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OI!! Anybody who happens to think Michael Moore is a horible man or America is perfect without a single problem, this isn't the place for you. If you can handle objective critisism or believe that America is NOT number one, go ahead and take a look around. The top toolbar has the directories, the left has the sub-directories. Also, feel free to use any media on here for your own use, unless it's otherwise stated.
*Newsly things*

10-16-03: Fun Shit section is complete, bow to me! Go ahead and look into it - and do as much of it as possible!! I bid you good day.

10-13-03: Alright, it's not done but the America section is goin' up quick. There's some good content in there to get you riled up...*evil laughter* FALL for my ploy!! Alas, I think I'll aim to update the current news junk in America as it's not so current, but I've got nothing of uterable importance yet. Also, I heard there was a rally goin' on in DC in the near future to get our boys out of Iraq, anyone who can make it should go, unless, of course, I'm retarded and it's already happened. Either way, stand up for what you believe in, and please people share your beliefs with me, right me editorials and I'll throw 'em up. (I'd do a mail to: link but I'm far too lazy) and I'll put it on, unless it's completely rude, like a pro-KKK piece, then fuck no.

9-21-03: ...Today, oh glorious day, a new site is born! I've got the construct down - big thanks to Zyklon for gettin the toolbar to look right. I'm going to be working on getting this all done with content as soon as possible. I wont leave you with any dead links, so if you see something go ahead and check it out. I'm too lazy to report every little thing I do, so I'll tell you when I finish a directory, then move onto the next. I bid you good day.