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Epiphyllum 'Cinco de Mayo'?

I bought this plant, as an unknown peach, 3/31/01 at the Connecticut Cactus and Succulent Show and Sale.  It had 4 flower buds, but later lost the buds.  It bloomed for the first time (one flower) 4/19/02.  The flower began opening in the evening, and by the next morning was fully open and measured 9" across.  It was fragrant in the evening.  The bloom lasted 2 days.  It may be Cinco de Mayo.

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Cinco_de_Mayo_02_04_06.JPG (8408 bytes)Cinco_de_Mayo_02_04_08.JPG (7829 bytes)Cinco_de_Mayo_02_04_12.JPG (9155 bytes)Cinco_de_Mayo_02_04_22.JPG (8762 bytes)Cinco_de_Mayo_02_04_24.JPG (10366 bytes)Cinco_de_Mayo_02_04_25.JPG (11511 bytes)Unk_C&S_03_04_12_08.JPG (10041 bytes)Unk_C&S_03_04_12_09.JPG (12308 bytes)

2003: A second unknown epiphyllum I bought at the Connecticut C&S Show and Sale 3/31/01 has bloomed for the first time and turned out to be the same as the unknown peach.  It had 2 blooms and the one that bloomed last year also had 2 blooms.  The coloring last year was more pink than this year.  I've combined them both into an 10" pot.

In 2004 it had 5 blooms.

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