August 23, 2003

Logfile from Malakai

Eclipse puts on his dragon medallion. "When last we left Hell's Errand Children, they had just been transported into the Wyzdin Academy library by a book."

Plax glances around. "Well, it's good to be somewhere that people aren't trying to kill me".

[OOC] Eclipse snickers.

Typheous smirs slightly. "Just wait. I'm sure the professors will come up with *some* reason to do something horrid to us. We did miss a month of class."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Smirks, not smirs."

Psyche pales, looking around. "Master Liriel is going to -kill- me."

Plax nods to that. "Speaking of which, we should probably go find them and let them know we're back".\

Typheous stare at the door out of the library. "O'

Typheous stare at the door out of the library. "I'm surprised we haven't been met already."

[OOC] Typheous learns himself to type.

You say, "The library is strangely empty today. You don't even see either of the librarians wandering the stacks. Dust has not yet begun to settle on the books, however."

Plax looks at the door. "Well, shall we?" he asks, starting to hover once again. He glances around. "Odd for there to not be any librarians in here though, really".

Psyche nods. "Very odd. Are we sure we're back in Wyzdin and not another illusion or some sort of replica?"

Psyche . o O ( That's just what we'd fucking need. )

[OOC] Typheous says, "What time of day/night is it?"

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Just after dark.

Typheous . o O ( Gods... don't mention it. Drapheous might catch on and then screw with time to make it have happened... )

Plax looks at Psyche. "Hrm. Well, I can try and see if there's anyone else in the area at least".

Typheous heads for the door. "Well, it is a bit late..." He opens the door and starts toward Drapheous', lest he runs into someone else along the way.

Psyche nods. "Go ahead, Plax." She remains quite still.

[OOC] You say, "Paranoia, paranoia..."

Psyche pages: "Life scan would be diff 4, 3 with focus?"

Plax squints a bit while clawing his arm. His other arm is tracing a pattern on his head while he mumbles something quietly under his breath.

[OOC] Typheous says, "You've had how many omonths to plan this... :)"

Psyche has received your page: "Yes."

[OOC] Plax says, "Corr 1, Life 1, Mind 1, Time 1. Looking for people and if there are any time displacements here."

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 4, 7, 3 [Spent 1 WP for a success] ** 3 successes (diff 4) **

Psyche bites her lip, drawing blood, murmuring to herself under her breath. "No matter how late it is, there's always someone up at the Academy..."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Plain old life and spirit scan here."

[OOC] Plax should have included spirit. Heck, I've got at least 1 in everything except Matter...

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (3d10): 3, 9, 8 [Spent 1 WP for a success] ** 4 successes (diff 3) **

[OOC] Psyche !

[OOC] Plax baffles. "Psyche...didn't botch!"

[OOC] Psyche says, "The one time I spend WP to avoid one..."

[OOC] Typheous says, "And there's no one here to see it."

Plax has received your page: "There is someone standing behind you who appears mildly amused. Students and staff are out and about the campus, though they appear to be galavanting around for some reason, seemingly enjoying themselves."

Plax turns around. "Hello".

Psyche has received your page: "There is someone standing behind you. Students and staff are out and about the campus, though they appear to be galavanting around for some reason."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Medium isn't picking up anything is it?"

[OOC] Typheous says, ";has to remember his sk1llz."

Psyche turns around a moment after Plax, eyes narrowing. "Show yourself." . o O ( People're gallivanting around campus... )

Typheous follows the gaze of the others, though he takes time to scan the rest of the room as well, hands on the hilts of his blade. . o O ( Well... What day of the week is it? )

You say, "Drapheous appears in front of you with an open book in hand, which he sets face-down on a table. "Welcome back. You are late." He seems near a smile, however."

[OOC] Plax bites back the urge to say, "A Time Mage is never late, nor is he early..".

[OOC] Psyche says, "Psyche would know what day of the week it was. I, however, forget."

[OOC] Eclipse chuckles.

Typheous sighs softly and rolls his eyes. "Does that include an allowance for the month long excusion into the fae, or is that being counted against us as well?"

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Evening on Faeday, the 17th of Entropy.

Psyche . o O ( Faeday evening. )

Plax says, "Can't be too careful these days, you know."

Psyche folds her arms, giving Drapheous a long look. "Were we supposed to make it back -before- you drew the purse-strings shut, then?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Fae day = Friday, right?"

Drapheous_shrugs, "Counted against you? Not at all. We weren't sure if you'd make it back before we closed off Wyzdin, so I made arrangements to get you inside even if you were locked out. How was your little holiday? I see young Plax is mostly unharmed."

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Basically, yes.

[OOC] Typheous answers his own question with the calander.

Valyros has arrived.

[OOC] Psyche waves!

[OOC] Eclipse waves. "We've just started."

[OOC] Valyros says, "Hello!"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Just started, eh?"

Plax arches his brow at the word holiday, but stays quiet.

Typheous frowns slightly. "The trip would have been better if certain... persons didn't seem out to get us." . o O ( And you expect everyone to *not* be out on a Faeday evening? Speaking of.... Hmm... Some time to unwind at the pub might be a good idea. )

Psyche shivers, rubbing her arms. "If that was your idea of a holiday, I'd fucking well hate to see what you consider to be an adventure."

Psyche . o O ( *almost violently* No drinking! )

Typheous . o O ( You wouldn't want to come along, then? )

Drapheous_frowns_severely, "Intending to retake etiquette, miss? You've certainly missed enough classes to justify being flunked in it..."

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 4, 7, 7, 3, 7, 7, 9, 2 No diff given.

Typheous stifles a smirk, though the hint of it shows on his face.

[OOC] Eclipse waits for Psyche's head to explode...

[OOC] Plax didn't know Drapheous had Head-Explody powers!

[OOC] Psyche says, "Oooh, go splody!"

[OOC] Guest says, "Mad whack ninja head explodey powers!"

[OOC] Plax says, "Don't say Ninja. Not around Plax."

Drapheous_turns_to_Valyros, "But here is someone I have not seen in quite some time. Lady Valyros, to what do we owe this honor?"

You say, "He bows gracefully."

Psyche's cheeks flush as she bites her tongue, taking a deep breath. "I...apologise, sir. It's been a very trying evening." Her eyes rob the apology of its humility, but at least it sounds good. . o O ( No, I do -not- want to go out drinking. )

Valyros bows to Drapheous, "It is good to see you again as well, although I wish that the time between our last meetings were closer..."

Plax lands now and listens to the conversation.

Typheous . o O ( Not even just talking then? )

Psyche . o O ( I owe you a walk, not a pub crawl. How does -he- know her so well? )

Psyche listens too, although notably impatient.

Valyros pages: "We need to talk about the scheduling. This would be the about the standard time I'd be able to get here."

Drapheous, "Have you eaten, yet? The masters were planning to gather together tonight for dinner, and we would like all of you to join us to tell of your marvellous and, no doubt, death-defying adventures beyond the academy's walls."

Valyros has received your page: "That should be quite do-able. Do you think you could bring it up publically after the session?"

Valyros pages: "Of course."

Typheous shakes his head. "No, we have not eaten." . o O ( Don't ask questions you probably don't want to know the answers to. )

Valyros says, "Unfortunately we have not, and to be truthful, I am famished..."

Psyche shakes her head in unison with Typheous. "I could stand a little to eat."

Plax briefly considers asking if they'll be serving blood, but opts against it. "Well, I don't think I have we've any other plans, and I could use some food".

Drapheous, "Very well. We'll take the trap door on the south side of the library to reach my conservatory. Announcing your arrival at this stage might delay dinner slightly. We had a good snow yesterday, and the students are presently throwing it at anything that moves."

Valyros says, "You are getting snow here?"

Plax smirks. "Well, snowball fights are fun. Nobody expects an aerial assault until it's too late".

[OOC] Psyche says, "Snow's not unusual now, is it?"

You say, "Without waiting for a response, he walks toward a place in the library where there is, indeed, a trap door. You don't remember it being there before."

Typheous chuckles softly. "And I'm sure there are a great number that are out to get me..."

Typheous . o O ( Alex, for one of them... )

Eclipse [to Psyche]: No. It's a temperate climate. It's also dreadfully close to mid-terms, though.

Valyros goes and follows Drapheous down the trapdoor.

Plax takes note of the trap door, then follows, hovering down through the door.

Psyche smiles briefly. "That'd be why everyone's running around out there. I wondered." She glances at Typheous, following Plax toward the trapdoor. . o O ( That's a new feature. And I wonder what it would take to catch you by surprise... )

You say, "The trap door leads down through the first floor of the library and directly down a ladder into the second floor of Drapheous's house, where a large table awaits."

Typheous follows them down the door. . o O ( From you? You'd probably have to kiss me first. )

Plax follows, walking once they're not going down ladders and such.

Drapheous, "Mistress Spinwind is already here. I'll go ring the others."

Psyche flushes, glaring at Typheous. . o O ( I'll pass. ) She looks around the room, curiously.

Valyros takes a seat at the table, "Thank you Drapheous."

Lori_smiles, "Have a seat. Valyros, I haven't seen you in years."

Typheous glacnes around the room, taking it in. . o O ( And here I was expecting to get slapped for that... You might yet pass Ettiquette. )

You say, "She stands up and goes to hug Val."

Valyros leans forward and hugs Lori back, gently patting her on the back with her wings.

Lori, "What brings you here? Keeping these young ones out of trouble?"

[OOC] You say, "brb"

Psyche . o O ( I'm not letting you taunt me into looking bad when I just got here. Master Liriel is going to walk in when I'm at my most oafish anyway; why improve his chances? )

Psyche says, "When she's not trying to drag us into it."

Typheous smirks. "Or causing it herself." . o O ( Point. Ok, I'll behave myself for now, buy I really think we all need a chance to unwind, and it looks like the pub will be more peaceful than the battleground. )

[OOC] You say, "b"

Valyros says, "Well that's a bit of it. Mostly trying to prevent the Fae from destroying creation and trying to find you."

Psyche . o O ( We all? I'd pay to see Tsharing unwind in a pub. )

Plax is simply trying to stay out of the way and quiet right now, glancing at the table and around the room from time to time.

Lori frowns, "Have they grown more bold on the borders, Valyros? We have all been out of touch this last month since Drapheous closed off the academy..."

Psyche hasn't taken a seat; she's still standing in an uncomfortable little group near her comrades, if that's possible.

Valyros says, "It's more the fact that someone from inside is going to rile them up."

You say, "Drapheous and the other five Masters step out of a painting of the park."

Typheous nods in response to Val's comment. "Yes, though that's probably best discussed when everyone is here." . o O ( Some one might take that as a challenge... ) "And here they are it seems.

Drapheous, "I'll end the effect as soon as it is my opinion that it is safe to do so, Mistress Spinwind. If we'll all be seated?"

You say, "The seven Masters begin to take their seats."

Valyros nods and bows to the gathered masters, "It is good to see you once again all."

Psyche snaps to attention as the masters enter, eyes fixing on Liriel, an unconscious fiddling with her tunic as if to straighten it as she moves to take her seat. . o O ( Fucking cats. )

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Liriel looks directly at you with something approaching a hint of a smile as you think that.

Typheous takes a seat at the table. . o O ( Mental note: when I'm ready to die, get you a cat. )

Psyche . o O ( I hate cats. )

Plax quietly goes to take a seat with the rest of his cabal.

Psyche swallows hard. "Good evening, Masters." There's a little bit of a drag to the s, as if the real intention is to greet one particular one. Guess who. She sits, very still.

Stephen, "Food first or business? You already know my opinion..."

Dina, "They look half-starved. Why can't it be both?"

Liriel, "Very well..."

You say, "Stephen makes motions as though setting the table, and an entire feast appears."

Liriel, "Now, what is going on out there?"

Valyros takes a seat at the table, picking up her silverware and starting to eat her food.

You say, "He's looking directly at you."

[OOC] You say, "As in all of you..."

Typheous glances around the table, smiling slightly. . o O ( It's good to be home. ) "Where to begin..."

Psyche takes a deep breath. "Why don't we begin with Plax's story? It's sort of the linchpin."

Psyche . o O ( I suppose. )

Plax looks at Psyche. "Are you sure people should be eating when I tell my story?"

Typheous nods, his music shifitng into story-telling mode, turning to Plax. "The basics of it, at least. You disappearance. We can get into more... grusome detail when our story catches up to you?"

Valyros says, "I have absolutely no problem with you telling your story during dinner."

Psyche shrugs. "You have to eat too." . o O ( If they haven't encountered the equivalent by now, then they have no business presuming to teach -us-. )

[OOC] Plax is in typing mode. Lots to summarize.

[OOC] Psyche noddles.

[OOC] Typheous nodsnods.

[OOC] Eclipse nods and suggests others start typing their parts of the story into notepad, too.

[OOC] Typheous will probably take story-teller role for him and Psyche, yes?

[OOC] Psyche will defer to Typheous, yes, and interject anything she thinks he's forgotten.

Guest has lost its link.

The resolution of Guest fades. With a hiss of static its disconnected body implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

Plax nods. "Alright. I'm not much for elaborate story-telling, so forgive me if this lacks polish," he says. "Basically, I was kidnapped by Caine Berlion. He had a ring planted that would transport me to him," he says. "He has basically made himself immortal, using various magics. It has side effects, like a lust for blood," Plax says. "It also makes magic more difficult to use. He's also found a way to pass this ability on to others. It makes them resistant to the Fae, but only he can control them," the lad explains. "He slew his brother and framed me in the process, which is how he managed to keep me locked up, until I was found by the others," Plax says. "I'll explain a bit more of what happened to me during that time after the others have told their tale," he finishes.

Lori nods, "That explains much."

Psyche waits to touch the food, glancing at Typheous. "I'll let Typheous start with the telling of our part of it, and pick up anything he forgot. He's better at it than I am." There's a bit of a wary edge to her voice.

Typheous takes a deep breath. "Meanwhile, we left here with some help from Master Drapheous. After his help, we found ourselves in a wood beign chased by a number of bloodthristy Fae. We managed to avoid them and spoke with a Pooka who wanted us to help stop the assaults from the local monastry, Tibil (?). We agreed that we would mention it to Master (Name of monky-master) and we were shown the direction out, the blood thirsty RedCaps (if he would know that name) chasing us most of the way out." He takes a sip of wine. "There we met with Master (monk-master again, G-something) and with some talking with him found out where we were and that a month had passed while we were in the Uncharted Realms."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Gama."

Tsharing has arrived.

Drapheous nods, "And good that I did it, too. Any mage powerful enough to kidnap a third-year from a distance would have been powerful enough to set traps in your path had he anticipated your arrival. You said it was Caine Berlion and that he slew his brother. Why has the governor done nothing about him? He never even responded to our initial queries regarding his son. Our only answer was that creature that attacked me that first night. One of Caine's creations, I'm guessing, since it seemed perfectly healthy after six sword strokes through its heart..."

[OOC] Eclipse waves.

[OOC] Psyche waves to Tsharing.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Hello. I'm not playing, I just wanted to say that for certain, since there seemed some uncertainty."

[OOC] Eclipse nods. "We'll miss having you around, Paul."

Plax frowns. "He needed both his brother and my father as fuel for his transformation," Plax replies simply.

[OOC] Psyche seconds that.

[OOC] Plax waves, nods.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "It wasn't an easy choice, but I don't think I can really do anything with this character any more."

[OOC] Psyche has a response for Draph, hold on the log a sec.

[OOC] Typheous holds on story until Psyche's got her response in.

Tsharing pages: "If I could think of a way to make Tsharing interesting again, I probably would rejoin. As it is, I'd definately be interested in any future game."

Tsharing has received your page: "I know it was just a falling out with your character, Paul. It's okay. I'm not taking it as some kind of personal slight or anything. *smirk* And I'd be glad to have you for the next game I run."

[OOC] Psyche says, "We have the shackles still, right? I didn't miss that in the logs?"

Tsharing pages: "Any idea when that'll be? ;-)"

[OOC] Plax thinks we lost them?

Tsharing has received your page: "Not at this time, no, but I'll quietly distribute invitations once I do. M:EF, as I said, has about 4-8 sessions left in it. I'll probably take a month or two break before starting another game. So probably around the beginning of the year?"

[OOC] Eclipse thinks about that one...

[OOC] Psyche says, "We subdued them, and then Tsharing showed up with the feathers and the katana...and then they were never mentioned again; "

[OOC] Psyche thinks we still ahve them.

[OOC] Valyros says, "If I remember correctly, we had to kill them because they became possesed and came after us."

[OOC] Plax nods. Okay, I gotcha.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Yes, they're dead, but we have the corpses."

[OOC] Plax says, "Corpse Shackles..."

Psyche turns her attention to Drapheous as Typheous pauses for breath. "The governor and his family are...missing. We found some nasty shackles on their beds in an otherwise empty house, but when we retrieved them they tried to attack us..." A pause. "We subdued them, finally. We have them with us; quiescent. Dead, if you will. But your book...Secrets Woven in Steel Thread. It was in the governor's manor. We thought maybe there was a chance."

Tsharing pages: "Sounds good. Have anything in mind?"

[OOC] Eclipse remembers now. Yes you have them.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Okay, sorry about the huge lapse."

Typheous continues the story, breaking only for breath and the occasional drink. "Then, we travelled south towards Theuseleh with the intent to find Plax there, Master Gama helping us through the mountains to Ironridge where we all learned new methods of dealing unpleasent circumstances at night. We countinued our journey south unhampered until we came to Thuseleh, where we first approached the destroyed section of the city, meeting a variety of ghosts with an unhealthy preoccupation with oblivion. From there, we made our way to the far side of the city where we convinced the guard that we were not trying to take over the town, though it seems that most of the guard was convinced that students matching our descriptions were going to come from the school and level the city with their awesome magical abilities. We met a mage by the name of Quintin who took us in and helped us investigate Plax's disappearance as well as the deaths he had been investigating. With his help we found our way around Thuseleh and also into Caine's house, disguised for all the good it did us. Unfortunately, the spirits in the destroyed sections weren't too fond of Quintin, and dispite our best efforts to both dissuade them and rescue him, managed to kill him just before we were able to save him."

[OOC] Typheous spams.

Dina, "Then it is worse than we feared. The majority of the mages watch the borders. A renegade Master has taken the capital. All the mages left now reside here at the Academy. It is too bad about Quentin. The ghosts of Theusleh hate him more than he deserves."

Liriel, "We had our suspicions about the fate of the governor, if only because of the heavy Time wards guarding the Berlion Estate."

Psyche turns a nod on Dina at her words about Quentin.

Lori, "I am sorry about your father, Plax. He was a great man and worthy of the love of the people he ruled."

Plax listens to the description of events quietly, then nods to Lori. "Thank you, Mistress Spinwind," he says softly.

Drapheous, "But what is Caine's purpose? He does not seem the sort to make a grab for power simply for the sake of power. Even with his servants, he is hardly the last living Master in creation..."

Psyche leans back in her chair; having neither eaten nor drunk yet. "He means to drive back the Fae."

Typheous pauses for a drink before continuing his story, his music adding drama to the story. "We then confronted Caine and he seemed to believe us in our plea that attacking the Fae head on his his Knights would be a Bad Idea. We convinced him into letting Plax go into our care and then we searched Plax' home, to find it empty save for shackels on the beds and your book, Master Drapheous. We attempted to confront Caine again when Master Gama arrived, but it seems that Gama was convinced by Caine and even considering undergoing the transformation himself. Since the Knights were all under the control of Caine and at least partially restrained and it seemed that Caine would not attack the Fae head on, at least, not if Gama retained his free will, we left to find our way back here. I do not trust Caine the instant he is out of eyesight, and not very much while I can still see him, so I am a bit dubious on his plans, yet while he still, lives as it were, his Knights are controlled. At the time, confronting him seemed like it would be worse than coming back here. His goal? I can only assume it is to control the Fae, to drive them back. Or he is more sinister than I thought and means to destroy those that he has not hand-selected into his Knights."

[OOC] Typheous finishes story now. :)

Tsharing pages: "In the unlikely event that you're taking requests about what next, someone who would run "Buffy" or as a second choice, any iteration of "Deadlands" would have my attention right off the bat."

Valyros says, "At any means nesseicary, even reprisal and our eventual fall under Faeish hands."

Plax says, "And to rule eternally once the people have seen him as this great ruler. You see, his little process allows him eternal life."

Tsharing has received your page: "I'm actually brewing something, atm. It is a bit Adventure-ish, albeit in a fantasy setting. You can be sure I'll be preening about it on GCP in the coming months."

Tsharing pages: "The use of the A-word will also work. A mix of pulp & fantasy, I'm guessing?"

Psyche says, "So perhaps he may -become- the last living Master."

Psyche . o O ( Over my dead body. )

Typheous turns to Plax. "Such as it is. I'm not sure I would call what he is now 'life'." . o O ( He couldn't mean to destroy everything and live with just his Knights and the Fae, could he? )

Tsharing has received your page: "I'm playing with genre conventions and making a low-dice system that gives players a LOT of power over the story. Like it is possible to conjure up helpful NPCs if you have the Connections skill."

Psyche . o O ( Couldn't he? )

Valyros says, "Well my story is not as dramatic as my friends, they mostly filled in the more important bits. I was back in Adel, watching things starting to fall apart due to disatent due to, be honest, this college's disapearance. The Light Elves blamed their Dark sisters on enchanting this place away with many of the great elven mages, trying to dominate our nation. I have done my best to keep things under control, but people are talking, starting to get rather nasty. So I sent out to find this place, and assure that you are all safe and there is no genocidic coup on the way. In my travels I have found that good Psyche, Typheous, and several others were also on the same quest as I. So I sought them out to hasten my search, and help them in the process, expecially when what Caine was doing came ot light. I have seen what these young ones can do, and it is quite impressive, almost kindred feelings for them and their quest. We have spyed on the dark Govenor, saved Quentin from eternal torment, and have freed our friend Plax from the villian's clutches."

Tsharing pages: "I'll keep an eye out for that."

Psyche murmurs under her breath: "Today, Plax. Tomorrow, the world."

Typheous turns to the professors. "So, what interesting things have been happening here while we were on our little 'vacation'?"

Drapheous, "Trouble brewing among the elves, then. The current crisis between them is hopefully easy to mend. Caine's misguided , then. His control over his creations is slipping.

[OOC] You say, "Retcon that"

Drapheous, "Trouble brewing among the elves, then. The current crisis between them is hopefully easy to mend. Caine's misguided attempt to fight the Fae by eliminating all voices of reason is a problem, though. We can hunt him down easily enough, but one problem remains..."

Psyche arches a brow.

Orpheus, "His control over his creations is slipping."

Typheous frowns. "His choices for early experiment 'volunteers' seemed rather... shady to say the best.'

Tsharing pages: "I really would have liked to have been there at the end, you know. Anyhow, my next character will be very social, extroverted, rash, and proactive."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Great, so now we all become hunters, right?"

Plax nods. "If by 'volunteers', you mean 'prisoners', I agree, Typheous," Plax says. "I was one of his first unwilling subjects to have this process experimented upon. A test subject, basically. Some of the traits were passed on to me, though not nearly to the degree that his future versions had. He wanted to make me a full Knight so that he could have me under his control, but I refused," Plax says. "But, it has granted me regenerative powers and the ability to pull Quintessence from a complex living being at the cost of Quintessence every morning".

Orpheus, "Caine's command of magic is great, but he never learned to bind spirits, and it is the spirits of those he has transformed that are rebelling against him now. They have allied themselves with the ghosts of Theusleh, and it is only a matter of time before they free themselves..."

Orpheus, "And Awakened Avatars are completely beyond his power to command, as he clearly discovered all too late.

Psyche shudders. "This whole nightmare is an abomination. We have to stop it, but we lack the power and the knowledge to do it. Hence, we returned to you."

(to Tsharing) Eclipse grins.

Typheous's frown deepens with his music. "Then... We don't know what they would do if Caine were... disposed of."

Drapheous, "Your training was not wasted, Typheous. To say that they might not have a great love of mages after being so horribly transformed by one..."

Typheous's forwn lightens briefly. "Thank you, Master."

Psyche drums her fingers on the table, the chill around her deepening. "And we know already what the ghosts think of any mortal or mortal magic..."

Tsharing has lost her link.

Lori, "I'm afraid the Fae have far less to fear from these Knights than Caine had hoped."

Valyros shivers at the though.

Valyros says, "As was my thinking."

[OOC] You say, "BRB. It would appear that the fire department just pulled in front of my appartment building, and I just heard the fire doors slam..."

[OOC] Psyche nods.

[OOC] Typheous eeps.

[OOC] Plax ughs, nods.

The resolution of Tsharing fades. With a hiss of static her disconnected body implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

[OOC] You say, "Alarm didn't go off, which is annoying the firemen, but it was just someone burning dinner."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Whew."

[OOC] Plax nods.

Typheous's face becomes neutral. "Could we approach the Fae, perhaps... Or some of them... and convince them to help us hunt the Knights down? I'm not sure we could trust the Knights even if we convinced them that we were trustworthy. At least, I think we could trust the Fae more."

[OOC] Valyros says, "That' a great releif."

Psyche . o O ( That depends on who you ask. )

[OOC] Psyche whews too.

Orpheus shrugs, "It depends on the disposition of the Fae you ask. Some are less friendly than others...

Lori, "I still maintain that the Fae cannot be trusted. They were the ones know..."

Orpheus, "A gentle man will kill to preserve his own life, Lori."

Typheous nods to Orpheus. "So I've learned... And I don't like the idea, but I don't think the Knights should exist, preying on the living, nor can they be trusted."

Psyche listens to the mentors' conversation, nodding in agreement with Typheous's words.

Liriel, "There is another problem with making an alliance with the Fae to fight the Knights, however. Didn't you say Caine designed them to be resistant to the Fae? Or has his experiment failed in this aspect, too?"

Psyche sighs. "We don't know, yet." Beat. "When we passed Ironridge on the way home, the Fae were fighting there. Two factions, it seemed, fighting against each other and the men holding the town. I don't know if it's relevant to the conversation at hand, but it's a detail too gross to overlook mentioning."

Orpheus, "Then it has begun. The Sael and the Guil war openly beyond the Iron Curtain..."

[OOC] Typheous has the urge to have Typh think . o O ( Sorry, my player forgot about that part. )

[OOC] Psyche says, "Eh, she gets to lord it over him for soe little things."

Typheous nods slowly. "So what is the path we take? Wait out the onslaught here or find a way to drive the Fae back and keep Caine and his Knights under control? Or is there another option?"

Valyros says, "I would definately vote to do something.. I have loved ones, family still out there, and I don't want this world to be destroyed so soon."

Psyche says, "Myself, I have never been good at patience. I dn't s"

Psyche says, "Myself, I have never been good at patience. I don't know if I -could- sit it out."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Damn laptop."

Lori, "A terrifying thought has just entered my mind. With the mages of Wyzdin safely beyond their grasp, these Knights will have none upon which to vent their wrath except the mages who watch the frontier, including Valyros's people...

Plax says, "I don't think you need to ask what opinion is on the matter, given the circumstances."

Typheous . o O ( You seem to sit out my raving quite well, especially of late. )

Valyros says, "Something NEEDS to be done!"

Orpheus, "The Iron Curtain would collapse without the guardians."

Liriel, "Indeed. How many of these Knights currently exist and what are the limits of their power?"

Psyche . o O ( Not now, Typh. )

Valyros says, "We are not certain. We know they can suck the life blood out of someone rather effiecently, and can heal themselves rapidly without something impeding the regeneration."

Typheous frowns. "But what? What can we do? Hunt the Knights down and dispose of them? Or..." He frowns a moment. "We do not know their numbers... And we only know that they are weaker than their sire and their progeny are weaker than they are."

Plax considers this. "Caine has done some ranting and gloating to me, back when he was trying to convince me to join him," Plax says. "Aside from the ability to drain blood from a person, they're supposedly able to be protected from the fae. Also, he claims they can pierce illusions with a gaze. Also, the regenerative capabilities they have".

Typheous . o O ( Later then.... )

Psyche sighs. "They can be put into stasis, at least, if the heart is pierced through..."

Liriel, "That last, at least, is good news. My peers and I will put down Caine to prevent him from furthering this madness. Valyros, do you think you can organize a resistance to dispose of the existing Knights?"

Valyros says, "It is easy enough for an adept of life to suspend their regenerative abilities for a while."

Valyros says, "I shall do my best to do so."

Valyros says, "But of course I would request one of you accompany me outside, just to show that everything is well, and possibly to give some expert advice on the matter."

Typheous frowns slightly. "And what do we do?"

Psyche takes a deep breath. "I would offer to go with you, but..." she trails off, rubbing her arms, seeming affected herself by the chill that deepens around her. "...I don't think that would be wise." She pointedly avoids looking at Typheous. "So, yes, what is there for us who stay behind to do?"

Drapheous, "It is settled, then. I will provide you with transport to wherever you wish to go first. That will have to serve as proof enough until we return to the Academy, I fear. We cannot leave a hundred fledgling mages here by themselves. If the Knights attack Wyzdin while we are away... The resources of the Academy are at your disposal. The students, I'm sure, will be thrilled to get out of midterm examinations in the Masters' absence."

Valyros says, "Thank you Drapheous, you are too kind."

Liriel, "If the threat these Knights pose is as great as you have led us to believe, it might be wise for you to prepare the students and grounds for battle. In the event that something should happen to Master Tenor, the pocket dimension will open up, exposing the Academy to any threat that might come from without."

Drapheous, "If that should occur, you may be reliving your first little examination..."

Typheous frowns, a hand moving to his stomache. "I hope we are better prepared this time."

Valyros says, "As do I..."

Psyche shudders. "We're certainly less unaware of our own mortality."

Typheous . o O ( That's an interesting way to put it... )

Lori, "If that is the case, I think one of us should stay here to guard the Academy."

[OOC] Eclipse breaks out the duct tape...

Plax nods to that. "I'd be willing to help serve as a, well, practice Knight, for students, if it would help".

[OOC] Typheous says, "Just so I know if I'm lost or not, have they decided what we're doing or is it assumed we're going back to being students? :)"

[OOC] Plax says, "Sounds like we're staying here and helping to train students to me"

[OOC] Psyche nods.

Typheous frowns to Plax. "I don't know if I like that idea. Some of them might become... overzealous."

Plax says, "And if we are attacked and I start using some of those powers, I'd rather not the students become surprised and attack me."

[OOC] You say, "At first, I expected someone to volunteer to help Val. Now I'm trying to keep Val here. I can deal with the cabal staying or going at the discretion of the players, but it would be best for everyone to agree on one..."

[OOC] Plax doesn't have any reason to go with. "He doesn't have the skill to do anything out there, he's found that out the hard way".

Valyros says, "Are you sure you wish to stay? I could definately use the help of one of you in convincing my people of what they face out there. You are more knowledgeable about these matters than I am."

[OOC] Psyche says, "I think the students are all a little too shell-shocked to go immediately back out."

Psyche glances at Typheous, then at Valyros. There's a long pause. "If I go, Lady Del'zenivras, Typheous goes too. But I'm not willing to volunteer him for him."

[OOC] Typheous says, "And I was confused as to who was talking to whom. I thought it was mostly the Masters talking with Val and us as a source of info."

[OOC] Valyros is mostly out of it :P

[OOC] You say, "I can have a bit of friendly downtime before we actually go back to the battlefield. Psyche and Typheous have a walk planned, and I have to bring back all the other student NPCs."

Plax looks at Valyros. "Until I'm actually capable of confronting Caine, I have no reason to go out. I know my skill isn't great enough to be of any real use, and I'll likely simply be a magnet for attracting unwanted attention to you".

Valyros says, "Well, if we were to rest here for several days, would you be williing to join me?"

Typheous seems to take this sudden shift in Psyche's willingness to be around him into stride. "I would be willing to go again, yes. It's better than being fish in a barrel here."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Yeah, so I can get teased by my roommate and show up Vance. :)"

Psyche . o O ( Too strange, with one of us in here and the other out there...I wouldn't be able to concentrate. )

[OOC] You say, "Yup."

[OOC] Psyche has to find Mer :P

Valyros says, "Alright..."

Valyros sits at the table uneasily shuffling her wings.

Psyche turns to look at Plax. "Unwanted attention seems to be the norm. And here..." She shakes her head. "You're going to become a pariah; your metamorphosis won't go undiscovered. Are you prepared to be a focus of controversy and a reminder of fear for them?"

Typheous . o O ( You'd actually miss me being in your head? I'm oddly touched. )

Dina, "The other students know nothing of the Knights, yet..."

Psyche says, "Yet."

Typheous nods. "But if they find that the Professors all want to hunt them down and that they might attack the school? I know a few who would at least start rumors about Plax being spy."

[OOC] Eclipse giggles. "Guess who recently got his hands on the 5th Harry Potter book..."

[OOC] Plax says, "And Plax /is/ friggin' Harry Potter, I swear..."

Plax sighs. "I was already a bit of a pariah to begin with, you know". He shrugs. "But, it seems I don't have much of a choice in the matter. I'd rather die by enemies than by students thinking I'm a spy".

[OOC] Valyros says, "So then who's Ron and Hermimie?"

[OOC] You say, "Three guesses..."

[OOC] Plax says, "Typh and Psyche, obviously. ;)"

[OOC] Typheous thought that was obvious.

Liriel, "We will make an announcement of our departure to the student body on Nodesday, right before we depart to deal with Caine. Drapheous will leave a mode of transport behind for you to use when you decide to leave."

Drapheous, "Given what we know of these Knights, this one will work both ways."

[OOC] You say, "Who would that make Rade?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Cho?"

[OOC] Plax says, "Ginny?"

Typheous chuckles softly. "Good. No obscure riddles..." He smiles slightly.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Who am I then?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Ginny. Cho's more Tsharing."

[OOC] Psyche nods at Typh.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Prof. McGonagal."

[OOC] Plax says, "Yup"

[OOC] Plax says, "And Eclipse is obviously He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named"

Plax looks at his untouched food and starts eating, finally.

[OOC] You say, "Nah. He's not in this story. I generally only bring him up when I'm trying to destroy the game... Caine does a decent job of Voldermort, though..."

Drapheous, "Solving a riddle can save your life if the one asking the riddle has the power of life and death over you."

Typheous picks at his food, his mind obviously elsewhere. "Yes, we just had an inconvienent distraction during the last one."

Psyche's lips twitch in the faintest of smiles. She picks up her glass of water and takes a sip.

[OOC] Typheous says, "That he does. Although he's a bit less blood thirsty than Caine."

You say, "Stephen has finished his food, by now, and is currently making a sculpture out of the mashed potatoes."

[OOC] You say, "Quirrel, then?"

Valyros continues to eat her meal, in solem silence.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Perhaps. Or Wormtail. Hmmm.. No, not that snivelling."

[OOC] Valyros says, "My dog chases Quirrels all the time!"

[OOC] Typheous rimshots.

You say, "The meal ends, and you're given permission to leave. Lori invites Val to come to her clinic for some catching up.""

[OOC] Plax says, "Time?"

Liriel, "Do not speak of the Knights or your whereabouts until Nodesday. I don't want rumors going around the Academy."

[OOC] You say, "About 8pm."

Plax looks at Liriel. "So, does that mean I need to stay out of sight? My return has to be explained somehow".

Psyche takes a deep breath. . o O ( This is not going to be easy. )

Typheous studies Lori, his music soft. . o O ( No, it's not... And how do we get to the dorms without being mobbed... )

Drapheous, "Tell them that you were doing field study. Your nature is not as obvious as you might think..."

[OOC] You say, "brb. Time to brew some coffee so I can keep up with all these NPCs... *evil grin*"

Plax nods. "At least until someone cuts me". He shrugs and rises to depart.

Valyros heads after Lori to her clinic.

Psyche says slowly, "Will that be an acceptable excuse for all of us?"

Typheous stands slowly. "Thank you for the meal, Professors." He turns to the other students and waits for them to finish.

Valyros has received your page: ""So, do you think they're ready for the outside world, Val?""

Valyros pages: "Lets out a long sigh, "I honestly doubt if I'm ready for the outside world. Things are getting rather bad out there and I don't see them getting any better any time soon...""

Valyros has received your page: ""You have to admit it's better than the War. Life is hard, but it has been harder. We've both seen it harder...""

Drapheous, "It will have to be enough for them."

Valyros pages: ""I know, and I don't want them to see what we have seen. We've barely set things up here, and now it's in danger once again...""

Dina, "It is at least partly true. You were in the field, and I'm sure all of you learned much while you were away..."

Psyche nods. "Much."

Typheous smiles slightly. "More than I fear we could have ever learned here."

Plax nods. "It will be difficult, given my race, but I shall do my best". Since Myshaar can't lie, you know.

Valyros has received your page: ""It's all we can do, though, isn't it? Even we elves are not immortal in times like these. We need to prepare them to face the world without us."

Drapheous, "It is acceptable for you to admit we told you you are not allowed to talk about it, young Terz."

[OOC] Psyche has compulsion - never lie, too :)

[OOC] Typheous chuckles. You two just be quiet. I'll do all the talking.

[OOC] You say, "Is this cabal made up entirely of Aes Sedai or something?"

[OOC] Plax nods. "Morals? Bah. It's those dang compulsions that get us".

Valyros pages: ""I know, I see elves, barely a few decades old taking up the of reigns of this world. It's startling, expecially since I wasn't consitered an adult until after my first century of life. I just wish... no, I could not do that.""

[OOC] Typheous says, "Nope. I've got the "shifty eye". Though if my tale is too blown out of proportion, my music might give me away."

Valyros has received your page: ""Do what, Val?""

Plax nods to Drapheous.

Liriel, "I think I shall turn in, soon. I am too old to be playing in the snow like a child. Remind me never to accept a wager of yours, Master Bukwarm."

Plax looks to the others. "Well, shall we head on back?"

You say, "Stephan looks up from his potato dragon and grins.""

Typheous glances curiously between the two Masters before nodding to Plax. "Yes... Or at least out for a bit."

[OOC] Typheous says, "What does Stephan teach? And how does the Master of Entropy *lose* a bet?"

Drapheous, "Right through the portrait we came in through."

Plax bows to the Masters. "If you'll excuse us then," he says, leaving if they excuse him.

Typheous bows and heads out behind Plax.

Valyros pages: ""I wish I had become a goddess sometimes, then I could do something about this. I feel so helpless now. Everything is going to hell and there's nothing I can do to stop it...""

Psyche glances at Liriel with a startled air, then follows Typheous.

(remotely) Valyros shivers to herself, looking at the floor dispondedly.

[OOC] Typheous says, "So we're all out in the snow, now?"

Valyros has received your page: ""I can't say whether or not you did the right thing, Val. I have seen no proof that the gods have power over the world. Perhaps it is because generous mages like you refused to surrender to hubris, but it might simply be that the heavens are not yet at peace between their powers.""

[OOC] You say, "Yup."

[OOC] Plax says, "Anyone around?"

Eclipse [to Typheous]: "A snowball hits you in the side of the face."

Typheous sighs and reaches up to clean the snow off him before looking to see where it came from.

Plax hovers up into the air when Typheous is struck, grabbing some snow before liftoff, just in case.

Valyros pages: ""That is a nice theory, one that I can believe, but you are right. I did not dispair back then, but things are so different now. I am responsible for so many, I am a member of the Adel council, head of House Del'zenivras, and mother of two wayward children. Those things weigh heavily on my heart, and I do not know if I have the strength any more to lift them back up.""

Gadrielle, "I got you, Alex! Hey, wait. You're not Alex."

You say, "She screams and flees into the night."

Gadrielle, "A ghost! There's a ghost in the park!"

Plax can't help it. He starts laughing while hovering in the air.

Typheous frowns slightly. "Looks like our reputaion precedes us." He scans the area for anyone else armed with snow and chuckles slightly. "Glad to know the care outside haven't changed things here."

Plax drops the snow towards Typheous' head and then goes to land. "Indeed," he says with a grin.

Rade has arrived.

[OOC] You say, "YAY!"

[OOC] Rade says, "only here a min really :)"

Typheous tries to jump out of the way. "Hey! I don't need any more, thank you."

[OOC] Typheous waves.

[OOC] Plax awws.

Psyche bends down, scooping up some snow and flinging it in Typheous's direction, smiling herself, briefly, before watching Gadrielle scamper off.

[OOC] Rade is scared

[OOC] Rade says, "anyway"

Valyros has received your page: ""Perhaps you need a change of pace, Val. You have done more in a lifetime than most can ever dream of accomplishing. Maybe it is time you retired from politics.""

[OOC] Rade says, "Hopefully I'll be here next week"

[OOC] Plax nodnods.

Typheous grumbles, his smile becoming more sincere as he scoops up a rather large snow ball and begins prepping it for attack. "What? Is everyone out to get me?"

Plax scoops some more up, this time using his claws to do so (so he can get a bigger scoopful) and throws it at Typheous in a giant flurry of snow.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Speaking of next week. We're hosting a LAN party so I don't know how likely it will be we'll be available. :p"

You say, "Alex pops out from behind a snow drift. "Typheous! Where in all the Realms have you been? None of the profs would give anything away.""

Rade pages: "I say hopefully because I man, may or may not have a net connection at my place, and if not...well...I might not be able to get a connection and if I cna it'll be a telnet one which sucks"

Psyche starts to call out "Maybe we're just--" then stops, shutting her mouth on whatever she was about to say, shifting slightly away from Typheous and packing the new snow in her hands a little tighter. . o O ( You talk. )

Rade has received your page: "Bleh. Not exactly ideal, is it? I can understand (and sympathize with) your predicament..."

Plax doesn't speak either, retracting his claws now.

Typheous lobs his snowball at Alex. "I was with the company of three beautiful and available girls for an extended period of time." . o O ( Thank you... )

Valyros pages: ""I would, but I feel that there is still so much I need to do. I just can't leave something half-finished, and I wish to have our people live in harmony, Light brothers and Dark sisters as one. I just don't feel right leaving that as it is...""

You say, "Alex dives out of the way, flinging a snowball at Typheous as he does. It flies wide, however, and hits Psyche in the breast."

Rade pages: "we'll see, if I'm lucky I'll work evertying out this week. Must feed net addiction"

[OOC] Plax wonders if there are any trees nearby...

Typheous scoops up more snow, waiting for Alex to reappear. . o O ( Well, flinging snow is strangely more relaxing than making sure arrows aren't hitting me.... )

"Val," is not the name of any player.

"val," is not the name of any player.

"valy," is not the name of any player.

"valyros," is not the name of any player.

"Valyros," is not the name of any player.

Psyche squeaks with surprise before flinging her own snowball toward Alex's proposed trajectory, moving to put Typheous between herself and him. . o O ( Something about its non-lethality...but...I don't know. It feels wrong. )

Valyros has received your page: ""Dark and light never seen in one place will be, as they used to say. Despite this latest crisis, the bubble of Order is slowly expanding. Perhaps that means Dark and Light will go their separate ways, again. Our peoples do not have old age death to wash away our prejudices.""

[OOC] Rade says, "well, have fun guys, let me know what's happening :)"

[OOC] Rade Waves

Rade has lost her link.

You say, "Alex laughs as he dances merrily out of the way of each of the snowballs. 'Hah! Can't catch me with your limp-wristed throws!' Another snowball comes up from behind him and hits him in the back of the head. He falls down, clutching his head. "Holy fuck! That had ice in it!" Vance steps out of the darkness."

Vance, "Typheous, I thought you had finally decided you couldn't make the cut and run home to mommy."

Valyros pages: ""I know. I've done what I could to join them together, but still, I wish... Heh, wishing never gets anybody anwhere but into trouble. I have done more than several elves have done in their combined life times. Maybe, it is time I deserved a vacation...""

Typheous sighs softly, hefting hs own snow. "Vance, how charming to see you." . o O ( Prick hasn't changed at all.) "No, I'm afraid I've been out on a field study is all. You've not managed to get rid of me so easily."

Psyche tenses at Vance's appearance, eyes narrowing. One can almsot see the ice-bitch glaze returning. . o O ( Not a bit. Maybe that's why it felt wrong. Too happy. ) She moves another step away from Typheous.

Vance, "Field study my ass ? You and Psyche decided to elope, didn't you?"

The resolution of Rade fades. With a hiss of static her disconnected body implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

Vance, "I should have known she was back. The blizard should have tipped me off. Glad to know the ice girl is home."

Typheous looks at Vance as one looks at a child. "Yes, we did. And we brought Rade, Tsharing and Plax along with us for the orgy afterwards. And then we thought we'd come back and see how all the -children- here are doing."

Valyros has received your page: ""As soon as this is over, right?" She smiles impishly."

Valyros pages: "Maybe even before, the way thing are going. But I will still continue to do my best to save this world, even if I am on vacation..."

Psyche's voice is pure ice. As if it weren't cold enough outside. "On a list of things I'd like to engage in a field study of, Vance, your ass is quite possibly the very least interesting of all." . o O ( *A stifled thought* ) "Your month, more your luck, has passed without me being you -are- starting with a clean slate, should you choose to exercise it. As per the conditions I set forth originally." She shrugs. "A shame to blemish it so quickly."

Vance, "I've been having a few orgies of my own. Once you left, women were no longer afraid to leave their rooms for fear of being oggled to death. Psyche and I never did finish our dance properly. Of course, frigid has probably never been so clearly epitomized as it is in her. Where have you really been? And don't give me a crock of shit about feel study."

Typheous . o O ( Something to ask about later or not at all? )

Psyche . o O ( Maybe later. Right now, I'm -trying- to keep from biting his head off. )

[OOC] Plax says, "If you bite his head off, can I squish it?"

[OOC] Eclipse grins.

[OOC] Valyros says, "I am crushing your head!"

Typheous sighs and shakes head. "Vance, if I were to tell you, you'd probably wet yourself. And the last thing I need right now is to have to watch you freeze your dick off in your own urine."

Typheous . o O ( I think you're starting to rub off on me... )

Plax shrugs. "Frankly, we've have a very busy month of learning, Vance, and the last thing we'd like to deal with is the likes of you, so if you'll kindly turn around and show us the one thing I think we'd all like to see, you leaving, we'd all be quite happy".

Psyche smirks slightly, coolly. "My question is answered, then. So much for apologies and sympathy that you claimed were sincere." She turns, glancing at Typheous with a barely-concealed grin. . o O ( Nicely put. )

Valyros has received your page: ""I'm not suggesting you don't, Val, only that maybe you need to take a break from playing such a pivotal role. You have been so busy that you haven't had time to complete your own studies, have you? You have the makings of a Master, Val. Why are you still an Adept?""

Typheous . o O ( Thank you. )

[OOC] Psyche is even prettier than when we left, nyah on Vance.

Valyros pages: "(Adept meaning 4 spheres at the most, right?)"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Yes, and I can kick his ass even easier. :)"

[OOC] Plax says, "Still the prettiest?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Actually, I think she's tied right now with Rade."

Valyros has received your page: "(Adept meaning no Sphere above 4, actually. I don't *think* I remember Val getting her 5th dot of Arete...)"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Rade's got a 5 App, I have a 4."

[OOC] Plax ahs.

Vance, "Fine. Alex can fill you in on how he fucked Psyche's pet..."

You say, "He departs."

Valyros pages: "(Nope, only got Arete and 3 in all her spheres. BTW the cost of a sphere is 7 if traditon, and 8 otherwise?"

Typheous scowls after Vance. "The little prick hasn't changed at all..."

Valyros has received your page: "(correct. 7 or 8 times current, not new)"

Plax nods. "Well, it's only been a month. What did you expect, flowers?"

Psyche's eyes widen, as Vance speaks and goes. "Shit. Mer." She whips her head around, looking for Alex.

Valyros pages: "say I thank you for that compliment. Yes, it has been so long since I studied and honed my skills, it seemed like a lifetime ago. And we have so few masters that any new woulds would help everybody a great deal..."

Typheous chuckles softly. "No, but if he could have 'accidentally' been outside town when it happened, I wouldn't really have complained." His face darkens. "Alex..."

You say, "Alex appears to have disappeared."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Convienent that."

Psyche . o O ( You go talk to Alex. I have to find Mer. )

Plax sighs. "Well, maybe a month changes more than I'd thought," Plax says.

Typheous . o O ( Fine, but I get that walk. Perferably tonight. )

Psyche snarls, "It's enough time for a whole fuckload of trouble to start, that's for sure." . o O ( After I see Mer. )

Typheous heads toward where he last saw Alex. "At least it's less overwhelming now... Almost trite." . o O ( All right. Now where did that bastard go... )

Plax nods. "There are a few people I should probably go hunt down. And if either of you see Gadrielle before me, mind telling her there's no ghost in the park for me?"

Psyche glances at Plax. "I have to go find Mer...I'll do that, if I see her."

Typheous chuckles. "Why? It's much more amusing this way."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Life + Corr let me try and track her down?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Any way I can see where Alex has wandered off to?"

Plax smirks. "I can't say it isn't a bit entertaining. I'll see you all in the morning most likely". He flies up into the air and goes looking for people.

Plax pages: "=:goes looking for Lyka Plant."

Valyros has received your page: ""I agree. You are a great leader among the people, Valyros, but in some ways, you are little more than a newly graduated magician. You built a rapport with those students in a matter of weeks. We would find your skills useful here at the Academy, and my peers and I could fill in the gaps in your mystical knowledge between classes.""

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Alex does not appear to be there, nor are there any incriminating footprints.

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Shouldn't be too difficult.

Valyros pages: ""Really? And it would not be any trouble would it? I mean, to come in so late and help out? I would really like to keep with Plax and the others though.""

[OOC] Typheous says, "Corr + Mind to find him."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Diff 4 without focus, right?"

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Correct.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Diff... 3 w/ focus for me? Or will I need Corr 2?"

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (3d10): 2, 4, 9 ** 2 successes (diff 4) **

Psyche mutters to herself briefly, too annoyed to even bother sketching in the snow like she usually does.

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Cor 1 if he's still within a few hundred yards.

Typheous draws his main ganche and begins to make a slow sweeping cirle with it.

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Arete (3d10): 6, 5, 6 ** 3 successes (diff 3) **

[OOC] Typheous says, "1 into range, 1 into effect and 1 into duration."

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (3d10): 8, 8, 8 ** 3 successes (diff 4) **

Plax has received your page: "Her friends say she went back to the dorm, but Min-Rai Hall usually doesn't permit boys in after dark."

[OOC] Psyche says, "There. 2 into range, 1 into effect, 2 into duration."

Valyros has received your page: ""Not at all. Yes, this term is half over, but you could study for the first two months and start teaching next term, if you'd like. It would also give some time for the 'current crisis' to work itself out.""

(remotely) Plax decides to then head back to his room for a bit, then go find Nomin.

Valyros pages: ""Why... thank you Lori. I think I'd like that, quite a bit. That and maybe being stationary for a while, I could possibly find my wayard kids.""

Psyche has received your page: "She appears to be in Barliman Typhon's room at Gilsur Hall, at the moment."

Psyche . o O ( Think she's at Gilsur. I'm going that way. )

Typheous has received your page: "You find no sign of Alex anywhere in the immediate vicinity of the Academy."

Psyche trots off toward Gilsur Hall to find Mer.

[OOC] Eclipse has to keep re-reading NPC info...

[OOC] Plax says, "Too many NPCs. Let's kill a few."

Typheous pages: "How far do I get with 1 range?"

Plax has received your page: "Nomin is in his room, quietly studying, when you arrive."

[OOC] Valyros says, "I call dibs on that incaporeal bit within each of them!"

(remotely) Plax knocks at the door.

Typheous has received your page: "About 50 yard radius."

Typheous sighs softly and does the sweep again, slower this time.

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Arete (3d10): 2, 2, 3 ** 1 success (diff 3) **

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Arete (3d10): 10, 5, 1 ** 1 success (diff 3) **

[OOC] Psyche doesn't know where her NPC info is :P

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Arete (3d10): 4, 8, 1 ** 1 success (diff 3) **

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered ***

[OOC] Typheous says, "This Backlashable?"

[OOC] Plax has the e-mail saved in Hotmail. :)

[OOC] Psyche probably has it saved somewhere.

Plax has received your page: "Nomin timidly opens the door. He blinks at you, clearly not believing his eyes. "Plax? Is that really you, or is Alex playing another trick on me?""

[OOC] Psyche says, "Plax, approximate date of e-mail?"

(remotely) Plax chuckles and extends a claw. "This answer your question, Nomin?" he asks before retracting it. "It's me. Just been on a bit of a trip this last month. It was sort of sprung on my cabal at the last minute".

[OOC] You say, "Yes, yes it is... Hold on a sec. I forgot to pull the queue of Scourgings list out of the box earlier today..."

[OOC] Plax says, "September 7th, 2002"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Great... Can I keep going? :)"

[OOC] Psyche says, "OH. HIM. *s/trots/stalks quickly*"

[OOC] You say, "Yes, Typh."

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Arete (3d10): 7, 3, 5 ** 3 successes (diff 3) **

[OOC] Typheous says, "3 into range, 1 into effect 2 into duration."

Psyche has received your page: "You reach Gilsur Hall, skip past the attendant, and go up to Barliman's door."

Psyche has received your page: "There is a piece of string tied to the latch."

I don't understand that.

Psyche has received your page: "It kind of looks like a hastily tied bow."

Psyche pages: "Would Psyche know, if she stopped to think, the implications of that? Or would she be clueless? "

Valyros has received your page: ""We'll have to discuss it at greater length, once we deal with Caine, of course.""

Plax has received your page: ""What happened to you, Plax? You feel...different, somehow.""

Psyche has received your page: "(I'll leave that up to you...)"

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled 3d6: 6, 5, 1; totalling 12.

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled 3d6: 3, 3, 6; totalling 12.

Typheous has received your page: "He appears to have returned to your room."

Typheous heads off towards his dorm.

(remotely) Plax considers it. "A long, odd lesson". He shrugs. "I've been told not to speak about it, Nomin. I don't know if the professors plan to have other cabals go out on missions like they had mine go on, though it would make for a decent test. I'm just glad to be back here".

(remotely) Typheous will head there at a decent speed. Not running, but not taking his time, either.

Psyche pages: "She stops, looks at the bow, and sits down in the hallway to sketch on the floorboards. (Corr 1 + Mind 1 + Life 1 enough to give me a what-the-hell-is-going-on-in-there effect?)"

Typheous has received your page: "When you reach Gilsur Hall, you notice that the desk attendant is a Red Cap Fae."

(remotely) Typheous screams, hands dropping to his blades. "Get the hell out of here, you damned beast!"

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous .o O ( Dammit! The Fae have taken over the desk attendants! )

Plax has received your page: ""Kind of like the scavenger hunt? I hope ours isn't as hard as yours, then. My cabal doesn't work together nearly as well as yours does.""

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche . o O ( The who the what? )

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous . o O ( There's one of those damned things wiht axes down here! )

(remotely) Plax chuckles. "I'm sure that if they did that, it'd be something your cabal would be capable of. So, how have things been here? What's been going on?" he asks. "And, furthermore, how much time until the horror that is midterms descends upon us?"

Psyche has received your page: "If they were doing something before, they've been done for a while. That or they haven't started, yet, as they are merely cuddling. You sense selfless worry from Barliman and guilty desire from Mereke."

Valyros pages: "Of course."

Typheous has received your page: "You begin to notice that everyone you see in the halls is a Red Cap, and they all look the same to you."

(remotely) Psyche stands up, then, and knocks on the door.

Valyros pages: ""So in the mean time, I shall put my wings up and cut lose a little bit?"

(remotely) Typheous starts glancing aroudn the room, looking to see if there's an open path to the stairs.

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche . o O ( Are you -sure-? You're not dead yet. )

(remotely to Psyche, Eclipse) Typheous . o O ( They're everywhere! There's at least a dozen of them here! )

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche . o O ( And you're not dead? What are they doing? )

Plax has received your page: "He smirks. "They start Nodesday. I thought I'd get a jump on studying for them while everyone else is outside playing in the snow. You've missed a lot. You can borrow my Cabal notes, if you need them, though I think the only thing you might not know is the actual terminology."

(remotely to Psyche, Eclipse) Typheous .o O ( But... They're... Umm.. Staring at me like I'm an idiot? )

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Intelligence (3) (3d10): 10, 10, 8 No diff given.

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche . o O ( Maybe because you're acting like one. )

[OOC] Plax peers at Typh's roll.

Valyros has received your page: ""Is there anything you will require of us before we have to go?""

[OOC] Typheous says, "Seeing how much of an idiot he's going to be. :)"

[OOC] Plax says, " Plax doing to have to teach you how sharp his claws can be? :)"

[OOC] Plax says, "*going, not doing"

Valyros pages: ""Only to recharge myself of Quintessence. I sort of had an accident with Plax and had to use most of it...""

Psyche has received your page: "There is a long, uncomfortable pause and the sounds of hasty motion. Barliman's voice creaks out, "Come in.""

[OOC] Typheous says, "Umm. No. That would be bad right now. Everything he sees is a Red Cap. :)"

(remotely) Plax nods. "I don't even know what the blazes we're being tested on, I've been gone so long," he says with a grin. "Yeah, I probably need some of the terminology stuff. Wouldn't hurt at least".

Psyche pages: "( Can you expound a little on 'selfless worry'? )"

Typheous has received your page: "You can get to the stairs. None of the Red Caps seems to be paying you any mind. One of them has its eyes glued to a book it's carrying."

(remotely) Typheous sneaks as best he can to the stairs and tries not to attract any more attention to himself as he heads up to his room.

Psyche has received your page: "(tender concern for her well-being)"

(remotely) Psyche turns the knob and steps inside. "I'm just looking for Mereke, Barliman." She does her best not to sound too angry, but it's probably best if they have a blanket, considering her mood.

Plax has received your page: "He tosses a heavy tome in your direction. "I made a deal with a knowledge spirit to take notes for me. Unfortunately, it wrote everything down verbatim, plus some footnotes of its own that it thought would clarify or expound upon one detail or another. It's not exactly light reading material, but it's certainly thorough.""

Typheous has received your page: "You reach your room."

Typheous pages: "If there's no 'do not enter' markings on the door, he goes in."

Psyche has received your page: "They're both dressed and in a decent position relative to one another, but it looks like they didn't have time to bother with underclothing, since it's stuffed under a chair in the corner. Mereke jumps up and claps her hands, "Psyche! You're back! I was so worried about you! Where have you been?""

Valyros has received your page: ""That can certainly be arranged. What the Node can't manage, well, quite a few spirits owe Orpheus a favor or two.""

(remotely) Plax smiles. "Ah. Looks like a short bit of reading then," he says as he catches it with his left hand easily. "I know just the rote for this book".

Typheous has received your page: "There's a Red Cap standing on the other side of the room, staring out the window."

Valyros pages: ""Thank you very much for your hospitality and allowing me to advance myself spiritually.""

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 5, 1, 5, 9, 9, 7, 7, 4 No diff given.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Does anybody have MS?"

[OOC] Psyche was just wondering that.

[OOC] Plax says, "Don't think so"

(remotely) Psyche crosses the room, hardly looking at Barliman, studying Mereke (I think the life scan is still active, yes?) as she does. "I'm not allowed to talk about it yet, the masters said. Let's just say it's been...rough. How are -you-?"

[OOC] You say, "Not at present. Everyone kind of scattered to the four winds. Anyone want it?"

(remotely) Typheous stands in the doorway staring at the Red Cap. (Is it where Alex should be?)

Typheous has received your page: "(yes)"

[OOC] Typheous doesn't care. :) You could watch me freak out with my backlash. :)

[OOC] Valyros says, "Ooh! That sounds fun!"

[OOC] Plax is just chatting with Nomin and studying for midterms.

[OOC] Plax also got told our cabal 'gets along well'.

[OOC] Typheous says, "We do?"

[OOC] Plax found that amusing. ;)

[OOC] Psyche sniggers.

[OOC] Plax also votes that watching Typh's backlashes would be fun. :)

[OOC] Psyche will note that Plax managed to go a whole month without giving Psyche a reason to hold a grudge agains thim. I'd say that's getting along well.

[OOC] Psyche thirds!

[OOC] Plax notes that's because Plax was captured for most of it.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Any port in a storm."

[OOC] Plax just doesn't bring up that Plax was the reason you had to bolt off on the trip to start with.

[OOC] Typheous Chuckles. Well. I'll wait for the ST to respond and take MS, then. :)

Plax has received your page: ""Really? You'll need to show me that one. Is it the sort of thing Mistress Spinwind can break, though? It would be really terrible to go through the trouble of memorizing things with magic only to have them disappear as soon as you walked into the exam room.""

Valyros has received your page: ""It is our honor, Valyros. We owe you much.":"

(remotely) Plax nods. "Good point, she'd probably notice it. It's a basic Mind rote," Plax says. "It lets you memorize things quickly, but you'll forget them eventually, or at least it'll fade to a normal rate of recollection". He shrugs. "A shame, really. They teach us how to use Magic, but then for tests, they block it out. Doesn't make sense, does it?"

Valyros pages: "Still, I would wonder where would I be hold up? I don't know if there are any remaining dorms I could occupy."

Psyche has received your page: ""It's been pretty good, though I've missed having you around. I'm doing really well in all my classes, this semester. I hardly feel like I need to study for exams this weekend, though I know I should.""

RedCap-Alex, "Is it true what you told Vance? Were you really out there to study?"

Psyche . o O ( So, how goes the fairy invasion?' )

Typheous taks a deep breath,s till looking at Alex, like he's, well, a Red Cap. " a way." . o O ( Well, this one *sounds* like Alex.... )

Plax has received your page: ""Maybe they want us to learn things on our own. Magic is good, but remember the first day of Cabal? We lost points everytime we used magic because not all problems need to be solved with magic. Sometimes it even makes matters worse." He points at the notebook tome."

(remotely) Psyche nods, not quite ready to relax yet. ( Is life 1 enough to give me an idea of her physical health? ) A faint smile. "I've been worried about you. That's good to hear. You think you should study...I've missed a month of classes. I don't know how I'm going to catch up." She lets a beat pass. "Did I interrupt your studying, then?"

Psyche . o O ( *wryly* Find one that looks like Vance and kill it on principle? )

Valyros has received your page: ""We could certainly find you some space. Stephen could make you a house out by those of the other support staff practically overnight. Just make sure you specify your decor in advance, or it might be circus animals for a paint job."

(remotely) Plax considers that. "Yeah. There are times when you can't use magic to solve your problems as well," Plax says. "Certainly I learned that one on our little trip," Plax admits. "Still, I've a month of this to catch up on and people I haven't seen for a month. Terrible timing," he says, going through the tome. After a bit, he says, "So, how is Lyka doing? Has she Awakened yet?"

Valyros pages: "I would like that, and I'll try to make sure I'm as specific as possible."

Alex, "Fucking Vance. I'll bet he's the reason we didn't get to do field study. I'm sick of being cooped up on this campus all the time. I'm not a great student, but I think I could really get into a field study rather than sitting in a class looking at walls all day long."

Psyche has received your page: "Both of them blush profusely and start mumbling a lot about how it's no big deal and she was going to be headed to bed soon anyway."

Typheous chuckles softly, still on edge, sitting down on the edge of his bed. "So, what happened while we were gone?" . o O ( You're in fine form tonight. He annoy you that badly just by showing up? )

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 3, 5, 9, 2, 4, 3, 7, 6 No diff given.

Plax has received your page: ""Not as far as I know. I think she's trying too hard. It will come when it comes. It's the way it was for me.""

(remotely) Psyche arches a brow. "In here? Or can I walk you back to the dorms? It's been so long, I want to have a chance to talk..." She's still not really looking at Barliman much. Second chances and all; she'll worry about him later.

Psyche . o O ( Yes. No. I...don't know. I shouldn't let him get to me. )

Valyros has received your page: ""You've gotta give him some creative license or he'll pout about it for weeks afterward, but you have been warned.""

(remotely) Plax nods. "Maybe," Plax says. "I certainly didn't plan my Awakening. Then again, getting clothslined by a tree branch while riding isn't something one usually plans out either". He grins a bit. "She'll be fine I figure though".

Valyros pages: ""Thank you Lori, you have been an imense help to me, but I think If I'm going to be spending some time here, I'll have to get myself settled in. Could you please point me in Stephen's direction?""

Alex shrugs, "Not much of interest to someone who's been away from the Academy for the last month, I'd think. Gossip and classes. Classes and gossip. The usual routine, occasionally punctuated by brief periods of scandal and heavy drinking, of course."

Typheous chuckles softly, the edge leaving him as it seems this Red Cap isn't going to send his guts splaying across the room. "And here I thought you'd have a list of conquests now that I wasn't in the way."

Psyche has received your page: "They both stammer some more before Mereke all but shouts Barliman down. "No, not in here. And I'd like to talk to you, Psyche. We've got some catching up to do. It's been too long.""

(remotely) Psyche nods. "I'll be down in the lounge, me down there in a bit?" She glances at Barliman now, a long, searching look, trying to decide what to think.

Valyros has received your page: ""He's probably outside again throwing snowballs with the students and his children. He never grew up and sees no reason why he should, I'd say.""

Valyros pages: ""I can't blame him. Most think I have yet to grow up either." With a smile, she waves Lori goodbye and heads outside to find Stephen."

Alex grins, "It's Faeday night, Typheous. By the time I listed all of those, it would be dawn and we'd have missed an entire night of celebrating your victorious return. So, anything happen between you and those pretty women while you were gone?"

Psyche has received your page: "Mereke arrives a short while later."

(remotely) Psyche looks her over. "So...what's going on with you and Barliman?" Maybe Vance -was- wrong...

Plax has received your page: ""Undoubtedly." A pause. "She's missed you, too.""

Typheous shakes his head. "Nothing exciting, really. Not yet, anyway..." He's still looking at Alex like he's a strange tamed Red Cap. "How's Mer, I've not seen her yet."

(remotely) Plax smiles slightly. "I missed her as well. I tried to find her, but she'd already gone to her room, and I can't exactly walk into the girl's dorm at night, unless I want to really invoke the wrath of the professors," he says.

Valyros has received your page: "After braving a hail of snowballs and receiving quite a number of apologies from students who guessed your identity only after pelting you in the head, you find Stephen Bukwarm. He is, indeed, throwing snowballs from within a miniature castle made of ice."

Psyche . o O ( *almost teasingly* \STill alive? )

Typheous . o O ( Sighs... Yes. How's Mer? )

Valyros pages: "Gathers a bunch of snowballs and takes off to the air, bombing Stephen with a couple to get his attention."

Psyche has received your page: "She toys with her hair. "Not much, really. He's very sweet, but he's a hopeless jabbermouth. I don't know if I can stand him much longer, though I hate to break his heart. He's so fragile.""

Psyche . o O ( I found her in Barliman's room. )

Psyche . o O ( I found her in Barliman's room. She's changed. Something happened. )

Psyche pages: "(How does she look, compared to when I left?)"

Typheous . o O ( Hmmm.... She look any better? )

You say, "Alex shrugs. "She's, well... I'll be frank and say I've never been dumped by anyone so plain. She seems to be doing well for herself, though. She certainly is happier, these days, especially since the professors ruled that she only killed the Karlos bully in self-defense." The thought seems to make him very uncomfortable.""

Plax has received your page: ""You'll get a chance to see her tomorrow, then. You know how early she tends to get up in the morning.""

Psyche has received your page: "(Better-looking, but still plain and ungainly. There seems to be a bit more confidence about her, though)"

(remotely) Psyche tilts her head slightly. "You've changed a lot in a month. What happened?"

(remotely) Plax nods. "True enough. Maybe I should go perch by her window or something, just to surprise her," he says with a little grin. "Or I'll just hunt her down in the morning. It shouldn't be that hard".

Typheous raises his eyebrow. "Killed...?" He seems very interested in this, though his visiion is still off-putting. . o O ( Well... Alex says she killed Karlos in self-defense it seems... Trying to get more of the story out of him. )

Valyros has received your page: "Stephen, "Hey, hey! No fair!" He retalliates with a rapid-fire stream of snowballs that quickly soaks you."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Karlos a known bully? *forgets his NPCs*"

Psyche has received your page: "She shrugs. "I stopped taking shit from people.""

[OOC] You say, "He was one of the folks on Psyche's List, though not one I mentioned at the time. A second-year bully of a student."

[OOC] Psyche ahhs.

(remotely) Psyche gestures as she walks. "Are you going to expound on that, or not?"

Plax has received your page: "He laughs. "Oh I'm sure she'd like that, you peeping in on her when she's probably in bed.""

Psyche . o O ( A little better. More confident. She says she 'stopped taking shit from people'. Something's making me uneasy about this, Typh. Very uneasy. Maybe it's the way she's talking about just...discarding Barliman. How she hates to break his heart. )

(remotely) Valyros laughs as she lands inside the little ice fort, soaked. "Well someone had to breatch your defenses. Allow me to introduce myselfl, I am Valyros Del'zenivras, and Lori said that if I wanted a house built here, you'd be the one to see."

(remotely) Plax smirks. "Okay, so I'll wear a blindfold so she knows I'm not peeking," he says with a grin. "Of course, she probably doesn't know I picked up a bit of Correspondence knowledge while I was out".

Typheous . o O ( Hmmm... She's changed then. Alex is still Alex, thankfully. )

[OOC] Typheous says, "Beides the fact that he looks like a Red Cap"

[OOC] Valyros says, "I still say the Red Cap splat is Jack Nicholson."

Alex, "Yes. He had it coming. Got mad at her for stringing him along and then discarding him, I guess. Tried to strangle her. She cut his heart out with a pair of sewing scissors, apparently. She says she doesn't remember removing the other organs."

[OOC] You say, "Yes, yes it is."

[OOC] Psyche !

[OOC] Plax finds new and fun uses for Correspondence. :)

Psyche has received your page: ""Is it really necessary? When people bother me, I make them regret it.""

Valyros has received your page: ""Ah yes. You were at dinner with the Cabal students. What can I do for you?""

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 10, 4, 10, 5, 9, 7, 1, 4 No diff given.

Typheous winces. "She's... changed." He looks down at the floor. "Quite a bit, it seems. Anything in particular bring this on?" . o O ( Well.. Umm... He apparently attacked her for stringing him along and while he tried to strangle her she cut out his heart. With a pair of sewing scissors. He said she claims she doesn't remember removing the other organs. )

Plax has received your page: ""Better be careful about using it, though. She's not Awakened, but she picks up on things quickly enough.""

(remotely) Psyche tenses, face paling a bit, but keeps walking. "It's not...necessary that you tell me, unless you'd rather I hear your side of the story instead of the rumour mill's. I thought you considered me a friend..."

Psyche . o O ( -Sewing- scissors? Fuck. )

Valyros pages: "Well build me a house, if possible, Node accessible, but if you can't, I understand. Nothing to extravigant. Two stories, hopefully with a good sized basement. If you could make it a cross between a Light and Dark elf residence, only without the living trees and blood protection runes, you know."

Typheous . o O ( Yeah.... I'm... worried. She acting all right? You just let me know if you need help... )

(remotely) Plax grins. "Yeah. She's good with divination, last I was around," he says. "That and summoning minor spirits, so might not be a good idea. She probably knows I'm here by now anyway," he says.

Psyche . o O ( *wryly* Want to come charging in like a knight in shining armour and rescue me, just so Vance can come up with more snide comments? )

Typheous . o O ( No, I just don't want you to get hurt. )

Psyche . o O ( Well, I-- *a mental deep breath* I'll let you know if I need you. )

Alex, "Yes. I'm afraid she has. Right after your cabal disappeared, she decided she was going to go to Theusleh to look for you. She came back two days later, though. She said it wasn't worth abandoning her studies and that Psyche would be just fine. But then she stopped letting people pick on her. If they messed with her, she threatened to do horrible things to them. Karlos laughed at her at first and then set out to de-shrewify her, in his words. At first, we thought it was working. She responded to all his entreaties and even went to his room a couple times during the day. He'd come out walking funny and boasting about what he was doing with her, but we all knew he wasn't getting no tail off of her. One day, he came out of his room in a series of oiled sacks..."

Typheous winces, closing his eye. "Shit.... That's..." . o O ( Crap! When did Caine get here after we left? When? )

Psyche has received your page: "She shrugs. "Whatever works, really. I've gotten quite clever about finding ways to get my revenge. I went too far with Karlos, though. I didn't really want him to die. He was suffering so nicely for all those names he called me, and I had to end it. The stupid brute tried to force himself on me, and I couldn't allow that, now could I?""

Psyche . o O ( Caine? In the flesh? Or is he just another Redcap? )

Valyros has received your page: ""Can't guarantee you Node access from your house, but I can set you up in a pretty little bungalow at the edge of campus, within view of the woods.""

Typheous . o O ( No no no... After we left, Caine came here, remember? When was he here? )

Valyros pages: "Ah, that would be lovely. When do you think you could get around to it?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Psyche would remember..."

[OOC] Psyche doesn't want to go on another log hunt!

[OOC] Typheous says, "So she'll make the ST do it! :)"

Plax has received your page: ""Maybe that's why she went to her room early - to wait for you." He winks. "I don't know if I'd push my luck, though. She's liable to break a flower pot over your head if you startle her.""

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 5, 7, 4, 4, 9, 2, 7, 4 No diff given.

(remotely) Psyche blinks, eyes narrowing a bit. "Wait a minute. -What- happened with Karlos?"

Valyros has received your page: ""Should be ready by dawn. The kids'll be ready for bed, soon. They sleep heaviest after they play hardest. You're welcome to stay in our spare room for the night.""

[OOC] Eclipse is playing four different NPCs, atm. Doesn't have time for a log hunt. :-P

Valyros pages: "Why thank you Stephen, I'd enjoy that greatly, but first I need to take care of a few things, if it's alright with you?"

Valyros has received your page: ""Certainly.""

[OOC] Psyche makes Typheous do it.

(remotely) Plax smirks. "And she'd know that I can't come into her room in the evening," he says with a grin. "So I'd come back to my dormitory. Ah well. I'll see her in the morning then". He glares at the tome of knowledge. "You weren't kidding about it being very...complete".

Valyros pages: "Alright, I'll see you a little later Stephen. May the Muse find you this night." Goes off to the workshop to do something with her sword and soak up some Quintessence."

Valyros pages: "(What would one have to roll to make one's long sword deal Agg?)"

Psyche has received your page: ""He tried to rape me, Psyche." She says it matter-of-factly. "So I kneed him. He grabbed me by the neck, so I grabbed a pair of sewing scissors and stabbed him with them until he let go. Then I sort of blacked out, and when I woke up, pieces of him were all over the room." She sighs. "So much time making him suffer wasted in a moment of panic. I won't make that mistake again, though.""

Valyros has received your page: "It'd be a Prime 2 effect, would require 1 Q, and would be dif 5, dif 4 with spec focus. 1 suc for target, 1 suc for effect, and then whatever duration you want."

Valyros pages: "(How much for permemnt?)"

Valyros has received your page: "(We've only really got one story left, so 6 for duration. Mind the botches, but a backlash won't cause a problem for an Effect of this kind, so just ignore them)"

(remotely) Psyche stops in her tracks, staring at Mereke. "Your only regret is that you didn't have longer to make him suffer?" It's impossible to keep the astonishment out of her voice.

Plax has received your page: ""No, I wasn't.""

(remotely) Plax nods. "Ah well". He sets to studying for awhile before he gets too sleepy, then excuses himself to his room.

(remotely) Valyros goes to the workshop and takes out her longsword, and washes it in water for an hour or so. She then takes it out and puts it on a stand, wishing to call forth the greater power of the blade. Cutting her hand on the blade, she stands back and grips her mother's necklace tightly, chanting in old Urden.

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 3, 9, 5, 3 ** 2 successes (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 8, 4, 1, 4 ** 2 successes (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 1, 7, 2, 9 ** 1 success (diff 4) **

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered ***

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 2, 3, 7, 3 ** 1 success (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 5, 7, 8, 5 ** 4 successes (diff 4) **

Valyros pages: "(9 successes should do it...)"

Psyche has received your page: ""He deserved much worse for what he did to me before, not to mention all the lies he was telling about me once he began his mission. De-shrewifying, I think he called it. I'm glad Alex warned me about that. I wouldn't have wanted to have an inaccurate picture of what he had coming to him." She yawns. "Anyway, I'm exhausted. I'll see you tomorrow, Psyche. It's good to see you, again. You were right. I was fine once I started standing up for myself. I've never been happier. Good night.""

(to Valyros) Eclipse nods.

[OOC] You say, "And that's where we'll stop for the night."

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 6h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Valyros 5h 2m OOC PC

Plax 6h 4m IC PC Being made crazy by Caine, page for lessons!

Psyche 6h 6m IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Typheous 6h 16m IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

--[Sun Aug 24 00:05:57 2003]--------------------------------[5 users; 0s lag]--

(remotely) Psyche reaches out. "Mer..." She pauses for a second. "We do have to talk more...Later. Good night..."

*** Added 3 XP to Valyros's Experience ***

[OOC] Plax dangs. I wanted to get to seeing a Certain Someone tonight.

*** Added 3 XP to Plax's Experience ***

*** Added 3 XP to Psyche's Experience ***

[OOC] Psyche says, "Wait, free up Typheous!"

[OOC] Typheous can'

(remotely) Valyros takes her sword and plunges it into the same water she used before, only this time most of it evaporates away leaving only a blade that has a slightly purple aura about it.

*** Added 3 XP to Typheous's Experience ***

(remotely) Plax rp votes for...Psyche

[OOC] Typheous can't find these dang thing. Caine came to Wizdin shortly after we left, right?

[OOC] You say, "I believe so, yes. I can't remember an exact date, though..."

[OOC] Plax has been looking, too, but I can't find it either.

Valyros pages: "Typheous"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Within a couple days of us leaving?"

Psyche pages: "RP vote is for Typh."

Typheous takes a deep breath. "I think I need to go for a walk. Perhaps we can hit the bar tomorrow and catch up more?"

Typheous pages: "plax for XP vote. :)"

[OOC] Eclipse hms... Well, considering about 80% of the session was pages, I think I'm going to rule that the RP point gets evenly split tonight, if no one has a problem with it.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Nope."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Oky :)"

[OOC] Plax says, "No problem at all"

*** Added 1 XP to Valyros's Experience ***

*** Added 1 XP to Plax's Experience ***

*** Added 1 XP to Psyche's Experience ***

*** Added 1 XP to Typheous's Experience ***

Eclipse removes his dragon medallion.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Fine with me. :)"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Well it's getting late, I think I'll head of to bed now. Good night everybody!"

Valyros has disconnected.

[OOC] You say, "So, what did everyone think?"

[OOC] Psyche has to decide what to do with all this XP. And you've now got Psyche completely weirded out.

[OOC] Typheous says, "And it's ok for Typh to wander out from the room? Alex isn't going to stop him?"

[OOC] Plax enjoyed it. "I do want a chance to talk with Lyka though".

[OOC] Psyche nods. Was a good session. Sort of like the recap session halfway through an anime series.

[OOC] You say, "You can have your walk, if you want."

[OOC] Typheous was *trying* to poke Psyche into getting off a Life scan on Mer.

The resolution of Valyros fades. With a hiss of static their disconnected body implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

[OOC] Psyche DID. Twice. And Clippy never responded to me about it.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Or whatever we need to detect Knights. :)"

[OOC] Plax chuckles. "I take the worry out of that. So long as it isn't Matter, I can scan it".

[OOC] Typheous doesn't have the XP to blow like that :)

[OOC] Plax has 18 XP in the bank.

[OOC] You say, "Yeah. The whole dinner scene was definitely the recap... I thought that would be good for all of us."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Ok, so I do now, but I've got a couple ideas floating around and I want to see how the Psyche-Typh walk turns out."

[OOC] Psyche has 27. :P Plus the ones I already spent.

[OOC] Psyche peers at Eclipse. Is it safe to assume that nothing weird is going on with her physically, since I had a life scan on her and you didn't tell me anything was?

[OOC] You say, "That would be a safe assumption, yes. Three guesses about Mereke's...shift..."

[OOC] Psyche says, "She's not Mer somehow. She's either been brainwashed or altered somehow."

[OOC] Typheous says, "She's not Mer. She's an 'improved' nasty or she's...oooo..... You haven't finked with *that* mythos yet."

[OOC] Plax hrms, needs to up Time badly. That or Prime.

[OOC] You say, "What mythos is that? *evil grin*"

[OOC] Typheous says, "-ecli The furry one."

[OOC] Psyche digs for silver.

[OOC] Eclipse laughs and takes notes for his pop psyche book...

[OOC] Typheous chuckles.

Blue Booking

Psyche . o O ( Typh? )

Typheous pages: "Just so you know, I'm waivering between a Seeking with the xp or a 3rd dot in either Forces or Corr, not sure which. Depends on how this walk goes."

Typheous . o O ( Yes Psyche? )

(to Typheous) Eclipse nods. "Let me know which when you decide.

Psyche . o O ( ...You have plans? )

(remotely) Typheous nodsnods.

Plax pages: "Can I up Time? *used it some this session, and used it back a few sessions before? *would be Time 2, 8 XP cost*"

(remotely) Psyche ponders a dot in PRime.

Typheous . o O ( Not really. Alex is strangely distant, though if I had been cooped up here while he galavanted around the world, I'd be distant too. I'm already on my way to the door... )

Plax has received your page: "Okay."

(remotely) Plax thanks. :)

Psyche has received your page: "You're back at school. Shouldn't be too difficult to manage that."

(remotely) Psyche nods.

Psyche . o O ( I'll meet you out front...Something's wrong. Really wrong. And I don't know what. I should be happy for her, she says she's never been happier...she looks better. But it's...something's wrong. I'm tired of working out riddles and not feeling safe. )

Typheous is waiting at the door already, though he's inside, out of the snow. He'll head out to meet Psyche when he sees her near the building. . o O ( Not feeling safe? )

Psyche takes enough time to drop off her pack and grab a coat from her room before she meets him. . o O ( Everything that's's like you can't tell where the next brick is going to come from that hits you over the head."

[OOC] Typheous takes it his fae-issues clear up sometime soon?

Typheous has his cloak with him, it pulled tight around him. "Where shall we go? I hear the park is haunted."

Psyche smiles a bit. "There can't possibly be more than a thousand. I can deal with that. Unless you had somewhere in mind..."

Typheous chuckles and shakes his head. "No. I don't think I could convince Alex that we weren't up to something if I kicked him out of my room." He turns toward the park. "Shall we?"

[OOC] You say, "By morning, definitely, but not tonight..."

[OOC] Psyche says, "So do I look like a redcap?"

[OOC] You say, "Yes, you do. Facial expressions are muted at best, and usually indeterminate..."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Great.... Gyah... And if they're out all night? ;)"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Anything I could do to clear it up?"

[OOC] You say, "The worst thing to do for a backlash is to use magic to eliminate the backlash. It's like popping zits with a red hot poker."

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 6h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Psyche 6h 50s IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Typheous 6h 1m IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

Plax 6h 5m IC PC Being made crazy by Caine, page for lessons!

--[Sun Aug 24 00:31:54 2003]--------------------------------[4 users; 0s lag]--

[OOC] Psyche says, "Anything -nonmagical- I could do? :P"

[OOC] Typheous coughs.

[OOC] You say, "Grin when you want him to see you smile?"

[OOC] Psyche chuckles.

[OOC] Psyche has this feeling T plans to keep her out all night anyway.

[OOC] Typheous chuckles. Possibly. Though it's a bit cold.

[OOC] You say, "You should be used to it, hanging out with Psyche..."

Psyche starts that way. There's a long silence. "I have a single..."

Typheous glances over to you. "And you're willing to live with the rumors?" . o O ( Dammit, why did it have to be tonight that everyone looks like a RedCap. )

Psyche's eyes glitter slightly, a hint of amusement in her voice. "We've been gone for a month. Aren't I going to be living with them already?" . o O ( In a strange way, that makes me feel safer. )

Typheous smirks. "Oh yes... Eloping and all." He turns his head toward your dorm. "If you wouldn't mind, it'd be better than setting up Force shilds." . o O (What? Think this will stop me from making comments about how you look? )

Psyche turns back toward the dorm. "It's a mess, and I haven't been in it for more than five minutes in a month, but I don't suppose you'd notice if I hadn't told you." She bends, scooping up a handful of snow and tossing it at him lightly. . o O ( At least I know you're either mad or relying on your obviously imprecise memory to make them. )

Typheous sputters as the snow hits him. "It is lets-throw-snow-at-Typheous day, isn't it?" . o O ( We'll argue that later, when I can see you clearly and you don't have that arguement to use against me. )

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 7h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Typheous 7h 2m IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

Psyche 7h 3m IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Plax 7h 20m IC PC Being made crazy by Caine, page for lessons!

--[Sun Aug 24 00:47:00 2003]--------------------------------[4 users; 0s lag]--

Psyche laughs, a little of the tension leaving her. "What can I say? Maybe being packed in ice suits you." . o O ( I still want to know why it matters. )

Typheous smirks slightly. "And I'm glad Vance didn't hear that or we'd never see the end of it." . o O ( It does... and it doesn't. Beauty is a thing to be treasured, physical or otherwise. )

Psyche rolls her eyes/

[OOC] Typheous warns you it might be a while, though we have church in the morning to not too terribly late. :)

[OOC] Typheous says, "You = Eclipse."

[OOC] Eclipse isn't worried, yet. "I'm a couple days behind on my web comics, and I don't have to get up early."

[OOC] Typheous chuckles. :)

Psyche rolls her eyes. "Don't get me started on Vance." She pulls the door open and holds it for you. "He came to me the night after the illusion exam, apologising to me and acting like he honestly regretted the way he'd treated me. And I told him that the month of him not imposing himself on my presence stood, but that if he wanted to act like a human toward me I was all for second chances." The tension is back in her voice, and the air around her is no warmer inside the dorm than out. "So much for second chances."

Psyche . o O ( So put me in a box and sit me on the shelf? )

Typheous starts to reach for your shoulder but pauses. "Don't think on him. No need to add more tension tonight." . o O ( That's not what I meant and you know it. )

[OOC] Plax heads to sleep himself, though. Night.

Plax has disconnected.

[OOC] Psyche waves...

The resolution of Plax fades. With a hiss of static his disconnected body implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

Psyche ducks a little away from your hand, making her way to her room. "It's almost comforting that he still pisses me off. After least -he- hasn't changed."

Typheous stops himself before letting his hand touch your shoulder. "Yes. He seems to have annoyed us all... So... petty." He follows Psyche, trying not to look at all the Red Cap Women.

Psyche unlocks and opens the door to her room, gesturing you in. The most untidy thing about it is her pack on the floor next to the desk. Otherwise, except for the dust of a month's absence, it looks like something out of Dorm Room Magazine; preternaturally neat. "Don't feel like playing Academy politics any more?"

Typheous ducks into the room. "Your room looks fine. And not really. It seems trivial compared to Caine... At least it should be easier.... "

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 7h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Typheous 7h 3s IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

Psyche 7h 1m IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

--[Sun Aug 24 01:04:13 2003]--------------------------------[3 users; 0s lag]--

Psyche flicks at some invisible speck. "Politic of you to say it. I doubt I'll be able to sleep tonight until I've got it clean again. This dust drives me nuts." She takes her coat off, puts it away, and holds out a hand for your cloak. "Everything seems...trivial, it's a good word. I want to tell myself I'm just used to everytrhing being a big deal, that there really isn't something terribly wrong about Mer..."

Typheous shrugs himself out of his cloak, handing it to you as he glances around the room for a place to sit. "No, I think there is. People don't rip the hearts out of people with scissors normally."

"No," Psyche says casually, hanging the cloak up next to her coat and hooking the chair by her desk out with a foot for you to sit on. "If I were going to rip someone's heart out, I'd do it with a trowel or a good-sized blade. Something with some width to it." [Psyche]

Typheous rolls his eyes and takes the seat. "I was meaning that if someone's attacking you, most people don't go quite that violent."

Psyche sits down on the edge of the bed, pulling her shoes off and tucking them neatly away. "Mer, particularly. And then to say she only regrets not having more time to make him suffer..." She shivers, rubbing her arms. "So I'm not being overly emotional, just because it's Mer and she doesn't need me to protect her like she did a month ago?"

Typheous shakes his head. "Mind if I take mine off as well?" He indicates his own boots. "And no, you're not. She is different and there's something...strange about it."

Psyche nods. "Be my guest. Make yourself comfortable. I'll sanitize it all after you go." There's a hint of wryness about her voice. "So...what -do- I look like right now?"

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 7h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Psyche 7h 2s IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Typheous 7h 2m IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

--[Sun Aug 24 01:18:06 2003]--------------------------------[3 users; 0s lag]--

Typheous chuckles softly and begins unfastening his boots. "Thanks.... Well...." He concentrates on your face, an image forming in his mind of the feirce fae that have managed to cause him so much grief so far sitting just as you are on your bed acting quite more civilized than they ever did. A few of your features seem to peek through, though the vision is definately a Red Cap.

Psyche laughs softly. "That's a bit disconcerting. Perhaps I should try snarling more."

Typheous smirks. "Please don't. It's disconcerting enough." He leans back in the chari and closes his eye after pulling of his second boot. "At least I know it's you so I know something went weird on me."

Psyche grins. "What makes you so sure it's me?"

Typheous quirks his eyebrow without opennig his eye. "You didn't let me touch your shoulder."

Psyche leans back on the bed, crossing one knee over the other. "I see. Fae aren't so prickly?"

Typheous shrugs. "Something like that. That and these have tended to do me grievious harm. I'd rather not talk about my visual hallucinations right now, though."

Psyche studies the ceiling. "What -do- you want to talk about?"

Typheous lets out a slow breath. "Something less important that the fate of the world?"

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 7h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Typheous 7h 18s IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

Psyche 7h 58s IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

--[Sun Aug 24 01:29:18 2003]--------------------------------[3 users; 0s lag]--

Psyche points and flexes her toes, stretching her ankles out. "Like the fact that my bookshelves are dusty and I don't know how I'm going to catch up on the fucking -homework- I've missed?

Typheous chuckles shaking his head. "Only you could look at the end of the world, Psyche, and worry about a month's worth of back homework." He opens his eye to look up at the ceiling. "I was thinking more about some other things that were said recently."

Psyche responds quite seriously. "Master Liriel said I was responsible for it. I agreed. I fucking well keep my promises." There's a pause, before she shifts around to look at you. "Things that were said..."

Typheous glances down to you briefly. "Just... how things have changed. Between us, since we left Wyzdin."

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 8h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Typheous 7h 2m IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

Psyche 7h 3m IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

--[Sun Aug 24 01:37:40 2003]--------------------------------[3 users; 0s lag]--

Psyche sighs, sitting up, drawing her knees to her chest. There are several false starts to her sentence - little more than breaths taken, held, and exhaled - before she manages to say something. "I was wrong about you. Or you've changed. Maybe some of both."

Typheous smiles up at the ceiling. "We've both changed, but thank you. And you've proven to me that Vance and Alex were both wrong about you." He looks down at you again, Red Cap and all, sighing softly before he closes his eye. "We've both learned quite a lot recently."

Psyche nods, "Funny how things change. Funny how strange it felt -not- to know where you were, however briefly."

Typheous nods slowly. "So... empty. At first I hated it..." He chuckles softly. "I'd go out of my way to gett drunk some nights so that I would stop caring that you were in my head."

Psyche rests her chin on her knees. "Thus ensuring that I would wake up the next morning with a hangover."

Typheous sighs softly. "Yes, there is that...." He pulls one leg up on the chair he's sitting on and wraps his arms aroudn it, resting his chin on his knee. "And I am sorry about that."

Psyche watches you, a faint smile crossing her face. "It's in the past." She shakes her head. "I was afraid you and Alex were going to go out on a pub crawl tonight...just like old times, that maybe all of this was really just you making the best of a bad situation."

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 8h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Psyche 8h 27s IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Typheous 8h 2m IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

--[Sun Aug 24 01:53:05 2003]--------------------------------[3 users; 0s lag]--

Typheous chuckles. "And me being a child about it." He opens his eye. "Damn backlash... It'd be really nice to see you facial expressions tonight... I guess I'll have to settle for inflections and listening to your voice." He lets his eye slip back shut.

Psyche chuckles softly. "If you can hear it over your background music." She sighs. "If there were anything I could do to help, I would."

Typheous smiles softly to himself. "I know." His music is being annoying just loud enough that it can be hard to find inflection. thankfully it seems to match his. "Thank you for offering, though."

Psyche returns the smile. "Can I call it vanity, so I can pretend I really don't -care- that you're frustrated?"

[OOC] You say, "I'm falling over, folks. Email me the rest of the log. Night, guys."

Typheous smirks. "Only if you don't beat yourself up over it. and Gods forbid that you actually care about me." His muic counterpoints his statement.

[OOC] Psyche snugs.

[OOC] Typheous grins. I'm not sure I'll last much longer, but we'll give you a log, definately.

[OOC] You say, "Thanks."

*** Disconnected ***

Psyche . o O ( I'll meet you out front...Something's wrong. Really wrong. And I don't know what. I should be happy for her, she says she's never been happier...she looks better. But it's...something's wrong. I'm tired of working out riddles and not feeling safe. )

Typheous is waiting at the door already, though he's inside, out of the snow. He'll head out to meet Psyche when he sees her near the building. . o O ( Not feeling safe? )

Psyche takes enough time to drop off her pack and grab a coat from her room before she meets him. . o O ( Everything that's's like you can't tell where the next brick is going to come from that hits you over the head."

[OOC] Typheous takes it his fae-issues clear up sometime soon?

Typheous has his cloak with him, it pulled tight around him. "Where shall we go? I hear the park is haunted."

Psyche smiles a bit. "There can't possibly be more than a thousand. I can deal with that. Unless you had somewhere in mind..."

Typheous chuckles and shakes his head. "No. I don't think I could convince Alex that we weren't up to something if I kicked him out of my room." He turns toward the park. "Shall we?"

[OOC] Eclipse says, "By morning, definitely, but not tonight..."

[OOC] You say, "So do I look like a redcap?"

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Yes, you do. Facial expressions are muted at best, and usually indeterminate..."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Great.... Gyah... And if they're out all night? ;)"

[OOC] You say, "Anything I could do to clear it up?"

[OOC] Eclipse says, "The worst thing to do for a backlash is to use magic to eliminate the backlash. It's like popping zits with a red hot poker."

[OOC] You say, "Anything -nonmagical- I could do? :P"

[OOC] Typheous coughs.

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Grin when you want him to see you smile?"

[OOC] Psyche chuckles.

[OOC] Psyche has this feeling T plans to keep her out all night anyway.

[OOC] Typheous chuckles. Possibly. Though it's a bit cold.

[OOC] Eclipse says, "You should be used to it, hanging out with Psyche..."

Psyche starts that way. There's a long silence. "I have a single..."

Typheous glances over to you. "And you're willing to live with the rumors?" . o O ( Dammit, why did it have to be tonight that everyone looks like a RedCap. )

Psyche's eyes glitter slightly, a hint of amusement in her voice. "We've been gone for a month. Aren't I going to be living with them already?" . o O ( In a strange way, that makes me feel safer. )

Typheous smirks. "Oh yes... Eloping and all." He turns his head toward your dorm. "If you wouldn't mind, it'd be better than setting up Force shilds." . o O (What? Think this will stop me from making comments about how you look? )

Psyche turns back toward the dorm. "It's a mess, and I haven't been in it for more than five minutes in a month, but I don't suppose you'd notice if I hadn't told you." She bends, scooping up a handful of snow and tossing it at him lightly. . o O ( At least I know you're either mad or relying on your obviously imprecise memory to make them. )

Typheous sputters as the snow hits him. "It is lets-throw-snow-at-Typheous day, isn't it?" . o O ( We'll argue that later, when I can see you clearly and you don't have that arguement to use against me. )

Psyche laughs, a little of the tension leaving her. "What can I say? Maybe being packed in ice suits you." . o O ( I still want to know why it matters. )

Typheous smirks slightly. "And I'm glad Vance didn't hear that or we'd never see the end of it." . o O ( It does... and it doesn't. Beauty is a thing to be treasured, physical or otherwise. )

Psyche rolls her eyes. "Don't get me started on Vance." She pulls the door open and holds it for you. "He came to me the night after the illusion exam, apologising to me and acting like he honestly regretted the way he'd treated me. And I told him that the month of him not imposing himself on my presence stood, but that if he wanted to act like a human toward me I was all for second chances." The tension is back in her voice, and the air around her is no warmer inside the dorm than out. "So much for second chances."

Psyche . o O ( So put me in a box and sit me on the shelf? )

Typheous starts to reach for your shoulder but pauses. "Don't think on him. No need to add more tension tonight." . o O ( That's not what I meant and you know it. )

Psyche ducks a little away from your hand, making her way to her room. "It's almost comforting that he still pisses me off. After least -he- hasn't changed."

Typheous stops himself before letting his hand touch your shoulder. "Yes. He seems to have annoyed us all... So... petty." He follows Psyche, trying not to look at all the Red Cap Women.

Psyche unlocks and opens the door to her room, gesturing you in. The most untidy thing about it is her pack on the floor next to the desk. Otherwise, except for the dust of a month's absence, it looks like something out of Dorm Room Magazine; preternaturally neat. "Don't feel like playing Academy politics any more?"

Typheous ducks into the room. "Your room looks fine. And not really. It seems trivial compared to Caine... At least it should be easier.... "

Psyche flicks at some invisible speck. "Politic of you to say it. I doubt I'll be able to sleep tonight until I've got it clean again. This dust drives me nuts." She takes her coat off, puts it away, and holds out a hand for your cloak. "Everything seems...trivial, it's a good word. I want to tell myself I'm just used to everytrhing being a big deal, that there really isn't something terribly wrong about Mer..."

Typheous shrugs himself out of his cloak, handing it to you as he glances around the room for a place to sit. "No, I think there is. People don't rip the hearts out of people with scissors normally."

"No," Psyche says casually, hanging the cloak up next to her coat and hooking the chair by her desk out with a foot for you to sit on. "If I were going to rip someone's heart out, I'd do it with a trowel or a good-sized blade. Something with some width to it." [Psyche]

Typheous rolls his eyes and takes the seat. "I was meaning that if someone's attacking you, most people don't go quite that violent."

Psyche sits down on the edge of the bed, pulling her shoes off and tucking them neatly away. "Mer, particularly. And then to say she only regrets not having more time to make him suffer..." She shivers, rubbing her arms. "So I'm not being overly emotional, just because it's Mer and she doesn't need me to protect her like she did a month ago?"

Typheous shakes his head. "Mind if I take mine off as well?" He indicates his own boots. "And no, you're not. She is different and there's something...strange about it."

Psyche nods. "Be my guest. Make yourself comfortable. I'll sanitize it all after you go." There's a hint of wryness about her voice. "So...what -do- I look like right now?"

Typheous chuckles softly and begins unfastening his boots. "Thanks.... Well...." He concentrates on your face, an image forming in his mind of the feirce fae that have managed to cause him so much grief so far sitting just as you are on your bed acting quite more civilized than they ever did. A few of your features seem to peek through, though the vision is definately a Red Cap.

Psyche laughs softly. "That's a bit disconcerting. Perhaps I should try snarling more."

Typheous smirks. "Please don't. It's disconcerting enough." He leans back in the chari and closes his eye after pulling of his second boot. "At least I know it's you so I know something went weird on me."

Psyche grins. "What makes you so sure it's me?"

Typheous quirks his eyebrow without opennig his eye. "You didn't let me touch your shoulder."

Psyche leans back on the bed, crossing one knee over the other. "I see. Fae aren't so prickly?"

Typheous shrugs. "Something like that. That and these have tended to do me grievious harm. I'd rather not talk about my visual hallucinations right now, though."

Psyche studies the ceiling. "What -do- you want to talk about?"

Typheous lets out a slow breath. "Something less important that the fate of the world?"

Psyche points and flexes her toes, stretching her ankles out. "Like the fact that my bookshelves are dusty and I don't know how I'm going to catch up on the fucking -homework- I've missed?

Typheous chuckles shaking his head. "Only you could look at the end of the world, Psyche, and worry about a month's worth of back homework." He opens his eye to look up at the ceiling. "I was thinking more about some other things that were said recently."

Psyche responds quite seriously. "Master Liriel said I was responsible for it. I agreed. I fucking well keep my promises." There's a pause, before she shifts around to look at you. "Things that were said..."

Typheous glances down to you briefly. "Just... how things have changed. Between us, since we left Wyzdin."

Psyche sighs, sitting up, drawing her knees to her chest. There are several false starts to her sentence - little more than breaths taken, held, and exhaled - before she manages to say something. "I was wrong about you. Or you've changed. Maybe some of both."

Typheous smiles up at the ceiling. "We've both changed, but thank you. And you've proven to me that Vance and Alex were both wrong about you." He looks down at you again, Red Cap and all, sighing softly before he closes his eye. "We've both learned quite a lot recently."

Psyche nods, "Funny how things change. Funny how strange it felt -not- to know where you were, however briefly."

Typheous nods slowly. "So... empty. At first I hated it..." He chuckles softly. "I'd go out of my way to gett drunk some nights so that I would stop caring that you were in my head."

Psyche rests her chin on her knees. "Thus ensuring that I would wake up the next morning with a hangover."

Typheous sighs softly. "Yes, there is that...." He pulls one leg up on the chair he's sitting on and wraps his arms aroudn it, resting his chin on his knee. "And I am sorry about that."

Psyche watches you, a faint smile crossing her face. "It's in the past." She shakes her head. "I was afraid you and Alex were going to go out on a pub crawl tonight...just like old times, that maybe all of this was really just you making the best of a bad situation."

Typheous chuckles. "And me being a child about it." He opens his eye. "Damn backlash... It'd be really nice to see you facial expressions tonight... I guess I'll have to settle for inflections and listening to your voice." He lets his eye slip back shut.

Psyche chuckles softly. "If you can hear it over your background music." She sighs. "If there were anything I could do to help, I would."

Typheous smiles softly to himself. "I know." His music is being annoying just loud enough that it can be hard to find inflection. thankfully it seems to match his. "Thank you for offering, though."

Psyche returns the smile. "Can I call it vanity, so I can pretend I really don't -care- that you're frustrated?"

[OOC] Eclipse says, "I'm falling over, folks. Email me the rest of the log. Night, guys."

Typheous smirks. "Only if you don't beat yourself up over it. and Gods forbid that you actually care about me." His muic counterpoints his statement.

Psyche hugs her knees to her chest a little tighter. "No self-flagellation tonight," she answers, wryly. "Just me trying to sort things into familiar boxes and failing."

Typheous gives you a knowning smile. He takes several minutes looking at you, or rather the Fae-ized version that he sees. "You too?"

Psyche closes her eyes, nodding quietly. "What doesn't fit for you?" she asks tentatively, after a few minutes. . o O ( Why is it that the less we fight, the more time we spend talking out loud? )

Typheous looks back up at the ceiling. "Besides Mer ripping people to shreds? You, mostly. Not fitting int he boxes you used to. You... and what I feel about you." . o O ( I like the sound of your voice... And it makes me feel more... normal? )

Psyche arches one brow, eyes slitting open. She makes an inquisitive, slightly bewildered noise. . o O ( Nothing's normal about this. )

Typheous smiles slightly. "the only box anything is fitting in is one I didn't ever think it would." . o O (Would you rather talk like this? )

Psyche shakes her head fractionally. . o O ( was more of an observation. ) There's a long silence. "What box is that?"

Typheous takes his time answering, seeming as if he's not quite sure he's ready to admit it. "That may, just maybe I like you." He falls silent, even his music becoming muted.

If Psyche's long silence didn't give a hint as to her inner turmoil, the mental jumble that ensues would make sure. "And what if you do?" Her eyes are still slitted, watching you through her lashes, cautiously. [Psyche]

Typheous takes a long breath. "Then I'm going to ask you what boxes are givng you problems."

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 5, 8, 6, 8, 8, 8, 5, 6 No diff given.

Psyche's eyes shadow closed again, that silence ensuing as she searches for something to say. "It's becoming more and more difficult to dislike you. Particularly since I seem to be doing it out of habit, rather than based on evidence. And I...couldn't even force myself to volunteer to go with Lady Del'zenivras without you. Not when it would've meant cutting everything off."

Typheous nods slowly, listenign to the words over his music. "And what do you think that means?"

Psyche . o O ( It means that as much as I don't want to, as much as it goes against what I'm working for, I think I'm stuck with the same box. )

Typheous chuckles softly. "Who would have thought we'd be here now..." He opens his eye and leans forward on the chair a bit, his elbows resting on his knees.

Psyche stays where she is, although her knees are now drawn so tightly against her that she manages to wrap her hands around the arches of her feet. She closes her eyes. "When did you stop being someone I could depend on to fiught with all the time and start being someone I could trust to listen to me but not trust myself to think straight about?"

Typheous smiles softly. "I think I can answer that when you can answer me the same question." He tentatively offers a hand, not closer enough to actually touch you, though.

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 2, 7, 4, 1, 10, 1, 8, 8 No diff given.

Psyche unwraps one arm, slowly, resting her fingertips against yours with a little start of shock.

Psyche . o O ( Well, shit. I suppose I'm going to be waiting a while. )

Typheous doesn't move his hand closer, his face and his music warming at the touch. . o O ( Perhaps... But...) He takes a deep breath. . o O ( In the mean time, I'll be here. )

Psyche shakes her head slightly. . o O ( I still don't believe you don't feel that. How can you not? ) She slides her fingers along yours until her whole hand meets yours. She's changing the subject, and it shows.

Typheous wraps his fingers around your hand. . o O ( I feel something... but not what you do... I don't know why... Maybe that's lost in this strange connection between us... But you're changing the subject...)

Psyche closes her eyes, smiling wryly. . o O ( I don't know what the hell to say. Or do. Or think. Can't I just slap you for being complicated and pretend you're still the arrogant asshole you were when we met? )

Typheous leans forward more. . o O ( You could, if you wanted to... If you really wanted to hurt me like that.) He's sitting on the edge of the chair, trying to move closer without shifting to the bed.

Psyche keeps her eyes closed. . o O ( And my cheek would hurt for a week, and you'd be unhappy, and I'd know it...and I hate seeing people suffer, and what are you doing here? )

Typheous looks slightly confused. . o O ( Doing where? ) He opens his eye slowly.

Psyche opens her eyes, unfolding her other hand to gesture. "Here. In my room. Asking questions that don't have answers."

Typheous squeeses you hand slightly. "And holding your hand? I thought we went over this. And I thought it was because we both are stuck liking eachother." He takes a slow breath. "But if you think I should go...."

Psyche shakes her head a bit. "No. Yes. I don't know. Godsdamnit."

Typheous lets his eye fall to his hand and the red-cap-Psyche hand in it. "If you don't mind... I'd like to stay a little bit longer."

Psyche draws her hand back, taking a deep breath, scooting back on her bed. "St..." She hesitates. "Stay as long as you like." Her voice is a little unsteady, something in the back of her mind carefully stifled.

Typheous settles hismself into the chair. ".... Thank you." He studies your eyes carefully, trying to ignore the rest of the now-fae face. "There's something on your mind...No.. you don't have to share it."

Psyche leans up against the wall, near the head, as far away as she can get. Her eyes are bewidlered, troubled. "Been on my mind for a long time." . o O ( Don't worry about it. It's just me being a teenager, as trite as taht sounds. )

Typheous frowns slightly. leaning back in the chair. "Of course.... " He gives one longing look towards you before closing his eye again. . o O ( There a reason you keep moving further from me? )

Psyche smiles slightly, wryly. . o O ( Equilibrium. You have a detrimental effect on it. )

Typheous chuckles softly. . o O ( Do you always have to be balanced? )

Psyche rubs her arms again, as if trying to scrub off the goosebumps. . o O ( I try to. How else can I decide what's best in a situation? )

Typheous's face settlesinto a warm smile. "I suppose that is a good idea... Though I've heard taht these sorts of situations are impossible to stay balanced in. Or to be rational about."

Psyche leans her head against the wall. "So what do -you- plan to do?"

Typheous slits his eye open. "I don't know... Not cut myself off from you. Not unless you ask me to."

Psyche shakes her head. "I don't want you to. That much I'm sure about. It's just the rest. I don't know whether I want to hide or scream or hit you..."

Typheous sits in silence for several moments. "Maybe there's another option... another choice."

Psyche opens her eyes, arching a brow silently.

Typheous smiles softly, his eye meeint yours. "You yourself said I don't fit in any of the boxes you had before. And I know you've had me in each of those boxes. What's left to try?"

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 1, 3, 4, 1, 9, 1, 7, 7 No diff given.

Psyche pales slightly, knees coming defensively back up to her chest. "I don't know." There's almost desperation in it. "You aren't supposed to fit in any of the others. I shouldn't like you - you're obnoxious and irritating and constantly trying to get a rise out of me." Hands wrap around her knees again. "Well, you've got one, and I don't know what to do, because they don't make books like this, and you know if I can't find it in a book I'm stuck..."

Typheous takes a slow breath. "I... I might have something... But you'd have to come back here or let me come over there."

Psyche unfolds slightly, gesturing to the bed. "I won't bite your head off if you come over here." Her face and voice show her confusion.

Typheous stands slowly and moves imself to sit on the edge of the bed, much closer to you. "Now..." . o O ( Close your eyes and relax. )

Psyche takes a deep breath, folding her legs down Indian-style, closing her eyes, mind searching for some clue as to what you're planning as she exhales.

Typheous watches you for a long moment before closing his own eye and slowly, lightly placing a kiss on your lips and holding it there, incredibly lightly.

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 3, 10, 10, 1, 2, 6, 2, 6 ** 1 success (diff 8) **

Psyche flinches at the contact, pulling back quickly, eyes flying wide with surprise. . o O ( what the fuck? )

Typheous sighs softly, leaning back, hiseye not meeting yours. . o O ( I'm sorry.... )

Psyche folds her arms tightly across her chest, staring at you. . o O ( Why? )

Typheous looks back up at you. . o O ( Why am I sorry or why did I kiss you? )

Psyche . o O ( Yes. )

Typheous . o O ( I'm sorry because you didn't seem to want it... And I kissed you because running away, screaming, or fighting with you wasn't working any more. So I tried what I thought was something we hadn't tried yet. )

Psyche licks her lips, unnerved, and shakes her head. . o O ( It...I don't startled me, there was that jolt... )

Typheous sighs softly, his eye dropping. . o O ( I didn't mean to startle you.... I can get my things... ) It sounds like leaving is the last thing he wants to do right now, though. Not that he sounds like he really knows what he wants to do if he stays, either.

"No, stay." It's almost reflexively spoken, echoed a moment later. . o O ( I don't know, Typh. I...don't be sorry. )

Typheous seems a bit surprised by this reacton, settling back down on the bed. . o O ( I... I'm only sorry I startled you... Not that.. I kissed you. )

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 10, 9, 7, 4, 8, 9, 1, 9 No diff given.

Psyche swallows, hard. . o O ( I wasn't expecting it...I'm sorry I jumped like that... ) She watches you, starting to draw her knees up again.

Typheous reaches his hand out and places it on your knee. . o O ( We could... try again... ) He doesn't sound hopeful so much as more trying to make up for a bad first try.

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 7, 10, 3, 9, 5, 1, 1, 4 No diff given.

Psyche jumps again as you touch her knee, but doesn't quite recoil. . o O ( Could. )

Typheous shifts closer again, more slowly, his eye sliding closed, seeming to wait for your reaction.

Psyche closes her eyes again. You can feel her tension, the chill deepening around her. . o O ( I...I'll try not to jump. I can't promise. You don't know how strange it feels, having you touch me. )

Typheous waits for a fwe moments. . o O ( No.... Not exactly..) And with that he leans forward again, placing another light kiss on your lips.

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 2, 8, 4, 1, 10, 6, 5, 3 No diff given.

Psyche does jump, but only a little, not pulling back this time, just letting your lips rest against hers.

Typheous holds the kiss for serveral moments before pulling back just slightly, just enough that they could speak if they wanted.

Psyche does, after a moment, sounding a little out of breath. "Now what?"

Typheous chuckles sfotly. "Well, does this seem to be the right box?" His eye opens breifly, before he remembers there's a redcap staring at time.

Psyche takes a deep breath, her voice no steadier. "I don't know....I...never really planned on using it."

Typheous lifts a hand to rest on your shoulder. "Least of all with me?" He takes a slow breath. "If.... If you needed time to think... I can...go... Or..." He shakes his head. . o O ( No... I can't phrase that to make it sound like I'm not coming onto you. )

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 6, 4, 6, 5, 2, 7, 3, 10 No diff given.

Psyche, in her usual idiom, finds an inexplicable humour in the thought, lips twitching as she tries to stifle her laughter, then gives up, giggling, trying to cover her mouth as if that's going to make it less obvious.

Psyche . o O ( not coming on to me... )

Typheous chuckles softly. "I suppose I am sitting on your bed kissing you..." He lets the hand on your shoulder slide down your arm a bit.

Psyche nods. "Or at least a redcap that looks like me..." She doesn't pull away, still giggling.

Typheous smirks, his hand resting on your upper arm. "Don't remind me..," His smirk becomes a smile. "So..."

Psyche's giggles fade after a moment, face growing serious. "So..."

Typheouskeeps his smile, his music turning serious. "So we've both ended up with boxes we didn't think we'd end up at."

Psyche starts to move to draw her knees up to her chest, removing them from under your hand. "This is where I should slap you, tell you to get out, and cry all night, right?" Her voice is deadpan.

Typheous's smiles falters slightly. "That's one option... yes... Or we throw caution to the wind and I end up with a story about sleeping with a RedCap..." His music carries all the hint of sarcasm one needs to tell he isn't serious about this second option.

Psyche, your sarcasm or not, withdraws at the suggestion, eyes narrowing slightly, chill deepening. "Don't." She shivers, walls starting to come back up.

Typheous nods slowly. "No... I wouldn't think of it... Not now." He lets his hand fall from your shoulder. He looks to the floor. "Would you really cry all night because of this?"

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 10, 4, 9, 3, 10, 4, 5, 8 No diff given.

Psyche sighs, dropping her forehead onto her knees. Her voice is muffled. "I try not to cry about things. Crying never solved anything..." She sighs. "But part of me feels like it, and part of me feels like slapping you..." She cuts off the train of words there.

Typheous takes a deep, slow breath, almost as if waiting for you to continue. "... and?" . o O ( You could slap me if it would make you feel better... )

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 1, 5, 2, 4, 6, 4, 6, 9 No diff given.

Psyche doesn't look up, the words torn from her unwillingly. "And part of me wants you to kiss me again. But I don't know which part is really me, and what's me just being a teenager and wondering if I'm missing out on something despite all I say, and what's me reacting to the unknown with fear instead of determination. And I wish I could lie to you, or at least not tell you everything that's on my mind, but at least I know that's just me." She pulls her knees even more tightly to herself. . o O ( Would that count toward it serving a purpose? Wasn't that what we agreed? )

Typheous nods slowly, looking up from the floor. . o O ( If you really think it would make you feel better, yes.... ) "Honestly... part of me wants you to slap me. Or throw me out, yelling and screaming. Then things would be back to the way they were. They wouldn't be as confused as they are now."

Psyche lifts her chin slightly, looking over her knees at you. "Would they? What if I did slap you and send you back...would things really be back to how they were?" There's a long silence. . o O ( I don't know yet. *a sense of her holding something back* )

Typheous frowns, sighing softly. "No... But I could pretend they were. I wouldn't have to think about things... Although I would..." . o O ( It's up to you.... But... ) He sighs. "And part of me wants you to kiss me again..."

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 10, 2, 1, 10, 6, 6, 1, 2 No diff given.

Psyche takes a deep breath, looking at you over her knees. "Does it feel different?" Her voice is small, reluctant. . o O ( But it's too late to go back or feel better. I think we've learned that in the last month... )

Typheous takes several moments to think, his mind strangely muted, like his music. "... Yes. Better... Different... More... real.. no... More... connected? ... I don't know." . o O ( No... we can't go back... and I don't think I'd want to. )

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 4, 10, 1, 5, 1, 4, 8, 5 No diff given.

Psyche licks her lips, nervously, uncurling a bit more. "...I don't have any idea what to do now...I...I know it's late, but maybe we -should- go out and walk for a bit..." . o O ( What happens if you -do- kiss me again? )

Typheous frowns in thought. . o O ( Well, we could go steady... But I think that would put a number of professors into an early grave because of heartattacks. ) "We could... And it's not like we can't just make it so we can ignore the cold..."

Psyche tenses, withdrawing at the thought. . o O ( In that case, don't... ) It's hard to say exactly what her emotions are regarding the suggestion - she's a turmoil of them. "Or we could enjoy the cold and come in when we're cold, like normal kids for once...we're not in any real danger, why waste magic?" . o O ( *privately* I need some cool air...something to clear my mind... )

Typheous stops himself from moving closer towards you, almost as if he's stopping a hug mid-motion and stands slowly. "Then let's get our things on..." . o O ( No.. I really don't want to see any of the professors dead beacause of us... )

Psyche swallows, still a little more distant, eyes watching you almost warily. . o O ( I'm more worried about me than the professors. ) She climbs slowly off the bed, not taking her gaze off you.

Typheous turns around to look at you, eye lost in thought. . o O ( Oh? It was just a suggestion... and to be honest the whole 'going steady' thing seems abit... frivilous anymore. Not that I'm suggesting it... And it wouldn't have to follow... another one. ) He starts to sit on the chair next to his boots.

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 1, 3, 3, 4, 1, 9, 9, 2 No diff given.

Psyche picks up her shoes, concentrating on them for the moment, trying to file her thoughts back into the protected part of her mind. . o O ( I don't know anything about this, Typh. I...if it were someone else involved and I were just watching, I still wouldn't know what comes next, what to do... ) She looks up at you, cheeks flushing slightly. "This is your area of expertise, not mine..."

Typheous chuckles softly, pulling his boots on and lacing them. "You'd be surprised. If I'm hunting, I know exactly what to do. I know how to court a girl, even when not 'hunting'. But you don't respond to most of the normal steps I know. I'm not much better off."

Psyche takes an inordinate amount of time to fasten her shoes. "So if I were a normal girl you were courting...what would you do now?"

Typheous chuckles softly. "Either go for a walk to 'clear our heads' or cuddle on the bed. And while both, admittedly, are attractive right now, though..."

Psyche finally finishes, standing and crossing to her closet, pulling out a pure white coat. "I don't know if I'm completely comfortable with the idea of 'cuddling' the walk it is." . o O ( I don't know about you, but my head needs clearing. )

Typheous smiles softly. "Yes... I'll admit it would be a bit... awkward...." He waits for you to hand him his cloak, havining finished with his boots. . o O ( Clearing.. yes... That would be good... )

Psyche holds out the cloak. "Shall we see about the ghosts in the park, then?" . o O

Psyche . o O ( Very good. )

Typheous takes the cloak, wrapping it around himself. He smiles. "Yes. Hopefully the others have given up on the flying snow." . o O (The air might help us both... )

Psyche moves to her door, unlocking and opening it. "With any luck." She gestures you out. . o O ( Not to mention that outside is a little less...close. )

Typheous steps out into the hall, waiting for you. . o O ( Well, there is that... ) It's hard to tell if he's releived or upset at that idea.

Psyche follows, locking the door carefully, then moving up beside you. She doesn't spend too much time thinking about whether or not you're relieved. . o O ( Shall we? )

Typheous starts walking, trying to keep you beside hime. . o ( Yes, let's. ) He falls silent until they reach the door unless addressed.

Psyche doesn't say anything, fiddling with her hands briefly, then cramming them into her coat sleeves, a chill already surrounding her.

Typheous holds the door for Psyche and then pockets one of his hands, the other hands at his side towards you, half offered, as though he's not sure you want it or not. "So... to the park?"

Psyche hesitates, not quite tucking her hand into yours, but at least removing it from her sleeve. "To the park." A pause. . o O ( Why do I feel so fucking awkward? )

Typheous flashes you a brief smile. . o O ( You're not alone... ) He reaches forward and hesitantly takes your hand as he starts walking slowly through the snow.

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 4, 4, 6, 9, 1, 3, 4, 6 No diff given.

Psyche jumps at the contact of hand on hand, but doesn't quite pull away. A few minutes later, she returns a hint of a smile, although it's probably not visible behind the redcap mask. . o O ( Is it -always- this fucking uncomfortable? Shit, I'd rather be fighting. )

Typheous lets his hand settle slowly into yours, not pushing anything. . o O ( Eventually we might learn to like it... ) He turns back to watching the snow. At least it doesn't look like the things have tried to kill him on several occasions.

Psyche, after the initial shock, seems to relax a bit. . o O ( Or stop acting like we haven't been living in each others' minds for months? ) She matches your steps toward the park.

Typheous lets his fingers and his hand lock in with yours as he walks, moving only to make things more comfortable. . o O ( There might be that too... ) His steps are quick enough to keep himself warm, but not too pressing. . o O ( Though, it is nice to be able to talk this through in a way no one else can hear... )

Psyche chuckles softly. . o O ( True. So... )

Typheous's fingers stop when they've interlocked themselves with yours. . o O ( So... Where were we... Was it talking about would this even be less awkward... And I suppose the only way to really find out is to try it... )

Psyche turns a quizzical eye on you. . o O ( What, exactly, are we trying? )

Typheous glances quickly to you before returning to the snow. . o O ( Liking each other. And right now, holding hands. )

Psyche grins a bit. . o O ( And being civil. Don't forget being civil. ) Her hand tightens briefly on yours. . o O ( It goes away after a bit, that funny feeling. Sort of...subsides. )

Typheous squeezes back slightly. . o O ( Oh yes, mustn't forget that.... I'm glad. ) He glances around the snow briefly, his eye stopping on you briefly.

Psyche glances over at you at about the same time. . o O ( Yes, otherwise I'd be retching by now. I don't think I'll ever get used to it. )

Typheous smiles at your before returning his gaze to the snow. . o O ( I'm glad I don't make you retch... Especially when I kissed you... That would have ruined the whole experience. )

Psyche grins. . o O ( That depends on your definition of ruined, doesn't it? ) Her feet find their way unerringly through the snow to the lookout point where their last walk on campus had taken them. . o O ( So...still see naked nymphs in the trees? )

Typheous chuckles softly. . o O ( No... Not tonight.... ) He scans the park and lightly squeezes your hand. . o O ( As much as I feel awkward saying it, I'm enjoying your company too much. )

Psyche drops her eyes slightly, an uncharacteristically shy gesture from the girl. . o O ( This is where I get prickly and accuse you of wanting something from me because you're being nice... ) There's a wry twist to it.

Typheous quirks his eye brow. . o O ( Do you want me to be? ) He stops his walk, tilting his head to try to draw your eyes back up to him, Fae or not, his music soft and warm.

Psyche takes another step before she realises you've stopped, then turns, one brow arched in question, eyes meeting yours before she has a chance to duck her head again. . o O ( I don't know what I want. Just...don't turn into everyone else. )

Typheous chuckles softly. . o O

Typheous chuckles softly. . o O ( I really don't intend to. ) He takes a single step to closer the gap between them. . o O ( And to be honest, I don't know what I want... )

Psyche bites her lip, not looking away, the redcap's features concealing the play of subtle emotions across her face, although her mental voice is threaded with them. . o O ( Maybe it's just...maybe all this is just some kind of culture shock...we've been fighting for our lives and the world...and now we're back here... )

Typheous bears the redcap face as long as he can before letting his eye slide shut. . o O ( That's definately part of it... but not all... We've both changed while we were out there... )

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 7, 1, 6, 6, 6, 7, 6, 2 No diff given.

Psyche nods slightly, shivering a bit as a chill breeze finds its way under her coat. "Godsdamnit, I wish you weren't seeing fae everywhere. One night in my life when I think I want to hear the sincerity in your voice when you say the things you do, and I know you can't even see my face. It's not fucking fair. I don't -want- to like you, and I don't -want- to want to kiss you again." She balls her hands into fists, or at least her free hand, the other tightening to the point of pain.

Typheous returns the pressure on your hand as a reminder that his hand is still there. "But you do like me..." He stops, a soft smile on his face, leaving the rest of the statement unsaid. "And I wish I could see your face.... Tonight, of all nights, I had to go and start seeing fae..." He sighs softly. "Dammit..."

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 5, 5, 4, 6, 4, 4, 8, 10 No diff given.

Psyche releases the pressure on your hand a moment later with a murmured "sorry". She takes a deep breath, and lifts your fingers to rest against her cheek. . o O ( You just see fae, right? )

Typheous nods slowly, his face light, though his music hinting at his frustration. "It's ok..." His fingers remain light on your cheek. . o O ( Yes... The people I see all look like Red Caps. )

Psyche releases your hand, her hand moving to your wrist, giving your fingers free reign. . o O ( But you can feel what's underneath. Like with the music...and the's better than nothing... ) She stays quite still, after that.

Typheous lets his fingers travel over your face lightly, his eye closed. . o O ( Yes... I can.... Thank you. ) He lets his find travel down your nose before it moves back your cheek.

Psyche doesn't move, hardly breathing as your fingers travel over her face, although the brush on her nose brings an involuntary smile. . o O ( Is it enough? )

Typheous' fingers trace over your cheek and runs along the edge of your ear. . o O ( ... Yes.... What more is there? ) He moves just slightly closer.

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 4, 4, 8, 4, 7, 9, 5, 10 No diff given.

Psyche shivers again, slightly, taking a deep breath before closing the gap, eyes shuttering as she touches her lips to yours. . o O ( I'm going to hate myself in the morning... )

Typheous lets his lips fall lightly on yours, pressing only slightly more firmly than he did in the room. . o O ( Don't. Please... don't hate yourself for this... )

Psyche's free hand shifts, against or in spite of her will, to rest on your shoulder, not pulling away. . o O ( ...I don't know...Everything's...strange...I should've slapped you or kicked you out or not invited you at all... )

Typheous lets his fingers slide into your hair. . o O ( Shhh.... ) His music seems to mirror his thoughts, matching the situation admirably. He pulls you closer to him, his cloak parting as his other hand slips around your waist.

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 8, 6, 9, 3, 8, 3, 2, 4 No diff given.

Psyche . o O ( I have no fucking clue what I'm doing, Typh... ) She tilts her head instinctively, letting you take control of the situation, leaning into your arm.

Typheous holds the kiss, firm and warm, pulling you closer to him. . o O ( Relax... I'm not as sure as I look, either... )

Psyche relaxes fractionally, yielding to the pull, hand sliding down your arm to run her fingers experimentally through your hair. . o O ( This -is- relaxed. ) Maybe, if one were used to living one's life mounted on the proverbial stick.

Typheous presses himself against you, slowly releasing the kiss, though his eye stays closed. "I think we're getting better at this..." . o O ( I'm going to have to work on your idea of relaxed... Stop worrying about what's the 'right' thing to do next and let yourself be.)

Psyche's voice is dry, again a little breathless. "You're the expert...I don't know." She doesn't pull away. . o O ( I don't work like that...I just...Godsdamn, what am I -doing- here? )

Typheous pulls his hand from your hair to run his fingers over your face again. "I suppose I am... " . o O ( I know. But not two months ago you wouldn't have been caught dead kissing me. But then again, I probably wouldn't have been caught dead kissing you... )

Psyche shivers subtly at the touch. . o O ( So much for clearing my head. I'm more confused than when we left...Why can't I -think- straight? ) The question seems to be sincerely distressing to her.

Typheous takes a small step back. . o O ( Would it help if I stopped? ) His face is concerned, seems he's finally used to seeing a RedCap, or at least it isn't taxing him as much.

Psyche steps back, wrapping her arms around herself, withdrawing again. . o O ( I...yes. No. Augh, godsfuckingdamn... ) She spins around, leaning her forehead against a nearby tree.

Typheous stands an arms length away, watching you, trying not to reach out to you. . o O ( ... What can I do, Psyche? Anything? ) He holds his arms to his side waiting for a response.

Psyche takes a deep, shuddering breath, letting it out on a string of air-blistering obscenities, although they're practically under her breath. There might be some in there that could be applied to you, or maybe she's just letting off steam. . o O ( I need to write. I always write alone. I don't want to be alone. )

Typheous nods slowly, standing silently behind you. . o ( I can be quiet and let you write... ) His suggestion carries a weight of tentativeness that he usually doesn't have. Even his music seems to have grown very soft-footed. . o O ( And I won't read it. Unless you want me to. )

Psyche stiffens at the very thought. . o O ( Nobody reads my journals. ) It's a mental snarl, almost, before she gets control of herself again. . o O ( Sit in the corner and be quiet...or as quiet as you can...not say anything or do anything or touch anything...if you can. )

Typheous nods, a hint of caution in his music at the mental snarl. . o O ( I was just reassuring you, Psyche, not suggesting that I would. ) He takes a deep breath and offers a tentative hand. . o O ( And I will be as quite and still as I can... ) He sighs. . o O ( If I could see straight... )

Psyche shakes her head fractionally, not even looking at the offered hand. . o O ( Don't touch me. I'm trying to think. *a long pause* Please don't touch me. ) She straightens and starts back toward the dorms.

Typheous pulls the hand back. . o O ( Ok....) He follows you slowly. . o O ( Could I stop by my room? I'd like to pick something up that should help keep me quiet... )

Typheous will do his best to keep up, trying to make sure you don't get too far ahead. . o O ( My sketch book and pencils. )

Psyche nods, continuing toward the dorms, only pausing outside yours. She doesn't look at you again. Just gestures toward the door.

Typheous ducks inside and appears a few minutes later, his sketching pack with him. . o O ( Lead the way... )

Psyche does, again at the near-run that seems almost natural at her current sate of agitation. She holds the doorm door for you, makes her way up the stairs, and unlocks her door. . o O ( Just sit on the bed. And stay there. Pretend you're not here. I don't know why I can't just boot you out, but I don't want to be alone. )

Typheous nods to you. . o O( I'll do my best... ) He takes his boots off and hangs the cloak on the chair unless you hang it up for him. He settles himself on the far end of the bed, leaning against the wall pulling his sketch book and pencils from the pack.

Psyche takes the cloak, moving it to be hung up. Same with her coat, after checking to make sure the snow's been shaken off of it. She folds herself into her chair at her desk, and bends to work, writing with a furiousl intensitsy.

[OOC] You say, "I'll tell you if anything significant happens once I finish her entry :)"

[OOC] You say, "Go."

Typheous seettles himself into his sketch, workign slowly with the pencils, glancing up now and then only to get a slightly internally annoyed look on his face before he closes his eye for a moment. He's paying attention to any thoughts that make it through, but his own mind is focused on the task at hand and his only thoughts seem to be the occasion muffled grumbling involving the words 'dammed scorging' or similar frustrations. His odd concentrations after seem to be him trying to remeber something in very precise detail.

[OOC] Typheous says, "And his roll on the sketch: [Roll]: Typheous rolled Dexterity (5) and Artist (1) (6d10): 2, 10, 6, 9, 3, 3 No diff given."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Probably a 3 successer, though I probably can reroll that 10 for my dex spec (hand-eye coordination)"

Psyche's thoughts are only briefly evident before she settles into that blcking concentration; something that should by now be familiar to him. Very little leaks through the effort.

[OOC] You say, "And there I really do have to decide what she does, which means I have to finish the entry :)"

[OOC] Typheous grins. Sure. I'll wait then. :)

[Roll]: Typheous rolled dice (1d10): 4 No diff given.

Psyche , for the first twenty minutes or so, seems intense - intent, but under control. Slowly, though, her face - hidden both by the back turned to you and by the redcap's guise - begins to darken, giving way to a frown of concentration.

Typheous continues his sketch, glancingup at you every so often, waiting for you to break the silence. The only noise is his music's light dance and the sound of pencil on paper, the second broken by the occasional moment of deep thought, of him pulling a memory into his head.

Psyche ignores your presence, for the most part. The scratching of her pen suddenly pauses, a wave of nausea, revulsion and disgust mixed with real distress breaking through her block briefly. It takes her a moment to get control again.

Typheous glances up, concern on his face, though he doesn't speak. He spend several moments watching you, though, before going back to his sketch.

Psyche bites her lip, hard, before continuing to write. Some of it still leaks through. . o O ( ...Don't understand... want to torture...make him suffer...changed her... )

Typheous thoughts almost bubble into cohesion at that, Typheous almost directing a thought towards you before settling himself, though the look of concern returns to his face and he spends several minutes watching the Fae-you before he returns to his sketch. He's definately finished the rough parts of it, moving on to a slow refining of the piece.

Psyche takes a deep breath, setting the pen down for a moment, eyes closed, thoughts still crammed into the back of her mind. She shivers, the last of her thoughts leaking through. . o O ( How can she not see that it's worse than wrong...? )

Typheous slows his sketching, his finger slowly smudging a shadow on the page. His eye slowly moves up, letting out a soft breath a bit louder than his had been. His music seems to be gaining tense concern slowly as Psyche continues her thoughts.

Psyche shakes her head. "Breathe, Psyche," she murmurs under her breath, doing precisely that, and picking up the pen again.

Typheous stops the sketch, looking up but stopping and stretching to stop himself from saying anything. A stray thought comes across his mind, mostly stiffled . o O ( ... I hope... she's ok.. ) The she seems to definately mean Psyche. He forces himself to start the sketch again, though the concern is still evident on his mind, though.

Psyche finishes all of one paragraph before lowering the pen again, her frustration and upset seeming to spike outward from her in almost-visible waves. "Fuck." It's under her breath, a hint of tears in her voice.

Typheous cuts his breath off sharply, obviously stopping a concerned word, his finger still mid-smudge. . o O ( Are yo... sorry.) He looks back to the paper, annoyance at himself flashing over the concern for you.

Psyche doesn't turn around, leaving the pen down, voice tightly controlled, an edge - again, almost of tears - in it. "I'll be fine when I'm done thinking. Interrupt me, and I won't be." . o O ( This is why I write alone... )

Typheous takes a deep breath. . o ( I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to... ) He looks back to his sketch, burying himself in it. "And this is why I sketch alone... "

Psyche makes no acknowledgement of the words except to pick up her pen and commence writing again.

Typheous continues to sketch then, working on more and more precise details.

Psyche's writing continues, twenty minutes more or so with just that silent scratching and the emotions spiking off of her, practically bleeding out of the paper.

Typheous's own emotions seem carefully gauged, even his concern more muted than it had been before his slight outburst. He seems to be pouring himself into the paper before him and the pencil in his hand.

Psyche sets the pen down again, swiping at her eyes, muttering "Fuck" again as she blots the journal and keeps writing.

Typheous studies you carefully with his single eye, watching you movements, though not quite focussing on your fae-shape, looking past it, into his own memory. His movements on teh sketch are less freaquent now, edging and finishing touches more than anything else.

Psyche can't have written more than a few sentences before she shoves the journal aside and drops her head onto her hands. . o O ( Why can't I fucking think straight? What's -wrong- with me? ) It's obviously not meant for you to hear.

Typheous glances up briefly before looking back down to the sketch, a small smile on his face as he studies it. He sets his pencil back in the pack and then carefully pulling the sketch from the book. He lightly sets the sketch on the end of the bed closer to you, face up. The sketch is of Psyche's face, not the fae one, but the real one, drawn from memory. (ooc Made another roll, 6 successes total on this one.) He settles back on his end of the bed to watch the fae Psyche with her journal.

Psyche, this time, takes a long time to regain her control, crying silently into her arms, mind racing behind the shield she's still managing to keep up. She seems to have finally either forgotten you or succeeded in ignoring you.

Typheous keeps himself restrained, though the tears rip at him. He pulls his knees up to his chest, waiting for you to finish, a single tear threatening on the edge of his eye.

Psyche does finish, eventually, pulling the journal back toward her, writing again, with determination.

Typheousis curled into a bll on his end of the bed, the sketch offered between them. His face has a small path of a tear down its side and it is concentrating on you.

Psyche stops, mid-sentence, almost, from the way it feels, looks up at the wall for a moment. . o O ( Holy fuck... ) It has an almost revelatory tone to it, and the spikes of emotion seem to ease a bit as she bends, scribbling furiously.

Typheous quirks his eyebrow, but that seems to be all the response she gets from him, his silent waiting continuing.

Psyche finally finishes, pauses, writes something else, and blots the book, closing it and staring down at it for a long silent moment.

Typheous stays silent, save for his music, which picks up a breath of almost hope when you close the book. The tear's trail is still damp on his cheek. His face is softly hopeful.

Psyche finally tucks it into her desk drawer and turns around, expression something that would be unreadable even were her face not masked. "Why are -you- crying?" The question is unplanned, almost blurted out in her surprise.

Typheous takes a deep breath. "I... don't like seeing peopl hurt..." A long breath. "Especially people I care about." . o O ( Even more so when I said I would be quiet... ) He reaches a hand up to wipe another tear that was trying to get out away before inclining his head toward the sketch.

Psyche shakes her head. "'s always like this when I write." She doesn't say anything about the second half. . o O ( I have to get rid of it all don't think everything really bounces off like it seems to... ) She reaches out for the sketch, tentatively.

Typheous manages a small smile. "No... I don't really... Just... So much at once... And not knowing why was driving me mad..." . o O ( Go on, it's for you. )

Psyche touches the drawer the journal is in. "When I bleed, I do it alone." She shrugs, then picks up the sketch, unrolling it.

Typheous nods slowly. "I just... want you to know... if you ever need someone there... " He doesn't finish the thought, his eye moving to the unrolling sketch. The drawing is one of his better ones, more realistic than most of his park drawings, care obviously put into the sketch, Psyche without the Fae mirage.

Psyche seems almost calm, as if the girl writing and who she is now are two completely different people, studying the sketch. . o O ( It's...very good... ) She's at a loss for words, and it shows. . o O ( I think I'm flattered. I have clothes on in it. )

Typheous chuckles softly. . o O ( Well I've...) His face darkens slightly. . o O ( No.. now's not the time for that... Thank you... ) He smiles again. "I'm glad I can remember what you look like.

Psyche quirks a brow. . o O ( You've... )

Typheous looks down on the bed where the sketch had been. . O ( I've not seen you without clothing... ) A long blink later he looks back up at you. . o O (And it's not like I could now either.) A frustrated sigh.

Psyche's cheeks flush slightly. . o O ( How about we save that for sometime well after the point where I could kiss you without panicking afterward? ) There's an air of I-don't-believe-I'm-saying-this about her.

Typheous smiles warmly. . o O ( Sounds much better than me seeing a naked Red Cap.... ) He bites his lip slightly, lowering his legs onto the bed, his arms falling into his lap. . o O ( I never did like to rush art... )

Psyche sets the sketch on her desk, folding herself into a cross-legged position on the other end of the bed. . o O ( It doesn't look rushed...I can hardly find any faults, except I think you drew me too pretty. It looks like I made an effort or something. )

Typheous chuckles softly. . o O ( I wasn't talking about the sketch... But thank you. And I'll save the disagreement over how you look until after I stop seeing Fae everywhere so you can't argue that it's my memory that's faulty. )

Psyche smiles. . o O

Psyche smiles, then reaches out, tentatively, to brush the tear's path off your cheek. . o O ( What were you talking about? )

Typheous tentatively offers his hand to you. . o O ( About us, our relationship. There's more types of art than paper and plaster. ) He closes his eye again, mild frustration showing in his music still.

Psyche scoots forward a little bit, letting her hand fall into yours. "Strange." . o O ( What is it? )

Typheous takes your hand gently. .o ( Nothing.. the scourging again... Everytime I want to look into your eyes, I get met with a Red Cap staring at me. ) He squeezes you hand lightly.

Psyche squeezes back, a hint of a smile flickering across her lips. . o O ( Shall I collect a battleaxe for realism? ) Her free hand moves unconsciously to brush a lock of your hair back behind your ear.

Typheous chuckles softly. "No... That'd be a bit much I think." He raises his own free hand to your cheek, fingers light on your skin again. He sighs softly.

Psyche turns her head, nestling her lips briefly against your fingers as she returns the smile. "I don't think I have any, anyway." . o O ( I had a revelation tonight. But I'm going to sound unbelievably arrogant if I tell you. )

Typheous smiles at the touch of your lips. "That's a relief... " . o O ( You won't know until you tell me, will you? )

Psyche's smile - almost a grin - is tangible, if not visible. . o O ( Every time things don't fall into patterns and lines, I panic. I expect the world to fit or be forced into my boxes, willingly and without fail. )

Typheous chuckles softly. . o O ( And now they're not falling into boxes for you anymore? Or at least, I'm not? ) He lets his finger trace the curve of your smile.

Psyche nods, shivering just slightly at the brush of your finger. . o O ( But you don't have to. Nothing but my expectations of a world that does what I want it to says that you have to. And I have to learn to deal with it, because otherwise something's going to happen when it's vitally important...and I'll panic, and someone will live or die who shouldn't have. )

Typheous slides his hand up your cheek to cup your face lightly, though it's moovements become slightly tentative. . o O ( So this is just some intellectual... game for you? ) He seems almost hurt, his music moving minor.

Psyche fiddles with the betucked strand of your hair. . o O ( No, that's not it...I told you it would sound arrogant. ) The air around her fingers is cold. "It's not a game, Typh."

Typheous nods, his warmth returning. "I just wanted to make sure... I didn't want to end up... with a broken heart." The minor seems to leave his music, returning to a warmer sound.

Psyche pauses, eyes widening, seeming to freeze at the words. . o O ( that a possibility? ) The question sounds almost frightened.

Typheous nods slowly. . o O ( Either one of us might end up hurt, probably will. How deep a hurt is impossible to know. Everything has its cost, Psyche. Even this. ) He opens his eye slightly. "I thought you would have known that already."

Psyche bites her lip, ducking her head. "I do know it. I just..." . o O ( I'm about half a breath from panicking. Don't let me. )

Typheous tilts your head back up to his eye. "I don't want to hurt you, Psyche. Ever." His voice, his music, and mind seem to radiate conviction and sincerity.

Psyche shivers. . o O ( Not helping. You're just scaring me... ) If you could see the subtleties of expression, there would be more than just the currents of her mind to lend credence to her thoughts. "I'm going to spend the rest of my life being hurt. That's already been decided."

Typheous shifts closer to you, arms moving to offer and embrace. . o O ( What can I do? )

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 1, 4, 6, 6, 1, 2, 7, 3 No diff given.

Psyche moves into the offered embrace with a muffled sob, arms wrapping around you. . o O ( Don't tell me this is so serious, so deep. I'm still getting used to the idea that I'm willingly sabotaging my own purpose...don't ask me to like it. Don't ask me to think about it. Typh, a day ago I still thought what I really wanted was to never have to deal with you again. I'm in shock here, and I'm not dealing well with it. )

Typheous pulls you tight against him. "Shhh... Psyche... Shhh..." . o O ( Yes, but that was a day ago. And why are you sabotaging your own purpose through this? Yes it's serious... but its also the lightest burden one could ever have. ) He pets your hair lightly. . o O ( But that's for later.... We can find those answers together, later. Now... for now... ) His arms tighten their embrace as if to finish the thought.

Psyche's lashes, against your neck where she's nestled her head, are damp. They probably also tickle. . o O ( I can't afford to be emotionally involved. That leads to making decisions that are either illogical, indefensible, or outright wrong. And that goes against everything I'm trying to do in this world. )

Typheous pulls back, looking you in the eye. . o O ( You don't have to be coldly logical about everything to be able to use logic when you need to. ) He leans forward to lightly kiss the corner of your eye.

Psyche sniffles. . o O ( Then how do you separate the two? )

Typheous takes a slow breath before lightly kissing your other eye. . o O ( There are times when logic isn't the only correct answer. How can you tell? I don't know. But you can separate them... It just takes some time to sort the personal from the public. And personal doesn't have to mean alone. ) He leans his forehead against yours.

Psyche closes her eyes, sighing softly. "I'll have to work that out later..." . o O ( Don't you have anything childish and petty to say, so I don't feel like such an infant? )

Typheous chuckles softly. . o O ( There are plenty of things I could say... most I only half mean. ) Another slow breath. "Psyche... Thank you. Thank you for giving me a chance... )

Psyche smiles a bit, mind flickering with a curious amusement. . o O ( I gave Vance a second chance too. He didn't take it. What does that make you? )

Typheous quirks his eyebrow. "Hopefully lucky..." His arms tighten slightly. . o O ( Honestly, I'm not really surprised he failed... and tomorrow he'll come to you and be all sappy and appologetic. )

Psyche shrugs. . o O ( Maybe. Maybe not. I'm not in the business of guessing what people are going to do. ) She leans against your shoulder. "It's late."

Typheous nods slowly. "I should probably be going... unless..." He cuts himself off. His music is a mixture of hope, fear, frustration, and contentment.

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 7, 3, 6, 9, 6, 5, 4, 7 No diff given.

Psyche . o O ( Unless? ) Her thoughts flicker with similar emotions, but whatever she's thinking is quickly hidden. " probably should."

Typheous takes a deep breath. "Unless you wanted me to stay here... There's room on the floor." Curiosity comes and goes from his mind, flickering in and out.

Psyche tenses, then cuts off her reply before it's really started. "N-" . o O ( Why would you want to? ) The question isn't so much derogatory as it is genuinely wondering. . o O ( You have a perfectly good bed in your room...this isn't exactly comfortable... )

Typheous shrugs slowly, thoughts rolling half-formed in his mind. "I wouldn't get to sleep for another hour or three at least there. Alex would demand to know what happened if I came back... And..." . o o ( And I would be nearer to you... )

Psyche's lips twitch wryly. . o O ( Please don't go weird on me...I'm still getting used to you being civil. I think sappy is more than I can handle, probably ever. ) "It's...up to you."

Typheous takes a deep breath. "I might stay for a bit longer, then..." . o O ( What do you mean 'go weird'? )

Psyche's smile becomes a little more evident. . o O ( I like you like you are. Don't get all sweet and flowery, I won't know what to do with it. Hip-waders aren't in my wardrobe. ) " long as you like."

Typheous slide shis fingers into your hair. "Thank you...." He chuckles softly. . o O ( I suppose if I tried to argue that I did mean it, you'd take that as more sappy stuff... And I shouldn't go hunt you down flowers tomorrow morning. )

Psyche shakes her head. . o O ( No flowers. And...well, that's what I mean, going weird. )

Typheous chuckles softly, his fingers lightly petting you. "Most girls wouldn't consider that weird at all... But no flowers. Not that I could find any in the snow."

Psyche relaxes. "If I were most girls, I would have notched your belt and been done with long ago, wouldn't I have?" . o O ( It just seems so...bleah. Not you. )

Typheous smirks slightly. "I suppose that's true... Though I might have put up a fight about the belt..." He pulls his head away and lightly kisses your forehead.

Psyche arches a brow at you. "Oh?" There's a hint of curiosity in her voice, one hand coming up to fiddle with your hair again.

Typheous tilts his head into your hand. "I'm not quite the play-boy I act... While I'll admit... certain activities that would require belt-unbuckling... I've not done everything that a girl might want.."

Psyche's cheeks flame at the admission, her voice very small as she answers. "Oh." Way to embarrass the hell out of her.

Typheous chuckles softly. "What? Think I might have left several little me's running around somewhere?" His smile warms. . o O ( It's ok. It's not like I try to discredit my reputation. )

Psyche shakes her head slightly, cheeks still flaming. "No, you're smarter than -that-." . o O ( It's...not that. Never mind. Just drop it. ) Flashes of curiosity, questions even Psyche isn't tactless enough to ask, stuffed away. . o O ( You told me before you hadn't... )

Typheous cups your cheek in his hand. . o O ( Is there something you want to ask me? )

Psyche's blush deepens, if that's possible. . o O ( Just...morbid curiosity. Nothing -decent-. ) And it's that last that seems to be why she's not asking.

Typheous chuckles softl, brushing the curve of your ear with his finger, letting his finger rest on its point. . o O ( If that's all that's stopping you, it won't offend me if you ask. And if someone were to walk in on us they wouldn't think us decent. Hell, locking a boy in your room with you some wouldn't consider decent. )

Psyche shakes her head mutely. . o O ( Nothing I have any business asking. ) Her fingers brush your cheek, the blush tinting even the very tips of her ears. . o O ( It''s not about what other people think, it's what -I- think is decent or not, isn't it? )

Typheous smiles, nodding his head. . o O ( Yes, it is. I'm glad we don't have to have that discussion... ) He seems to fall silent, music showing the struggle in his mind to press the issue.

Psyche chuckles softly. "I'm not a child, Typheous." Her voice is dry, almost offended. . o O ( And it's not decent for me to ask. )

Typheous nods, the conflict in him waning. . o O ( As you like... ) "I know you're not a child.... I think it's part of the reason I care so much... about you. "

Psyche shakes her head slightly. "Now you're getting weird again. What do you mean?" Her blush is finally starting to fade. . o O (

Psyche . o O ( It's your life, and your business. )

Typheous shugs. "You don't simper at my every word... But I think that's leading back to the forbidden sappiness." He looks deep into your eyes. . o O ( And if we're going to be in this together, you have every right to ask me. )

Psyche considers. "I'll tell you when you're getting too weird..." Eyes flicker. . o O ( Still seeing Redcaps? )

[OOC] Typheous says, "Will say 'yes' because the ST's not here. :p *grumblesaboutscourging* Although its making it much more interesting."

[OOC] Psyche grins. "He'd say yes. You know he's loving it as a Seeking."

Typheous chuckles softly. "You don't simper, you don't throw yourself at me. You don't respond to compliments at all the way I expect you to... Usually you get upset rather than pleased. It's making me rethink a lot of what I thought I knew." He sighs softly. . o O ( Yes... Why do you ask? )

Psyche smiles a bit. "And that makes me not a child?" . o O ( You're handling it quite well... ) There's a hint of relief that the subject change seems to have worked, and a bit of quickly-stifled frustration.

[OOC] Typheous grumbles about stupid seekings... :)

Typheous chuckles softly. "And you don't have a lot of the unhealthy hangups that some have. Fears that holding hands can get them pregnant and all. Or that just because we've kissed it means you have to put out." . o O ( It's driving me mad. And I'm 'handling it by not looking at you most of the time... )

Psyche laughs softly. "There is nothing in the world that would obligate me to 'put out'." She looks up at you. . o O ( Look at me... )

Typheous looks up, his eye focusing on you, the only reaction to the fae image is a smal spike of frustration and a slightly off note in his music. . o O ( And for that, I'm glad. You're worth more than that. )

Psyche's fingers touch your cheek, steadying your chin, eyes fixing on yours. "I'm more of a bitch than that." . o O ( No, -look- at me. You can't fucking draw a picture like that without being able to see me. )

Typheous lets his smile settle into a more neutral position, eye returning your gaze. . o O ( ... I don't understand... )

Psyche's voice carries a bit of an edge to it. "How many times in the last month have we been led astray by illusion, deception, and error? Have you learned nothing from that?"

Typheous chuckles softly. . o O ( You have a point. ) His eyes goes out of focus just slightly, his mind pulling up his memory of you again.

Psyche waits, although there's a hint of impatience about her.

Typheous smiles as he lets his eyes slide shut, you face forming in his mind. . o O ( Is this what you meant? )

[OOC] You say, "YOU DID IT!"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Ummm.. Hm? What? Closed his gyah... eyes... bah. That's what, the first time... Ever with this char."

Psyche's lips curve into a smile as she moves to take your hand, tracing your fingertips over her features. . o O ( Refine it. )

Typheous lets you guide his hand, fingers feeling the contours of you skin carefully. His mind focuses, the image there clearing, refining, growing in realism as he adds depth to the image.

Psyche brings your fingers up to her hair and releases them, letting you move them as you will.

Typheous moves his fingers through your hair, combing down it to the tips before starting again, this time stopping to trace the curves and point of your ear. The image sharpens, color giving way to an almost sketched look.

Psyche waits, this time with no trace of impatience. . o O ( Do you have it? )

Typheous finishes his tracings with his fingers resting lightly on your chin. . o O ( Yes... )

Psyche holds quite still. . o O ( Hold on to it. ) "Open your eye."

Typheous keeps the image locked in his mind, his eye sliding open slowly.

Psyche waits until your eye is open, not looking away. . o O ( Now what do you see? )

Typheous smiles, concentrating on the image in his mind. . o O ( ... You... ) His face warms, a tear threatening in his eye.

Psyche returns the smile, eyes locked on you. "That's what I meant."

Typheous's face is warm, the threatening tear sliding down his cheek. "Thank you... "

Psyche leans forward, intercepting the tear with a kiss, then settling back again. . o O ( Don't cry. )

Typheous smiles, chuckling softly. . o O ( Not all tears are bad, Psyche... ) He leans his face into your kiss.

Psyche tucks her head into your shoulder again. "I'm glad I could help."

Typheous kisses your cheek lightly, arms tightening around you. He chuckles softly. . o O ( At this rate we'll be up all night... )

Psyche smiles, relaxing a bit more. . o O ( You said you were going to stay for a while...did you want me to get out an extra blanket? )

Typheous glances down to the bed. . o O ( If you could... ) Something that might have been an alternative that might have followed that thought is quickly supressed, his music not even really changing.

Psyche slowly, a little reluctantly, pulls away from you, standing to get another blanket out of her closet. . o O ( Don't think it. ) As if he needed reminding.

<Login> Eclipse has connected from on Tue Aug 26 20:26:51 2003 EST.

Eclipse has connected.

[OOC] Psyche bounces.

[Type lines of input; use `.' to end or `@abort' to abort the command.]

Done @pasting.

[OOC] You say, "Amuse-toi bien."

[OOC] Eclipse reads.

Typheous stands slowly as well, making sure that the floor has enough space on it for him to lie down on. . o O ( I didn't... Not tonight... )

[OOC] Typheous wavies to Eclipse. We might actually finish tonight. :)

[OOC] Eclipse says, "This has been a lot of fun to watch."

Psyche sets the blanket down, pushes her chair in to make more room, then pulls one of the pillows off her bed and tosses it at you, aiming for the back of your head. . o O ( Just making sure. Fiend. )

[OOC] Psyche notes that Psyche's journal entry didn't turn out at all the way I thought it would.

Typheous oofs softly as the pillow hits him, turning around. . o O ( And I wasn't even suggesting taking clothes off... Sheesh... ) He smiles at you, his eye focusing on you. "Are we trying to start something?" He picks the pillow up and holds it, ready to return fire.

[OOC] Typheous says, "That's ok. This whole thing didn't turn out the way Typheous had thought it would. He was planning to kiss her, but then thought he'd end up slapped and sent home. :)"

Psyche laughs, picking up another pillow. "Back! I'm armed..." . o O ( Notice my knife is still where it belongs. )

[OOC] Eclipse is thinking a scissors comment from Typh would SOOO kill the mood. *evil grin*

[OOC] Typheous says, "Yes, but Typh has a Cha of 4 and knows it would kill the mood. And he does want to stay here. :)"

Typheous advances mock-threateningly with the pillow. . o O ( Good to know my clothes will stay intact. ) He smiles, jabbing with the pillow. "Enguard!"

Psyche's eyes widen, cheeks tinging red with the comment. . o O ( You...augh. You're incorrigible. ) She flings her second pillow at him, flopping down on the bed.

Typheous moves his own pillow to block the attack, chuckling to himself. . o O ( Am I now? ) He sets his pillow next to the blanket before sitting down on the edge of the bed and placing his hands on your shoulders and beginning to rub them lightly.

Psyche starts to say something, but it's caught up in a sigh of surprised pleasure. "Mmmm." . o O ( Yes. Completely... )

Typheous digs his fingers into your shoulders and neck. "Hmmmm?" . o O ( So why would you say that? )

Psyche practically purrs. "Mmmmdon't stop." . o O ( You're completely shameless. )

Typheous chuckles softly, moving to your back. "Who said I was going to stop?" . o O ( I am... And do you mind it? )

Psyche stretches out, getting comfortable. "Just...mmmm, making sure." . o O ( Just don't expect -me- to be. )

Typheous works his way slowly down your back before he starts back up it. "Of course..." He chuckles softly. . o O ( Now, would I have stopped myself if I expected you to be? )

Psyche arches into your hands. . o O ( Mmmm, point. But you also keep telling me I don't know how to...oooh, right there...relax. )

Typheous chuckles softly. . o O ( We'll have to work on that... ) He works back up to you shoulders and begins working all the stress he can out of your neck.

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 2, 3, 6, 10, 4, 2, 3, 7 No diff given.

Psyche quits engaging in the mental thrust-and-parry and just gives herself over to the massage, closing her eyes. . o O ( Do you really want to know what I was wondering? )

Typheous pauses the massage long enough to run his fingers through your hair. . o O ( Yes, I am curious. ) His music is soft with a definate romantic hint to it.

Psyche tenses, despite your efforts, sighing softly, flushing again out to the very tips of her ears. . o O ( Who. What. I told you it wasn't decent. )

Typheous goes back to working the new tension out of your back. . o O ( Gadrielle... She has a very talented pair of hands... And her breasts are nice... Though she's a psychotic bitch... Asa I just had the chance to dance with, though I probably would have done more... Sylviana back home, before I left... She wasn't marvelous, but for a going away present... she... well, lips feel good on places other than lips... ) His thoughts kind of blend together, one sort of leaping to another.

Psyche's thoughts grow progressively more and more scandalised as you continue, blush deepening more and more. .o O ( You...she...Oh. ) She falls into a mute, stunned silence. Any progress you had made on her tension is completely undone.

Typheous digs hard with his fingers. . o O ( There were a couple others I just made out with.... If you keep tensing up I'm going to have to stop... ) Another hard dig into your back.

Psyche takes a deep breath, trying to relax. That mute, mortified silence still hangs over her mind. "Sorry," she mumbles into her arms. And in the back of her mind, where she's clearly hoping you don't hear: . o O ( Talented hands? )

Typheous lets his fingers work on the tension in your back, pressing fairly hard into your flesh. "It's ok... Just means you have to put up with my hands on your back for longer." . o O ( ... Do I need to elaborate? )

Psyche buries her face in her arms, only the tips of her ears a florid crimson showing. . o O ( I'm not sure I understand... )

Typheous's fingers move to the base of you neck, digging into where neck and shoulders meet. . o O ( Using one's hands on me to bring me to climax. She had particularly nice touch... Though she always wanted more... )

Psyche, if it's possible, buries her face even further in her arms, practically hiding her ears, even. "Oh." Even her mind seems to be curling up into a ball of embarrassment. It's hard to say whether it's the idea itself or the telling...

Typheous leans down and places a light kiss on the back of your head. "I think it's time to change the subject... " His fingers dig into your neck. . o O ( I didn't mean to embarass you. )

[OOC] Eclipse heads off to bed early. "Did laundry instead of taking a nap this evening. Night, folks."

[OOC] Psyche wavvles.

<Logout> Eclipse has disconnected on Tue Aug 26 22:43:56 2003 EST

Eclipse has lost his link.

Psyche shakes her head, not looking up. . o O ( My fault for asking. I shouldn't've...I don't know why I's not decent. )

Typheous kisses your head again. . o O ( Not decent to ask or do? ) Another push into your back and neck.

Psyche starts, fractionally, to relax. . o O ( Both. )

Typheous chuckles softly, fingers working a slow pulse into you, his music matching the rhythm. . o O ( We'll talk about that another time... For now, relax...)

Psyche nods, muscles slowly unknotting under your hands, the blush fading from her ears. . o O ( I'm keeping you awake. I'm sorry. )

Typheous shakes his head behind you. . o O ( I started the back rub. Or by keeping me awake, are you asking for me to let you go to sleep? )

Psyche twists her head to glance at you once, then back to resting it on her arms. . o O ( I meant by bringing up more questions...The backrub feels wonderful. )

Typheous smlies, the warmth reflected in his hands. . o O ( Thank you... And I don't mind the questions. Ask me anything you want. )

Psyche mmms softly. . o O ( Another time, if that offer stands. I don't want to do anything but make you keep doing what you're doing forever. And maybe sleep. )

Typheous chuckles softly, his fingers slowing on your back. . o O ( Anytime. Though preferably not in the middle of a tense situation, like combat. ) He sighs softly.

Psyche . o O ( What is it? )

Typheous shakes his head. . o O ( Just a silly request... ) His fingers slow a bit more.

Psyche . o O ( What is it? )

Typheous he lets his hands stop, lying gently on your back. . o O ( Well.. a good night kiss before we go to sleep? ) His face flushes slightly, embarassment fliting through his music. . o O ( You don't have to.. I.. )

Psyche turns, studying your face, eyes dark as she sits up. "Why is it silly?" . o O ( I was thinking about the same thing. )

Typheous chuckles softly, his blush fading slightly. "I just felt silly asking for one..." . o O ( Really? )

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 9, 4, 9, 6, 3, 4, 4, 1 No diff given.

Psyche nods, eyes glinting a bit. "Childish, maybe?" . o O ( When was the last time I lied to you? But it was before...that's why I threw the pillow. Got my mind off the subject. )

Typheous shifts himself closer to you. "Yeah..." . o O ( It's not that I think you've lied to me... More... confirmation... It feels good to know I'm not alone with this... )

Psyche smiles. "Good." . o O ( I still don't know if I like it, but when has me liking or disliking something changed the way things happen? Best just to... ) She pauses, studying your face, your eye with a curious concentration. . o O ( Best just to trust my feelings for once. There's something...right about this. )


Really quite strikingly pretty, Psyche is possessed of dark auburn hair and amber eyes, a bequest from her elven blood. Skin is the fragile pallor of elvenkind, without the freckles typical of redheads, nor any blemishes. She dresses in black or white, accented with brilliant flashes of colour-nothing that in any way could be construed as the greens and browns of elven camouflage. She carries a backpack and a knife as a matter of course, nothing unusual about either, unless you count her books and poisons.

Psyche is continually surrounded by an aura of cold. Its intensity varies with her emotional state, ranging from merely a subtle coolness when she is calm and at ease (almost never) to an almost frozen chill when she is most emotionally involved with something.

She is carrying Psyche's Journal.

Typheous seems to chuckle inwardly. . o O ( Now there's something I didn't think I would hear you admit to me... Thank you... ) He lifts his hand to push back a wayward lock of hair.

Psyche blushes ever-so-slightly, then reaches up to toy with a lock of your own. . o O ( Something you didn't think... )

Typheous lets his fingers slide into your hair to cradle your face. . o O ( I didn't think I'd hear you tell me you were trusting your emotions, that's all. )

Psyche blushes a little deeper. . o O ( I told you...never interrupt me when I'm writing. I have to be able to think. ) She runs her fingers over the curve of your ear.

Typheous slides his eye closed, a smile on his face as he draws closer. . o O ( I'll try to remember that... )

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 0 seconds, the world is saved once more.

Psyche . o O ( No game. ) She leans in to close the distance, her own eyes closing as she kisses you, lightly, letting it linger.

<Login> Rahab has connected from on Wed Aug 27 09:27:53 2003 EST.

Typheous's hand holds you lips to his, letting the sensation flow into him. As they kiss, his music seems to resolve a chord that had been hiding in the string section.

Psyche slips her arms around you, one hand sliding into your hair, leaning in, closer.

<Logout> Rahab has disconnected on Wed Aug 27 09:36:08 2003 EST

Typheous's own free arm slides around your waist, holding you closer to him. He keeps the kiss light, though there's something in the back of his head that seems to be pushing him forward.

Psyche doesn't resist, fingers threading through your hair, but her inexperience shows. . o O ( What are you thinking...? )

Typheous presses slightly more firmly. . o O ( ... Just my hormones kicking in... Wanting more of a kiss.. ) His does quite well at leading you through things, having had probably a bit too much experience with inexperienced women.

Psyche's mind flickers with a hint of embarrassment. . o O ( ...I'm sorry. I don't know what I'm doing... )

Typheous smiles into the kiss. . o O ( You're doing quite well, Psyche... ) His own lips part slightly, but only slightly. . o O ( Don't be sorry. )

Psyche blushes, nonetheless, following your lead. . o O ( *embarrassed* Mmph. )

Typheous doesn't deepen it any further than that, showing only a slight bit of restraint in order to do so, though she can feel more in him. . o O ( Don't be. You're doing very well, and I mean that. )

Psyche smiles slightly, wryly, around the kiss. . o O ( I feel like I'm learning sums when you say that. I... ) She aborts the thought, tucking whatever it was she was going to say back into the hidden recesses of her mind. There's a hint of curiosity there, as well.

Typheous pulls your body close to his. . o O ( Is there some other way I should put it? ... What is it? )

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 4, 1, 9, 5, 7, 8, 6, 3 No diff given.

Psyche blushes, shaking her head, breaking the kiss. "Nothing..." It lacks conviction.

Typheous lets his eyes slip open. "Are you sure?" He makes no more to pull further away from you than you want to go.

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 7, 3, 6, 10, 4, 7, 3, 4 No diff given.

Psyche drops her eyes. "Yeah." Her cheeks tint a little darker.

Typheous smiles warmly, his hand reaching out to lift your eyes back to his. "All right... Good night, Psyche..."

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 6, 3, 10, 4, 6, 1, 6, 2 No diff given.

Psyche . o O ( *if a mumble is possible, mentally* ...More of a kiss? ) Someone doesn't read enough romance novels. . o O ( It -must- be late. I can't believe I just asked that. )

Typheous looks deep into your eyes. . o O ( Probably just late... There are different levels of kissing... some just get.. more involved. )

Psyche blushes furiously, shaking her head. . o O ( Well, yes, I -knew- that. But... *cutting herself off* Good night, Typh. )

Typheous smiles slightly. . o O ( But? )

Psyche takes a deep breath, amber eyes turning on you. . o O ( But what do you want from me? ) There's no accusation in the question, as there has been so many times before.

Typheous smiles, brushing his fingers through your hair. . o O ( For you to be comfortable with where we are. )

Psyche frowns. . o O ( That's not an answer. )

Typheous takes a deep breath. . o O ( Tonight? Nothing more. Nothing more I'm going to ask for. Not tensing while we kiss is enough for now. )

Psyche . o O ( Nothing more? Or nothing more you're going to ask for? )

Typheous sits in thought for a few moments, his music turning reflective. . o O ( There is a lot that parts of me want... Curling up with you and sharing your bed... letting loose with our passions... To spend the night kissing and cuddling until we pass out... But I don't want to rush any of this. )

Psyche nods, thoughtfully, only a bit of a blush touching her cheeks. . o O ( And is that all? )

Typheous chuckles softly. . o O ( All that parts of me want? No... There are several more... intimate things parts of me want... But again, I don't want to rush. )

Psyche's blush deepens a bit, eyes still intent, concentrating on you. There's a sense about her mind of frustration, a hint of disappointment. She repeats the question. . o O ( Is -that- all? )

Typheous chuckles softly. . o O ( Do you want the gritty details? ) He's picking up a bit of your frustration it seems, if his music is any guide.

Psyche tries not to let out an exasperated sigh. . o O ( No. ) A pause. . o O ( That's all, then. ) That disappointment is far more evident, on the masked features of her face as well.

Typheous looks a bit confused. . o O ( I want more than the physical, yes, if that's what you're worried about. I just feel even silly asking for that... )

Psyche visibly relaxes. "I asked what you wanted from me..."

Typheous smiles cautiously. "I want a chance, and I seem to have that. I want..." . o O ( I want to be able to hold and kiss you... To spend time with you... To... to grow more intimate over time.... )

Psyche doesn't look away, relaxing a touch more. "You -do- have a chance. It would be hypocritical and unjust of me to hold a grudge against you for things you've long since proven to me aren't really true." . o O ( And? )

Typheous tilts his head slightly, his eye studying your eyes. "And to grow closer... emotionally... and physically. I care deeply about you Psyche... and I want that to have a chacne to grow and bloom into something possibly more."

Psyche nods finally. "We'll see, I suppose..." It's said with a hint of hesitancy.

Typheous nods, his eye sliding closed. He bites his lip. "What's wrong?"

Psyche shakes her head, leaning forward to brush her lips against your cheek. . o O ( I'm scared, Typh. That's all. )

Typheous places his own light kiss on your cheek. . o O ( So am I... But we're in this together... )

[Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 9, 1, 3, 5, 4, 9, 8, 6 No diff given.

Psyche murmurs softly, "We should get some sleep."

Typheous nods slowly, shifting to place a light, quick kiss on your lips. "Good night, Psyche."

Psyche smiles, reaching up to brush her fingers along your cheek. "Good night, Typh." Beat. "I have another blanket if the floor is too hard or cold or..." . o O ( I almost wish I felt right about letting you sleep here... ) Here, of course, being the bed she's occupying.

Typheous smiles. "I'll be ok." His face and his music take on a more serious expression. . o O ( I'll be ok, really. It will be better than sleeping in the woods. I don't want you to do anything you're not comfortable with... )

Psyche nods. . o O ( And I'm not. Comfortable. I'm sorry. )

[OOC] Typheous waves.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Did you get a paste of everything between now and your last discon?"

Typheous chuckles softly, brushing your hair out of the way. . o O ( Don't be sorry. There's no need to be. I know you're not and that's enough for me.)

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Nope."

[OOC] Typheous says, "there."

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Thanks."

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Is that the end of it?"

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Also, you mentioned that you wouldn't be able to be here this Saturday, iirc?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "That's as far as we've gotten. "

[OOC] Typheous says, "We *might*, if we can work it into the LAN party of doom."

[OOC] Eclipse nods.

[OOC] Typheous says, "We'll see. If we're watching movies at that time we can definately hop on. We'll see what the plan is."

Psyche quirks half a smile. "Goodnight, then..." She brushes another kiss across your cheek before drawing back.

Typheous draws back slowly, settling himself on the floor. . o O ( Good night... ) Hu curls up on the floor with the pillows and the blanket and his music, which had been in a wonderful romantic melody begins to wind down.

[OOC] Psyche wonders idly what kind of lighting system is present.

[OOC] Typheous says, "That's a good point... Hmmm..."

[OOC] Eclipse says, "Bah. Moonlight and probably a lamp. I don't think Psyche would waste the magic on a light spell even if she had the Spheres, do you?"

[OOC] You say, "Nyet.'"

Psyche leans over, and blows out the lamp. "Good night."

[OOC] Typheous says, "And Typheous right doesn't want any more scourge to screw things over."

A muffled "Good night, Psyche" from the the blanket on the floor. [Typheous]

[OOC] You say, "Not that the scourge didn't serve him well, ultimately."

Psyche stares into the semi-darkness for a long time before she closes her eyes and goes to sleep.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Yes, but I'm afraid of what the ST would come up with at this point..."

Typheous probably takes a bit less time to fall asleep, if only because he's used to his music being around him while he sleeps.