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Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Leading Cause of Childhood Blindness Can Be Easily Cured
Topic: Safety Eyewear

If parents, teachers, and coaches were more pro-active, the leading cause of childhood blindness will cease. That's the implications of a recent posting for HealthNewsDigest.com by National Eye Institute (NEI). The esteemed institution noted that eye injuries account for much of the blindness in school-aged children and that most injuries are sports related. Parents, teachers, and coaches can prevent the resulting corneal abrasions, blunt traumas, penetrating injuries, inflamed irises, fractured eye sockets, detached retinas, and traumatic cataracts 90% of the time if they insist the children wear safety eyewear. That's why Prevent Blindness America has declared September as Sports Eye Health and Safety Awareness Month.

At the same time, MDLinx notes that "The depiction of adequate protective eyewear use during eye–risk activities is rare in network scripted broadcast programs. Healthcare professionals and health advocacy groups should continue to work to improve public education about eye injury risks and prevention; these efforts could include working with the television industry to improve the accuracy of the depiction of eye injuries and the proper protective eyewear used for prevention of injuries in scripted programming."

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 6:26 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 1 September 2010 6:48 AM EDT
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