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The information contained on this page is fact, for please visit the Gossip Round Up page of this site for rumours and fiction.

3/8/99 - Police to Clamp down on Hooligans

Local police today announced plans to clamp down on hooligans at Whaddon Road, new CCTV cameras have been installed along with a police control box above the club shop. Police will be working in conjunction with other forces to identify known hooligans. Police believe this will be enough to stamp out trouble that has happened in the past.

2/8/99 - French and Hastie not Good Enough

Trialists John French and Will Hastie have been released by SC who feels that they cannot add anything to the current team. Midfielder French will now return to Hull City while Hastie has already returned to Australia. The Swedish trialist was released after one day.

2/8/99 - Season Tickets Finally Ready!

Season Tickets are now available for collection, however there have been more problems and some tickets will not be available for a couple of days. The club have also decided to segregate the Wymans Road from the Prestbury Road End, so if you want to stand on the PRE you must inform the club immediatley and they will change your season ticket.

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