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Logfile from Shaori.

Fort Weyr Living Cavern(#199RJa$)

Approaching half the size of the Hatching Grounds, this cavern echoes with voices during the day, and the soft patter of feet during the night. Dozens of tables are spaced throughout, each with open space around to provide small amounts of privacy for the discussions carried on at each. The night hearth, with a cluster of pots of stew and klah, is situated near the large entrance to the Several other hearths are spaced around the huge chamber, lending light and some heat to the room. The far wall is lined with tables that always hold something edible to feed the throngs of people who come into this immense room in search of a meal, a snack, or something to drink. As with most Weyrs, the Living Cavern is the busiest place with the most activity. It is here that Fortians and visitors alike migrate in an effort to find information, share gossip, and just plain socialize.

Broad marble steps to the southwest lead up to the impressive Fort Weyr kitchen. An almost constant stream of activity centers around this staircase: people coming and going with loads of goods for the stores, fresh food, dirty or clean dishes and utensils, and plenty of folks just going in to do their duty for the day or night. The aromas wafting down the stairs are indicators of which meal is being prepared or served at the moment. The view into the kitchens is clear from the Living Cavern, everything gleaming and clean, and the muffled but bustling noises coming from within just add to the air of comfort, family, and hard work done at Fort Weyr.

To the east, a short flight of stairs leads to the hallway to the inner caverns. A stout door to the north has a healer's emblem on it, marking the Infirmary. To the south is a wide tunnel, leading out of the Weyr, and a wide opening to the west leads to the Weyr bowl.




Meg and Peg

Fort Weyr Firelizard Perch

Obvious exits:

Bowl INFirmary Inner Caverns Tunnel Kitchen

Fort Weyr> P'ter says, "Hello FORT!"

Fort Weyr> R'yat snugs a P'ter!

Your location's current time: 13:08 on day 6, month 5, Turn 44, of the Tenth Pass. It is a spring afternoon.

Shaori enters from the kitchens, carrying a tray with fresh bread straight from the ovens.

Fort Weyr> Ramya says, "Hiya P'ter :)"

Fort Weyr> P'ter says, "Ooh, lots of folks on for this time of the week. Nice. I have to drag out the P'ter Snugs (tm) for that."

Fort Weyr> R'yat bows and let Ladies have some first. :)

Fort Weyr> Yvera is still in shock that Quark didn't break for Ember! :)

Norri nods, and adds sternly , "And that trader charm. Don't let them sweet talk you inside of their wagons."

Fort Weyr> Norri says, "Hi P'ter :)"

Fort Weyr> Yvera can't use it for more than 2 mins without it freaking out and dumping her back to OSX.

Ramya's nose wiggles slightly as the smell of fresh bread tickles her nose. "Yes Ma'am, I will be careful of that as well," she says to Norri, but her eyes turn to the where the scent of bread is originating from. She sees Shaori and smiles at her. "Cook makes the best bread, doesn't she?" she asks of the Headwoman.

Norri nods, "We do have an excellent kitchen," she agrees. "Do you need help with that?" She is already busily clearing a place for the tray.

Fort Weyr> Ember says, "I'm still in shock, too :) hi p'ter!"

Fort Weyr> Ember says, "The shift key still isn't working... ;)"

Fort Weyr> J'nas says, "All your Weyr are belong to us."

Fort Weyr> R'yat pokes J'nas. "Hey J'nas!" :)

Fort Weyr> Yvera says, "Someone set Fort up the bomb."

Fort Weyr> Ember tumbles J'nas, gnawing. "All your Weyrlingmasters are belong to ME!"

Fort Weyr> J'nas checks his ownership papers.

Fort Weyr> Ember points. While gnawing. That line right there.

Ramya stands up to assist in rearranging some items on the serving table. Out of the corner of her eye she admires the Headwoman's work. "I have been meaning to ask you," she places an empty tray atop another then moves it to the end before coming back to finish with, "How long have you been at the Weyr?"

Fort Weyr> J'nas says, "You mean that part written in green crayon?"

Shaori slides the loaves onto the serving table, glancing sidelong at the headwoman and assistant steward. When she thinks their attention is elsewhere, she pokes a hole in each of the loaves with one long, slightly grubby index finger.

Fort Weyr> Ember bahs, "The fancy script below that, silly."

Norri lays down a towel to absorb the heat from the fresh pan, "Oh...goodness. It's been at least 14 turns now, because Thalri was born not long after we arrived here. I wonder. Is that right?" She seems focused on that, so much so that she might miss Shaori's movement, but then her hand comes down in an attempt to catch the girl's less than clean appendage.

The sudden movement of the Headwoman draws Ramya's attention away from what she was doing. "Oh!" she says startled. Her light brown eyes flick from the Headwoman to Shaori and holds her breath wondering what will happen. The bread's aroma lingers heavily in the vicinity.

Shaori lets out a squeak as Norri clamps down firmly on her wrist, a few telltale crumbs drifting guiltily from her fingers.

Norri looks at the offending hand, blue eyes revealing disappointment, " didn't just mean to poke the bread with your hands unwashed, did you? I'm sure you didn't! Has anyone shown you the right way to wash your hands? I think we'd better do that right now."

Ramya looks down at the bread sadly. "And they smelled so wonderful." She starts to get the bread tray filled with holey loaves. "We can't still use these, can we?" She glances at Shaori when she says that though her question was directed at the Headwoman.

Norri nods, still frowning at the troublesome hand, "We'll just have to cut off the ends that were poked through. Could you do that Ramya, if you wouldn't mind terribly?"

Shaori wrinkles up her nose and sniffles once. She probably has a cold. "Um, no ma'am," she mumbles, eyes on the floor. It's probably not clear which woman, or which question, she's responding to.

Ramya gathers the tray up and shakes her head. "Not at all. I'll just take them to the kitchen and have them back before they cool." Up the stair she goes with tray in hand.

Ramya mounts the steps that lead to the kitchen.

Norri attempts to haul Shaori into the kitchen as well, "Let's wash those hands," she says determinedly.

Norri mounts the steps that lead to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Ramya is cutting the ends off the loaves.


The kitchen area has a huge vaulted ceiling, formed from a bubble when this volcano was active. From the entranceway off the Living Caverns, the kitchens appear to be brilliantly lit and sparking clean. Everything shines and immaculately cleansed. To the right is the bank of ovens. Each is built of the finest fire-resistant brick made by the Minecraft. The smooth outer surfaces are plastered and painted in scenes from Fort's great Threadfall battles, making these ovens some of the most finely decorated anywhere on Pern. The first, and smallest, is specialized for pastries and other delicate items. Tables and sheets for all manner of careful baking surround it. The next two ovens are the large mass-baking ovens that are integral to every large Weyr kitchen. Here, a nearly endless stream of meatrolls, breads, and other staples are made. The fires are almost always hot, and Bakercraft apprentices work alongside Fort Weyrfolk to complete this major part of feeding the Weyr.

Further along used to be the cooking hearths, but they seem to have been replaced with the new-fangled cooktops that the Bakers are installing everywhere these days. This is where huge pots of stew and soup are cooked as well as any sauces that need large pots to simmer in. Along the left side of the aisle is the huge prep area for the kitchens. Gleaming white marble countertops are the theme here, with brown and black trim subtly reminding the viewer of the kitchens' home. Above the countertops are metal racks filled with ceramic bowls, and even a few of the very expensive copper ones. Throughout the kitchen there are storage areas under counters and workspaces, and drawers throughout the area suggest locations for utensils. Food seems, for the most part, to come from the storage areas in huge quantities, though spices and certain very commonly used ingredients are stored in the kitchens themselves.

Norri comes in, hauling Shaori in after her, heading towards the sink, "I'll have to have a word with the cook who put you to work without even checking your hands..."

Shaori follows Norri into the kitchen, dragging her feet all the way. "It was Boodrin," she pipes up, looking somewhat more cheerful at the thought of someone *else* taking the blame for this.

Norri sighs the sigh of the greatly beleaguered. Reaching a basin she instructs, "Roll your sleeves up now."

Ramya finishes cutting off the ends on all the loaves. She lifts the tray and rests it on her hip then asks, "Was sticking your finger in the bread to check to see if they were done?" she asks Shaori.

That sigh, it seems, is oft-heard round Shaori as several of the other kitchen staff echo the headwoman's sentiments. Shooting one forlorn glance at the desecrated loaves she shakes her head at Ramya. "No. They just feel squooshy when they're hot." Up go the sleeves, slowly.

Shaori's sleeves, of course.

Norri rolls up her own sleeves to demonstrate, plunging her hands into the hot water and reaching for soap. "Squooshy," she repeats quizically.

Fort Weyr> P'ter says, "There we have a new word in the Fort lexicon. "Squooshy.""

Fort Weyr> Shaori beams.

Fort Weyr> Yvera is afraid to ask where it was used. :)

Fort Weyr> J'nas says, "Let's go wherry squooshing!"

Ramya grins. "I'd rather eat them than sqoosh them."

Shaori elaborates, "You know, all soft and mushy," to Norri, splashing her hands in the basin and sending a spray of water up and onto her dress. To Ramya, she confides, "Plus it's fun to watch the riders eating dirty bread. They don't even notice!" is whispered with a hint of glee.

Norri tsks, "No, no," she remonstrates as the water splashes. "-Gently-. Now, take the soap, and work up a lather and rub it into your hands while you count slowly to 30. Both the backs and palms, fingers and wrists. Like this."

Ramya's eyes narrow as the implications become clear to her. "What did they ever do to you that you'd mess with the food like that?" Shifting slightly to adjust the weight of the tray she says, "That's not very nice at all." Her frown deepens as she watches Norri demonstrate the washing of hands. "What's you name anyways?" she asks the girl.

Shaori dutifully slows down her handwashing, lathering her arms up to her elbows. "Nothing. It's just fun," she replies to Ramya, then sighs as it turns out the steward is NOT a kindred spirit when it comes to feeding people grubby food. "Shaori," she replies, mumbling.

Fort Weyr> Ember says, "Does anyone know the email address for Cingular text messages? Like,"

Norri locates a nail brush from somewhere and demonstrates its use as well. "Yes, I've only heard your name in passing, but I have to apologize for not spending time to get to know you sooner." And prevent the desecration of the loaves is the clear subtext.

Fort Weyr> J'nas says, "Later on, Fort."

Ramya nods, "I'm Ramya," she says simply. "I don't think that we've met before." With tray in hand she walks towards the stairs and before descending turns and says, "I don't know how it can be fun to poke dirty fingers in something that people eat." Then she turns and heads down the stairs towards the Living Cavern.

Ramya walks down the marble steps to the Living Cavern proper.

Ramya has left.

Fort Weyr> N'sales snugs!

Fort Weyr> P'ter snugs

Fort Weyr> R'yat hugs those who leaves and those who comes! :)

Fort Weyr> Ramya says, "Hi N'sales!"

Shaori fidgets as her nails get scrubbed for what may be the first time in her life. "It tickles," she tells Norri, glancing after Ramya. "It *is* fun," she tells Norri, then pauses. "Except, um, I never did it before." Right.

Norri peers at one particularly stubborn clot of dirt, "Perhaps you might like to take up pottery? I believe that clay is rather squooshy and sticking your fingers in it is encouraged."

In the living cavern, Ramya arranges the bread tray on the serving table.

Fort Weyr> Aine waves :)

Fort Weyr> N'sales snugs Aine

Fort Weyr> P'ter sngus

Fort Weyr> R'yat smoochies!

Shaori nods but observes, "But no one eats it." She peers at her fingernails, slowly becoming visible as layers of dirt are removed. "I wanted to work in the stables, but my grandma wants me to be a cook. She says I shouldn't be around all that poop."

Fort Weyr> Ramya snugs Aine :)

Fort Weyr> P'ter says, "See that? A rare Sngus for Aine."

Fort Weyr> P'ter snugs R'yat

Fort Weyr> Aine yays!

Norri corrects automatically, "Manure. The proper word is manure."

In the living cavern, Ramya gathers up some of the empty trays and heads back to the kitchen.

Ramya comes up the steps from the larger cavern.

Shaori goes on, clearly parroting, "She says that all the food here tastes like poo-", oops, she glances up at Norri and says, "I mean, manure anyway." A pause and then she says, "But she doesn't have any teeth anymore, so all she eats is gruel anyhow."

Fort Weyr> N'sales says, "anyone know any resources that give good descriptions of the holds and craft holds and what they looked like?"

Fort Weyr> Aine says, "Anne's books? ;)"

Norri removes Shaori's now more or less clean hands from the water and hands her a towel. "Perhaps I should have a word with your grandmother. But for now, I need to go see to my own family

Norri removes Shaori's now more or less clean hands from the water and hands her a towel. "Perhaps I should have a word with your grandmother. But for now, I need to go see to my own family's dinner. Ramaya, thank you for your help. And good luck with the traders if I don't see you before!"

Ramya carries in some empty trays and passes them on to the washers. At Norri's words, she smiles and says to the Headwoman, "Thanks for the advice. Enjoy your meal." She nods then and glances towards Shatori. "How did you like your lesson?"

Shaori takes the towel, peers at it, and then shrugs and wipes her hands dry on her shirt. "Thank you ma'am," she tells Norri dutifully. "It was ok I guess," is directed at Ramya. "I usually don't like water cause it makes you wrinkly. When are the traders coming?"

Fort Weyr> N'sales grins, besides the books :) heh

Ramya leans against one of the counters to let a drudge by with a tray of steaming tubers. "Sometime this sevenday I imagine. There was a scroll announcing their arrival in the area." The clip that Norri gave her has come loose. She fixes it and asks, "Have you been at the Weyr long?" She crosses her legs at her ankles and tries her best to stay out of the way of people coming and going to the Living Cavern. Then she says, "Hmms, looks like it is starting to get busy in here."

Shaori bounces lightly on her toes. "I like traders. They get to go all over Pern. If I had any marks I'd buy so much cool stuff..." Her face falls slightly, no marks it seems. "I've been here my whole life," she answers, sighing. "The farthest I ever got to go was the Healer Hall."

Ramya sticks her hands in her pocket. She grins, "Aye, they do travel. Someone told me that they'll travel all the way to Nabol on this trip." Her voice holds a wistful quality then she say with a flip of her hand. "I'm sure we can get there faster if we wanted to you know." She nods, "To Nabol I mean." Her hand comes out of her pocket and she gestures towards the stairs, "Just down there is nearly a cavern filled with Dragonriders." She adds, "And some of them are eating bread." A soft sigh, "I bet one would take you further than Healer Hall if you'd like. Have you never asked one that you know?"

In the living cavern, R'yat enters, a broad smile crossing his face. He stops by Meg and Peg and whispers something that makes Peg giggles. He winks and goes to the nearest table.

In the living cavern, R'yat is now softly humming, extending one arm and pouring himself something to drink.

Shaori snorts. "I asked my father once and he told me to go jump in the lake." She glances towards the living cavern. "Riders don't have time to take kids places."

Ramya dodges an assistant Baker who almost trips over her feet while rushing to do an errand for the Cook. She suggests, "Maybe we should get out of here to talk." Her eyes look over the girl, "Are your duties finished." Her eyes light up, "I've an idea, if we go to the Living Cavern, maybe I can find you a rider who might take you for a ride on their dragon." She smiles, "Then maybe you'll feel differently about sqooshing their bread with dirty hands."

Shaori glances over at her supervisor, who gives a curt nod. "I guess I'm done," she says, starting towards the living cavern. "You're not going to tell on me, are you?"

You walk down the marble steps to the Living Cavern proper.

Ramya comes down the marble steps from the kitchen.

R'yat chokes on his wine as he hears J'od's comment. "No, J'od. I don't think that letting Kharath oil himself by shaking the basket is a good idea. Even if you're clumsy with even a towel..." He sighs, trying not to look too desperate.

J'od tries to hide his smile and simply answers, "Yes Sir." before turning his head and chatting with the other Weyrlings. Behind him, Rey shakes his head and lifts his glass as he catches sight of movements from the kitchen. "Afternoon."

Ramya shakes her head at Shaori as she walks down the stairs. "My lips are sealed." With that settled she stands at the base of the stairway to scan the faces nearest them hoping to find someone that she knows. A smile comes to her lips when she sees R'yat seated not to far away. She returns his greeting then says to Shaori. "There is R'yat." She glances at the girl , "He is really nice. Have you met him before?"

Shaori's eyes flicker to the weyrsecond's knot. "No," she replies, eyeing him suspiciously.

Ramya smiles, "I'll introduce you. He's the Weyrsecond but very nice." She walks over towards his table.

"Very nice?" Rey echoes only catching the end of Ramya's sentence as they come closer. "You're talking about Zak again, aren't you Ramya?" He grins.

Shaori looks at her toes, her fingernails, anywhere but at R'yat.

R'yat smiles at Shaori and extends one arm to invite both to sit at his table. "Please, have a sit."

Ramya slips between two chairs to get nearer to R'yat's table. "As a matter of fact I was talking about you." She looks behind her for

Shaori and motions for the younger girl to come over. "I wanted you to meet one of the kitchen assistants." She bends closer to the rider and says softly into his ear, "She's shy I think."

Shaori comes over behind Ramya, scraping out a chair and plopping into it. "I'm not shy. I just don't like br-" she catches herself. "Er, yeah, I'm shy."

Fort Weyr> Leah says, "Hi Fort!"

R'yat's eyes widens a bit then he smiles again and slowly stands up. "So I see." He whispers Ramya back before flashing another smile at Shaori. "As Ramya said, I'm R'yat, rider to bronze Randoth, but you can call me Rey."

Fort Weyr> R'yat snugs Leah!

Fort Weyr> Ramya snugs Leah :)

Fort Weyr> P'ter snugs

Ramya looks at Shaori for a moment after she takes a seat. "Well," she starts, "I was telling Sharoi that there might be a rider who might give her a ride on dragonback to a place of some distance further than Healercraft." Her brows crinkle slightly as she turns to the girl, "Did you go with a rider to go to Healercraft. I'm not sure if you said so or not."

R'yat's eyebrows lifts as Ramya's speech gets his attention.

Fort Weyr> Leah says, "What does pendantic mean?"

Fort Weyr> Leah shows her sheer lack of vocabularic education.

Fort Weyr> Ramya says, "Characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern for book learning and formal rules"

Fort Weyr> Leah says, "Thank you :)"

Fort Weyr> Ramya grins. ""

Fort Weyr> Yvera peeks in for a minute before she idles for the class critique of her final project.

Fort Weyr> Ramya waves

Fort Weyr> R'yat jumps on Yv to ruffle :)

Fort Weyr> Yvera is nervous. :) She only has until Wednesday to have her final project completed. *meep*

Shaori shakes her head. "No, I walked," she answers. She hesitates, then says, "I don't really like being dragonback." She looks at R'yat as though prepared for fire and brimstone to rain down upon her head.

Fort Weyr> Ramya says, "what is your final project? :)"

Fort Weyr> Yvera says, "It's an intro to photoshop class. My project is a CD cover for my band."

Fort Weyr> Yvera says, "We had to do four images of a similar theme."

Fort Weyr> Yvera says, "It can be the same image manipulated in different ways, it can be different images of the same type of thing, etc."

"Some are afraid of heights. I can understand that." Rey replies, still smiling.

Fort Weyr> R'yat says, "You have a band Yv? Are you the singer? :)"

Ramya smoothes her jumper. "Oh, I didn't know that." At R'yat's words she nods. "I've heard of that."

Fort Weyr> Yvera says, "Yes and yes."

Fort Weyr> R'yat woohooos! "I know a singer! :) What's the name of your band?"

Fort Weyr> Yvera says, "Once we finalize our demo, I'll send you the MP3s if you care to hear."

Fort Weyr> Yvera says, "Halo54"

Fort Weyr> Yvera also writes the lyrics, though she's not so good with the music. She can come up with it in her head, but her brother's the one who makes it.

You say "Something like that, yeah." She gnaws on a hangnail newly revealed by Norri's thorough scrubbing. "Plus dragons are always so squirmy."

R'yat's narrows this time and his eyebrows lifts again in an inquisitive way. "Have you already met Randoth?" He asks Shaori, quickly winking to Ramya.

Fort Weyr> Yvera idles now!

Ramya's light brown eyes and a smile lingers on R'yat but then she quickly shakes herself and turns her eyes towards Shaori, "Oh, so you found them too squirmy." She looks down at the table then says, "Ok, but maybe not all are squirmy."

Fort Weyr> Leah says, "Anyone see Jenna today?"

R'yat lightly chuckles. "I must admit that Rand is a bit ticklish with those he's not used with. I mean, as passengers. He may look a bit squirmy then."


Fort Weyr> Leah says, "Did she mention the baby?"

From afar, to Ramya and Shaori, R'yat smooches Ramya. Thank you! :)

Fort Weyr> R'yat perks?

Fort Weyr> Yvera shakes her head. "She mentioned food."

Shaori glances out towards the bowl. "Maybe I've met him," she replies. "It's hard to remember all of their names. "I've only ever really rode on Jaecinth and Toniath, and they both bounce a lot."

Fort Weyr> N'sales snugs

R'yat aahs softly. "Bronzes like to show off a bit, yeah, so it must be true." He winks again.

Ramya starts to speak when she sees one of the other Assistant Stewards come down the kitchen stairs. She groans before pushing her chair back and satnding. "Sorry," she says to Shaori and Rye, "I have to get back to my work." She hurries off.

Ramya walks down the eastern stairs to the Inner Caverns.

R'yat perks and waves. "Later Ramya!"

Shaori swings her feet idly under the table, watching Ramya leave. "Are you guys lovers?" she asks.

R'yat's smiles fades out and he literally chokes at Shoari's question. "Err, no, no." He replies, embarrased. "What makes you think so? We're just friends."

Shaori shrugs idly, still picking at her fingernail. "I dunno," she says, a small smirk crossing her face at his discomfiture. "She was kinda *looking* at you, you know?" She raises her eyebrows.

All right, now Rey slowly pales as candlemarks goes. Is it that wine he sipped so early in the day or Shaori's statement? He coughs. "That's how people do to talk to each other you know? It's rather impolite not to look at someone when you're talking to that person..." Hey, there's some advantages to be silly sometimes.

Shaori continues, blithely, "Plus, she told me in the kitchens that you were the bronzerider to ask for a really good ride." She's too young to mean that any other way than literally, of course. "Well, she didn't look at me like *that*." The first true smile of the day lights up her urchin face. Fun is always best at someone else's expense.

Wait a minute! Is he gonna faint? Rey swallows and takes a deep breath. "I try hard to be available for anyone in the Weyr when I have time." He coughs. "What do you mean by 'look at me like /that/'?" Oh, another clue, he's stubborn.

Shaori shrugs again. She'll spell it out if she has to. "Like she wanted to smooch you or something." 'Or something' is accompanied by the nose-wrinkle of teenage disgust. "I bet you smooch lots of girls."

"I just try to be friendly..." is his response. Still frowning Rey shakes his head. "And I'm not a serial smoocher..."

Shaori stands up, scooting her chair back. "Ok, if you say so," she says with a suspicious cheerfulness. "I better go." You know, before he smooches her or something.