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What is so cool about iceman is not his power. In fact, his power, while interesting, isn't that spectacular. What is cool is his sense of humor, which he always keeps. In that, he's much like Spiderman, trading quips in the middle of a fight. And when he's paired with his friend and teammate Beast, you know that humor is in the works.

Some really good quotes:
Iceman: “Is it me, Pete--or are we the only team in the world without a transporter beam?” (Uncanny X-Men #294)

Post to Iceman: "You are getting more skilled in the use of your powers every day. I almost regret having to kill you.' Iceman: "Then don't. I certainly won't say anything." (X-Men #50)

Iceman: "Note: Ask Scott the trick to getting people to listen to him." (X-Men #69)

Iceman: "Hate to burst your bubble, dearie...but Deathbird, for all her faults - and boy, is that a list - was ruler of her own fate! She was a queen! You sound like just another cheap flunky!" Deathbird: "You dare mock me!?" Iceman: "With a vengeance!" (X-Men #96)

"Hey, when was the last time this thing was defrosted? You poor, poor ice cubes. Daddy's here..." (from Uncanny X-Men #358)

Links to Fan Sites:
Great Iceman Fan Site

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