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Tahkido 2o3

Ayo Ayo, Hope ya'll Feelin Da page! Don't forget to holla back!

Info on This nikka right here

19 yearz of living it up. And a good 5 more yearz before retiring The lifestyle.

Was living in the 209 for a good 9 yearz,B ut switched up to the 203 district now. Its only been 5 yearz

of fuccin up. Back on foot though.

Living life alone now, but its all good... young gurlz ain't nothing but trouble. College mommiez Holla @ me

I beLibra Wah wah! yep datz rite, This nikkaz a gentlemen Also *wink*

iightz, too much info'z dangerouz, gotta get to know me to judge me.

Try Thizz ShietzZz!!

Put ur Mouse on the

azn guy for about 50 seconds

And look at the doorway Next to the be...

Stare at it... .lol keep watchin...

........Be patient.......keep dat eye Open....................heheHe..........

Good Shiet Huh


unfaithful love(my first song...hope its ight


T.A.B. site