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Take the NEXT available flight out then BITCH and prove it u lying piece of shit.I should tell rachel about this,she would love to have another go at her. Nothing shocks me online except j and yourself and rachel.U are all out of the same bag LOLOL.Some day when ur mind clears u will see it LOLOL but bad luck because u just backed a loser LOLOL thats wut she is LOLOL Look at what u have become ................... 2 low lives

Guess I have to spell it out for U.I thought u were supposed to be the outgoing one who knows people and I am supposed to be the one whos a recluse ?? LOLOL smirk

OK so i will S-P-E-L-L I-T O-U-T just for u ... lolo

1) if i had ever spent the night at my ex's place not to mention someone else's she would've dumped me

2) if she ever did the same i would too

3) and of course she knows that one.We had that argument ... lol

4) if u r such a close friend of hers,then u r NO friend of mine.If u r a friend of hers AT ALL u r NO friend of mine

5) since u seem to be on her side so much,i would not want to have anything to do with u lolo

6)she does not believe that i will give her any money because she doesn't bloody deserve it.She lied to me about m-o-n-e-y. m-o-n-e-y m-o-n-e-y. She also lied to her mum about it

She told me that she paid her mothers bills like her pay tv and she wanted to go pay for it that day and she also had to pay hers or somehting like that.So she had her bill,but then she mysteriously couldnt find her mums bill.I would've thought it was strange but i didnt because i believed her...but looking back when i discovered it was a LIE, i realised i should have realised it.And it was ME who looked like a liar.She lied to her mother about what she owed me,not that i really needed the money but i wanted to know what she was really about and what she would do.

7) she blames me for the stuff that went on,on the net but she seems to conveniently forget that she was harrassing me for months in the worst bloody way AND she did start it herself.So why blame me ? And her ex and her ex seemed to be in it,so why doesnt she blame anyone else for what she started herself ? U got an answer for that?

8) she got u roped into all this shit and u r a big enough B-I-T-C-H to go along with it.

9) and a mutual friend seems to think that u 2 would get great pleasure from doing shit to me Anyhow i think i have said more than u deserve to hear,AND because i am giving u all this information NOW does not mean i am willing to let u keep this bullshit up.

I dont think u have anything i want and i dont think i would want to make u the closet person i have to me lolo

So haven't i been too nice ??? to give u ANY info at all ?? I THINK SO

So the both of u fucked up bitches really need to get a brain