September 28, 2002

Logfile from Malakai

Eclipse puts on his dragon medallion.

You say, "When last we left Hell's Errand-Children, they had laid the smackdown on the other students by besting them at a scavenger hunt from hell."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Hell's Errand-Children?"

[OOC] Typheous prefers Hell's Errant Children....

You say, "A month has passed since the last session. Refresh any lost Willpower and assume that any Scourge has passed out of your system."

Psyche, as previously discussed, went straight to Master Liriel the next morning and told him the whole story.

You say, "Lori's Intro to the Cabal class does not meet today. Instead, you are each in your own classes. Psyche, Plax, and Typheous are in Milan's etiquette class, learning the rudiments of polite male/female contact - i.e. dancing, holding hands, and opening doors. Rade is on her way back from the woods with Dina Ithil, who has been teaching her survival skills and explaining the nature of seasonal Junctures."

[OOC] Rade woots!

[OOC] Plax says, "Gads...I've got Etiquette with those 2? *shimper*"

[OOC] Typheous says, "And I take it Psyche and I are partners?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Don't -tell- me I've got to -touch- him."

You say, "There is only one other student in the etiquette class, a young adult myshar woman with blue-black skin named Morgana Faezbleu. Of course, Psyche and Typheous are one "couple" while Plax and Morgana make up the other."

[OOC] Psyche thinks Psyche's wearing gloves. Shoulder-length black ones, that go up under her sleeves. Just so she doesn't have to touch him.

Typheous will do exactly as he should, his music giving commentary to his actions. He's sincere, if a bit flamboyant.

Plax is not hovering around for a change, knowing that would probably be offensive in an etiquette class.

Psyche is most definitely wearing gloves, following instructions to the letter, if not the spirit, and trying very hard to keep her temper.

Psyche gives Plax's journal to Plax.

Typheous . o O ( You know, if Professor Milan could hear what I can hear, I don't think you'd pass this class )

Psyche . o O ( fuck off. )

Typheous . o O ( Tsk.... never learn do we... )

Rade has received your page: "Dina, "You're coming along, Rade. Tonight is Winterfest. Some of the younger students might think it is just an excuse to throw a party, but it is also the eve of the first day of winter. At midnight, the Winter Juncture takes place, during which an Awakened person can gather a substantial amount of Quintessence. The other professors will be directing the students after the dance this evening.""

Psyche . o O ( Just shut up and leave me alone. )

You say, "Morgana is a little uncomfortable being in a class with older students, but she manages to keep up."

[OOC] Plax says, "Are we just sitting in class right now waiting for it to begin?"

Eclipse [to Plax]: The class is in progress.

[OOC] Typheous says, "So we're learning to dance, or some such?"

(remotely) Rade gazes over at her mistress, smiling wide eyed. "We'll be getting a chance to draw on natures cycle?"

[OOC] You say, "Anyone ever attend a cottilion class? Dance, make polite conversation, eat with your mouth closed, stuff like that."

Typheous is loving it.

Plax nods politely to Morgana as he eats whatever the class has for them to practice with. After swallowing, he says, "So, how are your classes going, Morgan?"

Rade has received your page: "Dina nods. "But first, I'm afraid you'll have to endure the Winterfest dance. All the students have to attend, and the full professors have to suffer through it, too.""

Typheous smiles silently across the table to Psyche. . o ( I suppose we can't just talk in our heads if we want to pass... )

(remotely) Rade *Some of Rade's excitement fades. "I'll have"

Morgana, "Please, it's Morgana. They are going well. Master Bukwarm is easy to get along with. Are you taking anyone to the dance tonight?"

Psyche could possibly be more miserable, if she were having her nails pulled out by the roots while lying naked on a bed of hot coals. She doesn't return the smile, apparently attempting to pierce holes in Typheous's brain. A sullen silence.

[OOC] Plax can't type, bah.

[OOC] Plax urks. There's a dance tonight?

Rade has received your page: "Dina, "You don't HAVE to dance, but you have to go to Winterfest. Dancing isn't so bad. It is a wonderful way to ritually honor Nature.""

Typheous raises an eyebrow at the mention of the dance from the other couple. "That reminds me. Were you planning to go to the dance, Psyche?"

Eclipse [to Plax]: Yes. Tonight is Winterfest. Attendance by all students is mandatory. There will be food, an open bar (wine and beer), music, and dancing.

Psyche's answer comes out one word at a time. "I'm. tending. bar."

Plax pages: "Any chance he'd have gotten to go with Lyka Plant? (From Plax's known NPCs list)"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Attendance has to be mandatory with an open bar at a college event?"

Plax has received your page: "It's up to you. I think she would accept an invitation from you."

[OOC] Eclipse points at the reclusive Druana.

(remotely) Rade bites her lip. "I...I...don't have anyone to dance with..."

Plax coughs into his hand. "My apologies, something caught when I spoke, Morgana and the word didn't come out right". He takes a sip of the drink he has in front of him. "Yes, I'm going with Lyka Plant, if you know her".

[OOC] Rade heh hehs

Rade has received your page: "Dina, "You should be fine. A pretty young woman like you should have no trouble finding dance partners." Halda looks up at Dina in a way that practically screams "Do you want to bet?"."

(remotely) Rade forces a smile. "I'm sure your right mistress...maybe I'll try it." Her own expression is just as doubtful. "You -will- be there...right?"

You say, "Her expression falls slightly. 'Oh. Well, I was supposed to give you something anyway.' She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a silver ring with a small, poorly cut garnet and hands it to Plax. 'Here. It's from a secret admirer.'"

[OOC] Typheous oooooos.... a secret admirer....

[OOC] Rade giggles.

[OOC] Plax grins. I got the first secret admirer, Mr. Flirt. @#;+)

Rade has received your page: "Dina, "I'll be around, Rade, but you won't have many dancing partners if you hang onto my cloak all night. Just try to have a good time. Maybe you could hang around with your friends from Lori's Cabal class.""

Typheous raises an eyebrow, lifting his glass slowly.. "Tending the bar? Sounds so....I'm not sure what the right word is."

[OOC] You say, "Poetic?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Yeah, my admirers can't keep it secret."

[OOC] Rade laughs

Psyche's eyes flicker toward the ring and the exchange briefly, but she answers Typheous. "Sounds like part of my job."

(remotely) Rade chews on her lower lip again for a moment. "I suppose...I'll have to find a dress....maybe..."

Typheous shrugs and sighs softly. "I suppose that precludes me asking you..."

Rade has received your page: "Dina, "I think I might be able to find something that will fit you. I spent a century in the woods, once, and had to be self-sufficient. I'm sure I still remember how to tailor a dress.""

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 8, 5, 2, 10, 8, 5, 7, 2 No diff given.

Plax takes the silver ring, a bit of surprise evident on his face. "A secret admirer? I'll admit I'm a bit surprised, so she must be doing a good job of staying secret". He smiles a bit. "Thank you for bringing it to me, Morgana". He examines the ring for a moment and considers wearing the ring. However, he slips it in his pocket, deciding wearing it right now would be inappropriate. "If it isn't too much trouble, could you tell her I'm touched and would like to meet her sometime?"

Morgana nods, "Of course. I'm sure she'd like that."

Psyche grits her teeth slightly, her expression turning even -more- hostile, although she forces the very slightest bit of a smile. "I suppose it does. I would have thought -you- wouldn't still be looking for a date." . o O ( As if I'd ever fucking go to a dance with you. It's a godsdamned ridiculous event, and you're not fucking helping, encouraging it. I'm fucking glad I'll be behind the bar, away from you. Maybe then I might get a moment's peace. )

(remotely) Rade smiles slowly at the woman, giggling a bit. "Okay...that sounds like fun.." Some of the trepidation leaves her face, though she still seems a bit nervous.

Plax nods. "Thank you, Morgana". He's just glad to have managed to not extend his claws in surprise. Wouldn't want to have accidentally cut into Morgana's leg with those things, now would he? "You mentioned Master Bukwarm. I'm afraid I'm not familiar with Master Bukwarm, what is he like?"

Rade has received your page: "Dina leads you to her almost abandoned house and rummages around a dust-covered wardrobe. "Any preference in color?""

Typheous chuckles softly, taking a sip of his drink. "I did have a few interested... but I couldn't decide and I didn't really want to hurt anyone's feelings, so I thought if I just kept myself available to them all, they wouldn't start fighting amoungst themselves." . o O ( Oh I could just spend the night at the bar... )

Psyche pales and cringes slightly, for no apparent reason. "And then they all found better options, so now you're stuck." . o O ( Asshole )

Morgana, "He's like a big kid, sometimes. His classroom looks more like a huge nursery and he makes cookies for us every week. He's been teaching us how to make things appear out of thin air by imagining they exist. I can't quite do that, but I can imagine something I know well appearing in my hand enough to conjure it."

Typheous smirks slightly behind his glass. "I thought I had heard of a couple of them going alone, hoping to catch me there." . o O ( What? I wouldn't want you to be lonely, especially tonight.)

Psyche fiddles with the gloves, making sure they're all the way pulled up, scowling. . o O ( Spending eternity alone would be preferable to going to a fucking dance with you. )

Plax smiles. "Conjuring is tricky and something I can't do either, though I'd love to be able to conjure cookies up. I'm really only good at working with plants and healing myself if I manage to hurt myself. You'd be amazed at how a building can jump out at you when you're flying around".

Typheous sighs softly. "Would you care for anything more to drink, Psyche?" His music continues its light dancing. . o O ( I'm not that bad of a dancer am I? )

Rade pages: "sorry, had to afk for a min, back now"

(remotely) Rade pokes a bit at some of the fabrics. "Green my favorite..."

Morgana, "It's true, then? You're really an Eagle Spirit?"

[OOC] Plax should ask his Manifest Avatar for dating tips...

Psyche grates out, "I suppose so." . o O ( How many fucking times do I have to tell you that you make me ill? )

Rade has received your page: "Dina finds a simple but pretty green dress. "Here. Try this on.""

(remotely) Rade blushes and nods, taking the dress and seeking a private spot to change.

Typheous stands slowly to get a pitcher (unless they're all on our tables) "Wine? Something else?"

Rade has received your page: "It doesn't fit well, hanging below your feet and being too tight at the bodice, but it fits."

Plax shakes his head. "Is that what's going around? No, it's more of a family bond with Eagle, a spirit totem. It's a rather long story, but it comes down to those in the family that Awaken being able to fly without using magic and some other abilities. Mine happens to be the retractable eagle talons, which is useful for gripping things and carrying them around. But as for being a spirit? It's not true, I'm afraid".

Psyche's glare sharpens. "You know I don't drink wine," she says, almost pleasantly. "Water will suffice."

(remotely) Rade steps out to display it for Dina, showing off her fashion sense. "It's perfect!"

Typheous nods his head. "As you wish, Psyche." He gets the water pitcher and fills Psyche's glass. . o O ( Speaking of, way don't you ever have a drink? It might loosen you up some. )

[OOC] Plax was tempted to string her along so bad...evil Compulsion...Never Lie.

Rade has received your page: "Dina smiles warmly. "Come over here. Let's get it up off your feet and see what we can do to let out the bodice a bit. How low do you want me to cut it? Or should I ask, 'How many times do you want to be asked to dance?'""

[OOC] Psyche says, "You too? :)"

(remotely) Rade blushes deeply at that, giggling nervously. " would you cut it?"

[OOC] Plax says, "Part of the Myshar template, you know."

Psyche takes a sip, eyes burning holes in the table. . o O ( Why would I -want- to loosen up? Unlike some people, I prefer to make my own fucking decisions about things, based on -reason-, not whatever the hell you think is going to fucking feel good. )

Rade has received your page: "Dina, "Hmm. With your youth and figure? Here. Don't want to attract TOO much attention, after all.""

Typheous fills his own glass, setting the pitcher back where it belongs. . o O ( Now I didn't say that had to lose control. Just sometimes it's good to stop and let things pass. Prevents explosions and such. )

[OOC] You say, "I'd have the Life 5 Druana offer to "stuff her bra", but she'd suffer Pattern Bleeding for the supernatural Appearance score. Still, it would be funny."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Right.... I'm afraid of what that came from..."

(remotely) Rade nods quietly. "I don't think I will anyway....that's fine..." She shifts a little, uncertain about what happens.

[OOC] Rade giggles.

Psyche . o O ( Do I tell you how to live your life? Stop fucking telling me how to live mine. )

Morgana, "Oh. It must be nice to fly, though."

Typheous . o O ( I don't know... You've made a lot of negative comments about my life style before... )

Milan, "Typheous. Psyche. Try to keep talking. You wouldn't want to seem unable to communicate, would you? Men and women both find conversation attractive. Typheous, I'd think you'd know better."

Psyche glares at him. "So you'll be going alone to the dance?" she asks. . o O ( Only when you try to fucking well impose it on me. )

[OOC] Psyche says, "him = Typh."

Plax nods. "It's useful and enjoyable. I just have to be careful not to get too lazy and never walk anywhere though. It makes getting to class on time a lot easier if I think I might be late". He smiles a bit and indicates the pitchers of liquid. "Would you like some more to drink, Morgana?"

Rade has received your page: "Dina nods and starts making the adjustments. About an hour before sunset (and the dance), she finishes the dress."

Typheous chuckles softly, nodding to Milan. He turns back to Psyche, his music becoming a bit jovial. "That is the current plan, I'm afraid. I just didn't find anyone worth breaking hearts over." . o O ( *sighs* )

Morgana, "I really shouldn't. It is going to be a late night. Plenty of time for drinking later.

(remotely) Rade does her best to watch attentivly, though at least once she asks to go outside for a bit, frolics, then comes back.

Psyche spares a glare for Milan as well, briefly. . o O ( I can fucking well communicate when there's something to communicate about, you bitch. ) "Maybe you ought to narrow your spectrum." . o O ( Away from -me- )

Plax nods. "That is will be, Morgana. I think I'll just have a bit of water myself". He pours himself a glass. "So, how about yourself? Are you going with anyone to the dance?"

[OOC] Plax says, "*it will be"

Morgana, "Oh yes. My boyfriend and I will be there."

[OOC] Plax says, "Do I know her boyfriend?"

[OOC] Plax says, "*who her boyfriend is, rather"

[OOC] Plax gets more Dr. Pepper.

Typheous chuckles, smiling into his glass. "I just hate breaking hearts.... But enough about me... What have you been up to recently? I've not seen much of you outside of class." . o O ( You know, if others knew that we could do this, there would probably be a good number of girls out to try to convinve you to teach them how. And a few that would be fairly jealous )

[OOC] Rade says, "Oooo...DP"

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 5, 10, 4, 8, 2, 8, 3, 8 ** 4 successes (diff 8) **

Eclipse [to Plax]: You haven't met him, but she has been talking about him for the entire two weeks they have been dating. He's apparently another first-year student studying under Stephen Bukwarm.

[OOC] Plax says, "Name available?"

[OOC] Eclipse conjures a name.

Psyche takes a drink. "Master Liriel had an..." She hesitates for a long moment. "...assignment for me to do. It's been taking most of my free time, that and my usual studies." . o O ( They'

Psyche . o O ( They're fucking well welcome to it. I wish I couldn't. )

Eclipse [to Plax]: Rober Lean - a myshar just out of his teens.

Plax nods. "Ahh, Rober Lean, isn't it, Morgana? I'm afraid I've never met him myself".

The music around Typheous takes on a hurt tone to it. "Interesting. Must be some assignment, as you've been busy with it since the first day of classes." . o ( And we still have to work on your language... ) [Typheous]

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 2, 1, 5, 10, 8, 5, 6, 8 ** 2 successes (diff 8) **

Morgana, "You'll probably see him at Winterfest tonight."

Psyche's expression darkens even more. "Master Liriel has my best interests in mind. He hasn't told me that complete yet."

Typheous smiles. "Of course. He's never one to do things halfway. How has the art class been going for you?"

You say, "At last, class ends. It is about an hour before sunset, and you are more or less free to do as you wish until then (at which point the dance starts). Psyche has to help set up the buffet and bar. Morgana heads to Min-Rai Hall to get ready for the dance."

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (6d10): 5, 8, 9, 1, 5, 9 No diff given.

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 9, 4, 4 ** 1 success (diff 8) **

Typheous heads to his room to clean and get ready. He's wearing his finest, frills and all, very snazzy looking, with the school blades at his side, as always.

Plax goes to his room and decides to probe the ring and determine what the resonance is on it and if he recognizes it before getting ready.

Psyche does change. Blue and purple, very dramatic, as usual. She doesn't bother trying to do her hair or makeup, just heads over to help set things up/

[OOC] You say, "I knew the paranoia would rear its head eventually..."

[OOC] Plax says, "Well, it would be inappropriate to make a bunch of freaky hand gestures in an etiquette class, yes?"

Eclipse [to Plax]: Mind 1. Standard dif. Pick the number of successes.

Rade spends her hour before the dance getting as much help from her mentor as possible to get ready.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Nah, he just wants to make sure that it's not from someone with a big tough boyfriend who'll try to beat him up."

Plax traces his finger along his head in a pattern.

Eclipse [to Rade]: Dina helps do your hair and the usual pre-dance female rituals.

Rade does her best to pretty herself up.

Plax pages: "Diff 3, right (Mind 1 + 3 = 4 - 1 for focus)?"

Typheous does his best to outdo Vance.

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Setting up the buffet and bar is an exhausting and almost back-breaking endeavor. Grome Mael, the head chef is a whirlwind through the preparations, making sure everything is as near to perfect as possible and giving slow work a tongue-lashing.

Plax has received your page: "Yes."

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (2d10): 4, 9 [Spent 1 WP for a success] ** 3 successes (diff 3) **

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (2d10): 1, 4 ** 0 successes (diff 3) **

Psyche pages: "Psyche does -brush- her hair, after setting up, and washes her face, but that's all."

[Roll]: Plax rolled Arete (2d10): 6, 4 ** 2 successes (diff 3) **

Plax pages: "5 succs"

Psyche does precisely what she's told to do, as efficiently as possible.

Plax has received your page: "A Rallying Resonance is most obvious. Love and Gift-Giving are quite strong. There are also whiffs of Larceny and Deception, though."

Plax pages: "Any indication as to who it might belong to on it?"

Plax has received your page: "Nope. Seems like a pretty plain and inexpensive ring."

[OOC] You say, "Anyone want to do anything else before the dance?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Ummm..... Get tanked? Oh wait, no... Uh... Nope, nothing else. Although typheous probably spends the full hour getting ready."

[OOC] Rade says, "Pretty much the same here, though more from inexperience."

Plax looks at the ring for a moment, debating if he should wear it or not, or even if he should bring it. Rallying, Love, and Gift-Giving were good, but the whiffs of Larceny and Deception, that's not good. He decides to put it in his trunk and lock it for now before getting ready for the dance. He hates getting dressed up, but he dresses himself in a bit of the noble finery from his homeland, wearing a dark blue vest with the family ensignia on it with golden cufflinks. On his right ring finger is the family ring, which has an eagle symbol on it, which is the same as what is in the family ensignia.

[OOC] Plax says, "There, now I'm ready."

You say, "At sunset, all the students and most of the faculty meet at the west training yard where a huge feast is provided, including beer and wine. Four bonfires provide heat and light in the cold darkness of Winter's Night. Drapheous leads a small group of local intrumentalists from Wyzdin in entertaining the crowd. Once the music starts, the entire training yard is transported to a large clearing in the middle of a dense forest, courtesy of Drapheous. After the mysterious initial song, the dance begins."

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 9, 4, 5, 4, 8, 7, 4, 3 ** 2 successes (diff 8) **

Psyche settles herself in behind the bar, screwing a patently neutral expression on her face and checking over glasses, supplies, and bottles for the hundredth time.

You say, "The head cook opens up the huge buffet and the bar, and the students line up to get food. (Think cafeteria food on a special occasion when the student union decides to go a little bit out of their way)"

Typheous heads straight for the dance floor, looking particularly available for a dance while searching for any pretty girls who just happen to be alone. His music matches the orchestra marevelously.

[OOC] Plax says, "You mean the food doesn't jump up and scuttle around the plate?"

(remotely) Psyche assumes she had 2 or 3 minutes to grab a bite before things started?

Plax looks around for Lyka and asks her, "So, which would you prefer first? Food or dance?"

Rade stays at the fringes of the crowed, seeming quite nervous. She looks about for a familiar face, meandering toward the foodlines slowly.

Eclipse [to Plax]: Lyka shows up. She is dressed in a delicate white dress that seems to have been stuffed the Druana way. "I suppose we could dance for a song or two until the line is shorter."

Psyche has received your page: "Yes."

(remotely) Psyche noodles.

Typheous will head for Rade if she's not hiding in the foodline by the time he gets to her.

Plax nods to Lyka, glad that his gift means even if he trips he won't fall flat on his face. "Certainly, Lyka. You look lovely". He leads her out to the dance floor and begins dancing with the young girl.

Eclipse [to Rade]: Nomin is standing in line for food.

[OOC] Plax says, "Hmm...I know Nomin...*hehe*"

[OOC] Eclipse blinks.

[OOC] You say, "Ah yes. I suppose you do."

[OOC] Plax starts plotting.

Rade's eyes catch on both Typheous and Nomin about the same time, smiling and practicing her curtsy on them. "Good'day...."

Typheous bows deeply with Rade's curtsy. "Good Evening, miLady Rade. You look wonderful this evening."

Eclipse [to Plax]: After the first dance, an attractive blue-black myshar teenager approaches you. "Eagle? Is that you?" He's wearing the insignia of the Berlion family.

Nomin, "Heya, Rade. Nice dress. How was your trip with Master Ithil?"

Rade's cheeks rose, smiling at both men. "T.thank you..." Her eyes track to Nomin to answer the question. "It was very mistress is well..."

Plax pages: "What's the boy's first name (didn't specify in my Background, but I assume I'd know him)?"

Plax has received your page: "Actually, his face is not familiar. He must have recognized you by your insignia."

You say, "Halda gives Typheous a "don't even think about it look"."

Psyche pointedly pays no attention to the general vicinity of Typheous, serving wine with a deadpan expression.

Typheous glances a smile to Nomin before turning back to Rade. "I was going to see if you'd care for a dance, but if the two of you wish to converse, I'll have to ask again later."

Plax is about to say something to Lyka when that blue-black Myshar approaches and speaks. He manages to keep his look civil and simply nods to the teenager. "It is," he says, noting the insignia. Apparently this guy knew his nickname as well. "I'm afraid we've never met, though it's obvious we know each other's families. You are?"

Eclipse [to Plax]: The boy bows. "Nod Berlion, heir to the family holdings. I understand your reaction. Our families have been at war for too long. Truce?" He holds out a hand with the Berlion signet ring on it.

Nomin, "Did she tell you about the Juncture tonight?"

Rade blushes even more deeply, glancing back and forth between the two men. "I...we can all talk...if you want...I don't much feel like dancing right now." A smile and a nod at Nomin. "Yes...won't it be wonderful to experience?"

Plax runs through this in his mind quickly. "Between the two of us, certainly, though we both know we can't speak for our families as a whole on this. And I was more surprised to see you here than anything else. I didn't think there were any of your family at the Academy right now". He extends the hand with his ring on it and shakes Nod's hand.

Typheous chuckles softly. "If you'd like, Rade, that would be fine."

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Everyone has been mostly served, now, and Grome gives you permission to join in the festivities.

Nomin, "Yes, it will be."

You say, "Nomin returns to a quiet, eating his food."

Psyche thanks him in the politest manner she can manage, and asks if he's sure he doesn't need any more help.

Typheous . o O ( Come on... join the fun.... )

Nod, "You mean we cannot speak for our families YET. We're the heirs, remember? We can decide to end this feud with our generation. Our conflict is a foolish and wasteful one. I'd rather have the Terz family as an ally."

Rade peeks at Nomin, forcing a smile between the two boys again. " you know about the junction?"

Nod, "I am just arrived this year. I heard you were studying here, but have been to busy to seek you out this last month.

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Vance saunters over to you like a peacock with a stick up its ass. "Where is your boyfriend, Psyche?"

Psyche fixes Vance with a flat stare. "Go away."

Plax nods. "Of course. I'd much rather have all of our neighbors at peace with us than be in a feud. I look forward to that day, Nod. And yes, I'm in my final year here actually. I trust your studies have gone well?" He motions to Lyka. "This is Lyka Plant, she and I both study under Master Nilrem".

You say, "Alex, Adeline, and Milan come over to Typheous, Nomin, and Rade. Alex, "Typheous, there you are. Come ogle with us. There are first-years aplenty without dates.""

Typheous chuckles softly, more at something in his head than are what Rade has said, his music somehow hinting at vindication. He shakes his head slightly returning to tohe conversation at the table. "Not much about it.. Not that I remember, anyway."

Vance, "Come now, pretty one. Have a dance with me. It won't turn you into stone. It would be nice to take a bit of the chill out of you."

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 5, 8, 10, 4, 8, 4, 7, 7 ** 3 successes (diff 8) **

Typheous tsks at Alex, chuckling again. He smiles to Rade. "If you'll excuse me, my friends need some guidance into how to properly treat a lady."

Psyche refuses to be impressed by his persistence. "I'll make you a deal..." she says after a moment.

Alex, "Unless your cabalmate would care to dance, first?"

You say, "Halda growls and Alex backs away."

Typheous chuckles. "See what I mean?" He smiles to Rade.

Rade blinks at Alex, blushing madly. "No...that's okay...I don't dance can go...ogle..."

You say, "Alex, Adeline, and Milan lead Typheous back to the bar to get drinks."

Psyche has received your page: "*poke* What's the deal?"

Typheous offers a warm smile to Psyche if he sees her at the bar, ignoring Vance.

Alex, "You pick some mighty fine company, Typheous. There's no way those are real, but they sure looked nice."

Plax pages: "Not to be a nag, but Lyka/Nod respond at all?"

(remotely) Psyche didn't see any response from Vance, still don't. Am I missing something?

Vance, "A deal?"

[OOC] Rade gasps!!!!!

Psyche nods. "I dance once with you, and you stay the fuck away from me for a month."

Typheous chuckles to Alex. "Well, if they're not real, she's been wearing them for a month."

Nod, "My studies are going well. They should have started earlier, though. I Awakened younger than my father did. Lyka, it is good to meet you."

Typheous . o O ( Oh, you'll dance with him.... Fine, the tow of you can go off together and... )

Rade peeks back around at Nomin, smiling a bit and falling into a shy silence.

Alex, "And you've never brought her on our pub crawls? Are you out of your mind, or are you keeping her to yourself?"

Psyche . o O ( Fuck off. I'll offer you the same deal. You stay out of my head, my line of sight, and my life for a month, and you can have a dance too, asshole. )

Vance smiles, "Certainly, Psyche."

Typheous smiles wryly. "And just how do you suppose I get that wolf apart from her, hm? Besides, why would I want to share something like that?"

Typheous . o O ( You know I can't do that, unless one of us fails out. )

Plax nods to Nod. "That's good to hear, Nod. However, I know Lyka doesn't care that much for politics, so perhaps staying off that subject would be good for awhile. However, if you're not busy over the next few days, certainly come seek me out and we'll talk more".

Psyche offers a tight smile. "No talking to me, no looking at me, no coming closer than ten feet. As far as my immediate perceptions are concerned, you cease to exist until the fifth of Entropy. Deal?"

Alex, "Yeah, I suppose that wolf is a bit of a barrier..."

Psyche . o O ( Guess you're shit out of luck then, aren't you? )

Nod bows, "Of course. I will leave you two alone."

Typheous . o O ( Not really. Your presense is too much of a loss for one little dance. )

Plax bows to Nod as well. "An honor meeting you, Nod".

Psyche . o O ( Asshole. )

Typheous chuckles. "A bit of one... yes... It's like a protective father with claws." He takes a long drink.

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Vance dances very gracefully, but his hands stray to your backside and he tries to dance chest to chest.

Eclipse [to Plax]: Nod departs to chat with a few other students.

Plax turns to Lyka. "I'm sorry, I know you don't care for politics. I wasn't expecting that". He chuckles a bit. "That's yet another odd thing that's happened today. Do you mind if we grab something to drink? I think I could use some refreshment".

Psyche's aura of cold turns progressively more glacial as he does. If he gets anywhere out of the bounds of strictest propriety, he's going to get frostbite in some very unpleasant places.

Eclipse [to Rade]: Nomin finishes his food. "I'm going to take the waste to the bin. Give me yours and I'll get rid of it for you."

Typheous . o O ( *chuckles* You know.... a knee in the right place and I might be willing to try to take his bargin... )

Lyka, "Of course, my eagle."

Typheous turns to Alex. "So where are these eager young women you spoke of?"

Rade ponders her plate, with a glance at Halda. He's making a kind offer, she'll make up for not sharing the scraps later. She offers up the plate to Nomin. "Of course...thank you kind sir..." Attempting to give him her best smile.

Plax heads towards the food with Lyka. He spots Nomin and waves to him. "Evening, Nomin. Things going well with you tonight?"

Alex, "Right over there, like a herd of sheep waiting for a ram."

Psyche growls quietly at Vance. "Keep your fucking hands where they belong, or I'm going to castrate you."

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Most of the first-years are congregated in one large area.

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Vance smiles and winks, but does as he's told. At last, the dance ends.

Psyche steps away from him the instant the music ends, turns her back, and walks off the dance flor.

Vance, "So, we'll have a more extensive date next month?"

Typheous downs the rest of his drink in a single gulp. He glances to Alex. "A ram? You have no finesse, you know that? Let me show you how it's done." He refills his glass and starts toward the youngun's.

Psyche doesn't even deign to answer him.

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Quite a few notice the approach of the older students and are a bit wonderstruck. Think of a room filled with freshmen receiving a visit from a few seniors.

Eclipse [to Typheous]: "Vance arrives at your shoulder. "Are you going to go comfort your lover, Typheous?"

Nomin, "Can I get you something to drink while I'm over there? And does Halda have a favorite food?"

Psyche . o O ( Date. I should've just fucking told him to go away instead of trying to earn myself half a moment of peace. He keeps this up I -am- going to castrate him. ) )

Plax shrugs a bit. Looks like Nomin is busy with Rade. "Well, let's get ourselves something to drink, Lyka. What would you like?"

Typheous glances to Vance. "Ah, I'm afraid I haven't been given the honor of that title yet." He glances over to where Psyche stocked off to. "But you would be more than welcome to try to earn it from her." . o O ( Please? )

Psyche . o O ( I can't believe I'm agreeing with you. )

Rade's smile turns a bit more sweet at Nomin. "A drink? I don't know what would be good...bring me something? And you'd have to ask Halda...though just about anything." A smile at the wolf, then back to Nomin. "Thank you..."

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Just when you thought the night couldn't possibly get worse, Mereke finds you, wearing a dress that shouldn't be worn outside of certain unsavory parts of a city. "How are you, Psyche? Enjoy your dance with Vance? He must really like you. He was all over you on the dance floor."

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 8, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 5, 8 ** 1 success (diff 8) **

Typheous . o O ( Oh I'm sure the sky will fall any moment now and end our pain. )

Psyche pages: "Using Withdraw - biting her lip until it bleeds as a focus. Diff 4, correct?"

Vance, "I wouldn't want to. You'd have to be a necrophiliac to want to be close to her that way. That young thing in the green dress looks warm enough, though."

You say, "Vance leaves."

Psyche has received your page: "Yes."

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (2d10): 6, 7 ** 2 successes (diff 4) **

Eclipse [to Rade]: Nomin goes to do as he said.

Psyche pages: "One into duration, which gives her a few minutes?"

Psyche has received your page: "Yes."

Typheous sighs, shaking his head. "He's such a..." He shakes his head and then turns to the freshmen again. "Good evening, miLadies."

Eclipse [to Plax]: Lyka wears out rather easily and decides to sit out a few dances.

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Adeline gives you a "divide and conquer" wink and wanders off to flirt with some of the boys.

Rade watches Nomin go with that smile, then turns to watch the people dance as she sits, seeming content as she is.

Plax had planned on doing the same. "Would you like something to drink, Lyka?" he asks her.

Typheous strikes up pleasant conversation with as many as possible for a few minutes, sipping his wine the whole time.

Psyche doesn't answer Mereke right away, teeth sinking into her bottom lip, drawing a hint of blood. It's a good ten or twenty degrees colder in her immediate vicinity. She licks her lips, face, mind, and all the sensations that Typheous is used to feeling from her going suddenly blank. Flatlined, as if she's a wooden cutout of herself. She gives Mereke an expressionless glance. "He's a good dancer, even if he has no manners."

Blue-Eyed_1st-year, "Good evening." She bats her eyes.

Typheous smiles warmly to the young coed. "My name is Typheous Elth. Might I have the honour of yours?"

Mereke, "He's good-looking. You should dance with him some more. Where's Typheous?"

Typheous . o O ( Something wrong dear? )

Girl, "Asa Oar."

Lyka, "Sure. Fruity wine. The dry stuff burns my throat."

Psyche shrugs, completely indifferent. "Last I knew, he was over with the first-years. Why don't you go talk to him? He doesn't have a date, you know."

Typheous's music is light and enchanting. "

Typheous's music is light and enchanting. "Asa... very pretty name. Are you here alone this evening?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "And no, Typh, that doesn't go through :)"

Plax nods. "A good choice, I agree. I'll be right back". He heads to the drinks table and gets a couple fruity wines and returns to Lyka, handing one towards her. "You know, this day keeps getting stranger and stranger, Lyka. Did you know some people were thinking that I was some sort of eagle spirit?"

Eclipse [to Rade]: Vance saunters over to you while Nomin is away. He looks up and down your body before speaking. "You look gorgeous tonight, Rade. Would you like to dance." Halda is on her feet and snarling before Vance can take another step forward.

Asa, "Well, yes." She grins.

Typheous frowns slightly. "A girl as lovely as yourself? Such a shame.... Would you like to dance for a bit, perhaps?"

Rade blinks, raising her eyes to meet Vance's. " Why?" A look at the wolf. "Be good Halda...please..." Then back to Vance. "I don't know how..."

Lyka, "I've heard people say it. It's just a silly rumor, though. You should hear some of the things they say about the blind woman in your cabal.

Vance, "It's easy, really. Come, I'll show you." He reaches out a hand."

Asa, "I'd love to."

Plax nods. "Morgana mentioned it to me today in my etiquette class. Strange what people will come up with. They've been talking about Tsharing now?" He shakes his head and takes a sip of the wine.

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 10, 3, 3, 10, 10, 7, 5, 5 ** 3 successes (diff 8) **

Rade blushes deeply, eying the hand, her own raising very, very slowly. "I...well...if you want..."

Mereke, "Oh, I wouldn't know how to..." She blushes.

Typheous offers his arm, setting his wine glass on the closest avaible flat surface, and leads Asa toward the dance floor, his music still enchanting and matching the dancing tune.

Lyka shrugs, "A few people think she's actually Min-Rai in disguise. You know, the powerful mage who helped tame the lands right after the Cataclysms?"

Psyche lets the masque of unnatural calm fall, much more controlled than she had been. "Tell you what...let's do something with your dress and then I'll introduce you?" . o O ( There's got to be a way to make this godsdamned rock act normally... )

[OOC] Psyche says, "Ookay, Typh, emotions going through now, but she's guarding her thoughts."

Eclipse [to Rade]: Just before your hand touches his, he gasps and takes a step back. "What the..? Your fucking wolf bit me!" He kicks Halda in the ribs, who yelps in pain.

[OOC] Psyche LAUGHS!

[OOC] Rade says, "....."

Plax nods. "Well, I don't know about that, but if she is, she's not doing a good job of hiding it if people are already figuring it out". He looks over at Vance and frowns as he kicks the wolf. "Why am I not surprised that Vance got himself bitten?"

[OOC] Plax cheers.

Rade gasps in absolute horror, jumping to her feet. "Halda!" She rushes toward the wolf, looking at Vance, tears starting to form. "You...YOU! How could you!?!"

[OOC] Psyche says, "How far from me is this, Z?"

Typheous dances , concentrating on the girl with him, but he notices the scuffle. "Seems we have a bti of a disturbance...." He nodes toward the fight.

Vance, "How could I?!? It bit my leg for no reason!"

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Close enough to hear the action.

[OOC] Plax thinks Vance has been adopted as the Cabal's Official Enemy.

Psyche flicks her gaze toward the yelping wolf. "Fuck off, Vance," she yells across the hall. "Get your fucking lecherous hands off Rade." She spins, stalking over in that direction.

Mereke, "Would you? I'd like that. What do you think? Should I lower the neck some more?" It is already about an inch away from showing nipple.

Psyche [to Mereke]: "I'll help you fix it in a minute."

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 4, 4, 6, 10, 10, 3, 6, 6 ** 2 successes (diff 8) **

Asa, "I'm not distracted." She bats her eyes some more.

Rade glares at Vance through tear streaked eyes. "She was just playing! You KICKED her!"

Vance, "Playing? It broke the skin, I think. My pants are probably ruined. You're almost as bad as Psyche the super bitch." He storms off toward the first-years."

Typheous smiles down to the girl warmly. "I must say I'm flattered." He leads their dance gently toward the scuffle without leaving the dance floor. Close enough to help beat down Vance if needed, but not close enough to actually abort the dance.

Eclipse [to Rade]: Nomin returns with two glasses of wine and a juicy steak. "What's the matter, Rade?"

Typheous gives Vance a triumphant glance, but the quick kind you give someone you don't really want to have to break your current concentration for.

[OOC] You say, "Would you please refrain from kicking my Phylactery, sir?"

Rade jabs a finger in the direction of Vance's back. "HE kicked Halda!" She turns her eyes to the wolf, reaching out to try to hug it. "Are you okay?"

[OOC] Rade laughs

Lyka, "Vance is a snob and a half. He makes Typheous look like Nomin."

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 7, 2, 10, 3, 6, 10, 3, 5 ** 2 successes (diff 8) **

Psyche turns back toward Mereke as soon as Vance leaves Rade alone, letting Nomin handle the girl. "And no, I don't think you should drop the neck any more. He's fucking tall enough to see down your front without you making it easy for him. Shit, girl, you don't want to look like a two-copper tramp, do you?"

You say, "Nomin bends down to comfort Halda, checking her for any serious injuries. "I think she'll be okay. Here you are, Halda. I brought you something." He hands her the steak."

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Mereke's eyes go wide and she starts to cry. "I just want to be pretty is all."

Rade sniffs a bit, reaching up to try to brush away some of her tears. She offers Nomin a very brief smile, then her eyes are back on Halda. "It's okay...I won't let him near you again...I promise..."

Typheous gives his attention back to the girl he's with, inviting her to a second dance, if she's interested.

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (5d10): 2, 6, 3, 3, 8 No diff given.

Psyche winces. "I know, I know, Mer. Shit, don't cry. You'll get your face all blotchy." . o O ( Better late than never? ) "Now come on. Let's get some flowers and do a little fixing up."

Eclipse [to Typheous]: She seems interested.

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Mereke wipes her nose on her sleeve and follows you.

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Intelligence (4) (4d10): 6, 7, 1, 9 No diff given.

[OOC] Psyche says, "Eclipse, can I scrounge up a few flowers from decorations?"

Plax laughs a bit. "I agree. I swear there are days I'd like to pick him up and drop him in the lake from a few hundred feet up". He pauses for a minute. "I should make that there are few days I don't feel like that". He smiles and sips some wine. "But I'm sure he'll recover from such a 'brutal' injury as that. I guess he just doesn't have a way with animals". He shrugs. "Nomin is a good guy. A bit shy, but a good guy. How was your day today, Lyka?"

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Yes.

Typheous makes polite conversation while he dances, his music matching what ever kind of music Master Drapheous is providing.

Typheous . o O ( And where did you go back then? )

Psyche pages: "Okay. Life 2 to get them to grow into something that'll serve to improve the dress, using the blood from her lip as the generic sphere focus. Diff...4, right?"

Psyche . o O ( None of your fucking business, asshole. )

Lyka, "Exhausting. Orpheus had me talking to birds all day long. He says he's trying to trigger my Awakening by making me do something that I'm naturally good at until something clicks. 'Don't speak to the bird. Speak to its spirit.' Easier said than done, for sure."

Psyche has received your page: "Yep."

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (2d10): 7, 4 ** 2 successes (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (2d10): 4, 6 ** 2 successes (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (2d10): 2, 2 ** 0 successes (diff 4) **

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (2d10): 9, 9 ** 2 successes (diff 4) **

Psyche pages: "There. 6 succ worth of floral arranging should make an improvement. Say 3 into duration - or will 2 be enough to make it last until the end of the dance, the rest into artistic quality?"

Typheous . o O ( I'm sorry... sheese... It's just not everyday you just vanish out of my head. )

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Gadrielle walks up to you between dances. "There you are, Typheous. Teaching the girls how to dance, I see."

Plax nods. "I do't know that you can really trigger an Awakening. I mean, I only Awakened because Eagle pretty much told me to when I was out riding and hit my neck against a tree branch". He rubs his neck in memory of that. "I'm not saying go out and get yourself hurt, but triggering Awakenings, I just don't see how that can really work".

Psyche has received your page: "Sounds good."

Psyche . o O ( I'm -trying- to concentrate. )

Typheous smiles, his arm around the young girl he's been dancing with, if she'll stand for it. "Gadrielle... How nice to see you. How have you been?"

Typheous music seems to become wary, but not quite out of tune with the orchestra. [Typheous]

Lyka shrugs, "I've heard it's different for everyone. Master Nilrem says I have the spirit in me. I just have to learn how to talk to it."

Plax smiles. "You'll get it eventually, Lyka. You're plenty talented as it is. And I'm pretty sure it's different for everyone. Probably why I can't see triggering as working, as it wouldn't have worked for me. If anyone can figure it out, Orpheus can".

Gadrielle, "I'm doing much better, now, Ty. Run along, little girl. The next dance is mine."

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Asa looks at you questioningly.

Typheous doesn't let the arm go. "I'm afaid I'm busy right now. Perhaps later?"

Eclipse [to Rade]: Dina shows up. "Rade, why aren't you dancing?"

Rade pets the wolf, kissing it's ear, then with a brief glance at Nomin she looks up at Dina. "I...almost did...but...he kicked Halda..." She seems close to breaking into tears again.

Psyche fiddles with the flowers and Mereke's neckline, chewing on her lip and muttering to herself as she does. "...and the petals could grow a little longer here, but thinner. Conservation of mass...and a tendril....ah, sprouts there to hold on..." (and so on). For several long minutes.

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Gadrielle presses herself against you, whispering in your ear. "I've missed making music with you, Typheous. If you'll come back to me, I can give you quite a little symphony in my room. You know some little girl can't give you what I can."

Dina, "Nomin? Did you kick Halda? That's not like you."

Eclipse [to Rade]: Nomin shakes his head.

Rade blinks, shaking her head. " him...Vance." She sniffs, eyes darkening at the name. "Said she bit him...then kicked her."

Psyche . o O ( Oh, gods -spare- me. )

Typheous steps back, a stern look on his face. "I don't want to do that, Gadrielle. Please, let us be for now before you make a fool of yourself."

Lyka, "He says a lot of the students here have to be pushed into it. It wouldn't work on just anyone, but the people with powerful spirits just have to learn to talk to them."

Typheous . o O ( Spare you? Spare me. )

Dina, "Did she?"

Eclipse [to Typheous]: She gropes you and tries to kiss you.\

Psyche . o O ( Do you want some help? )

[OOC] Psyche says, "Flowers help make the dress a little more decent?"

Mereke, "Am I beautiful now?"

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Anything to attract attention away from her body...

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 10, 10, 5, 9, 9, 8, 10, 8 No diff given.

Typheous steps back again, his free hand darting to grab Gadrielle's exploratory wrist. "Have you been drinking again, Gadrielle?"

Rade bites her lip, eyes lowering to the animal. " she was just playing..."

Typheous . o O ( Depends on what 'help' is. I just want to enjoy myself.... )

Psyche hesitates only briefly. "You aren't beautiful yet. But beautiful takes time. Let's start with this." . o O ( Will you trade a dance with Mer for a dance with me? )

Gadrielle, "So that's it? You've had your fun and now you're just going to fuck someone else?"

Plax nods a bit. "I can see where that can work, Lyka. I've got faith you'll do it though. Master Nilrem doesn't take on just anyone, you know". He smiles. "At least you got to spend your time outdoors today, even if it was exhausting".

(remotely) Psyche hopes to god she keeps these high successes on her being less-than-blunt efforts.

Eclipse [to Rade]: Dina frowns. "Why would she do that? I've never seen anything like it."

Typheous's face grows cold. "You can stop with your lies, Gadrielle. I would never dishonor a woman like that." His music turns sharp, definately out of key with the actual orchestra

Eclipse [to Rade]: Nomin strokes Halda's fur as she finishes the last of the steak.

Rade, "Does she bite people often?"

Typheous . o O ( With Mer? .... I suppose I couldn't ask that you would enjoy yourself more than you did with Vance? )

Gadrielle, "You lying bastard!"

[Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 4, 10, 9, 2, 4, 5, 1 No diff given.

Psyche . o O ( *resigned* I'll try. )

Typheous has received your page: "Would you like to parry or dodge?"

Psyche [to Mereke]: Come on want to meet him, don't you?

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Gadrielle swings a fist at your face.

Typheous pages: "Umm... I don't have my weapon drawn, so I'll dodge"

[Private Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 7, 7, 1, 3, 6, 8, 4 No diff given.

From Eclipse: [Private Roll]: Eclipse rolled dice (7d10): 7, 7, 1, 3, 6, 8, 4 No diff given.

[Roll]: Typheous rolled Dexterity (4) and Dodge (2) (6d10): 3, 7, 6, 10, 2, 5 ** 3 successes (diff 6) **

[OOC] Psyche says, " she making a love affair out of a kiss and cuddle?"

Rade sighs softly. "I don't know...she plays a lot...she was probably just playing..." Looking into the wolf's eyes. "Weren't you?"

[OOC] Rade says, "whoa"

[OOC] Typheous says, "As far as I know.... Typheous is the type to kiss and snuggles and stop at that. The whole dishonor thing."

Eclipse [to Typheous]: You barely duck out of the way, but the fist hits Asa, instead, sending her flying to the ground.

Plax looks over at Gadrielle's outburst, then back to Lyka. "You know, it's a shame people can't seem to just enjoy themselves at dances like this. All this tension". He sighs. "Maybe I should go over there and seperate those two. Maybe that rumor about being a spirit will come in handy?"

Eclipse [to Rade]: Halda actually manages to look smug.

Typheous kneels beside Asa, attention on her, Gadrielle almost forgotten. "Asa, dear, are you all right?" . o O ( I suppose I can...)

[OOC] Rade says, "ooo, kick him in the jimmy while he's not looking"

Plax notices Asa get hit. "Excuse me a moment, Lyka". He hovers up in the air and flies towards Typheous and Gadrielle, ready to extend claws if he needs to.

Typheous pages: "Just so we're on the same page, Typheous hasn't actually boffed Gadrielle as far as I saw him.... He doesn't want the whole dishonor thing and all."

[OOC] Typheous says, "then I might have to kill her"

Psyche heads over for Typheous, Asa, and Gadrielle, already nerving herself up for the promised dance, which only turns that aura of cold on full-force. Her path is straight for Gadrielle. "You little bitch," she snarls, anger only fuelled by the punch to Asa..

Rade bites her lip, watching Halda for a moment, then sighing. "Maybe she was being mischievous...but...but...he didn't have to kick her!" She seems completly oblivious to any of the other ruckus going on.

[OOC] Rade grins.

[OOC] Rade says, "if you can stand ;)"

Dina, "That's what I thought - Protective Mother archetype. It will be less trouble as your enlightenment grows. For now, I'm afraid you'll just have to let it guide you."

Eclipse [to Rade]: Halda doesn't seem to like being talked about in this fashion, but she endures it.

Typheous has received your page: "That's fine. Gadrielle is exaggerating, then. This IS an attempt at sabotage, after all."

(remotely) Typheous thought so. I had thought about making him a play boy type, but I didn't want him to be that much of a shmuck

You say, "Asa is already developing a black eye and she is in tears, but she seems more or less okay."

Typheous glances up to Gadrielle. "-Leave-. -Now-."

Rade looks up at Dina with confused eyes. "Protective Mother...I don't understand." Another long sigh. "Probably not going to dance now though..."

Gadrielle sniffs, "Fine. I'm sure you'd rather fuck the corpse girl anyway." Lightning flashes in her eyes. Then she turns and leaves.

Plax looks at Gadrielle from the air, piercing eyes staring down at her as reinforcement to Typheous' words.

Dina, "Give it time. She'll treat you like an adult eventually." She leaves.

Psyche takes full advantage of her reputation and her anger, following Gadrielle into the crowd and reaching out to grab her arm. (do I make it?)

Plax lands and looks at Asa and Typheous. "You two going to be okay?" he asks calmly. "I'm afraid I'm not able to heal others".

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Certainly.

Typheous stares daggers after Gadrielle, his music becoming dischordant for amoment. . o O ( That fucking bitch.... She's worse than Vance. ) He turns to Asa, his music immediately becoming in tune again with a concerned air to it. "Asa, are you all right?" He reaches his arm over to her shoulder.

You say, "Asa nods mutely."

You say, "She touches her eye gingerly, though."

Typheous frowns, eyes falling from Asa's face. "I'm sorry, this is my fault. I should have let her hit me rather than give her a chance to hurt you."

Rade's eyes follow Dina still filled with confusion, looking down at Halda. "What did she mean?" With another sigh, and a hug for the wolf, she finally turns her eyes back to watch the crowd, glancing at the group that's gathered.

Psyche speaks softly, but without mitigating any of the fury boiling through her. (Intimidate 2) "You listen to me, you little bitch, and you listen very carefully. If you ever fucking come near Typheous again, or so much as scratch some girl's arm for coming near him, I will hunt you down. And I will make you so fucking sorry you even thought about it that you will fucking beg me to kill you. Do you understand?"

Plax sees Typheous taking care of Asa and nods to himself, heading back to Lyka shaking his head sadly.

Nomin, "I think she means Halda doesn't let you dance because she wants to protect you."

[Roll]: Psyche rolled Intimidation (2) (2d10): 8, 10 No diff given.

Gadrielle, "Who is Typheous to you? I thought you hated him. Or have you fallen in love with him now that you're in the same cabal together for Master Spinwind's class?" Her eyes fall though. "I didn't mean to hit the girl, though. I forgot how quickly he moves."

Rade bites her lip, standing back up fully and brushing off her dress as she watches part of the scene. A glance back at Nomin. "That's not true...she's my friend...we love eachother."

Mereke, "Leave me alone!" Several of the first-years have decended upon her and are in the process of tearing the flowers off her dress.

Psyche snarls. "That's none of your fucking business, you bitch. I'm not giving you a choice. You'd better fucking well understand, because I'm not going to stand here belabouring the fucking point." She spins and heads for the first-years.

Nomin, "Of course she loves you." He rubs Halda affectionately. "And that's why she tries to protect you. She doesn't want to see you get hurt by anything or..." he glances in Vance's direction "anyone."

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Another first-year intercepts you. "What does necrophilia mean? Vance said you'd know."

Typheous looks back up to Asa. "Do you want another dance perhaps? I'd hate for that to be the end of your evening." He glances over to shake his head at the first years. . o O ( Dammit, can't they just leave her alone... )

Psyche [to first_year]: It's what anyone with any interest with you is going to have to enjoy if you ever speak to me again. Get out of my fucking way.

[OOC] Eclipse LOL.

Asa, "Not now. It's okay, though. I think I'm going to ask Master Spinwind to fix my eye. It really hurts."

Plax sighs. "I swear, people can't seem to try and just enjoy a dance like this. It's a shame".

Typheous leans down and places a quick kiss on Asa's cheek. "Then if you'll excuse me, there's another girl who needs some help" He stands and starts to turn ot Mereke.

Rade seems to think about that a moment, then smiles a bit at Nomin. "We protect each other..." then it fades a bit. "But was just mischief...there's nothing to protect me from Vance for...."

Lyka, "Yeah. It's a shame. So, the politics followed you here? That Nod guy?"

Eclipse [to Psyche]: You reach the taunting first-years, who scatter when they see you or feel your chill.

Nomin, "I'm glad she's around, Rade. She can protect you better than I ever could."

Psyche holds out a hand to Mereke. (how bad is the damage?)

Plax nods. "It looks like it, Lyka. I hadn't even heard he was here, which is surprising. But if we can have a truce between us and he's sincere in what he said, then I'll welcome it in that regard. I'm pretty sure I've told you about the family history somewhat before".

Eclipse [to Psyche]: You could fix it in about ten minutes, though Mereke is in tears again. Both sleeves have marks on them from where she has been wiping her nose.

Rade blinks, head tilting cutely at Nomin. "Why would you want to protect me?"

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 3, 7, 4, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5 No diff given.

Lyka, "Yes, you have. I suppose you can't escape who you are, though. He seems honest enough. My uncle would call him naive, I think. Of course, my uncle is the reason I hate politics..."

Eclipse [to Rade]: Nomin glances into his glass and stands up. "I'm going to get another drink before the bar closes. Do you want anything, Rade?"

Psyche [to Mereke]: Stop crying, godsdamnit. How do you expect to ever fucking get anywhere if all you do is break down like a fucking three-year-old when something bad happens? Don't you dare fucking wipe your nose on your sleeve again, and quit crying so I can fucking fix this. You've got fists, girl. Fucking -hit- someone next time.

Typheous offers Asa a warm smile before walking toward Mereke and Psyche. . o O ( Let me try... if you got her looking good again, someone else would just ruin it some other way. This way.... well... If I come to dance with her, it might teach some of those first years some maners. )

Eclipse [to Psyche]: She disolves into sobs.

Plax chuckles a bit. "Not when people can look at me and just tell my family, even if I wasn't wearing the insignia, which is why I don't bother hiding it". He shrugs. "I don't think you've told me about your uncle. How does he play into it?" He takes a sip of his wine.

Rade smiles at Nomin with a nod. "Please...something cold..."

Psyche . o O ( I fucking give up. It's like trying to put a spine in warm pudding. Just make her fucking stop crying! )

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 8, 2, 5, 2, 6, 5, 5, 4 ** 1 success (diff 8) **

Psyche nudges Mereke in the ribs, harder than strictly necessary, shoving a handkerchief into her hand. "He's coming over here. Straighten up," she hisses. "You don't look -that- bad."

Typheous walks up, offering a warm smile to both Mereke and Psyche. "I'm sorry I couldn't get here to help sooner..." . o ( I'll try... ) He turns to Mereke. "Are you all right?"

Lyka, "Uncle Machai is not the head of the household, but he seems intent upon preparing all of us for "the real world". He seems to think that the only way to get ahead in life is to ruin other people. I've never seen such a cynic."

Eclipse [to Rade]: Nomin returns empty-handed. "Sorry. They just closed."

Plax shakes his head. "One of those types. I can see why you'd hate politics dealing with that. It's the worst way to try and get ahead, I figure. Backstabbing and distrust just doesn't sit well with me".

Drapheous, "This song will be the last dance of the evening. It's one of my favorites. I call it 'Beauty Is Truth'."

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Mereke looks at your face in wonder.

Rade pouts a bit at Nomin, which probably comes across quite cute as well. "Awww...that's too's okay..." A smile. "We'll survive..."

Psyche [to Mereke]: Go. Dance. It's the last one.

Plax looks up as Drapheous makes his announcement. "Care to dance this one, Lyka?"

Typheous offers a hand to Mereke. "Might I have this dance?" . o O ( Sigh.... why do I have to be some damn noble.... You owe me... )

Eclipse [to Rade]: Nomin sits down on the grass next to where Halda is lying and strokes her fur.

Psyche . o O ( *muffled relief* )

Lyka, "Certainly, Eagle."

[OOC] Rade says, "hrrrrm"

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Mereke doesn't say anything. She just nods emphatically and takes your hand.

Plax smiles and leads Lyka to the dance floor and begins dancing with her.

You say, "The music begins, a slow, mysterious song in a minor key."

Rade smiles down at the boy, slowly lifting a hand towars him. Her voice is hesitant, but clear and soft. "Want to show me how to dance Nomin...?"

Typheous leads Mereke to the front of the dance floor, somewhere the group of firstyears can see them, his music matching Drapheous'. He offers Mereke a graceful bow.

Eclipse [to Rade]: He looks up at you, clearly startled. "Sure, Rade." He glances at Halda, who doesn't stir. "If it's okay with Halda."

Plax pages: "(Would it be possible to hover a bit off the ground and do an air-dance type thing?>"

Rade offers a soft smile. "I'm sure it is..." She waits for him...

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Mereke trips over her dress in an effort to curtsy, yanking the dress below her nipples before she can pull it back up, blushing profusely.

Psyche pages: "Picking up an abandoned ribbon and tying knots in it. Memory Cache. I'm recalling and memorising the faces of the first-years who were tormenting Mereke. (Diff 3 w/focus"

Eclipse [to Rade]: Nomin takes your hand and leads you onto the dance floor.

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (2d10): 2, 8 ** 1 success (diff 3) **

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (2d10): 1, 3 ** 0 successes (diff 3) **

*** Scourge die is a 1: Backlash Triggered. Player Scourge reduced from 0 to 0. Mitigating circumstances: None. ***

Plax has received your page: "Sure."

Rade lets him lead, smiling shyly and doing her best to dance gracefully.

Psyche has received your page: "Want to try that one again?"

(remotely) Psyche nods.

Typheous ignores the blunder, taking the girl into his arms, his gaze locked onto her face as he begins to lead her through a dance.

Plax dances with Lyka slowly with the song. He whispers softly during the dance, "Care to try dancing in the air a bit?"

Eclipse [to Rade]: Nomin is as clumsy as you are, but he earnestly tries to make it fun for you.

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (2d10): 2, 6 ** 1 success (diff 3) **

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (2d10): 2, 2 ** 0 successes (diff 3) **

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (2d10): 3, 10 ** 2 successes (diff 3) **

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (2d10): 2, 2 ** 0 successes (diff 3) **

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (2d10): 8, 9 ** 2 successes (diff 3) **

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Arete (2d10): 9, 4 ** 2 successes (diff 3) **

Psyche pages: "She'll take the whole dance worth of time - 7 succ enough to get them?"

Eclipse [to Typheous]: She steps on your feet - a LOT. Her breath is bad and one of the recently picked sores on her face is oozing puss and blood.

Psyche has received your page: "Yes."

[OOC] Rade facepalms

Lyka, "Sure."

Plax starts hovering a few inches off the ground, taking Lyka up with him, holding her softly but firm enough so he doesn't drop her, continuing their dance in the air.

Typheous keeps his face a warm smile, holding her close enough that should she fall out again, no one would be able to see anything. His music adds a warmth to the song.

[OOC] Typheous says, "He's doing the best he can to make the dance both enjoyable for her and have them both look as graceful as possible"

Eclipse [to Psyche]: A random first-year walks over to you. "What does 'frigid' mean? Vance says you would know."

From Psyche: [Private Roll]: Psyche rolled Willpower (8) (8d10): 4, 4, 7, 3, 5, 6, 9, 8 ** 2 successes (diff 8) **

Typheous . o O ( Since I won't get my dance, would you at least take a walk with me after the dance? I'll need something to get my mind off of the disasters that happened.... )

Rade giggles a bit as she dances, smiling back into Nomin's eyes with a whispered. "You dance well..."

Nomin grins, "Hey, I'm just following your lead."

Psyche turns one of the poisonous glares normally reserved for Typheous on the first-year. "It means that if he tries to weasel around the deal he made with me one more time, I'm going to castrate him with a dull spoon. You are in my immediate perception, at his doing, and that's in violation of the bargain. If you wouldn't mind relaying that to him."

Plax smiles a bit as the two of them dance. "You know the best part about dancing like this? There's no chance of my clumsy feet stepping on your toes".

Psyche . o O ( *resigned, clearly unhappy with the idea but making no effort to back out* Will you accept that in lieu? )

first-year yelps, "Oh. So THAT'S frigid. He runs off."

Psyche watches. Does he relay the message?

Typheous . o O ( Yes, I will. It's not your fault that Gadrielle is a bitch and that the freshmen are mindless losers. )

[OOC] You say, "Fresh FYS!"

Rade shakes her head, "Your leading...I don't know how to dance..." A bit of a wry smile. "Maybe we both just look silly..."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Right now, if he found one of them, he'd drag them off to the fencing area and knock them around a bit."

Lyka, "I hardly think you would step on my tiny feet, Eagle. Walking on air must certainly be a better way than high heels to make yourself seem taller."

Nomin, "Ah well. We hardly ever see most of these people anyway. Who cares what they think?"

Psyche . o O ( Done. )

Typheous smiles warmly through the entire dance, keeping his reaction to Mereke's bathing habits and other hygine issues locked inside.

You say, "The song is starting to wind down, now."

Rade chuckles softly, face lighting up with her smile. "Your right...who cares?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Does the freshman relay my message or not?"

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Yes.

Plax smiles. "I imagine so, though I've never tried wearing high heels myself. I'd look a bit silly in them I figure". He sighs happily. "It's a wonderful feeling, Lyka, it really is". He keeps dancing slowly with her.

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Mereke leans in to kiss you.

From Typheous: [Private Roll]: Typheous rolled Willpower (7) (7d10): 10, 3, 3, 9, 4, 10, 5 ** 3 successes (diff 7) **

[OOC] You say, "Is that the WP check to see if you can kiss her or the one to resist it?"

Typheous leans in, giving Mereke a light, quick kiss with the final note of the song, before stepping back.

[OOC] Typheous says, "To see if he kisses her on the cheek or where she wants to be kissed."

[OOC] Typheous says, "He's not going to snub her."

Eclipse [to Rade]: At the last notes, Nomin leans in slightly, eyes a bit distant, but then Halda arrives, rubbing against your leg, asking for attention.

[OOC] Psyche says, "virgin alarm!"

[OOC] You say, "Yep."

[OOC] Typheous chuckles.

[OOC] Rade giggles.

[OOC] Typheous says, "Can one drug a phylactery?"

[OOC] Plax listens the whirling of the virgin alarm.

Rade doesn't even notice the lean, giggling and looking down at Halda as she starts to break away from Nomin. "You wanna dance too?"

You say, "Nomin sighs slightly and bends down to ruffle Halda's fur a bit. 'Excellent timing, girl.' Halda opens her mouth and her tongue lolls out in a wolfish grin as the song ends and the academy grounds come back into sight."

Lyka, "We might want to come back to earth, Eagle. I'm no owl." She yawns.

Typheous bows slowly to Mereke, a warm smile on his face again. "I hope those unruly children didn't ruin your evening, Mereke."

Plax smiles and nods. "Of course, Lyka". He lands softly, setting Lyka down as gently as possible.

Rade half kneels next to Halda to embrace her, offering Nomin a smile. "She's just lonely..."

Psyche leans against a table, fingering a discarded ribbon. She's tied a series of knots in it, the last knotting it around her wrist. Eyes fixed on Typheous and Mereke, what might almost be a smile on her face.

Mereke breathes, "They couldn't ruin that, Typheous." None of you has ever seen her look this happy.

Psyche . o O ( Not bad. )

Typheous's smile widens. "I'm glad you had a good evening. Will you be ok getting back to your room? I don't think they'll bother you again. And if they do, just let me know and I'll make sure they learn how to treat a lady." . o O ( Oh? Did I surprise you? )

Drapheous, "Those of you in Master Spinwind's Introduction to the Cabal class are to stay here. The rest of you are to return to your appropriate dormitories. And remember, my young lovebirds, Master Liriel is watching."

Psyche . o O ( Don't push your luck. )

Plax bows to Lyka. "Good evening, Lyka. Sleep well".

Typheous . o O ( Thank the gods I have to stay here.... I did not want to have to walk her back, too.... But I'm not about to let them tease her again... )

You say, "Mereke grins, showing off discolored teeth. "I'll be fine, Typheous. Thank you, Psyche." She begins to skip toward Min-Rai Hall, trips over her dress, and falls over. She gets up, unfazed, pulls her dress back up over her breasts, and continues skipping. This happens a few times before she is out of sight."

Lyka, "Good night, Eagle."

Typheous watches her go, his smile finally slipping, shaking his head.

You say, "Lyka and the other younger students leave."

[OOC] Rade says, " Nomin in the cabal class?"

[OOC] You say, "Yep."

[OOC] You say, "So are Vance, Alex, and Gadrielle."

[OOC] You say, "But this is where we'll stop for the night."

Rade stands back up and smiles at Nomin, gesturing toward the rest of the class. "Should probably join them.?

[OOC] Typheous says, "Dang...and he's going to miss his walk too...."

Psyche fingers the ribbon around her wrist, considering each of the faces imprinted in her mind. Every one of the first-year students who was tormenting Mereke at the dance. . o O ( I'll grant you points for Mer tonight. But don't fuck her up. She's got enough shit as is. ) She keeps her eyes on Mereke until she's out of sight, then passes her glare on to Gadrielle, completely ignoring Vance.

Plax pages: "Just a heads up, but there's a pretty good chance I'll miss next week. My dad is coming up to visit for the weekend."

(to Plax) Eclipse nods.

User Conn Idle RP-Stat `@my tag is ...`

Eclipse 4h 0s IC Wiz Causing players confusion and trouble since '90

Plax 4h 14s OOC PC

Psyche 5h 42s IC Wiz

Typheous 9h 43s IC Wiz

Rade 5h 56s OOC Tec

--[Sun Sep 22 02:27:45 2654]--------------------------------[5 users; 0s lag]--

[OOC] You say, "Vote for RP point."

Plax pages: "Rade"

Typheous . o O ( Look, I'll be nice to her, but I won't date her. I'm not going to screw her up, but I'm not sure I could explain to her that I was just trying to be gentlemanly... )

[OOC] Typheous says, "And I need to stop the rant... :("

Psyche pages: "Rade"

Typheous pages: "Psyche"

[OOC] Psyche mutters.

Rade pages: "Psyche"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Clippy, can we finish this mental discussion if we promise not to drag it out tooooo much?"

[OOC] You say, "Rade and Psyche get the RP point."

Eclipse [to Psyche]: Sure.

*** Added 3 XP to Plax's Experience ***

*** Added 4 XP to Psyche's Experience ***

*** Added 3 XP to Typheous's Experience ***

*** Added 4 XP to Rade's Experience ***

[OOC] Typheous says, "shall we just e-mail you the "What we ahve learned" thing, or can I just work up somethign quick and page you with it?"

Psyche . o O ( Did I ask you to date her? Shit, I'm not the one who fucking kissed her. )

[OOC] Psyche will have a journal to you by midweek, hopefully.

Eclipse [to Typheous]: Just go ahead and get it to me sometime this week. I'm not worried about making it essential. It just helps me keep track of what people are noticing and being interested in.

Eclipse removes his dragon medallion.

[OOC] You say, "How do you think it went? I was going for the best and worst parts of a high school dance. Was I close?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "It was great."

Typheous . o O ( What was I supposed to do? I couldn't, *couldn't* just ignore it. Yes, I was doing it to be nice, but she didn't need to know that tonight, it would have ruined the whole night. Hell, if she took a bath, brushed her hair some, and maybe wore something a bit less revealing she might be halfway decent )

[OOC] Rade grins. "Was fun." :)

[OOC] Typheous says, "It was fun, yeah. Typheous' life is a soap opera, though."

[OOC] Plax nods. "Yes, fun. Managed to avoid angst, which is good for Plax". @#;+)

[OOC] You say, "Avoid angst? Au contraire..."

[OOC] Plax says, "Compared to the others at least."

[OOC] You say, "True. You're more SET UP for angst, though."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Typheous is agnst, if he cared about most things. Right now, he wants to slap Gadrielle around for hitting Asa, castrate most of the freshmen, and somehow manage to encourage the wolf to aim a little higher than a leg next time."

[OOC] You say, "What did you think of Mereke?"

[OOC] Typheous feels so sorry for her, IC and OOC.

[OOC] Plax says, "Well, yes, I know it's going to come crashing down at some point, but specifically tonight was relatively angst-free."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Okay, tallying up threats for the night. I have to take Gadrielle apart if she comes near Typheous or hurts any girl for coming near Typheous. If Vance comes near me or anyone he talks to comes near me in the next month, I have to castrate him with a dull spoon. I have a list of freshmen to have little chats with over the next week, and then there's Mereke."

[OOC] You say, "You threatened Mereke?"

[OOC] Plax just needs to keep an eye on Vance and Nod. Gadrielle to an extent, but not like those other two.

[OOC] Psyche says, "No - but she's trying to figure out how to thhreaten Typheous about Mereke."

[OOC] Rade considers just letting Halda go off on Vance sometime....

[OOC] Rade says, "Sic'em boy!"

Psyche . o O ( *mental snort* Shit, you think I haven't fucking tried? She doesn't understand the first thing about it. No matter how fucking many times I tell her. She wanted to -lower- the neckline on that fucking dress. )

[OOC] You say, "Girl, Rade, girl..."

[OOC] Plax says, "I'll hold him down for Halda"

[OOC] Psyche says, "Me too."

[OOC] Typheous says, "What? He's trying to be a gentleman... sheesh...."

[OOC] You say, "Boy, you guys REALLY hate Vance already, don't you?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "What, we were supposed to like him?"

[OOC] Rade grins

[OOC] Plax says, "Vance is our cabal's whipping boy."

[OOC] You say, "Well no, not really. But this is more vehemence than I expected over any of my NPCs."

Typheous . o O ( Lower it?!?!? It was already on the floor half the time... I had to get closer than I was planning to just to keep her dignity as intact as I could manage... )

[OOC] Rade says, "he kicked my wolf! He was cool up until then :)"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Actually, Gadrielle managed to piss off Typheous more than Vance did."

[OOC] Psyche says, "NOBODY fondles Psyche. :P"

[OOC] Plax says, "He kicked Rade's wolf. He's good enough looking to attract all the Myshar women. And he's a pretty boy idiot with an ego the size of Montana. He needs to get dropped in a lake."

[OOC] Typheous says, "We'll see about that. Typheous is half tempted by the challenge of getting a kiss and remaining a man."

[OOC] Psyche says, "Remember...she normally carries a knife."

[OOC] Typheous says, "Yeah, that's his worry right now... He probably won't try it when they get their walk in, if they get their walk in."

Psyche . o O ( Well, she wanted to. *sighs, a hint of relief* Looks like the walk is out too. Some other idea? I don't like owing you. )

[OOC] You say, "Well, at least people liked a couple of my NPCs, right?"

[OOC] Psyche says, "I love your NPC's :)"

[OOC] Plax nods, likes Lyka, even if the name "Lyka Plant" just begs for a lot of jokes.

Typheous . o O ( *sighs* We'll see... I don't want it to be something you won't enjoy, so I'm not going to ask for a kiss or anything like that... Although it might help clear the last one from my mind.... Still, I'd rather time to talk with someone away from everyone, and Alex is nice and all, but he's probably going to rant for a good 3 hours about how I kissed Mereke, so I was hoping to get to the room after he had passed out from the booze he's got smuggled up there )

[OOC] Typheous says, "I liked Asa...."

[OOC] Typheous says, "And I like the characters, they were fun, just my charatcer doesn't like them"

[OOC] Rade grins. "Nomin is fun, too bad I'm going to have to break his heart." :)

[OOC] Eclipse has a feeling a lot of hearts will be broken before graduation day...

[OOC] Psyche has no heart :)

[OOC] Typheous says, "Or he will end up castrated."

[OOC] You say, "Who? Nomin?"

[OOC] Typheous says, "Yeah, him. This is turning into a soap opera of a cabal."

[OOC] You say, "Halda didn't bite him to make them stop dancing. That's a good sign, right? ;)"