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Vincent-First the affiliates! These are the super-cool people who actually linked to us.. or are going to soon.. hopefully..?

Chicken-Man Online
And to quote the creator himself: - It's what all the cool kids are reading!

Alright, now for all the pages that were just too cool not to link.

Is it not nifty? Worship the comic.

Amphetamine-Nothing ever stays the same.

Was it the elves, or just the monkey with the gun?

This is a great comic strip, visit it!

Two Points of View. You people have no clue how much I love this comic strip.

You suck if you haven't read Penny-Arcade.

CMAX- Character Monthly Art Exchange. Very cool program.

Avelyn's other website. Badly mistreated, but people still love it for some reason.

The owner of this RPG is looking for competent writers, and he promises much fun.

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--The Anime Mango-- by --Trixy198 a.k.a. Claire--
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:: 0.7 Online Manga Ring ::
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Artistic Originality Webring
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Copyrighted by Jenni* © 2001
Artists Anime Okatu, Unite!
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Bellsandy's Ring of Anime Greats
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The Anime Fanwork Webring
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Gods of Future Anime
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The Leading Ladies of Fanart
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Magnesium's Artisans
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Manga Kodomo Press
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MCCNAT's anime art web ring! :D
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The Green Star Original Character Ring
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The Ring of Underground Art
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violeTThunders wormhole
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The Online Manga Webring
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The Ring of Original Anime
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