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This is my picture page. It's got pictures of my friends, etc...but not so much of me, being I'm not much to look at (Shut up Kevin and Dylan).

New pictures are labled with *'s

Prom Pictures (from Kevin's Jr. prom)

jenkev--This is Kevin and I before his junior prom, in front of my old house in Corning, NY.

3stooges--Left to Right: Brandon in his pimp tux, Marcus looking good as usual, and Kevin being his normal gorgeous and hottie self all posing for a large number (*groan*) of pictures at the park in Corning, NY.

promfount--Stacey and Brandon, Marcus and Steph, and me and Kevin stand in front of the newish fountain in the park in Corning,'s a perfect park for picture-taking, really...

patandy--ahh Pat and Andy at the prom, they're a couple of goofs huh?  :-)


Jess--My best friend (next to Dylan) of now nine years and running, Jessica, is being her goofy self at Keuka Lake in New York.

Dev--Aww...this is Dev at her semi formal a few years ago...a little old but she's still as pretty if not more.

Moe'n'puppy--Maureen, who to her friends is Moe, is pictured here with her furball Lenny :) He's cute huh? She's beautiful (makes me sick :Þ). I met she and Dev at Lake Compounce this summer, when Dylan and I came to CT for a week visit before I moved.

funky2--This would be called funky because when I got it, originally the colors were inverted. I changed them so it's normal now, and Karabear ;-) Cute isn't she?

CarolineMoe--This is the CUTEST pic!  Moe at Dev's house holding her little sister Caroline.  Caroline is so cute, unless of course, she wants you to get off the which case she will pick up the extension and say "Get off!" of "GoodBYE!"

Kevin--this is my ex-boyfriend/bud...who knows where, with a big statue.  Finally something taller than he :-)

CrazyMom--Ahh isn't it great when mom's can actually be COOL?  This would be my mother, at the block party where I live now, wearing Kevin's hat, and being a nut, while Kevin takes advantage of this and shoots.

DylanCam--Aww look it's Dylan and Sondr---err Dylan and Cameron before (or after) Choristers.  ;-)

B4Choristers--Cameron, Marcus, Neil and Dylan before (or after, I dunno) Choristers, taken by Brandon.

HeatherJen--aww, are we cute or what?  Heather and I are sitting on the steps of the house where all the Karaoke action was going on that night of the block party.  Kevin is such a good photographer wouldn't you say?

JoeJenHeather--from left to right: Heather (aka Joe), me, and Heather at my house in Corning during a visit there.

Moe--ahh the ever beautiful Moe, looking very cute.  I'm not sure exactly when this was taken but that's ok.

Moe2--Don't you LOVE taking those pictures when you're just like hangin with your buds and they're those goof off pics that are so much fun to take but so scary to look at?  Well this is one of those, only Moe had nothing to be scared of looking at this one, she's gorgeous as usual.

Moe3--I particularly like this one of Moe sitting on a bench.  Beware, it's HUGE!

smoochie--Hehe Jessica loves me, this is another Jessica, a freshman at Harvard on the Hill now, and she took and sent this to about 11:00pm 10-10-99 and I as I put it up it's 11:10pm 10-10-99. hehehe  gotta love a QuickCam

glasses--Jessica with her glasses on, just a-chillin.

littlemoe--Aww!!! I squealed SO hard when I saw it.  This is Moe when she's four, and her big brothers from left to right, John and Steven.

DevMoeMeg--This would be a photo of Dev, and Moe, and that stupid Megan girl who thinks she's cool but really isn't.  She wishes she was Brittany Spears...can you tell?

Mads99--This is the cover I so cleverly made (that took like 2 hours on Paint Shop Pro3) for my copy of the East High Madrigals CD.

Attitude--heh awww my little brother JJ is trying to give me attitude as a snap a shot of him in the car on the way to Naugatuck from Corning

CassRob--*squeals*  Aren't Cassie and Rob adorable?!

Danweird--this is an interesting picture of Dan.  Maybe he's just being himself.  I don't know...

DylanJengrin--heh someone remarked to me today that I look like I'm saying "Ok now get out so we can...y'know" in this pic...

DylanJenJJfoot--this would be a cute pic if I wasn't cracking up, my brother's foot wasn't in the middle and Dylan didn't look like he was ready to shoot himself out of his own misery...ok so this pic basically sucks.  Don't blame me:  JJ took it.

DylanJenohmy--just look.  I think it's cute, some say they wish they could see what came next (what THEY thought came next anyway)

DylanJensmile--I like this picture, it's cute...Dylan and I are just so damn cute!

DylanJenStare--well yeah this is Dylan and I again.  Can you tell I'm getting lazy with these descriptions?  I still have about fifteen to go...

DylanMouse--The first of a series of three pictures of my boyfriend, Dylan, and his adorable baby...err Mouse.  She's a cat, yes, not a large mouse, morons.

DylanMouse2--see above

DylanMouse3--see above (I apologize, guys..for my lack of creativity but I have to leave for Corning in twenty minutes and I still have a lot of this to do)

HeatherCass--Heather and Cassie looking cute as ever

HeatherNid--Heather and Nidhi in Chemistry class...also visible, John and Matt in the background playing cards against school rules, and Justin on the right.

JackieLauren--Jackie and Lauren posing in English class--YES IT IS FIFTH PERIOD, MATT!

lunchtime--ahh yes...John's middle finger graces us at lunch everyday, and now I'm allowing you to share the magic...

lunchtime2--and again...

lunchtime3--and oh look it's John's middle finger AGAIN...

MarkJustin--this is a rather interesting picture...yes it's my favorite one.  This is Mark W. and Justin on Justin's "Dark Side" Day.  His style changes often.  This consists of Mark holding Justin on a chain which attaches to his leash and yeah just...don't ask.

Mattlunch--Matt R. a good buddy of mine, posing real quick for Heather to take a picture.  This is during lunch...notice the sub and chips...and I think a drink...

NicoleJJ--My brother and his friend, Nicole, standing in the doorway of my parents' bedroom at the old house, tantilizing Dylan and I as we try to talk.

RobDan--Rob and Dan during their band period looking um...wize?  LoL I guess that's the word...

Thorhomework--Ohhh the infamous Thor doing his homework and willingly smiling for a quick snapshot taken by Heather.

ZirolliStud--Matt Z graces us all with his studly presence in the band room.

SeniorKevin--Holy shit, he's hot.  That's all I have to say...oh and...damn I miss that!  This would be one of Kevin's senior pictures...cuz like...damn he's hot.

HeatherJen2--Yet another picture of Heather and I being so damn cute it's just not even funny.  Yeah, this is us in English class. FIFTH PERIOD, MATT.  :)

Fliptease--Heh, that's a clever name isn't it?  I complain that I don't get a close up on the FlipSEE cam, due to it's positioning and he gives me one.  Thanks Dyl, you are a hottie, you are.  heh

Lake Compounce--this is where I met Dev and Moe for the first time.  Being the wimp I am, I was scared of being left out, just because they'd known each other longer, so I dragged Dylan along.

DevJen--This is the first of the series of pictures that Moe or Dev took of the group at the entrance of Lake Compounce, when they were about to leave.  That was a really fun day.  The name, is self explanitory, needs to introduction of who's in it.

DylanMoe--Aren't they the most adorable two you've ever seen?!  I think they make a cute couple...heh so does my little brother, whadda you think?

DylanJen--Two peas in a pod, we're best friends...and for some reason Moe felt the need to snap a shot of *us* together...I guess cuz she doesn't see us together all the time like we used to.

DylanJen2--All I can do is laugh.  Moe wanted a pic so she got one...only she took it a little too soon, so he's in mid-catch.  That would be my creative work in the pose though, thankyouverymuch.  It was like *jump/*catch* QUICK MOE!  TAKE THE PIC BEFORE I FALL!

MackinSun--Hmm...don't you guys all wish you were him...mackin it up with a hottie named Moe, and usually look a lot better, but anyway, see for yourself.  I'm sure you'll agree.

MoeJenWorkers--Thanks a lot Dev, it's all YOUR fault that Moe and I are stuck in a pic with Ugly Guy #1 and Ugly Guy #2 that worked at Compounce...

Pictures From East High School Performances

lsohcast--Once upon a time East High School in Corning, NY put on a musical by the name of Little Shop of Horrors. I have a few friends in this cast but since I'm much too lazy to list them...guess how about?

Kevgirls--ok, this would be Kevin as Mr. Mushnik in East High School's performance of Little Shop of Horrors, along with the DooWap girls, in no particular order, Sondra (as Ronnette), Lynne (as Lorena), Sarah (as Rose), Georgia (as Crystal), Anne (as Chiffon) and Erin (as Orlanda) during the song "It Couldn't Be Happening/Ya Never Know"  Oh he did such a good job :-)

KevDan--Kevin and Dan (as Seymour Krelbourne) in the end pose of "Mushnik and Son" in Little Shop of Horrors.

Algirls--Alex and the DooWap Girls again, in ordert this time, from left to right: Georgia, Sondra, Alex (Orin Scrivello D.D.S.) Anne, Sarah, and Erin.  Lynne would be missing from this pic.

Greasyfool--Kevin and I backstage during Grease!...s'cuse his stage make-up on both of our faces... Ahh the flashbacks I get looking at this picture...

everybody--end pose of the Hand Jive Dance Contest in East High's Grease!  Good job guys, looking good, cept we are missing Teresa (as Patty Simcox) on the end VERY FAR LEFT.

dancing--this would be a picture of a bunch of random people in East High's performance of Grease! during the Hand Jive scene

Pippin Pics (Naugatuck Teen Theater 2001)*

ChapelatArles--Ian as Charlemagne and Steve "Dex" as Pippin right before Pippin kills Charlemagne for the throne in the musical "Pippin".  This pic is from the Naugatuck News (a local newspaper)

CharliesAngels--Mike "Shickie", Derek, and Dex posing as Charlie's Angels as Ian sits comfortably in the purple inflatable chair posed as Mary does at the end of the song "Kind of Woman". cute.  I snapped a shot of Derek and Megan at Maggie McFly's after Saturday night's performance of Pippin.

DerekJenMike--We are SO cute.  This would be me mackin' it up with Mike Shove and Derek.

DerekKiss--How sweet...Derek wanted me to match him, so he followed my lead and kissed my cheek with his lipstick still on from the show.

Erin--She's so cute, that's all I can say...and sweet enough to pause for a picture while putting on her makeup before a show.

Finale--This is another picture from the Naugy News...we're gathered around Pippin, trying to get him to "jump in that box and set (himself) on fire" for our Grand Finale.

FrancescaBoys--Francesca mackin' it with Matt and Derek.

Georgina--A bit self explanitory isn't it?  This would be Georgina advertising the perfume she nearly gagged me with when she sprayed a lot too much on me.

GeorginaJenMary--The three of us decided we were bored during a rehearsal so we slipped out into the hall and made J.J. take a picture of us.

IanFran--This is so UN-Francesca like, but...this is Francesca, grabbing Ian's non-existant breast while sticking her tongue out and Ian being his normal spazzy self.

IanStraws--For some reason Ian felt the need to try to suck down his root beer with seven I yelled his name and when he looked up, I snapped a shot.  Not too shabby if you ask me :-)

JenErinMary--Also self explanitory, but here we are...Me, Erin, and Mary before a show.  Poor Erin, that's TWICE I've interrupted her putting on her makeup...

JenFans--This would be me posing with the Jen Ferreira Fan Club.  Clockwise from top left: Laura, (me), Jeramie, Kiersten, Francesca, Erin, Kristen, and Sarah.

JenMary--Me and Mary posing together after a show.

JenMary2--Mary and I posing together in costume before a show.

KindofWoman--Mary as Catherine from "Pippin" singing her introductory solo "Kind of Woman" with doowop girls (from left to right) Jackie, Kiersten, and Anneliese.   (this is also from the Naugy News)

MakeupRoom--Mary stole my camera and took it into the makeup room where she captured Jeramie being a diva in half of his makeup, Anneliese showin' a bit of attitude and Kiersten (in the middle) looking as though she was simply caught in the crossfire.

Mary--Just Mary chillin in the "sex room" before a show.

MikeLemon--Mike eating a lemon (see the wonderful facial?) as Georgina looks on in disgust.

PippinGirls--Top Row: Anneliese, Mary, me, Francesca.  Bottom Row: Georgina being a spaz.

PippinGroup--I know this one is small, I'm sorry, but this is a group of the cast members posing together at the end of the last show.  Top Row: Me, Dex, Catherine, Matt.  Middle Row: Anneliese, Mary, Francesca.  Bottom Row: Kim, Georgina, Ian (must he ALWAYS be spazzerriffic???)

PippinGroup2--Mary and Georgina scoot into the picture of Ian holding Mike Shove "close to his heart" as Derek tries to peek over Georgina's head rather unsuccessfully.

SarahErinKristen--Looks to me like Sarah and Erin are talking about some boy they may have met while squealing excitedly and trying hard not to jump up and down while Kristen puts some last minute braids in Erin's hair as the stage manager calls "Places!"

SteveAttack--Hey, what'd we ever do to you, buddy?!  This is Dex attacking Erin and I, as I put pigtails in her hair, with the spray bottle that you can't see...

SteveAttack2--Dex has found a plastic bat...look out!

SteveHide--Dex trying to hide from Mary as she tries to snap a shot of him changing into his Pippin costume behind a row of boxes he's set up.

SteveJen--Dex and I...or should I say Pippin and Fastrada (being that we're both in full costume...?) posing before a show.

SteveMary--Mary hugs Dex as he tries to act as though he's been touched by the moment...or...something...

SteveMary2--I made Dex be normal this time.  Dex and Mary posing sweetly at Maggie McFly's after Saturday night's show.

SteveMary3--Maybe this should be in the SteveAttack series...Steve looking as though he's about to try to choke Mary to death as she bursts into a fit of giggles and bats him away.

SteveMikes--Hehe, DOGPILE ON SHICKIE!!!  Shick being laid on by Dex, who's being laid on by Shove.  Shove looks pretty comfy if you ask me :-)
