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The Whole Story News

Back around 1970 my Dad bought a '67 TR-4A IRS, we used to go everywhere in that car. I couldn't wait till the following year when I would acquire my driver’s license and be able to fully appreciate the TR. I spent the next year talking the keys out of my Dads hands at every opportunity.

In the winter of '72 in the middle of an ice storm, my Dad wrapped the TR around a telephone pole. I was happy that he was un-harmed, not a scratch, a true testament to the durability and strength of the TR's chassis. Needless to say, the car was totaled. I salvaged as much as I could from it before the junk man hauled it away.

Mid-summer of '73 I was driving along an old back road and came upon a '63 TR-4 that was for sale at a horse farm. It wasn't a 4A or an IRS, but nonetheless, a TR. After peeling off 250 bucks, (he wanted 300), I was happily behind the wheel again. It took me about 3 months of changing parts, tuning, tweaking and cleaning to make it somewhat presentable. When the time was right, my Mom and I presented to my Dad. He was elated, and quite surprised that we had kept it such a secret.

The following year, Mom and Dad got a divorce, my Mom got the TR and put it up on blocks in the driveway. I think it was more vindictive than anything else. There it sat, I'd see it everyday for the next 20 some odd years, patiently waiting for either a rescue, or the junkman.

No amount of convincing or argument could get her relinquish the car to my possession. I finally talked her into letting me at least photograph the car and try to "part it out". We uncovered it and to my surprise, after sitting there for so long, it was in "very" repairable condition.

I have no idea what I had said, or what it was, but my Mom released the car to me. My son and I are in the process of doing a total frame off restoration. Only difference is...we'll be replacing the 4-banger and 4-speed with a Chevy 327 and T-350 Turbo Automatic.

We hope that you will follow us along as we bring this TR 4 back into traffic as a TR-327. Enjoy the pictures. Email us with your comments. Our projected time of completion will be the summer of 2004, just in time for its 40th birthday.


Site done enough to be advertised. No pop up ads or banners :) See how long that lasts..Enjoy

Added lots of Restoration pictures and added captions to the larger versions. Scraping the under-coating off of the car...this is when dreams turn to blisters.