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Storys/Journals of Kat
Friday, 8 July 2005

Mood:  not sure
Topic: Continued
Suddenly the phone starts to ring. Spike growns and tries getting up ,but fales the first time. When he finally got up he reched the phone and answered it. "Helllllll-" the power went out. Spike triped over Ed's skate board when he steped back. Spike couldn't brace himself. "AAHH!(DUSH)AAHH!(DUSH)AAHH!(DUSH)AAHH!(DUSH)!" Sipke was falling down the basement stairs. When Spike finally was able to get to his feet he started his lighter since the power was out. Spike was looking arround him. There was a weird smell. Spike had noticed that he had made a can of oil spill on the flore. Cristie came running out of her room to the stairs. "Did you brake anything?" Cristie could now see spike clearly because the floor was on fire. Ed came running to the stairs as Cristie shreeked. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" Ed screemed. Spike got up the stairs franticly clawing at the walls to get outside sooner. "The house is on fire and we don't have insurence on it!"Criste said in a sort of drumatic sort of way. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FALT!" Cristie yelled at Ed. "WHAT DID I DO WRONG!". "YOU WERE OUT HERE WHEN IT HAPPENED!". The fire died down as they waited for the firemen to get here. The fire had evaporated and the house fell down. "Now what?" said Spike.

Posted by creep2/kittykat at 8:01 PM CDT
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Thursday, 7 July 2005
A Bad Ending Story
Mood:  not sure
Topic: The begining
"She was walking down the hallway when she heard a noise that seemed to shufle threw the hall. She terned arround and she peared into the darkness. 'Hello?' no one answered. She started to walk again and heard the noise again. She quickly turn arround and there was a big ... ED!" Cristie was interupted by the unoying little kid named Ed. Ed is a 13 year old girl who is a Computer/Video game person. "ED GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" "Fine, Ed will just have to play by herself." Ed said sadly as she left Cristie's room. Ed went into the living room and found Spike. "Edward wants to play game now." Ed put her head in front of Spikes. "NOT NOW ED I AM WHACHING THE TV! GO ... mow the lawn!" Spike barked back. "Okay dokay!" Ed was now in the front lawn mowing the lawn and she wasn't doing a very good job. She can't even push the mower.

Posted by creep2/kittykat at 1:08 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 8 July 2005 7:43 PM CDT
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