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Nala's Nursery

Welcome to my nursery!! I'm very pleased that you want to adopt an animal or two! You have MANY choices from a Rhino to a Tyrannosaurus Rex! So, feel free to look around and adopt the pet that you most like! There will be some more animals added later on, so you should check back every now and then to see the new adoptees! When you have chosen an animal to adopt, just click on my e-mail button and tell me what animal you want to adopt and why you want to adopt that animal. Also, please tell me how you found my site. Well, I hope you take an animal home before you leave here. Oh, and one more thing, please don't STEAL the animals. They don't like it when people just steal them. Another note: This page is VERY Graphic Intense!! The pictures are NOT thumbnails of the larger images. *NOTE*: I will not be able to authorize any adoptions between the days of June 25th to July 9th as I will be on vacation.

Nala, owner of the Nursery.

The above buttons will take you to the designated animals. Please adopt an animal!! They need good homes!!

Click above on the Simba's World button to go to my Home Page!
