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Ethiopian Children’s and Orphans’ Association, Inc. (ECOA) was established in Hartford, CT in 1997. The ECOA was founded by Demerew Yohannes with the help of generous individauls and non-profit organizations. The ECOA is incorporated under the law of state of Connecticut and was recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a non profit organization exempt from income tax under section501(c )(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The main office for ECOA is located in Hartford, CT, which will soon move to Waltham, Massachusetts. The organization welcomes the membership of and contribution from any individual and entity. The ECOA bylaw contains rules and regulations of the organization. The founder Mr. Demerew Yohannes is the present chairperson of the board of directors and will direct all adminstration activities of the organization.

The ECOA is administrated by committed volunteers, who are fully prepared to do everything they can to help children in Ethiopia. Currently, all board members of ECOA are valunteers, donating their time and resources to administrate the organization. Therefore, 90% percent of all financial contributions will go directly to the projects we set to assist children and orphans in Ethiopia. All donated materials will be shipped to Ethiopia and distributed to those who are in need the most. The ECOA will only use 10% of the revenue from donations for overhead cost. Presently, the ECOA has over 100 members in United States, Canada, Ethiopia and Australia.

The ECOA has joined other organization in the effort to help Ethiopian children and will continue to work with other organization toward achieving its mission. In the past, the ECOA has worked with The Hope for Rural Children & Orphans (HORCO) a non-profit organization based in Ethiopia with similar mission as the ECOA. In November of 2000, the ECOA took part in the First International AIDS conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The founder and president of ECOA Demerew Yohannes was one of the honorary speakers at the conference. Since it was establishment the ECOA has manage to help large number of homeless children in Ethiopia with food, clothing and medical treatment. In August 1998 ECOA sponsored a 22 years old college student to come to the United States and receive a much needed heart surgery. This was a surgery that the student unable to receive in Ethiopia. Also the organization has collected various donation items and distributed to many needy children.

Our purpose for the ECOA is to function as a charitable organization to help unfortunate children and orphans in Ethiopia. The ECOA will provide children with food, health care and cloth as well as improving their access to education, clean shelter, drinking water and sanitation. We intend to aid community development projects in Ethiopia whose interest focus upon the well being of children.

Our mission for the ECOA is to help poor children in Ethiopia, who are effected the most by the difficult conditions in the country. We are dedicated to improve the poor quality of social services available for children in Ethiopia. Most of all, we will provide them with resources they need to create better future for themselves. We will initiate programs and provide professional assistance to children without parents and living on the street. The ECOA will work with philanthropists and other organizations around the world to achieve its mission.

The future of Ethiopia depends on the well being of Ethiopian children today. Our vision at the ECOA is to enable Ethiopian children overcome poverty and secure lasting improvement in the quality of their living standard. The ECOA is committed to building the capacity to not only help Ethiopian children survive but also help them thrive. We are deternined to give unfortunate children in Ethiopian the chance to grow into responsible, productive and happy individuals.

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