January 25, 2003

Logfile from Malakai

Welcome to Malaki.

Malaki is a closed core for established players only.

If you are an existing player, type 'con <character-name> <password>' to login.

If you are not an existing player, contact Lakos (lakos@mistwalker.org) to request a character.

*** Connected ***

Malakai (An IC-Neutral Location)

The room for the Mage: Epic Fantasy games.

The comfortable couch is invitingly empty. Tsharing is sitting on the lumpy sofa. The Peanut Gallery contains no spectators. Eclipse is sitting on the rocking chair. Psyche is sitting on the floor. Typheous is sprawled out on the floor.

You see Plot Janitor here.

Obvious exits include Nexus (out, o).

Eclipse has connected.

You were last connected at Sun Jan 19 00:54:51 2003 EST from dnvr-dsl-gw9-b6.dnvr.uswest.net. Your current e-mail address is z_wad@hotmail.com; if this is incorrect, please re-register by typing `@register as user@host`.

Your registered e-mail address is used for important administrative functions, such as sending you a new password if you forget yours. It is your responsibility to ensure it is correct.

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 6s 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Tsharing 7m 3m IC PC

Psyche 35m 5m IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Typheous 24m 14m IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

--[Sat Jan 25 20:04:19 2003]--------------------------------[4 users; 0s lag]--

[OOC] Eclipse waves.

[OOC] You say, "Today I learned why it is a bad idea to feed children to cows."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Why?"

[OOC] Psyche squeaks.

[OOC] You say, "If you do it a couple times, the cow raids the playground for food and refuses to eat grain anymore unless you bitchslap him and zot him with a few lightning bolts."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Are you playing B&W?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Or did you find the cow level in D2?"

[OOC] You say, "Was playing B&W until 9:30 this morning. Just woke up."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "They started repeating 'Monkey!' on TV over here. One of the funniest things I've seen ever. Also, I think I finally 'got' how spirit courts work in Exalted."

[OOC] You say, "Oh really? I know I'll never forget the day I finally understood Prime..."

[OOC] Typheous says, "But can you ever really understand Prime?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Argh."

[OOC] You say, "Yes, but it takes a pint of ale and four Bailey's and coffees to do it. You need to be at the same time wired with brainpowered and fogged."

Psyche pages: "I'm up to date on journals, right? :)"

[OOC] Typheous chuckles.

Psyche has received your page: "To the best of my knowledge, yes."

Psyche pages: "Good."

[OOC] Typheous says, "So where were we? :)"

[OOC] You say, "I can only imagine what it took to WRITE that camel metaphor..."

[OOC] You say, "If no one has any questions or requests, we'll get started."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "OK"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Hmm... Think I'll sit for now with xp."

Typheous pages: "Any leads on possible 4ths for this group?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "I'm sitting until the end of this session."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Can I raise Spirit to 3?"

Eclipse [to Tsharing]: Sure.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Sheet updated."

[OOC] You say, "I know we mentioned adding a 4th last time we played. I just thought I'd ask if anyone had someone in mind."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Well, has anyone expressed an interest?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Oh, speaking of a fourth."

[OOC] You say, "I honestly haven't asked anyone, yet."

[OOC] Typheous doesn't. Unless we can convince Straylight to play.

[OOC] Psyche says, "She's got better people to see :P"

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Who's that?"

[OOC] Psyche brings greetings from Rade. He's graduated Basic, he's in Mississipi at Tech school, and he's looking at getting a laptop and wireless internet access, but says not to count on him anytime soon.

[OOC] Typheous says, "True. Mutual friend of Psy/Ecli/me"

[OOC] You say, "Straylight is a friend of ours from college. She's dating a friend of mine from college. It's a bit long distance, so their weekends are generally booked."

[OOC] You say, "Okay. Then it sounds like we definitely need to find a fourth."

[OOC] Typheous honestly can't think of anyone who's fit in this group. A couple who would play, but probably wouldn't fit very well.

[OOC] You say, "Philerius is high on my list. He did a fantastic job with Teran. Very serious RP, as far as I can tell."

[OOC] Typheous hasn't RP'ed with him, but trusts Eclipse's judgement on these things :)

[OOC] You say, "Anyone else from the usual gang of suspects that you can think of, El? You've played with more of them than I have."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "John's good, but he can get tetchy when things don't go his way. Meg gets really in depth with her characters, which is good most of the time, but it can get awkward when she doesn't let anyone else in on the intricate logic of an IC decision."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Joe's a good all-round player, and pleasantly easy-going. Jeff's a good player, and comes up with some really unique PC's. but isn't that reliable when it comes to showing up."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Al means well, but has a tendancy to be somewhat passive, and for his characters to 2D heroic types, though he is working to alter that now. Labyrus....somewhat passive, doesn't contribute much unless his character is actually on centre stage. Also, not always reliable."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "I think that's about everyone."

[OOC] You say, "I've definitely seen Joe in action enough to have figured out that he does good RP. Hmm... Now who to send the invitation to first..."

[OOC] You say, "At say my top three choices would be Joe, Philerius, and John. I'll get in touch with one or all of them between now and next week. Might be a couple sessions before I can work them in, though."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "I could mention it to Joe now?"

[OOC] Eclipse blinks. "He's online at the moment, then? Sure. Ask him."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "On MSN."

[OOC] You say, "Ah, the one program I don't have."

[OOC] Typheous feeds Eclipse Trillian.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "I could never get AIM to work on Io."

[OOC] Eclipse points at his already low Essence trait. "Outlook, Hotmail, Internet Explorer, Windows - I really have to watch myself..."

[OOC] Typheous chuckles. Yes, but Trillian is non-MS and does AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, and IRC all in one.

Eclipse [to Tsharing]: Invite him to lurk for a session, if he's interested, to get a feel for what is going on and what kind of character we might need.

[OOC] You say, "Yes, but MSN is, by its definition, Microsoft..."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Details, details... "

[OOC] Tsharing says, "He said he might be dropping in momentarily."

[OOC] You say, "Cool."

<Login> Valyros has connected from mkc-65-26-27-96.kc.rr.com on Sat Jan 25 20:44:17 2003 EST.

Valyros has arrived.

[OOC] Typheous waves

[OOC] Valyros says, "Hello. ^_^"

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Hi."

[OOC] Eclipse waves.

[OOC] Psyche wavvles.

[OOC] You say, "Shall we begin, then?"

Eclipse puts on his dragon medallion.

Valyros pages: "I hear that my name came up in potential characters for your game, by looking around, I can certainly see why..."

You say, "When last we left Hell's Errand Children, they had just decided to pay a visit to Caine to see where he might have stuffed the body ... er ... to see if he might know what happened to the governor and the academy at Wyzdin. Since they are understandably paranoid, they have arranged for Quentin to get them materials for a disguise."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Ahh, yes."

Valyros has received your page: "Yes. Your roleplay is sound. This isn't a very action-oriented group. It's almost one step away from a LARP, some nights. But it's friendly, and rules debates are generally short and relaxed."

Quentin, "So, what kind of supplies do you need? After all these years watching shorter-lived races, I like to think I have something akin to fashion sense."

Tsharing says, "I don't think I will need anything else."

Psyche says, "Something to alter our hair colour, of course." A beat. "A realistic bleach might work on mine; it's a little unusual for an elf..."

Valyros pages: "So who do we have all around here? I can't look at anybody really."

Typheous glances up at his hair with his eyes. "I suppose something to make mine a bit darker might help... or perhaps something to make it red. And some different clothing would help a bit."

Tsharing says, "Some clothes to match whatever they wear will be enough."

Valyros has received your page: "Nykki (Rahab, Psyche), Matt Boersma (Naphtali, Uriah, Typheous), and El (Tsharing). Eus got tied up with forensics club, and Matt Crum (Koi, Rade) went into basic training a few weeks ago."

Quentin nods. "Make yourselves at home, then. I'll be back before you can say 'Look out! It's the Night Reaper!'.

Typheous chuckles softly. "Thank you, sir."

Psyche murmurs softly, "Look out..."

Psyche . o O ( *a hint of humour* )

Valyros pages: "Mostly meaning what sort of characters are running around here."

Typheous . o O ( Something amuse you? )

You say, "Quentin grabs a realy odd-looking hat like a pre-wrapped turban, stuffs it on his head, and departs."

Psyche . o O ( Look out...it's the Night Reaper. )

Psyche glances over at Tsharing. "So...the story is that we're distant friends of the family, correct...?"

Typheous . o O ( Is it just that you like dark humor? )

Tsharing says, "Yes."

Typheous nods slowly, his music fairly relaxed. "Plax's family, specifically."

Psyche . o O ( Never mind. Peon. )

Typheous . o O ( Now there's no reason to start calling me names. )

Valyros has received your page: "All the characters are students from the Wyzdin Academy. They are currently on a rather accidental field trip to find/rescue Eus's character. Psyche is a Euthantatos. Typheous is a Troubadour. They have the Twin Souls Merit, which is why they're constantly telepathing. Tsharing is a blind Monk with a rather remarkable history."

[OOC] Eclipse wonders why he's suddenly getting Macbeth flashbacks...

Psyche . o O ( Getting entirely too warm and cosy in here. Nothing personal. *again, a flash of faint humour* )

Psyche nods. "Where are we from?" . o O ( Ugh, someone else is going to have to do the talking )

Typheous shrugs. "We just came from the north, didn't we?" . o O ( Leave the talking to me. )

You say, "Quentin arrives about two hours later with a bundle of cloth in his arms. "Place isn't burned down, yet? That's a good sign, I suppose. Here are the things you wanted. I hope everything fits. Fashion sense I have, but I am a poor tailor.""

Psyche says, "So that's all you intend to say - 'Oh, friends, where are you from?' 'Up northish'?"

Typheous raises his eyebrow. "I'll say more if he asks about more."

Tsharing says, "I would suggest acting as if in fear of him. Caine is used to being master of his domain, and apparent fear may make him careless."

Psyche says, "And what if they ask us at separate times? We should at least all be thinking the same thing..."

Typheous . o O ( We do that enough as is... )

Psyche nods at Tsharing. "You're right..."

Psyche . o O ( I know you can tell -me-, but waht about -her-? )

Tsharing says, "I am aware that acting humble may be difficult for both of you, but I think the situation warrants it. I will remain inconspicuous. I am good at that."

Psyche murmurs wryly, "I'll keep in mind the last time I got a tongue-lashing from Master Liriel. That should keep me looking humble enough."

Typheous shakes his head slowly. "We'll say we are from the Tybil Monastery perhaps? Or would we rather be from Ironridge?"

Tsharing says, "Where would he be less likely to be suspicious of?"

[OOC] You say, "On second thought, let's NOT be from Ironridge. 'Tis a scary place."

Typheous says, "Well, if he knows anything about it, he'll definately understand why we left Ironridge."

Tsharing says, "The less supicious point of origin may not be the better one. If we do not have at least one remarkable thing about us, that too will appear suspicious, because it will look like a cover story calculated to avoid attention."

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 1h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Tsharing 1h 24s IC PC

Typheous 1h 48s IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

Valyros 28m 1m OOC PC

Psyche 1h 3m IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

--[Sat Jan 25 21:12:23 2003]--------------------------------[5 users; 0s lag]--

Tsharing pages: "Scrapping the iconspicuousness spell, and making a new one. Df4, 3 concealment, 3 duration, 4 power."

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled Arete (3d10): 9, 1, 1 ** 0 successes (diff 4) **

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered ***

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled Arete (3d10): 8, 6, 9 ** 3 successes (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled Arete (3d10): 2, 9, 5 ** 2 successes (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled Arete (3d10): 9, 4, 1 ** 1 success (diff 4) **

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered ***

Psyche tilts her head, thinking. "I'd almost say Ironridge..."

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled Arete (3d10): 3, 6, 8 ** 2 successes (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled Arete (3d10): 10, 1, 2 ** 0 successes (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled Arete (3d10): 10, 1, 5 ** 1 success (diff 4) **

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered ***

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled Arete (3d10): 4, 5, 5 ** 3 successes (diff 4) **

Typheous nods his head in agreement. "It's just weird enough... and there's a good reason for us to leave, that's certain."

(to Tsharing) Eclipse nods. "By 3 concealment you mean 3 targets? Power would translate into concealment, yes?"

Tsharing pages: "No, concealment, as it it doesn't show up to others looking for magic. But I'll add two targets into that."

Valyros pages: "What are the basic character concepts that everyone has and what do you think would be the best to balance things out?"

[OOC] You say, "They always scream when I cut them. And then they sob. But they always stop. They always stop..."

Tsharing has received your page: "Ah. I see, now. Noted."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Argh."

[OOC] Typheous thumps Eccy.

[OOC] You say, "I blame you. I think you were in the room when Sci-Fi first picked up LEXX and subjected me to the monastary episode. It was all downhill from there..."

Tsharing says, "So, is there a time the ruler usually sees visitors?"

Valyros has received your page: "Typh is our hardcore fencer. His Spheres tend to support his combat skills when he's not schmoozing his way into and out of trouble. He likes to have a bit of a good time and is quite the flirt, if an honorable one. Psyche comes across as cold (to the point of Echoes) and willing to do anything if it is in keeping with her convictions. She takes her studies and responsibilities as a young mage very seriously. More after I reply to that."

Typheous shrugs slightly. "Not that I know of... but I'm not familiar with how things are run here in this city."

Quentin, "He has a doorkeeper at the gates of his estate who screen his visitors, though I understand she is not entirely focused on her task, at times. Caine is often seen scolding her at her post.

Psyche nods thoughtfully.

Tsharing says, "Then when would be a good time to go?"

Typheous says, "Any particular time, or shall we disguise ourselves and go?"

Psyche says, "Just one doorkeeper, or shifts?"

Quentin, "Caine wakes shortly after dawn and works late into the night, but he seems more friendly to visitors who see him during lunch or dinner."

[OOC] Typheous says, "What time is it now?"

Quentin shrugs, "She does not appear to need much sleep. I've seen her at the door at dawn and at dusk, at noon and at night, and on every day of the week."

Eclipse [to Typheous]: About 9:30am.

Psyche nods. "Then perhaps lunchtime would be best...a little less formal.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "BRB"

Typheous nods his head. "Yes. Then let's get ready and try for today."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Cut to when we set off?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Fine with me"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Check."

Valyros has received your page: "Tsharing is the clone of a powerful mage who saw the Ultimatum War accidentally started by her husband in his pride. Tsharing has all her mother's memories, if somewhat fragmented versions of them, and that makes her strive for humility and her own identity unique from her mother's. She is generally soft-spoken. The friend they're trying to find is Plax, the heir of the ruling family of the area. When Quentin talks about the governor, he's talking about Plax's father. Caine is the twin brother of the head of the house that is the governor's political rival. Plax appears to have been kidnapped, and the governor hasn't been seen in public for about a month."

[OOC] Typheous says, "What color hair dye did he get for me? Red or dark? :)"

You say, "Quentin's supplies are adequate - red hair dye for Typheous, bleach for Psyche, and so forth. The clothes are a bit odd, almost exotic, but more "rich kid with rebellious tastes" strange than "dresses in the dark" strange."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Fop."

Tsharing adopts something that, if not subdued, is at least monotone.

[OOC] Typheous chuckles. So something that Typheous will like :)

Typheous adopts something not quite too outspoken, but definately less subdued than Tsharing.

Psyche tucks a bit and sorts the clothing so she can move comfortably, and ties her hair back so she can't see the blonde.

Eclipse [to Tsharing]: That would be the black leather pants with the black, low-cut leather vest, and the black leather, well, you have to assume it's supposed to be a coat of some kind, though it looks more like a net with sleeves.

Eclipse [to Tsharing]: Not to mention the black leather boots.

[OOC] You say, "Sorry. I just couldn't resist that invitation..."

[OOC] Psyche says, "It's the goth monk :P"

Typheous . o O ( Well, you don't look too bad as a blonde.... )

[OOC] Tsharing says, "At least I don't have to look at myself in the mirror...."

Psyche . o O ( If you don't remind me, I won't fiddle with it. I can't get used to the colour. )

Typheous . o O ( And how's red on me? )

Psyche . o O ( Red. )

Typheous chuckles softly. "So, are we all ready to go?"

[OOC] Eclipse has the urge to have Quentin say "Thuper, Typheouth"...


[OOC] Typheous kicks Eclipse

[OOC] Psyche says, "Can I find something moderately modest."

Eclipse [to Psyche]: You find a multi-colored robe-like thing that covers you from head to foot, complete with a veil of chainmail links. The chainmail is also sewn onto the feminine bits of the robe as if in warning.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Where does this man shop? The medieval Hot Topic?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "It's Josephine's Techinicolor dream coat?"

[OOC] Valyros says, "The Dwarven Gap."

[OOC] Typheous is afrad to ask what he's in.

Psyche will wear that, then, dubiously.

You say, "Typheous's outfit, of course, looks sufficiently foppish. It is a bit like a white tuxedo, complete with white cane and gloves. The collar is a bit weird, looking as though it has been designed to fend off overeager harpies. You'll be fine as long as no one tries to kiss you. Otherwise, well, lets just hope those white spines aren't rusty under that paint."

Psyche . o O ( For once, you come with warning colouration... )

Typheous . o O ( Tell me about it.... )

[OOC] You say, "Quentin shops at the same place as Final Fantasy characters do?"

Psyche . o O ( Chainmail...now that I could get used to. )

[OOC] Psyche says, "Where's the one-legged overalls?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "And the black skirt with belts? "

[OOC] Valyros would like to see a one sleeved black leather jacket with jeans and a leg brace.

[OOC] Psyche wants to see Tsharing in Lulu's outfit. That's monochrome.

Typheous . o O ( How much chain mail, though? As much as is in your outfit? )

Psyche . o O ( More like a chain shirt and leggings. Over something comfortable. I can't abide skirts. So impractical. )

Psyche does her best not to look as uncomfortable as she feels, adjusts the veil to hide her expression. "Ready to go?"

Tsharing says, "Of course."

Quentin, "So, what do you think? I figure Caine might think you're relatives snooping around to see if the governor is dying and make sure he writes you into the will. And if you're from Ironridge, your expected to be stark raving mad, so the clothing fits that part of the cover story. Besides, if they're looking at your clothes, they're less likely to see your faces, right?"

Typheous surveys the other two. "Well, anything else we want so do before we go meet Caine?" . o O ( I prefer you with the skirt, too. *It's hard to tell if he means in pants or not* )

You say, "He looks at you hopefully."

[OOC] Typheous says, "with=without"

Typheous chuckles softly. "Good idea.."

Psyche . o O ( I'm subtracting some from my opinion of you and giving you the benefit of the doubt. )

Psyche says, "Well, they're going to be -looking- at the clothing anyway. You have...dramatic taste."

Typheous . o O ( Pants are far more useful than skirts anyway... )

You say, "Quentin smiles cheerfully and nods. He takes off the turban and picks up the plain, white, cloak off a peg. He picks up the white staff with the crystal on one end. "So, when do we leave?""

[OOC] Psyche says, "Would it be any more out of place than the clothing to wear my knife?"

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Actually, no.

Tsharing says, "Now?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "And I assume my rapiers fit... wait. hmm.. They're the trophy swords of Wizdin.... Would he recognise them... Hmmm..."

Psyche wears it, then. "Sounds good to me."

[OOC] You say, "Typheous might have to check his weapons at the door, but given the outfit, wearing them in public wouldn't raise any more eyebrows than the iron spike collar."

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Whether anyone would recognize them is another matter entirely...

[OOC] Typheous says, "True."

Typheous wears the sword and rapier. "Ready when you are."

Psyche . o O ( Wrap the hilts, at least? )

Tsharing leaves, then.

Psyche follows.

Typheous . o O ( True... )

Typheous will wrap the hilts so they're a bit less obvious.

You say, "Quentin leads you through the empty streets, past the empty (and in some cases, blasted open) buildings until you reach the city proper. Your clothing raises many, many eyebrows, followed by a knowing smile once they spot your company."

Tsharing doesn't carry anything.

Psyche tries very hard to keep Master Liriel's latest lecture in mind.

Typheous walks a bit aloofly, humming along with his music, a nice outlandish toon.

[OOC] Typheous says, "err, tune."

You say, "You travel down a lane flanked by palace-like homes, many of which are crumbling and some of which are mere ruins. As you reach an intersection with a moss-covered monstrosity that must once have been a public fountain but now looks more like a fuzzy green giant with a fuzzy green trident, Quentin comes to a stop. "The Berlion Estate is just down this street, at the end of the lane. Big black iron fence. You can't miss it, really.""

[OOC] Psyche says, "It's the jolly green lichen giant?"

Psyche nods, letting Typheous and Tsharing lead the way.

[OOC] Typheous says, "The jolly green moldy giant.""

Tsharing duly leads.

Quentin, "I'm afraid I really shouldn't come with you. I would blow your cover. People in Theusleh know me."

Typheous nods to Quentin and takes the lead. "Of course. We'll just meet you here afterwards?"

Quentin, "Actually, I have other business today. You think you could find your way back to my house? I'll meet you there."

Psyche says, "Not a problem at all. I remember the way."

You say, "Quentin nods and walks back the way you came, the sun reflecting off his white cloak until he almost seems to glow in the late morning sun."

Typheous starts down the road, his music outlandish and adventurous. "No time like the present..."

Psyche makes an effort to stay calm, too, although she succeeds only in getting her cold aura down to a moderately chilly space in her near vicinity.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Is our guard there or is she being non-attentive?"

You say, "The Berlion Estate is the largest you've seen so far. The building looks more like a fortress than a manor, built of almost uncut stones, and narrow windows peeking out only at the upper floors. Surrounding the house is a garden made entirely of colored stones, whirling in incomprehensible patterns that twist the eye away from them. Surrounding the garden is a 12-foot high black iron fence with menacing spikes at its top. There are signs posted at intervals along the fence reading "Tresspassers will be electrocuted". Behind the heavy gate sits an elven woman on a battered sofa, knitting a scarf, seemingly unaware of the cold. She looks old enough to be any of your grandmothers. Given that she is an elf, that would make her...you don't want to think about it.""

Typheous will walk up to the gate, a vague look on his face, trying to look the part of a spacy and not quite sane long lost family memeber.

Psyche follows, keeping her face hidden and not saying a word.

Tsharing simply walks in, with a polite nod.

Gatekeeper, "Are you lost, little ones? Your mother must be so worried about you. Must not be much of a mother, though, if she can lose three children at the same time... No offense meant at her, of course.":

Gatekeeper, "I think I have a sweet somewhere around here..." She rummages through her pockets, comes up empty, and begins rummaging under the sofa cushions."

Typheous shakes his head, as if comingout of a daze. He focues on the grandmotherly figure. "Lost? No... not lost. I think we've actually found what we're looking for. Would this be the Berlion estate?"

You say, "She gets a look of intense concentration on her face. "Berlions? I don't think so. The name is familiar, though. It's on the tip of my tongue...""

Gatekeeper, "Oh yes! I remember, now. Yes, this is the Berlion Estate."

Typheous taps his cane. "Excellent. Just where we were looking for."

[OOC] You say, "This is what happens when an elf with Eidetic Memory gets really, really old... Recall is a bit of a problem..."

[OOC] Typheous chuckles. Sorting through all that data...

Gatekeeper, "And whose children might you be?" She finds something in the sofa and pulls it out. She examines it, rubs it on her sleeve, blows on it, and holds it out to you with a patronizing smile. "Who wants a peppermint? I used to keep a jar of them by my sofa to give to the children, but then there was the accident a little while back, and, well, I'm sure your mother has told you that story..."

Psyche holds out a hand for the peppermint. "Thank you."

Eclipse [to Psyche]: It is still obviously dirty.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Caine is the Berlion family, right?"

[OOC] You say, "Yes."

Tsharing takes one. "Thank you.

Psyche takes it anyway. "I'll keep it for later..."

Typheous shakes his head. "No, no thank you." . o O ( I see why he has to chew her out... ) "Would Master Caine be at home?" (And if Master isn't the correct title, he uses the correct one :) )

You say, "The gatekeeper smiles at Psyche. "A saver, eh? That's a good girl. Your mother raised you right. Never eat unless you are hungry, and those who are hungry will eat.""

Psyche nods her head. "No need to waste things."

Psyche . o O ( What a daft old woman... )

Gatekeeper, "Caine? But you already have one, and a very nice cane it is, too."

Typheous glances down to his hand. "Well, I suppose I do. Is the master of the house home?"

Gatekeeper, "If that's what you want to call my husband, may he rest in peace, I fear you just missed him. Ships are such a slow means of travel. Can never make it home in time for an unexpected funeral. Wish there were something faster, but if wishes were wings, as they say..."

Gatekeeper, "Oh wait, you mean the master of THIS house, don't you?"

Psyche nods, trying to keep her impatience in check. There's a slight drop in temperature around her.

Typheous nods his head, a smile on his face. "Yes, this one, miLady."

Gatekeeper, "Ah, no. He's, well, I can't rightly remember where he is, at the moment. He's, it's on the tip of my tongue. Nope, lost it. His brother is tending his business, though. What was his name again? Can? Ain? Crabbe? No, that's not right... I remember, now. Caine. That's it. Caine Berlion."

Typheous chuckles softly. "Would he receive visitors?"

You say, "The gatekeeper laughs suddenly, "Oh, fancy that, dear. You meant Caine with an i. I thought, well... Homophones, what can you do?""

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 5, 3, 10, 3, 5, 1, 10, 1 No diff given.

Psyche grits her teeth. "Yes, what can you do?" . o O ( My patience is wearing very thin, Typheous... )

Gatekeeper, "Of course. He loves visitors, does the master of the house, especially for lunch. Give me but a moment, and I'll open the gate for you."

Typheous . o O ( Patience, Psyche, patience. Remember, we're not all here.... )

Typheous nods his head. "Thank you, miLady."

Tsharing waits.

You say, "She puts her hand in one pocket, frowns, and withdraws it empty. "Hm. Now where did I..?" She checks her other pockets. No luck. She rummages through the couch for a moment and comes up empty."

Typheous taps his cane, looking around with an amused smile. His music matches his amusement.

Gatekeeper, "Oh, I'm thinking of the OLD gate. This one is new and fancified." She stands up, walks over to the back of the gate, and turns the deadbolt. With a click the gate opens.

Gatekeeper, "Hello, children! And what are you dressed up for on Beltane?"

Tsharing says, "Something frightening."

Typheous chuckles soflty. "Thank you, may we go on in then?"

Psyche bites back a smile, behind her chainmail veil.

Typheous . o O ( Something amuse you? )

You say, "She points at Psyche. "You'd be a Euthantatos from the Wyzdin Academy. Liriel's pet student, yes?" She points at Typheous. "And you're supposed to be a Troubadour student from the same. Has Drapheous's warmed any since last I met him?" She points at Tsharing, a look of concentration coming across her face. "And you. Well, I can't say I can tell by the costume... You're blind, right?""

Tsharing says, "The result of an illness in childhood, yes."

Gatekeeper, "Come right in. The food is on the table, and we have plenty of sweets for dessert."

You say, "She lets you pass."

Psyche . o O ( Knew it. )

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 9, 6, 5, 2, 5, 6, 9, 7 No diff given.

Typheous frowns, tapping his cane as he heads in. . o O ( Well, the best laid plans... )

[OOC] You say, "Hobbytown should never have let me leave the store with that game when I was a young and impressionable GM..."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Which game?"

Psyche doesn't say anything at all in response to the woman, although the temperature drops another few degrees around her. . o O ( Two options: Either she's not what she seems, or our host has two faces. I'm leaning toward the first, right now. )

[OOC] You say, "They even sold it to me at half price, the suckers. Paranoia, of course..."

Typheous . o O ( If she's at the door all day and all night every day of the week, I'd lean to choice one. )

[OOC] Typheous thought so. Had to verify it.

[OOC] Typheous says, "that's it, from now on all my chars will be slightly disturbed and thus let me use the suprious logic of paranoia against you :)"

You say, "The valet at the front door opens it without hesitation. Two preadolescent myshar serving girls meet you in the foyer. "Can we lighten you burden ladies and gentleman?""

[OOC] You say, "your, even..."

Tsharing says, "I do not have one."

Psyche spreads her hands. "I'm fine, thank you..."

Typheous looks slightly confused. "I don't feel particularly burdened...."

Girl1, "And your swords, sir? You won't be needing them at the table."

Typheous glances down, a bit surprised. "I suppose I won't." He unhitches them and hands them to the girl. "Forgive me, I forget they're there."

You say, "They take them with a slight giggle and scamper through a small door that looked like a wood-panelled wall a moment ago."

Tsharing says, "Shall we?"

Typheous nods and leads the way in. "Yes..."

Psyche follows.

You don't perceive a character by the name of "the prospect, glancing over his shoulder in the direction of the gatekeeper." around here.

Valet, "If you will follow me. Luncheon will be ready momentarily. Master Berlion should already be seated and waiting for you. I hope this is not an unexpected visit?"

You say, "He seems slightly nervous at the prospect, glancing over his shoulder in the direction of the gatekeeper."

Typheous chuckles softly. "Well, we were planning on going elsewhere, but that wasn't an option when we got here."

You say, "The banquet room is huge, with one of those insanely long tables you see in the cartoons. A middle-age myshar man with an almost corpselike complexion sits at the head of the table, reading a book with a napkin in his lap. Candelabra light the room dimly, since there are no windows here. Two other places at the table are already set. He looks up as you enter. "Good afternoon. Care to join me for lunch?""

Tsharing sits down. "Thank you."

Valyros pages: "It would be completely out of the question to play Valyros again, right? Even if I redid her stats and things to be up with the rest of the party and essentially restarted her? I had a lot of potential plot put into her that wasn't truely realized."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Two other places? So there's one short?"

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Yes.

[OOC] You say, "Everyone give me a Perception + Awareness, dif 8."

Psyche hesitates slightly, letting Typheous take the second place if he wants.

Typheous walks to the other place, holding it for Psyche. "Thank you."

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Perception (3) and Awareness (2) (5d10): 7, 3, 8, 2, 5 ** 1 success (diff 8) **

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled Perception (2) and Awareness (2) (4d10): 2, 3, 3, 3 ** 0 successes (diff 8) **

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Perception (3) and Awareness (2) (5d10): 5, 4, 8, 10, 8 ** 3 successes (diff 8) **

Valyros has received your page: "It would be tricky considering that a normal person can enter the first layer of hell by digging more than a few hundred fee underground. You might find wandering around on the M:EF page of my website helpful. Reality is one of those bubbles of Order I yammered about at the end of last summer, at the moment."

Psyche and Typheous have received your page: "You sense something prodding your mind gently."

(remotely) Psyche resists, instinctively.

Typheous pages: "Anything I can do to block it?"

Typheous pages: "Or otherwise respond to it?"

Caine, "I will have one of my servants set an extra place for your friend. I say, but I thought there were only two of you. This is most unexpected." He frowns.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Wow. That was cool. THX bass kicked in on the subwoofer and I -saw- my wireless connection quality drop."

Typheous has received your page: "Since you're aware, he has to exceed your Willpower to do anything. Mind magic would be required to do more."

Tsharing says, "I am a distant cousin."

Psyche hesitates a bit longer, then settles into the seat Typheous holds for her.

Typheous chuckles softly, walking to an open place at the table. "We weren't thinking we'd be expected."

(remotely) Typheous nodsnods.

Valyros pages: "So not a chance, eh? "

Caine, "A distant cousin? You are human and bear a striking likeness to a woman I met, once, though she was far older then than you are now. Ah well. Surprises are seldom of consequence."

[OOC] Typheous says, "He's not read the evil overload guide very well, has he? Surprises are always bad."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Err... overlord.. I'm on a roll tonight"

Tsharing says, "It is possible. The geanology is very complex."

Valyros has received your page: "Believe me. I liked Val, and I know there was still a lot of life left in her. It would be feasible that she survived the Ultimatum War, another refugee who wandered into this bubble of Order in the aftermath. She was Ageless, right? So she could have lived this long. Hmm..."

Caine_squints_slightly, "Yes. Very complex indeed. Ah, there you are. A third place setting as promised. You may return to your duties, Rahab."

[OOC] Typheous *twitches*

Valyros pages: "Yep, it could be interesting, and if I do have to redo stats, I'll pay for the wings. Just out of couriosity, how long was it been since the last Ultimatum War?"

Typheous takes his seat as it arrives. "Thank you, miLord."

Valyros has received your page: "It ended about 30 or 40 years ago. It probably didn't last more than a year. Nuclear-style wars rarely do."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Rowr. Rahab."

You say, "The food arrives a short while later. The meal definitely marks the house as one of wealth and power. Even the SALAD is garnished."

Caine, "So, what brings you here?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Or Japanese."

[OOC] Typheous says, "What's plax's family name again :)"

[OOC] You say, "Terz"

Valyros pages: "Alrighty."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "You can tell if a dwarf made it, because if so, it wouldn't be tossed. Nobody tosses the dwarven salad, after all."

Typheous leans his came against the table. "We were trying to visit the Terz estate, but they don't seem to be taking visitors."

[OOC] Eclipse chuckles.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Leans his came? Sounds dirty."

[OOC] Typheous sighs at his typing this evening.

Caine sighs, "So I have been given to undersand. The Terz family, it would seem, sincerely wishes to keep the governor's condition a secret. My brother and I have been struggling to maintain order in his absence, but it would be much easier if we had executive power beyond our own estates."

Typheous nods his head slowly. "We were friends of the family and had hoped to visit them."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "BRB"

Caine, "Friends, you say? From whence do you hail? You tastes in clothing remind me of those of an old friend of the family's."

[OOC] You say, "If it's any consolation, Matt, I can't seem to spell your or you're correctly to save my life, tonight..."

Tsharing says, "Who was that, then?"

Typheous raises an eyebrow. "Oh do they?" His music is light and soft, but there's an edge of tension to it.

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 1, 4, 10, 1, 5, 7, 6, 5 No diff given.

Psyche shrugs, and keeps her attention focussed on her salad, more poking than eating.

Psyche |

Caine, "An elven gentleman by the name of Quentin Treveze. One of the few mages in Theusleh to survive the Ultimatum War. His house stands among ruins, now, a testament to his involvement with that disaster."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Ack."

Psyche . o O ( Or it could be A -and- B. )

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 1 second, the world is saved once more.

Typheous shakes his head slowly. "We're visiting from the north. We come from Ironridge." . o O ( Careful... I'm not convinced he can't hear us... )

Psyche . o O ( You too? )

Typheous . o O ( Yes... I... felt something.. )

You say, "Caine flashes a look of pity at you. "Ironridge? Oh, how sorry I am to hear that. Is it really as bad as they say, since the miners pierced the Malfean crust?""

Tsharing says, "Yes, it is."

Typheous shrugs slightly. "You learn to block it out."

Psyche shudders, fingers clenching around her fork. "Or you leave, or you die."

Caine_changes_the_subject, "What task brings you to speak to the governor? Surely you already know that nothing can be done about Ironridge. There is too much ore in the area to abandon it to demons, and there are too many demons to exorcise them all. How do you cast out hell itself?"

Tsharing says, "Certainly not a task any sane man should try."

Typheous chuckles softly. "We were wondering how the governer was doing, actually. Dropping in to see if he remembered us. And one needs a break from nights of screaming sometimes."

Psyche glances at Tsharing, eyes dropping back to her plate with a soft sigh.

Valyros pages: "So is that a yes or no with the whole Valyros idea?"

Caine, "I imagine one does, at that. I fear the governor is indisposed and has been for quite some time. My brother and I have done our best to fill his very large shoes, and we are gaining influence. The Terz family has such a sterling reputation. It is a shame their remaining members have fallen so, keeping us in the dark about our own governor's condition... But that is politics, and politics are bad for the digestion."

Typheous smiles. "I'm not sure there's much that will upset our digestion. How is the governer's family?"

Valyros has received your page: "If you would like to bring her back, I can deal with that. Just make sure you add some accounting for what she has been up to for the last few decades and find an excuse to drop her in Theusleh (the city the PCs are in right now). Considering the city was once the only safe haven from the Fae, it shouldn't be too difficult to explain away her presence. "

Valyros pages: "Is there a mountain with a large dark forest nearby?"

Valyros pages: "I could work on that, certainly enough."

Caine, "Well, I think, though it is difficult to tell. Some of their younger members have erected powerful wards against observation of any kind, and they seem afraid to be seen in public. As for Plax, the Terz heir, he was last known to be at the academy in Wyzdin. Strange events are transpiring there, too. First attacks on anyone traveling the road, and now it seems the entire town has folded up and vanished. It is a trying time to be without a governor."

Psyche looks up. "And no-one at all is allowed within the grounds?"

Typheous frowns. "Really? Wizdin is cut off?"

Tsharing says, "I had heard rumours."

(to Valyros) Eclipse nods. "There is an abundance of forests, but not many mountainous ones."

Valyros pages: "I can definately work with that. Do you want me to redo her stats too?"

Caine_nods_grimly, "Yes. Both the Terz heir and my nephew are there, so it has been harsh on both our families. It is well-known that our clans have never been close allies, but I wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy."

Psyche bites her lip, shaking her head quietly.

Psyche . o O ( *mentally muting her thoughts, forcefully* )

Valyros has received your page: "XP-wise, you should be within the power level of the group. Feel free to make some alterations as you see fit."

[OOC] You say, "Now, if you didn't know what you knew, would you believe what he's saying?"

Tsharing says, "Your nephew?"

Typheous raises his eyebrow. "You've not heard from your nephew? I hope nothing has happened to him."

[OOC] Psyche says, "You know, for compulsively honest, Psyche doesn't believe -anyone- else tells the truth :)"

Caine, "Yes, dear Nod. Such an upstanding young man. Such potential. We were thrilled to learn he had attempted to negotiate peace with the Terz heir. Now that he's missing along with a small town, some of our best mages, and so many potential wizards, well, it has been a long month for us all. If only the governor would recover from whatever ails him, or at least one of his kin would...but I'm talking politics, again."

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 5, 9, 3, 8, 10, 5, 7, 5 No diff given.

Tsharing says, "I have no head for politics. I can never follow the ins and outs of who's made deals with who and other complex stuff like that....."

Typheous frowns. "No, go on. One of his kin would what? I'm afraid we don't have much in the way of politics up north. Daemons in the streets tend to prevent that."

Psyche half smiles. "Me either. Too much to think about. So it's not really affecting my digestion at all. Please...go on." It's followed by another forkful of food, carefully chewed.

Caine shrugs, "I just wish they'd admit that our people need a new governor, at least temporarily. Then the nobles could choose a new governor with enough power to deal with all the threats and hardships our people face every day."

Typheous furrows his brow. "Who would they find, though?"

Tsharing says, "Who do you think should have the job?"

Caine, "It is not certain, but I'd like to think they would look to those who have helped them weather these last weeks with such minimal legal strength. My brother and I are capable and not in the least bit interested in making a career of politics. We are men of action, and in this world of ours, action must be taken to ensure the peace and prosperity of our people. It is not a burden I would have for myself, but it is my responsibility as a nobleman to accept it if it is thrust upon me."

Tsharing says, "Are you expecting such a thrust, then?"

Typheous says, "I suppose it would be a big responisiblity to have, I must say."

Caine, "It is merely a possibility. My twin brother has been instrumental during these dark days, too. I would not wish the burden on him, either, but I would raise no complaint if he were chosen ahead of me in this matter. This is, however, purely academic, since many still believe the governor will recover soon. As Quentin used to say, "Wishes have killed worlds.""

Psyche smiles darkly at that, as well. "You believe that you and your brother are the best candidates, then, or merely the most likely, should that unfortunate incidence come to pass?"

Caine, "Most likely, I think. It will be for history to judge if we were the best candidates."

Typheous studies Caine carefully. "Where is your brother? Busy off doing work while we chat?"

Caine, "Oh yes. He never rests. Surely he is the better candidate, though he seems to prefer doing things himself to planning actions before he takes them, a fault I often share, I confess, if to a slightly lesser degree. I am the face and he is the hands. He does what I must later explain, and I explain so he knows what must be done."

[OOC] You say, "Though yes, the "Am I my brother's keeper" line did spring to mind..."

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 4, 3, 8, 5, 4, 7, 4, 1 No diff given.

Typheous nods slowly, leaning back in his chair.

Eclipse the meal ends.

Psyche tilts her head, thoughtfully. Admittedly, for as little as she's talking, she seems to have spent a great deal of time rearranging her food on her plate. "It would be nice to meet your brother, as well, but I suppose he's too busy to spend time in conversation.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "We're eating Eclipse? Ewww.....he's all tough and chewy."

[OOC] Psyche "

[OOC] Psyche says, "Not to mention probably toxic."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Or at least a powerful mind-altering drug which induces paranoia"

Caine, "Well, thank you for joining me for my midday meal, but I have appointments to keep. Feel free to stop in again, sometime. Our families must unite in their dispair."

You say, "He stands."

Tsharing says, "Of course."

Tsharing gets up.

You say, "Caine murmurs a few words and sinks into the stone floor."

Typheous stands as the host does. "Thank you for having us." He bows his head slightly.

Psyche stands as well, shivering slightly.

Typheous . o O ( That was an odd way of travelling.... )

You say, "The valet and serving girls return to reunite Typheous with his blades and direct you to the exit."

Psyche . o O ( The man just...oozes charm and sincerity...I feel like I need a shower. )

Tsharing leaves

Psyche likewises.

Typheous gives a warm smile to the girls and leaves.

Typheous . o O ( Something like that... Made me distrust virtually everything he said... save that he'll be named governer.... )

You say, "The gatekeeper, who has nearly finished with her scarf, produces three more dirty peppermints for each of you before opening the gate to let you out."

Psyche nods slightly, absently, at Typheous, takes a peppermint, puts it in her pocket, and follows Tsharing out.

[OOC] You say, "Please refrain from flirting with the 10-year-olds..."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Oh, that young, nm then"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Typheous is an equal-opportunity flirt."

[OOC] Typheous forgets these things... I should pay more attention.

[OOC] You say, "Don't you know that all classy establishments give you an after-dinner mint after a meal? *grin*"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Right."

Typheous leads the women down the road a bit. "Now where to?"

Tsharing says, "To talk with our contact again concerning our new information, I think."

Typheous nods. "I'm not sure I've learned anything particularly new...."

Psyche nods. "Aye, I think that sounds like a good idea." A glance at Typheous. "Old family friend, is he...?"

[OOC] You say, "Proving that Caine's a good politician..."

[OOC] You say, "Says a lot. Makes it sound like he has some great ideas and deep insights, and an hour after you vote, you realize he didn't suggest anything you hadn't already thought of before you heard him speak."

[OOC] Psyche grins.

[OOC] Typheous chuckles. One of those guys...

Valyros pages: "Okay, how about this for a summary of where she has been since the Ultimatum War? She was whisked away at the point divinity was granted, and deposited back in her home with the knowledge she had to save her people. While the other dieties were doing grand gestures, she went straight to the various Mages and showed them tell-tale signs that another Ultimatium was coming around. Many didn't believe her, but a few did, and she convinced a good number of her people to come with her to safety. She then, to the other mage's outrage did the same thing with as many light elves as she could and got even more followers. With the might of the combined Mages of communities of Light and Dark elves, they took all they could, and went to the place where the Ultimatum would hit lightest and basiclly warded the place like crazy. It wore many mages down, even killed a few, but they survived and began to settle together in 'relative' peace in the forest. Light elves living in the trees and Dark elves living in burrows around the roots. There was a lot of tention between the two races, with a few conflicts that turned bloody, between competing royal families, but Valyros and a council of other mages managed to keep at least an semblance of peace."

Tsharing pages: "I'll have to be goinmg quite soon."

Typheous frowns. "That does disturb me a bit... perhaps one of these two new aquaintances knows more than they're letting on."

Psyche says, "One?"

Valyros has received your page: "I think we can work with that. There are a lot of elves living in the woods along the SE edge of the pocket of Order. Now we just have to get you to Theusleh, which used to be a big city (100,000 people) and is currently much smaller (35,000) and ruled mostly by myshari nobles. Even more fun, the academy where the PCs come from was founded by a group of mostly elven mages who survived the Ultimatum War. And the town with the academy has mysteriously vanished. I think you can see where this is going?"

Tsharing has received your page: "Two minutes soon or half hour soon?"

Tsharing pages: "Ten minutes."

(to Tsharing) Eclipse nods.

Valyros pages: "I'm sent to investigate what happened to some of the most powerful mages that came from my comunity of elven refugees?"

Tsharing goes back to Quentin's place.

Typheous follows as well

Psyche is right there.

Valyros has received your page: "Sounds good to me, and it fits in with the plot the PCs are chasing."

Valyros pages: "Good, glad we got things set out. ^_^"

You say, "Quentin answers the door with a smile. The scent of cooked ham fills the air. "How was your dinner with Master Berlion?""

Tsharing says, "It was interesting."

Psyche says, "Informative, or not."

Typheous nods slowly. "He has a way of talking that seems to answer a question while making no real effort to do so."

Quentin, "Did he mention anything about what the nobles are going to do about the Night Reaper, or are we still on our own?"

Typheous says, "I think we're still on out own there."

Psyche says, "Unless 'thrusting the position of governor on him' is your idea of a solution."

Quentin, "I might be mistaken, but I hear a bit of a catch in your voices. Did you learn something unappealing?"

Typheous says, "Only that he seemed to be expecting us and he mentioned you were an old family friend."

Tsharing says, "Strange that you would neglect to mention such a detail."

Psyche nods, studying Quentin.

Quentin, "Oh, that. That is a small thing. I am older than I look, you know. I gave advice to his father from time to time, and his grandfather, too, come to think of it. As well as, yes, I guess that would make me an old friend of the family, though I find Caine less than savory compared to his brother. You'd think identical twins would have more in common..."

Valyros pages: "So I might be able to start next week? You want me to send the character sheet back over to you?"

Valyros has received your page: "Yes, please. And update it here, as well, as that is easier to access sometimes."

Typheous frowns his music turnign reflective. "We didn't get to meet his brother."

Tsharing says, "Why did you not tell us any of this before?"

Valyros pages: "Alright, I'm just not exactly sure how to do that here."

Valyros pages: "What's your e-mail address again?"

Quentin, "I didn't think it was that important. Abel only speaks to Caine anymore, and Caine detests me, claims I am the reason why Theusleh was almost destroyed during... And he's half right, but...

You say, "He flops down on a couch with a sigh. "It's a long story.""

[OOC] You say, "And that's where we'll end for the night."

Valyros has received your page: "z_wad@hotmail.com"

[OOC] You say, "Vote with RP point"

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 4h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Typheous 5h 50s IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

Valyros 3h 1m OOC PC

Tsharing 1h 2m IC PC

Psyche 5h 3m IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

--[Sun Jan 26 00:43:34 2003]--------------------------------[5 users; 0s lag]--

Tsharing pages: "Typherous"

Psyche pages: "Typh"

*** Added 3 XP to Psyche's Experience ***

*** Added 3 XP to Tsharing's Experience ***

*** Added 4 XP to Typheous's Experience ***

Typheous pages: "psyche"

[OOC] You say, "And Typheous gets the RP point."

[OOC] Typheous grins. Thanks.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "See you later."

Tsharing has lost her link.

Psyche pages: "Permission to spend XP on a second dot of charisma?"

[OOC] You say, "So, what did you think of Caine, and what do you now think of Quentin?"

Psyche has received your page: "Go ahead."

[OOC] Typheous goes slightly mad.

[OOC] You say, "Just when you think you've met a simply likeable NPC..."

[OOC] Psyche parades her new -two- dots of Charisma around.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Also known as "learning to bite one's tongue.""

[OOC] Typheous liked the Academy better. There you knew the teachers were trustworthy... mostly...

[OOC] Psyche says, "None of your NPC's are simply likeable. I've been waiting for Q to screw us over."

[OOC] Valyros says, "Alright, character in the tube."

[OOC] Typheous ponders... Up my Int, up my Appearance, up my manipulation... hmmm....

[OOC] Psyche is going to have 2 Arete forever. :(

[OOC] Typheous snuggles

[OOC] Typheous says, "We'll get back to school evenutally. :)"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Yes, and then I can commit murder most vile, and get us kicked out :)"

[OOC] Valyros says, "How do you edit your character again here?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "@setup"

[OOC] Typheous says, "@setup"

[OOC] Typheous chuckles

Typheous pages: "Hmmm.....Arg... can't make decision... Manip or Int...."

[OOC] Eclipse grins. "Hey, Oliver was simply likeable. He just happened to have an impetuous Arete 6 Truthspeaker for a best friend...

Typheous pages: "Or Appearance. That whole travelling thing and died hair :)"

[OOC] Typheous chuckles.

Typheous has received your page: "Choices, choices..."

The resolution of Tsharing fades. With a hiss of static her disconnected body implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.