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2-15-99-What should we expect at Wrestlemania XV??

Ever since the Rock pulled a cheap stunt against Mankind with Vinnie Mac last month at the Royal Rumble, I have wanted to see Stone Cold Steve Austin not only fight McMahon in a wrestling match, but also wrestle the Rock for the WWF title. I figured Austin capturing the WWF title at Wrestlemania XV against the Rock would seal the seemingly endless rivalry between Austin and the Rock, and possibly put to rest the Austin/McMahon feud.

Now let's analyze the possibility of all of this working out. I got my match between Vince and Austin last night at the Massacre, and I gotta say it was a pretty good one. After the St. Valentine's Day Massacre last night, it's safe to say that the only way the Rock will be getting the title will be from a cheap victory on RAW, unless of course Vince can brew up one more pay per view before Wrestlemania. This is possible since we still have what, 6 weeks before Wrestlemania? Or is it 8? Either way there is time for the Rock to recapture the title.

Now let's look at Mankind. Back at the Rumble Mankind was becoming a fan favorite but I really didn't see him in the main event at Wrestlemania. Now things have changed. The WWF has given him a huge boost and he has now captured the WWF title more times than Hulk Hogan (or pretty damn close anyway.) He's recently received almost as much pop as Austin at some events, and it looks like a possible Mankind/Austin rivalry is brewing, considering the stunner Austin gave Mankind on RAW after Mankind offered Austin a chair. So we do have a possible Austin/Mankind match at Wrestlemania for the WWF title. Yeah that's great, but what about the Rock/Austin match?

After careful observation, I've come to the conclusion that there are five possible participants in the main event at Wrestlemania. One is obviously Steve Austin, the all time favorite (sorry, but Austin is loved by most of the fans, and you gotta know that he will be one of them, especially now since he is guaranteed a spot in the main event after the Michaels thing.) Two, Mankind, if he can keep the title till Wrestlemania. Three, the Rock, if he can capture the title from Mankind on a RAW or at a pay per view before Wrestlemania (if there is one.) Four, the Giant, an unlikely but possible opponent of Austin, if the WWF can give him a big enough push by Wrestlemania.) And five, that's right, you guessed it, Mr. McMahon, another unlikely competitor but I suppose it's possible if the WWF could come up with another type of match for Austin/McMahon, since, afterall, those two have had the biggest rivalry in quite some time.

Since Austin is guaranteed a spot, the main question is who will be his opponent? Well, while right now it looks like the WWF will try to make it Mankind, and if this happens, I would be very disappointed. Let's remember that Austin and Mick Foley have already fought against eachother on numerous occassions, when Foley was Dude Love, and when he was Mankind. I like Mick, but let's face it. Mankind having alot of pop and having a sock on his hand that the people cheer for does not mean he should fight Austin again in the main event. As for the Giant, it could be a good match but it would take careful planning for the WWF to build up an Austin/Giant feud in a relatively short amount of time. And as for McMahon, the 53 (or 4?) year old owner has had his match with Austin, in a cage. I don't think Austin beating on Vince for a half hour would make for a very good main event at Wrestlemania.

So, the only match left is an Austin/Rock match. It would make a good main event, considering these two have not fought in a one-on-one contest that I can remember, and they've been in a never ending rivalry for quite some time. Plus I would get my Austin/Rock match I always wanted to see. Maybe even Vince could referee. Then just give a few celebrities a call, make some good commercials and we've got ourselves a decent Wrestlemania. Another question that's surfacing is perhaps a triple threat match between Austin/Mankind/Rock in the main event. I don't think the WWF would do this either though because it seems like they always try to keep it a one-on-one contest for the main event at Wrestlemania, but I supposed it could happen.

Then of course they could abandon Austin and give us a Rock/Mankind main event for the title for the 100th time, this time in a Hell in a Cell Last Man Standing First Blood Match. Yeah that'll work.

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