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Christopher's 2004 CAAP Website

Glenn Cassis
I met up with Glenn Cassis and got the 411 on him. Glenn was born on Nov.11 in Jamacia Queens, New York. Glenn really liked baseball and football. Glenn is a twin that his brother was born later. Both of his parents are West Indians. Unfortunatly, his father died when he was 12. Glenn,at18,attended Uconn University in Storrs,CT. He joined Uconn football but left due to his injuries. Glenn recived his masters degree in fine arts. Later, after graduation, Glenn moved to Michigan and married his wife (name is unknown). He stayed in Michigan for at least 4 years. Glenn had 2 kids, 1 boy, and 1 girl. The 2 siblings were 3 years and 1 day apart. Glenn is involved in a program that raises guide dogs. Glenn is involved in a program that raises guide dogs. Glenn raises German Shepards. Two of his dogs didn't make it so he got to keep them. Well, I got to go Christopher Williams

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