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Halloween: Resurrection Review

Halloween Resurrection

Running Time - 85 Minutes

Rated R for Violence, Language, Sexuality, Nudity and brief drug use.

My thoughts:

This movie was...without a doubt the best sequel in the whole series. Going into this movie i was beyond syced out to see it started..i really didnt knoe what to expect..but i knew it wasnt what i was watching...what i was watching was better! This movie from the start was awesome..the opening sequence was unbelievable..from their on it stayed entertaining and then went on to the outstanding ending...this movie..unlike some names(h20)..had it all...enough gore..enough kills...myers had more then enough screen was funny..not corny but funny..the acting was pulled off very i expected..and there was nudity! hot red head. I know that the critics really ripped this movie...but what the fuck do they know? fuck the critics..we all have our OWN go out and see this movie..Halloween movie series fan like me..or will most definitly enjoy it!

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