Statement of Purpose: We come together with a Christian philosophy to educate our children at home, but we welcome all who are interested in homeschooling. Our families come together to offer friendship and support in methods, curriculum, activities, discipline, to share ideas, moral support, and other things related to homeschooling. We enjoy monthly meetings and a wide range of activities for our children.
Welcome! Whether you are thinking about homeschooling or have made the decision to do so, we hope the information provided in this web site will answer most of your questions about Sleeping Giant Homeschoolers. Serving homeschoolers in Branford, Cheshire, East Haven, Hamden, Meriden, New Haven, North Haven, Southington, Wallingford, West Haven and surrounding towns throughout Connecticut, we offer support for parents, field trips and classes for children, and annual events for the whole family, such as presentation nights, an international fair, and science and math fairs.
If you are interested in home schooling, you can join our free email list at yahoogroups. Just send an email to:
Or, you can join our free email list by going to:
For further information about homeschooling or about our support group, email to:Sleeping Giant Homeschoolers
Please save your Box Tops for Education coupons and bring them to our monthly meetings to help support our Sleeping Giant Homeschooling group.
Important Message from the Webmaster: There is an old obsolete "Sleeping Giant Homeschooling" web site (dated May 2000) at Unfortunately, the information listed here is wrong and outdated. If anyone knows who created that obsolete web site, then please forward the contact information to me at webmaster.
Events / Notes from Meetings / Newsletter / Links / Committee Members / Miscellaneous
Send questions and comments about homeschooling to:
Sleeping Giant Homeschoolers.
Last Updated: 9/1/2005 AD
Please note that this web site is always under construction and needs updating continuously. Please send any website comments and suggestions to webmaster.
© 2004 Sleeping Giant Homeschoolers