-=DarkKnight=- 3E
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-=DarkKnight=-Clan Server

HI! every one welcome to the -=DarkKnight=- CLan Server this is Genoicde Comeing to tell your that the -=DarkKngiht=- is no more do to the FACT!! that the clan known as C.E.K and -=ColdThugz=- have owned us and totaly DESTROYED!! OUR clan and every thing we have done due to the Fact that they have the power to Crash our SERVERS!! EVEN with crash Proof SERVER there clan is to far ahead then We will ever be so I think it is SMart to Change your names Please!!! Don't try and keep this clan going it will result in GOD! only knows what Ps.. Sh@dow I hope SPud RUNS IN TO YOU YA LIL FUCKIN NOOB IF I OWN U YOUR NOTHING TO SPUD!!!!! SO don't even bother FIGHTING BACK !!!

Here are a list of some of the clan members i never did much shit to this since there isn't much reason to!!

OH! ya if your NOT!! a leaders an shit are not on here simpley because yur to nooby! Later EVERYONE!! Peace OUT!
From: Genocide.......!