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Cheesecake for Peace and Other Social Thoughts

I have to apologize right off the bat for all these ads. I have no justification for them except that I am cheap. Yes, cheap... I hate to use the word "poor" as I am probably richer than most of the worlds population, however by North American standards, I live way below the poverty line, as I am a student.

But, this page isn't about or for myself, it is for those who want to start looking to fulfill that inner desire to do something more, to help those less fortunate, to make the world a better place. The site isn't fancy, and I don't have the patience or knowledge to make it so. It is simply a point of beginning... I want this site to be incomplete, to make you want to find out more, for you to want to take the next level of inquest to help improve the lives of others.

"One person can't make a difference!", you may state, thinking that to be true. However, with each person who doesn't bother to do something to make our world less cold, greedy, pollutant, and power hungry, it increases the proportion of effect that everyone else makes. So, with our rapidly increasing lethargy and apathy in our society, it is more and more important every day to pick up a cause, sign a petition or write a letter for a cause that you truly believe in. Everyone has one, they may not have found it yet, and those people are who this page is for. You can call me Utopian, but at least I still have faith in all the causes everyone else gave up on.

Unsure of where to start? Check out the Cheesecake Links at the bottom of the page to start your search, the pages are easily identified into categories. Want a project to review, get your feet wet in the river of activism? Head to Cheesecake Projects, where I have begun a list of projects that I support to promote peace, human rights, or environmental protection. If you want to be on the email list for this page, click here.

With the development of this page will come more extensive categories, links and ideas to stimulate your social thought. Enjoy the page, sign the guestbook, and please, pass this page on to as many people as you can. Especially to those who haven't discovered their inner passion for compassion... Think of others, then, think of yourself. With you outnumbered by others, the choice of action is obvious.

Thank you,


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