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                                    2006 COMING EVENTS – Adrienne & Larry Nelson

Apr 1, Wildflower Dance Sqs & Rds, Kingsland, TX, RDs Adrienne & Larry Nelson, Sqs Joe Saltel, Info: Chuck Templeman 325-388-3513

May 19-21, Branson Blowout Chaparral Square & Round Dance Weekend, Kimberling City, MO, RDs Adrienne & Larry Nelson, SQs Jerry Haag, Ken Bower, Gary Shoemake, Marshall Flippo, Info: Gary Shoemake 865-453-9382

Jun 2-4, Chula Vista Resort Chaparral Shindig Square & Round Dance Weekend, Wisconsin Dells, WI, RDs Adrienne & Larry Nelson, SQs Jerry Haag, Ken Bower, Gary Shoemake, Marshall Flippo, Info: Chula Vista 1-800-388-4782, ext. 5404 or 5405

Jun 9-11, Minnesota State Sq & Rd Dance Convention, St. Cloud, MN,  RD’s Adrienne & Larry Nelson

*Jun 18-21, Roundalab Convention, San Antonio, TX

Jun 22-24, 55th NSDC, San Antonio, TX

*Jul 19-22, 30th URDC Convention, Winston-Salem, NC

Aug 4-6, 38th Annual Illini Sq & Rd Dance Weekend, Champaign-Urbana, IL, RDs Adrienne & Larry Nelson, SQs Jerry Haag and Gary Shoemake, Info: Sherry Haag 307-632-2749 or 307-630-4950

*Aug 6-10, Round-A-Rama, W. Lafayette, IN

*Aug 13-16, 7th Ozark Round Dance Vacation PH III-IV-V Week A, Best Western Inn of the Ozarks, Eureka Springs. AR,  Clinicians: Adrienne & Larry Nelson, Info: 956-783-5787 (TX), 319-476-3446 (IA), 515-480-6889 (cell),

*Aug 20-23, 7th Ozark Round Dance Vacation PH III-IV-V Week B, Best Western Inn of the Ozarks, Eureka Springs. AR,  Clinicians: Adrienne & Larry Nelson, Info: 956-783-5787 (TX), 319-476-3446 (IA), 515-480-6889 (cell),

*Aug 27-30, 7th Ozark Round Dance Vacation PH IV-V-VI, Best Western Inn of the Ozarks, Eureka Springs. AR,  Clinicians: Adrienne & Larry Nelson, Info: 956-783-5787 (TX), 319-476-3446 (IA), 515-480-6889 (cell),

*Sep 8-9, DRDC Fall Mtg. Chattanooga, TN, Nelson’s Teach Ph 5 Dance

*Sep 10-16, 80th Accent on Rounds PH III-VI, Fontana Dam, NC, Brent & Judy Moore, Kay & Joy Read and Larry & Adrienne Nelson, Info: John & Peg Kincaid 301-935-5227

*Oct 6-8, MRDA 50th Annual Show Me State Festival, Capital Ritz, Jefferson City, MO,



*Denotes All Round Dance Event