NAPS Executive Board,


Tomorrow Morning (Thurs. 1/30) at 10 AM, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Reform will be marking up a new version of S. 1486, The Postal Reform Act. This bill is a revised version of the proposal that Senators Carper and Coburn proposed in 2013. During the markup, Senators will be offering various amendments, including an amendment by Senator Mark Pryor (D-AR) that extends MSPB appeal rights to all EAS employees, a measure that NAPS has been championing for some time.


In preparation for the hearing, NAPS has made available the following resources on the Legislative Section of the website;


The section by section summary of the bill provided by the Committee:


The full text of the discussion draft:


In addition, Bruce Moyer’s latest legislative update provides background for the events surrounding the markup-


If you are able to watch the markup, you can do so at the Subcommittee’s website: .  In addition, for those of you who use Twitter, please follow us at @postalsupervisors where NAPS will be livetweeting the proceedings.


Thank you for your ongoing work towards pushing Postal Reform forward.


NAPS Headquarters