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Dear Everyone,

Greetings of Peace!

I hope by now, you have already finished browsing through our simple webpage. I'm sorry if
ever you did not like it. That's all I can do for now. After all, I'm only a student right now.
Anyway, as for any other WebPages, there is a section there wherein the "Author" of the
webpage expresses his gratitude. And this webpage is not different from those other
WebPages. That is why you're here, reading this article I wrote. So, first and foremost, I would
like to thank God. Because he made me as I am, and made our organization as it is. Next, of
course, is my family, for their support and love all throughout the days of my childhood,
adolescence, and until now. Thank You so much! To all my teachers, human and not human.
For teaching me all the things I know , that made me who I am today. For teaching me life
and giving me the courage to learn life. Thank You! To all my friends and loved ones, for
giving me the inspirations I needed to go through my toughest challenges. You're not there
because I am here, I am here, because you were always there. For that, thank you so much!
To all those who came into my life and taught me so many things I needed to know, thanks!
To Fr. Emil, for caring and guiding our organization well. Thanks to you we are the
organization we ought to be. To my fellow members of HCCYO, thank you for giving me the
reason to make this webpage. I am not promising you anything, just the promise that I will do
everything in my power to lead you, our organization into something we all would be proud
of. I just hope that your support will never change. Thank You very much! To Kuya Cahrlie, who
has always been there for the organization. Thank You for all your support for us, and for the
moments we have shared together. You have been greatly appreciated. To Ate Lea,
you've been there for me ever since, and for me, you are the best President of all. Thank You
for the support that you've given me. I will not let you down. Thank You! Lastly, for all those
people who have visited and will visit this webpage, thank you in advance! Don't forget to sign
our guestbook! So that's it! I hope I didn't forget anybody. Anyway, I'll just leave you all with
one phrase,
"Pro Deo et Patria! ... For God and Country!".

God Bless Us All!
Thank You!

Yours Truly,

Marlon Cuizon
HCCYO President
Special Thanks to:

Athlon XP 4.2
for my processor

Exodus 4
for my CPU casing

DLINK DFM-562IS Internal Modem
for my modem

ISP Bonanza
for my ISP card

for our electricity

for our phone line

Standard Electric Fan
for my electric fan

for my cellphone

for my shoes

located at the 5th floor of
The Marketplace Shopping Mall,
Gen. Kalentong St. Mandaluyong City

Don Bosco Technical College - Mandaluyong
my school

Cathedral of the Holy Child, Mandaluyong City
my parish church

back to home

the officers

the organization

the church

