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Paintball! It's recognized as one of the world's most exciting outdoor participation sports.

Paintball is played in over 50 countries by millions of people, of different ages and lifestyles. Whether high-school students or homemakers, professionals or retirees, all paintball players share in common a love for adventure and a strong competitive spirit.

Paintball is a sport played by people from all professions and life styles. It is a sport where women and men compete equally, and where age is not dominated by youth. Physical size and strength are not as important as intelligence and determination.

(Tippmann Model 98 semi-auto, JT USA head protection system.)

Paintball is a recreation and an organized sport played year around. In it's simplest form, paintball brings together two opposing teams competing at a game of capture the flag.

The game is played with a pneumatic air gun which propels a biodegradable gelatin capsule. These capsules break on impact leaving a "Splat" of (washable) water soluble paint. A game is won when a player successfully returns the opponents flag to their own teams flag station. Games last around 20 minutes allowing 8-14 games to be played during a 4 hour session. All games are professionally refereed to insure player safety and fair play.

People from all walks of life play paintball because size and muscular statue are not a decisive factor. Teamwork combined with common sense, strength of purpose and desire are the most important winning factors

Like a game of chess, being able to think quickly and decisively is what makes you a star.

Paintball also is a character-building sport. Players learn the importance of teamwork and gain self-confidence while developing leadership abilities.

Paintball is an exciting sport, and above all paintball is fun! It's a chance to shake off your day-to-day responsibilities and rekindle your spirit of adventure.

Once the adrenaline starts pumping, you can't help but love the thrill of the game!

Anyone can be a hero!


My Team here in Connecticut is called Team Fear. It is a 5 and 3 man novice team and we compete in tournaments. We have all been playing paintball for a little more than 4 years now. We all Have Tricked out Spyders and Tricked out Spyder compacts, and one team member (the co-captain/sniper) has a tricked out Tippmann 68-carbine (he is now getting a new gun, a 2001 Sleeper Autococker by Pro Team). We have put a lot of money into our paintball guns and equiptment and do a lot of recreational play. Our goal is to one day go to the Zap International Amatuer Open in Pennsylvania and win the championship. It takes hard work to become a championship paintball team and we are working hard to get there. We are looking for team members between the ages of 12 and 18 who live in Connecticut and Massachusettes and want to particapate in team events with us. We will take unexperienced players, even if you have never played paintball before you can still join the team, we will teach you how to play. If you decide to join, e-mail me and tell me your name, number, and location. My e-mail link is at the bottom of the page. So join Team Fear, the team of the new Millenium!


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High Quality Paintball Web Sites

National Paintball Supply
Liberty Paintball-Home Field
