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My thoughts... or My Truth

Theere is not much i can say... all i can do is share with you the wisdom i already have...

"schizo sky: What we do is what we think Why we feel for what there is, nothing more to me is there is to you Pain we seek is our fate, for life is sad. Sad is nothing but crys in a lost and distance blackness for not what i know. We know nothing for what is there to know in a world of death, for they know nothing cause they see us not as we are but the way we look. why are we different we are all people. no matter beliefs, no matter the death. what we seek is for our likeing not for thoes who entangle us in there lies. What we feel is because that is who we are, if we are not wanted by others then why should we want them. There is no answers to what happens in a world of the lost and unseen, for all i know is what is there not what is unseen. For now i see what life is and wish for death cause that is all that is seen. i feel as though im twisted into a a life of pain. for nothing matters to thoes who bring forth the pain cause they are all but followers of that what they bring. With an ending to my life shall bring them joy for not what is now is what should be then. Life apon a dark and twisted road i shall travel into dark. what lies ahead is lost but what lies behind is known. for now we see nothing but pain cause all that is brought is that pain they seek. now there is no life with what i speak only words to thoes who listen."

i have alot more to say, but don't have the time right now... check back for updates...
