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Christmas Shindig

Aye, a collection of photos from the 5th Annual Deutsch Christmas Shingdig.

Okay, so I had these really cool photos from my Annual Christmas party ('02). BUt unfortunatly for me instead of uploading them like a smart person would have, I just linked in from Jeckle's webpage and posted them that way. But Jeckle decided to be a butt muncher and not have those pictures up anymore. So now all you get are those cool little boxes with the 'X' in them cause the pictures are all gone. One of these days I'll get the pictures back from her and repost them. But for now... at least the captions are funny. So read them, and just imagine what the pictures might look like.

Kill the Middle East!
Well at least we tried to. Emily seemed to like her terrorist ring of fire, so we let her
have it. Who needs that area of the world anyways?

Don't Look so Enthusiactic
Jeannine should learn not to trust Anne! with cameras. There were four pictures
like this, but the child deleted them in an attempt to save herself.

Beware the Quiet Ones
Emily and Pami are the quietest people in the world. But look at them, doesn't it
look like they are planning something sinister? Doesn't it?

Come On Everybody It's the Hamster Dance
I figured I might as well put in one embarrassing picture of me. Probably the only
one you'll find on the site. I have to protect myself somehow.

The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat
Did Emily's ring of fire work? Well it appeared so from her great pose.