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name: tara
age: im a minor ;)
sex: violent femme
hair: short
color: brown
eye color: brown

fanfic: none :P I don't do fanfics.
song: Gackt-Vanilla
drink: tea
quote: "Grrr."
obsession: Gackt *fangirl sigh*

most wanted...
man: Gackt, Or Hyde. either will do.
cd: Dir en Grey. I don't have one of their cd's yet.
authograph: Hyde

book: LoTR and WoT series
song: Mask by Dir en Grey, (non jrock song) uhhh...I only listen to jrock right now so...
tv show: uhhh...*blink*
poem: Edgar Allen Poe-Raven
bands: Dir en Grey, Glay, Gackt, Malice Mizer, Type O Negative, Jack Off Jill, Saliva, and Metallica.
color: black and green
shoes: my black ones with blue flames