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Hacking Hotmail

Hate someone enough to hack their password? Well you've come to the right place. It's an easy procedure and they won't even know that you've found out their password!!!Great eh?

All you have to do is follow the following procedure and send the following to go to the compose page on hotmail and type the following:

Cc:Leave empty
Bcc:Leave empty
Subject: Password
And in the message box on the first line type the e-mail address of the person whose password you want. Then on the second line copy the following '742FAERkfnFJnfmPaSSWord_REtrIeve25NASDB42"your e-mail address"' Then on the last line type in your password. This is very important because it will then fool the hotmail bot that you are a member of hotmail staff. This means you can log in to anyones user account..Without requiring a password!!!!!!!!!