Logfile from Malakai

Welcome to Malaki.

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*** Connected ***

Malakai (An IC-Neutral Location)

The room for the Mage: Epic Fantasy games.

The comfortable couch is invitingly empty. The lumpy sofa is invitingly empty. The Peanut Gallery contains no spectators. Eclipse is sitting on the rocking chair. Psyche is sitting on the floor. Typheous is sprawled out on the floor.

You see Plot Janitor here.

Obvious exits include Nexus (out, o).

Eclipse has connected.

You were last connected at Wed Dec 18 11:37:20 2002 EST from dnvr-dsl-gw9-b6.dnvr.uswest.net. Your current e-mail address is z_wad@hotmail.com; if this is incorrect, please re-register by typing `@register as user@host`.

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----- Typheous (#413) @ Wed Dec 18 17:49:06 2002 CST -----

(remotely) Typheous would be disturbed by those dice rolls... but they were mostly d25's... which just confuses me. :)


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User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`


Eclipse 16s 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Psyche 58m 8m IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Typheous 7d 1h IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

--[Sat May 31 13:49:18 2655]--------------------------------[3 users; 0s lag]--

[OOC] Eclipse waves.

[OOC] Psyche flops.

[OOC] You say, "I've come to the conclusion that Harry Potter books have been enchanted to be better than they have any right to be."

<Login> Tsharing has connected from m293-mp1.cvx2-a.lee.dial.ntli.net on Sat Dec 21 19:40:50 2002 EST.

Tsharing has arrived.

Tsharing sits down on the lumpy sofa.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Hello."

[OOC] You say, "I've come to the conclusion that Harry Potter books have been enchanted to be better than they have any right to be."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Holla :)"

[OOC] You say, "Hello."

[OOC] Psyche ohs at Eclipse?

[OOC] Typheous waves.

[OOC] You say, "I sat down to read the first couple of chapters of Sorcerer's Stone before bed yesterday and ended up staying up until it was almost time to get up again before extricating myself from it to catch a couple hours of sleep. I'm about three chapters into Chamber of Secrets, at the moment, and thay was a struggle. Gaming still trumps reading, though."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Keep meaning to pick those books up....maybe after Christmas."

[OOC] Psyche nods. They're surprisingly good.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Reminds me of something else I'm looking forward to. Next year sees parts 4 and 5 of Stephen King's Dark Tower series."

[OOC] Typheous needs to read those and a good dozen others.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "It has been since 1997 since the last one was released....."

[OOC] You say, "Comma splices all over the place and I already know the plot from the movies, and I can't stop reading. I think setting is the key. The characters are fun, but the setting...who am I fooling? I have no idea why they're so friggin' addictive."

[OOC] You say, "Yeah. It's been a while since the last Dark Tower book. He always said it is difficult for him to enter that world."

[OOC] Typheous ponders xp ependitures....

[OOC] Psyche ponders likewise.

Typheous pages: "Would I be able to justify Mind 3 with the stuff we've been doing?"

[OOC] You say, "I guess that would mean you're pondering what he's pondering. Brain's life would have been so much easier if Pinky had been his Twin Soul..."

[OOC] Psyche laughs.

Psyche pages: "A dot of Etiquette okaY?"

Typheous has received your page: "I could certainly see that as a possibility, yes."

[OOC] You say, "Yes."

Psyche has received your page: "Yes."

[OOC] You say, "Folks here see TT, yet?"

[OOC] You say, "I know El, has."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Saving up to raise Spirit 3. Then I'll go back to Abilities and possibly Attributes."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Yes, I have. It's not quite as good as the first, mainly because of the lack of 'whoah' factor. Still a lot to admire, though."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "By which I mean, the sheer novelty of much of FotR."

[OOC] You say, "Cool. Might be able to use some of those Umbral Realms I've been pondering."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Oh yes, my younger sister watched that on video today, and in the final battle, she said of Aragorn "He can't die, he's too cute!""

[OOC] Eclipse agrees. "It was cool, really really cool. Still, it was what I expected, and FotR knocked me on my ass the first time I saw it."

[OOC] Typheous has seen it twice.

(remotely) Typheous nods. I think I'll go with that.

Typheous pages: "Now.... with adept and specialty, going to dot 3 is... 7 * 2 = 14 * 3/4 = ~11, right?"

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Between that and rereading the third book of the Thomas Covenant series, I just have to try and work a huge seige into Exalted sooner or later....."

Typheous has received your page: "Yes."

[OOC] You say, "But you already burned down the only place we had that could have BEEN besieged..."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Not to mention that he played fast and loose with certain sections of TT much more so than in FotR."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "What do you think the Invisible Fortress was built to resist?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Yeah, but the Gili/Legolas thing came out much better. And I loved the Ents."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "There's a bit at the end where I could swear I saw one of them using a troll as a weapon."

[OOC] You say, "True. None of it was distressingly different, though. There were a few parts where I thought, "Hey! It wasn't like that at all!" But they weren't awful. The Aragorn love story bit was kind of gratuitous, though."

[OOC] Psyche says, "The Aragorn love story bit - I think - weakens his character."

[OOC] You say, "Discovery?"

[OOC] Tsharing says, "As well."

[OOC] Typheous says, "I don't knwo if it weakens him or makes him more human."

[OOC] Eclipse just thought it was kind of out there. "If my mission fails, the Ultimate Evil will take over the world and kill everyone, but I miss my girlfriend and am going to angst about her, now." It was a bit too Jordan-y for me.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "You seem to be using 'Jordan' more and more as an adjective for bad fantasy lately."

[OOC] Typheous chuckles.

[OOC] Psyche murmurs. "So...shall we RP?"

[OOC] Typheous chuckles.

[OOC] You say, "I couldn't get past chapter 12 of Book 7. All of a sudden, it just stopped being interesting to me. I don't know why."

[OOC] You say, "If you insist..."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Well, we could chat all night, if that interests you more."

[OOC] You say, "Yes, that's right. You're here to entertain ME! Dance, my puppets! Dance! *cough* Ahem. Let's begin."

Eclipse puts on his dragon medallion.

[OOC] Typheous dances for xp?

[OOC] Tsharing says, "He's already channeling Gendo Ikari.....unusually early."

[OOC] Typheous says, "We're doomed. We don't have a giant robot."

You say, "When last we left Hell's Errand Children, they had just arrived at the Prancing Pony in Theusleh."

[OOC] Eclipse leaves War Striders lying around?

[OOC] Typheous says, "Umm... Crud. Psyche needs to go get a prescription refilled we forgot about."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Now, having said that, I suddenly realised that I forgot to pick up my prescrip....yeah."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "I've been reading the Evangelion mange lately....better than the series, actually. Tighter plot."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Should just have to run get it, be 5-10 min. It's only a block."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Manga, that is. Not mange....."

[OOC] You say, "Shall we wait or do people want to get started. On the bright side, I'm wide awake, today..."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "I can wait."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Yeah... different languages.... Coudl we wait for like 5-10 minutes? Just have to walk to the corner"

[OOC] Eclipse nods.

[OOC] Eclipse knows what he's getting Typ and Psy for Xmas.

[OOC] Psyche just got Eclipse's present a couple days ago.

[OOC] You say, "No, not matching "I'm with stupid" shirts with arrows pointing in opposite directions, either..."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Someone on the RPGNet forums suggested that Evangelion would make a good Call of Cthulu setting. Lobotomised, cyborged demons...."

[OOC] Eclipse liked the concept of Eva. There were just a lot of poorly executed bits in the series. Monster of the Week Syndrome, for one thing. It could have been done so much better and I would have liked it more, and maybe then I could discuss it with Beth without her telling me how much she hates it. ;-)

[OOC] Eclipse shakes his present.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "The manga cuts a lot of extraneous bits (and Angels) and changes quite a few details. The whole Toji-as-fourth-pilot arc is done a lot better, with a different resolution, for example. I'll be interested to see which ending they go with."

[OOC] You say, "I actually liked the movie ending more, if only because it gave me some sense of closure, even if it involved orange goo and crosses."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Me too. I have a soft spot for a touch of the grand guignol. And it was a nice change to see it without the budget constraints biting."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Sorry about that, we're back."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Well, that was abortive."

[OOC] You say, "I figure if you're going to end the world, end the world and be done with it. But make it interesting. Nothing worse than a boring apocalypse."

[OOC] Psyche says, "It rattles."

[OOC] You say, "Hmm... That foils my first guess. Soft or hard?"

[OOC] You say, "Anyway, back to the game."

You say, "Prancing Pony in Theusleh. No hobbits here."

[OOC] Typheous uses Mind 3 to CG his image in everyone's head to that of a hobbit, just for completeness.

[OOC] Eclipse sends out the Ringwraiths?

Typheous leaves his things in his room, locks it, and starts perusing the clientel. (Were there people performing?)

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Yes. A trio of musicians. One has a harp. One has a horn. The third appears to be banging rocks of various sizes together.

Tsharing does the inconspicuous schtick.

[OOC] Psyche changes rattles to rustles.

Typheous will look for attractive young women in need of company.

You say, "The patrons are not numerous, and they seem a bit on edge, occasionally muttering about bad times and ill tidings. There is a woman dressed in dark silks. She has a scarf around her neck, and her brown eyes seem to be making an effort to stare through a wall."

[OOC] Typheous grumbles about bars and inns with no women in them. "We need to get back to a college town."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Anything screaming "I'm a plot point" about the woman?"

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Entropy 1 / Time 2 would let you actually see a plot hook, in character."

You say, "There is also a man in a white cloak with a staff that has a crystal in it sitting at a table alone. Two thugly men sit at another table, playing a game that looks something like chess-for-dollars."

[OOC] You say, "Yes, it can. How do you think Jesus has been so helpful?"

Typheous will just ignore everyone then and sing absently along with the music by himself.

Psyche finds a corner, orders a glass of water, and attempts to act inconspicuous by just not doing anything.

You say, "The woman in silk looks at Typheous, seeming to notice him for the first time. After a moment, she finishes her drink, stands up, and starts to leave."

Eclipse [to Psyche]: The bartender gives you the most alcoholic water you've ever tasted.

Typheous studies the woman carefully, trying to decide if she looks like she recognised him. (Any guesses there?)

Tsharing waits for the other two to resolve their business.

Psyche takes one sip, . o O ( Ewwh! ) spits it out, and scoots the water away.

Typheous has received your page: "Give me a Per + Subterfuge, dif 6"

[OOC] You say, "Man, I almost said difficulty 3 there, for a minute. Silly Exalted books..."

Typheous . o O ( roll percep+Subter diff 6 )

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Perception (3) and Subterfuge (0) (3d10): 6, 6, 3 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Typheous says, "Doh."

Bartender_smirks, "Water not to your liking, young woman? I'm terribly sorry. The next drink is on the house."

Typheous . o O ( We may have been spotted... Is this whole town after us? )

[OOC] You say, "What, exactly, happened there?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "I had "think" already in my input line but stopped before actually typing it in... and then I just typed the roll commaned in."

Psyche . o O ( Damn. )

Typheous has received your page: "She noticed you."

Psyche nods her head. "Just...not what I was expecting, sir."

Typheous gets up slowly and tries to find an inconspicuous way to the window to see where the woman is going. . o O ( Yes... we've been seen.... Damn... Well, so much for subterfuge....)

Eclipse [to Psyche]: The bartender picks up a fresh glass. "So, what is it that you drink when you're not sipping water?"

Psyche . o O ( Now what? )

Typheous . o O ( Just act casual... And let Tsharing know. She might have an idea. Try a merlot. It's not too alcoholic. Or cider. )

Typheous has received your page: "She appears to have gone around behind the inn, either to pursue her destination or to avoid your eyes."

Psyche lifts her shoulders. "...Cider, I suppose." She glances over toward Tsharing, trying to catch her eye.

Typheous pages: "Any chance to find her with magic subtly, or do I think someone might notice that."

Bartender_winks, "Cider, eh?" He pours some in the glass. "You know, there are some interesting things a man and a woman can do with a properly ripe apple..."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Back"

Typheous has received your page: "Depends on how obvious the focus is. No one else seems particularly interested in you."

Typheous . o O ( That is perhaps the worse line I've ever head anyone actually use.... )

[OOC] Tsharing says, "You're trying to catch my eye? You may be a long time in trying....."

Typheous pages: "Just a scan to find that woman. And what would be the diff."

Typheous has received your page: "3 with spec focus, 4 w/o"

[OOC] Psyche says, "axck, on the phone, didn't thiunk"

Typheous slowly pulls out his dagger and begins trimming his nails, walking back to his seat and pointing the blade toward the back of the inn. (Mind 1, Corr 2 to scan for the chick who just left. diff.... 4 w/ foci since it's Corr 2?)

Eclipse [to Typheous]: :nods.

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Arete (3d10): 5, 7, 7 ** 3 successes (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Arete (3d10): 4, 8, 1 ** 1 success (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Arete (3d10): 9, 10, 6 ** 3 successes (diff 4) **

[OOC] Typheous lets it go, 2 into duration, 4 into range, and 1 into effect

Typheous has received your page: "She's in a back alley not far from the inn. You sense fear followed by relief followed by desire followed by a moment of pain followed by intense pleasure followed by panic. Then all thought comes to an abrupt end."

Tsharing hears Psyche trying to get her attention, and walks over. "Yes?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Thank you. That was my intention."

(remotely) Typheous suppresses urge to go "Aw shit"

Bartender_grins, "Ah, you brought a friend. How thoughtful of you..." There is a suggestion in his tone of voice.

Typheous frowns at his nails, slipping the dagger back in its place. . o O ( Now what the hell just happened to her... Need me to intervene with the bartender? )

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 5, 9, 6, 3, 10, 5, 3, 4 No diff given.

You say, "The man in the white cloak stands up, using his staff to brace himself. He's looking at Typheous."

Psyche gives the bartender a dark glare, but bites her tongue. . o O ( Please. ) "We've been seen, and recognised," she murmurs under her breath, softly enough that hopefully only Tsharing hears it.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Any rangers in here?"

Tsharing doesn't look at her, or anything in particular. "Follow or hide?"

Bartender, "I'll meet you up there, then, as long as I get to watch at least once."

[OOC] You say, "No, just the thugs playing chess with coins."

Typheous walks over to the bar. "Excuse me, sir. Would you care to repeat what you just said?"

Bartender, "Hey, I saw them first. Go find your own."

Typheous chuckles. "I fear I am already attached to them, good sir, and if you wish to make lewd comments to them, they will have to be made in my presence. Now, I ask again, would you care to repeat what you just said?"

Tsharing says, "We are not interested, though I doubt that will deter you. I have no desire to make trouble or for your company beyond the commercial."

Bartender, "I just offered her a drink on the house because I made a mistake on the first one I gave her. Touchy, lad, aren't you?"

Bartender_glances_at_Tsharing, "I have a few coins. How much do you charge?"

Psyche, for once, scoots a little toward Typheous instead of away. . o O ( I can't hold my tongue much longer...filthy, lewd...

[OOC] Psyche )

[OOC] Psyche gets off the phone.

You say, "The white-cloaked man takes a step forward, seemingly waiting for something."

Typheous's hands lower to his blades. "Again sir, your lewd comments are not welcome. If you do not desist...."

Tsharing says, "Nor am I a prostitute. Though I am sure you could find one here, if you look hard enough."

Elf_in_white, "What will you do, short-fuse? I recommend you keep your hands away from those blades you carry. This is not worth blood spilt and a noose, youngling."

Typheous raises his eyebrow, turning to the elf. "And whom, might I ask, are you?"

Psyche glances over at the man in white, eyes simmering with withheld anger. . o O ( He's right, but...)

Typheous . o O ( Dammit, can't anyone differentiate between threat and promise? )

Psyche . o O ( No, apparently. )

Typheous . o O ( And something odd just happened to our unfortunate spy... and it bothers me. )

Elf, "One who knows what you are, short-fuse. They have seen your kind here before, and you are no more above their laws than we are. And while your threat might not be a promise, a threat of violence is never taken lightly."

Psyche . o O ( Define odd. )

Tsharing says, "Are you an officer of the law?"

Typheous frowns, his face darkening but his hands leaving the blades.

Psyche leans forward slightly, voice showing the strain of enforced politeness. "And thus innuendo and the outright slander of character should be allowed to persist unrebuked?"

Elf, "No. I am simply a concerned citizen who would prefer to spend a peaceful night listening to music with rocks in it. I would prefer not to be called by civic duty, tonight."

Bartender_(saucily), "You can slander me anytime, girly..."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Groan...."

Typheous rolls his eye, sighing softly. "I would think a proprieter of such a place would have slightly better style... Anyway, forgive my innuendos, sir."

[OOC] You say, "When the bartender is this bad at pulling..."

You say, "The elf nods and sits back down, turning his attention back to the musicians and waving them to continue, since they had stopped when the elf stood up."

Psyche spins around, snarling at the bartender. "Fuck off. I'm not interested in your crude advances. I've seen rocks I would find more attractive than you - not to mention cleaner, more pleasantly fragranced, and far more intelligent."

Tsharing says, "Perhaps it would be best for everyone if we simply take ourselves somewhere else."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "The lead singer....does he look elvish?"

Bartender, "I know where _I'D_ take you..."

Typheous turns, his face steeling and his music matching his mood more than the musicians. "Let's go, before any more tempers are lost."

Eclipse [to Tsharing]: The harpist is elvish. The horn player is an empath. The rocker is myshari.

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 2, 6, 8, 6, 10, 10, 7, 3 No diff given.

Tsharing leaves.

Psyche's fist tightens on her still-untouched glass, eyes blazing with fury. "Yes, I think that might be a good idea." She stands to follow Typheous.

Typheous leads Psyche out of the room after Tsharing.

You say, "The bartender whistles and catcalls, shouting encouragement at Typheous. "Let me know how it turns out.""

Psyche . o O ( Either we leave, or he gets a glass of ...whatever that was.... to the face. )

Typheous . o O ( *chuckles* That might be interesting... but I'd rather not get thrown out. )

Psyche . o O ( He so fucking well deserves it. )

Typheous . o O ( That or a slwp )

[OOC] Typheous says, "*slap"

Tsharing says, "He was unsubtle and boorish. Do you think the woman who was watching us may pose a threat?"

Psyche . o O ( He looks like the type who might take a slap as encouragement. )

[OOC] You say, "No. No, I don't..."

Psyche glances at Typheous. "Possibly."

Typheous frowns, shaking his head. "Not anymore... if my guess is correct. She left, went behind the inn, She was afraid, then releived, then... there was desire, a moment of pain, and then pleasure... then panic and her mind fell silent."

Tsharing says, "Why do you think that is?"

Psyche chews her bottom lip, thoughtfully. "An unexpected murder...? But why the pain then?"

Typheous shakes his head, the tension leaving his music being replaced with confusion. "Perhaps... I'm more interested in the pleasure. I did a light scan to follow her..."

Tsharing says, "Do you think we should find her and simply ask her?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "....Why the *pleaseure"

[OOC] Psyche canna type today.

Psyche glances over at Tsharing. "Can you find one spirit in a multitude? It sounds as if she may no longer be living."

Typheous nods in Psyche's direction. "That would be might guess..."

Tsharing says, "I certainly cannot search a whole city, if that is what you're asking."

Psyche shakes her head slightly. "Would it linger where she died, if that is what happened?"

Typheous shrugs. "We could go and see if there's anything there..."

Tsharing says, "Is this in the part of the city with the dead?"

Typheous shakes his head. "Just behind the inn."

Tsharing says, "Then let's go there."

Tsharing goes there.

Typheous follows.

Psyche follows. . o O ( ...Why do men insist on making advances when it's clear they're not wanted? )

Tsharing pages: "Spirit 'sight'. Df3."

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled Arete (3d10): 10, 9, 9 ** 3 successes (diff 3) **

Tsharing pages: "2 power, 1 duration."

Typheous . o O ( They see it as a challenge to overcome, perhaps. )

You say, "The woman you saw in the inn is lying in the alley. She clutches the scarf in one hand, and there are bite marks on her neck where it once covered. She is still breathing lightly, though she appears to be unconscious. Snow is falling on her and her clothes are quite damp already."

(to Tsharing) Eclipse nods.

Psyche nearly trips over her feet in the attempt to reach the woman's side more quickly, kneeling beside her in the snow, trying to assess her condition and chances.

Tsharing pages: "Using Past Lives to emulate Medicine."

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled dice (2d10): 9, 8 No diff given.

[Roll]: Tsharing rolled Past Lives (5) and Lives (0) (5d10): 2, 3, 7, 2, 7 ** 2 successes (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Intelligence (4) and Medicine (4) (8d10): 6, 6, 7, 9, 5, 5, 10, 10 No diff given.

Typheous follows, looking for any marks of a fight or anything/one that might have seen it or been involved. His music it close to a Bond action theme.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "The Force is strong in this one...."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "I was going to offer to help, but...."

[OOC] Psyche grins.

You say, "She seems perfectly healthy, as though she just decided to take a nap in the middle of a snowy alley. Her skin is as warm as though she were indoors. Her pulse is normal and strong. The only sign of injury upon her appears to be the two holes in the side of her neck, and even they are scabbed over."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Anything I might notice w/ investigation?"

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Give me a Per + Investigation, dif 6.

Psyche frowns to herself, murmuring under her breath as she checks the woman over once again, fingers lingering at the scabbed-over places. (Scanning with life and spirit)

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Perception (3) and Investigation (2) (5d10): 7, 6, 1, 3, 5 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (2d10): 10, 2 ** 1 success (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (2d10): 9, 2 ** 1 success (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (2d10): 6, 1 ** 0 successes (diff 4) **

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered ***

[OOC] Psyche coughs.

Psyche pages: "That a backlashing effect or not?"

[OOC] Tsharing says, "What's the weather like?"

Psyche has received your page: "Afraid so, but the Effect still works. There'll just be side effects..."

Eclipse [to Tsharing]: It is snowing lightly.

Psyche pages: "Figures. Okay, letting it go there for now. I don't need duration."

Typheous pages: "1 success enough to notice anything?"

Tsharing says, "We should get her indoors."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Was there a back door we coudl have come out of to get here so we wouldn't go through the common room?"

Psyche has received your page: "She is alive and healthy, healthier than anyone you have ever scanned. But it feels almost as though her body wants to devour you and everything living in the world."

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Sure...

[OOC] Psyche says, "What, just because we already paid for rooms here?"

Psyche nods absently, still murmuring to herself, then pauses, sitting back on her heels, eyes widening. "Holy fuck..."

[OOC] Typheous says, "That and I don't want to carry a body through the common room. Sort of Suspicious."

Typheous glances down to Psyche. "What is it?"

Typheous has received your page: "You notice a few drops of blood scattered across the snow, but the snow has already covered any trails that might have led you to the source (or destination)."

You say, "Her eyes flutter open. "What happened? Where am I? Who are you?""

Tsharing says, "You passed out here."

Typheous frowns. "We were on a walk and saw you here and thought you might need help."

Psyche draws her fingers back from the woman's throat, paling slightly. "She's alive, and she's healthy, but it's...there's a hunger in her body, something huge and devouring...." Attention turns back to her patient as the woman wakes.

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 5, 10, 7, 2, 9, 10, 8, 7 No diff given.

Psyche doesn't answer.

Typheous . o O ( A hunger? What do you mean? )

Woman, "On a walk? You're lying. Why are you lying? Are you the reason I'm out here?"

Psyche makes an attempt to relay the impressions she felt. (Eclipse pages: "She is alive and healthy, healthier than anyone you have ever scanned. But it feels almost as though her body wants to devour you and everything living in the world.")

Psyche lifts a hand. "We are not, madam. Nor do we know -why- you are out here."

Typheous turns to the woman. "Lying? No, we just walked out and found you here and are trying to assist you."

Woman, "As a matter of fact, I AM hungry. I feel like I could eat a horse. I wonder if the Prancing Pony has a good roast.

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Intelligence (4) (4d10): 9, 2, 3, 8 No diff given.

Psyche murmurs, "If they did, madam, how would you prefer it be cooked?"

Typheous offers a hand to the woman. "We'd be glad to help you into the inn."

Woman, "That's partly true. You thought I was spying on you. The truth is, I think I was, but I can't remember why or for whom. As rare as it comes."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Is my scan still going and do I see anything odd with it in her?"

[OOC] You say, "The Mind scan from earlier, you mean? It's still going, but it still sees nothing."

Typheous . o O ( Odd... there's nothing there in my scan... )

Psyche's eyes flicker. "Rare and bleeding?" . o O ( The sanguinary power.... )

Typheous . o O ( I'm... concerned... )

Psyche . o O ( The sanguinary power will spread before the flood. )

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Literally nothing, or nothing important?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Hmmm...that was interesting. Eclipse still here?"

Woman_(licking_her_lips), "As a matter of fact, that DOES sound good."

[OOC] You say, "Nothing nothing. It's as though she's not even there."

Typheous frowns, his music darkening, his hand still extended. "Shall we go in then?"

You say, "She nods and follows you."

Psyche studies the woman for a long moment. "Other than hungry, how do you feel?"

Woman, "Good. Really, really good. Like I'm invincible. It's funny, though, I can hear what you're going to say before you say it. Of course, you might just be predictable." She laughs.

Psyche's eyes sharpen slightly. . o O ( You can hear what we're going to say? )

Typheous's face darkens again in thought. . o O ( I wonder if she can hear us... )

[OOC] Tsharing says, "That might be why she's laughing....."

[OOC] Psyche giggles.

Woman, "Why are you talking about me like I'm not even here? It's very rude. Oh wait. You haven't actually said anything, have you? My mistake..."

[OOC] Typheous says, "True... Although this is one of their more civil discussions.."

Typheous sighs softly. "No, we did not. You must be imagining things."

[OOC] Typheous says, "And do we sense any magic in all this?"

Psyche says softly, "No, we did not." She glances at Typheous.

Eclipse [to Typheous]: If there's magic involved, it's too subtle to detect without magical perceptions, apparently.

Typheous's face softs slightly as he offers his hand again. "Now, miLady, did you want to go inside?"

You say, "She nods and goes inside."

[OOC] You say, "Common room?"

Psyche . o O ( *to herself* Just when I was getting used to having one person.... )

Psyche follows Typheous.

Typheous . o O ( You I can handle... She's just weird.... )

Tsharing goes in.

Typheous takes her into the common room.

You say, "The elf with the staff looks up at you as you come in, and his gaze fixes hardest on your new companion."

Psyche does her best to pretend like the bartender doesn't even exist, focussing her attention instead on the elf with the staff.

You say, "The woman goes to the bar, ignores the rude innuendos, and orders the rarest thing they've got, which turns out to be a steak."

Typheous keeps his attention devided between the elf in white, the bartender, and their new acquaintence.

You say, "The elf notices Psyche's attention and turns back to look at the musicians."

Tsharing says, "This seems suspicious. I think we should simply move on and Typheous keep watch on her from afar."

Psyche responds quietly. "It's extremely suspicious. I'm willing to look for rooms elsewhere if you are."

You say, "The steak arrives looking like something straight out of the slaughterhouse. The woman digs in eagerly, but loses interest after the first few bites, murmuring, "It just doesn't taste rare enough...""

Typheous shrugs. "Probably best... want to make a scene about the poor service, or just slip out?"

Tsharing says, "The latter."

Psyche starts sidling toward the door.

You say, "The elf casually stands up and walks toward the bar, removing a coin pouch from his pockets as he goes."

You say, "You reach the exit."

Typheous leaves as innocuously as possible, retrieving his items and leaving out the back.

Psyche leaves, then.

You say, "The elf is waiting for you in the alley, his cloak and staff glowing slightly. "Leaving so soon?""

[OOC] Psyche says, "We all there?"

Tsharing says, "Is there a reason we should not?"

[OOC] You say, "I assume so..."

Typheous raises his eyebrow, his music growing a bit of tension.

[OOC] Psyche noddles.

Elf_shrugs, "You seemed to take an interest in that young short-fuse woman. She was behaving very strangely, don't you think?"

Psyche arches an eyebrow, an unconscious mimic of Typheous's expression. "A bit, yes."

Elf, "Any idea why?"

Typheous shrugs. "Do you have one?"

Tsharing says, "She did not seem to need our help any more, so we left. I have not been to this city before. Things like that may be a local custom for all I know and I did not want to interfere excessively."

Elf, "No, I don't. Not yet, at least. Strange things are afoot in Theusleh. I'm just trying to make sense of it all. Where did you find her?"

Typheous chuckles. "Here, actaully. Or at least near here."

Elf, "Do you think you could take me there?"

Psyche folds her arms, studying the elf a little more closely, but keeps her mouth shut. . o O ( When we get out of this city, I'm going to scream. )

Typheous glances to the others. "I don't see why not...." . o O ( Why? )

Psyche . o O ( This is too stressful. )

Typheous . o O ( I'd offer a back massage, but I don't think you'd take me up on it. )

Elf, "Forgive me if I did not introduce myself earlier. My name is Quentin. I've lived here since before Theusleh was called Theusleh. I've never seen anything quite like this before, and that is worrying, especially under the circumstances."

Tsharing says, "Miriam."

Typheous bows his head. "And I am Aaron and this is Gala." He motions to Psyche.

Psyche . o O ( Maybe I'll buy you a pair of gloves for that express purpose. )

Psyche's expression remains guardedly neutral.

Quentin, "Shall we go?"

Quentin, "So, what brings an elf, an empath, and (strangest of all, I must say) a human to Theusleh as a single company?"

Typheous nods to Quentin. "Yes... The city makes me nervous." . o O ( *a bit surprised* The offer stands if you like. )

You say, "Quentin follows your lead."

Tsharing says, "A friend."

Psyche glances at the elf. "What circumstances do you speak of?"

Quentin, "Strange creatures prowl the night these days. People are found dead every night without a mark on them. The academy in Wyzdin appears to have vanished overnight. Yet, the governor has made no appearances since it all began, though the watch at the east gate has suddenly grown more watchful.

Tsharing says, "And why does this interest you?"

Typheous frowns, falling into thought. "Curious..."

Quentin, "When women crave bloody steak late at night and people who once walked the streets daily no longer can be seen durin the day, I feel I have reason for concern, especially under the circumstances.

Psyche nods slowly. "And...are all the citizenry aware of these strange circumstances?"

Quentin_shrugs, "As I said, I've lived here for a long time, and I want to continue living her for quite some time longer. It is in my best interests to protect the city and its citizens. The people know something is up, but no one is quite sure what. The nights are long and filled with rumors, this winter.

You say, "You arrive in the alley."

Typheous glances to Quentin, a frown on his face and his music. "Who is the mayor here? We've been out of touch. And this is the alley we found her in."

Quentin, "The governor is the Terz family, though we have not heard from any of them in nearly a month, not since any of the strange things started happening. Ah." He removes a crystal sphere from his pocket and bends over, looking at the ground through it. He walks up and down the alley in this fashion.

[OOC] You say, "Can't find the name of Plax's father, atm, but he's the guy."

Psyche watches, leaning against the wall.

[OOC] Typheous says, "And he's Caine's rival, right?"

Tsharing says, "May I ask if you have any suspcion about what is causing this?"

Quentin, "Well, this IS odd. Usually, they don't bleed. Of course, usually they don't stand up and order practically raw meat, either."

[OOC] You say, "Yes."

Typheous raises his eyebrow, his music intrigued. "Oh?" . o O ( We might be able to trust him.. but not yet...)

Psyche says softly, "What do they usually do? Just...die?"

Quentin, "I really have only the faintest idea, I'm afraid. Whatever it is that's killing people leaves no wounds. That woman tonight was a new sight. I've been following her all day. She's been staring into space like that constantly. Now, though, she seems to have snapped out of it, but she has those marks on her neck. I've never seen anything like that. Even the most vigorous lover doesn't often break the skin like that."

Typheous nods slowly. "And it would have to have been rather quick if it was that..."

Quentin, "I've never actually seen one of the victims die. I just discovered one of the bodies a couple weeks ago and have been hearing the same story over and over again ever since - dead during the night, usually outdoors, no wounds.

Psyche chews on her lip, thoughtfully. . o O ( Tell him about the mind-reading she did? )

Tsharing says, "Are there any monsters or spirits around here that use that method of attack?"

Typheous frowns. . o O ( Perhaps... That's safer than telling who we are. He might be a possible ally. )

Quentin, "Most of the spirits in Theusleh are quite well-behaved, and we're too far from the frontier for monsters to be wandering the streets."

Psyche . o O ( I'm just going to let you talk. )

Typheous turns to Quentin. "The woman... She could perceive our thoughts before we spoke them... sometimes without us speaking at all."

Quentin_frowns, "That is interesting. I'm certain she isn't a mage of any kind. About as mundane as they come, really, if you don't count her love life, of course."

Typheous says, "Love life? Or are we assuming the marks are from that then?"

Psyche says, "What about her love life? Someone influential involved?"

Quentin_shrugs, "Could be. She's been wearing that scarf all day long."

Typheous frowns, his music darkening. "Intriguing. Anything else she do today?"

Quentin, "No one of any great importance. She apparenly has some interesting adventures. That or she's good at lying to her friends about what she does at night. I started following her a little before noon. I noticed that she was kind of shuffling along, and that was weird. Given the strange events taking place recently, I thought it suspicious enough to justify tailing her."

Typheous nods slowly. "And this has been going on for a month?"

Tsharing says, "What first aroused your suspicions?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "The dead people?"

Quentin, "Other than staring into space and telling stories to a few friends, she hasn't done anything strange. Every once in a while, she would snap out of the trance and seem to notice the world around her. It was strange. Her eyes would be distant and her walk was a bit clumsy, but she still seemed perfectly capable of holding a conversation or doing anything else she could normally do, or so it seems." He shakes his head. "No, the weird events started about a month ago. I found one of the victims of whatever has been killing people at night a couple weeks ago. I just noticed this woman staring and shuffling this morning."

Typheous nods slowly. "Anything you sense here?"

Quentin, "Blood was spilled here tonight, that woman's blood, and enough of it to kill her and still have enough leftover to write a letter to a dark god. Maybe it's connected to the murders, or maybe it's something completely different."

Psyche says to herself, "That would explain her hunger for blood...."

Typheous frowns, looking around. "This does not bode well."

Tsharing says, "Necromancy?"

Quentin_shrugs, "I suppose so. But losing blood doesn't mean you have to eat blood. If she had lost a lot of blood, she'd need all kinds of food and drink. Just about anything will do, in sufficient quantities, but a brown steak is as nutricious as a red."

Quentin, "But she's obviously alive. How could it be necromancy?"

[OOC] Typheous keeps beating the player knowledge daemon down.

[OOC] Eclipse tap dances on any semblance of canon that would apply to this situation.

Psyche pages: "Lore:death do me any good with all this?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "There is that, too."

Psyche has received your page: "Actually, yes. Int + Lore, dif 6."

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Intelligence (4) and Lore (0) (4d10): 6, 1, 2, 3 ** 0 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Psyche says, "Bleah, let me add the extras."

[Roll]: Psyche rolled dice (3d10): 4, 4, 6 ** 1 success (diff 6) **

[OOC] Psyche says, "There's one."

Psyche has received your page: "Necromancy can use outside life energy to sustain another living thing beyond its normal capacity to live, too."

Typheous's music is dark and inquisitve. "I don't think we'll figure this out standing here in the cold..."

Tsharing says, "Is there somewhere warmer we can talk?"

Psyche says, "Wait."

Typheous turns to Psyche. . o O ( Think of something? )

Quentin, "You're right. We could return to the Prancing Pony. Perhaps our bloodthirsty short-fuse woman will do something interesting."

Psyche fixes her gaze on the ground. "If we're dealing with magic...with necromancy, specifically..." She pauses. "It's possible to use life energy from an outside source to sustain another living thing beyond its normal capacity..."

Typheous frowns in thought. "Meaning that someone would be living off of someone elese's life energy?"

Psyche nods. "And since blood can carry energy..."

Typheous's music loses some of the confusion. "So... if there's something taking the blood of the living..." He turns to Quentin. "How had the others died?"

Tsharing says, "Exsanguination?"

Quentin, "I don't know. They just appeared to have died in their sleep or of a heart attack, or something similar. Some looked surprised. Others appeared to be in pain. A few even looked like they enjoyed their last moments of life, though those were invariably found naked in a bed somewhere. The one I found was lying in the street not far from my house. He looked I little surprised to be dead, I'll admit, though there was no sign of a struggle and no wound.:

Tsharing says, "What did the city authorities say that the cause of these deaths were/"

Typheous says, "Did you check for blood loss?"

Quentin, "Not at the time, no. The authorities just claimed to be searching for the murderer, at first, but now they've taken to noting the cause of death as 'the Night Reaper', since no other cause of death is known."

Typheous raises an eyebrow. "And what of their efforts in investigating?"

Quentin, "If they have a suspect, they haven't said anything about it, yet. The deaths continue unabated, and have actually grown increasingly common, of late. As far as anyone can tell, there hasn't been half the mobilization effort to search out this killer as the situation clearly warrants. That's why I've decided to take matters into my own hands, somewhat. I'm sure I'm not the only one in Theusleh with open eyes."

Psyche nods slowly.

Typheous nods slowly, falling silent in thought. His music continues unabated.

Tsharing says, "Do you know of anyone else investigating this?"

Psyche . o O ( Either he's trustworthy or he's a trap... )

Quentin, "You're the first ones besides me I've noticed doing so, but Theusleh is a big city. Surely, we're not the only ones."

Typheous . o O ( Perhaps... Best wait... )

Tsharing says, "So where do you mean to go from here?"

Quentin, "I was just going to keep my eye on that woman. Even if she's not related to the Night Reaper, her behavior is still strange enough to warrant observation."

Psyche nods. "Too many observers, however..."

Psyche . o O ( Not to mention she -was- spying on us. )

Typheous nods. "Yes... I feel we should find other lodging..." . o O ( And now she doesn't remember it... And isn't thinking... )

Psyche . o O ( The word 'unsafe' comes to mind. )

Quentin, "The folks at the Prancing Pony are friendly enough. You just learn to ignore Formin, after a while. He's not exactly what you'd call the most cultured man in the world, even among short-fuses."

Typheous . o O ( Yes... Let's find somewhere else.... )

Typheous raises an eyebrow. "Yes, but I'm certain the woman left because she saw us and wanted to report it to someone."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "BRB"

Quentin, "You did not mention this before..."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Mention what?"

[OOC] You say, "Woman reporting about the cabal to someone..."

Typheous chuckles. "Your pardon.. I was getting tired of people inquiring into who we are."

Quentin, "Who are you, then, if not the ones you claim to be?

Typheous shrugs. "That's just it. We are just travelling to visit a friend."

Quentin, "And you just happened upon this woman by mistake, who you think reported your arrival to someone? I'm sorry. I thought you were another Theuslehan who had taken an interest in the Night Reaper. I had not seen you at the Prancing Pony before."

Tsharing says, "We did not know about the Reaper until today. We were here on other business."

Typheous shakes head. "No... Just arrived."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Okay, blood-drinking Reapers.....I'm worried."

Quentin, "I did not mean to pile our city's woes on you. Which district does your friend call home? The city is not as large as it used to be. I would think you could have reached his house tonight, unless he takes his rest early in the night."

[OOC] You say, "Sleepers don't fear the Reaper..."

[OOC] You say, "She had become like they are..."

[OOC] You say, "Why worried?"

[OOC] Tsharing says, "I was thinking of Blade II, actually....."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Did that woman have a funny little slit on her chin? If so, we're taking off and nuking the city from orbit. Again."

[OOC] You say, "Now that you mention it... Just kidding. No."

Typheous chuckles. "That's just the problem. We're not exactly sure where he is here."

Psyche says, "Actually, the situation is...quite interesting, too."

Quentin, "You are welcome to stay the night at my house. It is the least I can do for troubling you with my fears. It is not far from here."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Any hint of any treachery?"

[OOC] You say, "What's your Perception + Subterfuge pool look like?"

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 1 second, the world is saved once more.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Umm....3, but per+intrigue is 5."

[OOC] You say, "Okay..."

[Private Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 1, 5, 9, 8, 1 No diff given.

From Eclipse: [Private Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 1, 5, 9, 8, 1 No diff given.

Typheous has received your page: "He seems sincere."

Typheous . o O ( Should we trust him? )

Psyche chews her lip, studying the man. . o O ( Yes, with reservations? He is a mage, it appears, after all... )

Typheous glances to Tsharing and Psyche. "Well, it would save us having to find another inn."

[OOC] You say, "He's a mage so you should trust him or he's a mage so you should have reservations? ;-)"

Tsharing says, "The let us go."

Psyche nods.

You say, "He leads you north along a secondary street, past homes and shops until signs of living residents begin to taper off into abandoned homes, neglected shops, and overgrown parks. After about fourty-five minutes, you arrive at a nearly cube-shaped house made of blocks of white marble. It is the only place you've seen in nearly a mile that hasn't looked run down and abandoned."

Psyche . o O ( Curiouser and curiouser. )

Quentin, "Here we are. It's nothing fancy, but it's home."

Typheous . o O ( facinating.... )

Typheous bows slightly to Quentin. "Thank you for your kindness."

You say, "He unlocks the door and opens it. With a wave of a hand, the hearth fire and candles in the room flicker to life. The interior is cozy, with decorations that predate the Ultimatum War by years, decades, and perhaps even centuries.""

Typheous enters with the gesture. "You have a.. facinating decor..."

Quentin, "Don't mention it. Bedrooms and bath are upstairs. They should be in order. Mine is the one at the end of the hall, but the others are fair game."

Quentin, "Thank you. It has taken me a long time to get it just right.

Psyche's expression leaves the impression that she's trying to take in everything at once. . o O ( WHo is this man? )

Typheous . o O ( An interesting question... )

Typheous turns to the stairs (if they're obvious). "I might go and see about lightening my load some, if you'll excuse me." . o O ( We need to talk... alone... )

Psyche . o O ( Yes, we do. )

Quentin, "Of course. Do you need any help with your things?"

Tsharing says, "What things?"

[OOC] Eclipse meant any equipment folks might be carrying...

Typheous shakes his head. "No, thank you though. Just need to set things down for a while."

Psyche shakes her head slightly. "It's been a long, tiring day. Perhaps just a moment for the three of us to set our things down and freshen up a bit before we continue this conversation...?" There's a glance at Tsharing, then back to Typheous.

Quentin, "Of course. Sleep at your leisure. I have a journal entry to write before I rest."

Typheous starts for the stairs. "Thank you, you've been too kind."

Psyche . o O ( *to herself* Journal. Ahh, fuck. )

You say, "He picks a small, metal rectangle up off a little table and a device that looks like a darning needle, which he uses to "write" on the rectangle. Words appear on the metal, but disappear just as quickly.""

[OOC] Typheous says, "Ack. He has a Palm."

Typheous finds the first room upstairs and claims it.

[OOC] Psyche says, "How are the rooms arranged, and how many are there?"

Tsharing takes the third.

[OOC] Psyche says, "i.e. Do I have a choice at this point? :)"

You say, "All the rooms are furnished in a manner that would make an honest antique collector stuff things in the suitcase. There are a total of five bedrooms, including Quentin's, all along a single hall separated by the stairs. The bathroom is on one end of the hall and Quentin's bedroom is on the other."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "I'll take whichever one's left."

Psyche takes the room catty-corner to Typheous's.

You say, "The bedrooms are all comfortable, even if the decor ranges from quaint to archaic."

Typheous leaves his door open and starts setting down his things. . o O ( Want to meet in my room? )

Psyche . o O ( Sounds fine to me. )

Typheous . o O ( Let Tsharing know. )

Psyche sets her pack down, and heads to Tsharing's room. "We need to talk. Meet up in Typheous's room for a bit?"

Tsharing goes there.

Typheous is waiting in the room, sitting on the bed corss legged, his boots on the floor. His music seems to be contemplative.

Psyche enters, taking a seat crosslegged on the floor, a mirror image of his posture.

Tsharing says, "Well?"

Typheous chuckles softly. "Sorry, I was thinking... Does this man seem trustworthy? He seems almost too good to be true in one way, but at the same time, we have few allies here."

Tsharing says, "He will doubtless have his own agenda. Let us not forget why we are here."

Psyche nods, half-closing her eyes. "This house...is furnished pre-Ultimatum Wars; he obviously has connections, money, or power...or some combination of the three."

Typheous nods slowly. "Yes... Yet wasn't there something in that prophecy about blood?"

Tsharing says, "We never did find out the identity of our mysterious apocalypse-monger."

Psyche says softly, "Iron bands ensnare, wielded by corpse-cold hands. The sanguinary power will spread before the flood. There is no ground high enough to escape the waters of an ocean enraged."

Tsharing says, "I see."

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 4h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Tsharing 56m 21s IC PC

Psyche 5h 1m IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Typheous 7d 5m IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

--[Sun Jun 1 03:59:03 2655]--------------------------------[4 users; 0s lag]--

Typheous frowns. "I sounds like this is related...."

[OOC] Typheous says, "I = It"

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 4h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Typheous 7d 2m IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

Tsharing 59m 3m IC PC

Psyche 5h 4m IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

--[Sun Jun 1 04:09:24 2655]--------------------------------[4 users; 0s lag]--

[OOC] You say, "I think this is where we'll end for the night."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "OK"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Sure..."

[OOC] You say, "RP point votes?"

*** Added 3 XP to Typheous's Experience ***

Tsharing pages: "Psyche"

*** Added 3 XP to Tsharing's Experience ***

*** Added 3 XP to Psyche's Experience ***

Typheous pages: "Psyche"

Psyche pages: "Typh"

*** Added 1 XP to Psyche's Experience ***

[OOC] You say, "Psyche gets it."

Eclipse removes his dragon medallion.

[OOC] You say, "So, confused, yet? At least this plot doesn't involve time travel, right El?"

[OOC] Typheous thinks we're Noah. :)

[OOC] You say, "Noah?"

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Not yet."

Psyche has lost her link.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Confused, yes."

[OOC] You say, "Any guesses, so far?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Oh, Psyche's zMUD crashed."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "We're with the guy who flattened the city. Either that or he's Eclipse."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Umm... We get to play Noah and there are vampires running around."

[OOC] Eclipse chuckles. "My, aren't we paranoid..."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Something like that."

[OOC] Eclipse isn't quite sure how Noah fits into this, but...

[OOC] Typheous says, "The flood."

[OOC] You say, "Ah yes. That..."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Either that or Gilgamesh"

[OOC] You say, "Oh my. I think I begin to see your train of thought, now. Interesting..."

[OOC] Eclipse hasn't read Gilgamesh in ages.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "You know, when we were coming up with aliases, should we have gone with Saulot, Arikel and Ennoia?"

[OOC] Typheous hasn't read it. :)

[OOC] Typheous Chuckles.

Psyche has connected.

[OOC] Psyche falls over.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "See you later."

Tsharing has lost her link.

[OOC] Eclipse goes to bed, too. "Night, everyone. See you soon."