October 19, 2002

Logfile from Malakai

Eclipse puts on his dragon medallion.

You say, "When last we left Hell's Errand Children, they had just finished being the unwitting victims of a rather rude prank courtesy of their own professors. It was evening on the first day of winter. Psyche was headed to work and the others are more or less free to do as they please for the rest of the evening."

[OOC] Plax says, "What time is it?"

Psyche goes to work, without complaining.

Eclipse [to Plax]: Just a hair after sunset. It's one of the longest nights of the year, though.

Typheous frowns at the professors, mulling over the experience.

Rade stands to one side, looking up toward the sky in thought, slightly unhappy look on her face.

Tsharing pages: "What about Tsahring's job of cleaner? Does that need doing?"

Plax hovers near Typheous and lands a moment later, frowning.

Tsharing has received your page: "Ah yes. This would be a good time for that, too."

Typheous slowly pulls himself together from the mess that had ended the illusion. "Now what do we do?"

Tsharing says, "I go and sweep. I did promise the school, after all."

Plax shrugs. "Part of me wants to go shoot arrows at a target, part wants to go to bed for about twenty hours, and part wants to fly south".

Tsharing goes and starts diligently sweeping the corridors, possibly deep in thought. Or maybe that's just the way she always looks.

Rade pages: "Is there anything close by, like a haunted old mansion, or cave or something that's supposed to be scary? :)"

[OOC] Eclipse didn't know eagles were migratory... *smirk*

[OOC] Plax says, "This one is. ;)"

Typheous chuckles. "I might go see if anyone is hanging out in the fencing yards.... " . o O ( Hmmm... I could go get drunk.... )

Rade has received your page: "Hmm... There are a couple haunted buildings on campus. Should be mentioned in the map key. There are likely some odd places in Wyzdin. And the forest is not exactly normal by modern standings..."

Psyche . o O ( Then you'll be too drunk to claim your walk. I'm not going anywhere alone with you if you're not sober. )

[OOC] You say, "Aren't you already migrated? Maybe you should migrate north, instead?"

Rade pages: "What would be the most famous place not to go after dark cause of 'ghosts and goblins' :)"

(remotely) Rade breaks out his map

[OOC] Plax knew he should have taken the Corax flaw, "Birdlike Mannerisms".

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Not that far to migrate, is there?"

Typheous smirks to himself. . o O ( Ah well, I guess I'll have to go fencing then... Or will I not be alloewed my walk if I stink? )

Rade has received your page: "The forests east of Wyzdin, especially beyond the river, where the Fae are much more regular visitors and the border patrols often end up looking like a feather pillow someone put through a wood chipper."

Plax nods. "It's been one of those nights. I don't think I'll shoot at targets. I had plenty of practice with that earlier, come to think of it".

Psyche . o O ( *a mental shrug* I don't intend for you to get close enough for me to notice. My stomach's still twisting from earlier. )

[OOC] You say, "And the targets had plenty of practice shooting back, too..."

Rade pages: "Hrm, well, real danger can be fun too :)"

Rade has received your page: "Rule One, kiddo."

[OOC] Plax says, "Yeah, but they never hit me..."

Typheous chuckles. "True.... maybe a small bottle of wine and some sketching will clear my mind..."

[OOC] You say, "That could be remedied..."

[OOC] Typheous says, "They only hit me because they had like 4 attacks/round"

[OOC] Eclipse coughsArrowcough.

Rade lowers her eyes from the sky, sighing unhappily to herself, then turning toward the eastern woods, saying softly as she starts that way purposfully. "I'll see you all later..."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Well, that too."

Typheous turns to Rade. "Good night, Rade. See you tomorrow then?"

[OOC] Rade says, "learn Do Ty, then you can start deflecting them :)"

Plax glances over at Rade and nods. "Night, Rade. See you later". He turns back. "Well, that might be a good idea. I think I'll either go flying or riding for awhile".

[OOC] Typheous says, "Yeah, well, I'd have to have Tsharing teach me"

Typheous nods to Plax. "Have fun, Plax. I think I'm going to sit out for a while."

Plax hovers up into the air and flies off to take a few nice, relaxing circuits around the campus.

Rade glances at Typheous as she passes him, with an offhand. "I hope so..." And continues on,..

Tsharing has received your page: "There is quite a lot to clean tonight, since there was some serious partying the previous night and most of the cleaning crew are students who have classes during the day."

Psyche does dishes, serves, and cleans up.

Typheous gets his sketching things from his room and a small bottle of wine and spends time sketching Fountain Park.

Rade pages: "She heads toward the woods."

Tsharing pages: "(helps quietly, finding solcace in the repetitive activity while reflecting on the events of the simulation and her performance therein)"

[OOC] You say, "Ah yes. Let the pagefest begin. Open season on the ST... *smirk*"

Psyche pages: "Does -anything- interesting happen before the end of my shift?"

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 1h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Psyche 2h 6s IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Tsharing 24m 29s IC PC

Rade 1h 47s OOC Tec

Typheous 5h 2m IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

Plax 44m 3m OOC PC

--[Sat Nov 23 17:23:03 2654]--------------------------------[6 users; 0s lag]--

[OOC] Rade grins

(remotely) Typheous will be outside whereever Psyche was working when she finished work, his sketching materials under his arm and a half bottle of wine.

(remotely) Plax is just going to fly around the campus a few times, then head into his room and relax. His head and body hurt from that little lesson.

Psyche has received your page: "(Which Hall do you serve food in, again? I can't remember, atm...)"

(remotely) Psyche rotates the two Awakened ones. So you pick which one.

Tsharing has received your page: "The campus is a bit of a mess, though the fault is hardly your own. It is chaos as the world of Min-Rai was chaos. Something in you wishes to end the chaos, to establish order within it."

Rade has received your page: "You arrive in the woods, and Halda relaxes noticeably. Owls have already begun hooting in the cold night air."

Typheous has received your page: "About an hour after you arrive at your room, there is a knock at the door."

(remotely) Typheous opens it, his sketching things strew out on the table and the bottle of wine opened on it (unless this is a "dry" campus, in which case it's hidden under the table). "May I help you?"

Plax has received your page: "The air is cold and the moon is just beginning to set. You notice a figure sitting on the roof of Cicero Hall, watching you as you fly around the campus."

Tsharing pages: "(Starts meticulously organising the litter, and then pauses.)"

Plax pages: "(Can I make out who this figure is, and if not, why?>"

Psyche has received your page: "Tonight you are working in Gilsur Hall. You notice that Vance doesn't come to dinner. Of course, neither does Typheous."

Rade pages: "She continues her purposeful stride, though her eyes are open wide and alert, quickening her pace just a little. "Come on Halda...I have to find something out...""

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche ( Planning on drinking your dinner, I see...and that lecherous asshole as well, it seems. )

Tsharing pages: "(Maybe without any mess, it looks a bit too perfect, to be hung in an artificial state of total perfection that's unnesecarily strenuous to maintain. Maybe by allowing just a little mess, a few imperfections, the system becomes a bit more stable and able to survive in the real world. Cleans all the mess apart from a very few odd bits away.)"

Tsharing has received your page: "You realize the litter around campus is just the tip of the iceberg. The forest is cluttered and the town is dirty and the mountains are not as orderly as they should be. You must bring order to the chaos around you."

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous . o O ( I'm getting something to eat, just wait. ) [Who's at the door?]

Rade has received your page: "You descend deeper into the woods. The moon nears the horizon and night's shadows deepen, making the limbs of the trees twist like clutching hands in the absent breeze. "What are you seeking, Rade?" Halda murmurs."

Typheous has received your page: "It's Mereke. She's actually wearing normal clothes, this time, though the improvement is hardly necessary. "I thought you'd be here, Typheous. I thought...I thought maybe we could talk about us...about what happened at the dance...""

Plax has received your page: "It's hard to make out at this distance, but it looks like Nod."

(remotely) Plax flies closer to get a better look.

(remotely) Typheous nods slowly. "Yes.... Shall we go down to the lounge then? I'm afraid I don't have much in the way of sitting space in my room."

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous . o O ( It's *her*.... *sigh*.... )

(remotely) Rade 's eyes widen at the trees, shivering and wrapping her arms around herself. Her eyes dart back and forth. She's at home in the forests, but even a druid can be a little afraid of them in the darkness. "I...don't know...proof that I'm not...not a coward..."

Psyche has received your page: "Aside from that, it was a fairly typical night and you're quite glad two hours later when it finally comes to an end."

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche ( *a flare of fury* I gave her fair warning )

Typheous pages: "psyche : . o O ( No, no... not Gadrielle. Mer. )"

Psyche pages (to Eclipse, Typheous): "Wait...which *her* ?"

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous . o O ( No, no... not Gadrielle. Mer. )

Tsharing has received your page: "And there are people, too, who need rescuing and succor. There are so many of them who need you, and you aren't enough to be everywhere..."

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche ( *sighs* Oh. Fuck. Sorry. )

(remotely to Psyche, Eclipse) Typheous . o O ( I'm not sure which would be worse.... )

Tsharing pages: "(But nothing can be done now, and perhaps nothign should be done....chaos has a role. Maybe harsh control over fate is the way....or maybe it is a gentle hand guides lightly....so many choices that essentially boil down into one question....should somebody take charge?)"

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche ( Bring her down to dinner? )

Rade has received your page: "Halda, "Proof that you are not a coward, Rade? Walking alone in the woods on First Winter's Night, I would be more concerned that I might be a fool." Owls hoot. In the distance you hear the mournful howl of a wolf."

Typheous has received your page: ""I don't mind sitting on the bed. I'd rather not talk to you where people can hear. They'd only tease me.""

Plax has received your page: "It's definitely Nod. He stands up when you fly closer. "You seem troubled, Eagle.""

(remotely) Typheous hmms softly. "I won't let them tease you. Not if they want to graduate. Have you had dinner yet?"

(remotely to Psyche, Eclipse) Typheous . o O (Must....not....let...her...into...room...think...she..will..jump..me....)

(remotely) Rade shivers again, glancing down at the wolf, smiling a little ruefully. "Are you the fool who follows me then?" Then raising her head again, listing to the wolf-song, hoping to hear something that might be reasuring, or at least useful, eyes a little distant. "I...I ran...and hid...all I wanted to do was hide from those monsters. Even when they all went up to fight them...I was still hiding..."

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche ( Tell me she's changed clothes.... )

Plax pages: "=:shrugs. "Oh, just had a very tiring lesson, that's all, Nod. Thought I'd relax by flying around a little bit. Good way to clear the head. What are you doing up on the roof, if I can ask?""

Typheous has received your page: "She nods. "I ate before I came up here. I'm thin enough as it is.""

(remotely) Typheous nods. "Ah, I haven't yet...So... still think the lounge is a bad idea?"

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous . o ( Yes, thank the gods.... Still.... )

Tsharing has received your page: "But what role does chaos have? If you don't take charge, who will? An empire could fall if the worng person holds the power. An empire fell because of folly."

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche ( Just...don't shatter her. )

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous (I'm doing my best.... )

[OOC] Rade drops a pin

[OOC] Psyche's eardrums explode.

[OOC] Plax watches the pin fall in slow motion.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "BOOOM"

Rade has received your page: "Halda, "I am no fool. I know these woods well. That one sings to warm herself in spite of the cold. She is no monster, nor are the owls. All creatures know fear, and while there is no glory in fleeing an enemy, their is no shame in avoiding your predators. When you are the prey, you must think like prey.""

Tsharing pages: "(Laws are important. But they are not everything. No law stopped my....that man from defying the laws of the universe and dying. He had no outlet for his pride and rage, the law allowed him none save to attempt the forbidden.)"

Typheous has received your page: "Mereke, "If you don't want to talk to me, I guess...I guess I can understand that. There are so many beautiful women who want you as much as I do - Gadrielle, Asa, Psyche. I can't be as beautiful as they are."

(remotely) Typheous sighs softly. "Mer, I don't want Gadrielle. And I have a feeling I'm stuck with Psyche at least until I graduate, with the way this school runs things. I do think we need to talk, though."

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous (You know, it's a lot easier to put inuendo into what I'm saying than make sure that it's not at all in what I'm saying )

(remotely) Rade shivers again, strides still purposful, carefully picking her way through the trees. Her voice is whisper soft. "When wolves fight, they all fight...one doesn't cower in the corner..."

Plax has received your page: "Nod, "I'm a bit worried. My sweetheart hasn't written me since I arrived at the academy. I know I didn't get much chance to say goodbye to her before I left Theusleh. I was so busy with packing and family business, you understand. But I sent her, care of my uncle, my love in a letter and enclosed a ring of promise. Yet, she does not write. You seem to have no trouble understanding women. Why doesn't she write?""

[OOC] Plax twaps Eclipse upside the head. Evil.

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche ( *a mental curse* I'm going to have to sit that girl down and talk sense into her. )

Typheous has received your page: "Mereke, "I agree." She sits down on the bed. "Where to begin?""

[OOC] You say, "Me, evil? What ever gave you that idea?"

[OOC] Plax says, "The fact that 'Evil' is stamped on your forehead."

[OOC] Psyche makes Eclipse sort his log out or colour-code it before posting :P

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Those little horns sticking out from under your hat."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Maybe I should start a Do Mean Stuff to Eclipse in My Game fund. ;-)"

(remotely) Typheous walks slowly over to the chair at the desk. "That's a very good question... Where would you like to start?"

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous (Well, she didn't jump me while the door was still open...)

(remotely) Plax nods. "Really? I'm sorry to hear about that, Nod. I don't really understand women, I understand individuals. I don't know her, really. I don't even know her name, so I guess it's hard for me to offer advice".

[OOC] Typheous chuckles. I've done a number on some of his characters....

[OOC] Plax hmms...can I be the designated character to beat down Eclipse when he's bad, Paul?

Tsharing has received your page: "And are there no laws that are invioble? Is not every action you choose imposing upon the freedoms of others?"

[OOC] Typheous remembers making Eclipse sell his characters soul to a daemon to save the lives of the party.... That was fun.

Tsharing pages: "(Hence chaos. A state where there is some flexibility. A reed can bend in a wind that fells an oak.) "

Rade has received your page: "Halda, "I will definitely grant you that. The problem with you homids is you haven't learned to communicate. Sure, you have languages with so many words it makes the head spin just trying to count them all, but you don't communicate. Wolves, though, as soon as something happens, they discuss how to deal with it as a group. And if there is no time for discussion, they obey the pack leader. Maybe you just need a pack leader. You are no alpha wolf, yet, Rade.""

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche ( What's going on up there? )

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous (Nothing, yet. I just hope it stays that way. )

(remotely) Rade blushes in the darkness, shaking her head. "I won't be one ever I don't think...but I can't run away, not again...and watch everyone die...so help me find a way to prove it."

Typheous has received your page: "Mereke, "I love you, Typheous. I know it seems sudden, but I know I love you as I have never loved anyone else in my life. I just want to know if...if you love me, too.""

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche ( ...If worst comes to worst, I can be up there in about half a minute... *veiled, but not well enough* I'll do another month of dish duty if I have to to keep the chance to mend her... )

(remotely) Typheous looks down to the floor, frowning but trying to hide it from Mereke. "Mer... I'm a bit taken aback." He looks up, the frown gone. "You're a good friend, Mer... And I love you as a friend..... but..."

Typheous pages: "psyche = :(I'm not getting you into more trouble, Psyche. I think I can handle it for now, just... Gods... In *love* with me?)"

Plax has received your page: "Nod sighs. "Diedra. I spent weeks forging the ring myself. I even consecrated it to myself with what little magic I know so she would be able to feel me near her even though I am far away.""

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous (I'm not getting you into more trouble, Psyche. I think I can handle it for now, just... Gods... In *love* with me?)

(remotely) Typheous will learn himself this mp thing yet

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche ( Look, if you need a hand, I'm offering it. Fuck. She's not...Shit. )

Typheous has received your page: "Mereke murmurs, "As a friend..." Her eyes begin brimming with tears as she stands up and flees out of the room. There is a thump in the hall as she trips over her own feet a few yards down the corridor, but she gets back up and flees downstairs."

Tsharing has received your page: "Would you choose the path of chaos over the path of order? Did the lesson of the Fae teach you nothing about the dangers of unorganized chaos?"

(remotely) Typheous is up and chasing her the instant she stands, trying to catch up when she falls. "Mer, wait!"

(remotely to Psyche, Eclipse) Typheous (You might not have to come up... damnit, why is she so emotional....)

(remotely) Plax nods. "Strange indeed. I should probably turn in though, I'm starting to get tired. And don't worry, I've a feeling she'll try and contact you soon. Call it a hunch".

Tsharing pages: "(They prove an absolute doesn't work. But it does not have to be one or the other. It can be partway between each extreme. Controlled chaos. Anything may happen, within these parameters.)"

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche ( Let me guess, she took off. Fucking child has no fucking sense of pride. )

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Moorcock, eat your heart out....."

Rade has received your page: "Halda, "That is where you have gone astray, young one. You ran with your tail between your legs the first time you saw combat. Your pride is understandably wounded. But how can there be glory when there is no one else to see your deeds? Your professors knew you would fail the first time you were in danger. Even wolves often do. That is why they put your pack in an impossible situation.""

Typheous has received your page: "She has too much of a head start, but you're less clumsy, and so you are gaining on her."

Plax has received your page: "Nod, "Certainly, I remain hopeful, Eagle. Thank you for your ear.""

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 2h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Psyche 2h 2m IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Tsharing 1h 4m IC PC

Plax 1h 5m OOC PC

Typheous 6h 6m IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

Rade 2h 13m OOC Tec

--[Sat Nov 23 20:16:15 2654]--------------------------------[6 users; 0s lag]--

(remotely) Typheous continues chasing. "Mer! Slow down! You'll hurt yourself!"

Psyche has received your page: "Vance comes into the mess hall, shirt soaked in sweat."

(remotely) Plax nods and flies around, taking another lap before landing and heading inside.

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous (Damndamndamn.... Yes, she took off, and now I'm chasing her through the building.)

Psyche has received your page: "Vance, "Any chance of a bit of leftover food for a fool who missed dinner?""

Tsharing has received your page: "And who decides the parameters? Who chooses the limits? You?"

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche ( Oh, fucking lovely. It's the king of the assholes, yourself included. ) Her eyes flash, and she looks right through Vance. Without a word or sign of acknowledgement, she drops a plate of leftovers in front of him and goes back to doing something else.

Plax has received your page: "You are in your room."

Typheous has received your page: "You hear the doors slam behind her as she flees the dormatory."

Rade has received your page: "Halda bares her teeth slightly. "Do you really wish to learn if you are a coward?""

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous ( At least something good is happening. )

!!! A checkpoint has begun. During the next few minutes, you will experience slow response time (AKA lag). Be patient, grasshopper.

!!! The checkpoint has finished. After a suspenseful 1 second, the world is saved once more.

(remotely) Typheous continues out the doors, looking for Mer.

Tsharing pages: "(That will depend if I am fit for the role of Empress. And am I? I do not know? The Empress and Emperor are no more, Phoenix cannot be found, and I lack the knowledge to perform something like that effectively now. So I will wait and see what I become. That is what I choose to do.)"

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche ( *sulkily* What? )

Psyche has received your page: "Vance calls out, "I'm sorry...about last night, Psyche. So very sorry...""

(remotely) Rade glances down at the wolf again, then around the trees, continuing onward. "I wanted to hide, and wouldn't have come out if that imposter hadn't come in..." She frowns slightly. "That's why I'm here....do you have an idea of where to go?"

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 4, 2, 8, 6, 1, 1, 3, 5 No diff given.

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous ( Your response to Vance.)

(remotely) Plax turns to the eagle on his shoulder and sighs. "Well, that's a lovely little ring he sent me for a framing attempt. What do you think I should do? Turn it into the professors or write my father?"

(remotely) Psyche shifts her focus back to him, no longer looking through him, and arches one eyebrow, not saying anything. . o (

[OOC] Tsharing says, "That's bad, I'm guessing...."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Actually, failing that was good."

[OOC] Typheous chuckles.

(remotely to Typheous, Eclipse) Psyche ( ...He just apologised. Now...is he serious? )

Psyche pages: "(How many people are still in the dining hall? As in...how public was that? )"

Tsharing has received your page: "Are you choosing to wait or choosing to do nothing? The world will act upon you unless you act upon it, Tsharing. Min-Rai thought she was choosing to wait, but in the end, she was choosing to do nothing, and many suffered for her inaction. Would you repeat her mistake?"

Plax has received your page: ""The question is who is trying to frame you?""

Tsharing pages: "(Choosing to wait. Action is pointless unless the aim is clear. To do otherwise is to confuse deciciveness with hastiness.)"

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous (Probably not. He's just trying to screw you before I can. I think it's some sort of rivalry or something.)

Plax pages: "Well, the ring is sent up here. If his father or one of his relatives know he wants to end the feud, then they could frame him. Or his girl who wants him to have more power. Those are the first two suspects I have."

Typheous has received your page: "You chase Mereke. Even in the dark, it is easy to track her by her wails of grief and frustration. She is running toward the forest to the east."

(remotely) Typheous keeps chasing. "Mer! Come back, Mer! We need to talk!"

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous (She's heading into the forest! Damn...)

Psyche pages (to Typheous, Eclipse): "( Fuck. Some sort of fucking....at least you fucking well know better than to try this kind of shit...and if you don't catch her in about five minutes, I -am- coming after you. )"

Rade has received your page: ""I will show you fear, young pup!" Halda pounces on you, snarling and snapping at your face. She knocks you onto your back."

[OOC] You say, "Ah, the joys of being attacked by your Manifest Avatar cum Phylactery..."

[OOC] Plax says, "??"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Rawr!"

[OOC] Plax doesn't want to know.

(remotely to Psyche, Eclipse) Typheous ( I'm working on it, ok? I'm moving as fast as I can!)

Psyche has received your page: "(There are just a few people in the mess hall, since dinner is no longer being served)"

[OOC] Rade grins

Tsharing has received your page: "The voice within you is silenced. (Seeking successsful)"

[OOC] Rade says, "Eclipse is evil."

[OOC] Plax says, "Yes he is"

(remotely) Rade falls backward, crying out softly. She brings her arms up protectivly, though her face doesn't show real fear...she doesn't believe Halda would ever really hurt her. "Halda no!"

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 7, 5, 2, 5, 10, 3, 6, 3 No diff given.

Tsharing pages: "(Becase enlightenment is forever, but rubbish is now, I'll finish cleaning up (not --too-- precisely, mind).)"

(remotely) Plax continues talking a bit. "Or he could be trying to set me up. Plenty of suspects. Bloody politics, can't leave me alone, can they?"

(remotely) Psyche keeps her eyes on Vance. "Your apology for your uncivilised, ungentlemanly, and just plain unfuckingpleasant attitude is accepted. With a note that you have now exceeded my expectations as to your ability to act like a human being instead of like the cesspool scum that you present yourself as. That aside, we made a bargain, Vance. I have made the consequences of breaking it quite clear. Do you need them repeated to you, or are you going to continue in the vein that you have so unexpectedly demonstrated and uphold it?"

Plax has received your page: ""Clever. That would explain the negative Resonances on the ring. The Rallying Resonance must be the result of Nod's Consecrating it. That one must be his own."

Typheous has received your page: "You're running through the woods. She seems to be doing a much better job in the natural setting than you are, and you are having more difficulty keeping up than you were before."

Rade has received your page: "Halda takes a bite out of your arm. (Lethal 2)"

Rade has received your page: "Halda, "Dominance or submission, Rade? Will you fight me or remain a coward?""

(remotely) Typheous sighs, pulling his three stones from his pocket. "Mer! Come back! Please? Don't go running around the wood at night!" (spell using Life, Mind, and Corr to locate her and keep her position in my head. All Sphere level 1 needed, right? or do I need more than 1 in any of them?)

Psyche has received your page: "His eyes fall and he begins picking at his leftovers. "I know. It's just...in the test...something happened to you, and it was all my fault...""

(remotely) Rade cries out again, trying to scramble away from the Wolf, one hand closing over the wound. "H...Halda...stop this...I won't fight you...I won't..."

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 2h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Rade 2h 3s OOC Tec

Typheous 6h 24s IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

Psyche 3h 2m IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Plax 2h 3m OOC PC

Tsharing 1h 6m IC PC

--[Sat Nov 23 21:25:09 2654]--------------------------------[6 users; 0s lag]--

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous (Dang it, she would go into the wood.... anywhere there she likes to hide?)

Plax pages: "=:nods. "I'll bet he was disappointed I didn't wear it to the ball tonight so he could accuse me in front of everyone. Of course, now the question is what to do with it. Toss it, leave out for him to find, sit on it, or ship it off back home". He sits down in a chair to think about this."

Plax has received your page: ""So, what do you intend to do about it? The family politics seem to have followed you here.""

Tsharing has received your page: "You finish your work about an hour before midnight."

(remotely) Psyche continues carrying out her duties. "Go on. You're on a temporary reprieve from the conditions." Her voice is cold. (do I know an answer to Typheous's question? )

Plax pages: "Well, he'll have to be confronted about it in time. I'd rather settle this now instead of waiting it out. Our race is bound to speak the truth, so it isn't as if I can even lie to him. He knows that well enough."

[OOC] Plax swears.

Rade has received your page: "Halda, "You wanted to prove that you aren't afraid. What is more terrifying than being hurt by someone you love? Answer me, girl!" She takes a bite out of your side. (Lethal 2)"

Tsharing pages: "(OOC, I'll hang on till the others get out of pages if you want.)"

[OOC] Eclipse bats his eyes innocently. "Why's that?"

[OOC] Plax says, "Another shooting"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Damn."

Typheous has received your page: "(Sphere level 1 is fine. Standard dif)"

Rade pages: "ouch"

From Typheous: [Private Roll]: Typheous rolled Arete (3d10): 9, 9, 1 ** 1 success (diff 3) **

From Typheous: [Private Roll]: Typheous rolled Arete (3d10): 3, 9, 10 ** 3 successes (diff 3) **

From Typheous: [Private Roll]: Typheous rolled Arete (3d10): 1, 5, 2 ** 0 successes (diff 3) **

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to 0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

From Typheous: [Private Roll]: Typheous rolled Arete (3d10): 6, 5, 10 ** 3 successes (diff 3) **

[OOC] You say, "Oo, more Madness..."

(remotely) Rade screams this time, rolling to one side, hands searching out the biggest stick she can find, swinging it wildly at Halda. Not trying to hit her, for that matter going out of her way not to. "STOP! This isn't what I wanted!"

Typheous pages: "I keep forgetting how backlashes work, did it back lash? And can I use will to get that next roll in?"

Typheous has received your page: "You see Mereke up ahead. At the edge of your senses, you sense three of the wolf things from the training exercise waiting in ambush for her. You also sense Rade not too far away. She seems badly hurt."

Psyche has received your page: "You finish cleaning up the kitchen and are free to leave. Vance is still slowly picking over his meal, but he doesn't look up at you from his plate."

(remotely) Typheous curses, charging ahead to where I think Mer is. "Mer! Look out!"

Psyche pages: "So he doesn't tell her any more than that something happened during the test?"

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous (Damn, I thought those things weren't real!)

[OOC] You say, "It's time to play "What is real and what is part of the backlash"..."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Okay, quick reminder. What's the difference between botching and backlashing?"

Psyche has received your page: "(Nope. You didn't exactly ask him for details.)"

[OOC] You say, "Backlashes only hose you if you're using one of the Effects that carry a risk of Backlashing. Botches always hose you."

[OOC] You say, "Also, Backlashes are generally more mild than a botch."

Psyche pages: "(Well, if he didn't respond to her 'go on' then she'd have said something more.)"

[OOC] Psyche okays.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Ok..."

Plax has received your page: "(You're talking about a member of Nod's family, aren't you? Or are you talking about Nod?)"

Psyche has received your page: "(I missed that one. Give me a bit...)"

Psyche pages: "(Sure. Need me to repage it?)"

Plax pages: "(Nod)"

[OOC] Psyche says, "So...can I pull the 'player scourge' thingy off of backlashes?"

Rade has received your page: "Halda suddenly leaps off you. "Don't you ever, EVER let anyone hurt you just because you love them, Rade. That is the greatest cowardice of them all, and if you cannot learn to fight back when someone you care about hurts you, you will always hide in the corner when there is danger. If you cannot learn that, you will never be an alpha wolf. Go back to your den. The hunt is not for pups." She lopes into the woods too quickly for you to follow."

[OOC] You say, "Yeah. Scourge is dead."

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 2h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Psyche 3h 2s IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Plax 2h 2m OOC PC

Typheous 7h 4m IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

Tsharing 8m 8m IC PC

Rade 2h 10m OOC Tec

--[Sat Nov 23 22:18:36 2654]--------------------------------[6 users; 0s lag]--

Typheous pages: "Do I see anything else/catch up with Mer/Rade?"

Psyche has received your page: "Vance, "You were outside when we took refuge in Min-Rai Hall. We heard you screaming when the Fae caught you, but I wouldn't let anyone in the cabal go outside to rescue you. It was just an illusion, but it felt so real, and I couldn't help but think that you might be a bitch, but you didn't deserve half of what I gave you at the dance, much less being ripped apart and devoured by those wolf things.""

Plax has received your page: "(I give you an either/or question and you nod? Which is it?)"

Plax pages: "(I'm talking about Nod. Capital N 'Nod')."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Could someone have MS so we've got something to watch?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "MS?"

[OOC] Psyche kicks roll. Now it won't do the botches.

Typheous has received your page: "She's still quite a bit ahead of you. She's far more agile in the woods. Why the heck has she been studying to be a Troubadour."

Rade has received your page: "A slim elven girl comes out of the darkness and spots you. "Oh my gods!" It's Mereke."

(remotely) Typheous keeps up, getting nervous about the creatures. Where's Rade relative to me? "Mer!"

(remotely) Psyche flinches briefly, then nods. "Learn something, maybe?"

Typheous has received your page: "Mereke has stopped off at the wounded Rade. You're catching up quickly, now. The wolf things are closing in slowly."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Main Screen"

[OOC] You say, "Rade, main screen. Typheous will be joining you shortly."

[OOC] Typheous figured it out just as I asked. *grin*

(remotely) Rade is still clutching the stick, sagging a bit from her wounds. By the time she looks up at Mereke her eyes are half shrouded in tears, though not too much not to recognize the girl. "Mereke...? What are you doing all the way out here...?"

Typheous pages: "Will just run there, let me know when I show up."

[OOC] Rade says, "Oh?"

Psyche has received your page: "He nods silently."

Rade pages: "should I pose that ic then?"

Tsharing pages: "(OOC: So you know, I'll be away from tomorrow until Tuesday. So if I don't reply to an email for a few days, you know why.)"

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous (Why the hell are those damn critters here? Didn't they slaughter me enough in the illusion?)

Tsharing has received your page: "(ooc Okay. I think I'm set for that game anyway, actually.)"

(remotely) Psyche nods. "We all did. Try not to forget it in the next month. Maybe you'll learn how to be (human)." She turns back to her work. (And now I'll catch up to typheous)

Plax has received your page: ""So, you will speak to Nod?""

(remotely to Eclipse, Typheous) Psyche ( What damn....oh, fuck. Look, I'm done here....I'm coming out after you. )

(remotely to Eclipse, Psyche) Typheous (Hurry....)

Plax pages: "Probably. Likely to be mad, but maybe he'll want to know whose setting us up as well. I don't know enough to take many other actions."

You say, "Typheous catches up to Mereke and Rade. Rade is pretty torn up. Her arm and side have been mauled pretty badly."

You say, "There is no sign of Halda."

Typheous stops, glancing behind him. "Mer... Rade! What happened? Did one of those wolf-fae catch up to you?"

Psyche pages (to Eclipse, Typheous): "Psyche makes sure everything is cleaned up, and heads for the woods. On the way, she kicks in the minimap."

Tsharing pages: "I'll have to leave in about half an hour. Sorry to keep doing this, but it should be the last time for a bit."

Typheous has received your page: "You see them at the edge of your natural vision, now. These don't appear to have any weapons."

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (2d10): 1, 4 ** 0 successes (diff 3) **

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (2d10): 10, 1 ** 0 successes (diff 3) **

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to 0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

Tsharing has received your page: "(Understood. Sorry this is taking so long. It was really hard to keep up with five different threads, and now that I'm able to go faster due to consolidation, people seem to be typing more slowly."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Well, bugger all."

Rade blinks away what few tears had formed, looking at Typheous in confusion. "Typheous too...what are the two of you doing all the way out here?"

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (2d10): 6, 1 ** 0 successes (diff 3) **

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to 0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

Typheous looks around, trying to find his attackers. "I... was trying to talk to Mer... and she ran off... and now those creatures from the test are out here hunting us."

Psyche has received your page: "Your minimap fizzles, but you eventually manage to find Typheous and the others. Mereke is with them."

Psyche has received your page: "Rade, even..."

You say, "Psyche tramples out of the dark and into the area with the rest of the forest children."

Psyche's expression is something between worried, and outright pissed

Rade's eyes widen, clutching at her stick (which I forgot to mention) a bit tighter. "I haven't seen anything...nothing's talking..."

Rade has received your page: "The night sounds are the same as they were before. No panic in the voices."

Plax pages: "=:sighs, digs out the ring, and decides to go track down Nod, starting with the rooftop he saw him on."

Typheous's gaze twitches around the forest. "They're all around us, it seems... we need to get back to the dorm..." . o O ( Damn it, I though those things were part of the illusion... at least they don't have weapons...)

Plax has received your page: "Nod isn't there anymore. He must have gone to bed, by now, as it is nearly midnight."

(remotely) Plax shrugs. He'll do it tomorrow then. He heads back to his dorm to go to sleep.

Psyche . o O ( Fuck. Calm down. Rade's not panicking, is she? )

Psyche [to Rade]: The fuck happened to you?

[OOC] You say, "Go on. Say it. "My Avatar bit me.""

[OOC] Rade facepalms

[OOC] Typheous says, "This is why circumspect avatar > manifest avatar"

Rade shivers, her free hand covering one wound. "Halda...." A shake of her head. "Nothing...there's nothing out here." She looks at Thpheous in confusion. "I haven't seen anything....what are you talking about?" A side glance at Mereke.

Mereke, "We should get her back to the academy. Master Spinwind can help her. Do we need to make a stretcher or something? I don't know how..."

Psyche addressses Rade. "Can you walk?" She glances at Mereke. "And what the hell are -you- doing out here?"

Typheous keeps his eyes open for the wolf-things. "Yes, back to campus..." . o O ( Damn it, why won't they leave me alone? Isn't spilling my guts across a bed room good enough for them?)

Mereke, "I didn't think he'd follow me out here. The woods are dangerous at night."

You say, "Just then, a wolf howls."

Rade pages: "anything useful?"

Psyche . o O ( They're not here. You're fucking hallucinating. )

Rade has received your page: ""Nurse your wounds, pup. I will bring you back a portion of the kill.""

Typheous curses loudly. "I'm not going to let you go off and get yourself hurt, Mer." . o O ( Dammit, they were there! )

Rade's eyes narrow slightly, glancing around the woods with a shiver. . o O ( running away ) Carefully she picks herself up off the ground. "Halda says we should go..."

[OOC] You say, "Gets out the ST broom and tries to sweep the rest of the cabal off to bed..."

Psyche says, "She's right. Let's go. Mer..." She shakes her head. "Fuck. I want to know what's going on, but we can talk about it later."

[OOC] You say, "FF to getting back to the academy? Yes, Typheous is hallucinating a bit."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Man, who slipped stuff into my wine?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Fine by me."

[OOC] Plax is good with it.

[OOC] Rade is definatly a bit slow, but yeah, ff is good.

[OOC] Psyche says, "So...it's a 2x, not a 16x?"

[OOC] You say, "I'm assuming Rade or Psyche patches Rade together mundanely until morning."

[OOC] Psyche will do it if Rade can't, but will ask her first.

Tsharing pages: "Got to go momentarily. I should be here next week."

[OOC] Rade says, "She won't ask, and if psyche offers, she'll refuse."

Tsharing has received your page: "Aw nuts. I'll apply your XP to your sheet here."

Tsharing pages: "I can wait a few minutes if there's something you need to get done?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "How hurt is she, Eric? Hurt enough for Psyche to go fetch Spinwind tonight?"

[OOC] Eclipse muses that it will be a bit tricky to make an RP vote when no one was together for most of the session...

[OOC] You say, "4 HL of wounds."

[OOC] Rade is 'wounded'

[OOC] Typheous says, "Yeah, I suppose the RP vote is out tonight, unless we all vote for ourselves."

[OOC] You say, "Life 2 does you no good when your Phylactery goes hunting without you..."

[OOC] Rade votes for Eclipse. :)

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Suits me."

[OOC] Rade nods. "She doesn't have any of her focus' with her anyway." :)

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Well, I know which Sphere I'm raising first...."

[OOC] Psyche says, "So she'll make it to morning. Psyche won't push."

[OOC] Rade says, "she limps back, but does it with style :)"

You say, "The next morning arrives in the usual fashion. When Rade wakes up, Halda is lying next to the bed, her wounds are healed, and there is a half-devoured deer carcass at the foot side of the bed."

[OOC] Rade says, "woot! breakfast"

Psyche . o O ( I still owe you that walk, don't I? )

Typheous . o O ( It would be nice, yes. )

[OOC] Typheous says, "Is this a class day or the weekend?"

[OOC] You say, "Here's the situation. El has to cut out in a couple minutes, and I've done what I had planned for tonight. I can keep going for another hour if people want, though..."

[OOC] Tsharing says, "Don't stop on my account."

[OOC] Psyche has some things to do yet, that don't involve anyone but her, Typh, and the first-years.

[OOC] You say, "Weekend, actually..."

[OOC] Plax needs to cut out as well. I've got to actually be up tomorrow morning.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Woo! That works much better."

[OOC] Typheous says, "So Psyche and I will harrass some first years and then take a walk?"

[OOC] You say, "Dumb luck, really. Of course, after Introduction to the Sadistic Scavenger Hunt, you NEED a break..."

[OOC] Typheous chuckles.

[OOC] Rade says, "heh heh"

Plax pages: "Sorry, I need to slip out. Need to be up in the morning to finish a fair bit of work."

[OOC] You say, "All right. Those who have to go, I'll add your XP to your character sheets. If Rade has things she wants to do, I'm cool with that. Otherwise, I'll probably blue book with Typheous and Psyche for another hour. Okay?"

[OOC] Plax nods.

[OOC] You say, "See you tomorrow, Eus. Later, El."

Plax has disconnected.

[OOC] Tsharing says, "OK"

Tsharing pages: "Oh, and I like the look of the revised background. Just one thing, I think the first name you went with was a little easier on the tongue. ;-) "

Tsharing has lost her link.

Psyche gets up early, takes her usual walk in the morning before Typheous wakes up, and makes plans for the day. Now insert the 'i still owe you that walk' comment.

The resolution of Plax fades. With a hiss of static his disconnected body implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

[OOC] Rade hmms

Typheous is probably just waking up, and sleepily gets dressed. . o O (Well, shall we finally take it? or do you have other plans first?)

Psyche's thoughts are set, grin. . o O ( I have a list of appointments to see to first. )

[OOC] You say, "brb"

[OOC] Psyche says, "griM."

Typheous finishes dressing and puts his blades on his belt. . o O ( Shall I come along with you? Or are these private appointments? )

Psyche . o O ( *a mental shrug* There are some first-years who need to understand a few things. )

The resolution of Tsharing fades. With a hiss of static her disconnected body implodes into a single point of light, then blinks out of existence.

Typheous . o O ( *starts to reflect your grimnes* I think I might come and help. Let me grab something for breakfast and meet you? ) )

Psyche . o O ( Breakfast...I suppose it is that time. )

[OOC] You say, "Back."

Typheous . o O ( We could begin the walk over breakfast.... )

Psyche . o O ( I'll walk with you later. This evening. This is more important. )

Typheous . o O ( Certainly.... see you after breakfast to do some intimidating? )

Psyche . o O ( Could you make it sound a little less like an assignation? )

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 3h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Psyche 4h 1m IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Typheous 7h 2m IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

Rade 3h 10m OOC Tec

--[Sun Nov 24 00:59:24 2654]--------------------------------[4 users; 0s lag]--

Typheous probably is at breakfast now. . o O ( An assignation? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like a date. )

Psyche grabs a glass of water and some toast, eats, and is probably waiting outside his dorm by the time he gets there.

Typheous raises an eyebrow, a smile on his face. "Good morning. Fancy meeting you here."

[OOC] Eclipse had to look up that word, too...

[OOC] Typheous chuckles.

Psyche nods to him without a word, and heads for the first-year dorms.

[OOC] Eclipse flips a coin.

Typheous follows, face turning grim and stride bearing the full weight of his Fencing training.

You say, "You arrive at Cicero Hall."

Psyche has a list of faces, and has spent her morning putting names to them. Let's go alphabetically :)

You say, "Breakfast is still in full swing."

Typheous walks as a guard, watching everyone as if ready to jump them, following close behind Psyche.

[OOC] You say, "Alphabetically by first name or by last?"

You say, "The first years part before you, though there is furious whispering and speculation about your presence here. The grave chill and the death march music do wonders for crowd control, however..."

[OOC] Psyche says, "First name."

Psyche's graveyard chill echoes her grimness. Although she's not rampaging yet, there can be no mistaking her emotional state. She reaches the centre of the room, looking around, and calls out a name.

You say, "You eventually track down Aabad Julsu, a young empath who looks like a thug-in-training."

Psyche says, "Aabad Julsa. Come here a moment."

Typheous stands silently at Psyche's side, her grim expression echoed on his own face. His music is dark, a cross between a battle march and a dirge. . o O ( You know, this reflecting of thoughts is usefull... prevents me from chuckling when you start your tongue lashings.)

Aabad, "What do you want?"

Psyche's voice is as calm as her manner, although standing within about five feet of her threatens frostbite. "To correct a serious deficit in your education. One which, uncorrected, will not allow you to continue at this school in your current state."

Typheous glares at Aabad, eyes dark and music darker.

You say, "He raises an eyebrow. "What are you, the academy mafia?""

Aabad, "Or it's secret police, perhaps. So, which one of you is the good cop?"

[OOC] You say, "Its, even..."

Psyche smiles glacially. "Listen carefully. If I ever see or hear of another display of petty cruelty such as you perpetrated on Merekke at the winter dance, I will see to it that whatever appendage you found suitable to use for it is rendered unusable for the rest of your existence. Do you understand?"

Typheous's eyes are locked on their first victim, hands falling lightly to his blades to reinforce Psyche's point.

You say, "He glances at Typheous and smirks. "You would be the good cop, then, right?""

You say, "Some of the other first years laugh."

Psyche . o O ( I think perhaps he underestimates the danger of his position. Would you care to demonstrate? )

Typheous frowns darkly, his music closely approximating a funeral march. "It would depend on whether you enjoy having rapiers in you various orifaces, my friend. I would hate to have to help in your education, as I have a tendancy for the dramatic, and, to be honest, the dramatic is not usually less painful than the mundane."

Typheous . o O ( I don't want to get blood in anyone's breakfast, really. )

Psyche's smile doesn't flicker, but the chill around her deepens. "So, in essence, Aabad, -I- am the good cop."

Psyche . o O ( It really doesn't taste that bad, blood. )

Typheous . o O ( That's it. You're officially starting to creep me out. )

Psyche . o O ( *a hint of humour* At least mine doesn't. I don't know about anyone else's. Yet. )

You say, "Aabad shakes his head. "Let me get this straight. I pick on some ugly chick at a dance, and you're threatening to castrate or kill me? Who died and made you two my judge, jury, and executioner? If you want to kill me for having a little fun, go ahead. I doubt I'll be the one kicked out of the academy if you draw steel, pretty boy. If you want to settle this outside without worrying about whether you'll be arrested and executed for murder, I have both my weapons right here." He holds out his hands."

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 4, 6, 4, 1, 6, 5, 9, 10 No diff given.

Psyche arches a brow. "You don't listen much to Academy talk, do you, Aabad?" . o O ( I have a reputation. Might as well use it. ) "Euthanatoi have...certain priveleges, by virtue of our beliefs." Another glacial smile. "And every wrong has a penance associated with it. If you'd like, I can start with the one I'm letting you go free of."

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Willpower (7) (7d10): 7, 7, 9, 6, 10, 4, 8 No diff given.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Oooh."

Aabad, "Oh really? And what penance do you get for threatening another student? Don't answer. I'll just ask Master Liriel. Master?"

Typheous visibly firms himself. "If you wish to take it outside, child, I will accept. And if you are challenging me, I would ask if you are planning on being honorable and let me choose the weapon."

Psyche doesn't flinch, eyes glinting.

Liriel, "I hardly think academy rules allow you to use those magic swords to spill the blood of your fellow students. Go about your business, Aabad. Psyche, Typheous, come with me."

Psyche follows without a word.

[OOC] You say, "This is the "has a knack for showing up just when someone is misbehaving" bit, yes?"

Typheous follows, but his music starting a fugue. "I am afraid I do not remember mentioning the spilling of blood, Master."

[OOC] Psyche grins. "Psyche doesn't believe she's misbehaving."

You say, "Liriel leads you to his office and quietly shuts the door."

Liriel, "Precisely what were you hoping to accomplish in that situation. I know Typheous is a bit of a hothead, but Psyche, you should know better."

[OOC] Eclipse puts a ? at the end of that first sentence...

[OOC] Eclipse pokes.

Psyche folds her hands behind her back, and keeps her gaze up. More or less a formal at-ease. "Master." A pause. "Hoping? Not what was accomplished. I should have looked further into the dossiers of the students before I set out. There was a better way to handle that, and that opportunity is lost now, probably for good." Another pause, just long enough to catch a breath. "I am...frustrated...with the cruelty that was demonstrated to Merekke at the winter dance. And I cannot stand to let it go unmentioned. The crusade of hostility and pettiness against her is unconscionable. Furthermore, sir, it is only making matters worse."

Typheous crosses his arms, his music in a fugue. "And I was attempting to aid her at her bequest, Master, albeit probably more dramatically than she would have done herself."

Psyche . o O ( A bit. )

[OOC] Psyche says, "Request or behest, typh, one or the other :)"

Liriel, "If a man suffers because he is poor, is it your duty to impoverish the rest of the town so that, by comparison, he is not poor?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "I thought... oh wait, that's another word...."

Typheous looks slightly confused. "Excuse me, sir, but I believe that your alagory makes little sense. I would see this as a poor man whom the world was trying to take more from, and thus we were trying to prevent that and prevent the poor man from becoming poorer."

Psyche pauses long enough to give the question serious thought. "No, but if he is being maliciously maintained in that impoverished state by an outside agent despite attempts to enrich him, it is my duty to interfere with that outside agency."

[OOC] Psyche laughs.

[OOC] Typheous says, "We play these two too well sometimes...."

[OOC] Psyche says, "This is not going to turn into another four-hour ethics discussion, is it? :)"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Let's hope not."

Liriel, "But violence is not the first course of action you should attempt. Negotiation with threats is not negotiation. It is coersion, and coersion often only encourages further mischief. What troubles me most is that you fed other people's misunderstanding about the purpose of the Euthantatoi. We have no privileges, Psyche, only duties. Our burdens are our own and none of the concern of others. To...USE that burden to increase the weight of a threat of violence violates others and misrepresents our Tradition's ethics. Yes, we kill to alleviate suffering, but we take no joy in killing, no pleasure. The day you make murder your only method of reform is the day you will succumb to the Jhor taint, Psyche."

Typheous seems to stop listening at this point, his music quieting, if still fuguing.

Psyche's face blanches, and she drops to one knee, head bowing. "Sir." . o O ( *bone-deep, agonising shame* )

Liriel, "What you two are trying to do for Mereke is genuinely noble, very much in keeping with the ideals the Euthantatoi espouse. Perhaps you might yet pull her from the chasm that threatens to consume her. Killing her would have given her no opportunity to escape her weaknesses. Death is a new beginning, but it is also an ending. It has emotional reprecussions on the living that you cannot simply dismiss. Death is for those who bring suffering and refuse to relent, or for those whose suffering is so great that even their friends would find loss of life preferable to watching the agony.

Liriel, "We exist to stop suffering, not create it."

Typheous frowns at the wall, music darkening, the fugue slowing. . o O ( But who gets to decide when enough is enough? )

Psyche nods her head, silently. "Sir..." She takes a deep breath, not moving her gaze from the floor. "I will not...I -can- not simply stand back and let what happened at the dance go..."

Psyche . o O ( That is the burden. )

[OOC] Psyche says, "-a- burden."

Typheous . o O ( Sounds like a load of self-righteous crap to me, but that's for another time... I don't need to ruin my day this early in it. )

Liriel, "As for you, Typheous, if I ever learn that you have threatened to do violence to someone without sufficient cause, those blades will go back in the trophy case until the next tournament, and I will see to it that you are not allowed to touch so much as an eating knife without suffering for it. We'll see how keen your martial skills are after a few months of fasting from fencing practice."

Psyche . o O ( We'll talk about that after you've spent the time I have studying our Tradition from within. Until then, your ignorance is too surpassing to warrant discussion. )

Psyche . o O ( *another flare of that bone-deep shame* I can't believe he had to remind me of this...I'm such a fucking child... )

Liriel, "I do not expect you to let her tormentors go free. Where you went wrong was in threatening violence immediately when you could have employed more insidious means of altering Aabad's behavior. Appeal to his conscience. If he has no conscience, appeal to the consciences of his friends. Had you stepped a little more carefully, you would have noticed that he thrives on the approval of his peers. Deprive him of that, and he has good cause to alter his actions without a drop of blood being spilled."

Typheous sighs softly, turning from the wall. "I am sorry, sir. I will attempt to control my hyperbole from now on while around unscrupulous thugs who enjoy tormenting young girls." . o O ( Don't start with me about your Tradition, Psyche. The least you could do is realize that the other Traditions have just a valid a worldview of your own and their own ways of fixing thigns, even if they aren't as expeident as your own. And I don't want to spend the rest of the day arguing about that.)

Psyche . o O ( Did I say they didn't? )

Typheous . o O ( You seem to think yours is one that can't be explained to someone outside of it... Anyway.... )

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 1, 3, 5, 2, 5, 7, 8, 6 No diff given.

Liriel, "You are free to go."

Psyche . o O ( Hence the reason I don't argue with anyone -else-'s either. )

Psyche nods her head. "And for that, sir..." She trails off, voice catching briefly. "I apologise. It will not happen again."

Psyche . o O ( Fuck... )

[OOC] You say, "And that is where I have to stop. I need sleep if I am going to get up in the morning."

[OOC] Psyche noodles. We might go take that walk, without you, if that's all right.

Typheous nods and turns to leave. . o O ( And there are dozens of people threatening each other, not really meaning it and for no good reason, the first time we go and try to do something, Master Holier-than-thou-Liriel pulls us aside and chews us out... Damn this has been a marvelous week... )

[OOC] You say, "Feel free to have a conversation after I leave and email it to me."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Sure thing...."

[OOC] Typheous says, "We'll try not to botch/backlash while you're not here. *Grin*"

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 4h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Typheous 9h 2s IC Wiz Well I'm terribly sorry, but I don't care...

Psyche 5h 34s IC Wiz I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just -right-...

Rade 4h 1h OOC Tec

--[Sun Nov 24 04:26:09 2654]--------------------------------[4 users; 0s lag]--

*** Added 4 XP to Rade's Experience ***

*** Added 3 XP to Tsharing's Experience ***

*** Added 3 XP to Plax's Experience ***

*** Added 3 XP to Psyche's Experience ***

*** Added 3 XP to Typheous's Experience ***

Psyche walks out the door, and just keeps walking, not looking at Typheous, cheeks marble-white.

[OOC] You say, "Night, folks."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Night :)"

*** Disconnected ***