Lindsay's World!!

Welcome to Lindsay's World! I just updated this page majorly on February 23, so enjoy! :)

Alrighty, there's no room in my AIM profile, and it won't let me make a SubProfile, so here's a little bitty for ya:
::nicki jumping behind lindsay with arms flying around head::
Lindsay: "What the hell are you doing?"
Nicki: "I wanna sex you up!" friends are normal...
I need your help...if you're my friend, send me the link to your web page! I'm working on the friend's pages page and I don't remember where everyone's page is! So e-mail me the link at or IM it to me at ZZPG13 if you're not on the site already. Thanks! Oh, and sign my guestbook! :)
Read my Dreambook guestbook!
Sign my Dreambook!
Funny joke that I heard today...lolololol!
There was a little red man who lived in a little red house on a little red street in a little red town. Now this little red man wanted to take a little red shower so he put his little red towel on the little red towel rack. Just as he was about to get in, the little red doorbell rang.
So he put his little red towel around his little red waist and went to the little red door. He opened the little red door and there stood a woman. Just then a big gust of wind came and blew the little red towel away. The woman screamed, ran across the road and got hit by a car.
The moral of the story?
Never run across the road when the little red man is flashing.
HAHAHA well it made me laugh...oh well!

Stuff that's coming soon!!

  • Stuff I Like/Dislike
  • More Pics


Visit my other crappy webpage!
**About Me** (updated 2/23)
Friends From Home
UConn Friends
How I Did On Random Quizzes
Links To My Friend's Web Pages
My Journal
Ok, Steve gets his own page...funny things from the drunk mind of Steve...
**Pics** (updated 2/23)
Answers From Random People To The Question: Do You Concur?
Funny Links
My Dorm Room!!
