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Pete Conyers

Name: Pete Conyers
Related To: Philburt from Rocko's Modern Life
Birthplace: Manchester, CT
Nickname: Pete The Meat

Making fun of Nohelty
Being short
Sitting behind Jake in Spanish class
Being on a team that makes stupid-ass trades

Favorite Memories
Winning the Cactus League Championship numerous times
Dunking for the first and only time ever on a non-regulation size kiddie basketball hoop
Yelling at Nohelty
Eating Nacho's from Big Y

Pete is one of the most dominant and well-rounded players in the Cactus League and is without a doubt the best player on Team K. Don't let his small stature and turtle-like face fool you, he is quick and powerful at the plate and is known as a deadly pitcher throughout the league. With his skills, Pete is a strong candidate for the Cactus League All-Star Team.