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Art Heist Is One of Most Expensive in History of Country

The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum located in Boston, Massachusetts contains some of the most famous artworks in the world. Sometime in the early morning of March 18, 1990 a pair of thieves managed to steal thirteen paintings. It is believed that the criminals dressed as police officers. The paintings were valued at over 500 million dollars. Paintings by Rembrandt, Vermeer, Manet and Degas were the most notable of those stolen.

The Gardner Museum is offering a reward of up to $5 million for any information that may lead to the recovery of the stolen pieces.

If you have any information about this case, please contact your local FBI office or the nearest US Embassy or Consulate. You can also submit a tip online at

Burlington Cemetary Vandalism


During the weekend of July 13, 2002, serious acts of vandalism occurred at the Lamson Corner Cemeterary located in Burlington at the corner of Scoville Road and Route 69. There was a group of youths that were seen around the cemetary around the time of the crime.  The Burlington Cemetary Association is offering a 1,000 dollar reward for information leading to the arrest and convictions of those involved. If you have any information please call the Burlington Resident State Trooper's office at 1-800-953-9949. All information can be kept confidential.

Buried Treasure in the Millions in North/Central Connecticut?
In the towns of East Granby and Windsor there have been whispers of a buried pirates treasure for over fifty years. The treasure is believed to be the stolen valuables of pirate of David Marteens. According to a 1960s Hartford Courant article, Marteens and his crew raided a Spanish Gallion in the area of the West Indies in October of 1665. Looking for a safe place for his treasure, Marteens sailed north all the way to the Connecticut River. It is believed that the pirates and family settled in an area in Windsor nicknamed "Big Hill". It is believed that they eventually moved west along the Farmington River to the Salmon Brook River where they buried their stash of silver, gold, jewelry, and Spanish dubloons. This treasure has been known as "The Santa Barbara"

A man by the name of Anthony Ruches searched for the treasure for years and claimed he had found numerous markers that pointed to the treasure being in the Salmon Brook River area in East Granby, Connecticut. Ruches is now deceased and talk of the treasure has gone back to whispers. But there will always be people looking for the the "Santa Barbara" treasure.

The Treasure of the Santa Barbara is not the only rumored bounty worth millions in the Salmon Brook River area of Granby and East Granby. For hundreds of years stories of chests full of gold coins minted from France to help the Continental Army in their fight against the British in the pre-Revoluntionary War. According to legend, the gold coins were stolen from outside a Tavern in East Granby by several Tories (British Loyalists). The group of Tories then buried the coins somewhere near the Salmon Brook River but were slaughtered by a band of Native Americans on their way back from the burial spot. As a result of this, no one ever was able to retrieve the gold coins. Several decades back, there have been a few alleged instances where people have found one or two of these gold coins in the Salmon Brook River. However, the story like that of the Santa Barbara until discovered will remain just folklore.

Was Mythical Creature in Connecticut?
In North America it has several names, "Bigfoot", "Sasquatch", "SkunkApe". In Asia, it is called "The Yeti". Connecticut has never been known as a state with major sightings for the legendary beast. But one such town has had a few encounters with the alleged "Winsted Wildman".

The sightings began in 1895 when a selectman of the town and his dog encountered a large naked man that was covered with dark hair over his entire body. Some dismissed it as an escaped patient of a nearby Mental Hospital. It would be almost eight decades later, when residents would see "The Winsted Wildman" again. In 1972, two men were on Winchester Road near Crystal Lake when they saw a large hair covered figure that was close to eight feet tall. Two years later, two couples had an scary encounter at the Rugg Brook Reservoir when a large creature charged at the car they were in. Since then, there have been other alleged sightings across Connecticut of the mythical beast. Here is a youtube video of an alleged Bigfoot sighting in Connecticut.

Does a Cloudy Lake Hold Nazi Treasure
The Nazi Party in Germany before and during World War Two were responsible for the genocide of over ten million people. Six million of those were Jews who not did they kill but they stole all of their material possessions. Many valuable pieces of artwork, jewelry, and gold amounting in the billions of dollars were stolen. Much of this has been found and given back to their heirs of the victims. Over the years, secret stashes of Nazi treasure has been found but estimates that the majority of it is still hidden. One rumor that has persisted for over fifty years is that millions of dollars worth of gold is buried in a secret underwater cave in Fuessen, Germany. Lake Alat in Bavaria is one of several areas where NAzi loot is believed to have been buried. Over the decades a few people looking for it have perished, including a skindiver in 1963.

Another body of water in the Alps mountain range in Austria is rumored to have Nazi Treasure is Lake Toplitz. Over the years, NAzi items have been found there, including counterfeit money. But folklore claims that the NAzi dumped several crates of unknwon valuables in the lake. Speculation has persisted that it could be gold bars to the contents of the famous Amber Room Chamber from a Russian Palace. Diving in the LAke is treacherous and conditions have been deadly to treasure seekers. Still, there are some people who have been passed down secrets as to where Nazi Looted treasures are. But until these goods are found, they will continue to be mysteries.

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Sex Offender Registries and Inmate Locators

Connecticut Law Enforcement Web Pages

419 and Fake Phone Tech Scammers Pranked and Owned (CAUTION: Funny but very explicit language)