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The melachony building was filled with a soft humming and a dim light. In the center of the large room was a table and at it sat Richard B. Riddick and he's latest partner in crime. They were playing a card game, poker. Riddick was scowling slightly, though you couldn't see his eyes because of the thick goggles over his eyes as always. His partner was a sleek man with visible bruises on his necks. They were love bites, he informed Riddick when he had asked about them laughing. His name was Vinny. He was famous for being in with the slave trades.

"Ah yes, time to bet. I've got an intresting proposition for ya." Vinny said smoothly. Riddick nodded willing to make any bet, because he was confident in the fact that he could win or just kill him.

"As you know I'm famous for being in the slave trade. I've got a few of my own, lovely creatures. I'll give you my best if you win. If you lose however you will be my slave for a month. Sound fair?"

Riddick resisted the urge to laugh. "Sure, why not? I get to keep the slave for however long I want correct?" Riddick found it rather amusing that Vinny thought him worthy of being his slave. It also made him a bit sick.

"Of course. Now shall we get started." "Let's." Riddick dealt the cards and they set about playing a grueling game. It lasted for two hours almost. As it ended Riddick was proud to say he had won. Vinny smirked and nodded. He snapped his fingers and a thick muscled guard appeared with an AK-47 in his hands.

"Bring the boy." Vinny said sharply. The guard nodded dumbly and dissapeared through a door. Riddick jerked to attention at the word 'boy'. He started to say something when the guard brought out a limp form of a man. He was clothed in scraps that were very revealing. He had deeply tanned skin and a finely toned build. His eyes were closed and you could tell he was unconcious. He had his wrists bound together with rough rope. He had long hair, brown and matted into dreadlocks.

"Wake him up, you idiot." Vinny said angrly to the guard. The guard slapped the man roughly. He woke with a start and he looked around in shock and anger and also fear. The guard dropped him and he fell to his knees.

"Wait a minute." Riddick grumbled sharply. He didn't want a male slave, though this man was indeed a peice of fine work...Riddick shook his head clearing such thoughts from his head. There was no way he had just thought of him as a fine peice of work. Holy Shit! I gotta get outta here now. He thought hurriedly in a flurry.

Vinny looked over at Riddick and grinned seeing the look of surprise and mild disgust on his face. "Never was specific. He's all yours for the taking. I hate to part with him, he was such a good bed partner but a deal is a deal." Vinny smiled at Riddick and then looked back at the men who was watching them both with narrowed angry, dark brown eyes. "You belong to him. Get up and leave now." Vinny pointed to Riddick who was shaking his head. The man rose obideintly and went to Riddick standing beside him. Riddick noticed that he was wearing a collar and there was a leash attached to it. Riddick grimaced.

"Mister Riddick if you please see yourself out, I need to go."