let me see if I can drink it without choking before we go that far." She watches Typheous out of one eye, playing with careful concentration. . o O ( I don't think I'm strong enough to carry you home. )

Rade smiles, nodding again at Psyche. "Try it, it's pretty good..." She looks her cards over, pondering them

You say, "The rest of the room seems to be moving in slow motion, now, even for those of you not even slightly down the road toward intoxication."

Psyche takes the glass, sipping it, wrinkling her nose with distaste.

Valyros finishes her third bottle of wine, looking more energized that tipsy, muttering something, "I think I'm in the right frame of mind for this..." looks around the tavern and states, "And I think they are as well..." She gets up and goes over to the bar, "Don't wait up for me. I got another kind of first..."

Plax starts glancing around and clicks his tongue a few times.

(remotely) Plax is suspicious, as he isn't drunk. Sense Temporal Distortion (Time 1)

Plax has received your page: "Standard dif."

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 2, 8, 2 No diff given.

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 6, 7, 4 No diff given.

Plax pages: "4"

Psyche watches Valyros for a moment, then looks around, pausing before she takes an actual drink of the wine. . o O ( Something...strange. )

Plax has received your page: "You're definitely in a bubble of slowed time."

Plax whispers, "Someone is fucking with time. We're in a bubble of slowed time".

Plax pages: "(Can I determine the source and purpose, along with severity? That's what the effect desc. says)"

Psyche nods slightly, setting the glass down. "Who?"

You say, "Alex2 giggles madly as Alex1 passes out on the table."

Rade raises her eyes from her cards, glancing around and frowning. "Whaa? That's...odd..."

Typheous frowns, looking around the room. "Yes... who...." He glances to the Alexes briefly. "You three haven't been playing with more tricks, have you?"

Plax has received your page: "You'd say that you're moving about two or three times as quickly as the rest of the barroom."

Plax considers. "I can't tell who. But we're moving between two or three times as fast as the rest of this room. Give me a minute to see if I can track it".

Alex3, "Typhsh, come o'er hair an' drin'ith uth."

Alex2 laughs.

Psyche nods, looking at Typheous and the Alexii, alternately. . o O ( I'll try this as soon as I'm sure I'm not going to need to react quickly... )

Plax has received your page: "Oh, and Alex 2 is definitely the source."

Plax pauses. "Wait. I've got it". He looks at Alex2. "Mind dropping the Time effect?"

Valyros by the bar she disatatches her skirt from the rest of her ensaumple and undos the first couple of buttons on her top. With a slight wing flap she stands up on the bar and yells to the common room, "ALRIGHT MORTALS! The demoness is on the prowl looking for a succulent male soul to devour." Strutting up and down the bar, "I shall take one of you pitiful beings back to my lair, spread you out on my lauder, beat you into submission, then the fun shall begin! I shall do things which will cause you to laugh in pain and scream in delight, so little males, who shall be my first victum?" Gives the room a long dramatic gaze.

Typheous frowns, chuckling. "I don't think it's be a fair match, guys." . o O ( I understand...) He sets his own bottle down, looking around the room. . o O ( And I'm not going to get too drunk to walk, don't worry about that. )

[OOC] Typheous is suddenly and unfortunately reminded of the song "Momma's got her boobs out" he's heard too many times....

Psyche cuts off whatever response she was going to make with a squeal of dismay, cheeks turning an unblelievable shade of bright red as she reaches for the wine glass. "Or," she mutters under her breath, "I could wish I -weren't- so alert."

You say, "Alex2 sways drunkenly and falls over onto the floor. Alex3 tries to stand, fumbles, and falls down. All three of them, along with the Time effect, vanish."

Random_townie, "Mitch. Get this winged bitch out of here. She's had a few too many, I'd say."

Rade blinks firmly, glancing at Alex2. "What are you..." She's cut off as Valyros stands, staring at her wide eyed and scandalized, whispering to the rest of the table. "What is she doing!?"

Plax looks down. "Okay. If all three of the Alex's just vanished...".

Psyche tenses, the temperature around her plummeting around her. "Then where's the real Alex?"

Valyros spreads her wings and glides over to the random townie, getting right up into his face. "Oh, do we have a volenteer?" She says wrapping an arm around his neck, a predatory grin on her face.

Psyche . o O ( See? Told you nothing ever goes right. )

Townie1, "Get your hands off me, baby-eating darkie!"

Typheous face palms, standing slowly. "Val? I think you've had enough." . o O ( And it's the adult that's pissed off her ass and making a fool of herself. The *professor* I might add... What sort of role model is she being? )

Valyros says, "Oh I graduated off of babies centuries ago, now I've graduated to prime young specimens of all male species."

Valyros she licks her lips and gives a very toothy smile.

Rade pushes her seat back, standing quickly along with Typheous. "Guys...she needs help." She turns toward Valayros. "Valyros....come back over to the table?"

Mitch, "Jeke, are you too drunk to recognize Valyros Del'zenivras when you see her? Lady Del'zenivras, I have the deepest respect for you, but if you continue to harass my patrons, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Psyche glances at Plax, one brow arching, still worried about the Alex question. "Typh, you and Rade deal with Lady Del'zenivras..."

Typheous nods to Psyche, walking over to Val. "Val? Did you hear me? Let's go home." . o O ( Alex is probably back in the room... Or he appeared somewhere random. )

Rade follows along behind Typheous, smiling appologetically at the townie. "I'm sorry...she's had a lot to drink..."

Valyros sneers to Mitch and the others telling her to stop. She gives an indigant snort and puts her skirts back on. "Very well, I'll take my wares else where. Seems like nobody here has the right tastes anywhere." She raises her chin and sits back at the table, like an angry wolverine.

Plax nods to Psyche, concerned as well.

Psyche pages: "Corr 1 + Mind 1 give me enough to search the nearby area for AlexX?"

Psyche has received your page: "If he's in town, yes. If he's back at the school, no."

Typheous seems much relieved, though he watches the townies for any reaction other than going back to their drinking before sitting back down next to Psyche.

Psyche sketches quickly in a puddle of alcohol on the tabletop, murmuring.

Rade sighs in some relief as Valyros turns, dropping the townie she was talking to a slight curtsy. "Sorry again...have a good evening sir..." she turns to head back to the table.

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (3d10): 9, 6, 7 ** 3 successes (diff 3) **

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (3d10): 4, 1, 9 ** 1 success (diff 3) **

You say, "The townies' tension has increased, though their having recognized Val seems to have stolen some of their interest in starting trouble."

Psyche pages: "1 for Effect, 1 for target, 2 for range. "

Psyche has received your page: "He does not appear to be in town anywhere."

Rade plops back into her chair, looking at the scattered cards. "Well...I guess the game is over..." She reaches for her glass of wine.

Psyche says quietly "He's not in town..."

Typheous settles down, taking another slow sip of vodka, eyes watching the townies and his music tense.

Valyros says, "I guess it is."

Plax frowns. "That's not a good sign," he says quietly.

Psyche says, "Do we stay here or go looking?"

Typheous sighs softly. "Let me look..." . o O ( Hopefully I won't be seeing RedCaps all night, though... )

Valyros says, "I'm ready for going."

Psyche . o O ( You owe me a few honest words yet. )

Plax says, "Give me a second. Let me see if I can't find out what happened."

Plax starts clicking his tongue again.

Psyche nods at Plax, not relaxing one whit.

Typheous nods to Plax. He glances to Psyche. . o O (Which ones do you want? )

Psyche . o O ( LAter. )

Plax pages: "Time 2, Plus a Resonance Scan, looking back to see if Alex was, in fact, here or not."

Valyros takes a few more coins from her pockets and leaves them for the wine she drunk, getting up and heading for the door.

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 2, 2, 6 [Spent 1 WP for a success] ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 1, 2, 4 ** BOTCH 1 (diff 5) **

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered ***

Rade lifts her glass, sipping away about half of it. "We can go if you all want..." She doesn't look particularly distraught about it.

[OOC] You say, "It begins..."

[OOC] Plax says, "WP to hold off the Backlash?"

[OOC] Rade hehs.

[OOC] You say, "You can finish the spell, at least, but you'll still eat the Scourge afterward."

[OOC] Plax says, "At least this is a Perception effect..."

[OOC] Psyche says, "At least it's not T."

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 4, 5, 2 ** 1 success (diff 5) **

[OOC] Plax says, "That should be enough"

Plax has received your page: "It was Alex, but he's not here anymore."

Plax nods. "It was Alex," he says, grimacing, as though he's trying to fight something back. "I think it's time to head back...".

Plax has received your page: "btw, was it a Mind or Spirit res scan?"

Psyche arches a brow. "What's wrong?"

(remotely) Plax whimpers. "Mind...".

Valyros starts the long walk back to her home.

Typheous nods, waving the vodka bottle which is about 2/3 full to Mitch. "You want this back or shall I give it a good home?" He keeps most of his attention to the group, though.

Mitch, "You've been sucking on it, kid. You own it, now. You folks have a good night, now."

Plax says, "Not sure."

Rade finishes her glass, standing again and swwaying slightly as everything starts to take effect. She hasn't really eaten that much either. Carefully placing a coin on the table she starts to wrap her cloak back around herself, shooting the barkeep a bright smile. "You to sir." Dropping him a curtsy, she turns back to the group. "Finding Alex?"

Plax leaves a small tip for his water and stands.

Plax has received your page: "You begin having an erotic waking dream involving, of all people, Caine, except he's a woman, somehow. You want to fight it, but you just can't resist his, her charms, for some reason."

Psyche frowns. "Any ideas?" She glances at the bartender. "I'll own a bottle of wine for later, something light please."

[OOC] Plax says, "Z...you're sick..."

[OOC] Psyche peeeeeers!

[OOC] Eclipse giggles madly. "That was a botch AND a Backlash. They're always the worst...

[OOC] Rade grins.

Valyros pages: "Will try and seduce anything male on the way back to the house, BTW."

Plax starts hovering on his back, squirming like he's underneath someone and, ahem, having a good time. The Eagle starts moaning quietly.

Rade says, "I can have Halda look..."

[OOC] Rade says, "oh god"

[OOC] Psyche says, "!"

Typheous tucks the bottle under his cloak and stands, slightly swaying. "Put it on my tab, as usual, Mitch." He stares at Plax. "Plax?"

Rade blinks, looking at Plax, scandalized for what must be the 10th time this evening. "P..plax..." She looks away, cheeks bright red.

Valyros has received your page: "There are probably a couple students along the way heading home the way you are. They'll be mostly teenagers. Pose it as you will."

Psyche's cheeks match Rade's, and she tries to concentrate on picking up the requested bottle of wine rather than watching. . o O ( Why is -he- always the one to do fucked-up things? )

[OOC] Plax says, "Because I'm the ST's Chewtoy?"

[OOC] Rade says, "your the one who likes to work up scourge :)"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Rawhide or Cajun?"

[OOC] You say, "Because you always seem to have the most spectacular backlashes..."

Plax starts moving his hands to undo his pants.

[OOC] Psyche's backlashes are small and frequent.

(remotely) Valyros goes up to the most desireable one there and says, "Hey, it's far too cold to be in this weather alone. Why not try something nice and warm?" (BTW starting the anti-accident rote.)

Typheous . o O ( At least it's not people trying to kill him again. )

Psyche . o O ( -Stop- him! )

Typheous sighs softly, walking over to Plax. "Plax! Wake up? Not here, ok?"

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 5, 5, 6, 1 ** 0 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Psyche says, "Well, Val, you wanted a willing victim..."

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 3, 6, 2, 5 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 3, 4, 7, 10 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Valyros says, "Damn it, I should have stayed there for another minute."

[OOC] Eclipse ohdears.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Not another one.... Mental Note: Don't ever cast while the character is drunk."

Rade stares quite furiously at her boots, refusing to turn around. "Someone...someone....do something...." She's blushing all the way to the tips of her pointed ears.

Plax ignores Typheous, apparently oblivious. "Oh, Cay-Cay, my sweet and gorgeous...". He apparently starts quivering.

Typheous winds his hand up and swings a backhand at Plax's face.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Clippy, can I get that bottle from the bartender before I duck out of here?"

[OOC] You say, "Sure"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Do I have to roll for the backhand? Or is he too 'occupied' to notice?"

Plax doesn't dodge and starts soundly spinning around and around, moving closer to the barkeeper through the air.

[OOC] Typheous takes that as a no. :)

Valyros has received your page: "You make a couple of boys very uncomfortable before a poncy older adolescent with a rapier takes you up on your offer."

Psyche grabs the bottle of wine with one hand, dropping sufficient coins to cover her -and- Typheous's tabs on the bar. "That's for me and Typh." And then goes to try and put an arm around Rade's shoulders. "Now would be a good time to leave, and let them handle this..."

[OOC] Plax is the drunkest, and he didn't even drink anything harder than water...

(remotely) Valyros nods and smiles predatoryily, she looks to the others, "Don't worry, I'll get to you soon enough." Getting him back to her house and getting down tonight.

[OOC] You say, "They have mighty hard water, in these parts..."

Typheous will reach out for Plax's foot and start trying to drag him out of the building.

Rade is almost shaking, managing a weak nod and letting Psyche lead her, though she protests slightly. "He...needs help..." Her hands clutch at her skirts, still refusing to look up.

Plax extends his claw and tries to pull Typh up into the air with it. "Leaving so soon, dear?"

Valyros has received your page: "Okay. I'll get back to you once the rest deal with the Plax problem..."

Psyche leads Rade out of the bar, then, into the air outside, where they don't have to see. "Yes, but neither you nor I is qualified to help. We're both too busy watching our senses of dignity bleed out our ears."

[OOC] Valyros says, "Crap, Dad's dragging me into a major shopping expidition."

[OOC] Plax says, "At this time of night?"

[OOC] Rade blinks

Valyros has received your page: "In that case, I'll let you know you just slept with Vance."

[OOC] Valyros says, "He's a lazy bastard."

Valyros pages: "Who's Vance."

Valyros has received your page: "Just ask any of the other PCs..."

Rade seems to be able to breath better outside, away from the specitcal. She still refuses to look up. "I...I'm sorry...I should be able to...should be so...."

Typheous will do his best to fight off the claws. "Plax, don't call me 'dear', ok?" He tries to tug Plax outside. "Now, come on."

Plax doesn't resist, and since he's floating, is rather easy to drag out.

Plax has received your page: "(You can snap out of it anytime you want.)"

(remotely) Plax will wait until he gets out of the bar.

[OOC] Valyros says, "AFK"

[OOC] Rade says, "changes that second should to 'shouldn't'"

Psyche stashes the bottle in her bag, doesn't take her arm away from Rade's shoulders. "You can't do everything. None of us can, no matter how hard we try." She shrugs slightly. "There's nothing wrong with being embarrassed...hell, if you're -not- then there's something wrong with you."

[OOC] You say, "In my defense, Val got the shaft tonight, too, perhaps worse than Plax..."

[OOC] Psyche ?

[OOC] You say, "You'll find out soon enough..."

Typheous comes out of the bar, dragging a floating Plax behind him.

Plax snaps out of it and blinks. "Huh? What? Why are my pants undone?"

Rade is careful to avoid even the slightest glance in the direction of the door as Typheous brings Plax out, squirming in the snow. "I could still try...I'm sorry."

[OOC] Rade says, "if I had a nickle for everytime I've said that"

[OOC] Rade pats Plax

Plax pages: "(Will I remember what happened?)"

Plax has received your page: "(Yes, yes you will...)"

Psyche shakes her head. "It's okay. Really. Let Typh take care of it..." She glances over. "He seems to have it under control." . o O ( Everything okay? )

[OOC] You say, "Because it just isn't funny if bad shit happens to you and the rest of the group never finds out about it. *evil grin*"

[Roll]: Plax rolled Willpower (7) (7d10): 9, 2, 6, 10, 1, 7, 8 ** 2 successes (diff 8) **

Plax pages: "(Self-imposed WP check to not get ill over it)"

Typheous lets go of Plax. "You were making out with someone you called.. I think it was Cay. Although there wasn't anyone there." . o O ( So far, though if he tries to jump me again.... )

Psyche's cheeks flame unaccountably. . o O ( ! )

Plax fixes his pants and sits up, obviously just restraining himself from getting sick. "I...oh, bloody...that rates with getting kissed by that damn head for disgustingness!"

Rade's eyes stay on her boots. Her blush hasn't even hinted at going away yet. "I hope so...."

Plax says, "Imagine a female version of who I spent the previous month with on top of me naked"

Typheous blinks a few times. "Right...." . o O ( He mistook me for Cay, that's all. Tried to pull me up into the air with him. Glad gravity still works for me. )

Psyche whips her head around, eyes doing the anime-thing. "Wait, you =kissed- the gremlin, too?" She looks quite near to following Rade's example and memorising her toes.

Plax says, "When Lyka was giving me dancing lessons, she had me close my eyes, and I felt lips on mine. I kissed, and it was that Gremlin, who had some, ahem, Yellow Snow, right before then."

Psyche . o O ( Gah. )

Plax sighs and looks up. "Some homecoming," he says. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight". He flies back towards the Academy, face turning red.

Psyche shudders visibly. "Wait...what about Alex..."

Plax calls back, "It was him here, but he's gone now".

Psyche sighs. "Rade...think you can sleep?"

(remotely) Plax is entering through his window this time.

Typheous sighs, watching Plax go. "He's probably back in the room." He seems to sway a bit, now that he's not focused on dragging Plax around.

Rade whimpers softly, shifting her feet in silence a moment. She finally looks up slowly after Plax has flown off, at Psyche's shoes this time. "Yeah...I'll be fine...you two can go look together if you want."

Plax has received your page: "The room is exactly as you left it except for the small box with the ribbon on it and the card lying next to it on the bed."

Psyche shakes her head. "Not unless you're sure you're okay." She keeps her attention on Rade. . o O ( I won't feel better until I know for sure. )

(remotely) Plax does a Resonance scan on it, tracing a little pattern on his head.

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 3, 3, 2 ** 0 successes (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 3, 3, 9 ** 1 success (diff 4) **

[OOC] You say, "I wonder why Plax is so paranoid about mysterious gifts?"

(remotely) Plax will play it safe after 2 backlashes and just hope that'll tell him who it's from.

Rade takes a deep breath, forcing herself to look up and put on the most confident look she can manage. It's not all that convincing, but it's there. "I'm...fine. Don't worry, I have Halda."

[OOC] Plax says, "The last one trapped me with Caine for a month..."

[OOC] Rade says, "everytime I get a gift in RP lately it's a bodypart"

[OOC] Typheous chuckles.

[OOC] Psyche says, "In pretty paper :)"

Psyche studies Rade's face. "Want me to walk back with you?"

Typheous smiles to Rade. "Walk with us until we're back to town, though, ok? Just to be safe?" . o O ( We can stop by my room, ok? )

Psyche . o O ( Okay. *beat* And then? )

Plax has received your page: "The Resonance isn't familiar to you, though it appears to be Eerie with strong hints of Hope and Fear."

Rade shakes her head, smiling slightly. "Go on? Who's going to mess with a girl with a 200 pound wolf at her side?"

[OOC] Rade eyes her puncuation

(remotely) Plax picks up the card, opens it, and reads it.

Psyche smiles slightly. "It's been a lot of nasty surprises today...you sure you don't want company?"

Typheous quirks an eyebrow. "You have a point." He smiles warmly, turning to Psyche. "Shall we go investigate?"

Typheous . o O ( Well, depends on if he's there or not, doesn't it? )

Psyche . o O ( Point. )

Rade nods, putting a hand out to pat Halda's fur. "I'm sure."

Plax has received your page: ""It finally happened. Come to my room when you get back. I don't think I'm going to be getting much sleep tonight anyway. The window is unlocked. -Lyka"

Plax pages: "(The box had the same resonance?)"

Plax has received your page: "Yes."

(remotely) Plax takes the box and unwraps it carefully, opening it.

Psyche finally removes her arm. "I...If you change your mind later...come find me, you won't be interrupting." She seems to mean it. "And we're all heading back toward campus any way..."

Plax has received your page: "There is a tiny crystal sphere the size of a marble. There seems to be something inside it, preventing it from being entirely clear."

Rade smiles softly. "You can always come find me Psyche..."

(remotely) Plax takes the box with him, along with the card, and heads to Lyka's room, out his window and towards her's.

Psyche's blush, nearly faded, darkens a bit. "Maybe."

Typheous walks up besides Psyche, throwing his arm and his cloak around her shoulder, though he doesn't put any weight on it. "Talk to you later, then Rade?" . o O ( She'll be fine... )

Psyche . o O ( Hush. It's a girl thing. )

Typheous . o O ( Ohhh..... *mock understanding* )

Psyche leans unconsciously into Typheous's arm. . o O ( I don't believe I just said that. )

Plax has received your page: "Lyka is sitting at the desk, muttering to herself. She's not even dressed for bed, and a candle is still burning, the flame occasionally dancing in the breeze."

Rade nods, making a shooing motion. "Of course."

(remotely) Plax knocks at the window lightly.

Plax pages: "(Wait, it's open, breeze, duh...repose)"

Typheous starts off toward campus then. . o O ( What? The girl thing part? )

(remotely) Plax lands on the window. "Lyka?" he asks.

Plax has received your page: "She jumps. "Oh Plax, it's you. Come in.""

Psyche smiles, following along. . o O ( Yes. I don't think I actually -believe- it is...it's just... ) She sighs, shaking her head. "Are you all right?"

(remotely) Plax hovers in and lands. "I got your card when I got back," he says with a smile. "You've Awakened then?" he says with a smile.

Rade waits until they're pretty much out of sight, before starting her own path back to her room, wandering a bit if snow permits, playing. Tossing snow at Halda and making snow angels. A little snow elf.

Plax has received your page: "As soon as you enter the room, you can feel it. It's like a thousand tiny hands brushing against your skin. She is practically jumping with joy. "Yes. I've just been getting acquainted with all my roommates. Hey, everyone, Plax is here." The candle flickers. "Do you like it?""

You say, "Halda plays along, not commenting on the night's events."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Aww, how cute."

Typheous nods slowly, smiling, his music still sounding slightly drunk. "Just don't make me shake my head." . o O ( It's just? )

(remotely) Plax smiles. "You're strong with Spirit I see," he says. "Congratulations, Lyka. I knew it'd happen soon enough," he says. "I like it," he says.

[OOC] Rade tries.

Psyche . o O ( Mmm. Felt like we connected for a minute. ) She laughs softly. "So if I suddenly took off running..." Which is precisely what she does.

(remotely) Rade steps off mainscreen. "Anything eventful?"

[OOC] Plax says, "BRB"

Plax has received your page: "You feel a sudden surge of pride before you realize it's coming from her. She blushes slightly. "I'm sorry. I'm still working on controlling it.""

Rade has received your page: "When you pause between throwing snow at Halda, you have a sense of being watched."

[OOC] You say, "brb"

[OOC] Plax says, "Back"

Typheous tries to follow after Psyche. "Ack.. Psyche!" He manages a couple steps before collapsing to his knees in the snow.

[OOC] Typheous goes to get food...

(remotely) Plax laughs a little. "Don't worry about it. It's not as bad as the backlash I had earlier today...or tonight, for that matter," he says with a grin. "And you should be proud, Lyka. Master Nilrem will be pleased too, I'm sure".

Psyche stops about ten feet away, giggling. "Fine, my ass." She bends down to scoop up some snow, flinging it at him.

(remotely) Rade 's happy giggles fade slowly as she glances about. Not really afraid, more curious. She calls out musically. "Anyone there?"

Typheous ducks under his cloak. "Psyche! Stop it!" He tries to get back to his feet, succeeding very slowly.

Psyche packs another snowball while you're getting up. "Make me. You said you were fine..."

Plax has received your page: "Lyka, "I haven't had one of those, yet. I hear they're dreadful.""

Rade has received your page: "There is no answer."

Typheous steadies himself while standing. "I was, then. I didn't think you meant fine to run. Sheesh." His music is amused and annoyed at the same time.

(remotely) Rade frowns slightly, that feeling of being watched ticklig at the back of her mind. "You smell anyone Halda?"

(remotely) Plax smiles. "Remember earlier today in the cafeteria? That's a good example of a backlash," he says. "Though I've had more dangerous ones. Imagining there were people attacking me, so I fought back, only later to realize it was my cabal I was fighting," he says. "It's something you get used to, I suppose".

Psyche waits 'till he's standing before pegging the snowball at him. "It didn't involve shaking your head..." . o O ( You know, you're cute covered in snow. )

Typheous raises an arm a hair to slowly, his face getting covered in snow, nearly falling over again. "Yes, well, stop taking things so literally." . o O ( And what are you going to do about that? )

Rade has received your page: "Halda, "He'll be out here in a moment." She shakes snow off her coat."

Psyche shrugs. "That's just the way I am. You're going to have to be specific." , o O ( Make sure you stay covered in snow? ) She bends to make another snowball.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Back, what'd I miss?"

Plax has received your page: "She grimmaces, "Yes, I do. I'm really sorry about that. It's my fault Grus showed up in the first place.""

(remotely) Rade blinks. "He? Who's he? Who is it?" She starts to look just a touch nervous, though Halda seems calm, so there's nothing to be upset about.

[OOC] Plax says, "Plax having sex with a female Caine"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Ahh!"

[OOC] Rade shivers. ;)

[OOC] You say, "That and some alcohol-induced flirtations..."

Typheous take slow, measured steps toward Psyche. "So I am..." . o O ( And when I freeze to death? )

[OOC] Valyros says, "Well I knew that much."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Something like that... Although she's had one sip. :p"

Valyros pages: "Next day?"

Rade has received your page: "Nomin comes out of the dorm and walks toward you."

[OOC] Psyche grins.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Or was it Plax mistaking me for the femail Caine?"

(remotely) Plax shrugs. "It wasn't your fault. I messed up, that's all. Though I think I'll be washing the taste out of my mouth for a few days at least," he says with a grin. "So, how did it happen?" he asks.

[OOC] Plax says, "Only when you touched him"

Psyche isn't paying attention to his approach, just her snowball. . o O ( You'll cry mercy before that. )

Valyros has received your page: "Not yet. I was going to keep them busy until you got back. Hopefully, I'll be able to push the rest of the night through in 5-7 minutes..."

[OOC] Typheous was freakin' dragging him out of the tavern.

(remotely) Rade breaths a sigh of relief, tossing the last bit of snow on her gloves at halda. "You could have just said who it was..." She raises a hand to wave and smile at him. "Hey Nomin..."

Valyros pages: "Good."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Yeah, to get a room :)"

Typheous seems to be paying attention to the snow ball as well. . o O ( And just how does one go about crying for mercy? )

Psyche straightens and lobs the ball at him. "You'll figure it out."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Clippy, don't mind us. We'll blue-book this for the next week, so whenever everyone else is done..."

Typheous nearly falls over again, but manages to dodge this one, if rather ungracefully. . "Oh will I?"

Typheous . o O ( I thought we were going to find Alex? )

Psyche nods, giggling. "Yep." She sobers a bit. . o O ( I suppose we should, before I get distracted turning you into a snow creature... *a hint of frustration in her mind* )

Typheous takes the chance of the distraction to close the gap without fire as quickly as he dares. . o O ( What's wrong? )

Plax has received your page: "Her eyes are sparkling, "I was outside just after dark, and I felt like someone was following me. Everytime I turned around, though, there was no one there. I got really creeped out, so I started walking back to the dorm, but Vance was outside of it, chatting up some second-year. So, I decided to head toward Master Nilrem's house. Then it put its hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear. It said, "You will never see me, but you will never be alone again. I'll be watching you." And suddenly, I was really calm, though there was no logic in being comfortable with a stalker standing behind me all the time. He's there even now, though I can't see him. I can feel him, though, his breath on the back of my neck. It's..." She releases a deep breath."

[OOC] Valyros says, "You can always page it?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Or whatever. If you leave these two alone we can RP for days."

Rade has received your page: "Nomin, "Heya, Rade. Whatcha up to?""

Psyche shakes her head. . o O ( You're very bad for me, you know. Here I am running around in the snow like there's not a care in the world. )

[OOC] Eclipse is trying to steer two other PCs to the next morning, atm, so you're good, for now.

[OOC] Plax says, "Something Good finally happened to Plax, you think he's going to rush it?"

(remotely) Rade smiles cutely, shrugging and stepping to Halda's side. "We were just playing on our way home...what about you?"

[OOC] Rade whoots for Plax!

[OOC] Valyros says, "Yay! Plax has found happiness!"

Rade has received your page: "Nomin yawns. "Studying. I saw you out here and thought I'd take a break. I haven't seen you since you got back." He sounds a little hurt by this."

Typheous takes his place at Psyche's side again, arm around her. . o O ( And why is that bad? You need to let go like that sometime, dear. If you're serious all the time, you'll put yourself into any early grave, and where would I be then? )

Psyche lifts her shoulders. . o O ( Finding another girl. ) She starts walking. "There's just too much to do...too much to think about..."

Typheous squeezes Psyche lightly. . o O ( I don't think I'd be about that for a while. When we end up seperated some how, I always feel... alone... I'd hate to know what it would feel like if you died. ) He walks with her.

[OOC] Eclipse just turned another NPC into Creepy Scary Girl?

(remotely) Plax smiles and nods knowingly. "I know the feeling, never being really alone," he says. "And that certainly sounds like Vance," he says with a smirk. "It'll be odd at first. It was for me. But, you'll get used to it, and get better control, with time," he says with a smile. "Master Nilrem is a good teacher, and I'll help you however I can, if you want".

(remotely) Rade blinks, cheeks reddening. "Well...Nomin...I'm sorry. I've been busy...and we were just going to have to leave again...and...I...I...should have come and said hi at least."

[OOC] Typheous hides?

[OOC] Valyros wanted to be Creepy Scary Girl. :(

[OOC] You say, "Just wait 'til they find out who you seduced..."

[OOC] Typheous wonders if Psyche and I on MS is just convient so the worst that shows up is us angsting over a relationship.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Gyah..."

[OOC] Psyche !!

[OOC] Plax says, "It can't be worse than a female Caine..."

Valyros pages: "What was that horny ass Grand Master of Corispondance? It was like Tyler or something? Tybalt!"

[OOC] Rade says, "Never say it can't be worse."

[OOC] Rade says, "It usually is :)"

[OOC] Typheous has all sorts of horrid ideas...

[OOC] Plax says, "Vance?"

Psyche nestles. "You'd cope. It'll happen eventually, after all." She shrugs. "I just feel like I should be working on figuring out what's going on with Mer..." She slips her arm around his waist and tucks a handful of snow into his waistband.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Has to be."

Plax has received your page: ""I really appreciate it, Plax, everything you've done for me." She proceeds to go on even more about how cool it is to be Awakened. (I'm trying to get the group time-synched, again. Can we just assume Plax stays up all night swapping magic stories with Lyka before she kisses him on the cheek and sends him home to get a couple hours of sleep?)"

Valyros has received your page: "Yes. That was Tybalt."

(remotely) Plax oocly nods. "Fine by me".

Typheous jumps, and promptly falls over. "Gyah!.... Psyche!" He squirms until the snow is melted or out of his pants. . o O ( Now I have to change my clothing. )

(remotely) Plax notes Lyka will then know of the perm. wound (neck scab thing).

[OOC] Rade says, "......"

Rade has received your page: "Nomin scratches his neck nervously. "Well, that's okay. Listen, I should really get to bed, now, but I was wondering if, well, would you like to, um..."

[OOC] Valyros says, "What would the name Tybalt call to mind?"

[OOC] Plax says, "Al?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Mercutio!"

Valyros has received your page: "But the guy you slept with was Vance, yes."

(remotely) Rade turns the full force of her smile on the boy, not realizing what she's doing really. She is fond of the boy after all, "Wondering what Nomin?"

Psyche laughs. "Well, the sooner we get to your room, the better then..."

Valyros pages: "Well you can never know. Tybalt had sex in every time, dimension, and space, so there might be one of him floating about somewhere...."

Rade has received your page: "Nomin, "Do you want to go for a walk in the woods with me tomorrow? I usually walk alone, but I don't mind your company at all. That is, I really enjoy your company. Well? Will you?""

Typheous stands back up, slowly, swaying as he does, but less so. "At least this is sobering me up." He keeps his distance from Psyche, though.

Valyros has received your page: "It wouldn't entirely surprise me for him to show up in a random location shagging someone in the bushes, certainly."

Psyche spans her hands. "No more snow. Come on." She stars walking backwards, slowly.

[OOC] You say, "Three down, one to go..."

Rade pages: "OOC When do we leave?"

Typheous sighs. "No more snow?" It's a prompt. His music is a bit annoyed-sounding, though it almost sounds cold, as well.

Rade has received your page: "(iirc, you had a few days (a week?) - enough to get through mid-terms, at least - before it was time to leave.)"

Psyche grins. "No more snow flung or stuffed at you...until after you've sobered up. Promise. Come -on-. You're making -me- cold."

Rade pages: "ooc Ah, thought it was sooner."

Typheous does close the gap, his arm falling back into place. "Now, if we can just walk... we should be able to warm up...."

(remotely) Rade 's eyes lower shyly, studying the snow between them for a moment. "I....um...should study...." She hesitates. "But I could get out for a bit I think."

Psyche nods, and walks, humming under her breath in tune with Typheous's music, heading back to see if Alex is indeed in his room.

Rade has received your page: "Nomin, "Great. See you then!" He practically skips back to the dorm. Halda, "You should be going to bed, too, young pup. You're colder than you feel, you know.""

You say, "Alex is passed out on his bed, smelling highly alcoholic."

[OOC] Psyche entertains the thought of Imbue Anabuse as a Rote.

[OOC] You say, "Imbue what?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "What the hecks an Anabuse?"

(remotely) Rade smiles as the boy departs, watching him until he's back inside. She looks down at the wolf. "Oh...you just like ruining my fun." She pats the wolf playfully on the head. "Well if I'm going to bed, so are you...come on."

Rade has received your page: "Halda snorts and pads along behind you."

Typheous will slip into his room. "Want to wait in the hall while I change or do you want to watch?" He smiles, still very much tipsy.

Rade pages: "off to bed then?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Watch!"

[OOC] You say, "And if the two of you can wrap up - since the others are done, now - we'll continue with the next morning."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Antabuse or Anabuse is a drug they put some alcoholics on. It inhibits the liver enzymes, which means that as little as an ounce or two of beer will make you flushed, sick to your stomach, and violently ill :)"

[OOC] Plax grins.

Psyche blushes, and steps back into the hall. "That's indecent. I'll wait out here." And, we'll flag it as a blue-book since they'll probably head back to her room to talk, and I know how she'll act in the morning no matter what.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Opposite to the stuff that breaks down booze quicker."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Yep."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Yeah, she'll be hungover"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Bingo :)"

[OOC] You say, "Rade and Val, give me a Sta + Streetwise, dif 6."

[OOC] Valyros says, "Streetwise?"

[Roll]: Rade rolled Stamina (1) and streetwise (0) (1d10): 2 ** 0 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Rade is a lightweight

[Roll]: Valyros rolled dice (3d10): 1, 8, 7 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[OOC] Plax says, "1 Stamina...Poor Rade..."

[OOC] Valyros needs to use that discount physical rote more.

Rade has received your page: "You wake up a little headachy, despite having had only two glasses of wine."

Valyros has received your page: "You wake up fairly hung-over and later than is your habit. Vance has already raided your larder and left."

You say, "It is now morning."

(remotely) Rade mmmnods. She'll tough it out to remind her not to drink so much. :)

Valyros pages: "Define raided my larder."

Psyche wakes early and cranky, and Typheous is most likely sleeping on her floor.

[OOC] Rade grins

Typheous will have spent the night in Psyche's room again.

Valyros has received your page: "Opened up the cupboards, made himself a sandwich, and didn't clean up his mess or even close the cupboard doors."

Plax wakes after his two hours or so of sleep, but is surprisingly in a good mood.

Valyros pages: "Of course, not stealing anything valuable."

Valyros wakes up, eats her breakfast and cleans up.

[OOC] Plax says, "Who has MS?"

Valyros has received your page: "Nah. He's a jerk, not a thief."

[OOC] Psyche thinks we'll all wind up together in a bit.

(remotely) Plax looks around the room, making sure there aren't any surprises, cleans up, and goes for breakfast.

[OOC] Eclipse thinks so, too. "Breakfast in the men's dorm? I know Val might not be there, but it would be a logical place for Rade to meet Nomin, eventually."

Plax has received your page: "No surprises."

Valyros pages: "going to cast me an anti-hangover rote."

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 6, 10, 3, 3 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

[OOC] Typheous says, "Sounds good. :)"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Sounds great."

Plax wanders into the cafeteria for breakfast.

Valyros has received your page: "The agony fades."

Rade wakes up bright and early, even if with a headache. Gets dressed in a somewhat nicer dress than usual, though not overly so, and heads downstairs for breakfast.

[OOC] Rade ehs

Typheous wanders into the cafeteria with Psyche, looking fairly chipper, and not hungover at all. His music seems rather upbeat.

You say, "Three of you arrive in the cafeteria at roughly the same time. Nomin is also there, eating breakfast furtively."

Plax gets breakfast and waves to the others. "Morning!" he calls, seeming to be in a much better mood today.

[OOC] Psyche eyes.

[OOC] Plax noses?

Valyros comes into the breakfast a little later, in a fur lined red overcoat and prances about like she's on air. She only takes a canteloupe and a piece of cake for breakfast, going over and sitting next to you all. "Good day everybody! I hope the night has found you well?"

Rade has received your page: "A couple of the other students in the girl's dorrm are eating at the same time as you, including Gadrielle, who keeps her distance, and Tuneviel, who has a small basket of glass bottles on the table with her as she eats. Tuneviel, "You go to Wyzdin last night?""

Psyche snarls something obscene under her breath and nurses a cup of herbal tea. She's even giving Typheous wish-you-were-dead looks.

Plax pages: "(Because Plax would have found this out during the night, but I didn't, what exactly was it she gave Plax?)"

Typheous chuckles softly, nodding to the others. "It was enjoyable, yes." He carries his breakfast to the table. . o O ( You wanted me to... )

Plax smiles. "I had a very enjoyable night, thank you Valyros," he says. "Yourself?"

Psyche . o O ( Yes, you obviously have some kind of weird fucking judgment-imparing effect on me. Don't talk to me. )

Plax has received your page: "(It's basically kind of like a mood ring crossed with a kalaidescope crossed with the Windows Media Player flame image that reflects Lyka's emotions and sometimes even her surface thoughts (mere images, not words).)"

(remotely) Plax nods. "Oh, so it's a ring she gave him? Cool".

(remotely) Rade picks up a light breakfast, fruit and some bread, and for all purposes looks as though she intends to leave right away, but stops as Tuneviel speaks. "Yes...to the pub. With some friends. Were you there?"

Plax has received your page: "Not a ring. It's just kind of a mini-crystal ball."

Plax pages: "Gotha"

Rade has received your page: "Tuneviel, "No, but I have just the thing for the morning after a night at the pub. Just a copper crown, and that headache will be gone.""

Typheous sighs softly, a very appologetic look on his face. . o O ( I'm sorry? Shall I try to help you with it? )

Valyros says, "Well I am glad to hear so. If anybody needed it, it was you... except for our little Snow Queen.'"

[OOC] Eclipse waits for the ick...

Valyros gives a good, lighthearted smile at Psyche.

[OOC] Typheous blinks.

(remotely) Rade tilts her head at Tuneviel. "What's a copper crown?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Just as long as we don't have half-dark elf vampires (drow dhampier?) running around...."

Psyche shakes her head and sips her tea, scowling at Valyros. It -has- to be hard to keep tea warm for long, considering the chill around her. . o O ( No, I think I'll hang on to it. That way I won't be stupid again. )

Rade has received your page: "She blinks. "It's a coin. Half a silver penny? Don't tell me you've never...""

Plax smiles a little. "How was your night, Psyche?" he asks.

Typheous pokes at his food. . o O ( And make me feel terrible.)

[OOC] Valyros says, "What about half dark elf/dragon/werewolves?"

[OOC] Plax says, "Well, that's alright then"

Psyche's tea quits steaming as her cheeks flame, out to the tips of her ears, and the temperature around her drops even more. "It was just fucking fine." . o O ( *muffled frustration* Oh, -quit- it. )

(remotely) Rade blinks, shaking her head with a embarrassed laugh. "Sorry...my head's a little fuzzy. Of course I know what it is..." She squirms, already embarrassed. "Sure..." Digging through her purse she pulls out a coin.

Plax blinks a bit. "Forget I asked," he says, going back to his meal. "Oh, Valyros, it seems you were quite right in your prediction," he says.

Rade has received your page: "She takes the coin and hands you a small vial with foul-looking liquid in it. "Just drink this down in one swallow, and you'll feel better.""

Typheous keeps poking at his food, not saying anything. . o O ( What? I do. And I want to do something about it, and you're not letting me. )

Valyros says, "It didn't sound like it. Is anything wrong?"

(remotely) Rade bliinks, looking at it very uncertainly. "What...is it?"

Valyros says, "Well I'm glad about that Plax. It took me years to figure out what you have in just one night."

Rade has received your page: ""Elven Forest Oyster. It's a hangover cure. The recipe is my little secret.""

Plax looks at Valyros. "And what exactly is it I figured out in one night?"

Psyche sips her now-cold tea. "I'm just hung over. That's all." She snarls it. . o O ( You're making it very difficult to maintain a sulk, you know. )

Rade pages: "Anythingweird about Elven Forest oyster I would know? :)"

Rade has received your page: "(Strangely, you've never heard of it before)"

Typheous sighs softly, trying a mouthful of food, not really paying attention to the others at the table. . o O ( You never struck me as the type to like sulking. )

(remotely) Rade cocks an eyebrow, eyeing the liquid and the girl for a moment. Slowly she unstops it and downs the liquid, making a face. "T...thank you." She turns to start toward the door.

Plax looks at Psyche. "I didn't think you drank that much," he says with a shrug.

Valyros says, "That you are only old if you freet too much and actually make yourself old."

Plax shrugs. "Maybe. Actually, I was complimenting you on your prediction of Lyka Awakening," he says.

Psyche shrugs, hands cupped around the tea as if it's any warmer than the air around her. . o O ( It's either that or start obsessing again about how I've accomplished nothing of real value... ) Her eyes narrow dangerously as Plax speaks. "I didn't. -He- did." She says it quietly, so as not to be overheard, jerking a thumb at Typheous.

Plax nods to Psyche. "Ahh, point taken," he says.

Rade has received your page: "The potion doesn't so much get rid of your headache as make you so focused on the nasty taste in your mouth that seems to go all the way down your throat that you forget you have a headache. (heading to the men's dorm?)"

Valyros says, "Oh, sorryy, I make so many predictions sometimes it's hard to keep up with them all. But I am happy for you both, now you'll be able to share the wonderous inner workings of Creation for yourself."

Rade pages: "Ewww, yeah, She takes her food and heads over to that mess."

Rade has received your page: "Pose the arrival whenever you like."

Plax says, "Us both? What do you mean? She was the one who Awakened"

Valyros says, "Don't worry, you'll know soon enough..." as she smiles mischievously and eats a piece of cake.

Psyche looks a little mollified but still generally over-snarly.

Rade walks in with a half disgusted look on her face, as though she'd eaten something bad. She has her breakfast in hand, fruit and some bread, and heads over toward the group, offeirng Nomin a smile along the way and sitting near him if the group is close.

Plax goes about the business of eating breakfast, looking at Rade in his rather chipper mood. "Morning, Rade," he says.

Valyros says, "Hello Rade, what's the matter?"

Psyche doesn't even look at Rade, all nice and settled into her grump.

[OOC] Plax says, "Question: How many days until the Professors are going to make that announcement?"

Typheous picks at his food, not really paying attention for a few minutes. His music seems to becoming out of his sudden sulk.

You say, "Nomin promptly drops a piece of fruit on the floor, gets down on all fours to chase after it, and bang his head on the table when he tries to stand up to retrieve it. It drops out of his hand and rolls the rest of the way under the table. He crawls after it, but Vance knocks him over as he walks by, headed for the door. Vance winks at Valyros, a cocky smirk on his lips.""

Valyros gives a nod at Vance as he goes by.

Plax scowls and stands as Vance knocks over his friend, not at all pleased.

[OOC] You say, "Probably tonight or tomorrow. They never gave a specific time, unless I'm mistaken."

You say, "Nomin eventually reclaims his dirty and slightly squashed fruit and retreats back to his chair, blushing like mad."

Psyche is stirred from her sulk long enough to give Vance a poisonous look - over and beyond the call of hangover-suffering duty. She scoots a little closer to Typheous, although one hopes there's not much warm food on his tray.

Valyros says, "Aww, do you want some of my fruit instead?"

Rade smiles, starting to answer as the comotion inturrupts her. She carefully sets her breakfast down on the table and smiles. "One moment..." She picks out as close as she has to the same fruit Nomin dropped and walks over to him, setting it down gracefully in front of him. "We're still going for a walk later...right?"

Typheous stands slowly, Vance managing to replace the sulk with the usual annoyance. "Vance? Aren't you going to appologise?"

Nomin mutters, "S'okay, ma'am. I'm almost full anyway."

Psyche . o O ( Fucking bastard. )

You say, "He looks to Rade. "Yeah. That is, if you still want to, of course. Whenever you're ready, not to rush you or anything.""

Plax crosses his arms and continues looking at the bully.

Valyros says, "You might want to Vance..."

Vance doesn't_stop_walkin, "I'm sorry you're not getting as much tail as I am, kid. It might help if you spend less time on your knees."

Psyche stands, snarling under her breath, anger and general ill-temperedness redirected.

Typheous stalks after him, his scowl deepening. "That's not what I asked for, Vance. I asked that you appologise.

Plax starts hovering towards Vance now.

Valyros says, "Really, I thought that was the exact way you got Some?"

Nomin, "Stop it! This is none of your business, guys."

You say, "He is positively blushing purple."

Typheous glances to Nomin. "I'm not going to let him push you around, Nomin." He turns his attention back to Vance.

Plax looks back to Nomin, then to Typheous. "If Nomin doesn't want this turning ugly, then it won't," he says. "I'll respect his wishes".

Nomin, "C'mon, Rade. Let's go for our walk."

You say, "Halda is already on her feet and looking at Rade expectantly."

Psyche says under her breath, "If it were anyone but him, I might."

Rade sighs, frowning slightly. She reaches out to place a hand on Nomin's shoulder. "It's okay..." She turns. "Guys...." she pauses, having to think about how to say it. "..just leave him alone. Some boy's are just jealous of the...ahem...more talented ones." She looks at Nomin, blushing prettily. Then turns back to her seat, completly igoring Vance.

Valyros waves Nomin and Rade goodbye, "Have fun you two kids!"

You say, "Vance sniffs. "Just because you're a Murder Mage doesn't mean you can get away with pestering me. It was just an accident. I didn't see him there. My nose was too high in the air to notice my feet. Now leave me alone." He walks out."

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Willpower (7) (7d10): 5, 8, 4, 6, 8, 9, 2 No diff given.

[Roll]: Plax rolled Willpower (7) (7d10): 2, 6, 5, 4, 1, 4, 9 No diff given.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Dangit. He lives for another day... sigh..."

[OOC] Plax says, "Ditto"

[OOC] You say, "Who says mages don't have Frenzy checks?"

Psyche glances at Rade, then outright grins at her words, glancing at Nomin. The grin lasts only fractionally though, before she scowls at Vance's words. "Murder...fucking bastard." . o O ( Not a fucking murder mage. )

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 10, 4, 1, 7, 3, 7, 6, 9 No diff given.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Damn."

[OOC] Plax says, "We have too much Willpower"

[OOC] Psyche says, "We're turning into like the Mage Mafia."

[OOC] Rade says, "whoa"

Typheous balls his hands into fists, practically snarling. "Damn straight your nose is to far up your own ass." He starts mumbling as he sits back down at the table, vicisouly attacking his food with his fork,but not eating much of it.

Valyros says, "So I take it you and Vance do not see eye to eye?"

Plax snarls and almost starts up the blood sucking, but turns and heads back to his seat.

Typheous looks up as if Valyros has just stated that the sky is blue. "You could say that, yes."

Rade has received your page: "Nomin, "You sleep well?""

Plax says, "Unfortunately, for that, it'd require me to look at his ass, and I have no intention of doing that"

Psyche snarls under her breath. "I'll see you later." She stalks out the door without bothering with her tray, just barely remembering to snag coat and bag. Not following Vance.

Valyros says, "Well, he seemed alright last night. Rather responsive. See you later Psyche, hope you feel better!"

(remotely) Rade is still blushing softly. "I did...thank you. Did you?"

Psyche . o O ( Stay put. Don't follow me. )

Plax says, "Last night? What are you talking about?"

Rade sits, speaking quietly with Nomin.

(remotely) Psyche heads out, glances around to make sure that she's not heading in a direction likely to induce her to commit murder in the heat of passion, and goes to find a place to try and calm down.

Typheous stares at Val. His music shocked to near silence. "Don't tell me. I don't want to hear about that stuck up prick's escapades." . o O ( I won't... Gyah.. Val and Vance... )

Psyche . o O ( don't make me ill. )

Valyros starts picking at his cake, "Well after... I had to!"

Plax fights very hard to keep his breakfast down.

[OOC] Psyche says, "His cake, eh?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Her! I bend too much :P"

Rade has received your page: ""Pretty well, yeah. Studying for mid-terms is really tiring. Are you ready to go for that walk, or do you want to finish breakfast? I really didn't want to rush you. I just wish people would stop acting like I can't take care of myself." His voice drops to a whisper. "If I really wanted to, I could tell the spirits to kill him, and they would. But that would make me far worse than he is. He's not very nice, but he hasn't hurt anyone.""

(to Psyche) Eclipse nods.

Typheous rubs his temples. "I'll be in the fields...." He picks up Psyche's things as well as his own and heads over to put them away.

(remotely) Psyche will then go looking for Liriel.

Plax looks at Typheous. "You going for some sword practice?"

Valyros says, "Bye Typheous..."

Typheous nods to Plax. "Yes... Havne't practised for a couple days. And need to work out these thoughts...."

Psyche has received your page: "He is at his home. "Psyche. I was beginning to wonder if you'd forgotten about me in your excitement over Typheous.""

Plax nods. "Want a sparring partner?"

(remotely) Psyche turns white, then red, shaking her head. "No, sir. I'm sorry, I should have come sooner." Her voice is both chagrined and a little unhappy.

[OOC] Eclipse thinks Val just became pariah...

(remotely) Rade shakes her head. "No, you did the right thing. He's just....a stupid bully. Nature will run it's course with him, as with everything else, and he'll have his turn to be picked on." She smiles. "I'm sure I can eat something while we walk, if you want to go now?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "She slept with VANCE!"

Typheous he drops the trays off. "Sure, though I hope you can keep up..." His music is still annoyed.

[OOC] Typheous says, "That's like finding out she's the Anti-chirst"

[OOC] Psyche says, "That's like "Oh, hey, Luke, Leia. I met this really awesome guy in black...""

Plax nods. "I'll do my best," he says. "And besides, I'm a quick healer". He nods to Valyros. "I'll see you later. I do need the practice," he says, depositing his tray and going with Typheous.

Psyche has received your page: ""You seem troubled. Come in.""

[OOC] Typheous says, "He had some trouble breathing, but it was fun."

[OOC] Valyros says, "I'm part demoness, so it's not that far."

[OOC] Plax says, "And he was kind of pale..."

Rade has received your page: "He shrugs. "I can wait, if you want to eat before you walk. I'm in no hurry. It's up to you.""

[OOC] Typheous says, "And had all these buttons on his chest."

(remotely) Psyche nods. "Thank you, sir." She enters, sighing. "You've been expecting this, haven't you?" She still doesn't look up.

[OOC] Eclipse in her defense, she didn't know about Vance...

Valyros sighs, puts his dishes back and goes off to he library to do some research.

[OOC] Psyche says, "But oooh, that helmeet."

[OOC] Plax says, "His dishes?"

(remotely) Rade grins slowly. "I thought boys were supposed to be....decisive..."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Augh, Val is having transsexual gay orgies with Vance!"

Typheous heads out to the fields and goes through several forms to warm up fairly quickly.

[OOC] Typheous hides.

Plax does as well, using both his sword and sai for warming up.

[OOC] Valyros has Life 3, so it's possible...

[OOC] Plax says, "EWW!"

Valyros pages: "Trying to find the general extent of the school's range of demonology texts."

Typheous finishes his forms and looks over to Plax. "Well? Ready to try this?" He hefts his rapier and his main-ganche..

Plax wields his longsword and sai. "Ready," he says.

Psyche has received your page: "He sits down on a wooden rocking chair near the fire. "I anticipated the possibility, yes, given your connection to each other. I must say that Lori saw it first, even before you Awakened. She knew what would happen, that neither of you could Awaken without coming into physical contact with one another. I did not wholely approve of her methods of arranging it. It is not as though the manner in which it happened was the result of her intervention..."

Rade has received your page: "Nomin, "Decisive? Oh, I'm decisive all right, but I want to do what you want to do.""

Typheous falls into his stance and begins sparring, rapier flashing, albeit slower than his usual pace. While he seems fairly focused in his motions, his music is still getting over Val's revelations and his annoyance with Vance. "Slept with... Gyah..."

(remotely) Psyche tenses, folding her hands behind her back. "She's been fucking with us since we got here?" She doesn't sound angry - more just defeated. "Master Liriel, -what- is going on?"

Plax counters with his sai, decent at the countering. Of course, the sai is made for countering, and keeps his longsword out of the fight for now. "Could be worse. Not sure how, but could be," he says.

Valyros has received your page: "Demonology texts? The only one you find in the library is 90% rhetoric, 9% warnings against dealing with demons, and 1% semi-accurate cosmology. It would seem this is not the library's strongest subject..."

Valyros pages: "General listing about succubi?"

(remotely) Rade smiles. "Well...I want to eat outside then, and we're going for a walk. So...let's go."

Typheous smirks slightly, his left-handed dagger swiping in and out, mostly to discourage attack, while his rapier picks up speed, testing defenses as he goes. "I suppose... It could have been that skull."

Plax takes a couple hits, but isolated as they are, he doesn't worry about the regeneration, and they're mainly in non-critical locations. He brings his longsword in for an attack, keeping the sai moving as a defense, trying to counter Typheous's main weapon and hopefully disarm him with it at some point. "Trust me. Kissing that head will turn anyone off sex forever".

Typheous chuckles softly, both of his blades coming in to block the larger sword coming at him. "I suppose there is that." He steps back briefly enough to free his blades from blocking before starting up again.

Psyche has received your page: "Liriel, "Now, now, I wouldn't say thay. Mistress Spinwind means well. It is the source of her power, after all. And while she suspected the bond might result in a certain emotional attachment, that was not the sort of relationship she was necessarily aiming for. No, she just wanted you to Awaken and to be able to work together. Because whether or not you wound up as lovers, your fates would be intertwined for the rest of your lives. Another possible future we saw was that one of you would kill the other, only to wound up Gilguled as a result, and that was a fate we wished to avoid at all costs, even if it meant placing him in classes for which he was not qualified or placing you in classes that were below your skill.""

Plax now starts hovering and brings his claws into the fight with a little grin. "Well, I'll say I don't like the idea, but the worse case scenario is that she pounds some sense into him," Plax says, now on the defensive, but more agile in the air.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Out of curiosity, what's Plax's dex+melee? Typh's using his 12 dice from flourentine fencing but I don't know how that compares with Plax's."

[OOC] Plax says, "Heh. 6, so you're probably whomping him, but his Disarm with the Sai is at diff 4. He's just healing the wounds and using his dodge (7 total) a lot."

Valyros has received your page: "Just a lot of shit emphasizing that they are actually the most hideous creatures imagineable despite their appearances. That's followed by some unsupported warnings about how they cause impotence by making a man's penis wither or by making a woman completely lose the ability to have intimate sensation."

[OOC] Typheous nodsnods. Just need to know if Typh's in danger of being actually hit. :)

[OOC] Plax says, "Doubtful, unless you forget about Plax's claws."

Rade has received your page: ""Okay." He jumps up and practically runs to the door to open it for you and Halda. "Which direction do you want to go first?""

(remotely) Psyche blinks, and swallows hard. eyes widening. "It'd be illogical and foolish for me to deny that we're tied together in some metaphysical way, but..." She shakes her head. "It's that important?" Another swallow. "I don't know if I like this, Master Liriel. I feel like I'm losing my effectiveness...like I'm wasting all my time acting like a foolish teenager instead of figuring out what's going on with Mer."

Psyche pages (to Eclipse, Typheous): ". o O ( Typh? I'm sorry. )"

Valyros pages: "Mutters, "Even I know that's only after the damage is done and it'd have to be a fairly high end succubi." She then starts to curse a little bit in Kaldari."

Typheous tries to keep things interesting, though the addition of the claws throws him off briefly. He compensates by trying to keep a little more distance between him and Plax. "No... And at least he might stop bothing Psyche and I..." He nearly loses the rapier in Plax's sai. He pauses his attack, pulling back just before he'd lose it, eyes flicking toward where Psyche would be.

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous . o O ( It's ok... What for? )

Psyche pages (to Eclipse, Typheous): ". o O ( *wryly* Being a bitch to you. You didn't deserve it. )"

Psyche has received your page: ""Ah, Mereke. I thought you might bring up that subject. Mereke is a complicated problem. I had to mislead young Terz somewhat about her, I'm afraid. I don't think he'd understand ...""

(remotely) Rade giggles softly, carefully picking her things up and making her way to the door. "Why thank you sir. Let's...find someplace with trees."

Plax flips into a hover jump, intending to go over and behind Typheous and suprise him that way, though he's taken a few cuts. They just don't seem to be bothering him. "Hopefully," Plax says. "Don't reckon we'll have to worry much about him though, not after the next couple days. I mean, is he worth worrying about?"

(remotely) Typheous . o O ( Well, you did have a hangover... And it was my fault, even if you wanted me to. )

(remotely to Psyche, Eclipse) Typheous . o O ( Well, you did have a hangover... And it was my fault, even if you wanted me to. )

(remotely) Psyche frowns, the unhappiness and concern swept away in a flash of curiosity and worry. "What happened, Master Liriel?"

Rade has received your page: "Nomin sighs, "Unfortunately, most of the good forest is outside the Academy, now, so we can only really walk a hundred or so yards into the perimeter. But yeah, let's go there.""

Psyche pages (to Eclipse, Typheous): ". o O ( Don't argue with me, godsdamnit. I was wrong and I'm sorry for it. )"

Typheous is surprised, rolling around as you jump, but very off guard at this point, and blades moving defensively. "No... damn... Not used to dealing with flying opponents.... It certainly makes things interesting."

(remotely) Rade nods with a smile. "But any is better than none. Come on..."

(remotely to Psyche, Eclipse) Typheous . o O ( *sigh* I forgive you. Just wanted to say I was sorry for inflicting it on you.. )

Plax smiles. "I may not be as skilled as you, so I figured I'd make it up with a bit of a challenge," he says. "You're easily better than me," he says, moving his weapons on the offensive for the moment. "But, we've each got our own talents," he says.

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche . o O ( Blame Alex. He's the one who passed out before you got anything worthwhile out of drinking it. )

Typheous dances back, almost losing his rapier once again to the sai. "Thanks, but it's really disconcerting to have to watch the sky, both weapons, and your claws."

Plax smirks. "Just be glad I'm not using my bow, though you can probably see why I prefer that weapon," he says. "Gives me great range," he says, retracting his claws to make things a bit more fair and challenging for him.

(remotely to Psyche, Eclipse) Typheous . o O ( I think he's been working at things a bit harder than I have in the magic realm. I doubt I could have done what he was doing, save through making illusions. )

[OOC] Psyche says, "Blame Psyche. She's chatting him up."

[OOC] Plax wanted to blame his great tactics though! :(

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche . o O ( We've both been slacking off in the magic realm. )

Psyche has received your page: ""It's complex. She has experienced something like an Awakening, but not exactly like it. Rather than recognizing her power to affect the world, with all the responsibility that entails, she seems to have uncovered some previously undiscovered powers. They aren't magical. Not really, at least. But they are not without potency. You heard what she managed to do to her assailant, I'm sure. But what you don't know is that he had recently Awakened and was in the process of placing her under a powerful enchantment. She slipped the control as if it didn't exist and killed him.""

Rade has received your page: "Nomin follows you into the woods, with Halda padding along behind you. "So, do you have to keep what happened out there a secret, too?""

Valyros has received your page: "(Anything else you'd like to do while you're here? Besides make corrections, that is...)"

Typheous chuckles softly, renewing his attack now that there are fewer weapons to track. "You didn't have to stop. I've not had quite that much of a challenge in a while. Although I could also blame that on Psyche talking to me while I do this..."

(remotely to Psyche, Eclipse) Typheous . o O ( Yes, well, we've learned a lot outside that. )

Psyche has received your page: "You know what we discussed about the Knights and the wraiths and how they wanted nothing more than to destroy our kind?"

(remotely) Psyche takes a step back, paling. "I heard. And I heard from her nothing at all to make me feel comfortable with her attitudes or her actions..." She shivers. "All she wants is revenge, to make people suffer, it seems. She's only cognizant of their emotions in a peripheral way. It's like she's perverted everything I ever wanted her to understand..." She swallows. "Something has to be done...especially if she has no intention of controlling herself." She nods slowly.

Plax goes on the defensive, taking a couple more hits and slowing a little. "Well, just go and wreck my thoughts that I actually had a good set of fighting tactics gong on there," he says, trying to remove the rapier again with his sai.

(remotely) Valyros sighs and since she can't find anything to explain her... urges, she heads towards the faculty, trying to look for Lori or one of the other Adel movers nd shakers.

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche . o O ( *very distractedly, almost as if trying to cover* You're working out, aren't you? I should quit bothering you. )

(remotely) Rade munches as she walks along. His words bring a slight frown, though she tries to cover it. "What happened? We...you don't really want to know anyway...trust me on that Nomin..."

Typheous does lose it this time, not ready for it. He steps back as his blade falls to the side. "Good... You're much better than Alex, though Alex, frankly, sucks. Very flashy, but a few quick thrusts, and he doesn't know what to do any more."

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous . o O ( It's ok, I'm in a break. What is it? )

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche . o O ( No, I don't want to intrude. *there's a sense of her trying to ignore the contact* )

Plax nods. "Thank you, though my flight helps a lot," he says, stepping back and landing. "He's probably afraid of getting hurt though. That's what hinders a lot of people," he says. "You're quite skilled though. Better than most anyone in the Academy, from what I've seen".

[OOC] Plax says, "Game time?\"

Typheous chucklse softly, retrieving the rapier. "That's how I got these." He hefts his weapons. "Though Vance could give me run for my money, if he tried. Hopefully he's not had the chance to practice on decent opponents that I've had while we were out."

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous . o O ( Psyche, if there's something you want to ask me, it's not intruding, ok? )

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche . o O ( I -don't-. )

Psyche has received your page: ""I understand what you mean. It is indeed a perversion of our code, though I do not think you and Alex deserve the full share of blame for her behavior. Her mind is slippery, yes, but not invulnerable. Drapheous has determined her true motives. She believes herself a neutral judge, punishing people precisely according to their crimes but by making them suffer as much as their victims. It is the same as what she intends with Barliman. He jilted a girl last year, though quite innocently. He is a kind soul, but she still sees it as a crime that has gone unpunished. Even as she is fond of him, she feels compelled to punish him.""

(remotely to Psyche, Eclipse) Typheous . o O ( ok, ok... Talk with you later, ok? )

[OOC] You say, "Well before noon."

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche . o O ( *silence* )

Valyros pages: "Basiclly trying to iron out someone coming with back to the pocket of reality to help straighten things out at Adel."

Valyros has received your page: "Lori is at her clinic, treating several students' hangovers."

Plax sheathes his longsword and sai, nodding. "Well, hopefully, we won't have to worry about that," he says. "Though I hope he doesn't try anything on Nomin again. Nomin, Lyka and I share the same mentor," he explains. And if you know Plax, that's an honor violation there. "How is Alex? Was he back last night? I'm sorry I, well, backlashed again," he says.

Valyros pages: "Ah, yes, I recognize some of these from the bar last night. It seems like they stayed much later than any of us..."

Typheous nods, sheathing his own blades. "If Vance tries anything, I'm going to stop him. Damn fool. And Alex? He was passed out in our room. Probably still his, sleeping off his hangover. He drank himself under the table 3 times last night, after all."

Rade has received your page: "Nomin, "But I do, if you're allowed to talk about it. And it's not about cheating. I think Mistress Spinwind would be clever enough to send each cabal on a different errand. It's just that I want to understand what you've been through. I want to understand you, to really know who you are. Because we don't talk much, even though I like talking to you. So, tell me about something that's happened to you before, and I'll tell you something that's happened to me - something no one else knows about.""

[OOC] Eclipse is composing novel-length pages tonight... :-P

Plax laughs. "Wonder where he ended up when he disappeared?" He shrugs. "If Nomin hadn't asked me to, I'd have picked Vance up and deposited him on top of the belltower for a couple days," he says.

[OOC] Plax says, "hadn't asked me to stop"

[OOC] Plax says, "Hey, nothing wrong with that. Gives Plax a chance to actually spar for a change."

(remotely) Psyche frowns, shifting her feet on the floor, going from one foot to the next. "So this compulsion overrides anything she might truly feel..." There's a wry twist to her voice. "Not so unlike my need to be able to weigh things with a mind uncomplicated by my emotions... Except that she intends to inflict suffering...and to continue inflicting it, to the degree -she- feels it necessary. And -that- is a perversion. I tried, a bit. She doesn't understand why it's wrong."

Typheous chuckles softly, letting the sweat dry off of him in the cold. "Yes... Well, I had wanted to work some more forms for a bit, if that's all right? Lets me clear my head better when I don't have to watch someone's reactions." He smirks.

[OOC] Typheous wants to know what happens when you drink that much while colocated and then the spell ends... do you get all 3 bodies worth of BAC?

Plax nods. "Of course. I might go shoot some arrows, or go visit Master Nilrem," he says. "I'll be either at the archery range or visiting him if you need me," he says. "And if you hear of Mereke looking for me, send a warning," he says before flying off.

Valyros has received your page: "Lori whispers to you, "I understand your hungers, but it would be better if you channeled them elsewhere, Val. Fortunately, he seemed willing enough, but that is not the sort of relationship for a professor to have with a student. There is, after all, a chance he will be in one of your classes, and I wouldn't want a complaint raised against you, even an undeserved one.""

(remotely) Rade tilts her head at Nomin, stopping below a large fir tree and leaning against the trunk. "Something about me no one knows?" She blushes. "I don't have many secrets Nomin..."

Valyros pages: "I think I missed a page."

Typheous smirks. "I need to work on ways to avoid arrows. These," he pats his blades, "don't help much right now." He seems concerned. "Why is she after you?"

Plax doesn't fly yet. "Didn't you hear me tell you all yesterday?" he asks. "She chucked a dagger at me. Apparently, she knows about, well, what I am, but nobody will believe her, not according to Master <Psyche's Master>. Something about her Awakening. Also, supposedly she's more important than I, so if she tries it again and it looks like a death fight, it's more important that she lives". All this is said quietly, so nobody can hear him besides Typheous, though Plax is clearly not thrilled about it.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Liriel."

Psyche has received your page: ""Ah yes, but it gets worse. Drapheous noted something else, something very strange indeed. Not only has she not Awakened, she has developed a strong and improbable distrust of all non-Sleepers. Not just mages, either, but Fae, spirits, and wraiths, as well. You know how she left Wyzdin but then came back? Do you know what happened to her while she was away?""

[OOC] Plax says, "Thank you (blanked)"

Valyros pages: ""You are quite right Lori, don't know what I was thinking. Please forgive me. I shall try to be stronger in the future." Bows to Lori, "Since you are busy, I shall bother you no more with my little problems. I shall deal with this myself before I return." Starts out of the infermary."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Oh yeahs...."

Valyros has received your page: "(No. I just neglected to include her moving to greet you in the last page. Sorry.)"

Typheous frowns. "I'll keep my eye out. And sorry... too much to drink last night or something. Although I thought blacking out made you forget when you were drinking."

(remotely) Psyche shakes her head, keeping her eyes on Liriel's face. "No, sir. I only know she left through third-hand word." She swallows hard again, doing her best to keep the link between herself and Typehous closed.

Rade has received your page: ""It doesn't have to be a secret, just something you maybe haven't told many people. I just don't feel like I know a lot about you, and I want to know everything about you I can.""

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 1 second, the world is saved once more.

Valyros pages: "(Will she stop me?)"

Plax nods. "So I saw with Psyche," he says with a grin. "I'll be fine. She likely can't do too much to me anyway. Just don't approach her on it. Though if she does try it again, I'll have to knock her out or something. Maybe I'll leave her on the belltower with Vance or something," he says with a smirk. "Anyway, I'll let you practice. See you later".

Typheous waves, drawing his blades again. "Good luck on that... maybe the two of them will take care of each other for us..."

Plax chuckles. "If we could only be so lucky," he says, taking off and heading for Master Nilrem's.

[OOC] Plax says, "Who gets MS?"

(remotely) Rade lowers her eyes a moment, thoughtful, before raising them. "Alright...I don't tell anyone this...though some people find out on their own." She leans down to scritch behind Halda's ears. "Halda? She's more to me than a companion. I love her, and she loves me...but we have a connection. I...I usually don't talk about it...but...she's my connection to...magic. When we're together it feels like we can do anything, but apart...I'm....powerless." She glances down at the wolf lovingly. "We need eachother."

Psyche has received your page: "She saw two of what we now recognize as Caine's Knights draining the life from a traveler. She attacked them with nothing but her utility knife and managed to kill one of them. It turned to ash after a single strike. The second one fled, weeping tears of blood and cursing the day it was born."

Typheous will start forms and work those until he's either too cold to continue or lunch rolls around. :)

Valyros pages: "(Other wise, simply going about the business I need to finish around the university.)"

Valyros has received your page: "Lori, "Val, wait. We need to talk.""

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche doesn't do as well at hiding her emotions, which are roiling between anger, shock, and agony.

(remotely) Valyros stops and turns to Lori, "Yes Madam, I would like that very much."

Psyche pages: "= :blanches still further, swearing under her breath for a good minute before she manages to get control of herself. "Sorry, sir. I..." Another shudder. "She killed a Knight with her utility knife..." There's a hint of disbelief in her voice. "What kind of transformation -has- she undergone?""

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous's own emotions are mostly concern and confusion, though he's doing a fairly good job of blocking them as he goes through his forms. Psyche's emotions seem to be making his concern dominant.

Rade has received your page: ""Okay. My turn. I've been beyond the Chaos and I know what lies beyond it.""

Rade pages: "OOC: Beyond the chaos? Does that mean anything to me?"

Valyros has received your page: "Lori, "Val. I just heard from Drapheous. Adel is under attack."

Valyros pages: ""Under attack... by whom?""

Rade has received your page: "(You know the Bubble of Order you live in and how it's surrounded by Chaos? He just told you he's been to another bubble of Order other than this one)"

Rade pages: "OOC Gotcha"

Valyros has received your page: ""The Fae have broken through the Curtain.""

[OOC] You say, "And that's where we'll end for tonight."

[OOC] Rade nodsnods

[OOC] Valyros says, "Aw, shit. This is bad."

(remotely) Plax votes Typh

[OOC] Typheous says, "Hm?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Augh, evil!"

[OOC] Plax ohdears?

Typheous pages: "Plax for RP."

[OOC] You say, "Yeah. Pretty much the last 30 minutes of pages have been filled with cliff-hangers..."

[OOC] Valyros says, "This has nothing to do with my actions tonight, right?"

[OOC] You say, "No."

[OOC] Plax is just glad Plax got a chance to destress with a spar.

[OOC] Typheous is just angsty, isn't on a cliff. :)

[OOC] Valyros says, "And I take it Psyche is on a major cliff?"

[OOC] Plax is working his way out of the angsty corner.

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 6h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Plax 6h 2s IC PC Being made crazy by Caine, page for lessons!

Valyros 6h 3s OOC PC

Typheous 6h 22s IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

Psyche 15m 1m IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Melyne 12h 1m OOC PC

Rade 7h 1m OOC Tec

Sekkyro 1h 2m OOC PC

--[Sun Sep 14 01:16:01 2003]--------------------------------[8 users; 0s lag]--

*** Added 3 XP to Plax's Experience ***

*** Added 3 XP to Valyros's Experience ***

*** Added 3 XP to Typheous's Experience ***

[OOC] Typheous says, "Yeah, well, Typh just got a girl friend. He's angst-central"

*** Added 3 XP to Psyche's Experience ***

*** Added 3 XP to Rade's Experience ***

[OOC] Psyche is on a bloody cliff, yes.

[OOC] Psyche just got a bunch of info on Mer. :P

[OOC] Plax laughs.

[OOC] Rade grins

[OOC] You say, "Yeah. The girl's got the nasty stuff."

[OOC] You say, "RP votes?"

[OOC] Rade says, "Nomin's actin skery."

Valyros pages: "Typheous."

[OOC] Plax kind of has a girlfriend, but, well, he doesn't know if he can act on it. And you have my vote, Z.

[OOC] Rade says, "well, right at the end anyway"

Psyche pages: "Typh"

[OOC] Valyros needs to get herself some mage armor.

Rade pages: "Hrm...Plax. "

[OOC] Plax says, "Hey, Z? What's your cost for abilities? New or Current x2?"

[OOC] Typheous needs to get himself some armor, period.

[OOC] Psyche says, "'help XP'"

[OOC] Plax know there was file for that. :)

[OOC] Plax says, "Honest...really...;)"

[OOC] Psyche beams.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Typh has a girlfriend who's largely currently convinced that French kissing is a deviant act. He hasa right to be angsty."

*** Added 1 XP to Typheous's Experience ***

[OOC] You say, "Typh gets the RP point."

[OOC] Typheous starts working on a Mind-Prime rote to turn angst into Quint.

[OOC] Typheous yays. thanks.

[OOC] Rade whots for Typh

[OOC] You say, "Current."

[OOC] Valyros says, "What would you need to negate the armor dodge penailty?"

[OOC] Psyche bluebooks, cheerily.

[OOC] You say, "Matter 5 or maybe a standing Forces 2 Effect. That or Life 3 to boost your Dex in such a way as to cancel out the penalty."

Psyche waits outside Typheous's room, working on forcing her blush to fade, keeping her back to the door.

[OOC] Plax ponders Life 3...only 12 XP for me (yay Adept Spheres).

[OOC] Typheous says, "That is, if no one minds us starting up right away. :)"

[OOC] Valyros says, "I'll go with enchanting some armor with Forces 2. Easiest one there."

[OOC] Plax says, "Wouldn't you need Matter 2 for that?"

[OOC] Plax says, "Or at least some Matter to enchant it?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "I'm pretty sure you just need to have Prime 3 to enchant something."

[OOC] Plax says, "Prime 2 is Enchant Weapon, wouldn't that work for armor?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "I couldn't see why not..."

Typheous changes into something dry, emerging with his cloak around him again. He's still tipsy and he's still got that bottle of vodka with him. . o O ( Your room then? Or is there somewhere else we want to sneak off to? )

[OOC] Typheous says, "Hmmm.. I would think so, yeah."

[OOC] You say, "Prime 2 for 1-shot items, Prime 3 for more long-lasting ones."

[OOC] Valyros says, "Die Hard: 45th best movie villian of all time!"

Psyche eyes him askance, a bit, then shakes her head with a half-smile. "My room, as long as you don't intend to do anything stupid."

[OOC] You say, "Forces 2 on the armor would be fine. If you needed Matter to cast a Forces spell on an object, then you'd need Life to shoot a fireball at a person, and that's just not right..."

[OOC] Valyros says, "So I need to get myself a suit of armor made."

(remotely) Plax hmms. "Does Master Nilrem know anything about Prime or Time?"

Typheous chuckles softly, his music light and slightly slurred. "No... I think we've already done that." He slips his arm around Psyche and starts down the hall.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Before we leave. :)"

[OOC] Plax can make you one out of natural materials.

Plax has received your page: "Prime 5, Time 2, so yeah..."

Psyche tucks her arm around him, half for support. "What do you mean?"

Plax pages: "Dang, so he's worthless on the Time front to me. ;) "

[OOC] Rade could matter one together :) Though her knowledge of armor making would be pretty sad

Plax has received your page: "As much as I hate to admit it, the only person at the Academy with Time 3 is Alex..."

Typheous taps the vodka bottle. "Well, I have. I've managed to get covered in snow by you." He's walking a little better than he was earlier, though still very tipsy.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Hmm, maybe. Could fit with the whole evel elf thing. But there's just something about elaborately decorated plate mail."

(remotely) Plax thought so.

[OOC] Typheous says, "That says 'I can't swim', right/"

Psyche chuckles softly. "Well, we do have to cross through more snow before we reach my dorm..."

Plax has received your page: "And obviously, he's self-taught..."

[OOC] Valyros says, "As long as I can fly, I don't care :P"

[OOC] Plax dittos Val!

Typheous quirks an eyebrow. "If you get my clothes wet again, I'll just sit naked in your room until they're dry." He leads the way to her dorm.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Flying in plate ?!?!"

[OOC] Plax has Eagle Power?

[OOC] Valyros got Str 4.

[OOC] Eclipse shakes his head in wonder.

[OOC] Plax does, too.

[OOC] Typheous says, "hm?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Let's go flyyyyy an elf..."

Psyche blushes, tensing muchly. . o O ( You will -not-. ) She opens the door, making her way through the halls to her room.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Mucho fun!"

(remotely) Plax would actually not mind upping his archery here at some point. Would like to try and bring it up to 5 maybe, though I don't know if we have time in-game.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Anyway, it's getting late, and I got church in the morning. I'll see all you guys later!"

Typheous follows along, letting her lead the way. . o O ( Don't challenge me. I'm tipsy enough I'd do it. )

[OOC] You say, "Night, Joe."

Valyros has disconnected.

Plax has received your page: "As close as we are to climax, I'm not going to cry over training time, here..."

Psyche unlocks her door. . o O ( And I'm sober enough to make you sit naked in the fucking hall. ) She pauses. "Maybe you should just go back to your room."

The resolution of Valyros fades. With a hiss of static their disconnected body implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

Typheous chuckles softly, shaking his head. "I'll keep my clothes on unless you take them off of me, ok?"

Psyche still looks a little wary. "And since we know -that's- not going to happen...

[OOC] Psyche "

Typheous nods slowly. "Yes, yes. Then it looks like I'm going to be in my clothes tongiht." . o O ( And besides, I'm not in snowy clothing, am I? )

[OOC] You say, "On that note, I think I'm headed to bed myself. Log and mail it to me. Night, folks."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Always. :)"

***Blue-Booking with Typheous and Psyche***

Psyche waits outside Typheous's room, working on forcing her blush to fade, keeping her back to the door.

[OOC] Plax ponders Life 3...only 12 XP for me (yay Adept Spheres).

[OOC] Typheous says, "That is, if no one minds us starting up right away. :)"

[OOC] Valyros says, "I'll go with enchanting some armor with Forces 2. Easiest one there."

[OOC] Plax says, "Wouldn't you need Matter 2 for that?"

[OOC] Plax says, "Or at least some Matter to enchant it?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "I'm pretty sure you just need to have Prime 3 to enchant something."

[OOC] Plax says, "Prime 2 is Enchant Weapon, wouldn't that work for armor?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "I couldn't see why not..."

Typheous changes into something dry, emerging with his cloak around him again. He's still tipsy and he's still got that bottle of vodka with him. . o O ( Your room then? Or is there somewhere else we want to sneak off to? )

[OOC] Typheous says, "Hmmm.. I would think so, yeah."

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Prime 2 for 1-shot items, Prime 3 for more long-lasting ones."

[OOC] Valyros says, "Die Hard: 45th best movie villian of all time!"

Psyche eyes him askance, a bit, then shakes her head with a half-smile. "My room, as long as you don't intend to do anything stupid."

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Forces 2 on the armor would be fine. If you needed Matter to cast a Forces spell on an object, then you'd need Life to shoot a fireball at a person, and that's just not right..."

[OOC] Valyros says, "So I need to get myself a suit of armor made."

Typheous chuckles softly, his music light and slightly slurred. "No... I think we've already done that." He slips his arm around Psyche and starts down the hall.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Before we leave. :)"

[OOC] Plax can make you one out of natural materials.

Psyche tucks her arm around him, half for support. "What do you mean?"

[OOC] Rade could matter one together :) Though her knowledge of armor making would be pretty sad

Typheous taps the vodka bottle. "Well, I have. I've managed to get covered in snow by you." He's walking a little better than he was earlier, though still very tipsy.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Hmm, maybe. Could fit with the whole evel elf thing. But there's just something about elaborately decorated plate mail."

[OOC] Typheous says, "That says 'I can't swim', right/"

Psyche chuckles softly. "Well, we do have to cross through more snow before we reach my dorm..."

[OOC] Valyros says, "As long as I can fly, I don't care :P"

[OOC] Plax dittos Val!

Typheous quirks an eyebrow. "If you get my clothes wet again, I'll just sit naked in your room until they're dry." He leads the way to her dorm.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Flying in plate ?!?!"

[OOC] Plax has Eagle Power?

[OOC] Valyros got Str 4.

[OOC] Eclipse shakes his head in wonder.

[OOC] Plax does, too.

[OOC] Typheous says, "hm?"

[OOC] You say, "Let's go flyyyyy an elf..."

Psyche blushes, tensing muchly. . o O ( You will -not-. ) She opens the door, making her way through the halls to her room.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Mucho fun!"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Anyway, it's getting late, and I got church in the morning. I'll see all you guys later!"

Typheous follows along, letting her lead the way. . o O ( Don't challenge me. I'm tipsy enough I'd do it. )

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Night, Joe."

<Logout> Valyros has disconnected on Sun Sep 14 01:31:16 2003 EST

Valyros has disconnected.

Psyche unlocks her door. . o O ( And I'm sober enough to make you sit naked in the fucking hall. ) She pauses. "Maybe you should just go back to your room."

The resolution of Valyros fades. With a hiss of static their disconnected body implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

Typheous chuckles softly, shaking his head. "I'll keep my clothes on unless you take them off of me, ok?"

Psyche still looks a little wary. "And since we know -that's- not going to happen...

[OOC] Psyche "

Typheous nods slowly. "Yes, yes. Then it looks like I'm going to be in my clothes tongiht." . o O ( And besides, I'm not in snowy clothing, am I? )

Psyche finally opens her door. . o O ( No, you're not. ) "Yes, you are." The room is just as clean as it was last night, no hint that anyone actually -stays- there.

Typheous shrugs his cloak off, trying to put it in the closet himself, if Psyche will let him. "Then it's settled. Nothing to worry about."

Psyche doesn't. She seems to do all of the hanging and putting away. "Right." A quiet smile as she sets her bag down. It clinks slightly against the floor. "Except you getting a permanent deformity from sleepign on the floor."

Typheous sits in the chair to take his boots off, setting them out of the way. "Yes, well, if I start staying her much more often, I'll have to learn to pad the floor somehow."

Psyche half-smiles. "You have a perfectly good room of your own." She picks up the boots and sets them someplace else out of the way, neatly aligned.

Typheous stands and follows you, trying to catch you in his arms as you turn around. "Yes, but you're not there, are you?"

Psyche isn't expecting it, despite knowing right where you are, and is effectively caught. "Well, no. But Alex is a lot less prickly."

Typheous chuckles, pulling you into an embrace. "So I should try to get him to kiss me, is that it?"

Psyche blushes, slowly relaxing a bit, arms curling around you. "Well, it might spark just as many rumours..." She laughs.

Typheous chuckle softly, leaning down to kiss your cheek. "Yes, but I don't really want to put up with Vance's taunts about me leaving you for Alex."

Typheous . o O ( Besides, you're much better looking. )

Psyche leans her head on your shoulder. . o O ( Too bad you're tipsy, and I can -still- discount any compliment you give. )

Typheous kisses your neck lightly. . o O ( Yes, well, you just keep coming up with excuses... ) His music is turning in something blatantly romantic. "What clinked when you set your bag down?"

Psyche shivers. . o O ( Well, if you ever said anything when you -could- see straight, I wouldn't have an excuse, now would I? But as you only compliment me when you're drunk or seeing Redcaps... ) She grins lopsidedly. "I have my half of the deal to keep up, don't I? I got a bottle of whine when I settled our tab."

[OOC] Psyche says, "WINE, no aitch."

Typheous pulls back slowly. "Were you going to have some tonight? Or are we going to talk all night?" He tries to pull you toward the bed.

Typheous . o O ( The *whole* tab? )

Psyche follows your pull. . o O ( Just tonight's. I didn't have time to ask about what you'd already run up, with Plax...doing what he was... ) She tilts her head. "I can't decide whether it'd be safe to."

Typheous sits on the edge of the bed. . o O ( Good, I don't want to think what my tab is currently. And you don't need to pay it. I'll can take care of it.) He chucklse softly. "To have some or to talk?"

Psyche settles herself right next to you. . o O ( Curiosity drives me to ask the next time I'm there. Obstinacy drives me to threaten to pay it anyway. ) "To have some."

Typheous leans over and kisses you briefly, lightly. . o O ( Don't. It's my debt, I can pay it. And besides, a good number of your hangovers came from that, and I'd feel terrible if you were paying for those. ) "I'm not going to do anything, Psyche."

Psyche kisses back, lightly, scooting back on the bed. "Tell you what, if you can find someting to pour it into, I'll try it." She grins. . o O ( A good number? All of them. )

Typheous stays right beside you. "Don't you have a glass at all here? And the one in Ironridge didn't..." He glances down to his own bottle and frowns slightly, thinking. . o O ( I might have something small on me... )

Psyche smiles, leaning back on her elbows. "I do. But you only get to look in three places for it. Figure it out."

Typheous glances around the room. "Well, you could always drink from my bottle, though vodka doesn't mix well with wine.... Do I get a hint?"

Psyche grins, and somewhere in there she took off her own boots and put them away. "Think logically."

Typheous will look around the room, settling on the nightstand before trying to stand up, and succeeding moderately and openning the cupboard door.

Psyche chuckles. "See? It's not so hard." There are two mugs, a plate, and a bowl neatly put away in the cupboard's two shelves, along with a whole bunch of various - and carefully organised - teas.

Typheous takes one of the mugs and after a moment, the other. "Mind if I borrow the second mug?" He takes them both out pausing and ready to put the other back if needs be.

Psyche shakes her head. "That's fine. Just as easy to wash two mugs as one." She kicks her feet up on the bed, watching from her semi-recumbent position.

Typheous sits down on the edge of the bed again, placing both mugs on the night stand and retrieving both his bottle and yours. "I assume you don't want to try the vodka..."

Psyche shakes her head with a shudder. "I don't know how you plan to get that wine bottle -open-," she comments amusedly. "I don't have a corkscrew." She back to give you room to sit.

[OOC] Psyche says, "she -shifts- back."

Typheous settles onto the bed and frowns at the bottle. "Shouldn't be too hard.... I think I can manage something."

Psyche arches a brow. "Just don't blow anything up." She curls toward you slightly, knees drawing up on one side as she leans forward to watch. "Please. This is my favourite blanket."

Typheous stands up slowly. "Then I'll do it over here, just to be safe." He takes a few steps away from the bed and begins to focus his attention on the bottle, free hand moving as if it held his dagger in a few forms.

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Arete (4d10): 7, 7, 2, 9 [Spent 1 WP for a success] ** 4 successes (diff 4) **

The cork pops out, into his free hand as he releases the magic. [Typheous]

Psyche watches with interest, and a little bit of worry. "I don't know if magic and alcohol are such a..." She exhales. "Whew.

[OOC] Psyche "

[OOC] You say, "Oh, and just for clippy's sake, he was alterting the friction/compressive forces so that they were weaker on top than bottom, hopping that would pop it out."

Typheous chuckls softly, setting the bottle on the stand to breathe, his music clearing slightly. "It's ok. I'm not as drunk as Alex was and he managed magic." . o O ( What? didn't trust me?)

Psyche blushes a bit, scooting back on the bed again as if to be sure you have room. "Not that I didn't -trust- your -intentions-..."

Typheous sits down beside you on the bed. He smiles. "Ahh, ok." He reaches a hand up to brush through your hair.

Psyche curls back around you, resting her ear on her hand to prop herself up. "How drunk -are- you?"

Typheous grins toothily. "Not as drunk as we were in Ironridge, but tipsy." He nestles up next to you, his hand falling around your shoulders. "Although I'm debating the merits of more... Which so far are soming up nill..."

Psyche chuckles wryly. "I could have told you that." She tilts her head up for a kiss. "In no shape for intellectual debate, then, or to give accurate compliments..."

Typheous kisses back, softly. . o O ( Well... I don't know about that... The intellectual debate is probably out. And who knows, I might be an honest drunk. )

Psyche smiles against your lips. . o O ( Or you might be an honest but deluded drunk. Maybe sometime when you're sober. So now what? )

Typheous breaks the kiss, sitting back on the bed. "Now, I think you wanted a drink." His music matches his playful mood, still a bit tipsy

Psyche smiles. "To be perfectly honest, I have no interest in a drink except that I told you I'd give it a fair chance if you drank that entire bottle of vodka and learned how Alex did his...thing."

Typheous eyes the bottle carefully. "Then I better pour myself another one just to be sure I get through it all." He starts to pour the wine into one of the mugs, filling it about a third full.

Psyche coughs. "I think I'll live if you don't...drink it all." She eyes the mug of wine with the air one might use regarding a particularly dangerous snake.

Typheous lifts the mug to you, then turning to pour about a shot and a half into his mug if you take it. "I'll just sip this then. I wasn't looking forward to the rest of the bottle."

Psyche sits up, taking it carefully in both hands. "Don't make yourself sick on my behalf, Typh." There's genuine worry in her mind. . o O ( Please. )

Typheous smiles warmly, reaching up to trace the edge of your hair on you forehead. "I'd need a lot more than I'm going to let myself drink before I'd get sick, Psyche." . o O ( Ok? I'm not as foolhardy as I act. )

Psyche leans around her mug to kiss you lightly. . o O ( Sometimes I wonder, that's all. ) She settles back to staring at her mug.

Typheous kisses you back, lightly. He lifts his mug to you. "Ready? Or still working up the courage?" He grins.

Psyche lifts her mug, sighing. "Why do I let you do this to me?" . o O ( Ready. )

Typheous taps his mug to yours. "Be cause you like new experiences." He lifts it to his lips, taking a small sip. . o O ( It won't be that bad, Psyche. )

Psyche sips, tentatively, nose wrinkling at the bite. "Not so bad, I guess..."

Typheous swallows his sip. "See? Ironridge wasn't a fair trial." He smiles, his music gaining a bit of confidence.

Psyche sighs. "I still don't see -why- it's such a big deal." She takes another drink, grimacing a bit less. . o O ( Gyah, the aftertaste leaves something to be desired. )

Typheous chuckles softly. "I suppose it isn't.. really." . o O ( Hmm.. that might be this particular wine. ) He takes another small sip from his mug. "So..."

Psyche licks her lips, studying you over the rim of the mug. "So...?" . o O ( It's the same aftertaste the other stuff had, and Rade's wine... )

Typheous quirks his eyebrow. "Well, what do you want to talk about?" . o O ( The alcohol, probably. Should get you a fruity drink sometime. There are some that do a good job of hiding that taste. )

Psyche takes another sip, tiny like the first two. At this rate it'll take her all night to get through the third of a mug. "I don't know...everything's all weird." . o O ( Great, just what I need. A sneaky drunk. )

Typheous sets his mug on the night stand, shifting to put an arm around you. "Well, where shall we start? With us?" . o O ( I'd tell you it was alcoholic. )

Psyche leans into your arm, balancing her mug carefully, taking another tiny sip. It might help if she ingested enough to get the flavour. "Sounds like a good place..." She sounds a little nervous. . o O ( Yes, but -it- wouldn't. )

Typheous reaches up to play with an out of place strand of hair. "Where to start...." . o O ( Try a little more at a time. You don't have to gulp it, but if you just get a tiny bit each time, all you'll taste is the alcohol. )

Psyche bites her lip, then takes a slightly larger drink, swallowing it slowly, the grimace vanishing except at the very end. . o O ( You're right...) She watches you. "I don't know...I have absolutely no idea what's going on..."

Typheous chuckles softly, lightly kissing your ear. "Some might call it dating... Others might call if falling in love or something similar." His music is calming down.

Psyche tenses a bit - mentally and physically - at the phrase 'falling in love', hands tightening on the mug. "I'll stick with dating, I think." The words are clipped, a familiar prickliness to them.

Typheous smiles slightly. "Yes, I wasn't really comfortable with that phrase, either." His hand falls from playing with your hair to work the tension in your shoulder.

Psyche relaxes at your words, taking another medium-sized sip from the mug. . o O ( It kind of grows on one, the wine. ) She watches you over the rim of it again. "So...how...does one talk about 'us'?" . o O ( I feel like a flaming moron. )

Typheous continues his shoulder rub gently. "Well, we can talk about how we feel about each other... What we want to do, boundries and the like. Or we can just talk about nothing really imporatant at all." . o O ( See? And you're not a moron. )

Psyche leans in, sighing. "You know, it's a lot less complicated to just say 'you're an asshole'. You could've left well enough alone." . o O ( Mph. )

Typheous shifts himself to your side arm wrapping around you to continue the massage. "Yes, well, my goal in life is not to have people close to me think I'm an asshole, unlike Vance."

Psyche twists slightly, giving you a good angle from her back, not precisely turning away. "It's so much -easier-." . o O ( Now is when you remind me that I never do anything the easy way. And if you want to talk...you start. I don't know what to say. )

Typheous smiles slightly. "Yes, well, you're not one to do things the easy way, are you?" . o O ( How was that? ) "For example, I had to kiss you three times before you decided you liked it."

Psyche blushes, ears tinting. . o O ( No, I liked it the second time. I just didn't want to admit it. ) She leans into your hands. . o O ( Very good. )

Typheous lets his hands drop down to your upper arms. . o O ( Why did you not want to admit it? )

Psyche sighs softly. "I don't -want- to be a silly teenage girl, squealing and giggling and swooning just because some handsome boy deigned to kiss me." She takes another drink. . o O ( And liking it gives you the upper hand, because you -know- what you're doing. )

Typheous lets his arms fall to your waist, trying to slip them around you. "You don't have to squeal to let me know you like it." . o O ( And you've never read a romance story at all, have you. And you have no idea what couples do when they're together. )

Psyche doesn't resist, leaning back against you. "Yes, well, I'm just glad you didn't see Rade teasing me." She shakes her head. . o O ( I tend to avoid romance stories...I've read a few... )

Typheous chuckles sfotly. "Oh? What did she say?" He rests his head on your shoulder, taking a slow sniff of your neck. . o O ( And what do couples normally do then? )

Psyche shivers slightly at the feel of your breath, half-tensing. "She was just...well, when you disappeared, and I wound up telling everyone in the cabal about the link...she was all gung-ho that I should go looking for you..." . o O ( I read the kind where they take walks in the garden and then skip several hours. )

Typheous kisses your shoulder lightly. "While that would have been sweet, I was fine. And I wouldn't have been able to leave just yet, either." He chuckles softly, the laugher reflected in his song. . o O ( Ahh.... Of course. So what do you assume happened in those several hours? )

Psyche squirms, blushing more. . o O ( I try -not- to assume...it's vulgar and indecent. ) "You kind of had to hear her...it..." She shakes her head.

Typheous reaches one hand up to pet your hair lightly. . o O ( Why? Why is it indecent for a couple to kiss? Or cuddle up together? ) "That bad?"

Psyche's blush remains. . o O ( *frustrated and embarrassed* It's not the kissing and cuddling...not like this...that's not what I mean... ) She's starting to pull away from you slightly. "She thinks it's just really cute..."

Typheous loosens his arms slightly, but doesn't remove them unless she really does try to move further from him. . o O ( What? They have sex? They fondle each other? There's nothing wrong with either of those either, Psyche, as long as both people want it. It's perfectly healthy and it's *not* indecent. )

Psyche does scoot away, nearly dropping her mug - barely managing to set it on the nightstand, arms crossing across her breasts as if hugging herself. "I -know- it's not. It's...no fucking decency about it. No restraint, no...-I- don't." . o O ( *miserably* Do you -have- to do this? Why? )

Typheous sighs, face darkening slightly, leaning against the head of the bed. "Care to try that again so that I can understand it?" . o O ( I just don't want to get slapped because I thought I could do something I thought you'd enjoy I can't, ok? No, I'm not planning anything, before you accuse me of that. If all you want to do is cuddle and kiss and then make me sleep on the floor, then that's all we'll do.) A sigh. "Dammit..."

Psyche pulls her knees up to her chest, dropping her forehead onto them, shoulders trembling. "Maybe it's okay and 'perfectly healthy' for other people to act like animals and do whatever they want, just because it makes them feel good. But -I- won't. And I don't see what's so fucking -decent- about it." Her voice is muffled; she might be crying.

Typheous's eye drops, studying your feet for a moment. He speak soflty, cautiously. "That's not what I meant, Psyche... I don't think you're an animal. Not at all... Even if you did want to.. do more... Maybe I should.." He sighs softly, look up at you, concern in his face. . o O ( Don't cry.... please? )

Psyche's shoulders tremble slightly. "Should what?" . o O ( Too late. )

Typheous shifts, crawling slightly closer. . o O ( I hate making you dry... Even drunk.. ) "Should go...." It sounds like that's the last thing he wants to do right now.

Psyche doesn't look up. "Explain what you meant, then..." . o O ( Good to know you still care if you're a bastard when you're drunk. )

Typheous reaches a tentative hand toward your shoulder, not touching just yet, though. "I wanted to know... what your boundries were. And why." He looks down at the covers of the bed. . o O( That hurt, Psyche... )

Psyche takes a shaky breath. "I don't know...I don't know what's all right and what's not, not now. I...If you'd asked me a week ago, I would've said there was no way in fuck I'd let some boy spend the night in my room...and here I am asking you to stay again." . o O ( I'm sorry. I don't think I really meant it... )

Typheous lets his hand land on your shoulder lightly. "And I'm not used to you caring whether something was decent or not. It just... I didn't think you cared what others thought was happening as long as you knew what was going on." . o O ( I forgive... Though I probably deserve it... The lecher that I am. ) His thoughts don't sound like he's being sarcastic.

Psyche looks up, lashes spiked with tears. "But what if -I- don't think it's decent?" . o O ( Vance is a lecher. If you want to class yourself with him, I can't stop you. )

Typheous's face is full of concern and frustration. "Then we won't do it, but I want to know -why- you think it's not decent." He almost chuckles. . o O ( Well... maybe not lecher... Hormonal teenage guy then? )

Psyche sighs, closing her eyes. "I don't know. Just...thinking about it makes me want to go scrub myself thoroughly and then hide in a corner." . o O ( I can't argue with that. )

Typheous brushes your cheek with the back of his hand. "Why?" . o O ( *sigh* And I can't show you it's not dirty because you won't want to try it... ) He's thinking more to himself, but just not keeping it back at all.

Psyche lifts her shoulders in a shrug. "I don't know...it just does..." She half-opens her eyes. . o O ( Please don't be mad at me, Typh...I just don't see it the way you do. )

Typheous smiles slightly. . o O( I'm not mad, Psyche, just frustrated... Intamacy can be such a wonderful thing... and to hear you call it all filthy... just... I don't know how to prove to you it's not. ) He crawls a bit closer and settles in beside you.

Psyche leans against you, beginning to uncurl. She reaches out to pick up her mug once more, holding it, staring into the shallow amount of wine remaining. . o O ( *a long moment of consieration, then tentatively* I promise not to slap you for trying, if you promise not to try more than once... )

Typheous nods slowly. . o O ( As long as you will be willing to reevaluate it if circumstances change after that first time. ) He tries to place his arm around your shoulders.

Psyche lets you, drinking the last of the wine in her cup and swallowing it slowly. . o O ( Like the first time you kissed me... ) She smiles faintly. . o O ( A fair request. )

Typheous pulls himself close to your side. . o O ( So those will be the rules then? ) He glances to your cup. "Want a little more?"

[OOC] Psyche oohs, pretty sheet.

Psyche nods at you, finally uncurling, although she's still tense. "I suppose so."

Typheous shifts, retrieving the bottle and pouring you another drink, just as much as the last glass. "Same amount, I assume?" He pauses waiting for a response. . o O ( Anything else I should know for boundries? )

Psyche lifts her shoulders. "Maybe a little more..." She says it hesitantly. . o O ( Boundaries...? I...ah, fuck, Typh, I don't know. I'm showing a remarkable lack of thought whatsoever wehn it comes to you. )

Typheous chuckles softly and fills the cup half full before setting the bottle back on the nightstand, picking up his own mug. . o O ( It's called emotions, dear. I'm not exactly thinking clearly. Even ignoring the alcohol. _

Psyche takes the mug and takes a long sip, seeming to have gotten used to the taste. . o O ( You seem to be a fuck of a lot more in control of your thoughts than I am of mine. ) She sighs softly. "Now what?"

Typheous smirks slightly. . o O ( I wish... I just hide it better. ) He chuckles softly. "Hmm... That's a good question." He sips his drink. "How about you come back to this end of the bed?"

Psyche takes her mug and scoots herself, obediently, back to the original end of the bed. . o O ( Prove it. ) "Why?"

Typheous leans against the head of the bedtrying to pull you around so you're leaning against him. "Well, mainly because I'm already going to have a crick in my back from the floor, I'd rather not get one for sitting on a bed without any back support." . o O ( Right now I have absolutely no way to describe how I feel about you. And by all rights, I shouldn'thave let you talk me into that bottle of vodka, as I had been planning on drinking the whole thing, and I've not done that in years.)

Psyche leans briefly, then resorts to outright nestling, until he speaks. "Put the mug down and stretch out..." she says. . o O ( Just because I said you should? )

Typheous sets the bug down on the nightstand and stretches ouf on the bed. . o O ( Well, that and you'd give the wine a chance. )

Psyche sets her mug down beside yours, kneeling on the bed next to you, reaching out to work the muscles of your lower back. . o O ( Why is it so important? )

[OOC] Psyche says, "Transfer successful."

Typheous smiles, stretching as you work his back, the tension melt away. "Thank you..." . o O ( Because you were discardnig it without giving it a fair chance. Like the kiss. That, and I tend to do silly things to impress women, even when I know thye won't be impressed. )

Psyche frowns slightly, continuing to work her way slowly up your back. . o O ( Don't do anything silly to impress me. I'm more likely to be disdainful. *beat* You're more impressive when you're -not- trying. )

Typheous blushes, but he's facing the bed, so it's probably not visible. . o O ( I'll try to remmeber that.... I am? What do you mean? )

Psyche keeps working her way slowly up your back, concentrating on the knots and cricks. . o O ( It's not so hard to tell when you're being spontaneously good...you do things without thinking about whether they're going to -look- good, just because you know it's the right thing to do. Plus, you don't act like such a self-centered asshole. )

Typheous chuckle softly, still blushing. "It's easier if you sit on me, won't have to reach over me." His back isn't that tense, but the previous night on the floor seems to have added a few cricks. . o O ( Thank you. Anything else I show remember to keep doing? )

Psyche considers this for a moment, clearly not overly fond of the idea, then sighs to herself and shifts to straddle your waist, working at the cricks. "You fence beautifully," she says after a moment. This from the girl who -avoids- every bout you've ever been in.

Typheous quirks his eyebrow, mmming softly as you work out a crick. "You've only seen me when we were outside." . o O ( And this is a good thing to you? )

Psyche blushes a bit. "I can -feel- you fencing, remember?" . o O ( Control is a good thing to me. )

Typheous smiles slightly. "That's true, isn't it. You should watch me sometime..." . o O ( Why's that? )

Psyche leans forward, working up toward your shoulders. "Maybe I will. As long as you promise not to get hurt, so I don't get teased about wincing." . o O ( It means you don't have to be ruled by emotions, which means that you can be reasoned with. )

Typheous stretches, letting you wrok on his back. "I'll try not to..." . o O ( Are emotions bad things? Or is it just being ruled by them. ) "See, it's much easier like that. And it feels better."

Psyche grins, working on your shoulders. "You're just being lecherous," she says teasingly. . o O ( Being unable to put them aside when it is necessary to...to have one's judgment clouded by them and one's every decision ruled by them instead of by weighing the consequences... )

Typheous tenses, face darkening. "What?" . o O ( Ahh.... And what if I don't want to give up an emotion. ) He seems to have cooled, probably the lecher-Vance connection, his back tensing slightly.

Psyche pauses a moment, leaning down to wrap her arms around your shoulders and speak softly in your ear. "I was playing, Typh. Relax..." . o O ( Then you choose not to, and you choose the consequences of doing so, but at least you've made the choice to. )

Typheous relaxes slowly. "I know... Just not fully incontrol of my mind right now..." His muscles slowly untensing at your touch. . o O ( Just making sure if I ever do something silly because I care about you won't make me have to listen to a lecture about it. )

Psyche stays where she is for a bit, arms wrapped around you. "Sorry...I didn't mean to do that..." She sounds upset. . o O ( You'll get a lecture. That's a guarantee. )

Typheous chuckles softly. "It's ok, Psyche. I know you didn't mean it... Just... overly emotinal right now." . o O ( Yes, well, the only thing right now that would make me do that would be you getting into danger. )

Psyche slowly sits back up and starts working on your back again. "I...guess so. Why?" . o O ( You say that like it's going to change. )

Typheous's back slowly relaxes again under your touch. "Probably the alcohol." His music changes from its slightly hurt to a more relaxed tune. . o O ( I don't see it changing, but you never know. I suppose there's also you getting hurt. Or the contact vanishing again. )

Psyche mmms. "I don't really feel it...which is probably good. Mostly I can just feel -your- tipsiness." She straightens your shirt, back to the lumbar muscles again, shifting her straddle down across your hips without thinking. . o O ( I don't intend to get hurt or killed. Or disappear... )

Typheous relaxes at that last thought, a stubborn crick melting under your touch. . o O ( Good... I don't want to lose you right after we managed to be more than just civil with eachother. ) "No, even for not having drunk in the past, you've not had enough to really feel it."

Psyche leans forward over her hands to drop a kiss between your shoulder blades. . o O ( I have no plans to go anywhere I can't stay in touch with you...preferably not anywhere you aren't. Not if I don't have to. ) She straightens again. "Then that means as long as I keep drinking as slowly as I am, I don't have to worry." For the moment, as calm as she is, the air around her is nearly normal in temperature. The wine bottle is still condensing from its earlier abrupt chilling, though.

Typheous smiles at the kiss and the thought. . o O ( Nor do I. I'd like to stay where I could touch you, given the choice... ) "Pretty much. Wine is very good at getting someone slightly talkative and then holding them there, when it's not guzzled." He stretch slightly. "Would it help with the backrub if I took my shirt off."

[OOC] Typheous has to keep reminding himself Typh is drunk and isn't going to stop himself from saying things. )

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 3, 9, 7, 6, 8, 1, 9, 8 No diff given.

[OOC] Typheous dangs. Made that one, didnt you.

Psyche tenses slightly at the question, but restrains herself from making a snappish retort. Instead, she considers. "It...probably would, although I don't know if I'm entirely comfortable..."

Typheous nods slowly. "Then I'll leave it on, if you're not comfortable with the idea." His voice doesn't reflect any disappointment, but his music shows the little that's felt through the link.

Psyche does her best to stifle her curiosity. She seems to consider a moment, before tugging the hem of your shirt loose and running her hands under it to continue working on your lower back. . o O ( This is all going to get undone when you sleep on the floor, isn't it? )

Typheous smiles slightly, head turned to the side. . o O ( Probably, yes...) He chuckles softly. "And that's a good comprimise..."

Psyche's massage slows slightly as her hands encounter your skin, and you can sense her usual reaction to touching you back in full force, as she jumps slightly, then forces her hands back to your back. . o O ( Maybe I'll let you have the bed, and I'll sleep on the floor. ) She finally returns to kneading your muscles, a little more thense than she had been.

Typheous's smile fades into a content expression, though there are hints of concern. "Relax, Psyche. My back doesn't have teeth." . o O ( I won't let you. I'm not getting a bed if you're on the floor. )

Psyche shakes her head. "It's just...that funny shock when I touch you, that's all. Still turns my stomach strange." She works slowly out to your sides and back to the spine, finding the last of the knots and cricks. . o O ( Archaic of you, but oddly touching. )

Typheous smiles slightly. "I'm more than happy to help you work through that.... You seem to have gotten over my hand." . o O (I'm not sleeping on the bed if you're on the floor and that's all there is to it. )

Psyche pauses in her massage to run her hands across your back, a faint expression of concentration flickering across her face, apparently just experimenting with the feel. . o O ( Why not? Why is that all there is to it? Because you're the boy? ) "I think I'm working on it."

Typheous's face warms at the touch. "Work away.... That feels good." . o O ( Not just that. I would let Alex give up his bed for me either, if it came to it. )

Psyche smiles a bit, leaning forward to run her hands up to your shoulders, working on them again. "You're warm." . o O ( Why? )

Typheous shifts to make his shirt more comfortable and less stretched, having it bunch up around his shoulders some. "And you're very good at making me comfortable..." . o O ( Because I'm not going to impose on my friends so I can be comfortable. )

Psyche smiles again, eyes flickering to the small span of skin that exposes, sliding her hands down your back as if to compare the skin tones before pausing, leaning over to take a drink of her wine. . o O ( So you impose them feeling guilty instead? )

Typheous sighs softly, though it's hard to tell if it's your touch or the thought. Probably both. . o O ( Yes, well... You just have to deflate my logic, don't you? )

Psyche gives you a look that's too benign to be anything but trouble. . o O ( Yes. ) She takes another drink, letting the wine trail down her throat, considering.

Typheous shifts slightly to look back at you. . o O ( So are you just going to slowly put me to sleep here and then set yourself up on the floor? )

Psyche smiles at you, almost teasingly, over the rim of the mug. She may deny feeling it, but either your tipsiness or her own intake have given her almost a flirtatious air. . o O ( You know, that thought hadn't occurred to me. I was going to ask you when my turn for a backrub was...but maybe I'll just leave you where you are. )

Typheous chuckles softly, trying to turn over slowly, careful not to upset you too much and make you spill. . o O ( Now it's your turn, definately, then. After that, we can worry about sleeping arrangements. )

Psyche moves away from you as you turn, hopping off the bed for a moment, cradling her cup. She takes another drink. . o O ( I see how this works. You're going to try and turn your good idea against me. )

Typheous sits up on the edge of the bed. . o O ( I promise I won't put you to sleep until after we've settled sleeping arrangements. ) He offers his hand across the bed to you.

Psyche transfers the mug to one hand (aww, isn't that grown up of her) and takes yours with the other. "Okay."

Typheous pulls you back to the bed. "Going to keep that with you, or can you stand to set it down for a few minutes?" His normal teasing smile graces his face.

Psyche blushes, reaching out to set the mug down, almost missing the nightstand. "Hush, you." She sticks her tongue out.

Typheous notes the near miss of the nightstand, his hand guiding you into lying down. "Now lie down and relax."

Psyche stretches out, propping her chin on her crossed arms, half-closing her eyes. "Yessir."

Typheous chuckles softly, stradling you much the same way you had him. He makes sure that your mug is in no danger of falling off the nightstand before he starts on your shoulders, working them slowly.

Typheous . o O ( You're not usually this playful, you know. It's quite enjoyable. )

Psyche tenses a bit as you move to straddle her, reflexively, then takes a deep breath, tension at least easing somewhat at your touch. . o O ( I think I -am- feelign the wine somewhat. )

Typheous sighs, shaking his head as he continues working on your shoulders. "Are you tensing up just to keep my hands on you longer?" . o O ( Don't think about it... You should let this part of you out more... And, no you're not simpering or anything of the sort, before you start on that. )

Psyche shakes her head. "No, I'm not...this is as relaxed as I get..." The tips of her ears tint. . o O ( Now I'm all self-conscious. Thanks a lot. )

Typheous falls silent, his hands starting a trek down your back in which they hunt for any knots or cricks and work on them until they vanish.

Psyche's back is actually fairly crick-free, but the muscles are all one big knot, and one that doesn't come easily undone. . o O ( What do you eman, playful? )

Typheous keeps searching for the source of the knot, working down to your lower back. . o O ( You tease me back, you seem to enjoy my flirtations... You flirt back, of all things... It's not bad, Psyche. I can be sure you're enjoying youself. )

Psyche's ears turn a darker shade of red. . o O ( I am...I usually do, with you. ) The source of the knot is the line of muscles just above her hip bones, it seems, as you can't tell where bone ends and muscle begins.

Typheous tugs lightly on the bottom of your shirt. "Would you mind if I...?" He seems to think you cna finish the question on your own. . o O ( I'm glad. )

Psyche's cheeks darken more. "Just...don't..." She trails off, seeming likewise to figure you can finish the sentence. . o O ( Especially lately. )

Typheous pulls your shirt free, his hands working on the small of your back's now bare skin. "I won't." He focuses on the base of the knot. . o O ( Again, I'm glad. )

[OOC] Eclipse caughtcha.

[OOC] Eclipse says, "How's bluebooking going?"

[OOC] You say, "Want a paste while we figure out N's net issues?"

[OOC] Rahab says, "Goddamnit."

[OOC] Rahab snarls.

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Net issues suck..."

[OOC] Rahab stabstabstabs.

[OOC] Rahab says, "Rowr."

[OOC] You say, "You having any issues openning websites there or anything like that?"

[OOC] Rahab nods. Now and again.

[OOC] Typheous hmmm... Might be your end then.

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Not right now, actually. I need to be going to bed, soonish, and I'm still trying to work on Knowledge Aptitudes, as I have been slacking all day long..."

[OOC] Typheous chuckles. Probably best then for no paste or you'll be here all night.

Psyche nods as best she can with her chin on her arms, the knot resisting, slowly giving way. She shivers a bit at the touch of your hands. . o O ( Mmm, I'll probably be a bitch in the morning, so don't get too used to it. )

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Yeah. I kind of figured that..."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Log into my computer and switch Zmud to Vita's screen."

[OOC] You say, "She's only saying that because she was."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Wait, NM."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Or...yeah."

[OOC] You say, "Sorry, just hopped over there when you asked. and had it typed before I saw the Nm"

Typheous lets his hands work on the tension directly out of the small of your back, shirt moved out of the way. . o O ( With the amount I've drank? Probably. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it now. )

Psyche smiles, wryly. . o O ( You're not as drunk as you were half an hour ago. But I'm a little more, so it evens out. ) She mmms softly, slowly relaxing.

Typheous lets his fingers explore up just a bit more, working on the knot. . o O ( Yes, well, you're not drunk enough to give me a hangover. )

[OOC] You say, "And, N, we should probably head to bed soonish...."

[OOC] Psyche is writing up her Limping Child stuff, can't go to bed before that.

Psyche mmms again. "Should I try to be?" she murmurs, sounding amused. . o O

[OOC] Typheous nodsnods. Sure thing. Just checking.

Psyche . o O ( I could start drinking that vile stuff you're drinking.... )

Typheoushands work up under your shirt, fingers deft on the bare skin. "No, please. This is just fine" . o O ( Not with the wine you've been drinking. Mixing alcohol types is a good way to end up emptying your stomache. )

Psyche shifts into the touch, thoughts drifting aimlessly. "Yessir." There's that hint of teasing.

Typheous works out from you spine, fingers growing more tentative around the edges of your back, but never moving beyond the edge. "So... Sleeping arrangements...."

Psyche's voice is half-audible, part murmur, the tension slowly beginning to melt completely away. "You want to stay here?"

Typheous's fingers find their way back to your shoulders and neck, rubbing the firmly and thoroughly. "I would like to, yes."

Psyche mmms softly. "'S not what I meant." . o O ( Since sleeping on the floor is going to give both of us a crick in the back, no matter which one sleeps there... ) Ayup, she's definitely feeling the wine and backrub combination.

Typheous seems intrigued at this, if his music is anything to judge his emotions by. "I would not be opposed to it." . o O ( If you're sure you're comfortable with it. )

Psyche's shoulders are still unknotting, if that's anything to judge by on her. . o O ( Ask me in the morning, I'll tell you no fucking way...but right now...I think I'm okay with just about anything. )

Typheous keeps his fingers working on your shoulders until he's pleased with the result. . o O ( Just don't throw me onto the floor to wake me up, ok? )

Psyche flops her head down to bury it in the pillow. . o O ( No throwing. I don't think I can move, now, Typh. )

Typheous lets his fingers slow their assult on your tension, letting them slide down your back slowly. He's obviously fighting an urge off to do more... exploring with them. . o O ( Is this a complaint? )

Psyche shakes her head slightly, shivering a bit at the slide of your fingers down her back. . o O ( More a statement of fact. Although I think I have to move before I suffocate. ) She turns her head to breathe.

Typheous's fingers had pauses about halfway down your back before he realises it. They don't move anywhere dangerous, they just sit there for several moments. "Do you want to finish our drinks then and go to sleep?"

[OOC] Psyche resets the cablemodem.

[OOC] Typheous grins. Help any?

Psyche hmms, not moving much. . o O ( How about finish the drinks, talk a little more, and then go to sleep...this time without me freaking out when you start talking about us. )

[OOC] Psyche says, "Seems to."

Typheous slowly shifts off to your side again, his hands reluctant to leave your skin. . o O ( Sounds fair... )

Psyche doesn't move. . o O ( I suppose I'm obligated to move now... )

[OOC] Psyche says, "Poor T. He's going to be so frustrated..."

[OOC] Eclipse has a comment in mind that he'd prefer to keep out of the logs...

[OOC] Psyche says, "Go ahead. T's keeping logs."

[OOC] Eclipse says, "No. Really. That's okay. *smirk*"

Typheous lays a hand on your back, this time on the shirt. . o O ( Well I could keep my hands up your shirt, but I don't know if I trust myself much longer. )

[OOC] Psyche makes you log on to Arcana and tell her there.

Psyche turns her head, body following to about a 45 degree angle, just probably making the temptation worse. "Don't ask me. I'm far too trusting when it comes to you."

[OOC] You say, "Or IM me. :)"

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Nah. It'll just be a letdown after all this building up."

Typheous clenches his hand on your back. "And you're far to tempting right now..." He closes his eye, shaking his head.

[OOC] Typheous chuckles.

Psyche moves to catch your arm with her upper hand, tugging it down, off her back and back to someplace socially acceptable. "Then stop." Amber eyes glint. "I trust you to know better than to get yourself in trouble over being stupid. Even drunk."

Typheous chuckles softly, hishand relaxing. "Thanks... That means a lot, Psyche." His free hand reaches over for your mug. . o O ( Would you like your drink? )

Psyche wrestles herself, a little clumsily, to a seated position. . o O ( Please. ) She smiles quietly. "You only get one chance at that, so don't fuck it up." It's half tease, half warning.

Typheous offers you your mug. "Only one chance on being stupid? Or getting your drink?" He smiles, retrieving his mug after you take yours.

Psyche takes it, cradling it in both hands. "Being stupid." She sticks her tongue out at you again, then takes a drink. "Spill something on my blanket, you're sleeping in the fucking snow."

Typheous glances to the blanket. "Something tells me you're not being literal about that... Or at least not offering to make it fucking snow." He winks (blinks?) at you. . o O ( I'm not the one with the wine. Mine's clear. )

Psyche transfers her mug to one hand, batting at you. "I'm not, and you know it. Pervert." She rolls her eyes. . o O ( Then you'd better make sure I don't spill any, oughtn't you? )

Typheous lifts his mug in a pseudo-toast to you. . o O ( Oh, so I have to be sure *you* don't spill or I'm sleeping in the snow? I fail to see how this is fair. ) "Yes, well, a man can dream, can't he?"

Psyche lifts her mug, clinking it against yours, just the faintest touch unsteadily. She's only had about a mug's worth, as she drains the last of what's in there. Then again, Psyche's normal diet is bread and water. . o O ( It's not. Good thing mine's empty, isn't it? ) She grins at you. "Dream all you like."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Okay, I have enough written down, I think."

Typheous chuckles softly before draining his own mug of its much smaller amount of vodka. He offer a hand to take the mug. "Yes, well, some day you might actually be interested in the concept." . o O ( You're definately tipsy... )

[OOC] Typheous snuggles. Yeah, I suppose it is getting late...

Psyche hands off her mug, giggling softly. "Too cold. I'm going to have enough problems with cold as it is, if I ever get to that point." Eyes glitter. . o O ( Why yes...yes, I am.

[OOC] Psyche )

Typheous sets the mugs on the table, putting the cork back into the wine bottle. "Well, we'll cross that bridge if we get to it. Something tells me it's not happening to night." . o O ( And how do you feel about it? ) He turns back to you. "Now, there was something about talking about 'us', wasn't there?"

[OOC] You say, "Sleepytime?"

[OOC] Psyche is in bed :P

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Logging off?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "We never log off :)"

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Er, I mean the logging function..."

[OOC] Typheous chuckles.

[OOC] You say, "Umm... I can, if you really want. Or I can edit it out of the log right away."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Turn the log back on, will repost."

[OOC] You say, "Logging bak on."

Psyche stifles another fit of giggles. "No, it's not." She summons up the will and coordination to cuddle up to you, nestling her head into your shoulder. . o O ( I'm not sure yet. It's hard to make a logical analysis of the state of being tipsy -while- tipsy, which is something I find more than a little unnerving. Can I get back to you after I've finished the experience? I do want to be able to think about it and do a risk-benefit analysis on it. Because it's sort of fun, and at the smae time I'm not sure whether I trust myself to say anything...or think it, for that matter...without it having consequences I'm simply not capable of enumerating to myself. In other words, I think my judgment is impaired, so I can't tell you how I feel about it really. But it's sure a helluvan interesting experience. ) She giggles despite herself. "You started it, way back when."

Typheous chuckles to himself. . o O (The point of being tipsy is that your judgement *is* impaired. You're no supposed to do it where things can get out of hand if you think or do something silly. ) "That I did.... I think we were talking about what come next, weren't we?"

Psyche nods, nuzzling your neck idly. "Something like that." . o O ( But I can't tell you if I -like- it until I know if it's -worth- it. I'm missing my objective ruler. )

Typheous smiles, hsis arms settling around you. "And I think our current issue was that anythign further than what we've done so far was indecent by someone's standards." . o O ( You can know if you like it. You don't have to dislike something to not want to do it again. )

Psyche tilts her head up to look at you, smiling wryly. "And we decided that it was the fact that thinking about it makes me feel dirty...that defines it as indecent, so you're allowed to try and convince me otherwise once per indecent act, unless circumstances change. Right?" There's a hint of a drag to her speech, faint but present, and she stumbles over words over three syllables. . o O ( That's illogical, but by that definition, I sort of like it. And it sort of scares the everloving fuck out of me. )

Typheous places a light kiss on you lips. . o O ( It's fine, Psyche. Nothing's going to happen. ) "So how can I go about proving to you it's not dirty? Do I just have to try things out one at a time?"

[OOC] Typheous wanders off to bed. Nightnight Clippy. (N's internet died on her)

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Night, folks."

<Logout> Eclipse has disconnected on Mon Sep 15 02:16:39 2003 EST

Eclipse has lost his link.

Psyche leans up to hold the kiss longer. . o O ( Still scares me. And...I don't know, exactly. I guess... )

Typheous doesn'tmove to break the kiss at all, keeping his lips locked to yours. . o O ( It's ok... You don't have do drink again. I just wanted a fair trial. ) His lips part slightly as the kiss continues. . o O ( Just try not jump like your did with the kiss. )

Psyche nods, not breaking the kiss, eyes closed. Even if you couldn't feel her emotions, her nervousness would be evident. . o O ( I'll try... )

Typheous let his lips part slightly further, waiting for your reaction. . o O ( Just relax and enjoy yourself...)

Psyche takes a deep breath, forcing herself to relax, following your lead. . o O ( *wryly* Neither of which I am in the habit of doing. )

Typheous smiles, letting his tongue briefly brush your lips. . o O( I suppose that's true... ) His music reflects his actions, soft, gentle and with a hint of hesitation.

Psyche does jump, but not far enough to break the kiss, eyes flying open briefly. . o O ( Augh, shit! I can't decide whether to tell you to warn me what you're doing or remember that if you did I'd be across the room. )

Typheous doesn't move the kiss either closer or further apart, tongue staying in his mouth for now. . o O ( I wasn't sure either... Just...I'm sorry. )

Psyche shakes her head slightly, lips parting again. . o O ( Don't be. I'm the neurotic one. )

Typheous chuckels softly, trying again, his tongue's touch light. . o O ( Yes, well, I still feel bad when you jump... )

Psyche doesn't jump, this time, relaxing slightly more. . o O ( Be glad I'm tipsy, then... )

Typheous plays across your lips lightly, his music losing the shock that had entered it at your jump. . o O ( Why? Because you would have ended up on the other end of the bed? )

Psyche parts her lips under the gentle encouragement. . o O ( Pretty much. I'm just tipsy enough to be slow, though... )

Typheous pulls you closer to him, his arms wrapped around you, letting his tongue gain a bit more bravery testing the area between your lips. . o ( Shhh.... just enjoy yourself... )

Psyche slowly snakes an arm around you, a hint of chill touching the air around her, yielding to the kiss. . o O ( Easy for you to say. )

Typheous deepens the kiss slowly, arms tightening for warmth in the chill. His own Echoes are playing a quiet tune that just seems to encourage this kind of behavior. . o O ( Shhh... )

Psyche's response is hesitant at first, always restrained, only that goosebump-inducing chill and a tugging at your mind giving any hint of deeper emotion.

Typheous does his best to encourage you into involvement, his own tongue exploring further in very slowly.

Psyche does so, but only hesitantly, slowly, no hint of impatience.

Typheous draws the kiss out for several long moments before slowly starting to pull away, his music soft and warm, in contrast to the air temperature.

Psyche pulls back, eyes flickering open, the air around her distinctly cool. She licks her lips, nervously almost. . o O ( That was...interesting... )

Typheous smiles slightly, reaching up to lightly place his hand on your cheek. . o O ( Do you have a verdict on it? )

Psyche blushes slightly before leaning her head against your shoulder. . o O ( I like it. )

Typheous holds you close to him, out of both a need for warmth and more personaly reason, his skin covered in goosebumps. . o O ( I'm glad.... )

Psyche reaches out, rubbing your arm. "...This is going to be a problem, isn't it?" she murmurs, half-wry, half-amused. "The cold." . o O ( No need to go scrub. I think that one's okay. )

[OOC] Psyche kisses and scampers off.

[OOC] Typheous dipsmooches.

Typheous chuckles softly, pulling you tight. "Eventually... but I'm sure we can find a way around it though." . o O ( You don't even need a second try this time... )

Psyche smiles slighyly. "There's always magic if nothing else. " She keeps her arms around you, nose nestling into her *** your neck. "What else is ther to talk about?" . o O ( Husgh, you. ) [Rahab]

Typheous warms at your touch, dispite the air. "What else... Well how do you feel about me?" . o O ( I'm actually a bit disappointed. Well, part of me is...)

Psyche smiles against your throat. "I don't know exactly. /Obviously amiable...I like being around you. I panic when the link drops out..." She sighs softly. "And you're quite unnervingly charming." . o O ( Oh? Why's that? ) [Rahab]

Typheous reaches a jhand up to lightly stroke your hair. "And you can't think of a term for that.... Sounds unervingly familiar to me..." . o O ( Because I like kissing you? )

Rahab blushes a bit. "I don't know quite what category to put you in yet. I'm very much fond of you..." She doesn't seem to be hiolding anything b ack. . o O ( Well, then. )

[OOC] Rahab says, "Yeah, Psyche does."

Typheous pets your hair softly. "There's a word for it..." He smiles warmly. "I'mm very fond of you too, Psyche." He quirks his eyebrow. . o O ( Well? )

Psyche untucks her head from your shoulder and kisses you again, a smile flickering across her lips. . o O ( Well. And is there? ) [Rahab]

Typheous kisses back, his hand cradling your head with his hand and his eyes sliding closed. . o O ( Is there... what? ) His thoughts don't seem to be what he's focusing on right now.

Psyche returns the kiss , that same chill deepending slightly. . o O ( A word for the feeling. ) One hand slides into your hair. [Rahab]

[OOC] Rahab says, "Bloody telnet."

Typheous shifts closer to you, as if that will help him stay warmer as he deepens this kiss slowly. . o O ( Fond... like... That's another, but I'm not ready to say it... )

[OOC] Typheous hugs.

Psyche's mind brushes against the word, then seems to recoil from it. . o O ( Leave it at that. I like you. ) She doesn't resist the kiss deepening, relaxing afainst you. She seems oblivious to her own cold, except by proxy from you. [Rahab]

Typheous shivers slightly, more from the cold, but the kiss helps that along as well. . o O ( I like you, too, Psyche. ) His music is slow, serenade-esque.

Psyche nestles closer, fingers running through your hair. . o O ( ) [Rahab]

Psyhce . o ( Is that all you wanted to talk about? ) [Rahab]

Typheous smiles aroudn the kiss. . o O ( No.. and yes... I don't know... I can't think when you're kissing me... )

Psyche :laughs, breaking the kiss, grinning at you. . o O ( I'll have to remember that. ) The chill remains, despite the casualness of her smile. [Rahab]

Typheous shivers slightly, moving to close the distance again. "What? Just so you can win arguments with it?" He smiles warmly.

Psyche evades you this time, n* kissing your cheek lightly. "Yes, something like that. Not that I can't win you over with logic and reason usually. " . o ( What else did you want to talk about while I'm still drunk enough to talk.? ) [Rahab]

Typheous pointedly squeezes you. "Yes well. " He shivers again, skin covered once more in goosebumps. . o O ( I've got you to let me sleep in your bed with you, gotten you to kiss me more... thoroughly, and also settled on a word for what we feel abotu each other... I can either press my luck and feel bad about taking advantage of the situation in the morning, or try to think of something else to talk about. )

Psyche plants a soft kiss on your earlobe, chill lingering. . o O ( Better not to press your luck, then, isn't it? )

Typheous shivers. . o O ( Yes... And we will have to do something about this cold sometime... ) "What else to talk about... What would you like to do the next time we have a free afternoon together?"

[OOC] Psyche feels like the Frost Queen.

Psyche arches a brow. . o O ( Why the sudden decision? ) There's a wry twist to her voice, a private amusement when she asks "You don't like to spend hours walking through the woods, do you?"

Typheous chuckles softly. . o O ( Call it wishful thinking and planning ahead? ) His music match his light tone. "Thay can be enjoyable with the right company..."

Psyche grins, a little lopsidedly. "That's not what I want to do." . o O ( Would it be hedonistic of me to ask if you wanted another drink? )

Typheous quirks his eyebrow. "The what do you want to do?" He glances briefly to the mugs and bottles. . o O ( Probably... but I wouldn't mind. )

Psyche wriggles out of your grip, very carefully making her way over to the nightstand, pouring herself another mug - almost full, although it doesn't appear to be dleiberately so full, from her concentration in pouring - and doing the same for you. "See if you can draw as well when you can see me as when you can't."

Typheous smiles, blushing slightly. "I'll have to see about that... Or do you mean now?" He glances over to the cups. . o O ( Careful, that's a lot of wine there. )

Psyche grins. "I don't know if you -could- draw well, now. It would be amusing...I had meant later." Eyes glitter. . o O ( So I noticed, but it didn't seem to want to pour less. )

Typheous chuckles, shaking as he does so. . o O ( It didn't, did it? ) He smiles, his chuckles subsiding, but carried on in his music. "No, probably not.... And there might end upbeing nymphs in it."

Psyche lifts your cup and offers it to you. "No nymphs. Besides, I have the sneaking suspicion you'd insist on trying to draw me without any clothing on, and I'm -certainly- not going to do that while you're drunk." . o O ( No, really, I only meant a half-glass. )

Typheous looks almost offended. "Don't you trust me?" His tone in both thought and spoken word is fairly jovial. . o O ( Sure.... ) He winks/blinks.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Blink implies bilateral."

[OOC] Typheous nodsnods. So all he can do it wink.

Psyche rolls her eyes. "I'm sitting here drinking with you. Of -course- I fucking trust you. I just don't think you need tempting, considering you were complaining about giving me a backrub being temptation enough." She picks up her mug.

Typheous reaches to take his mug, which he's hoping isn't nearly as full as yours is. "Yes... Probably for the best.... Though sometime I would like to sketch you."

Psyche takes a long drink. She seems to have lost the grimace at the alcohol. "Clothed?" She peers at you over the edge of the mug. . o O ( What was so tempting about the backrub anyway? ) Your glass is half to three-quarters full, vodka seeming not to quite have the herd instinct of wine.

[OOC] You say, "And 3/4's is still about 3x as much as he'd put in there. ;)"

[OOC] You say, "She is trying to get him drunk, isn't she. ;)"

Typheous shrugs slowly, taking a sip as he does so. "Perhaps. Depends on what you were willing to do at the time. For starters, probably." He licks a stray drop of vodka off his lip. . o O ( What is on the other side of your body from where my hands stopped? )

Psyche considers a moment, then cheeks flame, nearly spilling her wine. . o O ( Oh. ) Whatever she had been about to say is cut off as she struggles for composure.

Typheous starts slightly, reaching to try to help your steady your wine. "Careful, there." He tries to steady you and your wine. . o O ( And I suppose you don't see why they're so tempting, do you? )

Psyche shakes her head, speechless, ears taking on a vermilion hue.

Typheous sets his mug down, his hand distictly staying away from the discussed attributes. . o O ( And now's not the time to show you.. ) He sighs softly, slight frustration entering his music.

Psyche draws her knees up, half-defensively, half because it seems to be what she does when she's ill at ease. . o O ( I don't understand. I'm sorry. )

Typheous shakes his head slowly, reaching to take your mug from you, setting it on the nightstand if he gets it, music soft and caring, even with the hint of frustration. . o O ( It's ok...They're just fairly sensative... And the right touches... )

Psyche doesn't put up much of a fight. . o O ( You're frustrated. ) Way to be obvious, Psyche.

[OOC] Psyche says, "T is going to go nuts. :)"

[OOC] You say, "Really. ;P"

Typheous sets the mug down and settles his arms around you. . o O ( Yes, but it's my own fault for being so ruled by my hormones. )

Psyche uncurls slightly, chewing her bottom lip. . o O ( What can I do to help...? ) The question's simplicity belies the complex nature of her thoughts, a tumble of avoided images.

Typheous chuckles softly, arms tightening around you. . o O ( Probably very little... I'm not going to rush this by asking for more than you'd be ready to give sober... And i'm not going to stop being around you )

Psyche's own tension, the chill around her, reflect your frustration. . o O ( Gah. ) She reaches out for her mug from the cradle of your arms. . o O ( So is kissing you bad? )

Typheous shakes his head. . o O ( No, it's not. And giving up things we already have will drive me more mad. I'll just have to learn to wait. Patience is a virtue, after all. ) He chuckles softly. . o O ( My family was always saying I was too hasty. )

Psyche sips at her wine, shifting so that her back rests against your chest. . o O ( I'm sorry, I think. ) She sighs softly. "It's not that I don't -want- more...just...one thing at a time, I think."

Typheous nods slowly, slipping his hands around your waist. "It's better that way anyway... You don't get a flood of sensations to deal with." . o O ( Nothing to be sorry about, Psyche. You wouldn't have caught my.. fondness if you'd been the type to pull me to bed the first chance you got. )

Psyche leans back, tucking her head between your jaw and your shoulder, sipping her wine. "I'm less likely to do something I'll regret later, just by getting caught up in it, and I don't want to regret this." She twists to kiss your jaw, still carrying that chill. . o O ( I believe this would be the first chance I got, no? )

Typheous shivers at the kiss, arms resting around your waist, a safe distant from anything withe up or down. "I don't want to regret anything, either, Psyche." . o O ( Actually, I offered last night. And I meant with much less clothing on for both of us. )

Psyche blushes a bit, nestling back against you. "Do you have regrets?" The question is half-curious, half-cynical. . o O ( I know. )

Typheous frowns in thought. "Some... yes.... Gadrielle..." He's fallen entirely serious in his tone. . o O ( So not quite the same thing.. )

Psyche sips. . o O ( No. What kind of regrets? )

Typheous chuckles softly, still frowning. "That I didn't see her manipulative, bitch side of her when I was chancing her, deft hands or no."

Psyche considers for a moment. "Why didn't you? To focussed on her hands?" She manages the question with only moderate embarrassment.

That does manage to break Typheous' frown from his face. "Yes.. And her body... And she could be caring, when no one was looking. I wouldn't even listen to Alex if he had said something. " [Typheous]

Psyche twists slightly to look up at you. "Go on..."

Typheous seems to be looking past you, to the sheets. "She and I did a lot of things... she wanted more... I wasn't ready for them. That was a constant sore. Hell, she ws still trying to get me in bed at the dance... What I saw in her, I'll never know. "

Psyche half-turns so that she's leaning against you, shoulder to chest. "...You weren't..."

Typheous reaches a hand up to trace the side of your nose. "I wasn't ready to sleep with her. To 'go all the way'" He shakes his head. . o O ( And she really wanted into my pants... With more than just her hands. )

Psyche ohs softly, blushing. . o O ( *a sense of a question she's not quite drunk enough to ask* ) "But she..." She trails off.

Typheous chuckles softly, tracing his finger over to your ears, toying with the the point. . o O ( What is it? ) "She?"

Psyche shivers slightly, and the air returns to its cool state as if in response. . o O ( I don't know if I want to know the answer. ) "She..." For someone who swears as much and as vulgarly as Psyche does, you'd think she wouldn't have this problem. "Her hands were all she..." She trails off agin, blushing furiously.

Typheous nods slowly, his finger completing its circuit around your ear and starting another one. "That was all... She refused to try her mouth... found it disgusting for some reason..."

Psyche shivers again, nestling a little closer. "I...mmm, at the moment I think I agree, but..." She flushes again. . o O ( You were talking, earlier, like you -would-...with me. )

Typheous nods slightly. "That's much further down the line, I believe." He squeezes you tightly. . o O ( I don't know if I would or not... I feel... much closer to you than I ever did with her. )

Psyche squirms around until she can take another drink. "Much. As I'm hardly comfortable with your shirt off even." . o O ( I'm gratified to know that...and a little scared. )

Typheous lets you free to retrieve your mug, taking his own as well. "You aren't comfortable, if I remember..." He sips his drink slowly. . o O ( Why afraid? )

Psyche snags her mug, sipping. "Well, I wasn't half a mug of wine ago, at least. Which stands to reason that sober I'd be even less so." . o O ( Because it makes me wonder about -me-. )

Typheous finishes his slow drink. "Probably not... So I shouldn't offer to take it off again." . o O ( What about you? ) His music is slow, concerned, matching his thoughts better than his speach.

Psyche mmms softly. . o O ( I don't know. I...I'm connected to you in so many ways even without any emotional involvement. But I don't know if I want... *a pause* I don't know if I ever want to get that involved. With anyone. It seems so distracting. ) "If you did, I'd probably say yes..." The drag is back in her speech, the bar for stumbling lowered to two syllables.

Typheous takes a deep breath. "I won't... I'd probably end up on the floor in the morning if I did." He tilts his head, lifting his free hand to pet your hair. . o O ( So? It's distracting, yes... in a way... But it's worth it... )

Psyche smiles faintly, sipping her wine. "I'd probably agree to a lot of things that would put you on the floor in the morning. I'm not entirely certain you won't wind up there for the hangover I'm going to have." . o O ( How do you know? )

Typheous traces your ear again, seeming to fixate on it. "Are you trying to get my shirt off?" . o O ( I've been in love before... or thought I was...)

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 4, 7, 8, 1, 9, 2, 7, 7 No diff given.

Psyche tenses at the word, chill briefly deepening. . o O ( And that makes it worth it? When? What changed? ) "I...well, sort of."

Typheous looks down at you, trying to catch your eyes. "Yes or no, Psyche. Which do you want?" . o O ( I can't explain it... Everything seemed more... real then. And when? Gadrielle... There was Lin back home, before I left for here... Neither were really love, I suppose. But if they're anything close... It's just something you have to experience, Psyche. )

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 9, 1, 4, 7, 3, 3, 10, 10 No diff given.

Psyche frowns faintly. . o O ( Explain. And what do you mean 'thought you were'? ) "I guess I am trying...but..." She sighs, taking a long drink.

Typheous chuckles softly. . o O ( I was so sure I was in love I didn't see any problems that were coming. In a sense, I was in love, in another, I wasn't. ) "Take you time to decide. I'm not going anywhere." He matches your drink with his own.

Psyche bites her lip uncertainly. "I'm not sure...I know I wouldn't be if I were sober...but..." She slips her free hand under your shirt, around your back. "...but I like the idea right -now-...and I'm still having trouble considering it logically." . o O ( And I hate not being able to think logically. It makes me feel lost and vulnerable and like the world is all not right. I don't understand what you mean. )

Typheous nods slowly, taking a deep breath. "Then I'll leave it on. Best do what we would if we were sober..." . o O ( No one can tell you you're in love. You just know. And if you're convinced that you're in love, then no one can tell you otherwise. And I thought I was in love. )

Psyche shivers slightly, mind recoiling from the thought. . o O ( Then I hope I never am. That sounds horrible. ) "You're right." She sips her wine. "Just for a few minutes, maybe?"

Typheous shakes his head. . o O ( It's not quite that easy... And it's such a wonderful feeling... ) He quirks his eyebrow. "If you just asked it would already be off." He sets the cup on the nightstand.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Only Psyche would agonise about the moral and ethical implications of seeing a guy shirtless."

[OOC] Typheous chuckles.

Psyche shakes her head slightly. . o O ( Anything that makes you that doggedly certain about something, unwilling to consider the evidence...it doesn't sound wonderful at all to me. It sounds hideous. ) She considers a moment. "Take it off. But you're putting it back on in a few."

Typheous smiles briefly. . o O ( But I did.... Just weighed it differently than I do now. ) He complies, his shirt finding its way to the floor, as there's little room on the bed. His chest isn't overly muscled but it's in fairly good shape from his fencing.

Psyche considers a moment longer before nestling back up to him, cheek against his bare skin, setting her mug down on the bed rather than reaching for the nightstand. It's half-gone anyway. She rests her hand on your chest, fingers splaying. . o O ( I'm not convinced. )

Typheous smiles at the touch of your fingers. . o O ( It's something you need to experience to judge... Even with all the pain it's caused me, I wouldn't give those feelings up."

[OOC] Typheous eyes the pager. No. i'm not answering you now. I didn't answer at 10:30, i'm not answering now.

[OOC] You say, "And that should be all thought."

Psyche runs her fingers over your chest, tracing the lines of the muscles. (Yay for pre-rampant-obesity times) . o O ( That's not logical. )

[OOC] Typheous giggles.

Typheous leans back, eye closing, enjoying your touch. . o O ( Why? There are things worth pain, Psyche. And love is definately one of them. )

Psyche sighs, breath cooling quickly in the air around her. . o O ( *dubiously* Maybe. )

Typheous shivers slightly in the cool air, arms wrapping around you. . o O ( I'd show you... but I can't. Not with out doing something to you that I wouldn't ever do to a woman... to anyone... )

Psyche's fingers continue their exploration, hesitantly, pausing to try and rub away goosebumps. . o O ( What do you mean? )

Typheous hugs tightly, goosebumps vanishing at your touch, but appearing right behind your hand as it leaves. . o O ( I think I could make someone fall in love, if only temporarily... but... It'd be such a perversion of it... I guess I'll have to prove it to you the old fashioned way. )

Psyche's whole body goes tense at the idea mentioned, for a moment her thoughts nothing but a horrified revulsion. It takes a moment for her to calm herself, and her mind is still a turmoil as the cold snap fades back to a mild chill. o O ( You're right...it would be....but you're more ethical than some... *another mental shudder* The old-fashioned way....planning to make me fall in love with you? ) It's a measure of her intoxication taht she can think the idea.

[OOC] Psyche says, "One or two more, then sleep..."

[OOC] Psyche sneaks over to S's computer and shares their printer. :P

[OOC] Psyche says, "Lexmark, check, pigtail, what else was there?"

Typheous goes back to tracing your ear. He seems to like that, especially the tip. . o O ( Not make... no... but I'm not opposed to trying to woo you, no. Just know I'll probably get caught by you as well."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Yis."

Psyche turns her head to kiss your chest before answering. . o O ( You can try. But I don't know what you plan on doing differently. And...caught by me? )

[OOC] Psyche loves.

Typheous he glances down at the kiss, a chuckle from the though. . o O (I might fall in love with you, too, Psyche. And I don't intend on changing a thing about what I'm doing. It took me long enough to find how to get you to be civil with me. I'm not about to try to find another way. )

Psyche giggles softly. "I'm not impressed by swashbuckling and pretty words. Or with being needled during class." She nestles. . o O ( I'm still not sure it sounds like an appealing thing to do, but if you happen to like it...I can't exactly stop you."

[OOC] Psyche says, "You pose, I'm closing RD :) Loveoo."

[OOC] Typheous love you too

Typheous lets his hand drift to your hair, trying to ignore that only your shirt is seperating his skin from yours. "So I've found...." . o O ( Well, you could... You could do anything you could to stay away from me. )

[OOC] Psyche fibs, bowels decided I dun need to sleep quite yet.

Psyche nuzzles your chest with her nose briefly, giggling softly. "Whatever possessed you to think that -that- would help?" . o O ( And I'd still be bound to you...I'd still know every wound you took. )

[OOC] Typheous giggles.

[OOC] Psyche mmms, corn.

Typheous squirms a bit as your nose hits a ticklish spot. "Boyhood machoism. That and I found it amusing to watch you lose your temper in class." . o O ( Yes.... )

Psyche pokes you lightly in the stomach. "Do you know how much extra work I did because of that?" She doesn't sound upset, more stating a fact. . o O ( So it wouldn't be much of avoiding you."

[OOC] Psyche ) not "

[OOC] Psyche goes now.

Typheous smirks slightly. "Yes... well.. I'm sorry?" He seems honest, if a bit tipsy. . o O ( You could ward yourself. ) His thoughs and his music are dark, as if you'd actually consider doing that.

Psyche smiles, playfully. "It was character-building." Eyes turn thoughtful - if not quite as lucid as usual, and she does give the suggestion serious thought it seems. . o O ( For the rest of my life? I have to practically shut myself down to ward you out...and then there'd be that empty space. )

Typheous squeezes you lightly, trying to make himself feel less dark. . o O ( I feel empty just thinking about it... And not only a month ago I would have put the wards on myself. They wouldn't have been permanent. A month ago, I enjoyed teasing you too much. )

Psyche's eyes are thoughtful. She takes a sip of her wine. . o O ( I don't think I could...although I thought about it. And I have warded you out before, when I was writing. ) [Rahab]

Typheous smiles softly. . o O ( And when I fence, I cen barely hear you... but that's different than a full ward... I don't feel as... empty. )

Psyche nods quietly. . o O ( . o ( It isn't like I can't tell you're there still, just that everything's muted. ) "Did I interrup****** [Rahab]

[OOC] Rahab gets her timeline screwed up, ignorte the speech.

[OOC] Typheous grins.

Typheous seems to be losing the darkness, if his music is anything to judge. . o O ( Much less frightening than being warded... ) He reaches for his mug and takes a small sip.

Rahab runs her fingers along your collarbones. . o O ( Why so dark? )

Typheous takes another small sip. . o O ( Just... thinking about the times we've been warded... And not wanting it to happen again. )

Psyche arches a brow. "It bothers you that much? " [Rahab]

Typheous stares at the bed covers for several long minutes. "Only with the thought of a permanent ward..."

Rahab reaches up, brushing her fingers against your cheek." I have no intention of warding myself permanently...I'm too used to having you around." . o O ( And the funny things that magic does sometimes. )

Typheous seems to relax significatly at that. . o O ( And which one would that be? ) He reaches up to catch your hand on his cheek.

Psyche lets her hand linger. . o O ( It seems to work...better...when i'm with oyou. I can do things I can't on my own. ) [Rahab]

Typheous wraps his fingers around your hand. . o O ( I had noticed... I can't heal myself without touching you... Or you for that matter... )

Psyche leans up, kissing you lightly. . o O ( So there must be something more than just the link... I wonder if we -could- even ward it out completely. ) [Rahab]

Typheous kisses back, hand releasing yours to cradle the back of your head. His music seems to be getting lost in the kiss. . o O ( I don't really want to find out... for some reason.. )

Psyche relaxes, deeping the kiss of her own initiative this time. , her hand slipping into your hair. . o O ( It's an interesting question...sometime, I wan [Rahab]

want to try, just to see... ) [Rahab]

[OOC] Rahab says, "The difference between them."

Typheous loses himself in the kiss. . o O ( Are you kissing me just to get your way... ) His music reflects his light sarcasm. . o O ( I suppose we can try sometime. )

Psyche's thoughts sound faintly insulted. . o O ( No, I'm kissing you because I rather like doing it. ) As if uo underscore her wor4ds, the air around her cools slightly more. . o O ( I just want to know...it's a good qwuestion, and I'll be right there to hold your hand...it only workswhen I'm touching you. ) [Rahab]

Typheous deepens the kiss in apology. . o O ( I didn't really believe that, Psyche... And It would be good to know... in case... )

Psyche runs her fingers yhrough your hair, her other arm moving to twine around your neck. . o O ( Just inc ase. We should know before we go back out to face Caine again...we're going to need every advantage we have. ) She falls silent in her thoughts for a while. . o O ( I knew you didn't mean it. You were listening to my logic. ) [Rahab]

Typheous pulls you closer with his arm still around your waist, his fingers slipping into you hair. . o O ( I'm sorry that I said it... And yes.... We need to figure out what all this..link lets us do.. )

Psyche relaxes a little more. . o O ( Thinkgs we should have already done, if we weren't fighting all the time before. Master Liriel seems to know something about it...I should ask him. I should've gone to see him today... ) There's a flash of guilt and self-castigation in her mind, temperature dropping again. [Rahab]

Typheous shivers in the cold, pressing the kiss to keep warm. . o O ( Can you wait a few moments to berate yourself so we don't end up frozen like this? And I needed you help with lessons. Badly.)

Rahab blushes, breakign the kiss, the temperature evening out a bit but still colder than it was. "I'm sorry..." . o O ( I can't help feeling like I was being selfish and shirking the things that needed to be done, tyhough. )

Typheous shivers again, his arms wrapping to pull you closer. "Don't be... In truth, I don't really want you to always have to keep a tight reign on your emotions when we're being intimate." . o O ( There will be time tomorrow for those things. )

Rahab nestles closer to you, again oblicious to her own chill except by transmission from you. . o O ( It...is sort of a giveaway isn't it? Doesn't seem to matter whether it's good or bad...if I'm emotionall y involved at all... )

[OOC] Rahab says, "My typing sucks."

Typheous chuckles, trying to warm himself from your body heat. . o O ( Yes... at least I know you're enjoying yourself, though, and not just humoring me. )

Psyche blushes deeply at that. . o O ( Well...yes...there is that... ) She spans her hands across your shoulders. "Maybe you should put your shirt back on before you freeze. " [Rahab]

[OOC] Rahab says, "Notes done, going to go over to MB side. Call me or page me before you leacve Auburn."

Typheous glances over to the shirt on the edge of this bed. "I'm not that cold... do you want me to put it back on?" . o O ( Given, we'll have to find a way around it if we get much mroe involved....)

Psyche's blush deepens. "Not really..." She reaches out for her mug, taking a long sip. . o O ( I can't believe I'm seriously considering that probability. I -must- be drunk. ) She leans up against you again, arms wrapping around you, taking the chill with them as well as her body heat.

Typheous smiles, a slight shiver that vanishes with your touch. "Then I'll keep it off for a bit longer." His music chuckles, even if he doesn't. . o O ( I think you don't need any more to night, Psyche. )

Psyche peeks at the mug. . o O ( There's not all that much left...less than half... ) She looks up at you, bemusedly. "You're just looking for excuses."

Typheous quirks his eyebrow down at you. . o O ( Finish what you have. No more. ) "And you're not?" He grins.

Psyche untangles her arms from around you long enough to take another drink. . o O ( Yes, mother. ) She sticks her tongue out at you. "No, I'm not. You're the one who's so all-fired eager to sit around half-naked even though you're clearly freezing." Two-syllable words seem to give her at least a moment's pause, that soft drag to her speech.

Typheous chuckles, almost a giggle. "I see.... So why are you curling up against me then?" . o O ( I don't think I could be your mother. If I need to, I can provide biological evidence to the contray. )

Psyche's cheeks flush as she prods you. . o O ( No, thank you, I don't think I need to see proof...I'll take your word for it. ) She grins a little crookedly. "Because you're evidently too daft to know that you're freezing, so it's my duty to keep you warm?"

Typheous's face becomes a study of innocence. . o O ( I was merely going to point out I have one eye and you have 2. What were you thinking? ) "Let's see, I can have a beautiful woman try to keep me warm or I can put my shirt on and still be cold... Hmmm "

<Login> Eclipse has connected from CPE-65-25-245-215.mn.rr.com on Tue Sep 16 22:43:35 2003 EST.

[OOC] You say, "We've got a *ton* of reading for you Clippy. ;)"

[OOC] Psyche sniggers.

[OOC] Eclipse will just hold off until it's all finished, thank you. "I'm mostly working on heroes stuff, at the moment. Peanuting you is just a side-item tonight."

Psyche squeals softly, batting at you. . o O ( No fair setting me up just because you've been making lewd references all night... ) She ignores the compliment, merely wrinkling her nose in response.

[OOC] Psyche ohgoods.

Typheous taps your nose lightly. . o O ( And now you're accusing me of setting you up... ) He look hurt, but his music says otherwise.

Psyche nips at your finger, impulsively, giggling. . o O ( You aren't? )

Typheous taps your nose again. . o O ( Well, maybe a little. ) He grins mischeviously as he finishes his vodka off.

Psyche repeats the nip, poking you again. . o O ( You did, see? I should just sit over on the other end of the bed and let you freeze to death. )

Typheous chuckle softly, his arms pulling you closer. . o O ( Yes, but you don't want to... )

Psyche rolls her eyes. . o O ( Evidently, as I'm sitting right here. ) She nuzzles your neck before taking another drink. "What am I teaching you tomorrow? I think we covered all of law..."

Typheous purrs softly at the nuzzle. "Well, what about ettiquette?" :he lets his finer trace your ear again. . o O ( So, do you want to go sit on the other end of the bed? )

Psyche shivers slightly, giggling. "I don't think you need any help -there-. It's hardly a hard-study course." . o O ( Well, if you insist... ) She starts to scoot away.

Typheous sighs softly, shaking his head. . o O ( I don't. ) He frowns slightly. "No, I suppose I don't.... What else is there?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "I forget. What classes - were - they in? "

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Hrm. Let me see..."

[OOC] Typheous doesn't remember. *eyes clippy*

[OOC] Psyche says, "Yay for having the GM around :)"

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Yeah. Still, this might take a bit..."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Sokay, I'm writing a paper."

[OOC] Eclipse says, "I *know* we had a conversation on the subject way back when. It's just a matter of *finding* it..."

[OOC] Psyche nods. "I think you sent it e-mail, if I weren't working on this I'd look."

[OOC] Eclipse is looking through old emails now...

[OOC] Eclipse sighs. "I'm just about ready to give up. Just a couple more places I can think to look, and then I'm tapped out... There was an 8/31/2002 email I sent asking for 5 Abilities you both intended to purchase, but I don't see a response..."

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Ah hah. Here's part of it, at least: Psyche is currently studying advanced Law - and taking classes for Investigation. Shes keeping up on her private tutorials with Master Liriel in poisons and death lore, as well as the almost constant barrage of demands on her ability to make quick and correct ethical decisions. Having finally swallowed her pride this semester, shes taking a beginning art course in hopes of awakening at least a little talent for drawing and sketching. And her mother has demanded that she take classes to improve her social skills (Etiquette). Poor girl hates it. In addition, shes taking whatever the ST says a well-rounded character should take."

[OOC] Typheous doesn't remember where it'd be....ahh.. So Investigation and drawing... :)

[OOC] Psyche says, "Investigations would be the other one worth studying, then."

[OOC] You say, "Bah. :)"

[OOC] Psyche was sure he put us in something else.

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Other than Intro to the Cabal, you mean?"

[OOC] You say, "'Introduction to yeah.. those things."

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Yes. Nomin apparently had good notes - verbatim from the prof's mouth...with detailed footnotes..."

[OOC] Psyche says, "So I heard."

Psyche grins. "Investigations, and Intro to the Cabal. Unless you want to study Art." She pauses in her scooting. . o O ( You kept asking if I was going to go sit... )

Typheous smiles at you. . o O ( Come back her, girl. ) He frowns slightly. "I think Intro to Cabals we can ace easily, with our adventures. And do *you* need to study art? " he punctuates the 'you' by tugging your ear lightly.

Psyche aughs, tugging her head away. "What is it with my ears?" She claps her hands over them, covering them. . o O ( Me? I can draw stick figures well enough, what more do I need? )

Typheous rolls his eye. . o O ( Do you want to pass it? ) His hand rests itself on your shoulder. "They're something I can touch without setting you on edge.... "

Psyche wiggles her fingers at you. "I have hands, and arms, and shoulders, and a back, and toes, too, but you keep playing with my fucking ears..." It's hard to say whether she's upset or not; she giggles occasionally. . o O ( I'll pass art, I'm kidding. I've been working on sketching some. )

Typheous lets his hand wander to your neck, playing wiht it lightly. "Well, I'll start working on other things as well. . o O ( ... Might I see them? ) He's very tentative on the question.

Psyche considers, shivering slightly, the air around her still cool. . o O ( Promise not to page past what I show you or read anything... )

Typheous shivers as well, though from the cold. . o O ( I will only look at what you show me. )

Psyche grabs her mug and climbs off the bed, finishing its contents in a long drink as she crosses the room unsteadily to her desk, taking out her journal and carrying it carefully back. "You promise..." she says, uncertainly, obviously worried.

Typheous's face becomes entirely serious. "I promise, Psyche. I will only look at what you show me." He glances to your journal.

Psyche bites her lip, studying your face with an intense seriousness. Finally, she settles back on the bed, paging through it until she finds a page that suits her. She turns it around. The text, written in her characteristically tight, economical, and cramped hand, flows around a series of small sketches - scenes from the stay at the pooka's house.

Typheous glances through the pictures, ignoring the words as promised, studying each of the images. . o O ( They're good.... ) He hands the book back, looking back up to you. "Although it's hard to study them properly with the words around them...

Psyche flips a couple more pages to a full-page sketch of Rade sitting, staring off into the distance - good enough, although rather more by an anal-retentive attention to detail than by any natural talent - and hands it back over. "Well, I didn't exactly intend for anyone to see them..."

Typheous chuckles softly. "Thank you for showing them to me." He frowns in thought at the picture. . o O ( You need to take more artistic license and stop being so anally attentive to detail. )

Psyche considers it with you for a moment, before paging through the book to another sketch woven into the text. The pages are crammed, front and back, with her writing - occasionally scrawled, occasionally tear-smudged. . o O ( See...there's a problem...I suck at artistic license, and I'm very good at attention to detail. )

Typheous smiles slightly, trying very hard not to read this page. . o O ( You should try practicing it sometime. ) He looks up, looking away from the page. "This one... I can't really look at... I'm afraid I'll read something on accident."

Psyche glances down at the page, skimming a few lines, then pales slightly and hurriedly grabs the book back. "Don't...thank you..." She seems more than a little unnerved. . o O ( But I really can't -draw-, you see. )

Typheous nods slowly, bringing his gaze back to you. "You're welcome..." He reaches an arm for your shoulder. . o O ( Try sometime. Draw me? )

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Night, you two."

[OOC] You say, "nightnight"

<Logout> Eclipse has disconnected on Wed Sep 17 00:50:12 2003 EST

Psyche closes the journal, setting it aside. . o O ( If you like. ) A long pause. . o O ( Speaking of drawing, and you needing to study for exams... )

Typheous quirks an eyebrow, intrigued. . o O ( What about them? ) He lets his hand wander from your shoulder to your neck and back.

Psyche leans back against you. "How well do you usually score on exams?"

Typheous glances to the floor, hand suddenly distracted from what it was doing. "I pass..." . o O ( Barely, in some of them. )

Psyche looks up at you. "Why?"

Typheous seems to be concentrating on drawing circles with his foot in time to his music. "Usually because I don't study enough."

Psyche reaches over to bring her hand to your jaw, drawing your gaze up. . o O ( You're acting like a boy caught tying rocks to a stray dog's tail... )

Typheous chuckles, looking up at you. "I suppose I am..." . o O ( I was just thinking I was going to get a lecture from you... )

Psyche smiles lopsidedly. . o O ( Maybe when I'm sober. Right now I'm going to offer you a deal... )

Typheous becomes more curious, if that's possible. . o O ( A deal? )

Psyche nods, then stops nodding, emphatically. "You ace your exams..."

Typheous quirks his eyebrow, waiting for your to finish, even his music seeming to wait to cadance on you.

Psyche smiles, almost teasingly. "And I'll sit for you to sketch, wearing anything you want."

Typheous considers this carefully, his eye scanning you slowly. "Anything?"

Psyche takes a deep breath, briefly turning the offer over once more in her mind, before nodding. "Anything."

Typheous smiles. "I'll accept, provided you make me the same offer sober in the morning." He reaches up to brush his fingers across your cheek.

Psyche giggles. "Remind me...after the hangover's worn off. I'm likely to slap you before." She turns her head to kiss your fingertips. . o O ( But you have to ace them. Not just pass. )

Typheous smiles and nods. . o o ( I know the difference... ) He winks. "And I think I will... )

[OOC] You say, "Last bit is spoken"

Psyche giggles again, kissing her way up your fingertips to your palm. . o O ( And I'll have to see proof. )

Typheous lets your kisses wander over his finger and hand, shifting it to give you full access. . o O ( I won't lie about them just to get you to do what I wanted. )

Psyche touches her lips to the centre of your palm, moving to close your fingers around it. "I know you won't. But I still want to see." She stifles a yawn, cuddling close again, the cold fading a bit.

Typheous catches the kiss, lifting his hand to his chest. He smile slightly. "Sounds like a deal..." . o O ( Tired? It is getting late, isn't it.. .)

Psyche nods. "It's the alcohol, more than anything...makes me tired." . o O ( Shirt back on, then... ) [Rahab]

Typheous reaches over for his shirt. . o O ( You sure you want it back on me? ) He nods to you. "Yes, it can do that... We probably should get to sleep if we want to be functional tomorrow. "

Psyche spreads her hands against your chest. . o O ( Right now? No. But I'd rather not wake up cranky and kick you out just because I'm stupid tonight. ) "We have a lot of studying to do yet..."

Typheous smiles, pulling his shirt over his head and over your hands. . o O ( And I'd rather not get kicked out either.... And you're not being stupid, Psyche. You're being better disciplined than most girls I've dated, especially when they were drunk. ) "Yes, we do, don't we."

Psyche slips her hands down your chest and around your waist. . o O ( I -feel- like I'm being stupid. I'm trying very hard not to regret anything. I don't like regrets. ) "Specifically, you, if you want to do well."

Typheous kisses your forehead lightly. . o O ( I don't think you will... There's nothing to regret.) He smiles down at you. "And since you've offered me such marvelous modivation..."

Psyche tilts her head up, offering a kiss. . o O ( That's somewhat comforting, although I'm not sure I like being better disciplined than -most- girls... )

Typheous kisses back, softly. . o O ( Need to be more so than all of them? ) His music is lightly, but is hinting at a lulubye-tune.

Psyche parts her lips, looking to deepen the kiss, hands tightening around your waist. . o O ( I have very high standards for myself. )

Typheous deepens it, slowly, his own arms tightening around you. . o O ( But not as high for me? )

Psyche's response is as reserved as ever, although she doesn't seem reluctant at all, and the air around her cools quickly. . o O ( My standards for everyone other than myself are much more realistic. )

Typheous presses the kiss, a bit more hunger entering it, though it's still fairly controlled, for a kiss. . o O ( Why is that? )

Psyche doesn't pull away, hands slipping up along your back experimentally. . o O ( I expect that everyone else will make mistakes. )

Typheous's hands seem to be toying with the waistline of your blouse, obviously being restrained from what they would do on their own. . o O ( And you can't make any ever? )

Psyche doesn't seem to notice, letting her fingers run along the texture of your spine as she leans more into the kiss. . o O ( No. )

One of his hands finally gets the better of him, slipping under your shirt and around your waist to hold your back as he continues the kiss, thoughts and music seeming much less focused. . o O ( And this is fair? ) [Typheous]

Psyche startles slightly, then relaxes, her own thoughts losing little of their drive, the air cooling still further. . o O ( No, but it's the way things have to be. I can't afford to make mistakes. )

Typheous lets his hand rest there, not moving, simply holding you close to him. He shivers as the temperature drops. . o O ( And what about me? Why can I afford to make mistakes? )

Psyche pulls you closer, hands running over your skin, a hint of tightly-restrained, mostly-repressed hunger tinging her thoughts. . o O ( As far as I know, you don't plan to spend your life making and carrying out decisions on the order of whether people live or die. )

Typheous lets a little more of his own hunger into the kiss, his hand sliding up your back to rest between your shoulders. . o O ( No.... And this is hardly a conversation to have while we kiss... Can we put it on hold for a moment? )

Psyche smiles against your lips, the hunger no stronger than that faint glimpse. . o O ( Probably not one to have while we're drunk...you don't agree with me... )

Typheous slows the kiss, not trying to break it, but simply savoring it bit by bit. . o O ( No.. probably not while we're drunk, either. And no, I don't. )

[OOC] You say, "We want to try for earlier bed time tonight?"

Psyche follows your lead, enjoying every minute, if the temperature around you is a better indication than her almost-unshakable reserve. . o O ( You probably will never agree with me. Nobody does. )

[OOC] Psyche nods, is wrapping up LJ.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Make that Almost nobody does."

Typheous revels for a few more moments before drawing the kiss to a close. Shivering slightly, he whispers, "I don't know.... some day, you might convince me. Or I, you." He grins softly.

Psyche smiles softly back. "I will consider any evidence set before me." It's definitely slurred slightly, no longer just dragging. She looks up at you with eyes a little unfocussed, amber glints seeming to hint at the same hidden emotions her thoughts do.

Typheous leans forward to kiss your eyes lightly, one soft kiss for each of them. "But now, I think, it's time for be to the responsible one and send us to bed." He grins as if the thought of him being the responible one was particularly amusing, which, it is.

Psyche giggles softly, blushing at the kisses to her eyelids. She yawns, removing one hand form your shirt to cover it. . o O ( I'll get the light. ) "Or time for you to act to preserve your chances of sleeping in my bed..."

Typheous's arms loosen around you. "Are you saying you'd put me on the floor?" He smiles warmly.

Psyche grins crookedly. "Only by morning. I...don't want to be any further from you right now than I have to be."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Did you go to boost then?"

[OOC] You say, "No. CVS didn't have any Zomig there. Well they had Zomig, just not Zomig ZMT, so I couldn't get any, and thus they -should- get it tomorrow. Tonight, I popped a benadryl and an aleve, slept and hour, then another aleve. Felt spacy, if otherwise ok"

Typheous kisses your cheek lightly. "Go get the light, dear. I'll make sure that the wine's put away so it doesn't go bad on you."

[OOC] Psyche nods.

Psyche nods, crawling unsteadily out of bed and outing the lights.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Oky, call? It's going to get late v. quick."

Typheous will cork the wine bottle before you get the light out and makes sure the cap is on the vodka, setting both out of the way.

[OOC] Typheous will call. :)

Psyche also picks up her journal, tucking it carefully away in her desk before making her way unsteadily back to the bed.

Typheous is waiting on the bed, feeling your unsteadiness, offering his hand to help you. . o O ( I's say something about your unsteadiness, but I think I'd be worse if I stood. )

Psyche tucks her hand into yours shortly before collapsing to a seat on the bed. . o O ( Damn... I'm almost dizzy. ) [Rahab]

Typheous chuckles softly, shifting onto on half of the bed. . o O ( I suppose we both have to stand to pull back the blankets...)

Psyche nods, grinning. "On three..." She scoots to the edge of the bed. . o O ( One...two...) [Rahab]

Typheous shifts off the bed, waiting for you to reach 'three', ready to stand, if a bit unstable. As soon as you say it, he stands, the only thing saving him from falling over and back onto the bed is his Dex of 5.

Psyche murmurs, "Three..." And stands with much more care and less speed than you, meaning that she doesn't wobble nearly as much. She pulls the blankets back, and motions to you. "You first, if you're not just planning to stand there and sway..." She nudges you, harder probably than intended.

Typheous tumbles into the bed, shifting himself on one side of the bed. "Do you have a preference as to which side I'm on?" He grins slightly.

Psyche shrugs, . o O ( I don't know. ) She crawls into bed, eyeing you with a little trepidation. . o O ( ARe you sure this is a good idea? )

Typheous props himself up on his elbow to look into your eyes. . o O ( I'm not going to do anything, Psyche. If you're not comfortable, if you don't want it, say something, and I'll sleep on the floor. ) His music matches his serious tone, the lullaby momentarily forgotten.

Psyche bites her lip, eyes worried. . o O ( I -do- want it....but...I don't know if it's just because I'm drunk and stupid... )

Typheous nods slowly, eyes in thought. . o O ( I can sleep on the floor...)

Psyche flops down on her back, hands folded behind her head, staring at the ceiling. . o O ( I don't know...I can't think clearly....I hate not being able to think... ) The air is chilling again, precipitously.

Typheous reaches out and gently puts a hand on your stomache. . o O ( How do you -feel- about it, Psyche? )

Psyche sighs, body tensing at your touch, just slightly, before she relazes to her usual tight-as-a-bowstring state. . o O ( Right now? Right now I want to be close to you. I'm making half the decisions I am -despite- what I want.right now...because I know doing what I want would be a mistake...do you want to know how I'm feeling? )

Typheous settles himself down beside you. He lifts his hand from your stomache to reach up and brush a stray hair out of the way. . o O ( Honestly? Yes. )

Psyche . o O ( If you're sure... ) She closes her eyes, briefly letting the barriers around her mind - already slipping with the alcohol - down. A flood of emotion, everything that one would expect from a girl her age - desire, fear, hunger, an attachment to you stronger than she's said except in hints, and more. A cascading horror of making a mistake, a burning need to savour the experiences she can find, a conviction that she's not meant for attachments, a wish that she is. There's a nearly-overwhelming buffet of things unrelated to the situation; guilt for mistakes made, a whole constellation of people, carefully named and delineated, and their problems and Psyche's pain over them; determination, grief and misery that she hinted at the last time she was drunk. In contrast to her controlled, level-headed, organised exterior the experience is tumultuous and chaotic, a wellspring of every nameable emotion and some better left unnamed. And under it all, a driving need to fix, to rearrange, to make better, and the question of whether Typheous's presence and her association with him will benefit or detract from fulfilling that need.

Typheous braces himself, visibly taking in each wave of emotion. His music tries to keep up with each, becoming almost a soft cacophony with each added emotion. Through it all, his face grows more concerned, though there's a hitn of a smile in it. His own emotions race through concern, compassion, his fondness for you, and an odd pleasure. He shifts himself closer to you, his arm falling back across your stomache. "Psyche, dear... come here." . o O ( And thank you... for sharing... it means a lot to me. )

Psyche does, but not before the mental barriers go back up, hiding it all, leaving just that hazy drunkenness and her uncertainty, even the desire just the barest hint. The air around her begins to lose its sudden savage chill. She scoots toward you. . o O ( I don't like to. )

Typheous nods slowly, his other arm trying to slip under your head. . o O ( I know you don't. I want you to know that you can share anything with me, -anything-. No, we don't see eye-to-eye on a lot of things, but you don't -have- to do this alone, Psyche. I want to help you, however I can. Even if it's just someone to hold you when you need to cry... )

Psyche moves into your arms, scooting close. . o O ( But that doesn't solve....the current dilemma. )

Typheous shakes his head. "No... it doesn't..." He seems to be weighing two options in his head for a moment before he shakes his head. "I'll sleep on the floor." Though he makes no movement to do so. His music seems to have come out of it's cacophony and into a more resolved tone.

[OOC] Psyche says, "T had no clue she was that passionate, did he? :)"

Psyche nods, nestling herself up against your chest. . o O ( Do you think that would be better? )

[OOC] You say, "Partially. Also that she had that much pain in her."

Typheous sighs softly. . o O ( Better in the morning? yes. Better now? ... not really.. .Dammit Psyche, I was just gettin resolved to move... now... it's the last thing I want to do... )

[OOC] Psyche nods. She hides it well.

Psyche slips an arm around your waist, sighing softly. . o O ( That's where I was stuck, too... )

Typheous shakes his head, pulling you against him. . o O ( Psyche... I... I know the right thing for me to do is to get down and curl up on the floor.... But most of me doesn't want that. And it's not that it's wrong for us to stay like this... )

Psyche nestles against you, tucking her nose into your neck, inhaling deeply. . o O ( Then why is the right thing to -not- do it? )

Typheous takes a deep, slow breath. . o O ( Perhaps it's my illused sense of propriety speaking up now that I'm too drunk to hush it... because it's also saying I should go back to my room for the night. )

Psyche half-smiles, breathing in your scent again. . o O ( Well, you -should-, by the standards of propriety... )

Typheous chuckles softly, kissing your forehead lightly. . o O ( But that just doesn't seem enough for me tonight...)

Psyche runs her hand over your back, toes wiggling against your foot. . o O ( Me either...remind me in the morning that you offered...and I turned you down. )

Typheous's foot squirms to get out of the way as his music slowly turns back into a lulaby. . o O ( Should it become necessary, I will. ) He settles himself into the bed next to you.

Psyche pursues with a giggle, kissing the hollow of your throat, cuddling close to you. . o O ( It probably will...you're quite drunk. )

Typheous chuckles warmly. . o O ( Since you knocked me over? Yes. Quite drunk. ) His foot keep dancing out of the way as best it can, his hand across your stomache slipping to tickle your side.

Psyche, contrary to all evidence, giggles and squirms, forgetting her pursuit of your foot to roll away, almost off the bed. . o O ( Yep. Hey, stop that! )

Typheous pulls you back, his hand stopping its tickling, before you can fall off the bed. . o O ( And why should I? Besides the fact you were going to squirm off the edge of the bed. )

Psyche giggles, nestling herself against you again, tickling back. . o O ( Because it's not fair. I'm -drunk-. )

[OOC] Psyche says, "He is so going to have the worst case of blue balls."

[OOC] Typheous giggles.

Typheous squirms, trying not to roll off the edge of the bed. Rather, he looks for a chance to kiss you, hoping that will stave off the tickling.

Psyche, when kissed, ceases tickling abruptly and kisses back, with notably rather less restraint than previously displayed, not all of her mental barriers back in place yet. Arms snake around your waist and neck, pulling you as close as she can.

Typheous lets himself be pulled close, his own arms tightening around you. . o O ( I suppose that wasn't fair... )

Psyche runs one hand up into your hair. . o O ( Not in the least. I like it anyway. )

Typheous smiles around the kiss, deepening it, his toughts lost, his music only a little more coherent. His own hands pull you closer, though they seem to be fighting toward forbidden areas. He is doing a fairly good job controlling them, though.

Psyche's returned kiss is still restrained, just a taste of the desire and passion you know from her thoughts she's capable of, but not so much as it had been, her hands roaming across your back and through your hair.

Typheous continues the kiss for several more minutes before slowing and softening it. . o O ( I... No.... Not appropriate... )

Psyche follows your lead, but reluctantly. . o O ( What is it? )

Typheous break the kiss to place his lips lightly on your cheek. . o O ( A moment ago.. when you shared your feelings with me... You have such... passion... )

Psyche nods slightly, obviously not following. . o O ( And...? )

Typheous shifts, kissing your other cheek. . o O ( Just... wondering... what it would be like... if you let it out... Even for just a kiss. )

Psyche bites her lip. . o O ( I don't know about appropriate...probably not safe... ) She nestles up to you. . o O ( I'd have to be drunker or more at ease than I am right now... )

Typheous hugs you tightly. . o O ( I didn't mean to night, Psyche. No... tonight we've had enough new experiences, I think. )

Psyche nods against your shoulder. . o O

Psyche . o O ( Although another kiss would be nice... )

Typheous smiles, hislips finding yours as if on command, his touch light against you. . o O ( As you like... )

Psyche keeps the kiss light for just a few seconds before deepening it, again with a hint of something more than her usual restraint, smiling against your lips. . o O ( I -do- like. )

Typheous gives hismself over to the deepening kiss, his hand at your side stroking softly. . o O ( Are we putting off actually going to sleep by kissing? )

Psyche slips her hand down your back and under your shirt, fingers playing on your spine, the air cool around her. . o O ( More than likely. )

Typheous mimics your hand's actions, sliding his own under your shirt, shivering slightly in the cold. He deepens the kiss and pulls you closer as if trying to warm himself.

Psyche shivers at your touch, pulling herself as close as she can. . o O ( Why do I have the feeling this could get out of hand very quickly... )

Typheous seems to fight slowing the kiss. It's hard to tell which way he wants to win. . o O ( Because it probably would.... )

Psyche makes no effort at all to slow it, fingers seeming idly to count each subtle marking of your vertebrae, working their way up your spine. . o O ( I should be trying to stop you... )

Typheous does finally start slowing the kiss, reluctantly. He shivers with each step your fingers take, from both your touch and the cold. . o O ( I shouldn't be letting things get out of hand. ) His hand slowly finds its way out from under your shirt.

Psyche's disappointment flickers through her mind, quickly stifled, her own hand pausing to splay her fingers across your shoulderblade. The air is decidedly cool, bordering on outright cold. . o O ( Right...we shouldn't... )

Typheous slowly breaks the kiss. "After all... I want you to talk to me in the morning..." He says, breathless.

Psyche holds herself tightly against you for a moment more before forcing her arms to loosen, nodding a little dazedly. "I'm going to be a bitch no matter what..."

Typheous shifts, settling next to you again. "Yes, well, if our shirts stay on, I think you'll be less of one."

Psyche leans over to kiss the hollow of your neck above your shirt again before returning to her back, staring up at the ceiling. "Sig..significantly." She stumbles over the word, then yawns. "Goodnight, Typh."

Typheous enstles himself up against you, his arm resting across your stomach and waist to hold you close to him. "Goodnight, Psyche." He kisses your cheek lightly.

Psyche closes her eyes, the chill beginning to fade as she drifts quickly off to sleep. Efficient at everything...

Typheous watches you fall asleep, his eye focused on you as his music is light, soothing and soft. Eventually, his eye slides shut and he drifts off to sleep next to you.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Eventually, once he can convince his hormones that there is no chance of him getting off. :P"

[OOC] You say, "Yeah.... There is that. Though I figure the cold might actually come in useful for that. :)"

[OOC] Psyche grins. Except as she falls asleep, her emotional state returns toward setpoint. :)

[OOC] You say, "Yeah, so, well... He's got Mind 3. I'm sure he can find some way to ignore it."

[OOC] Psyche nods, laughs.

[OOC] You say, "Or simulate getting off. :)"