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Married Me



Litchfield, IL

Lewis Harty
Mary Bennett

November 2, 1990
Chicago LDS Temple
 Glenview, IL

Mary and Lewis

November 2, 1990
Chicago LDS Temple
 Glenview, IL

Charles and Dee Bennett,
Mary and Lewis Harty,
Carol and Paul Harty

November 3, 1990
Litchfield, IL

Brent, Paul, Dale, Carol,
Joshua, Nathaniel, Randolph, Lewis, Mary and Adrienne

November 3, 1990
Litchfield, IL

Chuck, Lewis, Mary, Clinton,
Dee Dee, Nora, and Jim


Saturday, February 19, 1996
Glen Carbon IL

Paul, Carol, Lewis, Brent, Randolph, Joshua, Nathaniel, Dale and Adrienne

Saturday, April 27, 1996

Brent Harty
Bethany Winona

Saturday, June 14, 1996
Portland LDS Temple
 Lake Oswego, OR

Bethany and Brent

Saturday, June 14, 1996
Portland LDS Temple
 Lake Oswego, OR

Paul, Carol. Brent, Bethany,
Lyn and Steve


Carol and Nathaniel

Saturday, February 28, 1998
Litchfield, IL

Nathaniel's Eagle
Scout Court of Honor

Paul and Nathaniel

 Wednesday, August 7, 1996
Litchfield, IL

Scout Court of Honor

Lewis, Nathaniel, Joshua,
Dale and Randolph

Three of Our Four Eagle Scouts and Our Two Life Scouts

Saturday, February 28, 1998
Litchfield, IL

Nathaniel's Eagle
Scout Court of Honor

Brent, Randolph, Dale, Paul, Adrienne, Joshua and Nathaniel

Four of Our Five Eagle Scouts and Our One Life Scout

Sunday, September 26, 1999
Edwardsville, IL

Andrew's Baptism

Andrew - b. 23 Sep 1991
Mary - b. 27 June 1970
Elizabeth - b. 17 July 1994
Rachel - b. 2 May 1996
Lewis - b. 13 Oct 1970
Rebecca - b. 28 Jan 1999

November 1999

Tommy - b. 5 Nov 1999
Jacob - b. 31 Aug 1997


Thanksgiving Day
Thursday, November 23, 2000
Litchfield, IL

Paul and Carol; Lewis and Mary, Andrew, Elizabeth, Rachel and Rebecca; Brent and Bethany, Jacob and Thomas; Randolph and Brandy; Joshua, Nathaniel, Dale and Adrienne

Thanksgiving Day
Thursday, November 23, 2000
Litchfield, IL

Paul, Carol, Lewis, Brent, Randolph, Joshua, Nathaniel, Dale and Adrienne

Thanksgiving Day
Thursday, November 23, 2000
Litchfield, IL

Elizabeth, Mary, Andrew, Lewis holding Rebecca, and Rachel

Thanksgiving Day
Thursday, November 23, 2000
Litchfield, IL

Jacob, Brent, Thomas and Bethany

Thanksgiving Day
Thursday, November 23, 2000
Litchfield, IL

Brandy Beger and
Randolph Harty


Wednesday, November 29, 2000
St. Louis, MO

Brandy Beger, J.D.

May 2001
Coos Bay, OR

Tommy, Bethany, Jacob
and Brent

May 22, 2001

Brent - age 29

Receiving Best District
Executive Award

Friday, July 27, 2001
Colonial Heights, VA

Paul and Carol

August 27, 2001
North Bend, OR

Jacob and Tommy


November 14, 2001
North Bend, OR

Brent - age 29
Emeline - one month old today

December 2, 2001
North Bend, OR

Tommy, Bethany, Brent,
Emeline and Jacob

Late October 2002
Springfield, OR

Tommy - b. 5 Nov 1999
 Bethany - b. 12 Dec 1975
Emeline - b. 14 Oct 2001
Brent - b. 21 Apr 1972
Jacob- 31 Aug 1997

Late October to
22 December 2002
Alberta, Canada?!?

The Harty Family Reunion
That Never Was!

L to R: Randolph Harty and Brandy Begen, J.D., of St. Louis, MO; Dale, Adrienne, and Nathaniel Harty of Fayetteville, NC; Becca, Mary, Andrew, Rachel, Lewis, and Elizabeth Harty of Livingston, IL; Paul, Carol, and Joshua Harty of Fayetteville, NC; and Tommy, Bethany, Emeline, Brent, and Jacob Harty of Springfield, OR.


Sunday, March 2, 2003
Fayetteville, NC

Adrienne, Nathaniel, Dale,
Paul and Carol

Dale's Ordination as Elder

Spring 2003
Livingston, IL


Spring 2003
Livingston, IL


Spring 2003
Livingston, IL


Birth of Our Eighth Grandchild!
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
Springfield, OR

Joe - two weeks old

Tuesday, August 26, 2003
Springfield, OR

Joe - two weeks old

Blessing of Our Eighth Grandchild!

Sunday, September 7, 2003
Springfield, OR

Monday, November 17, 2003
Fayetteville, NC

Dale reading his call to serve in the California Carlsbad LDS Mission - Spanish Speaking

Monday, November 17, 2003
Fayetteville, NC

Paul, Dale, Carol,
and Adrienne


"Some of us are parents, and some are grandparents.  Grandparents have empty nests. 
Such emptyings are part of the plan, of course.  Yet, since our flocks have left their nests,
we find ourselves remembering and savoring precious days now irrevocably past. 
We listen in vain but with eager ears for children's voices
we once thought too shrill, too constant - even irritating. 
Yet that cacophony of children, which we once called noise, was actually
sweet music - a sound we yearn to hear again if we but could."

- Neal A. Maxwell, April 2002

"Your mother or your husband's mother may live with you, and you will do well to show her all possible respect.
But let her on no account have the least share in the management of your children.
She will undo all that you have done; she will give them their own will in all things.
She will humor them to the destruction of their souls if not their bodies".

- John Wesley

This quotation courtesy of Joe Madagan - 06/07/04.
Thanks, Joe!  That IS indeed the main responsibility of grandmothers!  HAHAHA!!!