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X-Men: The Movie

The X-Men Movie is something that X-Fans have been clamouring for for years, and Marvel has been promising for just as long. And the movie is worth incredible. It brings the X-Men to life the way no cartoon series could. Patrick Stewart as Professor Xavier (could anyone else play him? no)seems initially to be the best cast actor for the part, but comming hard on that is Hugh Jackman, who plays Wolverine like no one else could. They look pulled from the comic books, though the other cast members are less perfect, from the fanatic's point of view. Jean is different, in several ways, as is Toad and Sabertooth.

It's not the origional five X-Men, and ages have been messed with, but it's true to the characters.

The best part is that I was finally able to see Xavier's School the way it should always have been depicted in the comics and never was. It is full of students of the actual student age group, attending actual classes. The scene showing everyone playing outside is priceless. The Dream could become reality.

I'm going to take a few of the characters and either rant or gush over them now:

All the X-Men

All the Villians

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