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Last Updated: November 4 2001
Hi Everyone and welcome to Arabian World! Arabian World is a fun an pretty much an interative site. So have fun!

Ok... updating Arabian World is becoming less.But yes! I finally updated!! OMG! lol i feel so proud! I updated Bareback survey and Horselover a month (a lil bit).. but i might have to close the surveys because of the time i have to update! the moment i am trying VERY hard so that Arabian World doesnt look so messy as it does now.. ahhh be thankful i am updating!I might even add another article *shock shock*
Oh yes... Somebody sent me an e-mail saying ohh.. gee there nothing to do on Arabian World and theres no links or any thing! *snore* They went to the wrong address.. Please! They went to the angelfire adress (http:/ when yur suppose to go to .. thats the page with the frames


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