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A Law Enforcement Officer's Guide to Testifying Effectively in Court 

by James M. Vukelic, J.D.

"A Law Enforcement Officer's Guide to Testifying Effectively in Court"

(Carolina Academic Press, 188 pp., copyright 2003)

The gavel bangs. "All rise! The District Court is now in session, the Honorable James Vukelic presiding." "Thank you. Please be seated. Mr. Prosecutor, you may call your first witness." A law enforcement officer may dread hearing those words more than taking the most dangerous street assignment.

After an arrest, the major concern of most law enforcement officers is how to obtain the right result while making the courtroom experience less traumatic. A Law Enforcement Officer’s Guide to Testifying in Court will take the fear and mystery out of courtroom proceedings. Through it, officers will learn how to become excellent witnesses, what to anticipate during cross-examination, tricks used by lawyers at trial, and much more.

With twenty-four years of experience as a trial court judge and prosecutor, James M. Vukelic has practical advice on testifying effectively in court. A Law Enforcement Officer’s Guide to Testifying in Court represents knowledge gained from discussions with thousands of jurors and scores of attorneys, observations from the bench, and research. It is peppered with examples, many of them excerpted from actual trials. Using an informal style, the author shows officers how to shine on cross-examination, use rules of court to their advantage, handle depositions, and improve their communication skills.

A Law Enforcement Officer’s Guide to Testifying in Court describes trial procedures from an insider’s view. Readers are given an extensive list of things to do and refrain from doing while on the witness stand. The tactics used by defense attorneys to discredit witnesses are examined in detail and suggestions given to deal with them. The author explains how officers can best prepare for their day in court and how they can ethically assist the prosecutor in making a stronger case.

This book will take the reader through every step of the judicial process, from writing an arrest report through trial. Both nonverbal and verbal language are addressed. The many examples used are succinct and clear. Whether the reader has never been to court or testified dozens of times, A Law Enforcement Officer’s Guide to Testifying in Court will improve their ability to communicate with judges and juries.

A Law Enforcement Officer’s Guide to Testifying in Court explains what works and what does not in the real world of courtroom trials. When witnesses overcome the natural anxiety of testifying, they are better able to communicate effectively with their intended audience. Supplied with good information, the decision-maker, whether judge or jury, is better able to reach an appropriate verdict. Ultimately, this book will help the judicial system operate more fairly.

This is the only book of its kind written by someone who has worked in the trenches as both a prosecutor and trial court judge. It is also the only book on the subject to incorporate observations from actual jurors. Read this book. You will not be disappointed.

To order A Law Enforcement Officer’s Guide to Testifying in Court send a $25 check or money order (includes shipping and handling) to:

Better Witness
916 W Ave C

Bismarck ND 58501


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