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about me

**Name: Athena-tyne Howland
**Nicknames: thena, fena, moldy hank, athenajo,fatass,theba, and Atherna
**My Mate: Nick ::hearts::
**Age: 18
**Residence: San Jose, Crapafornia
**Best friends: Kevin & Dennis
**Siblings: Ah yes...3 younger brothers 14,7 & 5
**What do I do:I recently started working at Marie Calendars woo! But other then that...I play softball, ride horses & bulls, teach dance, and...of course come online. My biggest committment is the International Order Of Job's Daughters.
**Why do I do it: Why are rainbows rainbow? Who knows..I need to keep myself busy. If I didn't...I'd be bored. HAH...simple aye? I'm in Job's Daughters's a family tradition..and aside from the's very benificial and even fun! WOO!!!
**Who is the apple in my eye: Nick McCann is his name. WoOT! He lives in England...yea yea distance shmistance. I'm way proud of him because he's going to art school in the fall for two years. Which incllluddeesssss and trip to Barcelona for 2 weeks. :0) And after art school, he's coming out here to settle down with me ::hearts:: He means alot to me..eventhough he's far and people say it won't work. Well we'll prove them wrong.
**What do I drive: I USED to have a nice yukon on a lift *growl* But now I drive the 99 pontiac grand am..until I reach my goal of a F250 on a 6 inch lift with fatty tires..dope system and paintes smoke grey. mm mm mm! Now..that's all I can rummage up *nerf*

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