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Anis Zunuzi Baha'i School

He that bringeth up his son or the son of another, it is as though he hath brought up a son of Mine;

upon him rest My glory, My loving-kindness, My mercy, that have compassed the world.

About the School Potential Goals News & Current Projects

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About The School

Anis Zunuzi officially opened its doors in October 1980. It presently comprises kindergarten, primary and middle classes up to grade eight. It has a student population of 200 with capacity for at least 300. It follows the national curriculum but also provides moral education and English classes. It is situated on about three acres of land on the outskirts of the capital city, Port-au-Prince. When the school was first established, the area was definitely rural and underdeveloped. People would take a donkey to market because their was no public transportation. Electricity and telephone were non-existent. Now the whole area is under construction with both private homes and businesses. The arable land is no longer being worked due to lack of water and lack of initiative on the part of the youth who prefer to find other means of employment that are easier and probably more lucrative.


1. The site is an oasis in a hot and dusty area. It is a vast green and beatiful. The buildings have recently been repaired and are in beatiful shape. It lends itself to holding many gatherings that will proclaim the Faith in action.

2. Ongoing teacher training has been a part of Anis Zunuzi's program for many years. Most of the staff from the surrounding area which provides an excellent oppurtunity to gain community cooperation and intergration. Because of generous contributions from friends of the school, the salaries are able to compete with schools in the area as well as some in town.

3. There is sufficient land to promote gardening either for production of trees, vegetables, fruits, and/or decorative purposes. As part of some extracurricular activities gardening was offered on Saturday afternoons during the first trimester of this present school year, but only four or five students took advantage of this oppurtunity. Many students and their families have a prejudice against tilling the soil.

4. The school council has been functioning for 18 years and has gained considerable Experience in management. It is also responsible for three other primary schools in the provinces and is now at the point of building a new structure for each of these schools and has recently rehabilitated the third.

5. Extracurricular activities are offered at times in sewing, cooking, and model airplanes. A recent career day attracted 13 people representing many different professions and skills, as well as 100 students from five other schools. This event was an attempt to serve the youth in our community by giving them the oppurtunity of conserving with people from different walks of life as they attempt to determine their own path.

6. Sharing what has been learned in a particular way that will facilitate the other communities opening their own schools.

Goals For The Future

1. The development of Baha i inspired curricula, taught by teachers that are self-motivated and inspired to serve the Faith and the community.

2. A technical section that will meet the neeeds of those who wish to pursue a trade or skill.

3. Use of the land to provide a source of food for the students as well as a learining experience.

4. More involvement with the parents and the community so that the school will be perceived as theirs and they will take initiative and protect and develop it.

5. Developing the service program.

6. Revamp the curriculum so that it takes advantage of all the wonderful developments available in knowledge, technology, methods, and materials.

7. Utilization of the space and grounds to the maximum while at the same time keeping the warm environment, the beauty of the grounds, and buildings.

Links to News, Society, and culture of Haiti.

The American Community College of Haiti

Art of Haiti

Links to Information on Haiti

Baha'i Faith - Discover Baha'u'llah

Baha'i Resources on the Internet

Map of Haiti

If you have any questions, comments, or would like to give us a helping hand, please e-mail us at:


We appreciate all your support, Thanks!

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