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Catrin Moore

Full Name: Catrin Elanora Moore

Born: 19th December, 213, in Tream, Menilan

Siblings: Serena (207), Noah (208)

Parents: Jarson Moore, Helena Castere

Earliest Memory: Dressing a statue of Elanora, the elated goddess, in doll's clothes.

Worst Memory: Conner Dumarn, her great friend and first "crush", and his death in Pasege fortress, Syriana.

First Love: Is "obsessed" with Jareth Caverton for nearly a year and believes she is in love with him.

Race/Province: Human/Lanian

TSP Alignment: Neutral Evil

Married: To Joren Linde, a Nulian merchant, on 30th June, 233, in Athby, Januli.

Children: Joren (234), Maren (237), Conner (238), Allax (240).

Died: 28th February, 267, in Aleyn, Januli


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