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Large Pledges
DonorID FirstName LastName Pledge# TotalPledged FundName
59034 Kim Lai 2102 1,000 Gorillas in Our Midst
59045 Paul Nicodemus 2695 1,000 Polar Bear Park
59045 Paul Nicodemus 2235 1,000 Whale Watchers
59034 Kim Lai 2250 1,000 Bear Central
59034 Kim Lai 2376 1,000 Manatee Exhibit
59021 Karen Bartkus 2101 1,000 Polar Bear Park
59018 Rou-Fen Kwong 2976 750 Whale Watchers
59008 Tracy Burns 2555 500 Seal Show
59048 Roxanne Alexander 2433 250 Seal Show
59048 Roxanne Alexander 2509 250 Monkey Business
59022 Ted Bartkus 2467 200 Gorillas in Our Midst
59040 Thomas Iwanicki 2523 200 Bear Central
59021 Karen Bartkus 2977 150 Manatee Exhibit
59013 Christina Chang 2230 150 Walrus Exhibit
59021 Karen Bartkus 2876 150 Polar Bear Park
59030 Sandra Thompson 2499 150 Birds of the Tropics