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This page best viewed with Drool(e)scape 666--web jefas take NO responsibility for short-outs! Hey, we last went in and peeked around on May 9, 2009 so enuf already. Not that we did anything... Life is getting even more complex. Recently, I was diagnosed with RRMS (you can look that up).

World MS Day is May 27th.

Now I have to have more definite priorities. And yes, I do confess that Mr Waterston is aging out of idolhood for many, but all the fic is meant in the fun spirit of the man who met Claire Kincaid with, among other classics, "Men are pigs and we should all rot in hell. Unfortunately, that's not my jurisdiction." Fic bits below--including Deb's resurrection of the long-lost BEDTIME STORY! YAY! Thanks MUCHAS to Deb (youknowwhoyouare) for sending me Legacies, which has been repaired--link waaay below.

"Destiny's Child" (still poorly titled, I know!) IS FINALLY FINISHED!! I struggled a LOT--it was nine bloody years! So I hope some of you enjoy how it ends!

Pics disappeared everywhere... some to other sites, even... I'm still working on getting pics up*****

WE *STILL* MOURN THE PASSING OF JERRY ORBACH, 1935-2004. "Lennie", we will miss you! And, we still do--hard to watch all those TNT reruns...

JACK'S HACKS: Click to View or Add Text.

Need a good SW flick to see? Try the DVD of "The Killing Fields"! Or hell, "Serial Mom"... See more SW flick info at Internet Movie Database

If you'd like to read, in my opinion, the best of JL's Jackfics (Aftershocked, the one that started it all...), go to HERE

Or read the far more kinky BEDTIME STORY

WE GOT MORE!!!! of the Jackfic --this is the rather lengthy and occasionally sappy story about a young, law-school McCoy who discovers his father's indiscretion has a name, face, and a history of his own. UPDATE May 9, 2009--It's COMPLETE!!!now...DESTINY'S CHILD (it's a Microsoft Word ".doc" file)

If you are brave, Constant Reader, and are looking for a flat out heated/ hot J&C fic from a few years ago which I did as a request, check out Command Performance, a VERY NC-17 fic: Command Performance NC-17 DO NOT READ THIS FIC IF YOU'RE UNDERAGE! FAIR WARNING! (Webjefa's note-- and if you DO read it and like it... a LOT... it's okay NOT to tell me!;p)

By the way, if you go to, I put Aftershocked and a little-known, rarely read J&C fluff romance fic called Cabin Fever there. But you have to look by titles, alas!


Wow... someone took this kind of, well, seriously... heh heh... We're honored here at the Evil Mirror Site!

When preparing his briefs, every good EADA should be wearing some.--B

I'd rather play with THIS Sam...

The Evil McCoy Toy List O' Lust

Evil Limerick, by the Evil Toy:

  • There once was a man we called Jack,
  • Who for law and trouble had a knack
  • We've watched him grow gray,
  • But we'd still like to say
  • We'd love to get him in the sack!

    --Thank you.

    Check out my review of SW's Much Ado About Nothing HERE

    For your evil gazing pleasure, might I offer:

  • And for those pruriently interested in the Jack McCoy/Claire Kincaid relationship, might we offer:

    More to come! Hee hee hee hee!!!!!!!

    What WILL the future bring to this evil page? Only the Toy knows!

    Check out the Jackfic Legacies ,at HERE

    The slowly-being-reconstituted Sampic Emporium and Drool Bazaar
    with (BUT NO! NOT EVEN MORE!!!!) sampics online is up and running! Visit, drool, and don't forget to wipe the keyboard after! And gosh, I wonder where some other sites got their pics.. some look suspiciously like old scans I did for Tooth.... hmmm...

    There's a site of interesting L&O links, a bit snarky at times...:p over HERE. Check it out-- and oh yeah, tell her we do occasionally update.

    FAIT ATTENTION!! Here at the Evil Toy site, we are STILL interested in the better things in life...and we mean helping others out. To that effect, we'd like to offer the URL to a very important place, one close to Sam Waterston's heart: Refugees International.

    We'd like to remind our intrepid visitors that you can donate in Sam Waterston's name for his birthday (Nov 15th) (or hey, other occasion) at the Refugees International Website. So go DO it, already. HEY-- Didja see SW in "The Matthew Shepard Story"? SHAME on you!! At the 2003 Emmys Stockard Channing, who won an Emmy for her portrayal of Shepard's mother, thanked profusely SW during her acceptance speech. PS- Everyone was saying hi to SW at the SAG awards on Feb 22, 2004-- didja notice??(And what's up with his Price Waterhouse ads on yahoo?? "Priced Waterston"? ;p HIS BIRTHDAY : Nov 15th is INTERNATIONAL SAM DAY!

    These do not necessarily reflect SW's interests, but JL's, but being as Sam is a pretty liberal guy, we think he'd be okay with these. IGNORANCE IS UNTOYLIKE!

    You may have no political interests at all, but we DO hope you will think about the information provided on these sites...and perhaps, like all Great Toys, act in some way--COMPLACENCY SUCKS!!!!!!

    Dudettes and Dudes, if you want to link this page, please tell/ask me. There's a REASON no one knew about it!:) Thanx. AND YEAH-- IT'S NOT UPDATED A LOT...DEAL!:) And on 4-7-03, and 5/2009, we added-- NO, it's STILL not updated a lot.


    Links to Other Maniacs Out There

    THE (award-winning)Sam Waterston/Raised Eyebrow Page
    Angelfire Home Page
    NBC, Law & Order's parent network

    Gary Sinise Fans Page

    We happen to like Gary Sinise quite a lot and have a great deal of respect for him, much the same way we respect Sam Waterston. Go check him out!


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    B**ches, Whines, Moans, Threats to: Jackluster