March 1, 2003

Logfile from Malakai

Welcome to Malaki.

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*** Connected ***

Malakai (An IC-Neutral Location)

The room for the Mage: Epic Fantasy games.

The comfortable couch is invitingly empty. The lumpy sofa is invitingly empty. The Peanut Gallery contains no spectators. Eclipse is sitting on the rocking chair. Typheous and Psyche are lying together on the floor.

You see Plot Janitor and Valyros here.

Obvious exits include Nexus (out, o).

Eclipse has connected.

You were last connected at Thu Feb 27 19:38:23 2003 EST from Your current e-mail address is; if this is incorrect, please re-register by typing `@register as user@host`.

Your registered e-mail address is used for important administrative functions, such as sending you a new password if you forget yours. It is your responsibility to ensure it is correct.

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 3s 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Valyros 11m 10m OOC PC

--[Sat Mar 1 19:18:10 2003]--------------------------------[2 users; 0s lag]--

<Login> Plax has connected from on Sat Mar 1 19:19:57 2003 EST.

Plax has arrived.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Hello"

[OOC] Eclipse waves.

[OOC] Plax waves.

<Login> Psyche has connected from on Sat Mar 1 19:25:16 2003 EST.

Psyche has connected.

Plax sits down on the comfortable couch.

[OOC] Psyche flops.

[OOC] Eclipse waves again.

[OOC] Psyche says, "I see you got your internet back..."

[OOC] Plax tackles Psyche.

[OOC] Psyche tackles Plax! Omygosh, hi!

[OOC] Psyche says, "Rade's on detail guarding a door until 4 AM he says."

[OOC] Plax says, "Sounds...interesting..."

[OOC] Psyche says, "So, are you back or just stopping in? :)"

[OOC] Plax says, "Yes"

[OOC] You say, "As long as it doesn't open into a dark, cold labyrinth of twisting hallways and infinite spiral stairs..."

[OOC] Plax is back, Psyche. @#:+)

[OOC] Eclipse grins. "That depends on the rest of you. You might reach the end of a story tonight..."

[OOC] Plax says, "Well, tonight or next week, though I miss the 14th or 15th (whatever day that Saturday is). State Championships."

[OOC] Psyche dances around Plax happily. "We missed you!"

[OOC] Eclipse groans. "Who makes Bailey's and coffee with decaf? Why? Why?"

[OOC] Eclipse pounds his head against the desk to make it hurt less.

<Login> Typheous has connected from on Sat Mar 1 19:29:13 2003 EST.

Typheous has connected.

<Login> Tsharing has connected from on Sat Mar 1 19:30:10 2003 EST.

Tsharing has arrived.

[OOC] Eclipse waves.

[OOC] Plax waves at folks.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Hello."

[OOC] Valyros says, "I had that a few hours ago. I just took a lot more Tylonol and some sinus medication, and turned the humidifire up on full blast, now I"m human again."

[OOC] Psyche bounces.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Hello"

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Hey, can anyone suggest some good rotes for a Euthanatos with Prime 3, Time 2 and Entropy 1?"

[OOC] Typheous wavles.

[OOC] You say, "Stop that. My girlfriend is 1000 miles away and I don't get to see her for a month."

[OOC] You say, "Lots of prophetic stuff in that, certainly."

Typheous pages: "Could I blow 8 xp on upping my Int to 3?"

Typheous has received your page: "Sure."

Typheous pages: "Although, if we end a story tonight... Hmmm... Nah, I'll go with the Int ."

[OOC] You say, "At that level, it's possible to make Charms that give you spidey sense."

[OOC] Valyros says, "Charms!"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Danger Sense Prana!"

[OOC] Eclipse smirks. "Wrong kind of Charms."

[OOC] Psyche climbs into Eclipse's lap.

[OOC] Plax watches Psyche dance around and laughs, then perches up in the rafters.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "I do have something like that, as well as one to reduce combat difficulties by looking a couple of seconds into the future (it's a character to go into a Werewolf game, I need every advantage I can get)."

[OOC] Plax says, "Is this for Mattson's?"

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Ye"

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Yes."

[OOC] Plax would suggest you focus on Time and Forces there. Things to trip them up. After all, things that big /can't/ move that fast, or so Reality says.

[OOC] You say, "Maybe Ent 1, Time 2 to find out if someone makes a habit of lying."

[OOC] Valyros says, "Oh, what sort of character are you planing on El?"

Tsharing pages: "= A question. What do you think of the direction Exalted has taken? I know you were one of the 'less combat, more RP' camp."

[OOC] Typheous puts the cake in the oven. Ok, I should be ready-ish.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "One of the Knights of Ramadythis (magical bodyguards and freelance warriors within the Traditions) who screwed up big time, caused the death of a cabal-mate, and suffered ostracism. She got offered a deal--one of these people has a great destiny, protect them, and you might get your sentence commuted. Only problem there is that the character with the great destiny got sucked into Hell a couple of weeks back, which makes things more awkward."

[OOC] Valyros says, "Ooh, a character that whizzes in the face of fate."

Tsharing has received your page: "It's really too early to say for sure, as we have just begun to delve into a new story. I sometimes feel a bit like Adam likes to hog the spotlight. In truth, I would like opportunities for conversations with other PCs and NPCs on a more personal level, deal with ourselves as humans and so forth, but it's tough to do that when the plot keeps moving inexorably forward. Like the bit with Lorimer and the kids, or some of the conversations with Zaokan. Things like that take time, but they are a lot of fun, too. Unfortunately, it isn't always possible for everyone to be having a deep conversation with someone at the same time, so I know it's a tricky balance between having conversations like that and people getting bored waiting."

[OOC] You say, "Yes, I suppose that would... *smirk*"

Tsharing pages: "Pretty much. Perhaps meetings with other Exalted who are completely assured of their nature and role will provide something to work on in that respect. And the plot doesn't have to be obeyed--to a large extent, the PC's --are-- the metaplot."

[OOC] Eclipse chants. "It is by will alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the Bean that thoughts acquire speed. The teeth acquire stains. The stains become a warning. It is by will alone that I set my mind in motion." Agony...fading...

[OOC] Typheous facepalms.

[OOC] Valyros says, "And John Ashcroft comes in and busts up the interplanetary methalage spice trading ring endind John Hurbert's major source of income!"

[OOC] Tsharing says, "She could go in a lot of ways. I did want to avoid the obvious character--the Kinfolk Dreamspeaker."

Tsharing has received your page: "I know, and I'm glad you've been going that route. I don't have any major issues or anything. I'm in the paradoxical position of being a player who doesn't get much out of combat who is playing a warrior."

[OOC] Plax says, "Don't knock Kinfolk Dreamspeakers, dangit. *defends Q*"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Of course."

[OOC] Valyros says, "Well you could also do a Verbena pretty good with Garou...."

[OOC] Psyche says, "..."

[OOC] Eclipse thought his name was Brian Herbert.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Frank, I'm sorry."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Sorry. And Qudamah was pretty atypical. I just have an aversion to obvious choices, that's all."

[OOC] You say, "Alas, Frank is dead..."

[OOC] Valyros says, "I definately hear you there El. I think that the whole Werewolf/Mage antagony was due to the mage's not really that into Werewolf."

[OOC] You say, "I object on principle to the children of authors writing books based on the works of their parents, but The Butlerian Jihad is mighty tempting. It has always struck me as one of the most fascinating ideas Herbert came up with."

[OOC] Valyros says, "The general servant class comits a holy war against their masters?"

[OOC] Tsharing says, "That's kind of the point. It'll be interesting to play a character who is going in almost completely cold--she doesn't even know that her charge associated with werebeasts. "I'm not meant to be associating with people like you! You're all psychopaths!....present company excepted....""

[OOC] Valyros has memoried of Fenrir Lupin.

[OOC] You say, "Actually, iirc, it was more like the humans rebelling against the AIs that ruled them. It was the reason why you never see any "thinking machines" in the Dune saga."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "I always considered Fading Suns to be just about Dune, the RPG, with elements of Warhammer 40,000. Warring noble houses, a technophobic theocracy, high-tech items almost treated like magic, technological knowledge restricted to a misunderstood, feared, few."

[OOC] Eclipse laughs as he finally gets the joke.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Which is why they're in the midevial ages :P"

[OOC] Tsharing says, "I'd love to either run or play that again one day."

[OOC] You say, "Anyway, if no one else has any questions or XP expenditures, shall we begin?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "What'd happen if you took a Graphic Calculator to Dune?"

[OOC] Typheous is ready to start :)

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Can I get WP 6 and Cosmology 3?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Could I get Cosmology 1?"

[OOC] You say, "Yes and yes."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "You know the nice thing about Past Lives 5? You've got a justification to raise almost anything."

[OOC] You say, "It doesn't think, per se, so it shouldn't be a problem. You wouldn't be allowed to play Black & White, though..."

[OOC] Psyche has no XP to spend :P

[OOC] Valyros says, "How about my Dell Laptop with 2 gHtz?"

[OOC] Plax peers at his sheet. Need Time 1, Forces 2...then terror will reign once again...

[OOC] Tsharing says, "I think we're getting into 'burn the heretic' territory there."

[OOC] You say, "-val That one might be an issue, but I think it would depend on the software..."

[OOC] Plax chills with his 1.8 GHz machine.

[OOC] Psyche's laptop is in the shop :(

[OOC] Psyche says, "And Sony's uber-slow."

[OOC] Valyros brandishes his Dell to the Sadakar, "Back off you knuckle draging troglodytes! I can calculate Pi to five thousand decimal places in a few seconds! I'll do it too!"

[OOC] Tsharing says, "This just occured to me. What Spheres would you need to actually create antimatter?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Good question..."

[OOC] Plax looks at his computer, wonders what I was thinking when I named it 'CobolCruncher'.

[OOC] You say, "Besides, I can't really give you specifics. I just know that every time a character mentions the BJ, everyone just kind of shudders and remembers why they're not going to go the silicon route ever again. They have trouble with machines that exhibit some adaptive qualities, so I think a PC would worry them."

[OOC] Valyros says, "I'd think at least five, and some Forces would definately be needed so you don't have thermonuclear explosion."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Mine's called Io. After a sticker it had that said 'Idiot Outside'."

[OOC] You say, "In M:tA, probably Matter 5 and Forces 4 for a containment field. In M:EF, don't even think about it. ;-)"

[OOC] Valyros says, "This. Is. My. THINK-PAD!!!!!!!!!"

[OOC] Tsharing says, "I recall a Dragonlance story where a mad tinker gnome actually invented the atomic bomb."

[OOC] You say, "Eat the infidel!"

[OOC] You say, "Er, I mean, take his water!"

[OOC] Valyros says, "My hypnotic screen saver will stop you in your tracks!"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Now I will introduce something a thousand times more addictive than Methalage... EVERQUEST!!!!!"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Right..."

[OOC] You say, "Except they have precognition. They will know when your hypnotic screen saver will kick in and arrive before it does."

[OOC] Plax says, "Everquest? Addicting? Bah. Gimme an old fashioned MU* or a book. If I want to kill stuff, I have an XBox."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "You know, I did a search just now, selecting 'show all Text files' on the hard drive, and the oldest were dated 1992. That's three times older than the computer."

[OOC] You say, "And they have melange. They can fold space, see the future, talk to their ancestors, and other cool stuff. I think Everquest is a letdown after exploring your ancestors' sexual experiences..."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Tonight is tangent night...?"

[OOC] Plax comes back, causes Tangents?

[OOC] You say, "That's ... encouraging..."

[OOC] Valyros says, "How about MoO 3?"

[OOC] Psyche nudges Typheous to do quotage.

[OOC] Typheous hasn't played it yet.

[OOC] You say, "Hm... I don't even think the Bene Gesserit could turn that one down..."

[OOC] Typheous kicks himself. I should do that.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "In computer terms, those files are the musty old scrolls in the attic."

[OOC] Valyros says, "That's odd, I got socks that old..."

[OOC] You say, "Clay tablets.."

[OOC] You say, "Speaking of tangents, shall we get started?"

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Plainly, they're heirlooms, passed down to Io by it's motherboard, to be guarded until the terrible prophecies within can be unveiled."

[OOC] You eat some of your Barbequed Wench. About two-thirds of it remains.

[OOC] You say, "Riiight..."

[OOC] Eclipse is suddenly having 5th Element flashbacks...

[OOC] Tsharing says, "I just notice things like this. I also found a 2 pence coin in my pocket that's ten years older than I am, and wondered how many different things that had been used to pay for over it's lifespan."

[OOC] Valyros says, "I just got my old parent's computer Shinra, and my new one Onyx."

[OOC] You say, "I know a U.S. dollar tends to survive 3 transactions."

[OOC] Eclipse just has Marvin.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "1971, the year we introduced decmilisation, and the 2p is one of the few coins that hasn't been given a new shape in the time."

[OOC] Plax has CobolCruncher, Tower of Power, ComCrack, and The Professor. Anyway, ready to start here. *pops some popcorn*

[OOC] Valyros says, "Ready to start too."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Ready."

[OOC] Psyche says, "We have Tranquillity, Shalom, Heiwa, Ayradyss, and Shain :)"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Set."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Sounds like the cast of an Anne Rice novel."

Eclipse puts on his dragon medallion. "When last we left Hell's Errand Children, they had just learned that the blood sponge woman was created by Caine as a super-soldier to use against the Fae."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Oh, yeah."

[OOC] Typheous says, "And we were in Quentin's house still, right?"

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Yes.

Tsharing says, "We should let her go."

You say, "Also, Gama (Tsharing's mentor) was apparently going to be visiting Caine to check out the project."

Valyros says, "On a scale of one to 10, what's the unplesant rating of what I done to you?"

(remotely) Plax has been counting out the days, scratching a mark on a wall in his catch with his claws, every day. That and studying things Caine has done when he's wandered down here. And chatting with his Avatar at times.

Psyche's eyes widen, and she turns a glare on Tsharing. "Why?"

Typheous glances to Tsharing. "Let go someone who just almost killed a man and seems totally unremorseful?"

Plax pages: "Cage, not catch"

You say, "Lucia raises an eyebrow, 'A strange question. A six, perhaps a seven. The suppression you have laid on my regenerative powers will fade, correct? Otherwise, I will have to see Caine about renewing the enchantment.'"

Valyros says, "I think it's a bad idea..."

Tsharing says, "Because she is necessary."

Valyros says, "Thank you Lucia dear..."

Typheous frowns. "I'd prefer to stop murderesses from roaming the streets, personally. I fail to see how letting her go will do anything beneficial."

Psyche sighs softly, then shakes her head. "I think...I think another piece of the prophecy just fell into place.

[OOC] Psyche "

Valyros says, "What prophecy?"

Psyche . o O ( Tell me, Typheous...where are the Uncharted Realms? )

Typheous . o O ( Where? Anywhere Order isn't. )

Psyche . o O ( And how big is that? )

Typheous . o O ( .... big.... )

Psyche says, "The prophecy that sent us here in the first place, looking for Plax."

Tsharing says, "Then we take her back to Caine ourrselves. Though the preying on other people is unnesecary when condemned criminals could be used for the purpose, she is necessary."

Psyche . o O ( Compared to Order? )

Typheous . o O ( Um, damn big? What's your point. )

(to Plax) Eclipse nods. "You have learned that the area is warded against Correspondence and Time scrying (and teleporting), and you are apparently below the Berlion estate. There is a guard of some sort, but Caine's family servant feeds you herself. She seems to be known only as the Gatekeeper."

Psyche . o O ( Really fucking big. And if you take a finite amount of Order and attempt to use its power to eliminate an infinite amount of Disorder, what happens? What happens when the people inside the bubble of air attempt to overstep their bounds and encase the sea? )

Typheous keeps his blade on the woman's throat. "Why is she necessary?"

Typheous . o O ( Then the sea fills the bubble, and the people drown. )

Psyche . o O ( And the sanguinary power spreads before the flood... )

Psyche says, "Caine's plan is flawed...fatally so. Fatally for more than just him."

Tsharing says, "You remember the fae. Does the memory of your evisceration keep you awake at night? This is not a question of right and wrong, but of law and chaos."

Tsharing says, "What is the flaw?"

Plax pages: "(Just so I know, what do I have/not have with me? He always kept his Sai and Knife on him. I know he doesn't have his bow or shield)"

Plax has received your page: "Are those items painfully essential? Because it is unlikely he would let you remain armed..."

(remotely) Plax headshakes. I'll assume he didn't have them when he teleported (was just getting ready for bed, IIRC, when it happened)?

Valyros says, "I've had only limited knowledge of the fae, but I'm not the best person to ask about that. I do know they are living embodyment of chaos, but they sometime use rather sick and unsavory practices. "

Typheous nods to Psyche. "Yes. Since the Uncharted Realms are infinitely larger than here, where Order reigns, if we attack the Fae, they will attack in unlimited numbers, destroying us. If we pop this bubble, the sea around us will crush us."

Psyche stands up, pacing back and forth across the carpet with a sudden overwhelming energy, eyes flashing, only her voice even. "We exist in a bubble of Order, correct? What surrounds this bubble of Order?"

Plax has received your page: "Works for me."

Typheous . o O ( Sorry, I should have let you say that... )

Psyche glances at Typheous . o O ( Yes. )

Tsharing says, "Chaos. And nightmares. I could give you intimate descriptions of several centuries of them if you wish."

Plax pages: "=:glances to see if the Gatekeeper is about (standard prison cell setup I imagine?)."

Plax has received your page: "Pretty much. She isn't. You haven't seen her all day."

Valyros says, "I was lost in one of them for a few days... or seconds... or centuries. It's impossible to tell time there."

Psyche says, "Disorder. Chaos. The Uncharted Realms. A power held leashed at the moment because there is no real threat to them. A sea of disorder surrounding our bubble of Order.""

Tsharing says, "You preach to those who know this. Two of us have spent a long time there personally."

Valyros says, "Ah, I can understand that no good could come from this plan at all."

Typheous nods. "And is there any force in Order that could vanquish it all."

[OOC] Typheous says, "-. +?"

(remotely) Plax hovers about, still annoyed with being cooped up. He glances to his Avatar. "Well, glad I've got you to talk with. Otherwise I think I'd go crazy in here".

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled Past Lives (5) and Lives (0) (5d10): 8, 8, 6, 1, 5 No diff given.

Plax has received your page: "Caine arrives with your meal, this time. "How is my little caged bird doing?""

Tsharing says, "People. Those who define the natural order, and are prepared to strike out and define new things. Spend too much time huddling, and you will retreat and eventually be overwhelmed."

Valyros says, "An infinate, continuously mutating force of raw creation? I don't see how."

Psyche nods, still pacing. "I'm establishing the groundwork. How many Fae are there? A sea of Fae, a flood of them. Enough to wash Caine's sanguinary power away entirely, should he pose a true threat to them...and take the entire bubble of Order with him." A pause. "And 'the sanguinary power spreads before the flood'...because his are the 'corpse-cold hands' that wield the 'iron bands'."

(remotely) Plax glances to Caine, hovering. He lands. "Oh, as well as a bird who never gets to stretch his wings can be doing. Is this an anniversary or something? I so rarely get to be honored by my ever-humble host these days".

Typheous frowns. "We have to stop him. At least, we have to convince Gama that this is an ill advised idea."

Psyche stops for a moment, turning to study Valyros. "You should hear the prophecy, Lady (Whatever). I apologise. I forgot everyone but you knows what I'm referring to."

Valyros says, "Please, it won't be the first time I was part of a world changing event."

Plax has received your page: "Caine slides the food through the slot. "The Gatekeeper is indisposed." A pause. "I have come to give you one last chance to ally yourself with my worthy cause. My magic has rendered you resistant to Fae manipulation. Join me, and I will complete your transformation. You will be immune to the depredations of those beings of Chaos.""

Psyche pauses, folding her hands behind her back and reciting without inflection: "I think you should be more worried about the eagle trapped by the silver noose, Psyche. Iron bands ensnare, wielded by corpse-cold hands. The sanguinary power will spread before the flood. There is no ground high enough to escape the waters of an ocean enraged. Strike the stone with your rod, and a path will open through the sea to a new land - a land of fire and brass, of steel and suffering, of claw and copper. But only when the coin is flawless gold will the door open for you."

Valyros nods, "Suitibly egnimatic and not too useful until the last minute. Which is the way most prophecies are...

Tsharing says, "The seers speak vaguely, for if the prophecies were actually useful, people would take actions to change them."

Typheous takes a deep breath. "That said, we need to stop Caine, or he will destroy all that has been struggled for."

(remotely) Plax glances at the food, but turns back to Caine. "Haven't I told you that I'd much rather keep my gifts than become some minion to you? Personally, I'm waiting for the day when I actually get to take you up on that offer to kill you. Besides, you've told me so little about your plans that I couldn't make an informed decision. What would you expect me to say, 'Yes I want to join your cause which you've never detailed'? That would be rather foolish, wouldn't it?"

Psyche nods. "Find Plax and stop Caine. And quickly; we don't know how long we have."

Valyros says, "You say that like it's a bad thing Tsharing..."

Tsharing says, "I will speak with my mentor and tell him of your fears. He will judge, possibly with greater wisdom than me."

Typheous sighs. "And the only place we know we can find your mentor at is at Caine's. Unless you have another idea, Tsharing."

Valyros says, "Yes, something definately must be done to keep things in moderation and harmony."

Psyche resumes her pacing. . o O ( Now I know she's fucking bizarre... )

Tsharing says, "I do not. In any case, whichever course of action you decide on, you will almost certainly need to visit him anyway."

Tsharing says, "Or shall we continue to wander about the city searching for clues? All the ones we have point to the same place."

Valyros says, "And the only way to visit him is to infultrate the castle."

Tsharing says, "Or to simply enter and state our business."

Valyros says, "If we do, we should dress appropriately..."

Typheous takes a deep breath. "He has a new door guard, though, so I do not know how easy it will be to gain direct access. Though it is worth a try. And if we have her with us...."

Plax has received your page: "Caine shrugs. "It really isn't so complex. I have created a small force with spells like the ones on you. They are invulnerable to Fae magic and possess weaponry useable against them. The most recent experiments have produced members who can pass their powers to others. I am particularly proud of that last. It was certainly not easy. I have arranged a meeting with one of the more powerful perimeter defenders and hope to convince all the guardians of our bubble of Order to undertake the transformation. After that, we will begin a gradual conquest of the Uncharted Regions. The Fae cannot hope to stand against the Knights of Order we will recruit. I would gladly have you as a lieutenant among those who were once Sleepers. Your family has a reputation for clear thinking under fire. I would rather have you as an ally than a hostage.""

(remotely) Plax considers this. "You've already made me resistant to the Fae, and my own Powers can be used against them as it is. Why would you need to further change me to have me be of use to you? While making those who can pass their gifts on to others is quite the feat, it doesn't seem crucial to me for your overall goal, aside from expediating the process of creating new members".

Psyche nods, continuing to pace. "The front door first, without letting Quentin outfit us. We've established that for the most part, disguises against Caine are worthless. Perhaps it would be in order even to make an appointment this time."

Valyros says, "I don't know, might be more poinant if we just come up unannounced and would think we do mean business."

Typheous nods. "Possibly, but Caine does not take visitors without an appointment. Perhaps we could demand for an appointment soon. And what sort of defenses should we have?"

Valyros says, "What sort of defenses can we scrape together on short notice?"

Tsharing says, "@sheet"

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Oops."

[OOC] Psyche giggles.

Plax has received your page: ""A Fae could still manipulate your mind with little difficulty, and you lack the ability to pierce illusions with your gaze. Without those, you could still be misled by a Fae or the ravages of the Uncharted Regions' mirages. I can grant you both, but I will not give you that power without first being assured of your loyalty to my cause. You are a mage. What can be written by one mage can eventually be burned away by another. Protected from mental intrusion as you would be, I would be hard-pressed to force your cooperation if it became necessary to prevent you from spoiling everything.""

Typheous shrugs. "Something to protect our minds and our bodies."

Quentin, "I could obscure your actions from foresight, though if you act as soon as you imply, it's effects will be somewhat limited if our conversations have already been watched.

Tsharing says, "I will establish both for myself."

Valyros says, "You know, I don't think we should burden Lucia's mind with all of these troublesome details. Don't you?"

Lucia, "I could pass my powers to each of you. They are potent defenders of both mind and body, as you have already observed."

(remotely) Plax frowns. "And in doing so, you destroy my being as a mage, making me lose all that I've worked for. I'm afraid we won't be able to agree on that, so I've no reason to accept your offer". He picks up his food and glances at it before looking at Caine. "Your plan isn't going to work, Caine. You're making plenty of assumptions about what the Fae can and cannot do".

Valyros says, "Kind offer, but I think we can do alright by ourselves."

Psyche turns her eyes on Lucia. "At what cost?"

Typheous turns to Lucia, his blade pressing against her neck. "No thank you."

Typheous . o O ( You will not. )

Tsharing pages: "Dropping everything but the senses. Energising the staff (Df4, 2 duration, 4 effect, 3 concealment). Setting up a basic mind barrier (Df4, 3 duration, 5 effect)"

Psyche . o O ( You are not my master. )

Plax has received your page: ""I have endured the Uncharted Regions unscathed against a hundred Fae. I think I have some idea of their capabilities.""

Tsharing says, "Excuse me for a few minutes."

Tsharing leaves, and prepares in her own room.

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled Arete (3d10): 4, 1, 4 ** 1 success (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled Arete (3d10): 4, 3, 4 ** 2 successes (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled Arete (3d10): 1, 10, 1 ** 0 successes (diff 4) **

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered ***

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled Arete (3d10): 1, 5, 9 ** 1 success (diff 4) **

Lucia shrugs, "Aside from a need to feed on life energies regularly, there are no apparent disadvantages to the powers Caine's scions have been granted."

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled Arete (3d10): 10, 3, 8 ** 2 successes (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled Arete (3d10): 10, 8, 10 ** 3 successes (diff 4) **

Valyros says, "So you were a mage before this?"

Plax pages: "And so far, I've endured my time here with you. I'll definately not consider it the best of times though. So, tell me Caine, how much do you remember of your past? Do you miss being able to control Reality, the thrill of dodging it's backlash, and the lessons it taught you?"

Tsharing pages: "And the second."

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled Arete (3d10): 6, 7, 9 ** 3 successes (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled Arete (3d10): 8, 2, 4 ** 2 successes (diff 4) **

Psyche's lips twitch wryly. "Unfortunately, you bloodsucking bitch, that need is anathema to my purpose." She glances at Typheous, lifting a brow. . o O ( Can you shield my mind? I don't trust Tsharing to do it. )

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled Arete (3d10): 10, 10, 10 ** 3 successes (diff 4) **

[OOC] Plax dangs.

Lucia_shakes_her_head, "No. The power can be passed to both mages and non-mages."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Well, after fumbling the first two skill checks in Joe's game today...."

Valyros says, "And when it's been passed to mages? What was the effect?"

Tsharing pages: "And the second."

(to Tsharing) Eclipse nods.

[OOC] Psyche waits for Typheous to get done frosting the cake and come respond to her.

Lucia, "I have heard that magic is a little more difficult, but that might only be a rumor.

Valyros says, "If it's even a rumor, I don't think I'd like it. I could duplicate what you have easy enough without the needed side effects."

Plax has received your page: "Caine laughs. "Do you think I have lost my power? Not at all. It is a little more difficult, granted, but I am no less powerful than once I was.""

Psyche pages: "What would it require to give myself regeneration?"

Typheous . o O ( I will, yes. Anything else you want me to do? )

(remotely) Typheous hunts for his rote lists.. grr...

Psyche has received your page: "Life 3."

Psyche . o O ( I think a force shield would be a bit too obvious. But I can an effect like her regeneration...if you think that would be beneficial... )

[OOC] Psyche says, "*can handle"

Typheous . o O ( Yes, if you could. )

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (4d10): 5, 4, 7, 8 No diff given.

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (4d10): 4, 5, 3, 5 No diff given.

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (4d10): 9, 2, 1, 7 No diff given.

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (4d10): 6, 10, 5, 2 No diff given.

(remotely) Plax shrugs. "If it's more difficult, you're not as powerful as you once were. It takes more effort, more force of will, to do what you used to be able to do. Quite the nice ward you have set up here. No teleportation or scrying, including through Time. Makes escaping quite difficult I find".

Psyche nods at Typheous in silent agreement to apparently nothing. "We'll be right back..." she says, and heads for the stairs and her room.

Valyros says, "Well I wish I could talk to you more dearie, but I should get ready for our meeting also."

You say, "Quentin chants and waves a lens over each of you. "That should prevent foresight for a little while.""

Tsharing is ready, and waiting downstairs.

Typheous frowns, his blade at her throat. "What do we do with her? Do we leave her, kill her, or shall we use the stake again while we prepare?"

Psyche pauses at the foot of the stairs. "Someone shove a stake through her again so she stays put?" And then heads off to prepare.

Psyche . o O ( Argh. )

Typheous . o O ( Just a second... I'll be with you in a moment. )

Valyros goes down to get her weapons, and waves her hands around in a new pattern over her body.

Valyros pages: "Trying that regeneration rote thing."

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 10, 7, 8, 2 No diff given.

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 2, 8, 8, 2 No diff given.

Valyros pages: "Five successes should be enough, or no?"

Psyche pages: "Trying a regeneration effect, blood focus, on me first. ( Don't suppose I can fill the last empty spot in my Rotes with it... )"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Is someone going to stake her for me?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "She'd die if we staked her now."

Plax has received your page: ""Spare no expense when dealing with a rival. And there are options you have not considered. I can tap the flow of magic directly and use the Quintessential energies to eliminate the difficulties posed by the magic affecting me.""

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (3d10): 1, 3, 9 ** 0 successes (diff 5) **

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered ***

(remotely) Psyche chokes.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Point... Hmm... so I'm stuck here until someone else takes guard duty?"

[OOC] Psyche just...dies.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Ummm..."

Valyros has received your page: "Just for yourself? Certainly. 3 HL per turn unless killed."


[OOC] Plax gives you a pint of Good Mojo Juice.

I don't understand that ("md" is an ambiguous name).

[OOC] You drink some of your Mountain Dew. About one-third of it remains.

[OOC] Psyche waits for the verdict.

Psyche has received your page: "You could, yes. Not an auto-backlash Effect, so you're free to start from scratch."

Psyche pages: "Whew."

Typheous will guard the bint until someone takes his place so he can prepare.

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (3d10): 4, 8, 5 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (3d10): 3, 6, 4 ** 1 success (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (3d10): 8, 8, 6 ** 3 successes (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (3d10): 2, 4, 7 ** 1 success (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (3d10): 7, 4, 4 ** 1 success (diff 5) **

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (3d10): 3, 1, 4 ** BOTCH 1 (diff 5) **

[OOC] Psyche says, "Bugger."

Valyros comes out, fully armed and beaming full of energy at Typheous' duty, drawing her own sword and putting it at Lucria's throat. "I'll take over babysitting you for a while."

[OOC] Psyche must learn not to push her luck.

[OOC] Eclipse sighs.

Typheous sheaths his blade. "Thank you." He ducks to his room first to pick up some items and then goes to find Psyche.

[OOC] Psyche will pretend she released it the roll before that if you do? :)

Psyche has received your page: "How about you stop at 6 successes and get a 3 HL per turn regen for you and Typh for the next day?"

Psyche pages: "I love you, Eric."

Psyche pages: "Deal."

Psyche has received your page: "Of course, it isn't powerful enough to bring you back from the dead, as that requires Entropy 4, too..."

Psyche pages: "Duh."

Psyche pages: "But it's better than nothing :)"

Typheous . o O ( Would something that let you parry better be useful to you? )

Psyche is waiting for Typheous, sheathing her dagger against the small cut in her finger. "My turn first." Beat. "Take my hand." . o O ( Maybe. Won't turn it down. ) And casts.

Valyros says, "I do have to admit, it is a very nice feeling, expecially for one so healing impared as myself. Of course I'm just doing this for myself and runnig on limited knowledge, and I'm sure it's profoundly different than yours."

(remotely) Plax considers that for a moment. "And that seems rather similar to basic usage of Prime to me, Caine. Doesn't seem like a great tradeoff to me, to be honest".

Typheous takes her hand, a slight smile on his face, but it's not smug. . o O ( When you're done...) (When she's done, he will cast Divert the Blows on both of us.)

Plax has received your page: "Caine smiles. "You've never seen a mage burn a dozen Red Caps in under an hour without fear of backlash or the chaotic twisting of the magic. Within the bubble of Order, it is true I am somewhat diminished, but in the Uncharted Regions, I am invincible.""

Psyche swallows hard, but neither retches nor jerks away, waits for his turn to cast.

Typheous pulls three stones out, placing them in various pockets. He pulls a few others out and hands them to Psyche. "Place these in your pockets."

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Arete (3d10): 9, 7, 4 [Spent 1 WP for a success] ** 4 successes (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Arete (3d10): 5, 1, 4 [Spent 1 WP for a success] ** 2 successes (diff 4) **

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered ***

Typheous pages: "That a backlash causing effect?"

Psyche does so.

Typheous has received your page: "No."

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Arete (3d10): 4, 4, 2 ** 2 successes (diff 4) **

Plax pages: "And where to we function the most? Within the bubble of Order or in the Uncharted Regions? Seems to me I'd rather be fully functioning within the bubble of Order"

Plax has received your page: ""I lower myself here the better to drive back our enemies out there. You do not need defenders within the bubble of Order if the Chaos is constantly being driven back.""

Typheous concentrates for a few minutes, holding Psyche's hand. He tenses slightly and lets out a breath as he relaxes. "There, that should help with the parries. Now for a mental sheild? I'm going to need you talk to you again." (4 into duration, 1 to target her, and 3 into effect. Should give us +6 to our parries for duration.

Psyche sighs. "Any excuse." There's a slight edge to her voice, but she talks. (and for the sake of everyone else, we'll skip the banter) :)

Typheous pages: "Mind shield is what? Mind 2? Diff 4, duration and strength + 1 into target?"

Typheous has received your page: "Since she "is you", Mind 2 would allow you to create false fronts. Mind 1 would be adequate for a straight mind shield."

(remotely) Typheous nods. Hmm.. Let's go for the straight mind shields. Diff 3 then? (w/ focus)

Typheous has received your page: "Yes."

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Arete (3d10): 9, 4, 10 ** 3 successes (diff 3) **

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Arete (3d10): 3, 4, 3 ** 3 successes (diff 3) **

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Arete (3d10): 1, 9, 10 ** 1 success (diff 3) **

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Arete (3d10): 6, 2, 6 ** 2 successes (diff 3) **

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Arete (3d10): 10, 4, 2 ** 2 successes (diff 3) **

(remotely) Plax shrugs. "And you do so without anyone's consent and you're the aggressor in a war. That doesn't make you appear in a very good light, I'm afraid".

Valyros pages: "Crap, I forgot to do a Life Ward, could I do that retroactively?"

Typheous smiles at whatever was the last comment made. "That should do it. Although if you want it stronger, I could keep working on it." (release with 4 duration, 1 into target, and 6 into strength.)

Plax has received your page: ""I don't need your approval, little one. You have answered my question." He walks away."

Valyros has received your page: "Sure."

Psyche shakes her head, dropping his hand. "Let's go."

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 4, 2, 3, 1 No diff given.

Tsharing is waiting downstairs, with only the staff. "Are you completely ready?"

[OOC] Tsharing says, "BRB"

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 8, 9, 2, 4 No diff given.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Nobody's going to come up and get me?"

Typheous nods to Tsharing. "As ready as I am going to be. Is Valyros here? And how are we leaving the bint?"

Psyche goes to get Valyros as she leaves. "What do we do with her? Leave Quentin to watch her?"

<Login> Tsharing has reconnected from on Sat Mar 1 21:25:20 2003 EST.

Psyche asks Valyros that, incidentally.

(remotely) Plax watches him leave, waiting. He then looks at the door and examines the lock for a moment, thinking quietly to himself (what's the lock look like, if there is any?).

Plax has received your page: "It is just a metal bar on the outside of the door."

Valyros says, "Yes, probably best to leave him in Quintin's charge. Better than any innanimate defense we could do to her."

Plax pages: "(Alright, I've probably, in the past, tried to figure out what exactly the wards are on here. Just the scrying and teleportation ones you told me about, right?)"

Psyche nods. . o O ( I'll wager you another walk she's not here when we get back. Valyros says to leave her with Quentin. )

Typheous . o O ( And what do you get if you win this bet? A kiss? )

Plax has received your page: "Yes, but there is also some kind of stunning spell that prevents you from touching the door."

Psyche . o O ( I don't have to go on another walk with you. That idea is immensely satisfying. )

[OOC] You say, "Oh ye of little faith in the 25 watt NPC... *evil grin*"

Typheous . o O ( And you don't have to go on another walk with me if you don't make this bet. It's almost as if you *want* to go on another walk. )

Psyche . o O ( *suddenly angry* Forget I said anything. Fuck off. )

Quentin, "I'm sure I can handle a little guard duty. I wielded absolute power almost responsibly once, remember?"

Valyros says, "True, and a elven mage could definately handle her."

Psyche quirks one lip, looking decidedly sulky. "Right. Just make sure she's still here when we get back."

[OOC] You say, "Reminder - If you have 2 or more spells active, the difficulty of all new spells cast is increased by +1 for every 2 spells, rounding down."

Valyros sheathing her sword she says, "Well I'm sorry Lucria but I have to go. See you when I get back."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "I took that into account with my third."

(remotely) Psyche ponders. I think I have two of my own, now - the regeneration effect and the memory cache (was active to end of story, IIRC)

Psyche pages: "Right?"

Psyche has received your page: "Believe so."

(remotely) Psyche nods.

Tsharing says, "Are we ready now?"

Valyros says, "Ready to go."

[OOC] Typheous grins. Oops. Didn't pull that in in the second one there that I cast.

[OOC] Eclipse isn't worried about it, yet. It's much worse when the situation is tense...

Typheous nods. "Let's go." He starts for the door. . o O ( You're on, as long as I can earn walks later. )

Plax pages: "=:ponders. With Corr 2/Forces 1, could I pull in a small wind that would appear right under the bar, removing it and swinging the door open? Or is it warded that I can't bring anything to me as well? Or would it require Forces 2?"

Valyros follows Typheous.

Psyche . o O ( What? )

Psyche follows Valyros following Typheous.

Plax has received your page: "It would require Forces 2. Cor is totally blocked out. Caine isn't that stupid..."

Typheous . o O ( If I'm wrong, it doesn't preclude the possiblities of other walks. )

[OOC] You say, "Front door, yes?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Yep."

(remotely) Plax nods. Hey, had to try. PC requirement. *will hover around, trying to figure a way out of this mess for the millionth time*

Psyche . o O ( Oh. Right. )

You say, "You arrive at the front of the Berlion estate. The gate is closed, but no one appears to be tending it, at the moment."

Tsharing says, "Is anyone here?"

"roll" is not the name of any player.

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (6d10): 4, 2, 6, 8, 8, 8 No diff given.

Typheous frowns at the gate. "No. Or at least, it doesn't seem like it. And if I remember, the gates are not safe to touch, or so they claim."

Psyche says, "So open them without touching them."

Valyros says, "Shall I?"

You say, "Caine appears just outside the gate. 'Hello, again. I'm surprised to see you back so soon.'"

Tsharing says, "They wish to talk with you."

[OOC] You say, "As in, comes up through the ground."

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 9, 5, 9, 5, 7, 4, 9, 8 No diff given.

Caine, "Come inside."

Valyros says, "My, how gracious to come out and speak to your guests."

You say, "The gate swings open with a creak."

Psyche contains her surprise, face and voice neutral. "What happened to your gatekeeper? She was such a charming woman..."

[OOC] Valyros says, "As in actually tilling up the dirt, or as in he just floats up like nothing's there."

You say, "Caine does a slight double-take when he notices Valyros and smiles. "Good to see you, again.""

Typheous studies Caine a frown on his face. "Thank you, sir. After you." He waits for Caine.

[OOC] You say, "Almost as though the earth rises up in the shape of him and then resolves into the appearance of flesh."

Tsharing goes in.

(remotely) Plax glances to his Avatar and sighs. "You know, I really need to start studying the Spirit Sphere sometime, you know that Eagle? I can think of a dozen intellectual ways to aid in getting out of here with it, but I lack the skill with it".

Valyros pages: "Refresh my memory, we didn't encounter someone named Caine last summer?"

You say, "Caine leads you to a living room. "What brings you to my humble abode.""

Plax pages: "(BTW, what are the walls made out of?)"

Valyros has received your page: "To the best of my knowledge, no. He is, however, involved in local politics, so I imagine Val would have at least met him once, if only briefly."

Plax has received your page: "Stone."

Valyros follows Caine in, "Oh yes, I think we meet over some of your logging rights in our forest. You've changed quite a bit sir."

Plax has received your page: "Eagle, "You just need to thin the veil between the worlds ever so slightly to step through. Caine apparently has little knowledge of the spirit worlds.""

Typheous takes a deep breath. "We've come to speak with you about the Fae."

Valyros says, "And your little... experiments."

Tsharing says, "They disapprove of it."

Caine, "Ah, the Fae. What about the Fae? Have you come to join the Knights of Order?"

Psyche bites her tongue and keeps a watchful pair of eyes on Tsharing and Caine.

(remotely) Plax hovers over and looks at the walls, unsheathing his talons. "I wonder how hard it would be to start opening my way through here," he says. Turning back to Eagle, he nods. "I've tried before, but it's not easy. I can sense how thick the veil is, but I've never been able to actually thin it. I can't even speak to those on the other side yet, though I can see and hear them".

Valyros says, "I just want to know what exactly is your problem with the fae? I haven't heard of anything they've done to peeve you off."

Caine, "What is there to disapprove of? Well, I understand some of the Knights have had difficulties adjusting to the complications of maintaining their health, but they will learn."

Typheous's eye darkens. "It won't work. You can't defeat them like this."

Caine frowns, "The Fae prevent the expansion of our civilization. Something must be done about them and the Chaos they inhabit."

Tsharing says, "I agree with you. But Psyche, perhaps you should tell him of your vision. This is the core of the objection."

Caine, "Of course."

Valyros says, "What is wrong with chaos? It brings about much needed change and is the pure enbodyment of creation. Unless you want a slow death I don't see how you can do without a healthy dose of Chaos."

Typheous shakes his haed. "And have we tried talking with them? And I hardly consider this bubble of Order to be crowded."

Psyche . o O ( Shall I? )

Plax has received your page: ""A connundrum, certainly.""

Typheous . o O ( In a manner. Don't mention the prophecy. )

(remotely) Plax nods. "It's something I've worked at, but haven't yet mastered, as you know". He hovers and tries to see if he can free any of the stone, holding it firm in his claws if he can do so.

Caine, "Attempts at diplomacy have all failed. It is not all chaos that causes trouble, but it is difficult to find a benefit in a place where your skin might boil off your body for no reason other than it not having happened in a while."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "I did."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Vision and prophecy are a semantic difference :)"

Valyros says, "Well one would have to wonder why would you want to go to such a place?"

Typheous raises his eyebrow. "I hardly see why such a war is necessary. They aren't attacking us in any real numbers."

Psyche purses her lips, eyes flickering dark amber. "A vision in which it was made quite clear to careful analysis that attempting to muster even the total resources of this bubble of Order against the fae will at best fail. At worst, it will unleash a flood of fae that will wash away all Order here." A long pause. "No-one can count them; no-one can number their forces. You cannot prevail against such a thing; it is folly to attempt it - a folly that endangers us all." She shakes her head.

Caine, "To eliminate it or at least to expand our bubble of Order. Ours is a fragile state. The boundary of Order weakens the Fae if they pass through it, but they are still dangerous. A larger perimeter would allow greater leeway for defense should a full-scale invasion take place."

Psyche . o O ( He's not listening, Typh. He doesn't want to listen. )

Typheous sighs. "And creating that larger perimeter would also cause them to view us as a threat, and do that full-scale invasion." . o O ( Damn, I didn't want this to get messy. )

[OOC] Typheous says, "Is anyone else in the room?"

Caine, "Have you ever stopped to consider that this vision of yours might have been caused by the mechanations of the Fae? They are not organized. They are like wild barbarians who only make alliances of convenience, but instead, they make alliances of whimsy. It is their way."

[OOC] You say, "No."

Valyros says, "Is there any evidence for such an invasion? That and if Chaos surrounds reality on all sides and is infinate, does it not stand to reason that it would not matter in a tactical stand point than to maybe weaken the effect of fae crossing throught the barrier due to the concept of reality being stretched too thin?"

Psyche says, "The longer the chain, the greater the probability that one link is weak; the easier it is to break it at a point." She smiles tightly. "I have, and I am certain that it is not, sir."

Tsharing says, "Precisely. I would, however, suggest that it is not the best course of action to allow your servants to roam free. Perhaps allow them to feed on condemned criminals? And I would also say that unlike Min-Rai, you are in danger of pushing too hard and getting pushed back. Possibly, a slower, more defensive expansion could be considered? You surely, after all, have considered the possibility or a counter-attack?"

Valyros pages: "Caine is human, right?"

Typheous frowns. "And even if your plans worked, your soldiers were immune to the attacks of the Fae, the rest of mortality is not, leaving you a world of your soldiers and the Fae. And whom would they feed on then?"

Valyros pages: "And what was that really short lived race?"

Caine, "According to my observations, no Fae has come to Theusleh in over a decade. It cannot be the eternal vigilance of our border defenders, since Fae are constantly slipping past them to bother communities on the perimeter. I think the Fae grow weaker the closer to the centres of Order they get. If we expand the perimeter of our bubble, we further weaken the ability of the Fae to enter our communities. Border defenders who have been transformed into Knights of Order will prevent Fae from pressing in on the perimeter while we continue to consolidate and expand our influence."

Valyros has received your page: "Caine is myshar. Olmecs."

Typheous frowns. "And what happens if the bubble breaks? What happens if we push our Order too thin?"

Tsharing says, "But this order is defined by those living in it. A sufficiently large massacre or other mass death event has been observed to weaken this fabric. So a genocidal invasion would effectively be self-sustaining."

Typheous . o O ( At least he has no others in the room, though his method of travel is a bit.. unnerving. )

Plax pages: "(Any luck on the stone? Yes, I know it's a long shot, but hey, it's something for him to try)"

Psyche's voice hardens. "And who do the Knights of Order feed on, even should you manage to refrain from fatal aggrandisement? Who will serve to maintain them, feed their hunger for eternity? Do you plan to keep the rest of the living beings as cattle?"

Valyros says, "Has it occured to you that the fae that we see are like criminals in our world? Just off doing their own thing against the will of the others. You have stated yourself that the fae have no real sort of unification, this analogy would be more acceptable for the situation we have encountered so far."

Caine, "That would be problematic, yes. And the expansion will be far from rapid. A mile or two a month, at most. Creating too many Knights in a short period of time would be disastrous, as they would eventually be too numerous to be fed except during war time. The Knights can, in fact, feed on the Fae, and are intended to do so once deployed."

Typheous says, "And do you know what will happen if they feed on Fae? I can hardly believe consuming them will be the same as consuming a mortal."

Valyros says, "Now you are talking about these people as attack dogs."

Plax has received your page: "Nope, sorry. (Not what I expected them to do after the little infiltration run a couple sessions ago. Sorry.)"

Valyros says, "This not bode well for our percieved view of your empathy towards fellow sentients."

Tsharing says, "It sounds no worse than a mortal army."

Caine, "I have fed on many Fae, and it has not had any undesirable effects on me. I can't see why it wouldn't be perfectly safe for the Knights."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Any chance to tell if he's telling the truth?"

(remotely) Plax nods. This stunning spell, can I do a basic scan on it to determine which spheres if I don't know already?

[OOC] You say, "What's your Per + Empathy?"

Psyche shakes her head. "I maintain that expanding the borders of this bubble of Order serves no purpose but to -give- the Fae a reason to come, en masse, against us before we inconvenience them any further."

(remotely) Plax actually has a better idea. Are there any bugs skittering about by chance?

Valyros says, "Well you are a mage and are probably better able to channel those energies to a non-harmful way, than the others."

Plax has received your page: "You've looked before. It is a Life Effect. And of course there are."

[OOC] Typheous grins. 3. Unless Intrigue helps.

Typheous has received your page: "He appears to be earnest."

(remotely) Plax grins. Alright. With Life 2, Prime 1, could I mark it with my Resonance and send an ant to find someone in the cabal (Command Lesser Beasts) and try to lead them back?

Typheous studies Caine carefully. "The plan will not work and will destroy us all."

Valyros says, "That and what about the ability for these 'soilders' of yours to further 'infect' people to become like them, don't you worry that the lower ranking officers would turn a sizeable number of people to cause a 'bloody' coup against you?"

Tsharing says, "That is a point. Will there be a problem with loyalty?"

Caine, "I have observed Fae fighting each other with fearsome regularity. Can Chaos feel threatened by Order? It is true that the Knights' abilities are not quite as powerful as mine, but that is more a matter of moral imperative. Those I create are designed to be less powerful than myself. Those that these create are less powerful than their makers. And so forth. I would not have those opposed to my ideals benefitting from my efforts, but I also need to give those under my command the ability to recruit others for the Knights. This is a compromise."

Plax has received your page: "Yes. Yes, you could."

Typheous chuckles. "So you stay always on the top of the heap. Conveinent."

Tsharing says, "He behaves as a ruler. If you cannot maintain the barest piece of civility, you should leave."

Valyros says, "Yes Chaos can, I saw it during the last Ultimatum war, and you know where that lead too..."

Plax pages: "cuts himself lightly with his claws, the wound healing quickly, and makes gestures with his hands, focusing on his gift. He attempts to infuse an ant with his lifeforce and have it give off his signature Resonance (heavy focus on the Dynamic: Intruiging that they'd recognize, though the other 2 will pop up)."

Caine shrugs, "An army needs a leader. I am convenient in that I see what must be done and have the power to accomplish it."

Psyche . o O ( He talks so smoothly. One could almost be seduced by his ideas. If one had sense of moral consequence at all. )

[OOC] Psyche says, "*had no sense"

Valyros says, "But still, you get a good number of them, they could mob you, it is a fundamental theory of several military traditions."

Plax pages: "(And help me with diff, it's been awhile. Diff 5 + 1 for mulitple effects -1 for Focus, right?)"

Plax has received your page: "Correct."

(remotely) Plax blows a point of Quint on this also

Psyche murmurs "Why not let Caine decide if he feels insulted, Tsharing? You aren't his lapdog, after all..." There's a hint of question in her voice.

Typheous frowns. . o O ( Yes... and I'm afraid our friend might be. ) "I was simply pointing something out. Just seemed a bit... at odds with the Caine we spoke with earlier that didn't want to lead."

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 3, 1, 2 [Spent 1 WP for a success] ** 0 successes (diff 5) **

Plax pages: "Let's try that again. +1 diff?"

Caine, "You are correct. Once the second generation of Knights has spawned a third generation, and matters are progressing according to plans, I intend to withdraw from direct command and work from behind the scenes except when needed. A wise leader learns to delegate lest he be spread out too thin."

Psyche . o O ( Friend being your word. )

Plax has received your page: "You can start from scratch, instead."

(remotely) Plax will do so.

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 3, 10, 10 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

(remotely) Plax meant to spend a WP there as well, so 3. *kicks it*

Valyros says, "You know, back amoung my people about 50 years ago, you'd be consitreed quite a 'social engineer'"

Plax pages: "So, 2 into duration, 1 into target, how long would that last?"

Valyros sits back hoping the insult sinks in.

Typheous chuckles softly. "Pulling strings from safety. How... interesting. Not many like the bueracratic machincations of leadership."

Tsharing says, "Insult me plainly, or hold your tongue. I have seen what happens when a kingdom collapses. I have seen people have their skeletons ripped out and what's left worn as clothing by abominations you would have trouble imnagining. I have seen millions die, and cities obliterated. Why? Because people broke the rules. My mentor has afforded Caine's plan his time, so it cannot be completely flawed. Conversely, I have yet to decide if this plan will restore or destroy. Perhaps I would be less of his lapdog if you had spoken up to offer any objective with an effect beyond yourself."

Caine, "I do not, in fact, intend to lead in the sense of a general. I merely provide others with the ability to do what so obviously needs done. I have tested the Effects of the gifts I give to others to my satisfaction and am now content to let others take the more active roles. This is why I have invited one of the more well-known border guardians here to see what I have created."

Plax has received your page: "1 day."

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 2, 3, 7, 8, 5, 7, 1, 10 No diff given.

(remotely) Plax tries to build it more.

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (3d10): 7, 10, 5 ** 3 successes (diff 5) **

Valyros says, "And I take it the total effects are irreverseable?"

Plax pages: "There, that's more like it. Okay, 6 succs. 1 for target, 3 into length, 2 into Strength (just to make it easier to recognize). I tell the ant to go find Tsharing and to lead her and the cabal back to me."

Caine, "I cannot even undo the effects on myself. It is the source of my power against Chaos, but it is also a curse on my head."

Psyche's voice is calm. "I have offered an objection that has not been addressed to my satisfaction. Neither you nor Caine has explained to me how his abstract hope of pushing back the borders of this bubble of Order - for no benefit to the majority of its population - is worth the very real and unaddressed risk of the Fae responding with an en masse attack. Nor how you intend to address it should it occur. Nor what evidence there is that it will not occur."

[OOC] Eclipse oh dears at one of the pages...

[OOC] Plax says, "Probably mine"

[OOC] You say, "Yes. Yes, indeed..."

[OOC] Plax just realizes it and just laughs!

Psyche says, "Answer that to my satisfaction, and then I will move to the next. I fail how to see how that objective is limited to myself."

Tsharing says, "You have offered a prophecy. Deal now in proof. Probabilities. You hold him to logical standards of proof, which do not apply to your case."

Plax pages: "Fortunately, I made the resonance strong, so hopefully they'll sense it on the thing. Dang memory lapse."

Valyros says, "I can see that the long term effects of this campaign against the Fae will end poorly for us in the purest sense of the word."

Psyche says, "The prophecy, Tsharing, is only the grounds for raising my objection - which is founded on logic - logic which I laid out quite clearly without reference to the prophecy except as secondary confirmation."

Tsharing says, "So answer her questions. If you cannot, then this may indeed be a fallacious course."

Tsharing pages: "I'm starting to wonder if anyone's --ever-- going to ask about these great events Tsharing keeps referring to...."

Tsharing pages: "They're kind of like "So, you saw a civilisation fall? Despite being blind? Despite that not happening here in living memory? OK, fair enough.""

Valyros says, "I can see a whole age of strife, if not with the fae, but with the people and mages fighting back the Tyranny that will come inevitably from your soldiers of order."

Plax pages: "(would it be too late to change that to a fly or other winged insect? That was a pure brain drop there, and Plax would know not to use an ant)"

Typheous frowns, his eye on Tsharing and Caine interchanably. . o O ( This is not going well... Why does he not see the flaws in his plan. )

Psyche . o O ( Just wait. She's listening, at least. )

Typheous . o O ( I have no intention of starting a fight. )

[OOC] Tsharing says, "I might, depending on how things go."

Caine, "As I said, the greater the distance from the Chaos, the less powerful the Fae are there. By expanding our bubble of Order, we are indeed reducing the capacity of the Fae to mount a successful invasion. But the young woman has a strong point. If the Fae set out to do so, it could obliterate us no matter what we do short of expanding our bubble of Order to encompass the wide world, which I do not ever expect to see during my lifetime. Our situation is delicate, but if we do nothing to push back the Chaos, it will never improve. I have found a means of speeding up the process slightly. And there is something else. Theusleh cannot be the only city to have survived the Ultimatum War. Somewhere out there, there must be other bubbles of Order. If we can build a bridge over the sea of Chaos, we can unite and pool our resources."

Plax has received your page: "How about a flying ant? ;-)"

Tsharing says, "There are indeed other worlds, I can testify to this personally."

Psyche responds calmly, "Do you have any evidence at all that they will -not- do precisely that in response to your expansion?"

(remotely) Plax snickers. "Well, I think that might send Tsharing into a panic attack. But, if you rule an ant of some kind, well, that was my mistake for forgetting that".

Valyros says, "But is not Order already expanding at it's own pace? All we have to do is wait for the bubble to meet those other worlds without the aggression of the fae."

Caine, "We have already expanded from a circle a few miles wide to a circle nearly eighty miles wide. Up to this point, it has been more akin to clearing a forest than invading a nation. The Fae are not easily understood. I feel there is as much a danger they will invade on a whim than that they will respond with a united front if faced with an aggressor."

Typheous taps his fingers together in front of him. "But if we give them no reason to invade, wouldn't they be less likely? And has no one studied the Fae?"

Caine, "Many have died to fuel that expansion. This would significantly reduce the casualties in a potential conflict, since the Fae cannot harm the Knights."

Valyros says, "Why? The certainly have an infinate number of things out side of reality to occupy themselves without drawing attention to us."

Caine, "Does study of a fire make it any less likely to burn you when you touch it?"

Psyche says, "It enables you to find ways of manipulating it without getting burned."

Typheous chuckles. "Actually, yes."

Typheous . o O ( Stop that... )

Psyche pages: "Analysing this conversation, looking for a flaw in his logic."

Psyche pages: "Since Psyche is Int 4, analysis spec."

Caine, "Studying the *capabilities* of fire is useful, yes. Studying it in order to understand its motives is futile, however, do you not agree?"

Valyros says, "No, I find it rather facinating. The way it's all but a living thing, it breathes, it reproduces, it moves...."

Typheous says, "Fire has no motives to study. Can you say the same for the Fae?"

Psyche has received your page: "It's well-thought-out, but there are too many variables for it to be anything close to foolproof. Comparing Fae to fire is a bit of a stretch. Fae have a markedly superior intelligence even if they are whimsical."

Caine shrugs.

Psyche says, "Fire has no intelligence, sir. Are you saying the same about the Fae? Whimsical they may be, but they are far more intelligent than you seem to be considering them to be. If we perceive a potential threat to them, then is it not logical that they will at least entertain the same idea?"

Tsharing says, "Yes. They are chaotic because they are of chaos. They are no more likely to attack when faced with expansion than they are now. They have infinity--what do they have to fear for terrain?"

Valyros says, "To contemplate about it is neigh close to doing it."

Valyros says, "How have the fae responded to the expansion of reality?"

Typheous says, "Gerneally hostile, no? I don't believe they are as fully chaotic as you seem to believe. Patterns emerge from all Chaos."

Psyche says, "And we know that they have noticed it and do not like it."

Caine, "Diplomats have attempted to make peace with the Fae. In many cases, it even seemed as though they were making some progress, but always the Fae would break the treaties. What other choice do we have but war, whether a slow, jerky one or a more sytematic one?"

Valyros says, "Chaos begets order, and order begets chaos."

Typheous says, "Is it our only solution? We seem to be fine just as we are, slowly expanding. Systematic extermination would probably lead most of them to attack, unless they are totally insane and wish to die, in which case, why bother attacking our slow growth?"

Psyche says, "What benefit is there to the majority of this bubble of order from your expansion? You have said yourself that most people are unaffected."

Psyche has received your page: "Caine speaks of the Fae as though they do not work together, yet he also speaks of them as though they are a united group. Even mortals have factions and extremists."

Typheous . o O ( He would gain power over it. It would be *him* holding back the flood of the Fae. And since he and his kind are immune to the Fae, he could always just let theit defenses fall for a while to bring the world back in line. )

[OOC] You say, "Caine tears off his face to reveal that he is actually...Ethyl!"

Tsharing says, "Security. Invaders must get through more people on the edges to get to the ones in the middle ."

[OOC] Valyros says, "Put him in the gas tank, he burns a lot cleaner than regular gas!"

[OOC] Eclipse laughs. "Wrong Ethyl. The Boersmas know what I'm talking about..."

Valyros says, "Don't they already have to do so now?"

Psyche's feet shift, almost pacing in place. "Sir..." A long pause. "You speak of the Fae as if they do not work together, as if they act each alone...yet also as if they are a united group. As which do you percieve them - and against whom are you acting? Even mortals have factions and extremists."

[OOC] Psyche says, "NO! NO ETHYL!"

[OOC] Psyche runs screaming.

[OOC] Typheous hides in terror.

[OOC] Eclipse grins.

[OOC] Plax is unfamiliar with Ethyl, I'm afraid. Should I fear it?

[OOC] Valyros says, "Only if you're alergic to corn."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Yes. 6+ hours talking with her trying to get her to see that she shouldn't torture our characters to death."

[OOC] Plax ahs.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "I vaguely remember that story...."

Caine, "Yes, but how do you tell a rational Fae (and I use the term loosely) from a dangerous one? They all look more or less the same."

Valyros says, "How can you tell a dangerouse msyhar from a friendly msyhar?"

Caine, "This bears some thought. Perhaps it would not be amiss to use the Knights primarily as emissaries. They would be able to defend themselves if necessary, but their primary objective would be to study the society (and I use the term loosely) of the various Fae factions."

[OOC] You say, "I'm impressed. Really, I am."

Tsharing says, "That sounds like a better idea."

[OOC] You say, "Unexpected this is..."

Typheous says, "Perhaps. Much less likely to upset them as a whole, I would say."

[OOC] Plax is still going to shred the guy first chance I get. *sharpens claws*

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 4, 4, 4, 1, 9, 4, 6, 6 No diff given.

Valyros says, "Possible solution, but I would recomend exercising a little more restraint and control over your subordinates. One of them almost met a rather unfortunate end tonight."

Tsharing says, "I suggested that they be used to dispose of convicted criminals rather than being allowed free reign. This would also help them be accepted by the general public."

Psyche's feet pause in their shifting. "Much better, although it does not address my personal issues with the manner in which your knights sustain themselves." She shakes her head. "A topic for another discussion, when the larger issue is resolved." A half-glance to Tsharing. "That would be more acceptable." . o O ( Although not palatable by any standards. )

Caine, "Ah yes. Lucia, right? I should have thought twice about her. I'm generally a good judge of character, but when you ask for volunteers for magical experiments, you have to go with the raised hands. I will see if I can make arrangements for that."

Valyros says, "That and make sure it's SOLELY volenteer...."

Typheous studies Caine carefully. "After all, people randomly dying in the night isn't gernerally well accepted by the population at large."

Psyche pages: "You gave me the opening you did and didn't anticipate that resolution from it?"

Psyche has received your page: "I didn't *see* that opening until right before I gave it to you. You folks were ready for bear. I'm used to the other GCP games where one word out of place usually results in drawn swords."

Typheous . o O ( I don't trust him, though. )

(remotely) Psyche had it forming in her head, just not the impetus to suggest it.

Psyche . o O ( No shit. )

Caine, "No, I imagine not. I've had a lot on my plate, lately. Do you think, Valyros, that you could speak to the prison warden to make arrangements. I am not as eloquent as you, and you are a trusted face throughout the region.

Valyros says, "That and you must announce the existance of the Knights to the other communities."

Psyche . o O ( And now what about Plax? He's still fucking lying about that. )

Typheous says, "And there is something else I at least would like speak with you on."

Valyros raises an eyebrow, "Oh, something went wrong between you and yours and the local prison system?"

Typheous . o O ( I'm getting there. )

Caine, "Of course. Feel free to let them know, my lady. I fear my technical explanations would bore or frighten them, possibly both. You will, of course, inform them of my role in this and be kind enough to ... downplay ... some of my earlier mistakes? They will not be repeated."

Valyros says, "It would be better to fully list all of your earlier mistakes so I know what to downplay."

Tsharing says, "I would talk with my mentor. When will he arrive?"

Typheous watches Caine carefully for any hint of misdirection.

Caine, "In a day or two, depending on the Fae activity in his area. You would, of course, be welcome to join us for dinner."

Tsharing says, "I will."

Caine, "You know. Choosing poor candidates to transform, letting them run rampant in Theusleh while I concentrated on other matters, accidentally killing the first mage who volunteered, and partially transforming one mage without quite his entire consent. I don't know why I let my curiosity outstrip my good sense and ethical considerations, but I have always been known for my intense motivation. I am deeply sorry for any suffering my pride might have caused."

Valyros says, "Alright, I would be willing to do this for you, if you would respect the request of one of my companions here."

Caine, "Thank you for your assistance, advice and support. And if it is within my power, I would be absolutely delighted to."

Tsharing has received your page: "A flying ant lands on your hand. Give me a Perception + Awareness, dif 8."

Valyros turns to Typheous asking him to ask about his friend.

Typheous's eye narrows. "Where is Plax?"

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled Perception (2) and Awareness (3) (5d10): 4, 2, 3, 7, 6 [Spent 1 WP for a success] ** 1 success (diff 8) **

You say, "Caine's expression falls. "I fear that is one of my many mistakes that are in need of downplaying...""

Tsharing has received your page: "The ant seems to have a magical Effect on it."

Psyche keeps her gaze flickering from Caine to Tsharing, not quite trustingly.

Valyros raises an eyebrow, "I think it would be best if you explained the entire matter..."

Typheous raises his eyebrow. "Continue."

Tsharing says, "Would someone have a look at this ant, please? It may be magical?"

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 2, 7, 7, 1, 10, 7, 7, 8 No diff given.

[OOC] Typheous facepalms.

Psyche pivots and goes to take a look at the ant. "Not promising world domination, is it?"

Valyros looks at the ant, doing a Life/Prime scan on it.

Caine, "In fact, I fear I might have to ask for legal immunity or an opportunity to compensate financially for that particular error. I would of little use to society in Theusleh's prison, after all."

[Roll]: Valyros rolled Arete (4d10): 3, 8, 4, 3 No diff given.

Tsharing says, "Indeed."

Valyros has received your page: "It has three Resonances on it - Intriguing (Dynamic), Decaying (Entropic), and Ageless (Static)."

Typheous's expression doesn't change. "Is he alive and unharmed?"

Valyros has received your page: "They were put there by another mage."

Valyros pages: "That's the same type as Lucia?"

[OOC] Tsharing says, "BRB"

[OOC] Psyche does the same as Valyros.

Valyros has received your page: "Except for the Intriguing Resonance, yes, though it isn't as strong."

<Login> Tsharing has reconnected from on Sat Mar 1 23:16:24 2003 EST.

Valyros has received your page: "It has three Resonances on it - Intriguing (Dynamic), Decaying (Entropic), and Ageless (Static). They appear to have been put there by another mage."

Valyros says, "Cain, have you been experiencing with ants?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Only life and Spirit."

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (3d10): 10, 2, 1 ** 0 successes (diff 5) **

Caine_brightens_slightly, "He is alive, yes, but I need your word that I will be given a way to compensate for my crime other than through imprisonment."

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (3d10): 5, 4, 6 ** 2 successes (diff 5) **

Tsharing pages: "I'll have to go quite soon."

Valyros says, "Tell us what has transpired, then we will work out a way to compensate."

Typheous chuckles softly. "With your ability to move through the ground like that, I doubt imprisonment would be a valid punishment anyway."

Psyche has received your page: "It has three Resonances on it - Intriguing (Dynamic), Decaying (Entropic), and Ageless (Static). They appear to have been put there by another mage."

Psyche pages: "That bear a resemblance to any other Resonances I've seen, say, on Plax's ring?"

Caine, "You wouldn't have me *executed*, would you? I am so much more useful alive. I am the only one that knows the secret of creating Knights of Order, and it has already been established that they will be useful."

Tsharing has received your page: "How soon?"

Psyche has received your page: "The Intriguing Resonance is Plax's personal Resonance. The other ones are like weaker versions of the ones surrounding Lucia."

Tsharing pages: "About 15-20 minutes."

Psyche cups a hand around the ant, protectively. "All right, where do we go?" She addresses the creature directly. . o O ( Plax marked it. )

Valyros shifts her wings a bit to be a little more comfortable, "Alright, we will keep you alive, why not tell us exactly what happened?"

Typheous watches Caine carefully. "I don't believe kidnap is a capital offense, although I'm not up to date on my law studies." . o O ( Thanks for letting me know you're not crazy. )

You say, "The flying ant lifts off and flies through a tiny crack low in the wall."

Psyche turns to watch the ant's progress, taking a deep breath and biting her lip to draw blood. "Nice. Where'd it go?" she mutters under her breath.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Life/Corr to track it."

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (3d10): 5, 3, 9 ** 2 successes (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (3d10): 1, 3, 1 ** BOTCH 2 (diff 4) **

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered ***

[OOC] Typheous winces.

[OOC] Psyche BEATS her enter key. Meant to stop at 2, I swear!

[OOC] Psyche turns on auto-clear-input.

[OOC] Valyros says, "keyb.out.flush();"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Zmud, checkbox."

[OOC] Plax smacks Valyros. I'm on vacation, I don't want to look at code for 2 weeks, dangit.

[OOC] Psyche laughs!

Caine, "My twin brother lusted after the governor's position and kidnapped the Terz heir with the intention of using him as a leverage against the governor. Governor Terz attacked him, instead, and was killed. Plax killed my brother in a fit of rage, but I feared I would be accused and, to tell the truth, I needed a mage for the second of my experiments. I partially transformed him successfully, but stopped short of a full transformation because I feared he might have mistaken me for my brother."

[OOC] Valyros says, "I've been sick in the week and had been forced to do a Java project."

Psyche has received your page: "Don't worry about it. You track the ant for a while, but you lose the trace once it enters the basement."

Tsharing says, "Can this be reversed if he desires that?"

Psyche pages: "The same basement that was so heavily shielded before?"

Psyche has received your page: "Yep."

Valyros says, "Twin brother?"

Psyche . o O ( He's in the basement. The same basement where I couldn't see before...? )

Typheous . o O ( I see. )

Caine_shakes_his_head, "Alas, no. His burden is lighter than mine but no more reversible."

Psyche . o O ( And that doesn't sound like Plax... )

Psyche says, "May we see him, then?"

Typheous . o O ( Remember it was Caine's resonance on the ring, not his brother's. )

Caine, "Of course. Please try to keep him calm. I don't want him to attempt something rash. I would prefer not to have to hurt him."

Psyche . o O ( Correct. )

Psyche . o O ( A point to bring up later, or now? )

Typheous raises his eyebrow. "Keep him calm?" . o O ( Let's get Plax back, first.

Tsharing says, "Take us there."

Caine, "If you will follow me."

Valyros stands up and stretches out all her apendages, "Alright, if you excuse us Caine, I think we should go get in contact with Plax."

Valyros follows Caine.

Typheous follows.

Psyche follows as well. . o O ( Agreed. )

Eclipse leads you downstairs to a small cell with a metal bar on the outside. "Master Terz, you have some visitors."

[OOC] Psyche eeks! Eclipse is Caine!

[OOC] Eclipse facepalms.

[OOC] You say, "You know what I mean..."

Valyros says, "Was all of this really nessicary?"

You say, "Have you ever tried to keep an angry mage imprisoned? Even a young one can be a danger to those he regards as enemies, especially if an enemy means him no harm." Caine waves a hand and then removes the bar holding the door closed before retreating behind the group."

Plax speaks hoarsly, "Visitors? What've you done, gone after your nephew now". You might notice clawmarks marking the days he's been here against the stone. He hovers into view and his eyes widen. "Psyche? Tsharing? Typheous?" He pauses. "What do you intend to do with them, Caine?" He notices the hand waving. "Don't step in here!"

Tsharing has received your page: "How much time do you have left?"

Tsharing says, "We are not in danger."

Psyche pages: "Pick up the ant again now or no?"

Typheous holds his ground, hand falling to his blades but not landing on them. "What has happened her Plax?"

Psyche has received your page: "No. The whole basement is warded."

[OOC] Typheous says, "her = here"

Tsharing pages: "ASAP, really. Though I could just sign out now, and you fill me in on what happened Monday."

Psyche . o O ( Still warded down here. )

Valyros says, "My, what a cheerful little beaudoux...."

Caine smiles, "Unharmed, as promised."

[OOC] Valyros says, "I know I murdered that."

[OOC] You say, "And that is where we'll end for tonight."

Psyche holds her ground, lips flickering faintly at Plax's response.

[OOC] You say, "El has to be going soon."

[OOC] Plax says, "Sure, just as I was about to drop into a speech."

[OOC] Psyche savages Eclipse's cliffhangers :P

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Afraid so. Very interesting session tonight."

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Tsharing 20m 0s IC PC

Eclipse 4h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Psyche 4h 2s IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Plax 4h 7s OOC PC Being made crazy by Caine, page for lessons!

Valyros 4h 29s OOC PC

Typheous 4h 1m IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

--[Sat Mar 1 23:36:43 2003]--------------------------------[6 users; 0s lag]--

[OOC] Typheous sighs.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Bloody."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Save it for next week, Plax. Make it anyway :)"

[OOC] You say, "Plenty of time to compose it."

Tsharing pages: "Psyche"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Yes. I'm amazed I had the most political clout and I've just got Charisma 2."

[OOC] Plax can make it next week. Can't the following though (last tournament aside from Nationals).

*** Added 8 XP to Tsharing's Experience ***

*** Added 8 XP to Psyche's Experience ***

[OOC] Psyche just has Charisma 2, and only recently got that. But she thinks fast :)

*** Added 8 XP to Valyros's Experience ***

*** Added 8 XP to Typheous's Experience ***

[OOC] Plax decides that Life and Prime are your friends. Along with little bugs.

[OOC] Typheous grins. I don't know, I think I was doing ok. Although it's hard to answer all of us at once. :)

Psyche pages: "RP vote to Tsharing."

*** Added 3 XP to Plax's Experience ***

[OOC] Tsharing says, "You know, I'm wondering if anyone will --ever-- show the faintest bit of curiosity about Tsharing's origins. "I have seen civilisations fall, and demons run riot." and then "Yeah, that's cool.""

[OOC] You say, "RP votes?"

Typheous pages: "Val"

Valyros pages: "Typheous"

Plax pages: "Typheous"

[OOC] You say, "And Typheous gets it."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Woot! Thanks."

*** Added 1 XP to Typheous's Experience ***

[OOC] Valyros says, "Congradulations!"

[OOC] You say, "So, what does everyone think of Caine? *grin*"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Oh, Psyche's curious. Extremely so. She's just going to research it first :)"

[OOC] Psyche says, "He still has to die."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Yeah, just not tonight."

[OOC] Plax says, "Caine is a dead man. *continues sharpening claws*"

[OOC] Typheous was waiting for something to be taken wrong. And yeah, I don't think the peace will be kept when Plax tells his story.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Yes, but as soon as we expose him as the monster he is to the people, then we can get the good old "Villagers Storming the Castle" thing."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Fun to argue with / against. I'll see if I can equal that with a certain Lunar you'll be dealing with..... ;-)"

Tsharing has lost her link.

[OOC] Valyros is glad she had her wings crossed.

[OOC] Psyche purrs.

[OOC] Plax fully plans on shredding him, then, well, doing something quite poetically just to him.

[OOC] You say, "Yeah. I think it's pretty clear that Caine is a wee bit of a dangerous guy..."

[OOC] Valyros says, "Ooh, I'm in for a lot of work Monday...."

[OOC] You say, "Oh?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Yeah. Now, how to kick his butt..."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Oh, Clippy?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Who do you think kidnapped Zaokan's ass?"

[OOC] You say, "Yes?"

[OOC] Psyche pokes you toward Livejournal sometime.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Zaokan is at the moment somewhere between a love toy for a Lunar."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Love toy for a lunar? *squeaks*"

[OOC] Plax sighs. How many times must I tell you this. Makeda cannot heal mental trauma.

[OOC] Valyros says, "Who knows, it could be fun..."

[OOC] Valyros says, "I think Zaokan's a little too fargone that way at the moment...."

The resolution of Tsharing fades. With a hiss of static her disconnected body implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

[OOC] You say, "Okay, what's Etimus spelled backward? Real word?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Sumite"

[OOC] Valyros says, "A meeting of people to discuss a certain topic?"

[OOC] You say, "It's not a word, but LiveJournal thinks it is. *shakes head*"

[OOC] Valyros says, "Well without the E it'd be that way..."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Summit :)"

[OOC] Psyche says, "LJ's idea of password checking is...strange."

[OOC] Valyros says, "I have stated many times, I could not spell my way out of a paper bag."

[OOC] Plax says, "Yes, LJ has a very odd PW checking method. I try not to delve into it's code much."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Okay, I see you created. Now for all the fun setup :)"

[OOC] Typheous watches movie... whee...

[OOC] Valyros watches Mystery Science Theather 3000.

[OOC] Valyros says, ""So humans burst into flames when shot in the butt?""

[OOC] Psyche says, "You'll want a client, first off. The web interface blows goats. Semagic is my favourite."

[OOC] Psyche is such a LJ-junkie.

[OOC] Psyche says, "*an."

[OOC] You say, "Client?"

[OOC] Plax comforts Psyche. And yes, Clients are good for LJ, though I haven't gotten to downloading one for this machine yet. Something about being on dialup...

[OOC] Psyche peers at Plax, demands usernames.

[OOC] Plax says, "Though I did go through the way too long download for Mozilla the other week. Username: Eustacio"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Mozilla kicks ass. (Ayradyss, and Typh is lakos, if you want to know)"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Yes, Eclipse."

[OOC] Plax nods. Yes, it's a lot faster than IE.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Although some sites get flaky with it."

[OOC] Plax says, "Yeah. ESPN was having trouble with it when they redesigned their frontpage, though that was also because they put high-speed video on the mainpage like idiots..."

[OOC] Psyche says, "And obviously anything Microsoft detects it and bitches."

[OOC] Valyros says, "Well it's getting late, and I got church in the morning. Good night everybody!"

Valyros has disconnected.