Our Two Domains www.savagewatch.com and ctcoldcases.com are in the process of being transferred to a new internet host. Until then use angelfire.com/ct3/unsolvedct/ plus the state and number page .html to go to those respective pages. For example angelfire.com/ct3/unsolvedct/newyork.html or angelfire.com/ct3/unsolvedct/california2.html
Our condolences to the victims of the Las Vegas, NYC, Sutherland Springs attacks.We just got on twitter. Follow us at savage_watch What is this website about you ask? It is about helping unsolved cases that time has made cold. It is about finding the missing and giving the unidentified dead their rightful names. It is about identifying and protecting people from online scams. It is about resources that can make you and your family safer. Many of the cases have rewards offered for information that will lead to an arrest and conviction of those guilty. Rewards range from $500 to a quarter of a million dollars.
It does not cost any money to submit a case to this site. We ask that you submit a link to an established news source. If not, we are still willing to listen and will decide as to put the case on or not. Our ad revenue has gone down so if you wish to donate a small amount of money to help pay for the upkeep of the site we are more than willing. This site is NOT a registered non-profit organization and any donations will NOT be tax-deductible.